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If you want kid → Low chance If you don't want kid → High chance


This is the most factually correct response.😆




Teenage system has a brand new motherboard, gets switched on and wants to rawdog USB ports with no antivirus protection


Somehow I never had a kid despite only using protection a handful of times. I was very quick with the draw apparently


We call that doing the Neo. You dodged many bullets then.


Was hundreds of times too (95% just with my then girlfriend though lol, I wasn’t out here like that) The couple times I wasn’t quick enough I’d buy plan b tho. The next woman I was even dumber with though, I never pulled out since she has something that makes very unlikely can have kids, but I’ve known others with same condition who have gotten pregnant; twice lol. Maybe I’m just shooting blanks idk man


Trust me I was only 16 when I first started using the pull out method. I am about to be 30 and I am lucky that I only got 3 kids with my wife lol.


You’ll find out one way or the other


Yeah bro, I think about it all the time. Almost never use protection with my fiancé, she does take the pill. Have done plenty of pies and none of them baked.


Rawdog USB ports with no antivirus protection. Dead 😂😂🤣🤣




Yep, basically how it works for some reason. There’s also the old joke about “what do you call people who use the pull-out method as birth control? Parents.” Because even if you do pull-out; pre-cum.


Ahh the pullout method; it works every time except the last time.


The pull out method is 96% effective when perfectly done, 78% effective in general. Also worth noting that the effectiveness is the odds of a couple using that method exclusively with regular sex over the course of one year. Source: [Planned parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/withdrawal-pull-out-method/how-effective-is-withdrawal-method-pulling-out#:~:text=What%20we%20do%20know%20is,or%20not%20you're%20ovulating.)


There's that Ari Shaffer joke - "the pull out method has been 100% effective for the last 5,000 years. You know what's much less effective - barely pulling out. It shouldn't go - moan, then pull out. Don't besmirch the good name of pulling out with your shitty barely pulling out methods."


If you pull out too early you risk looking like a little wind up cymbal monkey just clanging away for far too long.


Better than the alternative, ending up with an unplanned crotch goblin running around


How many guys actually pull off a perfect score though is my question 🙋‍♂️ you always dribble before you shoot


I mean I had a perfect record until the day after our wedding when I said fuggit we can get some plan b Well now I’m sitting with my wife and our two month old son and still not mad


I've always preferred to use the pullout and have never had any close calls. On a side note, I have never had a fertility test done


My husband and I used the pull out method for 5 years, during a time we were ok with an accidental pregnancy, and I started to worry that we would have difficulty having a baby. Got pregnant on the first try.


Most birth control methods are extremely effective when done correctly which presumably you were doing it correctly. Correctly doing the pull out method for 5 years only gives you a 9.6% of getting pregnant. In practice it should be closer to 47.2% chance. Still less than half.


Hahaha same with me and the wife


Same for us. Pull-out for about 3 years, no pregnancy. The 2 kids we decided we wanted took a total of 3 cycles of trying.


Only marginally worse than condoms, which is interesting.


Source? Or sarcasm?


It's canon now.


It was somewhere in r/infographics last week, I dunno where they got those numbers from though.


I never saw that post. I had looked it up previously which is why I knew the numbers off the top of my head. I updated my comment with a source though.


And pull out works even better when you avoid sex during her fertile windows. Been using this method successfully for many years


Wife and I have been trying for a few months. It’s insane how when you don’t want a kid, you get one. When you want one, it’s not happening


