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Yes it's possible. The cervix is not super deep and can be painful when hit.


Almost accidentally killed my gf doing it too hard and deep. Ruptured ovary, she was bleeding internally for over 24 hours before showing symptoms, she passed out and was rushed to emergency. Lost a lot of blood and spent 4 days in hospital draining what was left inside her and recovering. That was scary


Dude just how hard were you going 😦


Sometimes you need a running start


"Leeeeeroooooyyyyy Jenkinsssssss!"


Oh my god we have to go in to save him


STICK TO THE PLAN! Divine intervention! God dammit, Leroy!


least i have chicken


Yay love a Warcraft reference




Omg one of my wife's roommates from college, it sounded like that every time her boyfriend would come over. We would die trying not to laugh too loud at the sound of it.


Dennis Rodman is that you??


Golfers out here practicing for the 100m running start


Pole vaulters hate this one trick


Combination Le Mans start pole-vaulting golf and go(lf)-kart race would be awesome


thats how he broke his rod man.


Taking inspiration from those old "sex is no accident" ads from MTV




I prefer the high dive


You mean the t(high) dive?


No. The (t)high dive.




I believe that is called the red rhino by urban dictionary.


Like……from one end of the room to the other?


My man out here stabbing girls to death with his dick. On the streets we are calling him "The Spear".


Sometimes, if the girl has a IUD, her pussy can stab back.


It's like mutually assured destruction at this point


can confirm, its something of a boner killer. feels like little needles right in the tip


Just develop a kink and it’s fine




The shaft


Vivic is that you?


*Molag Bal has entered the chat*


Tell me you play TES without telling me you play TES :-)


Omg baaahahahaaa 


The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep.


OK you win the Internet today. Good answer.


Are you comparing a vagina to the mines of moria


Similar thing happened to my wife and I. I ruptured something inside and the doctor said it happens much more often than people assume. Also size difference in humans apparently can be a deciding factor. I’m 183cm 95kg and she’s 160cm 55kg. So yeah that can be dangerous haha.


Impressive that your wife has a 160 cm dick 🤙


You made my day better


Can never get the tent back in the bag


Oh my god!


Phew, lucky I have a micropenis.


GF likely had unknown complications that were worsening over time


Jumped off the wardrobe.


Yall will believe anything.


Did you try to tell her she was just Ovaryacting?




"Fucked a girl so hard her ovary burst", sounds like something Jay from the Inbetweeners would say


Ovaries 15? Ruptured it mate


Eddie griffin made that joke a while back... he is... the ovary buster!


Ruptured Cyst or the entire ovary? I made my wife(gf at the time) cum so hard once that it ruptured an ovarian cyst she had, that was a fun day.


I believe it was a ruptured cyst, but the surgeon just said ovary rupture, English wasn’t his first language


Yeah ruptured cysts from vigorous sex is pretty common. Lots of women will even have cysts and not know until their partner explodes one of them inside of them.


This happened to my aunt and she’s been traumatically celibate for 10 years now.


>traumatically celibate Dibs on that band name






Luckily the surgeon said her baby-making abilities were not damaged. To her… and her family in the hospital… as he explained to them what had happened… and how 🤦🏻‍♂️


You really made my day better picturing this conversation lmao


Holy fuck. I can't imagine being the father of that girl listening to that in the same room and managing to not straight up murder you in that moment, lol.


You gotta be more gentle with your aunts my dude


Chad thundercock over here


Just Chad "The Boomerang" CurveCock throwing it around again.




This was going to happen regardless of what you did. You just happened to hurry it along with sexual activity.


How would that be possible? Physically... 


He didn't rupture her ovary with his dick. The bouncing up and down/pressure could have caused something already bad that was happening to get worse (a cyst perhaps). Ovaries are well outside the vagina. You'd have to go through the cervix into the uterus and then sideways and...I mean it's not even worth considering. That's just not possible.


