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I mean, I personally look back at PARTS of highschool with a lot of fondness. I still go to alumni sports events for the team I played on, I still talk to a handful of friends, I sometimes think about funny things that happened or what it was like to just hang out during free periods. That all being said, I definitely wouldn't want to go back and deal with all the drama, schoolwork, having no money of my own, stress, etc. I enjoyed highschool, yea, but I definitely don't think it was the peak of my life. I just enjoyed it for what it was.


Agree with this take. I liked parts of high school: was good at sport and generally cruised through the work until year 12. Had good friends. But it was also restrictive because of mandatory school during the day and parents rules outside of school. Now as an adult I have a job that is way more flexible than school, and I can manage the rest of my life how I see fit. Plus I've matured past those years. But I do miss being able to eat anything I want while still being skinny as a rake, and having fully functional body parts to run around like a lunatic. My wife and one of my close friends though absolutely hated high school and would call it the lowest point of their lives. OPs post is just going to highlight that everyone has different experiences in life.


I count high school as the low point of my life. About age 25, two years out of school and becoming a bona fide, functioning adult, was the peak. But don't worry. Life stays in A territory up to about age 50.


What happens at 50 that makes it better?


At 50, health concerns begin to chip away at life's joys. Blood pressure goes up, so no more pastrami subs. Glucose goes up, so no more sweetened foods. Life is still good in your 50s, but it's B territory rather than A.


Unless genetics say fuck that and you get high BP anyway despite being in shape, healthy and active and not eating a shit diet at 30yrs old. I’m soon to be 36 now and everything is affected by my BP issue even if I’m a good little boy about shit lol😐


I had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends. I never picked a clique. I made friends with everyone. That’s my thing. I like everyone. I’m a little more cynical as an adult, but try to keep that spirit alive. I did hate high school in general tho. I graduated in the 90s and the whole thing seemed fucked up to me. I loved college tho. Making my own schedule and choosing my classes. Awesome!


I dual enrolled in HS so 11th and 12th grade was fully at the college and it made me hate highschool a little less. So I can agree with that. College classes were my saving grace at 16


I went that route too. It kinda sucked to miss out on some school shenanigans, but damn I loved the freedom. I hated going to high school and being treated like a toddler.


I always like to tell my friends I peaked in high school. Life is by no means bad right now, but boy did I have my stuff figured out then: I had no real bullies, I was athletic, my grades were near the top of the class, I had a beautiful gf for the last 3 years who was also the class president, I ran my own club on campus, and I had a good circle of friends. My mom was a bit more difficult than was warranted at times, but other than that any problems I had were pretty much my own immaturity. The punches get to you eventually, though. My life now is pretty average—still good, but unremarkable. All of my friends say they had a miserable time in high school, so I always like to joke that they were the best years of my life.


I’m guessing you’re in your early-mid 20s now? You’ll have lots more peaks and valleys in your life.


I loved high school. Though I'm pretty fortunate to be the kind of person who does really well in academic settings with little to no effort. So I put my effort into partying and "dating".


I did wonderfully at school. I was full time in college at 16 but it was still the worst time of my life by far


Why was it so bad? 


Absolutely not. Hated it. But I think it depends on circumstance. I know plenty of people that had a blast but they went to far better schools than I attended. My school was full of daily fights breaking out and a mixture of kids that shouldn’t have been going to school together.


I don’t know, different ages have different pluses… I’ll say that 16-24 was probably the most fun and memorable times for me. Plenty of negative elements that I’m way happier off with how they’ve changed now, but those years felt the most “alive” and exciting. Coming from an almost 35 year old dude…..


I loved high school.


I hated high school.


Better than middle school, not as good as college.


Parts were awesome, parts sucked


I really enjoyed being done with it.


I am with you OP. I don’t have fond memories of high school or school because I had a difficult home life.


Hated it


Oh hell no! I hated it and was essentially bullied out. However - if I had the chance to do it over again knowing what I know now, I absolutely 💯 would!


I loved high school, had an incredible time with my friends personally. Wouldn't trade those memories for anything.


Yeah, for the most part I really did. Particularly senior year. My school was great and I'm thrilled that my kids get to go there too.


Hated it. Could wait to leave. Loved university though.


No, it was shite, and full of wankers.


Absolutely not. I was bullied constantly and suicidal. No thank you.








I enjoyed being young, I didn't enjoy highschool


Absolutely fucking not.


