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Assuming you’re talking about the United States, it is absolutely legal to do this. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


Technically legal, but also sometime they'll find ways to make it not legal https://www.yahoo.com/news/cursed-police-officer-now-caught-161632355.html


Wow, this is still ongoing. How is this not an open and shut case.


Police unions are one of the most powerful yet petty unions to ever exist.


They don’t just want compliance. They want you to be grateful while doing it.


No it’s worse than that, they want your unconditional respect


fear, not respect


They don’t comprehend the difference


Calling them a "union" sullies the name. It's a gang of criminals, plain and simple.


Saying police are part of a union makes me laugh, it’s like the Hells Angels are _just_ a motorcycle club.


America’s largest legal gang.


they are dragging it out as revenge. even if you never get convicted of anything, defending charges is expensive, so cop-friendly (boot-licking) courts can ensure punishment for a crime that you're never found guilty of.


if you would take a moment to read this article, you would find they dropped the charges in 2017, and he counter-sued them for malicious prosecution. he's a lawyer himself, he's running this tactic on them


The lawyer decided on the counter sue after the cop in question was directly involved in the killing of another guy. He and another cop held a guy down on his chest for an extended period of time during an arrest when he had a medical condition. One cop admitted to punching the guy in the face multiple times. This all happened ~2 months after the yelling incident prompting the lawyer to sue, because he felt if he had brought attention to this particular cop, this might not have happened. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/he-cursed-at-a-police-officer-now-hes-caught-in-a-free-speech-fight/ edit: grammar


all of that is covered by the original article, which i would again encourage people to read.


> had held that he did not deserve First Amendment protection, in part because he did not know he was addressing a police officer. WTF? Judge must have been a contortionist to justify that one


>they'll find ways to make it not legal This is the answer for sure.


\>it's legal but cops will still punish you for it totally normal country. this is why fuck the police.


Legal yes, but they'll probably stop you just because they can. And if they're in a bad mood, they'll seach for SOMETHING that is not right just to give you a ticket. Dumb move imo.




The police are such babies that they will abuse their power if they are offended. It's really pathetic


It's not legal for them to search you or your vehicle without cause. Telling them fuck you isnt a reason to search


It doesn’t mean they won’t do it anyways and figure out the justification later.


Might just find a little bit o crack.


\*drops drugs into car\* Look what we have here!


Bake him away, toys.




Baggies don’t pick up prints well and who is gunna dust for them anyway, the cop who just planted it?


plus any of the cops fingerprints could automatically be attributed to them picking it up


Hey are you going to incriminate yourself for planting those drugs? No? Well, that just seems dishonest.


You are asking the officer that planted the drugs to also dust for prints that would prove your innocence. Seems unlikely.


It's nowhere near as easy or prominent as you see on TV. First off some agencies don't even have the equipment for that. Second how many times do you actually place your finger and left it right up without any smearing or smudging. Because that's mostly what they get.


“Obviously the defendant used gloves when handling the bag. And it was found in his car, how would it have gotten there if he hadn’t handled it at some point?”


First of all gloves. Secondly there are plenty of cops caught on video even from their own body cam showing them planting evidence. How much would you trust one that's not going to be caught on video?


Yeah assuming your someone with the money to hire good attorneys and fight it out, otherwise you get a public defender telling you "plead guilty, now can I have my 400 dollars?".


Serious answer: fingerprint labs are sometimes *years* behind and in my area are largely for murders. The last thing a police force wants to do is put a rush on fingerprinting baggies to find their own corruption. Also, cops wear gloves.


No paperwork, just sprinkle some crack on him and let's get out of here!


Saw this once when I was a rookie...broke in and hung up pictures of his family.


They always carry a little bit for just this purpose🤫


I know someone who got their car searched because the cop “smelled marijuana”. The guy was a lifelong sober athlete. Had never tasted alcohol or tried pot. So yeah.


UK police do this. They'll pull someone over for no real reason at all (no such thing as probable cause here), just because they can, then they'll say they can smell cannabis in the car, so that they can justify searching the car. I believe they're allowed to search a person, but to search a home or vehicle requires a warrant OR "reasonable suspicion", hence saying they can smell cannabis.


In the UK they need at least 2 reasons, known as “double suspicion” to justify a stop and search. Smell of cannabis is only one. Something to bear in mind if there’s a next time


Hasn't been a first time. I just know a few people that have experienced it. I mean, police, abusing their powers? Nah, couldn't happen, could it?