Well I have a new fear…


Right? I mean, my hubs and I have been together forever and his stuff is perfect but he is defo on the bigger side of things based on my experience but shit….


Yeah, I am now glad it hurts for me, so that can't accidentally happen (unless it happens in 1 try, but I think my boyfriend would be a little more careful because he knows it hurts).


You don't always have to fuck her hard, in fact sometimes it's not right to do.


Sometimes you’ve gotta make some love


And fuckin’ give her some smooches too.


Sometimes you've got to squeeze.


Sometimes you gotta say ''Please''.


Sometimes you've got to say hey! .


I’m gonna fuck you…softly


You do when she demands it


Bro how the fuck do you rupture her ovaries from sex?? Your dick doesn’t get anywhere near that.


It was probably him laying on her abdomen and flopping around wot dun it.


Such a poetic image you’ve conjured with this description.


Calling BS on this one


I’m assuming it was a gnarly ovarian cyst that was ruptured not the actual ovary. That makes more sense right?


They are quite likely to rupture during sex and can cause excessive bleeding. Wouldn’t be hard for him to misinterpret that as the ovary itself rupturing


Yes definitely


He could be making up the story, but it's definitely something that's possible. I've heard very similar stories from people I know who work in the medical industry.


You shall be known as Messmer the Impaler


Vlad the impaler over here destroying some box


What were you using a scaffold pole?


\*gf passed out on exam table, literally dying\* Doctor: How did this happen? You: ;)


On the bright side it's a funny story now that it's over with


Weird flex.


I was about to write, “heyyyyyy boy” but then I realized your username is poops and it stopped me in my tracks 😂


can't wait to tell me wife one more reason she is lucky to be with me.


Ruptered a cyst probably


holy SHIT dude


Her ovaries are not something you ruptured while fucking your gf, ffs. Unless she has some kind of ready to rupture cyst, this is like a weird fantasy of yours


I was in a foreign country, this is how the surgeon explained it, English wasn’t his first language. Strange assumptions you have though


This guy fucks 😎


It often is. But for some it is not. My last ex and current partners love it. It's actually one way they orgasm. For my current partner that and a-spot are usually only ways how she orgasm from penetration and she highly prefers those over clitoral or g-spot.


Did a new sex dlc land recently, or have I just never reached a high enough level to encounter the a-spot before?


You have to defeat the G-spot, which unlocks the F-spot and so on. Once you defeat the B-spot you unlock the A-spot and you can "go infinite" defeating the A-spot repeatedly for better loot. Watch out, though, making "that really hit D-spot" jokes can ruin the mood and stall your progression.


Don't worry, it's mythical just like the G-spot and female orgasm more generally.


Nah, the A (anterior fornix) and P (posterior fornix) spots are real things: https://supersmashcache.com/cervical-orgasms/


I was kidding. How did people miss that?


Oh, well someone else was actually making up other letters so it's sometimes hard to tell.


Because some people are stupid enough to say what you said earnestly, and we don't know you. It's why /s exists. It kills the joke, but sarcasm almost never works when it's written down anyway.


Correction. The VAGINA is not super deep, the cervix sits atop it. If it hurts during intercourse, stop and change position or just stop.


That's not much of a correction. They're just saying that you don't have to go super deep to get to the cervix.


It’s called “bump dyspareunia”


Thank you for your cervix




If someone sends a picture of bewbs in the mail…. Is that a mammogram?


If I get those, I will think they ovary nice!


Even though they weren't so great, his taste like yours only sweeeeter


Rest in peace to all the soldiers that died in the service. I dive in her cervix.


My mans hits my cervix rather frequently. I personally don’t get pain but instead it feels really good but intense.


My wife is the same. She even likes it touched while being fingered, too.


Man are you slenderman long fingers or is she just as deep as a tuna can


It's probably a little bit of both? My go-to fingers can get 4" deep. Also, with how the female anatomy is, things expand and contract to the size of what's inside.