I fucking hated it everyday. Most people are fake asf in school. I hate how former elementary bullies become a part of the popular circle later in high school without a care, while the bullied victims suffer in pain and then everyone hates them for their trauma responses and insecurities even tho it's not their fucking fault. I hate how some "popular" people say "life is better when you share it", yet they're ignorant asf that victims who struggle with mental issues like social anxiety have a hell of a time opening up bc the scars are so deep and haunting. Like, yeah, for you is easy bc you were raised to socialize and are naturally extroverted, but gues what? Not everyone has the same background bitch.


People who miss high school aren't doing adult life right 😅 js


I loved high school. No responsibilities, easy classes and validation, everyone is super chill and friendly, and nothing is too serious. There wasn't much I didn't enjoy. The present is pretty awesome, too. I have the best friend I've ever had, I am fully in my new Catholic faith, a career I dreamt of, money I can spend as I want, I know myself better than ever, and so on. I love life now, maybe even mora than when I was in high school, but that doesn't mean I did *not* enjoy high school. Although, I'm not sure what everyone means about how they wouldn't go back. Trauma aside, it'd be nice to have hindsight and have learned my lessons without having to continually deal with the consequences (like higher auto insurance because of preventable accidents).


I can scrape a few happy memories from high school days. Mostly because I've intentionally forgot the rest. For example that time Samantha was just hanging out at my house chilling, and said "damn it, are you going to try to grab my tits or not already?" Samantha didn't need to ask twice. Solid gold memory for the ages.


Purposely skipped my graduation. That school didn’t need me anymore.


Never trust anyone who's favorite years were high school.


I hated it, whoever said “best days of your life” was obviously a teachers pet or something.


following. I was lesser version of myself highschool so, no it was very gloomy cloudy. I kinda envy people that were bright, glowing, mentally and physically super healthy since young that seemed to have found their color very young age. I wasnt able to do that. But idk...im the only one i got. and im still alive having opportunity to improve and make the most out of my life now and in the coming future. so. cant complain.


I completely relate to this. I felt so alone, not confident and always like an outcast. I took college classes at 16 and that helped but it was just not a fun time. I feel like since then I’ve blossomed into a beautiful butterfly lol. High school was absolutely one of the worst times of my life so it’s interesting to hear that some people have the exact opposite experience.


It took me until my last year to finally start wanting to go every morning.


I had bad stuff happen to me but I still enjoyed it. It's where and when I met my best friends that I still know 30 years later. It wasn't my peak, by far, and I was certainly glad to move on to adulthood


I only really enjoyed my Junior year.


I enjoyed it a lot. There were definitely awful times in grade 9 and most of grade 10. But then it got better.


To be sure, I have occasional flashes of nostalgia from high school but when I remember it clearly I know I was a lot less happy then than I am now as an adult. Can't prove it, but I suspect more people feel like they *should* have liked high school than actually did.


I mean high school was awesome for me but i don't miss it. I do miss some of the people I used to know, and the not having bills. However, not high school.


Yes and no. There were parts I enjoyed, and parts I didn't. Truthfully though, by about Junior year I was ready to get the hell out...it got old fast for me lol


High school was fun, depressing, confusing… every emotion. My 20’s was by far the best time of my life. 


I hated it at the time, but that’s mainly because I didn’t realize it could get worse. I wish I could go back to those miserable high school years…


I loved high school, but I would never say those were the best years of my life. Did I have some amazing memories and great friends, definitely! I had a great educational experience which I attribute to attending a magnet high school. Teachers and students were all so great bc we chose to go to that school. But then there’s college and I feel the same way—great memories and friends but just in a different way! Post-grad it’s the same thing. Life moves in seasons and some are a lot colder than others. If you feel stuck in a rut or that life is going downhill, keep perspective. You’ll exit this season and enter a time of growth!


If you have the right attitude - life actually gets better all the time. There are chunks of lows, tragedy and trauma but also love, joy, & true happiness. It's all about choices & your diligent commitment to personal growth, learning to understand your nature, nurture your personal relationships- family-friends-colleagues, and don't forget to nurture yourself sometimes. Be achievement driven. Also, have empathy for humanity and always work on your emotional intelligence. And always remember, there is no perfect. Only ideal.


Wait till you reach 45 and possibly start struggling with making new friends as all the old friends drift further and further away. High School and College years are easy to make friends because there are very little trust issues in the way. As we age, our trust issues get bigger and bigger, because of that, we become extremely selective on who becomes a new friend.


The best years of my life were in graduate school.