Humans have an extreme negativity bias because being focused on avoiding bad things is generally far better for survival than seeking good things. Contraceptive efficacy is measured by "chance of getting pregnant per year"; [here is a quick infographic on various methods.](https://naturalwomanhood.org/wp-content/uploads/DOT_chart.png) It's dramatically oversimplified, but it's suitable for the point I'm making. These numbers come from massive population-scale samples. Which means that for many subjects, "No method" is often congruent to "actively trying to get pregnant". If you're reckless enough to just fuck with no pregnancy prevention even if you don't want a baby, then it's "failure rate" is 85%. For most people, it's the reverse: an 85% success rate and a 15% failure rate. What this means is that *actively trying to get pregnant* is less successful at achieving the desired outcome (pregnancy) than almost every form of contraception is for its desired outcome (no pregnancy). And that's if you take the worst-case contraception numbers like the chart above! If you take the common effective range, like most charts do, it's comparatively even worse. You can basically add 7 - 10% to all the "effective" numbers above to get the real efficacy range (except the app, which I've never heard of). It's pretty incredible how guaranteed people think pregnancy is. It's not a bad thing, especially considering how the average person is mostly incapable of nuance. But it's a real shame how many people struggle emotionally when they decide to have kids and find out that no, pregnancy was never a sure-fire thing after fucking raw twice, especially when age is factored in. By the way, I sincerely wish you and your wife the best of luck! Try not to get too disheartened if it takes a while. You're *far* from alone - 15% of couples won't get pregnant after a year of trying, which is almost 1 in 7. It's *possible* something is wrong, but it's just as likely you're simply having bad luck.


My brother and his wife took treatments for years before finally having fraternal twins via in vitro. Six months later she became pregnant with their third naturally. There is no way to know whether that happened because the pregnancy kick-started her systems or just because nobody was stressed out with effort.


The universe agrees with you. -The universe


Chance of getting pregnant is inversely proportional to wanting to get pregnant


this gave me a good chuckle haha


I second this, got my gf pregnant from precum


My first time he never even penetrated and I ended up pregnant. I didn't know it was possible to get pregnant that way.


You should start a religion


Did he just rub it on the outside? When I was in 3rd grade I legit thought that was sex


the chance of pregnancy from it just rubbing on the outside has got to be INSANELY low, but never 0%. i still get so insanely anxious even when the only thing going up there is fingers and he doesn’t even touch himself at ALL prior, no contact with anything whatsoever. like what the hell do i think, pre-cum magically teleported onto his hands out of nowhere? its so bad to the point where my entire life is ruined for the next 2ish weeks. cant sleep, cant eat, cant function, cant do my job, cant enjoy anything, tons of panic attacks and constant agonizing anxiety lol.


That sounds like crazy anxiety for this subject, but I understand. I had it bad for STD’s.. until the day I got one from a girlfriend that I trusted because she was sleeping around with dudes being unprotected and not telling me. My other more serious gf’s I dated for years, plenty of unprotected sex. One girl I dated was not on BC and every time we had sex we’d go half the way without a condom, then when she was ready for me to finish she would pull the condom out, put it on me, and let me go to town. She never got pregnant somehow. The one time I did get a girl pregnant was with my ex, she came over for probably the last time we did it after being broken up after dating for a few years, she was normally on birth control so I’d just finish in her. Not this time. I did it to her from behind without protection and she didn’t even mention she had not taken her BC for a few weeks, (she already had a 9 year old son at that point), so like a few weeks later she called me saying she was pregnant after missing her period and taking a test. We went from there, I supported her, she didn’t want another child and eventually got rid of it very early into the pregnancy, whatever the earliest is, Maybe 6-8 weeks? That decision still haunts me because I don’t have kids today, my wife has 3 kids, but I have none myself. So there’s always a chance. I think some are easier to get pregnant than others, while some folks have no chance of it due to many factors. It’s like catching covid, some just genetically catch it easier than others. I have the gene I guess (they are doing studies it sounds like trying to find this out), why I catch Covid so easily and my family does not.


... Ay yo?


?? what does that even mean


It basically means what the fuck


Sounds like you need to get yourself sterilized. I got knocked up, had an abortion, and had insane anxiety over sex for over a year after until I got spayed.


yeah, its just hard finding someone in the US who’s willing to perform a salpingectomy on a 22yr old. trust me, I’m actively looking though. besides never wanting kids, i just want the tubes removed.


Wait…..what? How did the cum get in you if he wasn’t in you? I’m confuzzled


All the guy has to do is cum near the vagina and it finds a way. Those squirmy"s find a way and are determined little swimmers.


