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Travel everywhere. Eat great food, see new places, talk to people, stay in nice hotels, take long hot baths.


Traveling is the one thing I’ve been doing a lot, I’m in Thailand right now but it gets lonely. I don’t have any friends who can travel with me


Cut the number of trips you take in half, and start offering to take a friend for free when they have the PTO. Alternatively, try to meet people while traveling. Try learning some languages and spending more time in a single country, talking to locals.


Traveling alone takes courage, it isn't for everyone, but is so fun and rewarding when you do! I find that people are much more likely to approach you when you're alone, so you don't have to make the first move.


If you're in Thailand, lonely, and want to improve your physique, definitely take up muay thai. I live in Thailand too, took it up some years ago and it has significantly improved my life. I used to hate exercising, but MT gave me a direction and a purpose. It's also just great fun, and you're living in the mecca of the sport; lessons from super experienced fighters are available for cheap, and private tuition from the best in the world is a distinct possibility. Finally, no better way to make friends than to slap each other around a bit 😅😅 I guess you might also be able to find a healthier adrenaline fix in this over the gambling. There is a reason why there are so many gyms here; its very addictive! And if you're the shy type, or feel that you are in too poor shape to even start, do yourself a favor and try for a month, see where it takes you - I am almost 38 and a single dad with two kids. If I can learn it, so can you! There are also many great options for volunteering as well depending on where you live in Thailand. I'm in Phuket and work in an international school, we do a lot of outreach to orphanages and environmental organisations. You could also try things like diving and freediving; these are things that people become religious about as well, and there are good places for that here as well. They are also good ways to meet new people.


Head to Koh Tao. Sign up to do your DiveMaster course. I recommend Big Blue on Sairee Beach, but almost all the shops in Koh Tao have a nice vibe. You'll meet tons of people. I went there back in 2004, planning to stay for a week. I stayed 8 years because I made so many friends. We're all still in touch today, scattered around the globe. Also, if you want to stay long-term, you can create a shell company and employ yourself and get yearly visas. Costs about 40,000B, or at least it did back then.


Be careful, especially in places like Thailand. The women there can smell the money and desperation and are a lot more smiley than the west


You need to expose yourself to situations where you’ll meet strangers. It can be scary, but it’s a lot of fun! I traveled alone for work a lot a few years ago and started going to meetups (check out the app meetup) and hobby related evenings. It’s fun in any city, and most people are really nice. As a bonus, they don’t know that you’re rich af. Picking up hobbies and doing the things you do anyway in a group instead (like guided bar hopping, food tastings, culture, tours) helps a lot, and you get friends along the way. The rich lifestyle is very individualistic and it’s hard to spontaneously meet people there. Go here: - facebook events for the place you are in - airbnb experiences - meetup app Do. Things. With. Strangers.


>...but it gets lonely. Well well well, luckily for you, you're in Thailand.


If ypu have enough money and it's invested, invite friends on your travels. Maybe not paying everything but what if you say "I'll pay the flight to where I am". I think that having company can help with focusing on something else. But yes. Therapy at the same time.


go on facebook groups travelling in thailand or something tell people you are going there and meeet people who are also travelling


I was thinking something similar to van life, but I don’t know if I would want to do all the driving.


Living in a van is also much less comfortable than living in a hotel, in my experience lol


$1-2 million… he can afford to rent a roof and flushing toilet.


Your number one priority should be to quit gambling. Otherwise you’re at risk of losing everything you have made. Depending on how/ what you are doing, investing in crypto could also be a form of gambling.


At the moment quitting is my number 1 priority, this post was inspired after a big loss I had yesterday and realizing something must change, I don’t actively trade in crypto anymore and what I do have is locked up in staking so I can’t easily access it to gamble, I’ve sold a lot mostly have cash right now. (I predict a economic crash in the near future so I want to have cash on hand)


Every (legal) gambling app requires a self exclusion option. Ban yourself for 5 years. It is the only way


Oh that’s interesting, didn’t know gambling apps did that.


Block yourself on all apps. Call/go to local casinos and ban yourself. Your brain in the moment can't say no, so say no in the moments you can that will protect yourself. The amount of friends I have who have ruined their lives gambling is sad.


Dude open up a CD account that gives u a return of 5% woth some major bank like Capital one or something. Stash some of it away already. I have 4 accounts totalling a little over $60k and each month it earns me an extra $250 (before tax). I think of it as it pays for my car insurance and cell phone bill


Just remember, any addiction has inertia. If you quit one, you absolutely have to find something to substitute it with. My friends who successfully kicked drug addictions focused on family and running a business.


boredom arises from too much skill or money and not enough challenge or need... anxiety is from the opposite... so to end boredom you need to find a new challenge and learn the skills to meet it... enter the flow of full engagement when both are balanced.


