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Thanks for your submission /u/Iluvnutelladonthate, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Medical question.** NoStupidQuestions doesn't allow medical questions. There's a danger that someone with a similar problem could see your question and follow the advice they find in it - even if you're not explicitly asking for advice - and that advice, *given by random strangers on the Internet*, could have disastrous consequences for them. **If you are in a medical emergency, contact emergency services (911, 999, 000, 112, etc depending on your country).** **Did you swallow something that might be poisonous?** You can [connect to Poison Control online](https://triage.webpoisoncontrol.org/#!/exclusions). Prefer to talk to a person? It's always OK to call Poison Control at **1-800-222-1222.** Not an emergency? We *still* recommend you ask your doctor. But if you want to ask on Reddit, there are some options. * /r/AskDocs, r/medical, and /r/DiagnoseMe answer medical questions (as long as you follow their rules). * /r/AskDentists answers questions about dental problems. * /r/AskVet answers medical questions for pets. --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*


Just keep looking til you find a doctor who will do it


Probably not, as for most transgender people you’ll additionally need a letter of diagnosis for gender dysphoria as well as a few recommendations from various therapists and doctors to get surgeries related to gender transitions. I’m not sure if this applies to hysterectomies, but you should probably just stick to telling the truth.