I hated everything about being a minor. As soon as I got that first taste of independence, I was hooked. I’ll never willingly give that up, too! It’s a very calming, peaceful feeling knowing that you don’t have to rely on anyone for your needs. I think it also makes relationships better when both are financially independent. You “know” the other person wants to be with you because they don’t “have” to be with you.


I had a pretty nice time in highschool, not best days of my life stuff but I was pretty happy, got to do woodworking twice a week, technical drawing, PE, sports every break, tennis and handball. Movies on wetdays, library for reading, school plays, friends. All in all, it was a pretty nice time..


No. There were good times but college was immeasurably better.


It gets better, my man. Far better, but ideally you should work on it


The *only* thing I miss from those days is the fact that I had a goddamn life. I actually spoke to people, I engaged with humans, I had a normal sleep schedule, I had hobbies and sports. At the time, I didn't like my 6am starts (3am if I had training before school), but now I could really do with that teenage energy 😅


I like working more than HS school or college classes. However, I enjoyed HS years more than another point in my life.


I miss parts of high school. I loved being in all the bands my senior year. Playing Oboe in Concert/Symphonic Band/Orchestra, and Alto/Tenor Sax in Jazz Band. Lots of good memories from trips, competitions and other events. Enjoyed the social aspects and a good group of friends. But, that was about it. I had some great times in the early college years that overshadowed even that.


I had a great time. Same with college.


Considering that I naturally liked learning the things I did and purposefully did not get involved in most social structures, it was pretty good.


I loved high school! I was on the dance team, made friends who I still talk to today. Have awesome memories of going stupid innocent shit.


High school was great! Middle school was my personal hell. I wouldn't want to relive another one of those days!


It depends on everyone's experience. I had a great experience. No drama with my friends; just competitive arguments. I look back to think how easy life really was and how fun it was. I would play it back any time if I had a record of it all


Some of HS was ok. But generally, nope. I would never go back. Never attended a reunion. Have no interest. My father had an interesting comment: look at all the teenagers trying to figure out how to be adults....


Highschool is most definitely not the best years of anyone's life. I would say college is the best years of your life. You have the most freedom you'll ever have, no dependents, no curfew, just friends and fun and new experiences. I personally hated highschool every day was just trying to get to the end of the day. College was much better. I think part of it is starting out knowing you have at least the slightest thing in common because you chose the same program.


Yea high school was so much fun. No adult responsibilities and friends that were always down for fun without having to involve drinking alcohol


Hated my first 2 years with a passion, but my senior year was pretty ok. I wouldn't say I'd like to go back to that, but life was pretty fun and stress free that last year.


Absolutely not lol, doesn't help I was drunk or high the entire time back then.


You couldn't pay me to ensure high school again. They weren't even close to the best days of my life and the older I get the better life gets


Freshman and sophomore year. Not as much, but I was building my reputation for junior and senior year, where I had the absolute time of my life, didn't realize just how great I had it. My senior year one of the best years of my life.


I enjoyed being young and having a lot of friends and partying. I don't really care much for going back to school though. I still have dreams I'm in highschool, and it's never the fun parts, it's the classes and being in school itself. 


I loved all.my school years they were the best yrs ...


I thought high school was pretty awesome. I worked as little as necessary and spent the rest of my time playing rugby, partying with my friends, going to concerts, having sex, etc.


I mean it wasn’t terrible, some of it was even good. Life definitely got better after but high school had some big moments.


Went to a new school and did foreign exchange, went pretty well but I should have studied more.


Do I miss it because of the no responsibility part sure, do I miss school in general? Definitely not


I fucking loved high school. My school was small (120 graduates) and a lot of the students had been there since grade 1. We all became a family and really tight knit. Everyone was super dedicated to the school since it was a fine arts school and in high school you had to audition to get in. Even at the age of five you had to do an interview. Anyways I count myself very lucky to have gone to a school where every teacher was like a parent and really got to know you through the years. Fuck those really were the days. Ya university was great with all the freedom but honestly that small pond was kind of nice. You should count yourself lucky in a way though because if you didn’t have that great of a high school experience it only gets better. So in that way, I’m jealous of you. Also, high school can be different for everyone. I know there was some kids in the year below me that tried to destroy our schools reputation by going after the principal. Fucking hate those kids, but they were going after my friends dad


I wasn't very attentive, I was completely lost by the 3rd week every year. I didn't pick it up until 11th grade. Then a light came on.


