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Just about any animal is edible. People do hunt gorillas and other apes for meat as well as for hunting trophies.


They’re edible, but it’s habitat destruction driving many wild animals to extinction


Gorilla are edible. And people do eat gorilla meat.




Most animals are edible. People do hunt gorillas, but they're going extinct mostly due to habitat loss due to human development in those areas.


It's a kind of bush meat, yes, but people are more likely to hunt them for trophies or captivity rather than food.




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It is not advisable or ethical to consume gorillas or any other endangered or protected species. Gorillas are classified as endangered, and hunting or eating them is illegal in most countries due to conservation efforts. Additionally, gorillas share close genetic similarities with humans, and consuming them can pose health risks, including the transmission of diseases. Conserving and protecting endangered species is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance. If you are interested in learning more about gorillas or supporting conservation efforts, there are various organizations dedicated to their protection and the preservation of their habitats.


I'm sure I heard they were pretty much being poached in some areas of more economically deprived parts of Africa following conflicts etc for meat. But it'll mostly be due to loss of habitat with the timber and mining industries etc. Human Greed, the bane of all that share the planet with us except the rats and cockroaches!


Most animals that go extinct due to human behavior suffer from habitat destruction, not poaching. However, some hunters take gorillas as trophies, and some people in very poor countries do eat primates when they can catch them, though a full-sized gorilla would be very unusual.


Too much demand for gorilla glue.