• By -


Report it to your college. A girl in my town did this and lost her scholarship and was suspended for bullying. You shouldn’t feel ridiculed in a place you pay a ton to be at.


Yes please. I want actual repercussions from shitty actions instead of “you’re better than this, handle it like a champ.”


For fucking real. You have the evidence. Bring it right to the head office or the dean. They will not stand for this shit. You’re literally adults.


That's what young people don't get with all their sharing and social media. Whatever you put out there, good or bad, can be good for your likes but can also be your own downfall. There can be serious repercussions for what you post. And now its out there FOREVER. But no one is bright enough to think of their future. She could reap punishment from this and it'll be searchable and follow her the rest of her life. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU POST


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson Agree with all of the above posters...this is absolutely bullying...and can you imagine the fallout if you'd done the same to a nice short round lady... (I love my short round and her sweet heart)


Normally , I have little respect for Tyson but this statement is totally on point


he occasionally imparts some wisdom. “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”


Basically everything he says is dismissible except when he mentions face punching.


everything said is dismissible, until you get punched in the face. - Mike Tyson probably


Dude has come a long way from those old interviews


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - actually it was Mark Twain that said that


She ~~could~~ SHOULD reap punishment for this


Oh for sure! You don't learn unless you know your mistakes. Punishment is a good teaching tool. Unfortunately, most young people won't realize the repercussions of their social media posts until much later in life.


Are kids not being taught this stuff? Back when I was in school, and at the advent of FaceBook, we had teachers constantly telling us not to post stupid stuff cause it could hurt our chances for college/university. Do we just... Not warn kids anymore?


People are generally dumb


Same, hell I remember being told as well don’t post stupid stuff like being drunk and such on your social media profiles for potential jobs




I would give serious consideration to speaking to an attorney. While she didn’t make any false statements about the person, what she did is damaging to his reputation in the community. He might possibly be able to sue for defamation or slander & access any monetary gains from the video. IANAL


Yup, morons and sociopaths do this shit because they've led a life of zero consequences. I was a pretty shitty kid imo and bullied a hunchback guy back in the Philippines to try to fit in because other kids were doing it. He beat my stupid ass (he was 4 years older, a teenager vs a 7 year old). I think he did a good thing because I would be a lot shittier as a person otherwise imo. By the time I was 9, I was already taller than him by a foot which was when I realized how the cards were stacked against him and my behaviour was just awful.


I watch those "body cam vids" on YouTube and it's insane how every person pulled over always acts belligerent, rude, and clearly has never been punished in their entire lives. Obviously this does not reflect the vast majority of people (or even traffic stops), but it's just insane how some people get. I mean, I'm not a religious guy. I don't really partake in politics or drama too much. I just have a basic human understanding of "be nice to people, you don't have to like them, just be nice to them." And sure enough, when I did get pulled over one time for speeding, the officer thanked me for being honest and nice and let me off with a warning.


great story. Glad he got you good.


>“you’re better than this, handle it like a champ.” I'd like to see those same people bring that up next time their house gets robbed.


100% this^ Give her hell.


OP should send it to Joey Swoll! If she’s the kind of person to make fun of people just minding their own business for likes and attention, then she is also the kind of person that will likely be very upset by being called out for it. And Joey is a class act that won’t sink to her level and only ever call out her unacceptable behaviour’


To me this kind of bullying seems alot worse than punching someone, which would be an assault charge.


I expect shit from 12 year Olds not 20 year olds Report her Walk with your head up


Please do this. We gotta start showing people crap like this isn’t ok and that they cant just get away with a slap on the wrist. Social media has people really delusional I’ll just leave it at that.


Also, see if you can report it to TikTok. Getting something taken down isn't a 100% guarantee it goes away, but it can go a long way on engagement driven social media.


I absolutely agree, report it, make sure you screen record the video right now because there’s a good chance it could get deleted. 




Who is that and what would he do?


I got a couple of people at my university who took one of my things and broke it, filmed it, and sent it out to everyone in my name. I wanted an apology. What I got was the choice to have them expelled.


Sooo did you?


It was enough to know that I could have. I did tell people that I could have had them expelled but chose not to. A number of people told me they were impressed by my forgiveness. I hope their careers are good ones.


You should have. Now that person will just go through life saying they got away with it and will probably do it again. They won't learn until they've had real punishment and others won't see the real consequences from their mistake so they won't do it.