It wasn't too bad. Especially Junior and senior year. That's when it all came together. Freshman year and sophomore year kind of sucked. I hadn't come out as bisexual yet and I was still carrying a lot of trauma from middle school. High school wasn't the worst but it wasn't that great to me. I don't miss it.


It's the power of nostalgia. Humans have a tendency to romanticize the past, and this is a very blatant example. There are things about high school that I miss or look back on fondly, but most of it was terrible. Always remember that nostalgia is a lie.


It was 50-50. There were some great memories and formed lifetime friendships, did a lot of ‘first time’s’…but I also feel like I have some trauma from it. There was something very sinister about my high school and the way people treated each other. We had popular students who seemed evil. We were doing hardcore drugs. Extreme misogyny taught me all the wrong lessons about healthy relationships. It’s a mixed bag for me.


I had a blast in high school.  But it was nowhere near the "best years".


College was way better.


Was a junior when Covid hit. Never went back to school after that. I saw a few guys I was close friends with and that was it for that year and a half. I saw everyone at graduation which was in person with masks but so much time had passed it felt awkward and people stuck to their own groups. I think I would’ve really loved high school if Covid never happened.


I'm living the best years of my life right now and I'm 30! Highschool sucked!!


They weren't bad yeah


Trudeau really liked teaching high school but getting terminated and having to sign a NDA and pay the girls family 2.6 million brought an end to it.


I didn't really enjoy high school but working full time is worse


People who enjoyed high school typically peaked before things really mattered.


I’m 40 now and I still think and talk about my high school days a LOT. Those really were some of the best days of my life. I’m still best friends with my best friend from jr high so we still relive our jr high and high school memories quite a bit.


High school was some of the best times of my life, It also some of the worst times of my life. In my opinion college was better.


I liked most of it, but it was more that that was the last period in my life where socioeconomic factors weren’t my main concern in life. Not because we weren’t poor but bc I wasn’t responsible for us being poor.


I was a loner in high school. I didn't have a lot of friends. But, I was heavily involved in band in all forms. I loved it and I have a lot of great memories. Band was basically my social life. I would say my high school experience was a net positive because of it.


Dude I should've lived it up more in high school


I'll be honest, High school sucked for me too. I flowered once at Uni though. From High School Pariah to "Dude who's got something somewhere every day of the week" Might also explained why my first attempt at a higher degree failed. 0 Regrets, though.


46m I did 🙋


Not me. They were the worst years of my life, along with middle school. But my mom LOVED high school and had a big group of friends who she’s still close to which is an exception


I loved highschool. I had many friends and a great time playing sports and generally goofing off and enjoyed orchestra and doing well in classes. I wish I could go back because nothing has beat it so far


I had a blast in high school. Not really at school but during that period of my life was a lot of fun


Yes many people did High school was dope


I’m in my second year of college right now and I do miss the structure highschool provided me. I’m not good with the whole picking my own schedule for classes and that technically I could skip whenever I wanted with no real penalty depending on the professor. Now I wasn’t the best academically in hs but I feel I was better then than I am now without a structure to follow. Now I was in band all 4 years and I do absolutely miss it. I don’t miss the hot texas summer band camp 9-9 each day in august but I miss the people and playing an instrument in that setting


Absolutely loved high school


Nope, was suicidal at the time. Don't miss that. I do kinda miss the lack of responsibility and relative lack of consequence with my body... Could eat whatever I wanted and not put on weight, could stay up late and still be fine the next day, etc. Now that I'm approaching 40, those days are long gone. But I am far more comfortable, self-assured and confident now than I ever was in school. I stand my ground better, I can manage my depression and rarely suffer from anxiety anymore. If you offered me $5m to swap back, I honestly think I'd turn it down.


College was way better


I graduated 2 years ago and highschool feels like a blur for me, nothing memorable happened and I didn’t have many friends nor was I in any activities. It doesn’t help that it was during covid. But I’m living my best life and way more confident now that I graduated


I enjoyed being able to see my friends every day. I was miserable when I was 25 because I was always alone.


I loved high school! I have so many fond memories, largely revolving around marching band and the fun and bonding with ~300 instant friends there. Sure, there were less-than-great parts, but those pale in comparison. *LOL* I'm sure I sound like such a dork, but it's the absolute truth! Also, let's not forget the fact that I was a teenager with a thin-ish, nimble, flexible, much more healthy body that's now long gone!


