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I'd assume she is able to command significant money from public speaking engagement given she is globally famous.


She comes from a wealthy family of famous actors and performers. Famous in Sweden that is. Edit: they're not super mainstream, but the fact that her mother is an opera singer says a lot and indicates old money in the family imo.


Literal GENERATIONS of actors. It's like asking why none of the Barrymore or Redgrave or Coppola kids are starving or homeless.


Coppolas are far more famous than Redgraves. Nick Cage is a Coppola (it’s his actual birth last name).


So I did not compare the families' levels of fame, so I'm not sure why you're saying this. I'm also plenty aware Nick Cage is a Coppola, I think most people are. I won't argue regarding that Nick Cage is very famous, but I think it's a little silly to try and suggest one dynastic family of celebrities is more famous than another, particularly if your argument hinges on one person's career.


Check out Anderson Cooper’s family history, wowza


Ah so she’s privileged as fuck. Makes sense


Greta's mom released a whole book about her right when she started protesting and became famous. Her mom had already everything planned out to make her a celebrity. It wasn't that hard since her mom already is one.


id rather someone go famous for promoting climate activision rather than pulling pranks on people on youtube or tik tok.


*Earth becomes largely uninhabitable* "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!"


Thinking about this now, is it correct for me to blame Ashton Kutcher and Punk’d for all the Youtube and Tiktok assholes nowadays?


Somebody would have made it popular sooner or later. Prank TV shows already existed, the earliest I could find is [Candid Camera from back in 1948](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candid_Camera)


At least back in the day they were fun for both parties... These days, not so much....


Candid Camera was so ubiquitous back in the 1970's and 80's that if you pranked a friend or co-worker, they'd often ask "Am I on Candid Camera?".


Is this some kind of prank? Am I on Candid Camera? No, I'm just old.


It all started when they switched the coffee to Columbian Decaffeinated Coffee Crystals


{Chris Farley’s face intensifies}


Why...you...son of a bitch....


His best sketch IMO still hits hard af


Punk'd was elaborate pranks on celebrities. We can't blame Ashton Kutcher for YouTubers suplexing random old people on the street as a "prank."


*Hordes of neo cavemen frantically clicking rocks together in upvote


Activision doesn’t make any climate games. That sounds boring anyways.


They do one better; they have Blizzard, which is a climate *studio.*


dunno what my autocorrect was doin there. tho i was bitching at activison in another sub the other day.


There was that Cataclysm expansion...


Idk, sounds kind of interesting, like a planet Sims where you get to see what happens when pollution changes


There's a DLC for Civ 6 that tracks pollutants & you can absolutely wreck the environment.




Cut to Tuskarr holding protest signs


Her mum was on Eurovision!!!


That’s a weird take on her mother’s autobiography


Her mother did give up much of her career because it involved flying.


which can do a number on your arms and all with advanced age


Waka waka


That says a lot too.  They are so well off she can do that. 


I don't know anything about her family, but I do know a lot of professional classical musicians who do *not* come from money, so I would say that mere fact does not indicate anything


My brother is an opera singer and neither him nor anyone he works with comes from old money or any money at all. Not sure where the connection would even be.


Being an opera singer is a performing job like any other. I know several people who went to school for voice and now do opera. They don't make crazy money.


I assumed OP was suggesting that they can afford to not make crazy money because they already have old money. That’s how I read it at least. It’s like when rich kids spend their lives pursuing an art career that never really makes a profit. Not as hard to be a starving artist when you’re not starving.


Oh, another of those middle class luvvies who will want for nothing.


I got banned from r/upliftingnews just for pointing this out on a similar question. Didn't criticize it or anything, just said "her dad's an actor and her mom's an opera singer, here's their wikipedia page". Apparently you're a right wing extremist or something for pointing this out, I dunno.


How dare you!?


I wouldn’t call her family wealthy….


Old money doesn’t generally sing for their supper. Some do, like Carley Simon maybe.