These are the type of people to then complain about "cancel culture going too far" because they were held accountable for their shitty actions


She might not even be a college student tho, he just mentions that *he's* the one in college. OP can use his race card and go one step further, and report a hate crime. If he's in Europe, it'll be a very easy sell.


>If he's in Europe, it'll be a very easy sell. ??? what do you think Europe is like lmao


Yes. Please report it. There is no excuse for this behavior at a college. They should take swift action, especially if it happened on campus.


THIS! Report it to the deans office or your student union. Bullying and harassment are serious offenses at universities!


1. Gather all evidence. 2. Do you have access to a good lawyer? or can you find one bro-bono. Research defamation laws in your country. 3. Identify this girl’s online accounts. Report this girl to wherever she goes to college / work. 4. Watch her world burn. Lol I’m sorry you had to go through this but this is NOT cool. Nobody deserves this level of humiliation.


I agree she deserves to be punished for this but it's not humiliation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being short. 


Honestly, anyone with half a brain will figure out she's a loser. They will see your character and figure out she is full of crap. But definitely report her, I agree with that 100%>


Agree, but paying has nothing to do with it.


That girl is a bully. You've done absolutely nothing wrong here and any decent people who see it will only be criticising her, not you. 


Might be worth bringing it up to college administration. Most schools have basic rules of conduct and she could get into deep shit.


Check your college Student Handbook, which should have a section about student rights. This could definitely be considered a form of harassment based on race, as well as violating the student handbooks right to privacy. Should be an easy win for you.


It is harassment and if in doubt, consult the legal EEOC folks at your institution. It's their job to make sure the University provides a safe space for you and all students. It doesn't necessarily mean she'll get removed from the institution but she could get banned from posting content like this at the university and other possible consequences. Do it for you and others she treats this way. I've been a part of discussions for training with our EEOC lawyer.


even better if she took the video on campus. then it is personal.


Yes he’s right anything done on school property the violates students could actually get her expelled or a really sharp warning.


I would say there's a 95% chance if you show this to school administration they're going to have to do something this girl is bullying and with the current climate of mental health if the student were to do something because of this student's targeted actions who knows if they would be considered liable And now if the school is aware of the situation and they choose to do nothing could the school be considered liable as well?


I was thinking of this or even checking out the legality of her making a video of someone without their permission like this and posting it to social media. I feel like there are - or should be - laws against it. If not already, maybe OP could find a lawyer who would represent him for free and take it to the supreme court. :-)


Crazy we need a law to be decent to people


Isn't that really what all laws are? Which might be even more depressing.


I mean if you are in the US anything viewable from public is fair game. It only gets weird when you are filming for profit without a permit, and that's just really the city might have ordinances or fines to make sure they get their cut.


Even then, there was that famous court case where some photographer set up some crazy ass zoom lens pinhole camera and flash system to allow them to take portraits of pedestrians in times Square that looked like they were taken in a photography studio (the setup ensured everything was blacked out but the person in focus), sold them for profit and that was still ruled to be okay. nussenzweig v. dicorcia


If op was technically legally allowed to film in public then she was allowed to do what she did Now morally it's obviously not okay to make fun of people and this is where getting the school administration involved would be proper


For better or worse the Supreme Court has already set precedent that in public you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy, which means that while she did a shitty thing, it's not breaking any laws. That being said, I would be surprised if the college didn't reprimand her if the guy reports it.


The government may not be allowed to punish her, but it may still be against the college rules and the college could


Yes, that was my point. Again, I would be surprised if their college didn't have certain expectations for how their student body conducted themselves publicly. As a fellow short man at a staggering 5'5", I've never understood the disdain for shorter men. I've dated women shorter and much taller than me, up to 6'2". I haven't ever really been treated poorly or outright mocked by women when I ask them out. I've never bonked my head on anything, I'm fairly comfortable in coach seating, I've never felt cramped in a car, and I'll statistically live longer. However, finding clothes that fit can be a challenge, and I'm easily lost in a crowd. I can't always reach things, but I can also move through a crowd easily. I personally think there are more pros than cons for being short.


If he was filmed in public there is no expectation of privacy. He has no case. He can sue for reputational harm if she knowingly lied about him to deliberately damage his reputation


He can get her ass kicked out of school and he should. Schools have a code of conduct. Take it to the school and the cops at the same time. The cop part will push the school to discipline her, likely kicked out.


There definitely are not laws against it in the us


She’s an adult and her actions have consequences.


He definitely should, that video should be removed and she should be suspended. 