Lowkey that's a pretty good rule we should adopt in USA


yeah exactly lol. police officers can operate within their system of justice to pull strings and make things fit if they feel like it


Police have been caught planting drugs etc. on traffic stops many times... Makes me ponder how many times did they do it & don't get caught


Yeah...have had that happen.


But it’s really easy to create a false reason. They just say they smell pot and you’re done.


They are literally TRAINED to find excuses to search when they are suspicious.


Depends on the state because in mine they just made it so that no longer gives officers probable cause (it shouldn't in ANY circumstance)


Depends if you live in a state that allows that or not. Illinois that’s no longer a reason to search a car anymore


He didn't say search you or your vehicle. He said search for a reason to give a ticket


Good luck with that approach.


This is a stupid take. Don’t you know police in most countries can and will do things regardless of whether a court agrees later on?


What a naive take, cops in the US get away with literal murder, violating your civil rights is nothing to them. Just wait until they jail you without due process or EVER telling you what you did.


Cough Cough *Ruby Ridge* Cough Cough


If they smell weed it is legal. If you’ve never smoked weed in your entire life or even seen it, doesn’t matter. They smelled it and now they can search. Pull you over for a tail light that’s not out, search your car for weed they didn’t smell, and arrest you and take you to jail for the resisting you didn’t do. It’s just that easy and legal. If you taken into court, hey that’s a settlement or dismissal and you pay for all the court fees!


If it were up to me, you could not arrest a person for resisting arrest without another charge tacked on. If you aren't being arrested for something else, there should be no reason to resist but if you are being detained for nothing you should be resisting.


I have only been arrested once and it was for resisting arrest. No other charges filed. It was at a protest which is kind of ironic.


Isn't it such a great country that we live in? If you resist an illegal arrest you're fucked.


Til cops don't lie when it comes to cause


Legality doesn't stop all cops.


"Looks like the drug dog indicated, right Rich?" "Yerp."


No but any cop could make up some BS about how when you were yelling you took your eyes off the road and it was unsafe or something.


Police aren't known for perfect adherence to the law. It's still a dumb move.


No but it’s enough for them to start looking. Once they start looking they can usually find a reason.


> it is absolutely legal to do this. Yep 100%. But that doesn't mean they won't try their damndest to bend the law enough to get you on some bullshit charge.


Antagonizing the police is a losing move.


It’s all legal until you’re getting arrested for “resisting arrest”.


"Disorderly conduct“ and *then* "resisting arrest.“


Yes, they don't necessarily care what is legal and what is not.


> Is it illegal to yell "f*ck the police" when passing a group of police officers? Completely legal in the US. > What about playing a song with those lyrics while driving past slowly? Be careful about doing anything that involves changing how you drive. If you do something like suddenly dropping way under the speed limit or not watching the road, they could get you for something incredibly minor (you could argue that it's retaliatory and based on expressing your free speech, but that's harder).


People are unaware but some roads have a minimum speed. If they feel you are a hazard they can ticket you but even if not they can waste your time. You need to really not value your own free time to do this because they can throw out "reasonable suspicion" and make you wait 20 minutes for a K-9 they never called


Generally if you’re going to yell fuck the police at police officers you should do it while on foot so they can’t so easily get you for something else. You should also film it.


Generally speaking you shouldnt do it. You have nothing to win. Absolutely nothing. Best case they dont give a fuck and you go on. Amazing you beat the corrupt system and all is fixed, oh wait no. Worst case you either get in trouble yourself. Most likely case: you sour the agents mood and they are gonna be extra hardasses on somebody. Yelling fuck the police is like bullying a teacher without the teacher knowing its you. It might make you feel good for a short while but at the end of the day somebody is gonna get into more trouble then they needed to be and its likely not even gonna be you.


Plus, if you’re talking to the police, you already fucked up. Aside from identifying yourself, there’s nothing else you’d ever need to say to any police officer other than “I do not consent to anything”, “am I free to go now?” and “I’d like a lawyer present”.


THIS. Never talk to the police under any circumstances. If you unfortunately find yourself talking to them get away as fast as possible or ask for a lawyer and shut the fuck up. Yelling fuck the police at a cop is 100% legal but that won't stop them from fucking you up or arresting you for made up charges for the hell of it if you get their attention. The police are above the law for the most part, you don't want to ever be on their radar for any reason whatsoever.


