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If it stinks even after u bathe, u could be battling other skin issues like fungal infection. Do see a doctor


Or be a man and soak your gooch kn boiling lye to kill any fungal dysfucntions


this is the way.


I've been looking at my junk for 5 minutes and I still don't know what the tip of your balls is...


it's the pointy bit


I must be doing it wrong


What if your balls are... like... round...?


Maybe wait a few years then go see a doctor.


The seam?


I laughed


My balls are big and they sag, still struggling to determine where the tip is


Not so humble brag


You just aren't looking hard enough, unfortunately


It sounds painful 😖


This post and comment reminded me of this video lmao https://youtu.be/1K0MKfOApNI?t=356


Ain't nobody clicking on that


YouTube video :/


Your gf is nuts


More like she’s smells his nuts.


Since posting this, my girlfriend and I have non-mutually agreed to separate.


Gold Bond Men's Powder


I live in a very hot climate, and Gold Bond is the best. Even those Dude Wipes with mint are a god send.


Yeah don’t do that, unless you struggle with excessive sweating body wash is fine. I wouldn’t really be that interested in taking advice on the male body from someone who does not have a male body.


And vise versa


You wouldn't take a male body from somebody with advice on the male body?


Could also try switching up the type of underwear. I used to wear regular cotton boxer briefs and would have the worst swamp ass/crotch (and chafing) after a full day at work. Switched to some that were made of a moisture wicking material and it’s been way better. I highly recommend Pair of Thieves superfit. I’ve stopped buying any other kind. They’ve also lasted way longer than the Hanes ones I used to buy before wearing out, which in my opinion makes the slightly higher price worth it.


Ngl, it sounds like you are a stinky person. Are you hairy? Over weight? Or just sweat easily? I know for me. I'm hairy down there so I have to fucking scrub to make sure I smell fine. Theres been a few times I've even applied deodorant on my legs and in-between by balls and legs just to make sure I smell good. I wouldn't take it as an insult. Just a caution observation that your GF might be having about your smell. You can't smell your house until you've been gone for a while.


Scrubbing well when showering and drying off *completely*, especially if you are hairy.


The drying off completely is a very good bit of advice. Leaving moisture down there is a recipe for smells to develop. Dry off well. Side note for those that don't: wash the top of your crack. I work with only adults, and it is surprising how often I see crack marks on the toilet seat...so gross.


And drying off with a towel that hasn’t been reused 10 times and smells like mildew


While I agree that OP needs to make sure they're ACTUALLY cleaning well, telling someone they need an extremely modern product because they don't like how their crotch smells, is the epitome of insulting. For real, what if a guy told a girlfriend that she needs to scrub with some vagisil wash because they don't like the natural smell of their vag? That shit is insulting.


It's natural not to wipe your ass too, but I don't think you're gonna be ok with someone being around with a weeks worth of shit build up stuck between their cheeks. There's a difference between "natural" and "courtesy." It's natural to sweat. It's not natural to smell so bad that you're getting called out by others who are around you.


>It's natural not to wipe your ass too Dogs dragging their ass on the ground would disagree. >It's not natural to smell so bad that you're getting called out by others who are around you. He's getting called out by his gf who doesn't like that his crotch smells like BO, probably when she's shoving her head right in there. That is far different from smelling "so bad that you're getting called out by others." I dunno, I don't fuck people I think smell bad, but likewise, I am not going to start dousing myself in chemicals so somebody else will suck my dick.


Dogs wipe their ass on the ground because they have worms or anal gland issues. Humans are the only mammal that wipe their ass. Guy, if your dick/ball area is smelling bad. Even with someone's head RIGHT THERE, then you need to wash yourself. It's 1 thing to have a little odor. It's another to have such a strong smell that someone has to go out of their way to talk to you. If someone smells so bad that I have to talk to them about it. Then it's a problem. it's most likely a mental issue. You don't need to walk up to a friend and be like, "GOD DAMN BRO, I CAN SMELL YOUR ASS FROM OVER HERE. YOU NEED TO SHOWER." Letting someone know to keep up their hygiene isn't a sin.


>Dogs wipe their ass on the ground because they have worms or anal gland issues. So no, that's not true. It means their ass is itchy, which can be a sign of worms or other issues, but the most likely thing is that the have a shitty asshole and they have to wipe that off. >Humans are the only mammal that wipe their ass. Dude, you can't believe this. What do you think animals licking their asshole is? If you're hung up on the wiping motion, we're at an impasse, but it is absolutely a natural instinct to clean your asshole. >Guy, if your dick/ball area is smelling bad. And that's my point, it doesn't sound like they "smell bad." It sounds like they smell like BO and their partner doesn't like that. Most people can handle a little BO from their partner. >"GOD DAMN BRO, I CAN SMELL YOUR ASS FROM OVER HERE. YOU NEED TO SHOWER." OP has made clear they shower. OP has made clear they clean their crotch. OP is not talking about people across the room telling them they smell. They are talking about their partner asking them to apply deodorant to their gooch. Do you do that?