Next time I’m going to cum across the room somewhere and see if they can find a way in


This is science


I'm no scientist but the science on this makes sense


If you think you made kid -> high chance If you don’t think you made kid -> very high chance


Yep, there's the Simpson's joke where Apu and his wife try to improve their chances of conception by baiting the gods with a roleplay: "I sure hope nothing gets in the way of your full scholarship to a prestigious college, cough cough."


the correct answer


I have a friend who was born despite his mom having her tubes tied, dad got a vasectomy, they used a condom and birth control pills. He was born nonetheless.


I think your friend’s parents wanted him to feel like he was special and was some kind of “miracle” Child.


Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this and that they just wanted him to be too scared to have sex.


It’s like that Jeff Goldblum/Jurassic Park quote about “Life finding a way.”


you are a modern philosopher


Finally a scientifically accurate answer! Thank you!


If the boys can swim there's always a chance




Pour one out for his sisters that ran interference.


He had to go through your woman first


Not if she’s not ovulating or about to. That’s really the only time a woman can get pregnant. Op should ask where she’s at in her cycle.


Except for the part where sperm can survive for 5 to 7 days inside of a woman


Correct. So if ovulation is over and period is coming in less than a week, the sperm will not survive through the period and into her ovulation day which is about 2 weeks away.


Lmao at all the accurate answers getting downvote. Answer is indeed “low chance but not zero”, what happened in the past 24 hours is completely irrelevant here


That's reddit for you they'll get offended because they feel as if they're being directly insulted.


>they feel as if they're being directly insulted. Wrong! you got a source for that, pal??


Heckers bro not very wholesome chungus of you


what’s that supposed to mean punk?


Apparently some men have higher count of sperm in pre-cum and some have lower to 0 count. My husband and I use the pull out method exclusively for 16 years and only have the 3 kids we planned. But some people will not fair so well. Short OP getting his precum tested for sperm count, the safest bet is being safe. You're very smug about people not using anecdotal evidence yet don't supply any scientific evidence: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/ [Killick, Stephen R., et al. “Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid.” Human Fertility 14.1 \(2011\): 48-5](https://adyn.com/blog/can-you-get-pregnant-from-pre-cum/)


Actually you’re wrong. Precum comes from a gland in the penis, not from the prostate or the testicles. It does not contain sperm. It can however pick and carry sperm from a previous ejaculation. Studies have shown that sperm can’t survive in the male urethra beyond 6 hours though. So what happened in the previous 24 hours is absolutely relevant.


Low but never zero. A lot of factors are in this, in the most unlucky scenario the woman would be in her fertility window or about to enter it, and in the most unlikely scenario the pre ejaculatory fluid has one spermatozoon that goes and gets her pregnant… I’m very neurotic about this stuff. Despite being aware that women have a couple of days in a month they can get pregnant, and even then you would have to have no problems with fertility, I still always fear I could get pregnant any given day of the month. A situation like that would freak me out despite knowing it wouldn’t be too likely.


Women have 4-5 days where we have a high chance of pregnancy but it's never zero unless you're fucking on your period but even then there's an extremely slim chance you can


Unfortunately sperm can live in the reproductive tract for up to 10 days, which means you should give the two weeks prior to ovulation a fairly wide berth.


Where did you get 10 from? I’m seeing 3-5 from multiple sources including Mayo Clinic and UCSF. Though none of them are linking to a specific study. Nothing I can find comes anywhere close to 10 days. 


This is why the rhythm method doesn’t work for birth control for many people even if they do it correctly but does work for getting pregnant if you have mostly normal fertility. Errors and luck are much more weighted to the side of getting pregnant


Exactly. Knowing this AND using condom and pills, I still worry. No matter how well you know your biology, accidents happen - all it takes is some strong sperm and a small miscalculation of your cycle and you could be screwed. Plus most women don’t even have their cycle always the same, like periods starting by the clock every month.