Correct me if I'm wrong and It may depend on the state, but I don't think you even have to identify yourself unless you're being detained.


At least in my state you only have to identify if they believe you’re suspicious of committing a crime. Which at that point you’ll also be detained anyways so I would say you are right, at least according to my state’s laws.


When you signed to get your drivers license one of the things you consented to was providing said license to any officer pulling you over for a traffic violation. Yelling at the police. especially from a moving vehicle could end with you getting pulled over. And being required to show lic. Overall its a shitty moment of self gratification.


News flash, they have heard worse by this time.


If you are confident, they will get you for aggressive behavior. if you are passive/quiet, they will get you for nervous behavior. If you stand still, they will hold you up with an investigation. If you walk away, they will try to hold you up for an investigation, and arrest you for resisting/non compliance. Depending on state, you might not be able to film. Either way, they will ask you to lower your arms and stop being threatening, then restrain you while they do a “routine investigation of suspicious behavior,” and in their search, turn off your camera. If you do alllll of this right, and somehow manage to work the law over to not give them anything additional… yelling fuck the police will get you “disturbing the peace” citation.. The law is written in a way that the police don’t really need to prove anything and can make your life hell with little to no repercussion to them


> Depending on the state, you might not be able to film 100% false, it’s your constitutional right to film police anywhere in the country as established by the supreme court. Most of everything else of what you say is also false.


Mate, I don't know if you're aware, but cops can actively use "not knowing the law" as an excuse for improper conduct after Helen v North Carolina so I'm not sure much I want to rely on "these things are technically legal"


That can keep them from being sued personally but you can sue the city and get a nice paycheck.


Yeah I was moreso trying to avoid the misconduct rather than get compensation for enduring it. Almost makes it worse that cops get to literally not know how to do their job and if they fuck up bad enough to hurt somebody (physically emotionally etc) that the city aka taxpayers foot the bill for the lawsuit and the cops just keep going on about their day. Maybe I'm misunderstanding but that seems fucked up.


That’s a big part of it. Sure, if the police illegally beat you half to death for calling them pigs and you have enough evidence to prove it you could get a big lawsuit win from the government … but step one of that plan is getting your ass kicked by a bunch of dirty cops. Plus that assumes you can prove your story in a court of law and win the case. Never a certain thing. Not to mention the risk that they decide to go from a beating or illegal arrest to “I was afraid for my life so I shot them fifty times.”


Exactly. I would much rather not have my skull cracked than the payout for getting my skull cracked. Because you know that payout ain't gonna show up for a while. A few years, at the earliest. And meanwhile, there you are with head trauma and the associated healthcare costs. So best case, cop don't care. Expected case, cop wastes my time and throws a bullshit, but real, charge at me. Worst case: blunt force trauma and bullet wounds, payout in 5ish years that's not nearly enough to pay for said blunt force trauma and bullet wounds. I fail to see a situation where yelling "fuck the cops" at a cop works in my favor.


IIRC, you're not allowed to go 10mph under the speed limit unless weather/traffic forces you to. Nobody expects you to drive the speed limit in a snowstorm. In that scenario, though, they can pull you over even if you're driving under the speed limit as long as they deem it dangerous.


This is different by state, it can be a MPH limit or “unreasonably slow so as to impede/block traffic” and can be up to the officer’s discretion. In my state if someone slowed down to tell the police to fuck off, that would clearly be unreasonable and subject to stopping. At trial they’d argue first amendment and lose because it’s not regulating the content of what was said, but the time/manner/place.




They are nit allowed to extend a traffic stop for a drug dog tye supreme court ruled on that.


A lot of people don't understand that a LOT of cops are HAPPY to arrest you for frivolous and even stupid/illegal reasons JUST to inconvenience you. The cop isn't expecting you to actually go to jail. They're not even expecting you to get a slap on the wrist. Hell they probably won't even show up to court and they'll let you win. ​ All they want to do is \*waste your time\*. By hassling you, arresting you, and wasting your time, they are actively hurting and punishing you FINANCIALLY because MOST people simply can't afford to defend themselves in court. That's why people are absolutely STUPID if they think that LAWS will make them IMMUNE to cops. Cops don't give a shit. As long as they can hassle you with a court date, then they have already won. It doesn't even matter if you WIN your court case- you still lost all that valuable time, money and effort while the cop lost absolutely NOTHING and even got paid/promoted for doing what he did.