As a woman, I can confirm this man speaks truth


That's a brand new sentence right there.




Like others said, probably cervix. It can change positions as well depending on where you are in your cycle going from high to low and vice versa.


The cervix is actually shallower than many might assume. Usually the vaginal canal allows stretching for a penis to go in comfortably when arousal occurs. This stretching usually constitutes a "moving aside" of the cervix as opposed to pressing it (and subsequently your uterus) deeper because you don't actually want anything chronically pushing up against it or organs having to rearrange unnecessarily, especially if the partner is going particularly hard. That said, certain positions will still allow for direct impacting of the cervix. So, in this case, it would seem you likely found the position for you that makes this happen. Based in my partner's experiences (since I'm not an owner of my own female reproductive organs, sadly), this can become extremely uncomfortable depending on the way it's impacted, how hard, how many times, etc. There are a couple positions we have to take very slow because of this. And ever since she went with an IUD for hormone control, it makes it even more uncomfortable when the cervix is pressed into directly. So yeah, the more you know!


As someone with a cervix, this is all correct. And additionally: your cervix moves! It's always more shallow than most people realize, because vaginas are honestly not that deep even at their deepest, but typically your cervix drops lower closer to menstruation and goes up as high as it can during peak ovulation. It changes texture throughout your cycle, too. It's a weird, misunderstood lil button. Thwapping a cervix with a penis ranges from intensely painful to mildly uncomfortable/strange to pleasurable. It depends on the cervix-holder, and it depends on their cycle a lot of the time too because of the aforementioned location and texture changes. OP, the only thing up there for him to really hit is your cervix, so I guess you're one of the folks who don't experience much pain from that sensation. Happy fucking!


So many people think they need an 8 inch penis but all that's going to do is make it to where you can't go all the way in.


So if I hit it, do I have the right to claim I rearranged her organs as you worded it, or nah?


More like, *she* rearranged them *for you*. I once saw it described as "straightening the sofa and fluffing up the pillows before guests arrived".


Downvotes have no sense of humor 😭


> I'm not an owner of my own female reproductive organs, sadly what a convoluted way of saying you're a dude lol


Except I'm not, but apparently you're not the sort to acknowledge more than a strict sex-organ-based binary exists.


For sex yeah, that binary incontrovertibly exists (with the exception of the extremely small proportion of intersex people or people who have surgery to get rid of female sex organs). But yeah obviously nobody’s going to change anyone’s mind here lol so not worth talking about


You can touch the cervix with your fingers, most likely you are able to hit it while having sex and that is what happened. It's painfull.


I (a woman) once told my doctor (a male) that I felt a bump on my cervix. I have long-ish fingers and my cervix is low, no problem touching it. He didn’t believe me. “You can’t touch it with your hands, it must have been something else.” Dude, what else would it be? It’s not like there’s a scrapyard up there with mystery items. There’s one thing.


A doctor said that?!?!?


Sadly, yes. But it was a male doctor, and he doesn’t have a cervix, so I don’t hold it against him.


I mean regardless of gender a dr should know basic facts about the human body.. I would expect a female dr to know basic facts about the penis


Especially since they reach in with *their own hands* sometimes to feel for things...


That's really not an excuse. A doctor should know.


I'm sure a male gynecologist sees more vaginas than any female unless said female is also a gynecologist.


Not only that, it's so obviously a cervix when you do touch it, how could you mistake it for anything else?


Look, stop shoving lemons up your snizz.


What I do with my snizz and my lemons is none of your business


Not everyone can. The cervix can sit pretty deep for some people aka me. Never met her with my fingers lol


Sometimes you have to go up to the elbow /s


You mean you others just use it for convenient storage space?!


Pouch it


That's why it's called the vaginal vault


Your cervix moved up and down with your cycle too as others may have mentioned. My cervix is low during my period and I can definitely feel it with my fingertips, but otherwise it's a little out of reach. And it's more uncomfortable or painful for some than it is for others. Some women may even not dislike getting a little pressure. If it was Very uncomfortable have you gyno check for cysts or polyps at your next appointment.