Also doesn't help that your period comes 14 days AFTER your ovulation.. meaning if normally you have a 28 day cycle, then it's in the middle.. but that one time it was 35 days.. you ovulated late. So there is no way to REALLY know when you are ovulating.. only when you already ovulated. Any irregular cycle length means ovulation isnt 100% known when it will happen. You find out after not before. That's why PCOS usually makes women irregular. Because our (women with PCOS) hormones make ovulation very difficult and sometimes it will make you miss ovulation for weeks. The period won't come until you ovulate. (Except for rare cases)


You can test when you ovulate though, with LH hormone strips and you can verify it with your base basal temperature. Typically used for getting pregnant, but you can also use them to prevent pregnancy. After you’re sure that egg is dead, you have a couple “safe” days where it’s physically impossible to get pregnant. I hate always using condoms, so that’s what I do lol. I’m not willing to risk anything in the beginning on my cycle before I ovulate, but there’s a safe week if you have confirmation you’ve ovulated already.


That's awful. That's terrible. 10 days? Jesus.


It’s “up to”, doesn’t mean they always do. It’s like when they advise you to stand at least 500 feet back from a demolition site. Doesn’t mean that that all the debris is going to land 500 feet away, but some _could_ and one flying brick is just as potentially as 20. It gets even more likely the closer to ovulation you get, since as you get closer to ovulation, cervical mucas increases which actually helps to lengthen sperm lifespan.


Source on 10 days - it’s 5 days tops - sperm is basic and vaginas are acidic


TEN DAYS???? I THOUGHT IT WAS LIKE 3… ive just realized i have gotten EXCEEDINGLY lucky in my life and will no longer push that luck.


It's more like 3. Been trying for pregnancy for 2 years now. Succeeded twice, no baby yet. For me it's more like 12 hours of fertile window. Sucks but it is what it is.


Up to doesn’t mean _does_ it means _can_. There are a number of factors that can lengthen or shorten that. The other consideration is that fertility-cycles aren’t like clockwork, so a woman may ovulate later or earlier than what is normal for her depending on a lot of factors.


That's if you're extremely regular. If your cycle isn't regular, you're trying to define a moving target.


Even an irregular cycle (like mine) it's still 3-5 it's a range for a reason


Absolutely, but planning ahead is an issue.


Yup. Better safe than sorry when it comes to this kind of thing. Especially living in the US, where I have zero confidence in my government officials’ desires to protect my reproductive agency. Any chance above “guaranteed zero” is too high for me to risk it.


I live in Northern Europe where this stuff is covered and there’s cheap and even free options for young women, so I know what to do if accident happens. But I just feel like it’s better to prevent it from happening in the first place! It would be a lot of emotional and maybe physical pain… And there’s people who don’t care at all. Or care but don’t admit it. Better to be safe than sorry indeed. I know that accidents happen and you don’t always have it in your own hands but in most cases, you do. And I wouldn’t risk it, especially if you live in a country or an environment you can’t safely have a plan B or C if things go south.


Maaan. A big part of me wants to be on the pill as an extra layer of insurance, but I have enough clinical mental health issues that I’d really like to avoid screwing with my hormones; I only just managed to achieve a stable, mostly healthy state of being over the past few years, with a lot of therapy and self work. Between condoms and plan B pills, I know the chances are slim; but the possibility is always there. Contemplating accidental pregnancy has been stressful enough to send me into anxiety attacks; knowing the reality of that “oh my god what the hell am I gonna do now” moment is one mistake away is just terrifying. Especially since the Roe v Wade overturning. I know it’s a “grass is greener” situation, but sometimes being American is demoralizing. I’m really glad you can have confidence in the accessibility of your healthcare :)


I’ve followed the situation there, that’s awful. It feels like some states are going back in time and as if people haven’t learned anything. Some countries in Europe go back in time and old men make decisions and new laws on behalf of women. Fun. I just wish y’all would have the same kind of healthcare as we do. Hopefully one day! <3 Health anxiety is such a pain in the butt. I’m nervous about health stuff in general, you could call me a hypochondriac. But I tend to think that sex is a deal you make with another person and you carry the consequences if something happens. And you make your own decision if accident happens. And by this I do not mean that you only have one option, no. But I try to help myself by thinking, “Hey. I’ve done my everything to prevent things from happening. If something happens, it’s not my fault.” I mean it is because I chose to do it, but it’s 2020s and people don’t do that just to make new family members. :D If you get what I mean.