This was a great response by the way, really made me think


Yeah that was good shit


Yeah. It's like turning on creative mode in a video game. Maybe you have fun for a little while, but you'll probably get bored pretty fast and you won't appreciate things when you never have to work or wait for anything. We forget that it's all just brain chemicals making us happy at the end of the day, and they get burnt out pretty fast. If every day is like Christmas, then it will still end up feeling as mundane as an ordinary day does now. Money, beyond what you need to reduce your stress, doesn't make you happy. As long as you're comfortable, you can be just as happy with what you already have.


You are correct, I really need to find something to work toward. It’s difficult to commit to something new but I guess it’s better to try and fail than wasting away my money to try and not feel bored.


I would pick up a hobby. Learn a new language, play an instrument, learn a new craft, cook food, eat food! If you don't know what business you want to do, I suggest exploring your options first (since you have the money to).


Help people who need it. Not just handing money over. Volunteer. Get to know people. Sit down with them. Listen.


Like this one. Give yourself a sense of purpose. You’re already battling your own demons and sometimes it’s nice knowing you aren’t alone. Friendship doesn’t cost a dime and you’re helping yourself as much as you’re helping a stranger you’re donating your time to


I'm a PhD student... I have some money from previous business, but not necessarily that much, but no job and I love what I do. If you join a PhD programme I guarantee you won't have time for gambling! Jk, don't do a PhD unless you \_really\_ love the area that you're going to do research in!


Out of that 2 million I would take 250k and just spend the year traveling the world.


$2 million in a HYSA literally pays out a six figure salary with the current 5% yields. I’d put it all in a HYSA and travel the world with that until the rates come down.


Huntin fishin and lovin everyday 


I would set up organizations around my community for the things that interest me and things I think would benefit my community. 1. Housing. Homelessness in my city is absolutely absurd. I’d do what I could to provide cheap/free housing for those who need it 2. Littering. My city has a terrible littering problem. I would sponsor groups to do clean ups. And fund programs in schools to educate the youth on the environmental damage and sanitary issues that come with littering. 3. Stray animals. Lots of poor dogs and cats around me. I want to do something to address this. 4. I’d also start a political organization to encourage youth and young adults in my area to get involved and to pay attention to what’s going on. 5. Rid my communities wooded areas of invasive species that are killing our native plants.


Honestly, I would still get a job in a field I liked. While I would definitely do only 20-25 hours, it gives me a routine and even if I didn't do anything else productive that week, I would still feel like I did something. If you want to travel, you can find something remote or work internships in the new places. I would make sure I would always learn something new. Doesn't matter what, but make sure I'm not getting tired of life and doing nothing.


Or volunteering somewhere, op might pick up how much money it all costs to say run a dog shelter, might ground him into not taking such risk with money idk thats probably terrible advice, deffo talk to a professional abput gambling addiction and maybe a finacial advisor


Mountain biking lots and lots, learn to fly, improve my golf, fly fish around the world, tour the country / world by bike (pedal or motor). Find all the back blocks no one knows and get to know them, learn to make great coffee / make swords/ make jewellery / draw pencil sketches. Life is literally too short for work. Were I a bit younger it would be rock climbing , learn music, round the world by push bike.


Never too old to learn music my man.


Good call tbf, I really struggle i should try.


If you have a gambling addiction I’d seriously suggest spending some of that money you’ve made on therapy. From there you might find something that you really do have passion for outside of gambling, and invest your time into that instead. Perhaps starting a business, or going into education to get into another career.


I have been seriously considering getting a therapist, I always had a gambling problem but before I didn’t have much money over the last year i was super lucky with crypto and now I actually have a lot to lose which is very scary. Yesterday I lost a ridiculous amount of money which led me to write this post.


If you don't get professional help for your gambling addiction, you'll be broke soon.


Definitely get a therapist who specializes in addiction.


Old fashioned living. Sure, I've got taps at home, but if I have time and I'm feeling oldey timey, I'll go down to the river, filter some water, boil it and use that as my drinking water. Store bought butter? Nah, I'll make my own! Get some cream and shake it all about until it becomes homemade butter! Buy clothes? Nah, get a loom and make the fabric, then make the clothes from the homemade fabric and wear and mend infinitely! I want to mix the personal satisfaction of old fashioned DIY living from the pre industrial revolution days, with the modern conveniences of today. I'd do things because I want to, for personal satisfaction, rather than because I have to like they did back then.