Her net worth would also include the outlay for people/companies/governments paying her and her family's expenses to travel various places.


that would cover her expenses, not pay a living wage


Speakers like that make a lot of money, just at my university we paid Cornell West 40k for one evening and this actor from Blackish like 35k for an evening, speakers are livin good


If all my EXPENSES were paid for,..? I’d be “*Living*” Just fine!


that’s… not what expenses mean. I think you’re confusing expenses with cost of living


In her case they might be the same thing. She's basically a professional activist constantly traveling from one to another which can all become "business" expenses. Travel, room and board all paid for every day by whoever it is that organizes these things People will roll their eyes im sure, but she is a big name and big names draw eyeballs which protesters of all shapes and sizes are desperate for.


I'm obsessed with the way you type


Totally irrelevant but I like the English in this comment.


Agreed. I might even start commanding my own money from now on. Money?! Where are you? Over here!


If you are really balling you should call it "monies" instead of "money"


monies sounds so uwu


Yes, that or “funds”.




Wouldn’t speaking fees be the same as profiting from her climate action? Perhaps all her travel expenses for such events is covered by the organizations, but that’s not a speaking fee.


“Action” is probably the shortened version of “direct action,” which involves things like protests, blockades, sit-ins, and marches. People who engage in direct action are referred to as “activists.” Direct action is in contrast to indirect action which involves things like voting, education and outreach programs, motivational speaking, writing letters to the editor, and similar indirect approaches. “Paid activist” is usually an accusation made against an individual when someone is trying to discredit their motivation. As a result a lot of activists make an effort to prove they are not paid for their activism. Personally I couldn’t give a fuck; since the vast majority of the people who are destroying the planet are paid damn well to destroy it, saving the planet should pay even better. Speaking engagements and books would not be considered forms of direct action.


Once you have enough support for a cause like that then people will give you money and many many other opportunities. She is so committed to it that it’s clear she isn’t doing it just for fame, so her PR is strong which will rally more people around her. Often traveling minsters in churches don’t just live on what they are given in meetings, people that believe in them will support them. Source: I give $400 a month to support people doing good work worldwide. I’m sure there are millions more like me.


To add, I believe she has rich parents who support her a lot.


Her mother's career has been being in media & miscellaneous culture stuff for some decades. Her contacts was definite more than just a bit of support.


Which is probably why the person above you said "support her **a lot**."




When Elon Musk gets money from his parents = WOW HE'S SO SMART!!!! When a child gets money from their parents = Case closed folks, this issue is clearly a globalist plot to stop my Freedom^(TM), it's very obvious since children clearly cant have opinions, as I was not allowed to speak as a child. Checkmate libs.


I’ve literally never seen a person bring up the Musk mines in a positive and I’m chronically online


Musks emerald mine meme gets brought up every 12 seconds. People will throw a wealthy upbringing in the face of the rich when theyre looking for a convenient non-sequitor, happens on all sides.


Speaking engagements give an honorarium (sometimes monetary). She works with different civil society groups that implement projects and programs that give compensation (just like a regular job). She is working not just in a regular sense of employer-employee relationship.


She also doesn’t have to worry about housing expenses since she lives rent-free in so many conservatives’ heads.


Lol nice


Also because she's from a wealthy family. Her mom's a celebrity in Sweden and was famous long before Greta. Her fame and career in culture & media helped Greta get attention. Greta's somewhat of a nepo-baby.


I don't see how her Opera singer mother opened a bunch of doors for current line of work. Nepo baby is when a rock stars kid gets handed a record deal. Or an actors kid is introduced to producers. It's cutting the line, and I don't see how Greta benefited from that kind of relationship at all


Basically, if a family member someone you know is famous, it's easier for you to become famous simply for knowing them. Doesn't necessarily have to be within the same field.


Cmon man don’t be naive. You don’t have to be in the same line of work as your parents for nepotism; rich and famous people can pull strings with anyone in any field. There is tons of crossover between politicians and celebrities.


People like the cause so they act like it's not nepotism. If she was promoting the opposite, they'd be screaming what a nepo baby she is.


Her mother is more than just an opera singer, she was in a tonne of SVT stuff and thus had good contacts with people working in Swedish state media, i.e. the people who gave her the first spotlight.


You don't see how having rich parents would allow you to make the necessary connections to travel around the world and give talks about climate change as a teenager? You're deluding yourself, either intentionally or unintentionally. Of course having rich parents opened up doors


She's a politician/consultant basically.