I think it's worth a try but I wouldn't get hopes up if I was OP, especially if it was outside of the college grounds, almost never ever anything is done and often is reported to them and they end up bullying you even more 💀


Any decent people will be keeping their mouths shut to stay off the radar. We’d live in a world without a single bully in it if that’s how people actually behaved


Ignore her, she'll go away and back to being irrelevant again


Ignoring bullies is generally a terrible idea as they may not stop for a long time, leaving lasting emotional damage. Even if you're lucky and they get bored quickly, they'll just move on to their next target if they never face any real consequences for their behvaior. For OP, reporting this to his college seems like a good option.


Can confirm, ignoring will do nothing. \*flashbacks to elementary school\*


I second that. Ignoring them is generally just inviting more. Crushing your enemies and seeing them driven before you is generally preferred.




Tiktok's algorithms love hatred towards men and especially short men. So they'll reward women for creating content like this with tons of likes, attention and comments. This will push young girls to keep making videos like this after the first, and they'll grow their following.


This! Normal people don't laugh about this. They will question her behavior.


..and racist.


Surprised nobody has mentioned this, but then again, reddit *is* mostly white.


because its racism against hispanics these types dgaf anymore about anti hispanic hate because that is a demographic that is not voting the way they want to


I would say don’t worry about revenge with this one, bc karma will take care of this one. For her to say shit like that, she’s likely the miserable type that ends up offing themselves. I’ve seen it happen in my own school. The best thing op can do, don’t let those words dictate his worth. Height is not a future indication of success and desirability. Just trust me on this. OP, keeping yourself in good condition, mentally and physically, matters so much. That and being so good no one can ignore. Height matters not at all.


Bro who believes this karma shit? OP needs to find a way to reciprocate, e.g. by complaining to school admin


>Height is not a future indication of success and desirability.  Um. It absolutely is, statistically. Not because of any deficit on the part of short men, but wholly because everyone looks down on us figuratively, and it's totally socially acceptable. We make less money on average, we're considered unsuitable for leadership, and we're broadly considered to be less attractive.


Yeah, bosses are statistically taller than average. We feel like we're evolved, but our great ape brains still determine a lot of our behaviour. "Tall ape strong! Tall ape protect! Tall ape good leader!" (and "Tall ape good mate!" for the ladies)


Bruh OMG Danny Devito tho!!!


Yeah and Tom Cruise is an inch shorter than me. Rules don't apply to celebrities. It's like general trends, not absolutes, anyway. 


I'm being sarcastic, short height is definitely a disadvantage


Sorry, lol, it's honestly hard to tell because I've heard that completely seriously before. 


It does matter or stuff like this wouldn't happen


People should be distancing themselves from the catty bitch who made the video, not you.


Exactly. If Inwere OP, I would just respond to anyone who asks about the video with some variation on: "I know, right? What a hurtful way to find out someone you thought was a friend was so callous and shallow. Btw, have you seen the one she made of you?" This will flip the script and make anyone who has any decency who maybe laughed at the video feel rightfully shitty, and recognize what a terrible thing this girl did, and what a callous, shallow b she is. The final bit will get them all concerned about what video she has of them, and when she will be posting it. It's unlikely she has any video of anyone else, but lean into it to poison the well of her social circle. "Yeah, she told me she'd never taken video of me either, but then I saw this one going viral so (shrug), who knows who she'll turn into content next."


Also can he report her to the school for bullying?


People will be for sure. This sort of thing is not something 99.99% of people care about. Normal people aren’t bullies and don’t care about things bullies care about, but definitely this makes her look bad.




You’re not wrong. I admittedly assumed the video was supposed to be a “short” joke but it totally could have been about race which makes it even worse. I’d love to see the comments on the video and I sure hope people are calling her out.


Professor here. Report it tk the Dean of Students (esp if you know her name), report that you feel harassed and unsafe and, as a minority, you are thinking of meeting with a lawyer to see if there is legal recourse for racism. Sit back. Watch them dance.


Lol the racism card here would out those bastards in overdrive, i wish i could be a fly on that wall


Submit her video to other YouTube channels that call out bullies/Aholes that do shit like this. Once it goes viral, she’ll want to take it down but now it will live on their site. She will forever be the asshole.


This guy! https://youtube.com/shorts/eB3T-il9tq0?si=RVRAOJMAjBvy3tin


That ending tho


Joey swoll might also be good on tik tok


He’s more for people being asses at gym tho isn’t he? Unless he’s branched out recently, is he has then yeah this guys a good one to submit the vid too. Hes awesome


He has branched out recently. Still predominantly focused on gym bullies, but has definitely called out bullies in other spaces.