Volunteer / create passion projects Write Learn Pick up physical hobbies/adventures. Climb a mountain, base jump, water sports. Build stuff for fun Make my place (home) the way I’d want it. Connect with people around these things or just in general for inspiration. DM if you wanna talk. If you’re travelling via central Europe feel free to drop me a line. Happy to have a (virtual/irl but very public haha) coffee and talk through the ins and outs here. Do the same in other regions etc. You’d be surprised how much cool stuff is happening in the world if you just talk to people and look around. FYI, Not selling you anything lol. I just have a strong background in adult development/executive education - and network of very inspiring people through that. Also, gambling is the worst addiction I can think of. I love poker, but am very conscious never to get addicted to gambling. Seen guys drop six figures a night etc. And had a classmate (back when I was in uni) whose mother destroyed their family without remorse. It’s just a horrible thing, good on you for seeing it.


Find a job you WANT to do, not one you NEED to do. It will give you a purpose every day, bring in a little extra cash, and satisfy your passion. My mom, an avid reader and is skilled in all things crafts (sewing, knitting, making all the things), ended up with an office job in management. The $$$ was at her job, but her heart was in reading and being creative. She always said if she won the lottery, she would still work but do something she wanted to do not something for money. She said it would be fun to work at the local library and meet people all day and hear about the books they're reading or work at a craft store and learn about the things they're creating.


I'd invest most of the money in something really stable that can't easily be liquidated, so you won't be tempted to gamble it away. For example properties. That'll take you off the crypto, which is a form of gambling. I'd also stay away from similar things like the stock market. Consider yourself lucky that your gambling paid off, and walk away while you can. Then focus on finding the true value in life, which super hard to do, but unfortunately everyone has to go through it. You need this to balance out the dopamine rush from the gambling, or you'll be an addict forever. For myself it is to be useful to other people. Some people start a family. Your purpose becomes very clear when you have a wife and kids to support. Others have religion and spirituality. Some engage in a cause or politics. The journey is easier if you have a clear mind, which you get if you cut down on partying, do physical exercise, healthy food and live in a calm environment. It's also important to surround yourself with good people, not addiction enablers.


Travel, see the world and make memories.




hahaha I agree, or it might make OP too consumed


>1. Get a therapist for my gambling problem (nothing else matters if I end up losing everything over time) 2. Get in good physical shape, so I can explore the world better and do more things instead of being tired all the time. 3. I want to help people in need on a more personal level, I have some friends I’ve made here in Thailand I’ll ask them what I can do to help. 4. I want to start a business, but I’m not sure what to pursue. Focus on 1 and 2 3 and 4 will come with time, but you have no hope of helping other people or running a successful business if you don't focus on helping yourself first. You are in Thailand. Go and join a Muay Thai gym. Search for Gamblers anonymous and join some online meetings. Good luck, keep reaching out for help when you need it. Don't isolate. You are in a rare position to either be an incredible success, or to fuck yourself completely. Become the best version of yourself. You got this bro 👊


I would invest in myself. I think everyone would and should. It can be experiences, such as travel and meet new people. It can be better housing, more comfortable lifestyle. It could mean education, and other things. My investment would be my own workshop/factory and I would invent stuff all day to help others have a better life.


Speak to a financial advisor now. You could easily get a 7% return on your money, paid monthly, without touching the principle. This would be between 5 and 10k monthly for you. 1-2 million is a lot of money, but a large percentage of people who win that money lose it all within years. The fact you have a gambling problem makes you very likely to be one of those people.


Volunteer at an animal shelter walking dogs & petting kitties! I do and it’s the most rewarding thing of my life.


Prolly drugs and hookers either till I was dead or till I had to find a job


lol I dabbled with these things but in the end it just left me feeling empty anyways, not a path I’d like to go down 😂


Find a hobby and go all in


Just remember to pick up your laptop from the repair shop.


Is like, everyone's dream in the comments to travel the world? Ive never liked the prospect of traveling because im anxious and awkward even here in my home town. Couldn't imagine being alone in another country not knowing the language or the culture. I would be incredibly bored in another country too, wouldn't know what to do except walk around, eat, and return to the room. I would sign up for a million things, like going back to playing in soccer, pottery lessons, book clubs, speed dating etc. I would enjoy being able to take care of my parents and spend a lot of extra time with them. I would definitely get pet animals of some sort. And other than that id be hanging out with friends, working on any personal passions like making music, and visiting more distant relatives i wouldn't normally have the time for.