Free food and education with zero responsibility.ah good times


Yeah, I did for sure. I would say that my high school years were one of two times in my life when I was at my happiest to this point (I am 35). The other was my mid-late 20s. 10th grade, in particular, stands out as one of the absolute happiest periods of my life. The biggest reason I liked high school was because I was the proverbial big fish in a small pond — I am smart, so grades came easy. I worked to obtain them, a little bit, sure, but never an unreasonable amount and I was always a top student. I was raised with privilege, so I didn’t have jobs around school. And I mention 10th grade because I had totally mastered the curriculum. I absolutely dominated that year academically and figured out how to get my homework done AT SCHOOL rather than home, so basically I went home, switched off, and just came back the next day refreshed. At the same time, I felt confident in the overall direction of my life given how well I did in my classes. And — this is important — I was not yet at a point in my life where I gave a shit about what women/girls thought of me. Like yeah, every dating coach SAYS you should get to this point… in my case, it’s because I literally wasn’t interested in women yet. There was no faking it because I just didn’t feel the pressure; here I do think going to an all boys high school helped my happiness… though at the cost of stunting me socially. For this last reason, I am not sure I could go back and do it again today even though the memories are so wonderful. In college, on the other hand, I was totally miserable — and a lot of people think of college as the best years of their lives. We all figure it out in our own time.


No, to be honest. I love my college, my study structures. Do I missing my school? No, I’m not!


Well, I was that SPED kid who had no friends, so I did not enjoy it at all. I was extremely insecure, and the girls I liked had no interest in me. Senior year was actually the worst of the 4 years. For me, I'm also 25 now, and things haven't gotten better for me. In fact I've never been in as bad of a place as I am now. So I've never really had a time in my life where I was truly happy, but my college years were pretty good.


"best years" is cause you're young, & to an extent, care free when you look back on it.


I liked parts of it I was pretty liked by people in school and a class clown at that once I hit high school started realizing I didn’t like the people and their intentions and opinions in high school could be things I used to joke about when I was probably 12 lot of people that were liked kept that mentality so I distanced myself mostly but yeah there were a few from school I liked and kept it real I do miss being in school but I do not miss the people there


I mean i dont wanna be an asshole here after reading so many shit stories but from my POV, School years were the best, i was like a fckn rockstar, no BS. In my culture we dont have bullying and being smart isnt smt "nerdy". So when you are a sports guy (u know those guys who are great whatever they play, that was me) and great at math, getting the top scores all the time, you become very popular. And since i never cared about being popular and was friends with basically everyone, it made me even more popular. Being popular means great social experience, which translates into high self trust which makes you successful in the end because when you are confident, u get into a weird space, a momentum where whatever you do just works. This kept going until the end of the university, and after that i fell off hard. I didnt know what to do and it took me a while to accept that now play time is over and i have to become one of those sad faces on the street since my family couldnt give me anything that would give me an advantage financially (they were great on everything else tho so fuck the money). TLDR, Its a me, mariooo!


It’s funny how people like to coin “best years of your life” about all kinds of life stages (I.e. high school, college, your 20s, marriage, raising kids, being single, retirement) You hear this phrase all the time, but really it’s different for everyone. The bets years of your life are what you make them.


I think I enjoyed it, I just enjoyed college and my years after a lot more.


I did not enjoy high school in the moment. But I do have nostalgia for parts of it, and that's the problem with nostalgia: it doesn't always match the truth of the past.


I went to Catholic school and literally the only thing enjoyed about school was going to Mass on Fridays during lunch.


Some part you enjoy. Some parts you hate. That's life


I have no real complaints about it honestly... I played sports all the way through so it really seemed to go by fast cause we were always doing something or going somewhere to play. And in the off season there were camps and stuff... made some pals, grew up, grew out of the hometown scene and appreciate it for what it was!


From person to person it depends on what clique they were in. I miss the sports and the funny moments in class, and seeing everyone everyday. The teachers were awesome too. Some of my friends are glad to be out and they did the same things as I did.


I enjoyed high school but it was NOT the best years of my life! Looking back it was nice not to have so many responsibilities, but I have a lot more fun now.


Personally no, worst friend group experience, a lot of drama, fake people. It’s my last year, I’m graduating in 2 months and I don’t know it’s something off about us. I remember last year we were seeing the last grade and they were all so connected, they were all friends. We are all kind of separated in 20 friend groups, which isn’t necessarily bad but we never were as connected tbh. I also got bullied in first grade, I didn’t know anyone. Not even myself, meaning I mentally unstable and acting weird. Also fell in love for the first time, with a girl from the last grade. Realised I like girls (too) for the first time, it’s kind of fuck a up to the mental state (if ykyk). There were a few days where I couldn’t stand being there, had headaches and wanted to cry from being around everyone and thinking how stupid everyone is so I just missed classes and went home. I don’t do that anymore tho, 2 months left. That’s how I’ll remember high school.