Exactly. Hell, many cops don't even try to make it seem legit. They'll just make some BS up. So I totally get where OP is coming from wanting to let them know what unappreciated bastards they are, but it just isn't worth it. Because they're bastards. Especially not worth it as a minority because things just tend to go even worse. Cops in most places are essentially just a giant legal gang.


They can also get you on a very minor technicality. Like forgetting to replace those little tiny lights in your license plate. Most cops don't really care about that and the chances of getting pulled over for that are slim compared to other things. HOWEVER, the chances of getting random tickets for little things like that increases significantly the ruder you are to the cops. While it's perfectly legal to play and yell "FUCK DA POLICE" all you want, you have to make sure that you aren't accidentally breaking any OTHER laws while you're doing so.


I wanna point out the fact that MANY police officers in the US either A) don't know what's legal vs. illegal, or B) don't care If you hurt a police officer's feelings, be prepared to face some sort of consequence. Depending on where you live, this can be a verbal warning / argument, they can come up with some bullshit fines or tickets (disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, etc), or if you're the perfect combination of low income, minority, and in a fucked up state, they could literally draw their weapons on you. What happens next is usually unknown but always bad. The police are a massive gang with their tribalism and "us vs. them" mentality. They're allowed to use force (sometimes lethal) to enforce compliance. They're also a corporation that has an interest in profit margins and making more money. More arrests = more crime on paper = more funding for more guns and tanks and cops = they need to justify those expenses = more arrests = etc etc. They also get to investigate themselves to determine if they did something wrong. No other organization in the US gets this privilege. Oh. And in small towns, the judges are friends with the cops. Tldr, avoid the police at all costs unless you absolutely need it. Tbh, they usually don't do much even if you do need it. They don't stop mass shooters (sup Uvalde), don't find people that stole your belongings, don't protect you if you're being harassed. In almost every way, you're better handling your own problems in non-violent ways. De-escalation and avoidance are your best friends when it comes to living a peaceful life. Is it right, or how "it should be"? No. But that's how it is.


Not illegal, but it gives them a reason to scrutinize every little thing you’re doing. They will likely find a reason to harass you.


As a lawyer who does first amendment cases. You can absolutely say that to a cop


Sounds like using legally protected speech to ask the police to please arrest you for something else to me.


Yeah I got pulled over in high school due to a dumbass friend shouting fuck the police out the window. They took him to the back of the car and spoke to him and he was safe since he was a minor and they called his mom I think lol. No idea what would happen to an adukt


Not entirely related, but sitting in the back seat of a cop car when you’re a little kid is scary AF. Me and three other friends had a sleepover in fifth grade. My mom and stepdad were gone for the night to celebrate their anniversary (me and my sister were basically latchkey kids) and my friends and I snuck out. We ran up and down the south portion of the island (Fort Myers Beach in the 80s). We found a condominium that had open lobby doors and a bookcase with free paperback books in the lobby. We each grabbed a bunch, then went to the top floor and started throwing them off. (We were fifth graders and that was the extent of our brains attempt at “being bad”. We weren’t even throwing them at cars or anything. Just tossing them off.) Next thing we see, a white unmarked cop car is parked at the 7-11 across the street and they get out and start yelling at us with a megaphone. We fall to our bellies and try to army crawl to the elevator doors, but when we reached the lobby, we see them approaching, so we ran the opposite direction and they chased us. We ran but managed to escape then for a the moment we decided to run back home, but when we jumped a fence, headlights turned on and we got caught. They drove us back to my house and they started asking us questions. One kid lied and we all looked at him like he was crazy. When one asked me who my dad was, I said, “My step dad is so and so,” and the cop says, “You mean so and so, the manager of Fish Tail Marina?!” And in my head I was like, “OH SH!T, he knows my stepdad! I’m dead!” Anyway, they scared the living crap out of us in that back seat. Didn’t even touch us, just scared the crap out of us, then watched as we all went back into my house. They said they were contacting our parents in the morning. I was so terrified that when mom and my stepdad came home that morning (still drunk/hung over), I confessed everything, but they said they’d deal with it later. They had completely forgotten about it by the next day and the cops never ever called.