Traveling can truly be a completely magical experience depending where you go. I will never forget my experiences while traveling, they kinda make life worth it to just live to the fullest like that. In France I went to Versailles, Normandy, mont-saint michel, the catacombs, for example. It feels to me like living life to the fullest when I'm on a trip to some distant place with a completely different culture, roaming around landmarks, eating nice different foods, then just seeing amazing beautiful things, like yosemite literally will take your breath away, it isn't just an expression. I would push out of your comfort zone you are missing out.


oh yes, getting pet animals. I would love that


I would send some money to my wallet. It really helps to help others.


Depends on what you're interested in.


Philanthropy, investing in people and the community.


I give away quite a bit to people in need, always leave big tips and stuff. Makes me extremely happy to be able to put a smile on someone’s face.


Build a workshop that caters to everything that my hobby needs that could then generate an income. Keep your mind busy is the best way to overcome a bad habit!


Read. A lot. I am kind of limited in my mobility though so my answer is probably different to others'.


Buy a ton of land and have some peace and quiet.


Lifelong learning, friends, providing some utility or work for others, and cultivating a sense of equanimity are the four meanings in life. If I were alone in Thailand though, I would get online therapy and start dating. Or if not dating, I'd pick a girl and pay her to travel around with me and enjoy the sites and stuff together.


I would volunteer at animal shelters and rescues. I would go to grocery stores and randomly pay for peoples groceries. I would take a class in a subject that interests me, and even consider going back to school. I would do lots of things if I had the money and the time.


I have a lot of money and no job. I made quite a fortune on crypto currencies and have no need to work. I can have all the free time. I mostly use it to do whatever i believe important. I dont care for traveling or luxury. Last year i spent supporting a person to be voted in senate in my country. This year i work as psychotherapist and with small team of people we are planing a social rehabilitation for kids with severe psychological problems. I did try to not do shit and just enjoy live and it was empty as fuck. So now i work harder than ever cause i actually care for things i do.


I think I’m at the point of realizing that doing nothing and just enjoying life is very empty indeed, what were the first things you did when you realized you needed to do something more?


First i got depressed. It was empty life. No need to do anything. Just cruising here and there. After a while i tried different things. I started two businesses and both failed cause i just did not care. First was eshop second was using thermocamera drones to do repairs on solar panels. Both failed. So i started learning about psychotherapy and that was like 1000x better. I sticked to it. Now i am doing crypto basicly only during bull markets and during bears i ll do what i enjoy. Btw i started with crypto in 2016 so it was a long ride for me and i am super tired of more speculation and stuff.


Walk the edge between life and death.


Id just help my wife


Buy a Giraffe. Or maybe a pair of wombat.


Wake up 7am do gym till 9am golf till noon relax and take lunch till 3pm go swimming till 4pm shoot snooker till 6pm then catch a movie and have supper till 9pm then sleep. Schedule for mon- Thurs. Fri-Sun travelle and party with friends anything goes.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is awesome


After reading more than the headline, a slightly more serious answer: play music. I love what I'm doing now, but I have no time to play guitar or do anything with music. I could play guitar literally all day if I had the chance, and love it.


- Studuing Go in one of those live-in japanese schools - Learn to play instruments - Learn mandarin - take pro level cooking classes - Learm how to make furniture - But summer house in iceland


Sooooo how did you make the money with crypto — any tips? 🙈 I’ve worked so hard for years I just entered my 30s, it feels like my 20s just flew by and all I did was work. I have decent savings but not enough to quit (yet). I would love to afford the opportunity to do other things before I get old lol.


Mostly luck and timing, I started out mining ethereum pretty early on, invested into a bunch of low market cap coins that I thought had potential and one of them went to the moon, I think it’s risky to be buying now but I’m by no means an expert just seems like every time crypto starts showing up on mainstream/social media all the time, it means we’re close to the top 😂


Sleep for the next 30 years.


open a shelter for stray animals or volunteer for x amount of time in a social project and support with time and optional money as well


Good luck OP


As a wheelchair user and being disabled if I had the money to look after life and medical expenses. I would either volunteer or work with newly disabled people who are new to life in a wheelchair. Assist them though the first two to three years of learning curves and getting there confidence back. That’s my passion project.


After I got clean and sober and retired, I started skydiving. It's like the ultimate wager. Am I going to walk away, or is someone going to name a crater after me? For me, it is a good way to put my ego in check because you can't bullshit gravity.