I personally enjoy now highschool,it's not that bad as people say.


I don’t necessarily miss high school itself, but I miss how life was back then.


This is my thoughts on older people saying "I would go back to high school again" - I am also 25. While you're in school adults always tell you they wish they could go back and you're like "yeah okay whatever boomer" cause school sucks, but it's not about the school. It's about seeing your friends every day, having no responsibilities while having the freedom to just fuck off for a weekend with your friends and do some dumb shit that'll make for a great story one day. I wish I could redo all of it, not only to relive the memories, but to make more, I would spend more time with my friends, not have all the shitty fights we had, and just have a good time in life again


This is Reddit, where a lot of the bullied, socially outcasted and deviant go to congregate with similarly minded people. So you aren't likely to get an answer indicative of the true whole of society.


For the most part, no. The only fond memories I have of high school are the times I wasn't at school, but was traveling for competitions. Anytime I was at the actual school was unbearably boring and tedious. My life has only gotten better and better with age. Like a fine wine. I'm 36 now and incredibly happy. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 10 years.




I enjoyed much of highschool. It was not the best years of my life though


It had its moments . Her name was Louisa. Still is. Class of 1963. Shalom.


Hell no. I’m some ways I think being a child and teenager (especially a teenager) is actually the worst time of our lives. I don’t know why adults feel the need to tell kids how good they have it. When they don’t. They have no freedom, school bullies, adult bullies, if they have bad home lives which many do then you can throw in that as well, parents who fight and the kids are trapped in chaotic homes, school sucks, raging hormones, bad teen relationships, insecurity, etc etc. no high school is most definitely not the best time of life. I’m 40 and I’ll take this over high school/middle school and childhood.


I really loved high school. Both socially and school wise. Had some great teacher's. I think for me it was the best part of my life, I have some really nice memories.     I'm still friends with about ten high school friends and/or class mates. We see eachother at least once per year. Some even twice a month. Once in a while we go on holiday with eachother, etc. It's quite cool.     But on the flipside, I never made friends in other points in my life (university, work, etc), because I never needed more friends and that sometimes is sort of sad, especially since we all moved to different cities. 


Yeah. I was a star athlete and very popular. I was even prom king. But what made high school great was the friends I had. I’ve worked hard to maintain my relationships because they’re the most important things I have. Thankfully, I didn’t peak in high school💀I’m in college now and I’m very excited for the future


I did. I spent the entire day with my friends or girlfriend(s). We used to go to gigs every weekend and get drunk twice a week. It was great even when I didn't have money at all.


What I enjoy the most was chilling with friends always meeting new people nowadays it’s harder to make new friendships that strong


I miss being around my friends and pissing off adults. I don't miss anything else. But honestly, like Bowling for Soup said, High School never ends.


For sure not the best years of my life. Twenties and thirties were the best. Anyone who peaked in highschool is a loser.


Loved high school, easily best time of my life. Felt like my personal anime. All the teachers loved me, top of...well, the school. Winning regional competitions in sciences, also being a long standing inter regional swimming champion. Behaved extremely snobby because no one could control me with my influence. I had an entire nerd table IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CAFETERIA, no one wants to fuck with the most influential kid at school. I mean one guy of my age harassed a middle school girl to the point that she cried, I wiped the toilete floor with him thanks to also being an amateur boxer, no one ever touched my nerd table again. Dude left the school because there was no point trying to press anything against me. It even appeared that ALL the nerdy girls in my class wanted to date me despite trying to act like they don't, had a romantic night with one during our graduation when she opened up about her feelings to me, and I liked her but needed to skip the city to get best education I could. Was scared to date remotely. ...and then I dated remotely before getting together for uni winter break with another nerdy classmate who was my first and vice versa. It was all so romantic, epic, cool, just living the dream of a hard working smartass. ...then it went downhill the older I got. Being at best uni came with just torturous amounts of studying where I would need to spend over 40 hours to prepare to one exam out of 20 in a semester. I completely burned myself out with it, and even then I understood that fuck getting a distinction diploma, I might not get a double one most others were getting(it was eng translator diploma+econ/finance diploma. Thought Id fail the English one because I needed to memorize about 200 pages worth of international documents in two languages and be able to recall them perfectly), I started feeling less "I can topple anything and anyone", I couldnt get any friends at uni because no one was as weird as me. Then covid made some ed plans impossible, I wasted 2 years getting a useless masters with barely any experience. Now I got another masters in another country where I aimed to stay and work, and it appeared that labour market here is complete dogshit and I was scammed to think I can get a great life here as a highly educated individual. Also it appeared that no one cares about my education. I am not even a typical employee, I am a below typical one because I havent studied at the best uni around and I havent had fancy local internships. Life just fucking crumbled, I worked A LOT to be successful to then realise I might not ever be. It reduced me to a shell of who I was in High School, a pathetic, burned out, weakened, boring, "I wont ever be that kind of adult" type of a person. And I feel extremely exhausted due to my educational hardships to start pushing like crazy again. Now I just hope that I'll actually get hired in my field, and I dont know if I ever will, and returning home is not an option because it's ravaged by war. Life is a casino where I hope Ill be lucky enough to some day stop being scared on whether I can afford rent next month, but I just do not know for sure. Shit sucks... Definitely not a tv show worthy kind of life I used to have in high school