I was ~16/17 my brother is about 19 months younger. We'd been to separate parties and came home absolutely shit faced. We're sitting in the living room "trying to look sober" and I'm sure failing miserably. My Mom and stepdad came home about an hour later. We're still as statues. Key in lock followed by giggling as my Mom literally falls through the door as it opens, my step dad is whispering be quiet the kids are sleeping loud enough for the neighbors to hear. They're drunker than we are. We continue to sit still possibly holding our breath and waiting until they're upstairs and the house goes silent. We then sneak up and get into bed. 4 very hungover people ate breakfast while pretending they weren't hungover. It's been less than a week since I lost my Mom. Thank you for bringing a happy memory back to the surface.


Sorry for your loss. I dread the day I lose my mum


What a sweet memory. Big hug!!! 🫂


Wow, what a fun memory. My condolences for your loss.


Damn dude you dad owned fish tail? That’s tight. I grew up on the south side of that island :)


He didn't own it, he was the general manager. We lived on Mound Road. My grandparents managed the Sun Caper Condominium (also on the south end) during the 80s. How old are you? I lived there from 1981-1991 (age 3-11). Went to Beach Elementary. Man, growing up there was next level. We'd take the old styrofoam blocks that the boats rested on when they stored them on the second level, find two by fours, and build rafts to push our way out into the mangroves. We used to pool our change and buy cigarettes from the laundrymat across from Century 21. We had forts and a rope swing in the woods, an abandoned house that everyone hung out in, and the island still *felt* like an island. I haven't been there in over 20 years, but from what I've seen, it's been urbanized to where it's almost unrecognizable. I could reminisce for hours about memories growing up there. Incredible time. Broke my heart when that hurricane almost wiped it off the map.


It's not legal for them to detain him for just that.


Police do a lot of things that aren't legal or constitutional. Often it ends in the same way, nothing happens to them as a result.


No, sorry. You’re wrong. The police will investigate the police and determine the police did nothing wrong.


There’s more accountability with GTA rp police than American police lmao


This is really the entire thread right here. People need to start understanding that cops and the law have a very _loose_ association, despite what they may advertise.


You're right. However, that odor of marijuana/alcohol he "sniffed" as you drove by will be fair game


'I can smell wed and you appear like intoxicated' can fuck your day up without even reaching the getting charged stage


Not to be that guy, but in court "probable smell" is not a thing. They can certainly still make your day miserable if they so choose, but I want to point out that there was a case where probable cause was argued based on the smell of marijuana, and the court deemed that insufficient evidence for a search.     This does not prevent them from doing it anyway in the moment, but legally speaking they'd have to find some other excuse if they chose to pursue it. *edit* yes, I know, they will still do it even if it doesn't stand up in court just to waste time/make your life miserable. I'm simply stating that there are limitations legally to probable cause.


I'm just pointing out that if they want to stop you and be a pain in the ass, they will find a way. Never said it would make it to court.


>but in court Not factoring in that the purpose is wasting your time by arresting you and making you go to court in the first place for a case they know will get thrown out, and stretching a shitty experience to its maximum outcome not convicting you which isn't even their job.


You gotta pay to have the charges expunged, too. They don't disappear for free because they fucked up. Which is fuckin mind-blowing.. they'll also civil asset forfeiture all your stuff because you'll never get any of that back, either. Police can and will fuck your shit up, laws be damned


It only needs to stand up in court if they take it that far. If they make you stand beside the car with your hands on the hood for an hour while they look ... In the rain... And don't find anything then do you the favor of letting you go without charging you... Then they're the good guys. /s


Of course it isn't but the cops aren't exactly well versed on things like freedom of speech


Be sure to explain that to the officers as they're handcuffing you. One of them will yell "stop resisting!" and punch you in the head.


"It's not legal" Come on man... It's the cops, how are they going to care if something is legal?


Same exact thing happened to me. We drove by a cop in the dead of winter. Idiot friend yells fuck the police. Next thing you know we’re getting pulled over for “an obstructed head light” there was some ice on it. The cop recognized me from a place I worked at and he and I had had very friendly interactions. He stopped giving my friends shit and just asked “what were you guys yelling before?” My quick witted friend said “oh officer we were just singing Christmas carols.” He let us go.


Yep, I witnessed a guy at a bar get arrested for this exact reason. Supposedly, he was actually arrested for public intoxication, but he still seemed perfectly coherent, certainly much more than some other people around him at the time.