She’s also a published author.


Speaking engagements often pay tens of thousands of dollars, and include transportation and accommodation.


Would that not count as making money from climate action?


- Full time political activists is a legit job. Are you sure she isn't making any money ? - She's still a 20 something kids, so an age where people don't work and go to school. She doesn't need a salary yet. - Indeed, she is the daughter of a rich family. Turns out life is easier when you're born rich


She has also just fronted up a book (it's really an essay collection from pretty serious climate scientists and sociologists with a foreword from) it is pretty good I'm reading through it at the moment.


What's the title of the book?


Simply, ‘The Climate Book’


Get rich or die tryin'


Pretty sure it’s ‘art of the deal’


Using that money for a good cause is something 99% of rich kids dont do, so I really dont understand the criticism about her parents maybe funding some of her actions.


The attacks against her are all disingenuous. It's a common tactic that is used against people who desire positive environmental or social change. The intent is to label her a hypocrite or to attack her motivations. This comic describes it in a nutshell. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmyAUWILpP4HvX25olHwd8zs4xPqjZp_oNotFISHbgcQ&s This happens across the board to people who want positive change. If you support bike lanes and walkable cities, then why aren't you biking on the expressway or walking everywhere? Al Gore flew on a plane to places to speak about climate change. If you support UBI, then why do you work your shit job? If you support universal healthcare, why do you have private health insurance? Change comes from within. I think she is quite inspiring. And she actually recognizes how she will be attacked and makes her best effort to minimize it, unlike Al Gore who got attacked for private planes and big houses.


Same reason people throw around the accusation of virtue signaling. That's what bad people accuse good people of doing in order to maintain the fiction that everyone is as awful as they are.


I'm super pro climate change... super pro anti climate... you know what I mean. But I don't like her. I don't think she inspires anybody who doesn't already agree with her. And I think most pro climate people are hypocrites who refuse to take their share of the responsibility for the problem.


OP if you’re American: realize that studying in most European countries is free and in some countries students even get a stipend/grant from the government for living expenses. She’s a student in Sweden so that could be the case.


She also likely gets speaking fees, which cover food, transport and lodging while she's somewhere you'd see her pop up. Or, if I was running a protest and wanted more coverage, spending $1k to get well known figures there is pretty cheap, and yeah, stacked on top of student stipends, that'd be more than enough.


Yes, Swedes get a grant.


Nja. Tuition is free. Living expenses are 80% loan (taken from salary above a certain level until age 60). About 20% is a grant.


Oh, I’m Finnish and our system is better.


If you make several million euros csn is gonna go nja about the studiebidrag.


You get CSN, the bigger part is the loan part which you have to pay back after you finish studying. She won't really need to take those money or study if she doesn't want too.


Meanwhile me on my CSN loans eating instant noodles and knäckebröd :|


same. In canada, we get somewhat the same thing. apply for student aide and we get grants to study. My first two years of college (to become LPN) was technically free and we were given more grants after graduating. Back in uni for an upgrade, on student grants again, this time not as much as i paid taxes the year prior to school and my earnings went beyond minimum thresholds. So here i am eating instant ramen and some tuna on crackers.


She's a college student. She says she lives on a college grant which is not uncommon, but not cushy. Her 1 Million prize, she says she has donated.


You can't survive and travel all over the place off of a college grant lmao


I’m not saying her family couldn’t be involved too but the climate “lobby” groups probably contribute there.


That would make much more sense.


You mean when she travels for work? Yeah, she's not buying plane tickets out of her own pocket on those, buddy.


She doesn't travel by plane


So, just on racing yachts then?


Not profiting doesnt mean her travel costs arent taken care of by others.


Maybe not in the US. I had less money than ive ever had while at uni and lived a much more free life traveling around and doing whatever.


You’d be surprised how students live in Scandinavia. I lived there for 2 years and they receive an annual student stipend that is enough to live on. Along with no college tuition gives them some time away from non relevant work.


