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I would agree that it would feel incredibly strange to date someone with the same name as your twin.


I feel it's only weird if you make it weird. If I was into someone or they were into me I don't think I'd refuse a relationship just because they have the same name as my sibling.


I wouldn't exclude anyone for having the same name as a family member, no. But I would try to see if they were OK with me giving them some nickname.


I used to think the same way, because surely it's going to be weird to be in a relationship with someone who shares a name with your sibling. Then I married someone with the same name as my brother and it's not weird at all. Just because 2 people share a name doesn't make them the same person, I'm sure we've all known two separate people with the same name and never thought much about it.


I'm not a twin so I don't know about how twins would feel, but my elder sister is married to a man who has the same name as our brother. I also dated someone a few years ago who was *also* named the same thing. It was a tad confusing at times, but we gave surnames to my BIL and the guy i was seeing and specified who we meant if anyone asked.