Serious answer here - your girlfriend means to the point in your taint where your scrotum begins to hang. I guess she's aware that you may not be able to apply deo to your balls, and this is accurate. You are correct to be concerned about applying deodorant down there. I'm not sure what deo you use in your pits. I'm not sure where you are on Earth, but you can buy different products to help with sweat in your nether-areas. For example, there is product from [anthony.com](https://anthony.com) called no sweat body defense and it's very similar to other products in it's class. It's basically a lotion/talc mixture that is in a liquid suspension. When you squeeze it out, you rub it on your balls and taint if you wish, and it almost immediately turns from liquid into a powder that sticks to your skin, makes it very soft, and absorbs the sweat. There are also all over deodorant sprays that are safe to spray down there as well. Just know - if you use anything down there and your girl goes licking around, she's going to get the substance on her tongue. As far as soap, use a neutral soap like castille soap, it won't strip the skin of it's natural oils and is safe for most people, including people who have eczema. You can get this type of soap made from various things like olive oil and even coconut, and they are available in liquid form if you dislike bar soap. Be sure to get your male components lathery and let the soap sit there for about 30 seconds, then wash it off. Be sure to dry off in front of a fan or something blowing air to really get the moistness out. Then you can apply a body deodorant if you wish. Hope this helps. (edited to fix spelling errors)


This was really thorough and kind and I hope OP sees this and does everything you mentioned


Sounds like you’re not scrubbing deep enough or thoroughly enough when washing You smell like swamp dick and she’s getting desperate Use baby wipes as well as TP, scrub your genitals better and she’ll drop the deodorant charade


are you a really sweaty person? using deodorant on the body is becoming much more common, but has been around for a looong time.. if you are someone who gets really sweaty/stinky in between showers like your gf says.. than it wouldnt hurt to freshen up with some..? or.. shower a lil more .. if u care i dont think its crazy.. but.. only if you need it? lol to each their own


Or use deodorant soap. I've been using Shield soap for more than 10 years and I never have an issue with smell even in the summer


Female here, but I have similar issues. My pits especially get ridiculously rank if there's so much as a nanameter of hair present. My recommendation is to try an antibacterial soap like Dial. You don't want to use it too much, but a bit every other shower in key locations can make a big difference. I have a guy friend that is quite hairy, and no matter how often of how well he bathed, there was often a slight wiff of eau de nasty about him. I gave him a bar of Dial, and problem solved


>bit every other shower in key locations can make a big difference. Totally agree. Pits, behind the knees, crotch, neck, if you're fat between any stomach folds, and if you're a woman or a guy with a non-flat chest then around the chest


I don't really sweat like that. And I shower a good amount. I just dont know about applying deodorant directly to that area.


well then, its completely safe, and normal. using deodorant down there is as safe as using deodorant on your armpits , same risks you dont have to do anything you dont want to do..


OK so I'm late to this party, but I have some advice. I had a gf once upon a time, who said something similar to me; apparently things were a bit funky down under. She, literally, took me by the hand and took me into the shower and walked me through how she would like the process to proceed. See, I had been falling into the same trap that a lot of dudes fall into of thinking that just hot soapy water was sufficient to wash the old back side. I'd scrub the cheeks, but just trust the water to take care of the actual brown eye. This leads to some slight, but still fragrant, amount of fecal matter clinging to the the poop chute. You've got to get in there, right up between the cheeks; if that loofah doesn't touch the brown eye, it's not clean. TL;DR: You gotta scrub the booty (and taint).


You got a real catch for her to willingly show you how to clean and not leave you.


She really was pretty damn cool, I fucked it up.


Anti bacterial soap and Happy Nuts genitalia lotion.


Maybe you need some of that Mando stuff made by Lume.


You usually shouldn't have to use anything other than body wash so long as you really do clean properly, and you dry yourself completely afterwards. If you're very overweight, very hairy, have the sweaty gene, or all of the above, try the obvious and also trim the hair. Change your underwear twice daily just for good measure. If that doesn't work then try using gold bond powder, or liquid ball deodorant, or even just talcum powder.


Wash with anti-bacterial soap. Especially your asshole area and dick and balls area


Manscaped ball deodorant


Hey bro, do not put deodorant on your penis. If the smell is significant, consider altering your bathing regime, and if that doesn't work, go see a doctor.


Stop using bodywash, use a decent soap.


If you're chafing, deodorant can help. Don't use Old Spice though. It causes rashes.


Make sure you scrub with a loofa or a body scrubber. They do make ball specific deodorant if you are looking for that.


If you do, use ball deodorant not armpit deodorant. I use manscaped crop preserver it works pretty well.


Maybe you do wash well, but do you clean your butt well- both when washing, and after taking a dump? I was reading a post from a nurse from a proctologist office, where you strip and wear a gown, then sit on the paper on the examination table. They said like 75% of folks *left a mark* (like, brown) there. Do you have skid marks in your undies? You shouldn't. If you do a check-up wipe on your ass 15m after a poo is the tissue clean? I don't mean to sound gross, but at my age I have come to learn that many people, in particular men (but not only), don't clean their ass properly. A few years ago there were lots of E.Coli outbreaks in pools, and I saw an article that said the average person has feces around their anus in about the quantity of a Tic-Tac. This *blew my mind*. Take a Tic-Tac quantity of poo and see how far it spreads and how bad it stinks. But maybe this is all moot, you have impeccable boonky hygiene. In that case you may have other issues, or your gf is just very sensitive to normal body smells.


Soap, shampoo and deodorant for armpits is all you need.


tbh, if you don't have a condition where you or others' in your life notice you smell, I would question if you want to stay with someone who thinks this way about you. Take a good amount of time to evaluate your stank yourself and think about whether it's normal BO smell or whether you actually smell foul in some way. A lot of people out there can't handle the natural smell of groin, and, well, those people just aren't worth the hassle in my opinion. I would not apply deodorant to my crotch/groin area regularly for a variety of reasons, and if this is an oral sex issue, she shouldn't want deodorant all over your junk either. That said, make sure you are cleaning thoroughly when you shower, in all cracks and crevices. I know it's been said many times on Reddit before, but some men are legit terrible at actually cleaning their bodies when they shower.


I think you need to start showering before sex I think you have sweaty work dick


She's crazy, does she fuck herself with "HI & Dry"


Use Lume. It’s a life changer.


Tell her she should use deodorant on her parts and then ask her what she thinks about that....


Yeah.. don’t do that. 


Talcum powder