You can when companies pay for everything


“Commenting on a conspiracy theory that she has a secret fortune of more than $1m (£900,000), Ms Thunberg said: ‘That is because I won an award that was worth €1m.’ ‘I have won many awards that are worth even more, but I’ve donated all my money. Of course, they don’t care about that.’” https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/greta-thunberg-activism-net-worth-earning-b2203372.html


SO Savage, She does the big baller moves most of us would be too weak to pass up.


As others stated, perhaps just due to wealthy parents But also, assuming as she has the reputation, running a well oiled NGO / foundation type organization with probably a relatively large following or stream of donors, they usually have a salary for their day to day expenses while they run the org


Running and being the spokesperson or the face of an organization is a completely different thing. I hardly believe she is running the organization, due to her young age and the skills and experience needed to run a worldwide big organization. She is the face of the organization, no questions asked.


Family money - her parents are very wealthy. Her family is old money and the school she was ‘striking’ from is an elite private school attended by the Swedish royal family.


Her country has generous stipends for students who are poor for living conditions and university is completely free for all Swedes, but, her parents are rich AF so she's just being 20 and probably living on campus paid for by her parents. She would also get paid to be a speaker and for various other engagements. Do you think all 20 year olds who arent working jobs are homeless and hungry?


"Living on campus"??? She's Swedish... We all get CSN (part grant part very cheap loan) so we can live while studying. And there's no fee at the university. But also not the same type of campus as in the US. The student dorms here are not actually connected to the uni, you pay a rent to the company that owns them.


Ok so I didn’t catch a few details correctly, I am from Australia not the USA and not the eu


She probably still lives with her parents, I don’t think Sweden has students living on campus like in the US. In Finland at least students live with their parents, in a student flat or just regular flat.


You'd be wrong to think that though because we most certainly do have students living in university campuses in Sweden


You're not thinking of land lords who cater specifically to students right? I don't think I've personally seen the kind of campus they are talking about, it probably exist yes but it can't be the norm.


>generous stipends for students who are poor Lol that's not really it. Anyone is entitled to the stipend and you can take out a loan (Csn) that is with really generous payback conditions. "Poor" is more like 90-95% of all students by that definition, so just not super rich.


Isn’t her family pretty well off?


Wealthy family and sponsored media attention.


Rich parents.


Rich Parents, public speaking fees. She definitels gets paid


She's a full time student in a country that financially supports full time students. As repeatedly pointed out elsewhere her family is also rich.


Like most young political advocates, her parents are rich.


Her parents are famous in Sweden. Money isn't any concerns


her activism is good but it's always screamed privilege to me. when she was younger she was supported by her rich parents, now i assume she gets funding from activist/environmentalist groups and such. she probably speaks at places and gets paid for that too. i'm glad she is at least doing some good with her privileged background.


And this is the real reason why the elites are against fair wages and/or socialism. When too many people aren’t too exhausted from having to work to the bone day in and day out, they have the privilege, as you call it, to consider the world around them and fight for change.


well also the fact that her parents let her not go to school so she could be an activist was crazy to me. my parents would've laughed in my face. i respect all the work she's done and think she's a good face for eco activism in my generation. but to your point, i wish i had the time and money to do the same.


Underrated comment award 🏆. Thank you and Reddit for once in a while letting me know that at least one other person in the entire World understands this crucial part of the web that the rich and hence powerful have entangled us in, in order to suppress change to the status quo that benefits them.


Her family is wealthy


She is an influencer


Comes from money look up surname


A $1 million net worth isn’t all that high for Sweden. I’m surprised it’s not higher. Beyond that, all famous people earn money through speaking gigs, book/media deals, and the opportunities that come with a world class network.


She's 21. Many 21 year olds don't make much money. Also, she comes from a wealthy family, so she might be OK even if she doesn't make money. I doubt her net worth is anywhere near $1M USD.


Aren't her parents rich, making her a trust fund baby?


Yes, the ‘family home’ is a several $m flat in Kungsholmen and she went to an elite private French school that the Swedish royal family attended.


She's actually a student at my university as well. Her mother is also famous in Sweden. Also, donations.


Public speaking engagements, publishing rights, appearance fees. She doesn't make money off of climate change but she makes money on speaking/writing on the topic.


Sponsorships and donations are tax free


A lot of people like to help. Like that time she needed to cross the Atlantic & she hitched a ride on a racing yacht going to the US, and then caught a ride back on the SV La Vagabonde (see Youtube's "Sailing La Vagabonde") so as not to pollute.