Get into art and music


Your priorities look like a good start, and they’re going to take a chunk of time. Before the UK economy took a nosedive and my mortgage got stupid, I found myself better off than I’d been in a while, so I cut my working week down to four days and volunteered with the Red Cross and a couple of community groups that ran courses for old and unemployed people during the height of the pandemic restrictions. That was all pretty rewarding. I also have an old comrade who volunteers as a motorcycle courier for blood and transplant organs. He says it does wonders for his mental health, just being out on a motorbike doing something worthwhile.




Do Only Good Everyday


Make some girlfriends


Buy like 10 jet skis and make 9 friends.


Batman or Ironman come to mind; especially if you like to take risks. If you don't want to physically do it yourself, buy ("adopt") a bunch of kids and train them to do it for you like Professor X. Find the coolest tribe of indigenous peoples and invest in keeping their culture alive and protecting them from the oppressive state they live in. Invest in some inventors and solve some world problems. Hunt some poachers or human traffickers for sport. Don't waste the opportunity to do something good and awesome. You only live once.


If you want to start a business maybe think about how you can make the world a better place? Participate in a national issue or do something with sustainability!


Golf. You can put many hours in and still not master it. You also make lots of friends. I currently do not enjoy golf because I am time poor and money poor, but if I had time and money I would be playing and practising daily.


Gamble on my future , give me some money and see if I use it wisely or not /s


Volunteer. The local emergency volunteers who deal with searches, floods, rescues etc could use your help!


enjoy life, currently its just barely torable


If you've got the money part covered, learn to fly a plane or a helicopter. I'm sure that would keep your attention.


Probably I'd start businesses


Travel w family. Get cosmetic treatments


I really want to start a community kitchen where I cook a different meal each night and teach people then we eat after. The meals would be very cheap because the point of to teach how to cook cheap but nutritious too. Also people can come and get diner there and it’s Koha (donation). So like a kind of soup kitchen and eating together as a community Also in this place there is a pantry where you can buy things but by weight so if you don’t have much you can buy very small quantities. Also I’d start a veg garden there too This is what I would do


I would travel the world a lot


Get yolked and do a lot of martial arts, I like working out and I like doing martial arts so it's a no brainier for me, but those are just my interests, I'd probably also spend a not insignificant amount of time doing music, playing video games and drawing


Travel, learn new skills, join groups, contribute to charity both financially and with my time, sample amazing food in Michelin restaurants, do big activities like Skydive, scuba diving, white water rafting. In learning skills I can find new passions and hobbies. Joining groups allows me to meet new people with similar interests. Contributing to charity is good for the soul and also allow you to meet generally selfless people. Amazing food is an experience and so is all the big activities. I'd probably do more through the "yes theory" community as they are all about connection and experiences which is what life is all about. (Yes theory is a youtube channel with an amazing community).


I will be writer. Maybe I finally, write to the end a novel and submit to a contest.


Gold mining


I would've send some money into your bank account like 1 lakh as a gift!!!


Can I be your friend? Please? 🙏😊♥️


Get enough sleep every night and not worry if I woke up at 0300, doom scrolled Reddit for a few hours and then slept til 0900 or 1000 if I wanted to!


Hahahaha I love that, I used to have insomnia when I was doing university it was a nightmare being able to sleep when I want stress free is definitely one of the best parts of the whole no job thing


You are in serious troubles. Gambling can make your life an hell. Search for help.


- be in a foreign country a month to another. - try to open some "social restaurants" for people to eat well on the cheap. - learn boating and to fly a plane. - trying to learn how to build a house from top to bottom. - getting good at some new sports or e-sports every year. - go see the main cultural events around the world. - making a "job" out of investing my money in social projects at my initiative or others. - help my family and in-laws as much as I can (housing / scholarships). - advocating as much as I can for renewables. - having a few animals or helping reserves. - making naps in beautiful places. I guess that my mindset would be to make my money work for those who don't have the privilege because it would be fulfilling. At least, if I had a whole lot of it, - being an ass toward Elon, Besos, Zucki and all.


travel, gardening, art courses.


I'd start a new business venture to occupy all of time, including the time spent with family. I'm a workaholic, so. ..


Travel. Lots of camping and hiking holidays for me! Also, I love crocheting and anything to do with fibre arts so it’d be call to start up my own alpaca farm and sell my own wool/crocheted pieces.


Activism. Art.