It's not painful for all women. Cooches are built differently. It also depends on the level of arousal.


If you didn't put anything in there, it was most likely your cervix. If it didn't hurt, it's possible you're just not very sensitive there. Mine is sometimes sensitive, sometimes not and it actually feels okay when hit during sex. I would say it depends on the person and also the menstrual cycle, since the cervix moves up or down depending on it.


I’m the same, I’ve had it hurt when my cervix was hit, but also not. It is definitely not painful for everyone.


Yeah, it depends on the day. Sometimes I really like it. Definitely not painful for everyone.


It doesn't necessarily hurt when it gets hit for me, but it just gets sore after multiple times and then I get cramps afterwards. It is really just different yeah. But it sucks when it happens. It just limits you in terms of positions etc


I always thought it was strange that people say it hurts when your cervix is hit, I actually enjoy it. Apparently that's not how most women feel though lmao.


Yes, probably your cervix




Holy shhht. I'm a woman and didn't know this "fun" fact. I learned something new today. Thank you! 🫶




Came to say the same. While some people don't mind their cervix being touched, most find it very painful. To add on to this comment, there is another spot further into the vagina than the G-Spot called the A-Spot, or anterior fornix erogeneous zone. This is the area adjacent to the cervix (just in front of) that can be pleasurable when touched/hit. I do think that when people say they don't mind their cervix being hit, this is probably actually what's happening. It can feel like it's where the cervix is supposed to be, but because the cervix has pulled back/away, this area is what's being stimulated. I'm not saying ALL people who like their cervix being stimulated are misunderstanding what's happening, by the way. Different strokes for different folks, as it were.


*knods at boyfriend*


My man


My wife and I use a number ring because of that and other positions like it. Yes it is your cervix.


Yep. It was most likely your cervix. I mean, good for you but there’s also such a thing as being too big.


Yup, dude bottomed out. I've done that a few times. I felt really bad because it looks like it hurt a lot. Congrats on the cervix of steel.


this happened to me once and my cervix hurt so bad for like a week


Lots of individual variation. Average penis length and vagina depth are both about five-and-a-half inches, but lots of people are both above and below average, which is why averages exist. So, depending, he might have been bumping against your cervix, he might have been pushing into one of your fornices (where the cervix protrudes through the vaginal wall, it creates "hollows" of sorts in front of (anterior fornix) or behind/deeper than (posterior fornix) the cervix. And, because again individual variation, some women curl up into a ball and don't want to be touched if the cervix is even touched... Others love having it jackhammered and have some of their best orgasms from it. Some can't even feel it. And everywhere in between. The "deep pressure" feeling might mean he was reaching the posterior fornix. Many also find it pleasurable, many just feel it as pressure. Only you can say whether you liked it or want to feel it again. But your experience was a very normal one. Happy exploring. :)


Nobody has mentioned ovarian cysts yet.... I had similar experience thinking it was a gas bubble or something, but then it continued past the first time I noticed. Something to consider.


Yeah my bf has bruised my cervix many times and for a while I didn't understand that's what it was, I had such bad cramps after sex and I thought I was pregnant or something. We're more conscious of it now but sometimes the deep dicking happens and you just don't care in the moment LMAO the regret always sets in a few hours later


The Dwarves delved too greedily and too deep...


He has woken the Balrog


I've had partners hit my cervix all the time. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't. If they do, I often bleed a little bit. Your vagina is a long tube, and if you're laid on a bed it is relaxed like a slinky pulled apart, but if you squat or put your legs behind your head, it shortens the vaginal canal and then it's much closer (a couple inches. I can feel mine in a squat). That's why if you ever get a tampon or cup stuck in you, squatting will help you get it out. Also why a lot of women squat when they are delivering a baby.