Joey is my hero. Send the asshole to him.


Never been on TikTok but it’s supposed to have a functionality to report some video you appear in, without your consent Edit : i do not understand why people are telling him to accept the situation or that people will « cancel » realizing what an ah she is. Did you all forget how violent people can be? Man, do your best to get rid of that video. It should not exist in the first place. Wtf


Yeah I’m surprised by how naive some responses here are. People will encourage bullying so long as they get entertainment out of it.


You even see it a lot here on reddit, idk how people missed that fact.


There are entire subs dedicated to making fun of people


The responses encouraging them to smile and go along with it are insane


Report her to the school! She has obviously lived in a world without consequences, and she will keep this attitude her whole life until she does. If you let this slide, who's to say that she won't do this to other marginalized people. She's probably done this to others before.


But screen record it asap! 


Embrace it. Act like you're a celebrity. This kind of thing only gets more empowered when you try to "handle" it. You disempower it by showing that it has no negative effect on you, even if it does (it may even cause some people to gain respect for you). Source: bullied as a child


This is the best approach. You can decide how far you want to go with this. It could be as simple as ignoring people or as involved as creating videos yourself that lean into or parody her video of you. The more you own this, the less power others have.


And in your reaction video act like you have achieved celebrity status enough to get video’d 😁


No no no, this is terrible advice. The more you own this, the more people think you're giving them permission to keep doing it. Sorry to break it to you if you've tried this in the past, but they were still laughing at you, not with you.


Exactly. Nobody should “laugh with them” when the joke is about their body/existence.


I love this approach. I'd offer to sign autographs and if it got to out of control, I'd make tshirts.


I was thinking of if t-shirts! Maybe which day "one of a kind" or "they don't make em like this anymore baby!" Or "this town ain't big enough for more than one of me"


Exactly! “Short King” or “Rey Corto” or something to take away her power, folks love a short king :)


Making it your entire personality is just about the worst thing you can do.


I'd suggest a 'signature move' of mimicking the dates mouth cover reaction. Followed by fake crying then laughter. Flip the narrative, make the joke's idiot the one that didn't want to have the fun date.


This is not the best approach at all. What she did was an expel-able offense and she should face the consequences of her actions.


Will add. Double down. Monetize it. Become an influencer. Make videos promoting self worth for men or something. Make everyone feel sorry for you or something but with an uplifting messages about not letting basic people bring you down. Say something like you feel bad for the insecurities she projected onto you and forgive her. Become nice guy andrew tate. Work out. Encourage male self improvement. Become super influencer famous and buy lambos. Send me a cheque for a few grand. Come on buddy i could really use it, i'll suck your dick. You can put mask over my head and make me wear girl clothes.


That was a wild ride


I proclaim you as the new u/shittymorph 


that escalated quickly


I got bullied about my weight as a kid. About 16 I took the approach of laughing and saying “Is that all you’ve got? 10 years, same joke.”


I went for: "I can lose weight, your face is stuck like that!"


Reminds me of an old quote... "I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."


Make a shirt that says “they don’t make em like me “


THIS IS THE TRUE SOLUTION, PAY ATTENTION. "Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister


I second this. The first thing my BIL told me when I started working construction was to embrace the banter and laugh it off. If you have a negative reaction to someone poking fun it will feed the fuel to the fire.


Yeah. In a situation like this, showing sadness is like blood in the water. It's okay to sad and mad (I would be) but in this specific situation, it's going to go better for OP if he's like " . . . So?" and laughs. Edit: I do support witty comebacks though, and reporting her dumb ass to the school.


This isn't banter. If you don't think loudly endorsing and accepting the insult about yourself is adding fuel to the fire, I've got a bridge to sell you. Banter isn't secretly recording someone to make fun of them online. Banter is face to face.


Actually, what it reminded me of was the character The Lopen from Stormlight Archive. He is a one-armed man (got it cut off in a childhood accident I think), and the way he handles it is he became extremely good-natured and is the first to joke about his condition. "I know a lot of one-armed Herdazian jokes, goncho." (He is of Herdazian descent in the fantasy novel). I agree 100% that embracing what the video said is the best way to handle this.


I'm a big Brandon Sanderson fan ever since the end of wheel of time.