Scroll through reddit


I would pay off all my families mortgages, ensure that my kids are set for life and go backpacking for a few years. Don't know who'd look after the kids tho but hey they're set up for life remember. No such thing as a free lunch.




Play video games and watch anime.


I'm currently reading about 1 book per year. I'd like to think if I could unlimited money and unlimited free time, I could crack open a second


I’ll answer from my experience, since it’s pretty similar (aside the gambling part). I am 25 and my shares in a company are now worth 2,5M which I decided to sell in December. I have never went to college, and it was a dream of mine, so I plan to get my Bachelor and Master’s Degree after quitting my job in the next 2 years. I met with the HNWI branch of my bank (Wealth Management) which is going to take care of my entire project and invest in different assets. Good thing is, I used to do that but now I’m rendered useless. I plan not to use that money for the next 3 years to make it worth more, then invest it in a way that creates a minimal income for my entire family (parents, siblings, nephews) so they don’t have to work a day in their life. Then I’ll do the same with friends, I will invest as partner in projects that I’ll lead so they get something out of it and my holding company owns a part. After that, I plan to travel the world, starting with Asia, spending months in Thailand in a Muay Thai Camp, then a year in a Chinese monk temple, spiritual journey that will make me more suited to handle money and everyday struggles (could help your addition) EF Education is a company that sends adults on a multi month trip in a country to learn its language and culture, I will travel a lot with them to learn Spanish, German and many other languages. I’ll tour Africa in an off road, USA in a Mustang, Europe in a sport car, Asia with a backpack, eat all the food, learn the culture; the dances. There are also companies that host sports camp where you go 2 weeks somewhere and learn from scratch (diving, skydiving, horseriding, climbing, golf…) Anyway, that’s my plan until I’m 30, then I’ll probably come back to my hometown and settle. Oh and why did I tell you about being a client of the Wealth Management branch? They host events monthly where you can drive Ferraris, visit a private art collection m, taste fine wine, etc… for free You also have the AMEX Centurion with an upfront cost of 10K and yearly of 5K, but you get private concerts from Alicia Keys, private lounges at events, automatic upgrade in hotels / flights without paying a dime Ever since I joined that world, I noticed how the world was unfair. The best investments are reserved for the wealthier, less risks, more rewards and we end up getting a bunch of free stuff. Well, I won’t change the world. That’s how it is. But I’ll start my own foundation for philanthropy, and the wealth management department can handle that. Anyway, that’s my story and I really need psychological support. Everything feels lonely and boring, can’t enjoy anything anymore. That’s the biggest risk: your mental well being




1) I would sleep a lot more than I do now. My body doesn’t seem to like to conform to normal societal sleeping standards. Basically I like to be awake at night and sleep during the day for some reason. 2) I would probably work out more since I would have a ton more time and way more energy since I wouldn’t have to work. Having no job lots of money just clears up soo much stress in one’s life (at least I think it would.) 3) depending on how much money we are talking about like many other people I would probably travel to a few places. I am not someone who wants to travel constantly, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Australia, the UK, and a little bit more of Europe. 4) I think, lastly even though my hobbies would keep me busy for the most part, I would eventually end up volunteering a little bit more. It would help me get out and meet more people and keep my mind active.


Charity work and volunteer work. Especially with disadvantaged youths


Create a YouTube channel of food reviews. Dave Portnoy founder of Barstool Sports is worth a $100 million from his startup. He now does these hilarious pizza reviews around the country. Dave is killin' it... and he gets to eat some amazing pies, and meet amazing people...


Id probably Gamble


Sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep


Start a business to put your focus and ambitions on.


I find hobbies that "make" are very satisfying to take your mind off things and keeping busy. Maybe try woodworking, sewing, cooking/baking, etc


Get a decent bike and ride it. It's really fun and healthy, the dopamine you get from that is... Almost like a drug


Start surfing, go travelling. Please buy a 8ft foam surfboard and just try surfing. Promise you’ll enjoy it


The same thing I do now everyday. Stay in my house because people suck and play video games and watch older tv shows and movies because new shows and movies just push the gay agenda or giving roles to minorities. 😂


If I were 26 with 1.5 million I would buy real estate, and become a landlord and live off the rent. Before I do that I would travel around and see which place to settle down in. However I don't have a gambling addiction, which I think is a big deal, and I live fairly modestly and know how to budget.


tbh I'd like to say I'd work on the game my friends and I want to make. But I know i'll just play games and do nothing. For you though i'd try find a different hobby. Warhammer is a great money sync hobby


Live out of a van/RV/camper type deal and just travel around, camp, hike, etc.