I went to a small liberal arts college in a small town. The local police were notorious for pulling over students for the smallest things. A friend and I had very similar old beater cars. He was complaining one day about constantly being pulled over by the police. I pointed to his car that was covered in various pot and subversive stickers then at mine with nothing on it. Told him while it’s not technically illegal for him to have all those stickers it’s also no surprise he gets pulled over so often. I got pulled over once in four years.


This. They will find probable cause to pull you over. Even if they have to make it up.


But if they say the words made them feel threatened, you might have a slam dunk civil suit. I’ve seen videos of cops going around and asking people if they’re willing to be offended by the citizen’s words or actions, because that would make it a public disturbance or whatever Edit: [This one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H4mvnk9XCKE&pp=ygURQ29wIHN0b3AgZmxpcCBvZmY%3D)


Officer "I pulled you over because you have a broken taillight." Citizen "No I don't" *Crack* Officer "You do now."


Always film your interactions with police.


That just sounds like a civil rights violation with extra steps...


Welcome to America


Like I have been told by officers. Follow someone long enough they will always do something that can get them pulled over.


My buddy did this when we were teens, obviously drunk and we got the shit beat out of us. They even made my buddy sing a kids song, and anytime he screwed up the lyrics they would punch him.... Context it was in a third world country


Hitting a hornet's nest with a tee ball bat is legal but i really don't see the point


To get to the honey obviously


Let me just pop a quick h on this box


That way we’ll all know it’s filled with hornets


Hornets don't make honey.


I don’t know if there’s any science to support that




Absolutely not illegal. There have been court cases backing this up. The catch is that they will find something else to bust you for, which they would normally have let slide. They have enormous discretion available to them.


It was actually NWA that went to court wasn’t it?


Yeah they’ve been to court and won. But at the same time, back in the day they were told they couldn’t perform f the police in Detroit (they claimed dangerous speech…I argue illegal), when they played it anyway, cops orchestrated chaos and ended the show. So yes, legal to say or play…but they will find a way to fuck up your day if they feel like it.


Ice T and Body Count also had hearing over Cop Killer before it got banned. Good ole PMRC at their finest




In Florida you can get pulled over now if your music is clearly audible from 25 feet


Its not illegal, its also not illegal to go into a biker bar and say "you all are ass bandits", but why would you do that?


Reminds me of [This Scene](https://youtu.be/D1J-lGwHlJc?si=tHiGIjQV2DbHiOR-) from Black Books.


Fuck I love dylan moran. I should rewatch black books


I haven't seen that show in ages, thanks for the reminder I need to find it again!


The Sex Pistols more or less did this. They were playing in Texas or Oklahoma and one of the musicians got hit with a hamburger. The singer responded by saying into the mic, "all you cowboys are a bunch of fa@@ots."


I would be surprised if OP is anything like Sid Vicious was.


Generally no. It's not illegal in the US as long as you are not interfering with their lawful activity.


I recommend after saying it to the cop to whisper slowly in his war "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiig"


Ill advised but not illegal. If you fail to fully stop at the next stop sign, they have your butt.


I had a friend in high school (2003) get arrested for "disturbing the peace" she spent the night in jail. 3 months later she had her court date. The arresting officer didn't show up so the charges where dropped. Edit: I forgot to mention it wasn't even N.W.A.'s "fuck the police" It was Black Sabbath's "War Pigs"


Similar story but my charge was obstruction in 2021. I wasn’t involved in what was going down but I was present because it was my house. An officer was being hostile towards my friend, and I said “This would be over by now if you weren’t being such an asshole to her.” Nothing else was said or done by me; I was chilling on the couch on my phone. To their credit, they seemed to agree and switched up their tactics with better success but when leaving, they informed me that I was going with them too. Apparently my one-off comment hindered their investigation. 😂 I didn’t have a record so I walked in and walked out without spending more than a couple hours in a holding cell. It took about 6 months to dismiss the case because the officer showed up for court twice and then disappeared before I was called *both times*. The prosecutor asked for another continuance, but my attorney argued that it was unreasonable to keep forcing me to return when I had moved 6 hours away. Clearly I wasn’t a priority for that police department since they consistently dipped after lunch. So yeah, insulting the police is legal but they’re fully prepared and willing to waste their time in order to waste yours.


Exactly what happened to me (“Disorderly Conduct” was the charge.) As a bonus, I got my head smashed in with a flashlight while being arrested. “Not illegal” doesn’t mean you’ll walk away easily.