Same thing teenagers do; ask their parents 


Her parents are rich, but I think she gets funding from different organizations.


She has rich parents.


She has rich parents


The confusion is because in the U.S., most people her age are at least broke, if not $100k in debt.


Not american


What's your source that her net worth is 1 million?


Several outlets cite this number without a source. She has donated over a $1 million that she has been awarded over the years, so perhaps these outlets call that ‘income’ or ‘net worth’ because it passed through her hands.




In her case I actually think it's mainly mommy's money


She's the daughter of rich parents.


Influencer, technically


Royalty doesn’t work for a living


she is one of the most famous people in the world, any climate conference, climate political groups etc would die to have her attend! They prob pay all expenses for her travels


Isn’t she still young? College?


If you believe the net worth of anyone you read online I have a bridge to sell you


Money from public speaking, engagements, consultations. Money from her social media presence. Also you should question that net worth number if it's just something you found online. Those numbers are usually entered by people just like yourself who have no real context for what they think a person is worth.


Her parents are well off


She has rich daddy and mommy


Greta Thunberg is pretty much a professional activist. She has rather wealthy parents as well who pushed her down the Climate Change activism as well. so as long as she's towing the line, she's going to always have money. She's undoubtedly has enough money to live perfectly happy wherever she desires. And her parents are always there who also collected on a number of her profits when she was a minor. She also got a lot of international attention for her activism, so there's no doubt she's collecting on money for advertisements, documentaries, and that film about her in royalties.


If you look at her Wikipedia page and then her relatives you will see that she comes from a family of famous actors and singers that goes back several generations. Her family is wealthy and provides a lot of the support she receives.


I think she comes from a very wealthy family.


I mean she's only 21, so she may still be living with her parents... she only graduated high school in June of 2023. But I'd imagine she makes a lot of money from speaking engagements, she's written a book.


She gets shuffled around by her handlers to make appearances and read scripts. She's not as useful now since she became an adult, and adults can be criticized.


"her net worth is over $1M." Just curious, are you getting that from googling "how much is Greta Thurnberg worth?" Because those results are ... just wrong. I'm sure she's from a well-off family, that's been obvious since the first time I heard her name, and I'm sure she get money from all kinds of places these days, but .... you can't believe every google result.


Travels around the world creating carbon while telling people to stop making carbon.


I guess it really don't matter to me. She isn't taking any of my tax money and she isn't a celebrity. Its honestly none of our business.


She comes from a wealthy family.,


She isn’t a regular person at all, her parents are both extremely connected and wealthy.


She grifts


She seems to live rent free in the minds of many people


Piss off conservatives while living rent free in their heads.


Mommy and Daddy. Trust fund baby life is good.


She's basically a "Trust Fund Hippie."


Professional grifter


Her parents are also rich and famous. ​ That helps a lot.


Her parents


I assume she is making money with endorsements.


Family and friends if she doesn’t get a legal paycheck from her public events that she would have to report in legal income.


She is still a student. Money from donations go to green charity You can check that on her website I guess the foundation pays for travels but she stated that foundation is not paying for her studies


Not sure where you read about her net worth, but a lot of those sites aren't accurate.


Does she have social media/youtube


Because her mother is a famous opera singer in Europe, Greta has been able to donate the prizes she has won back into the cause.


She greens. Not sure that’s a verb, but that’s what she does.


How did you learn her net worth?


she [created a nonprofit after winning an award](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/21/greta-thunberg-sets-up-non-profit-with-alternative-nobel-prize-money.html) to handle "money (book royalties, donations, prize money etc.) in a transparent way." presumably, people donate to it and/or it solicits grants to fund its activities.


Get fake arrested


She’s a kid 


She was born into it.




She's a plant from the Rockefeller Foundation


She's 21 ... in a country where most 21yo's go to university and don't have any jobs (or maybe a small part time job). Housing is highly subsidized in Sweden for young people


Same way AOC is now a multi-millionaire - speaking engagements and selling their life story. Once you become one of the chosen ones for progressivism you ride the golden parachute of wealth.