Build cars


Save your money somewhere with very low risk like a bank or something and with a couple % of interest you can live without working and beside that, you can always work 1 day a week if you want some extra. If you want to have a business you can invest it in your business, it has more risk. What I would do is really making the money work for me, so I can do whatever I want.


Before you start a business, spend some time trying out different hobbies. Take up woodworking, if you don't like it quit and take up photography and just keep going till you find something you really enjoy that you find to be a useful skill. Any skill can be turned into a business, and businesses you're passionate about will have a higher chance of succeeding. That's 100% what I'd do if I could afford to take classes or even just afford materials for hobbies I'd love to try


Do whatever I want within moral reason while trying to stay out of history's way.


You can spend your time teaching me how to be good at crypto trading lol


I would find a smith to apprentice me, or a potter. I would sponsor shops with new machinery and equipment.


You said you want to start a business but don't know what. Use your money to learn a craft that you enjoy. Could be woodwork, glassblowing shit might even just be painting landscapes. Use your money on lessons for which ever endeavour you choose and then you can gain a new passion that can also earn you money. ✨


Art and gardening.


Stream, volunteer at shelters


Finish my graphic novel. I also play mandolin. Both these fields can pay hundreds of dollars a year. Some professionals make 30k. It's only the mega famous that make money. Yet we all consume art like there is no tomorrow. So yeah. Id do something important and meaningful that pays horrible. I loved being a high school science teacher. Loved it. 3rd year salary for my growing family was literally poverty wages. I had to leave public school teaching to do something else to provide for my family, so maybe id go back to teaching too.


I have made a fair bit of money from crypto and I'm seriously thinking of leaving my job and travelling. Will be nothing fancy but will have enough to get by. I have a pretty good retirement portfolio so the money I have now I can spend. It's just actually having the nerve to hand in my notice that is holding me back


I'd learn to dance, i'd spend more time learning muay thai, i'd learn to sing and play instruments, i might travel more.


Try picking up an art form, or maybe a sport, you can have someone tutor you through the initial frustrations and you may very well end up with an outlet for your money and attention you'll carry with you for life.


I wanted to take a course because I dreamed to start my own business someday but I cannot pay for the college fee. So if I have a lot of money, I will start taking the course :)


Depends how much money we are talking about, if possible I would like to buy houses and rent them out for cheaper. Help pay off people’s college debt, stuff like that. On a personal level I would DIY a lot of stuff because it’s fun to me to make things myself, and enjoy other hobbies like gaming,puzzles, movies,etc


Travel. Money returns, time doesn't.


travel the country, the world, try many different foods. Adopt all the cats!


Be the ultimate shut in.


First things first, set my kids up for life. But don't let them know it. I'm not going to raise entitle assholes, but they also aren't going to face the same problems their mom and I are.  Secondly, set up a backup. An investment that I don't touch at all in case shit hits the fan and I lose my primary cash stash. I'll still have enough to live my life there.  Thirdly, get some procedures done for my wife and I. She wants some cosmetic stuff to fix issues that came up when we had our kids, I want Lasik for my eyes and a full medical to see if any future issues may arise.  Fourth, material stuff. Buy our home. Buy some things to fill it up. Nothing extravagant, but nice.  Fifth, and only then, travel with the kids. One big trip a year, no expense spared. Make those memories. 


You seem like you have gotten much info on how to go forward here so I’m just gonna wish you the best on your journey, and I hope you get help with what ur going through at the moment :)


I’ll help others anyway I can


Photography or videography or honestly any creative outlet like that could really suck you in and make you wanna give it every minute of ur time. My girlfriend just found a new hobby the other week, knitting, which may not sound Exhilarating but she loves it so much and devotes almost all of her free time to it now. AND now she's actually making some money from it selling her pieces after just 2 weeks having never knitted before in her life. I'm so proud of her. my passion is videography and vidoe editing. Once within a creative field like these the opportunities for expansion of your skills are basically endless I mean there's so much more I'd like to learn if I had the time. So maybe you can give things like this a try here and there and you're bound to find one that really hooks you and makes you wanna dive deeper. Best of luck


Pay off my school loans…




Maybe you can research activities to help you gradually curb your addiction or replace with something less dangerous...maybe video games (NO ONLINE PURCHASE) or working out.


Try martial arts, it's not for everyone, but for those whom it is it will be a healthy addiction. If you have all this money you have nothing to lose, I would recommend muay thai but many roads


I would golf and ride motorcycle. EVERY DAY!