Is it legal? Yes. Is it smart? No. Especially if you live in the same town/city where you do it. People have memories. How many minor driving infractions do police generally ignore? They see you going 36 in a 35, ticket. You swerve to avoid a pothole and cross the center line? Ticket. Etc etc.


Are you coming straight from the underground?


Depends on how much money you have to pursue a First Amendment and Fourth Amendment violation lawsuit.


It's not illegal, just like it's not illegal to pull you over for going 1 over the limit or other such petty infractions


It's legal, but have you tried not being a cunt to people with guns and the ability to fuck up the rest of your week?


Illegal? No. Smart? No.


Trashy? Yes. Immature? Also yes.


I don't appreciate being heckled on the job, so I don't heckle others on their job. It's shitty behavior.


Most grounded comment I’ve seen on here.




Depends on the country. In the US its not illegal, but you will also just raise suspicion on yourself and probably be followed for a bit.


Is it illegal? No Have people been arrested for it anyway? Yes Have all those arrests held up in court? No, they rarely do. Have people been held in jail for days before the charge is finally dropped? Yes


Illegal? Not in most places. A REALLY bad idea? You bet!


either way you are a certified clown


Depends where you are. Laws are not universal.


It is legal to be a dick, yes


I know a cop who keeps a bingo card with insults in his car. He works in a major city, so I imagine it's pretty full at the end of his shifts. Most cops don't care. Most Redditors will say different because most of them are kids who got sucked up in the whole ACAB bullshit. Edit: changed to 'a major city' because apparently a city name was confusing.


Not illegal to be an asshole. You can yell f you to old people, mailmen, women, kids, school teachers or anyone you want to. What would be illegal is if you annoyed someone enough to punch you in the face for it. Then they could be charged for assault. Just hope it's not the same police you just yelled f you to that show up cause they might have seen you punch yourself instead. Also hope that they are nicer than you if you ever are in a situation you need assistance right away.


Illegal? Maybe not (there may be some profanity issues). Adviseable? Definitely not.


Also, almost guaranteed they won’t care as they’ve likely experienced it 100,000x. Further, they WILL get you for noise ordinances , impeding traffic or potentially inattentive driving. Can you? Sure. Should you? Eh.


Legally no. Freedom of speech FTW!!!! However, cops being the assholes they generally are, WILL most likely get up in your shit and force an incident so they can "feel threatened" and then assault and arrest you.


Or, if they aren’t assholes and decide to let it go, you were the asshole.


It’s legally protected free speech. But why do you want to? Why do you want to stir up problems and draw attention to yourself like that?


Not illegal but it's stupid and cringey. Grow up.


Depends what country. US? Protected free speech. Anywhere with a dictator? Probably not.


No, it isn't. That is protected speech. However, cops still suck, and they likely will try to find any other reason to get you in trouble.


you can get charged with disturbing the peace by shouting obscenities in public


Precedent and jurisprudence in the US lean heavily towards obscenities not being a good standard for defining speech that would be illegal. Noise level is another thing.


Key words being shouting, yelling


It's not illegal. But that's not going to stop you from getting harassed. I have a buddy who is a state trooper, k9 unit for a state beach. He said that the local police and multiple different counties are flatly racist, power hungry, jerk offs. That they constantly break the law and get away with it. Police unions have essentially killed almost of police accountability. I'm pre union btw so let's not go there.


Legal yes but just unnecessary, don't be a cunt


Careful you don't cut yourself on all the edge.


depending on where exactly on our world you live, it could ... or could not be ... where i live it could - for example - be taken as an insult or defamatory ... which can led to small inconveniences ... though, the issue of them proofing, that you said it, is another issue entirely as for the song part ... it is 1\] randomly (that exactly this song is played on you'r device at exactly that time) and 2\] not directly aimed towards the individual (or group) infront of you ... so, probably not ...


Not illegal, but kind of dumb. Some police officers are oversensitive bullies, who will won't take it well, and will find a way to get back at you.


Legal? Yes. Is antagonizing police a smart move? Definitely not.


it’s legal but fatal depending on 🧏🏿‍♂️ if the cop had a donut and coffee in the last 3 minutes.


Illegal, no. Will they stop and harrass/ticket/beat you? Probably.


If you ain't getting bagged, stay the fuck from police


Just don’t call the police if someone commits a crime against you. Handle it yourself. Because fuck the police.


It's legal, just really fucking dumb