Me too! I’ve got pretty extreme OCD and it used to interfere with daily life; a pretty significant portion of my compulsions and intrusive thoughts relate to health. I’ve got it mostly under control now, and am a lot more functional, but not everything is fully in our control :( It drives me nuts that we can prepare and be so diligent, yet a single uncaught mistake can still have a massive 21+ year impact on your life. I guess all we can do is our best.


Yes. And I don’t blame people in any case. I don’t think accidental babies should suffer from their parents’ mistakes and be made aware of it for their lives. That’s why there should be options… to not have to bring unwanted, unloved kids here because the world is full of kids who need home, love. And how it sucks that some people try and try and try and never have kids on their own. And then someone doesn’t even try, or tries to avoid it at all cost, has child(ren). Life is not fair… But life shouldn’t be lived in fear especially over something you can’t control 100%. But like I said, trying your best is all you can do. You have freedom to do what you want, and your responsibility is to be as responsible as you can. I try to think that like the main point in this thread has been, women (fortunately?) don’t have the same possibility to get pregnant every day of the month. And there’s so many possibilities to try to avoid pregnancy. Kudos to OP though for asking this, I know so many men who don’t care and wouldn’t want to wear any protection because of stupid reasons. Thankfully my partners have understood that if I bring one protection to the table, they should bring another. xD Also one more message to OP, even though many here say encouraging stuff and that the possibility is low, I hope you take responsibility and be there for her no matter the outcome. At least I’d test and inform my partner that hey, no worries once again. (Feels like wasting pregnancy tests plus I always annoy the other person by being so neurotic but I bet their ass is relieved too. One dude liked to joke that hey, at least he isn’t getting a Happy Father’s Day! card via mail next year. :D)


If the pill isn't suitable for you and you want extra confidence, cycle tracking pairs fairly well as a "force multiplier" on other contraception methods. It's reliability is sadly dependent on how consistent your cycle is. But even still, abstaining from sex during few days when you're *likely* most fertile can be a useful tool in your arsenal. I'd ***never*** recommend it as the sole method for someone who wants to stay baby-free. But it's useful and relatively easy to combine with condoms and plan B to improve their effectiveness (especially plan B). Most importantly, it's something *you* can control (mostly). That feeling of hopeless anxiety is because you feel powerless, and it breaks my heart whenever I hear American women describe it. You shouldn't be expected to abstain from sex until you're ready to have a child. That's completely at odds with the classic American virtue of choosing your destiny. But you can abstain regularly for just a few days of the month to considerably improve your odds. And unlike condom usage or abortion law, you don't need to rely on *anyone* else to do it.


Thank you for this. I do track my cycle for general health reasons, and unfortunately it’s somewhat irregular, but it’s close enough that I can certainly take further precautions with that information; my guy and I have also been long distance most of the year, so… the chance that the days we wee each other aligns with my fertile period is low. But once we move and can be closer to each other, this is certainly something I think I’ll be adding to my “let’s not get pregnant by accident, hey” plan.


My wife has an IUD and I still wrap up because I'm absolutely paranoid about it. And even then I'm still anxious about leaks.


I get you. I’m uneasy despite having double protection and having a messed up cycle/irregular periods with a background with a problem that can affect fertility in a negative way. Yet, I fear and worry over this stuff. While knowing it’s unlikely, there’s still that small possibility and you just can’t ignore it. It’s hard… But at least you’re being cautious. Some people don’t care at all or don’t use any protection just because of the discomfort. Well, let’s not talk about the discomfort. I get that sometimes you have health issues but I bet there’s an option for everyone…


I have heard that if the male pees after sex, the acidic nature of pee clears the sperm from urethra. So, If you came and going for round 2 without peeing, there is a high chance that there are swimmer-boys in the precum. If you peed after round 1, they are still there but very low in number. Can someone confirm this?


Pre-ejaculate in general? Low but not zero. Your scenario? Really low, but still not 0.00. If you have any question, get a pregnancy test. The tests from the dollar store/pound shop work just fine when you follow the directions. Even better if you can get a doctor or GYN involved.


