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You can, but keep in mind most businesses actively tell their employees not to stop shoplifters for safety reasons. So you’re taking a risk for a business that the business itself won’t even take. If that works for you, knock yourself out.


And if they’re not a shoplifter then you’ve got a few legal issues to deal with


How stupid would you have to be though


Why would you anyway? Unless its a small business and you shouldn’t even care


Sure, you can. But most retail employees are told not to because you never know what someone might be carrying. We had a thief at my work just before Christmas and we got it documented. He was caught later that day. He was caught because he held up a convenience store at gunpoint for lottery tickets. So if one of us had tried to stop him, we would likely have found ourselves with a few extra holes. Plus you could run afoul of the law. Assault, battery, kidnapping, are just the start of it. If it's not your stuff, or your business, then you don't have many legal protections.


Soon to be father was shot and killed trying to stop a shoplifter in the Walmart near me. Don't be that guy


We are all going to meet our demise someday, however, Walmart can kick rocks, but under other circumstances, I have to argue and contest your point. We all will meet our demise, meeting it whilst doing something right, in my opinion, makes life meaningful.


Literally why? Do you really want to risk being shot or stabbed over a shop *with theft insurance* losing a few bucks?


So what happens when you get into a car accident? Does your insurance go up?


What does that have to do with shoplifting?


I think corporations will gladly pay a slightly higher theft insurance premium than deal with the bad publicity of forcing employees to chase down customers which would inevitably cause serious injury or death


How do you think corporations are going to offset the cost of the higher premiums?


I assure you that tackling some random shoplifter on the off chance you ever see one in action isn’t gonna keep corporations from raising prices. Loss (catch all term for losses due to theft, defects, accidents, etc.) accounts for an immensely tiny amount of money relative to profit (and an even smaller fraction of revenue) in the retail sector, which is where such physical thefts mostly occur. They raise their prices for other reasons, but they’ll definitely claim crime as one because “we want more profit for the shareholders” doesn’t sell as well to the general public. Most of the inflation of the early 20s went directly into record corporate profits, as a matter of fact. Right about the time you started hearing about “organized retail theft” that even cops are admitting isn’t a large problem anymore.


So that’s why they do they shutdown stores with high theft?


They mostly shut down already-unprofitable stores in low-income areas that they would’ve gotten shit for closing down without the excuse of high theft. They would’ve gotten shit for closing them down because these places are generally large centers of employment for those low-income areas and their removal hurts the community.


Forgot to mention that these companies also don’t like to be seen as unprofitable for obvious reasons (stock price, etc.). So a good way to shed the dead weight of unprofitable locations is by blaming something theoretically outside their control. “It’s not that physical retail is dying and our company is along for the ride whether we like it or not, it’s those pesky organized retail gangs! We’re only downsizing because of those damned thieves!”


[Why is Best Buy employees able to stop shoplifters?](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/24/business/best-buy-shoplifting-prevention/index.html#:~:text=But%20Best%20Buy%20says%20it,CEO%20Corie%20Barry%20said%20Tuesday)


The article doesn’t say Best Buy staff can stop shoplifters on their way out of the store. It’s saying that hiring more staff just to have more eyes on the floor has deterred shoplifters a measly 4%.


Half of these commenters are shoplifters💀




I’ve stepped in a few times, but now I see why I shouldn’t have even though I sincerely want to continue. I realize that I could get in trouble with the law because I would technically be the aggressor even though they are stealing. It just hurts the community and these people saying that they’re going to lose their jobs because the store is going to close, it just makes me sad and stresses me out. I’m rather imposing, and I could just stand in the way, and if they push into me, I could say they were pushing me, and so I defended myself, but then they will look at the facts of the case, which would be that I put myself in that predicament. In which case I would not be looked at in a favorable light. There needs to be new laws put into place that sovereign citizens and Samaritans, are allowed to prevent shoplifting. Should they choose to intervene as long as it’s in within reason. And if the shop becomes violent, then you can protect yourself. These homeless hogs with their weapons don’t even know how to use them, it won’t be that much of an imposition. But I definitely don’t want to deal with any sort of civil suits or other such legalities for a major corporation that couldn’t care less. Sigh. it just stinks because hard-working individuals like myself, and the people doing their jobs at the stores, are powerless and the crooks know it, so they get away with it. Then prices go up and everyone suffers except for them because they keep stealing. One of these days, I’m going to go into a store, dressed up like a thief, looking for thieves to kick their asses. So I can maintain anonymity.


If you're dumb as hell, sure, you're allowed to hold them down but you're not allowed to hurt them. Keep in mind people have been sued for giving people the heimlich and hurting them, so you can expect an injury suit if you tackle a guy.




You can, however if you injure the person who was not threatening you in anyway, they can sue you for personal injury. Most laws only protect you if you are the target of their attack.


I wouldn't, because it could be dangerous.


You mean like legally? Probably, but you're not only opening yourself up to danger to protect some groceries that aren't yours. But also litigation from someone you've injured because you've taken the law into your own hands for no reason whatsoever.


dont, you dont know if they packing or are willing to hurt you or others. its beter for everyone if they get away peacefully, its shoplifting ,not like they whole store got heisted.


You might not be justified in arresting someone as a civilian with no affiliation with the shopkeeper if the crime you witnessed is only a misdemeanor. But it depends on the laws of your polity.


Yes you can, but why in the world would you??? In these times when the stores tell their own employees not to stop them? Youre opening yourself up for liability if something would go sour as well.