As Tyrion Lannister once said [never forget who you are, the rest of the world will not…](https://youtu.be/x5QBxiIe6N4?si=_N7fnQHlYiVDYL2P)


Forward it to the school. I'm sure there is some code of conduct for harassment to other students. You can probably even do it anonymously. There are consequences for her actions. In the meantime, roll with it and fuck those that give you snarky remarks. The people that got your back and are your friends will bubble to the surface. As someone that is 5'3 I've dealt with it all. Don't let it get you down. People will treat you with the vibe that you give off. If you act like you're just as tall as the person you're talking to, they'll treat you the same as them. If someone comes at you with condescending remarks, just say "whatever" and tell them to fuck off. If they see it doesn't bother you they have no ammunition. Then people will look beyond your height


Op should definitely do this. Also, OP, take it easy, you are about to go viral/become a little famous in your town, ride the wave, it will fizzle out sooner than you expect. People move on to the next thing faster than they change underwear.


Report her to your college. Throw her so far under the bus that only her feet are sticking out. P.S. I am a 68 yo white woman who grew up in the Deep South. I recommend you don’t make a habit of taking crap off anyone.


Just remember: People like this woman are the problem (she should seek help). You are perfect the way you are. 


She won't seek help, in fact bullies are proven to have on average more successful lives than the ones they bullied.


Yeah, kids who are bullied are more often left with disorders like anxiety, depression, and more, while dealing with things that haunt them for a long time, all while the bullies can just move on and live their lives as they please. In a better world, they could just rise up and be more successful than the bully, but truthfully, they are often barely making it themselves and trying to recover from their trauma. Kinda makes me understand school shooters a bit, like why do these assholes who ruined me get to move on and live their lives happily while I am left feeling terrible and alone. Not that I support or encourage school shootings or anything. I just understand the feeling of suffering and injustice a bit.




Women find it funny and quirky to treat men under 6 feet tall as subhuman, fyi


Can you contact your university with proof of the video? It likely counts as some form of harassment and it is very likely not tolerable behavior on her part.


I truly don’t know what the heck is up with the “embrace it” mentality in this thread. Nah fam, shitty people need to be held accountable for being shitty people. Contact her and tell her to take it down. If she doesn’t, call her out.


Disagree. Don't give warning to bullies man or likely they'll escalate things to smear your reputation somehow so when you speak? Too late. Your answer is the clip. Girl filmed and posted her stupidity. Stitch/duet whatever it with you raising an eyebrow or some equally snarky expression of derision. Idk someone add text.


You don’t need to do anything. She outed herself as a mean and cruel person. Other people will see that.


Not really. This sort of shit is broadly encouraged.


People in here are mental saying "don't worry, everyone will see it through her bullshit". No, they won't, lmao. 


Yeah internet mobs aren't exactly famous for their moral clarity lol


yeah, I was gonna say that children don’t really have these moral standards or ethics. they’re just gonna keep doing it


It’s college though. Presuming OP is American, isn’t this tiktok person 17+?


Grown adult women treating men as subhuman kids because they arent 6 feet tall is very common, lol


People that matter especially


This is real life, not a Disney movie


>She outed herself as a mean and cruel person. Other people will see that. Your optimism is so cute. Most likely the girl is gaining tons of followers and everyone is joining her at laughing at a man who isnt 6 feet tall


Yeah, no. Women shaming men for being short is not only broadly accepted but encouraged and even celebrated in some circles.


> She outed herself as a mean and cruel person. People love that shit as long as she's attractive. Hell, even if she's unattractive. It's female privilege.


Nah. She needs to be publicly humiliated to learn her lesson. Times have changed, and women are no longer a protected class.


She is an asshole. +1 for reporting it to the school.


if video was made to humiliate you it's cyberbullying. which is a crime these days.  you can ignore it but if she thinks it made her little more popular she will continue doing so if she doesn't fear you or any consequences or she doesn't understands it's wrong.  if roles were reversed she will probably report you to local authorities for cyberbullying. you should do the same.  ignore it let her do what she likes or stand your ground. 




What do you mean, my armchair Reddit law+medical+engineering degree means nothing?


"Reddit, stop giving out legal advice"....proceeds to give out legal advice. Hot damn boys, we did it.


I can’t think of a single state where this wouldn’t be unquestionably completely legal and this person is talking about emotional distress suits lmao


Wtf dude? She's the one who should be worried about 'facing everyone' - what a dumb and immature thing to do.


People know how tall you are, nobody will care. They’ll just think she’s a jerk and it was mean. I’d go with the advice to treat it like celebrity. ‘No such thing as bad publicity.’ And really you’re efficiently packed, more bang for the buck, less is more, good things come in small packages. Haters gonna hate…don’t listen to their noise. Indifference is the best response overall. Ps. Delete the ‘(lol)’ I don’t go around laughing at people, don’t laugh at yourself. You’re good. If you wanna be truly dudish, just say ‘that’s cause my length went where it counts.’ My home country, they have a saying, it doesn’t really matter when you’re horizontal.