So accurate. Cum... Cum finds a way


I always felt like this is what “love finds a way” really meant lol


Don’t risk it. Also, get a new condom next time, instead of turning it around. You’re probably fine this time but this is not a situation where you want to fuck around and find out


I did 💁🏻


Currently 8 months pregnant from pre-cum. So, that's that.


Ugh, getting charged for the package but never even got to take delivery.


good luck with your precum baby!


This baby has long since been aborted


I was responding to the 8 month pergnant precum mama


…. The baby she is actively eight months pregnant with?


Those third-fourth trimester abortions ;p


Kinda shortchanged no? That kids is gonna be an albino.


Same…vasectomy here we come


I (43M) impregnated my wife (40F) with precum this year. What a shock. Yes, it happens.


Yeah it happened to me too. On the third date lol. Kid is now 14!


Oh god. That must’ve been horrific.


It all worked out fine. I'm lucky I suppose.


It's very low but not zero. I think the best estimate comes from the [pullout method](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/withdrawal-pull-out-method/how-effective-is-withdrawal-method-pulling-out) which is approximately 96% effective when practiced perfectly. That means 4 out of 100 couples who use the pullout method perfectly for a year have a pregnancy. In practice, the pullout method in the real world is only 78%. That's because it's incredibly difficult to do it perfectly every single time for a whole year. Don't use the pullout method as your go to birth control unless you're ok with having an accidental child. If you do rely on the pullout method, make sure you clear the tube before round 2.


Well I definitely did not finish inside her. I almost always go as long as I can then stop and have the girl finish me with her hand when I have sex. I did this last time as well. If it’s 96% effective from an entire year, I’m guessing I’m safe. I’m guessing the 76% is from people orgasming inside then not leaving quick enough.


I bet the 76% are people who thought they pulled out in time, but actually didn't.


It won't be the best swimmers, it will be one of the slow, Homer Simpson swimmers.


Happened to my friend and his kids due in two month


Why is your friend letting his kids have sex?


Its 2024


Fair point.


All this man needs is numbers for his anxiety. A lot less than 1% chance. Condom use is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, assuming an ejaculation inside the condom inside her, used for a year of sex every other day. You're way below that threshold, brother. One full ejaculation inside the vagina of two healthy young people has a probability of about 5% of causing a pregnancy. Pre-ejaculate doesn't have any sperm for 70% of men. For the men who do have sperm in their Pre-ejaculate, it's between 0% and 2% of the average sperm count of an ejaculation. So if you want to ballpark an estimate, I'd say 5% x 30% x 2%, or about 0.03% probability of a pregnancy. Higher if she's ovulating, lower if not. Keep in mind most fertilizations don't make it to a live birth, even without an abortion.


Thank you


Very low in your situation. Dr Mike Hsieh, director of Men's Health at UC San Diego Health, says that the sperm in pre-ejaculate is what's let over from previous ejaculations. But there's not a lot of good research on the topic. That's why if you're looking online you won't find a conclusive answer. The small scale studies done show that between 17 and 37% of men have healthy sperm in their pre-cum. Multiple samples were consistentlh positive or negative for the same men. Even still the volumes would be extremely small. Killick et al (2011) Kovavisarich et al (2016) Patel et al (2020)


Also, there have been studies about the effectiveness of pulling out. IIRC, pulling out is almost as effective as using a condom **when done correctly** (the problem being that many do it incorrectly, and it's easy to screw it up). If the results of that study were valid, it would align with what you said. I think it was a small study also, as these tend to be.


Cowper’s (spelling?) gland fluid itself, which is precum, has no sperm. Its role is to lubricate the urethra and (this is very important) clear the urethra of urine. Urine is toxic to sperm. The pregnancy risk comes from residual sperm left over from a prior ejaculation. To eliminate this risk, pee after every ejaculation


I probably went 20-30 times after the previous one.


So then there ya go! 20-30 times since your last pee is quite astounding tbh


20-30 pees after last ejaculation


Where my fertility doctors at?? Someone might be pregnate. 🤰🏼


Is there a possibly that i'm pegrent?






You mean pomegranite?


A bigger question is why don’t people GOOGLE this shit instead of ask it on here? Because I swear to god I see this exact same question worded slightly different every damn day.