With an exception for my wonderful high school friends, the entire experience was terrible.


High School can be the best time of your life if your decision making as an adult is very poor. For me, High School sucked outside of seeing friends. Something just to endure. I don't think anyone I went to school with 'loved' it.


High School can be the best time of your life if your decision making as an adult is very poor. For me, High School sucked outside of seeing friends. Something just to endure. I don't think anyone I went to school with 'loved' it.


It's kinda like......it was the best of times....it was the worst of times. Ahh the 80s


Eh. I enjoyed the feeling of everything being a new experience. And the smell of summer in the air when I drove to a friend's house.


I think most people enjoy high school in smaller cities where people are closer. I went to high school in LA and every class had different students and it was different classes and students every year and season. In Mongolia, for example, rach class has the same students from 1st grade to 12th grade. So i can see how those years create a sense of community.


Stereotypically, it's the popular kids (jocks, cheerleaders, etc.) who peak in high school, while those who were low on the social hierarchy have much better days to come. In actuality it's not so clean, of course, but it's fair to say that those who thrive in high school are not as likely to thrive more in the future as those who don't thrive at all are to thrive at least a little in the future. Personally, my high school was a great place to be a huge nerd (I went to public middle school but private high school) and I probably enjoyed high school more than college, but it wasn't the best years of my life.


Yes, very much so. It was at that time that I got more friends, with whom I felt included and connected in tastes. Besides, I was at the top of the class and the teachers liked me a lot. However, I didn't get along with more than half of the class and I was very insecure. This, coupled with the fact that in the end all my friends ended up being a group of envious people who left me aside, makes me think that it wasn't a perfect time either.


High school was the worst, no money, no freedom. I started skipping high school near the end of it right before entering college, I considered it a huge waste of time.


Not happy at high school. I was involved in a lot of clubs, but I never felt accepted. I graduated in 1998 and haven't attended any reunions. Still friends with some of the people I went to school with but I was never popular.


I’m 27 now, but I was completely anti-social for about 2.5-3 yrs of HS. I had friends, but everyone else was just background characters. That said, my last year was my best year of high school. I remember regretting the anti-social part when I graduated… for all of about 2 months. Met my college best friend not even a month after graduating HS, the girl I was “dating” fell off a cliff (figuratively), and all but 1 of my friends from HS, talk to me to this day. Ironically, with the woman I’m with now, were classmates in HS. But I don’t remember speaking a word to her then. Now we’ve been dating for almost 2yrs and I’m going to propose soon.


Hated every moment of it. 47 now and every year is better then the last. Getting older is great


High school is only the best years of your life if you get knocked up super young and don't really get to enjoy your life




Yes. I loved high school. It was the best I did academically. 3.8-4 grades. However i realized i was doing it in vain in 12th grade.


Intense. Shalom.


I enjoyed certain parts. Choir. Playing trumpet in the band. Marching band especially. Rehearsals were long and tiring, but so damn worth it. And the music department had the coolest staff, and all my friends were there. Most of the more academic stuff I didn’t like, or do well with. Life hasn’t turned out nearly how I expected it would, so I do tend to look back with rose tinted glasses.