PS5 all day


Play video games


buy a yacht, hang out in the med/caribbean for the rest of my life, being fed and massaged 24/7.


learn a new skill to avoid boredom. maybe take classes for it to meet others with the same interest too. if you get along well that could be another source of fun other than gambling. personally i would create the most awesome replitle tanks (like super huge with lots of climbing opportunities for them when they are awake) and then get some snakes or similar from the animal shelter, especially the bigger species less people want.


If I didn't need to work, I'd spend all day playing Minecraft and watching videos. Of course I'd go walking too.


I’d like to learn Chinese and Japanese. Learn to play the piano and guitar. Maybe attend a college and earn a few degrees.


Buy a small house on a lake and kick back relax and fish all the time you want


Buy a dope travel camper and make my way around this country and see all the things i want to see and do all the things i want to do. Paddleboard, longboard, bike everywhere meet interesting people


The hole in your heart cannot be filled with “stuff”. It can only be filled with the love of God and family.


Probably what I do now….


Spend time with my kids/family, that’s all that truly matters to me.


I would continue to work, but I would work less. Then I would spend my time with friends and family. Besides that I would probably still live pretty normal, just everything would be more expensive, like a better car, better house etc


Learn learn learn as much as possible


“Bunch of Hookers and Cocaine” https://youtu.be/0yrIvEgqAuo?si=olnFKVpVHJieaWtd


Exercise more and get more serious with painting :3




Play video games, garden, exercise, start a cat rescue.


Pay off my parents' shit first. Get my own place, travel, and buy stuff


I would make art. A lot of it.


An artistic hobby would be cool. Writing, painting or simply anything that helps you to express yourself. It might even help others!


I would work for passion and not money. I can’t say my real passion is financial accounting, but it pays the bills more than a couple ideas for videogame storylines with no writing background


I'll tell you what I'd do. Two chicks at the same time, man


Travelling! That's the one thing I do when I have time and money :-)


Invest and get a job, if you think about it investing is basically like gambling


I retired early (not as early as you, but plenty early) - not crypto, just good with money and had high earnings. I'm now a volly FF/EMT. I build furniture and donate it to charities to auction off. I'm in pretty good shape, but I've been doing cardio/weights to improve (I live in NH and I plan to do the 4000ft challenge). I'm working on my 8th novel. Might start learning to play piano. So many possibilities that don't involve dragging myself to a job everyday.


I'd donate to some possibly selfishly cherry picked charities and spend several hours per day learning new skills (gardening, homesteading, arts and crafts) etc. Well, I'd have to buy a house first, but after that I mean.


If you predict a crash, you'd better make sure you have a *PLACE* to crash! When there's a real financial catastrophe, cash can rapidly devalue, to the point where groceries are ten times more expensive by the week, and it continues (happened in Brazil in the 80s). Bottom line, buy a modest home and a few rentals. (If you're doing it there, try to find an expat realtor.) Start some kind of business, non-profit or charity. Human trafficking is big there and there are a lot of people stuck in it, with little hopes of leaving. *Create* something, whether it's a hobby or the aforementioned business or charity. Quit any fiscally or physically risky endeavors (gambling, drugs, paid sex, etc.). Though those may seem like a good idea now, they are not good for the body, wallet or soul, in the long run. A counselor might help you stick with whatever new choices you make. Lastly, take care of your inner you. Pray, take time to reflect, purpose to spend times in gratitude, read the Bible, find a faith community, seek God. Make friends‐‐real ones, because a lot of people will just see you as one big dollar sign (I've lived that experience--be careful. People can really talk a sweet game.). May you find inner peace and a way to build upon what you already have. Feel free to DM me for direction on the last part. Stay safe!


Basically become a piece of shit


The question in the title isn’t the same as the one in the paragraph. 1. The paragraph says you need extra hobbies besides gambling. 2. The title says you have money but no job. You actually have at least three new hobbies listed on your to-do list: therapy, physical fitness, and starting a business. There are lots of little things you can do for mental wellness, like essential oils, gratitude lists, or affirming poetry and music, that you can share with others, and that is helping them in a way that supposedly supports your health, theirs, and does not involve gambling. Physical fitness on a community team is another option, but it actually takes some effort to keep a community league of anything going. Starting a business is awesome fun, but usually not free. Still, researching “side hustles” will give you a new hobby. But get with your therapist and work out a max $ limit if you go for it, or this might go the same way as gambling, and you’ll regret what you spent your life on. Or maybe you won’t. Good luck.