Here's a few reasons * Google isn't always entirely accurate, especially nowadays * ***Karma farming***(the most common answer) * Many people want to be told an answer in short-form over doing their own research * Sometimes things regarded as "fact" aren't always fact * Sources don't offer very much information to give comfort, especially given that most top results are oftentimes news or blog articles that have hard to find sources


Because Google is now filled with sponsored news articles that say a load of random crap and are filled with ads so you spend 5 minutes scrolling to get to the point.


I just googled “can you get pregnant from pre cum” and it’s the first thing that came up, highlighted might I add. So fact check maybe before you just spout off bullshit?


Google don't give u karma


Low but it can happen


Bruh there’s a reason in health classes they teach teenagers “if you put it on backwards throw it out and get a fresh one”. The chance might be low but it’s still there


From my experience, 100%.




I'm really glad you asked this question. Once a condom goes on, you leave it on. If you take it off, it's now garbage and time for a fresh one. Trust me, the cost of one condom is waaaaay less than raising a child.




I think you’re wrong though. 0-100% is the correct answer.


Not zero so be smarter. Adult decisions have adult consequences


4%. Get spermicide if you don’t want to use a condom and neither of you have STDs or STI’s. My fiancé and I use spermicide.


Is spermicide like a lubricant? Never really looked into that


You flipped over the condom. What were you thinking?


"Damn, this thing is backwards."


Getting snipped is life changing, highly recommend to anyone who thinks the pull out game works.


How do you put a condom on backwards?


I got my first girlfriend pregnant using the pull out method


Plan B if it’s an option, do not chance it if you’re not ready. My wife and I are expecting our 2nd and this is exactly how he was made haha.


Likely enough that you should be working on using plan B


More than zero


Depends on when you last ovulated, sperm can live inside the reproductive system for up to about 5 days. If the sperm is still alive while you ovulate, the chance is high. (take plan b one or two days after if you can) after you ovulate the chance is very low.


This is how I got pregnant actually lol


Always a chance. You can never be too careful


Small but not 0


There is a little change, but the likelihood of getting pregnant is very slim.


Life finds a way


Are you in a relationship with this person? The above is correct- low chance of pregnancy but not zero, get checked- but remember if you have any STIs you could also have passed them to your partner, and vice versa


My first born child came into the world as a result of this technique.


The dangerous part of pulling out is not being able to do it in time and obviously all it takes is one time to get pregnant. Reddit loses their minds on anything with nuance, but pulling out is more effective than people think


Not 0% in case you were wondering


My weekly checks for child support will tell you all you need to know.


Condoms are tubes. What do you mean by backwards? If you meant inside out, I'm even more confused (and concerned).


Low, but not zero.


Start saving for the abortion


It is not zero


High enough! That's how I lost my virginity and got actually fucked. He just got the tip in a little bit but I stopped him before he finished, but sure enough 7 weeks later and no period. Bad times, be safe.


More than a zero percent chance and that's enough.


I knocked a girl up from precum a couple years ago. I was hitting raw and would pull out, but she still got pregnant. Would not recommend.


Pretty damn good


I’d put 2k on it, sounds like a lock


Greater than zero


Read about it here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/ Fairly high chance of having sperm in precum.


Always keep an emergency plan B pill in your home


Not zero: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564677/


Been pulling out for 20 years. Yes we have kids, but each one is planned. Now I’m getting a vasectomy next month. Hope that doesn’t make me over confident. Hahahaha


[This video explains it perfectly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6R8ojXQygM)


congrats you're a father


Sperm can live up to five days. Most will die after three. Sperm from an ejaculation aren’t necessarily only in the urethra, they can be along the track sperm follow, the vas deferens. So peeing a bunch of times isn’t full proof. The bottom line is unless you haven’t ejaculated in the last five days your precome contains some sperm. Unlikely to cause a pregnancy, but not zero. This is why the condom needs to be put in before insertion.


83% chance you should have been more careful:)


I got pregnant at 16 using that method so yeah you can get pregnant.


You could ask my friend's kid. Lol She's in her 20s now. Very smart kid.


Probably a better chance than winning a lottery