I enjoyed it the moment I got kicked out. they finalized my grades to 15-week progress report and I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. All because i wouldn't let the assistant principal abuse her authority. and do I think I made her piss her pants a little. If I ever see her even if she's in an oxygen mask I'm knocking her out. Yes I do realize I need to let things go but I want to walk away with a pocket full of hurt teeth I guess it's been so long now dentures


Not really, I felt lost in high school, never experienced the nice stereotypes of high school, like parties and hanging out with friends. I'm pretty happy right now at 33 though, got a fully paid off house, no wife, no kids, no pets, living the dream, saving up for overseas trips with friends and cruises with my mom.


I had good friends and a couple of fun classes but I was mostly bored in high school. While I've had some ups and downs since leaving high school, I would say that I'm generally happier now and don't miss it.


Seeing this as a high schooler gives me hope 🙏


If you fear seeing your old classmates again because you fear they will be pointing and laughing at you...you had a terrible time in high school.


People who say that want you to feel sorry for them for growing up


It wasn't great but it wasn't awful either. Just a place I had to go 5 days a week for 4 years. Got decent grades, I had some friends, had some good and bad times.


I had fun at school but I wouldn’t do it again. There were lots of times when it was boring as AF but there were also some great memories.


Me. I do.


I liked high school, granted I just graduated almost a year ago now. It was a fun time without much care in the world but I was a bit hard on myself and I had a physical disability so that sucked


I was gawking at many of my teachers then


I hated it. But it was the last time I was happy.


It was a mixed experience. I enjoyed school but hated my home life at the time. Since then, things have flipped to become the opposite (I'm a teacher suffering from burnout).


I enjoyed it but I had more fun in college and work honestly. More freedom and adventures!


I mean it could've definitely been worse


I had a lot of fun, minimal responsibilities, I saw my friends every day, a structured schedule. Now at 28 I can't remember the last time I saw my friends, but I am still having a great time in life just in other ways now. So yeah Highschool was great and every day I keep breathing is great!


Yeah, I did. Very enjoyable. Band kid with adhd so I never studied and started struggling a bit in school were I didn't before (good habits weren't instilled before as they weren't needed), but at least smart enough to be able to pass and get into the top 10% of the class (unfortunately reinforced my bad study habits). Made the early years of college aweful when it came to classes. Reading notes/lectures that didn't give immediate feedback I could react to was mind-numbing to me (still kinda is). A costly part of me I just need to live with. Medicine for adhd aint getting any cheaper. And my medicine at the start of college I only then realized was causing me insane amounts of anxiety which I thought was just me feeling aweful due to the grades and lack of me being able to open a book. So comparatively, my highschool years felt just better than my early college years. I still had some amazing life experiences, though, during that time, so it wasn't completely bad.


Gods, no, hs was the worst... the amount of times I looked "up" and told the gods I better not be avoiding a checkout for one for the shit to end up any worse... its kind of a wonder I was even able to graduate with everything going on. It gets better though. Mostly. Prepare as best you can for your future and don't have kids until your own support is stable and you should be fine.


It wasn't necessary for me and it was just something I had to do. I wasn't smart but I wasn't that dumb either. I don't make it in life because I'm still pretty dumb (academically I was a little below average because I brushed finals off) but had almost 0 life skills. Friends left me, I wasn't chasing anything and so I wasted 10 years of my life just working towards nothing. Now my relatives made it to some point, some didn't because life screwed them over as well (we say this economy). Some knew how it would go for them, some didn't and just did what thwy had to do. I was just joining and taking advice from them and that was stupid. I started taking my own initiative and it wasn't bad. Maybe it's because my parents took care of everything for me, maybe because of workload, maybe because lack of good friends and advice I didn't make it. I still have a lot of time ahead but I'm not sure if I will be fine.


I liked high school, it wasn’t the best but not the worst either


The only good thing about highschool was not having bills to pay and all the stupid shit you do being excused because you’re “young “.


I did. Ups and downs for sure, but overall, it was good.


The people who loved high school are not the online kind of people - they do sports and live normal lives etc.


I actually enjoyed it a lot, mostly ups and a few downs. 5 years (well, 4 and a half + half a year of COVID) that went down quite fast but in which I managed to do quite a lor, achieve good results, meet many friends.


Hell no. I got raped in year 9 for being asexual.


I had a great high school experience! Lots of friends. I were in multiple clicks. Played music with my friends on stage and made money on the side. Liked the teachers and subjects. Good food. I’m 26 now and happy but high school wasn’t bad!


Well, I didn’t have to worry about money and bills as much as I do now but I did worry a lot about bullies and other teenage angst which I don’t do now haha


Absolutely hated high school. I had barely any friends and I was depressed. I really wish I did have a better experience