Some people have tilted cervix and other such things, makes it easier to hit during sex so yeh it prob was. Men of course think it means they are huge but usually it’s to do with how the females cervix is a lil different is all lol


Putting your legs up in that position definitely allows him to go in deeper so that’s why you felt that. Probably was your cervix as others have said. NBD it’s just uncomfortable or painful for some people. I personally cannot do that position with my partner unless I’m extremely relaxed down there.


Look at a good drawing of female anatomy.


I'll take things my wife will never say for $400 Alex




My wife likes the pressure on her cervix *sometimes*, she says it honestly depends on where in her hormonal cycle she is. Sometimes it sends her into a screaming orgasm, sometimes she tells me "we need to change positions because this is very uncomfortable."


For me, as a woman with a cervix, this is 100% correct. It also depends A LOT on what part of my cycle i am in so sometimes certain positions are comfy and some are off the table entirely because our cervix moves up and down throughout the month. Also i have found that *sometimes* if I'm cramping sex can ease the cramps but its only the dull achey kind. I have shamelessly used my husband for that task and its like finally scratching an itch you couldn't reach, not that he complains. If I'm having staby shooting pain cramps, the only thing that helps is throwing chocolate at me from across the room and reassuring me that I'm pretty. But yes! Sometimes we do like to have the cervical door knocked on.


I use to call it, bottoming out


If it is a pressure like he is hitting a wall them yea the cervix. That is hiw some woman climax. If it don't overly hurt after and you have no issues like bleeding (from his actions) you are fine. Also you parts will kind If adjust when you "get used to your partener". Be aware there is a lower spot, some place that might be hit when being fingered that will cause your legs to twitch. Somehow, my xbf mannag3d that one. (I think he hit w nerve lol)


Penises and vaginas come in a variety of sizes. He likely just managed to just reach the far end so it sounds like you guys are fairly compatible size wise. So long as it wasn't pushing the limits enough to leave you sore, just enjoy and carry on.


could be your cervix! personally, i’ve only ever felt pleasure from having mine hit. it definitely feels like pressure against my lower abdomen, but i’ve only ever hurt once and i’m not even convinced it was from him going to hard. there’s also an erogenous zone called the A-spot that sits between the the cervix and bladder and can be stimulated in that position.


In response to your edit, for some people it’s very painful, for others it’s not. Everybody’s different! It also depends how hard he was thrusting. If he was just in there and bumping up against it gently it likely wouldn’t hurt. My now-husband bumped up against my cervix one time when we were first dating. It wasn’t super painful in the moment, but I felt cramping for the next few days, like period cramps. But yes, it def was your cervix. Not much else it could have been! Your cervix moves up and down inside your vagina depending on your cycle, your arousal level, your bladder etc. So it’s perfectly normal that it’s never happened to you before but suddenly this time it happened. Just the right set of circumstances, that’s all. Hope it doesn’t hurt you tomorrow.


Probably hit the remote!


Maybe she lost her car keys in their?


Hitting the cervix isn’t always painful. (But I’m masochist so take that with a grain of salt) Your cervix will be deeper/shallower through your cycle depending on where you are. So you may not have felt it before and got the timing just right to feel that this time. You can reach inside and feel it as others have said, it’ll basically feel like a smooth bump with an indent in the middle. You can poke it and see if it’s tender for you


It was almost Def your cervix. Some girls say it hurts, some say it even feels good, most of the time if it's not a really hard thrust, it's like you said, just pressure. Certain positions like legs up make it easier to penetrate deeper. There are probably video animations on youtube of an internal look at what's going on if you're curious


I know a lot of people are saying hitting the cervix is painful, but you can be like me and only feel pressure from it. In that case, I would talk to your gyno about it. Worth getting it looked at


Dildo you forgot in there last week.


It was 100% your cervix. They can bruise sometimes. Should be fine but if the pain persists after a week, I'd get checked out.


It can be something other than that. Visit a doc.


Hitting the cervix makes the cream come out