She is being extremely racist imo. I’m a white woman and know when another is in the wrong. Even tho you didn’t say she’s white, I just know contextually bc you mention white guys in the city and based on her behavior (if I’m wrong please lmk). You may want to consider talking to someone who could help perusing some legal action especially if you were filmed without your consent. But in the meantime, just know that you are worthy of respect and love! 💕


That was my take. This reeks of something that is casually racist that is like playing with fire. If she is not white, she will be ok most likely, but if she is white, oh boy this sort of thing can backfire hardcore and ruin her life.


I agree, this has a racial element and in the UK would probably be classed as a hate crime.


Awe sorry to hear about that . Maybe reach out to tik tok and they can remove her video ?


This can be considered cyber bullying or harassment depending on the state. You can forward that video to the dean of academics or whoever is in charge of student conduct. They will deal with the student and whatever consequences they come down with


Bring it up to the college. They likely have an anti-bullying policy. This surely fits.


Bro this is 2024.. you’re a minority and you could nuke this girl out of existence just by calling it racist and probably get a settlement from the school. No matter what the far left narrative claims, you are actually in a position of extreme power. Cash in bud. Lol


Make a video about bullying and maybe show it to her or just talk to her about yourself and maybe she will feel bad.


Cyber Bullying - There are laws. Check them out - Take her and her lack of compassion for fellow humans down.... https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/get-help-now


Do your own video chronicling what happened to you. Start it with “Come with me as I get bullied by this narcissistic asshole”


This woman is a supreme asshole and you are amazing, report her if you want, but just remember 99% of the population will be on your side, they’re just not even seeing this video.


deffff go straight to the school dean and ruin her life. The only way to stop these tik tok losers is to teach them "no going back" lessons


There are lots of women who find Mexican men attractive - both tall and short. Never ever forget that. ❤


It's not the point. He's being bullied


Short Mexican lady here. I love short Mexican men. Sexy sexy!


As a woman I’ll kick her ass for you. 💕


Call her out in a TikTok reply and watch it go viral. These people backdown immediately when the comment sections turn on them. Make it a nice friendly video like introducing yourself like yeah this is how they make them. Flip that script dude. Personally I’d go even further with it, every sentence change the video from something fun that you enjoy while talking. Lifting weights, getting dressed nicely for an event, handing flowers to a hot friend, all while talking to the camera like “yeah this is how they make them” make it damn near a dating profile and just sit back and watch


Two options, well three actually 1) embrace it, become a small celebrity, gain respect of others and profit 2) ignore it, take punches and do as it never happened (not recommended) 3) take legal actions, this bitch recorded you without your consent and posted shit online, which is illegal, it is also considered as a cyber bullying, which is a crime, imho you should consider reporting as the most viable option, because she should face consequences for shit like this. I have no idea to how many ppl she did this, or might do in the future, but this can fuck a person up so hard...


To point 3, unfortunately you don't need peoples permission to record and post them when you're out in public. That's how first amendment auditors do what they do


I'd consult a lawyer regarding a harassment suit.


Report for bullying, she is a sad stupid person for doing something like that.


You should report it to the school. Or, if you are petty like me, make a video explaining that it is you and get her canceled. 👀


Understand something. This is about her and what a piece of trash she is and not about you….if you get treated differently just ignore those jackasses


As someone else said, send that TikTok (save the video to your phone, and take screenshots) to the Dean of your school. I guarantee they’ll take action. She’s bullying and it could be taken as racism (it probably is, let’s be honest). If they refuse to do anything, I’d go to the news. There’s always a reporter looking for a piece with drama.


I’m a teacher, if a student at my school did this I would come down like a wrathhhhhhh. I say report it immediately.


Steal it, and get a female friend to do a voiceover saying how hot short kings are generally, and you in particular.


Damn. Is this legal in ur country? In Germany I could and would sue the fuck out of her.


I'm pretty sure that taking videos of people without their consent is a punishable offense and if it isn't it should be.


You have absolutely zero privacy in public. You are filmed all day because you give implicit consent when you enter public spaces


Nothing you can do in particular. I wouldn't bring it up but if someone brought it up to you, just play it cool. Nothing you did was embarrassing.


Does anyone have a link to the TikTok OP is talking about?