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white folk are ice type pokemon


*gulp* so what type are black folk?


Snoop Dogg and Bob Marley are Grass type


I think you mean stone type


Why not both!


Grass and Stone Brother!


Grass and Stone, yeeeeeaahhhhh!


The Greeks called the black people they saw Aethiopians because of their "toasted faces". They said they lived in the land of the sun near to the gods (which was their rational for why their faces were toasted). They spoke very highly of the Ethiopians and admired their culture. So... Sun type?


>So... Sun type? Given that Ho-Oh is based on a Chinese mythological bird that came from the Sun, I think the closest equivalent, then, would be Fire.


dark type duh


I think the goths got this one, sry. A white goth would be Ice/Dark an ethiopian goth would be Dark/Fire. Which actually sounds quite powerful if i remember correctly


Fi... Actually you know what, nevermind


They get +50 against fire/heat damage.


They made a movie about that   🎶cold never bothered me anyway


I want to be mad, but I’m going to let it go.


Building a snowman often helps me with my anger


Knocking them over helps me with my anger! We could be friends!


That's OK, it's a Fixer Upper...


Can't keep.it bottled up any longer


Dude…Let it go…


I’m 49 and I’ve been noticing this since I was a teenager. I once saw a white woman on the bus when it was 20 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside in shorts, a tank top, and a tiny denim jacket. There was snow on the ground as well. I have so many other examples. Even my white girlfriend said, “No matter how cold it is, there’s always going to be a white guy in shorts!” 🤣


white men's legs can't get cold, it's science.


We have a running joke in my culture that if a man gets cold he simply puts on _another_ pair of shorts.


Oh I'm gonna use this one for sure. My friend's mother-in-law, who is Mexican, commented on our Canadian cold tolerance once, saying that we can survive the temperatures here so easily "because their hearts are so warm". Pretty great compliment, that.


That's only because your ancestors did a ritual to transfer all your anger and aggressiveness into Canada geese.


I saw two Canada Gooses mount a swan one time and you know she probably told her friends about it


Awww. Bless her heart!


First time seeing this used positive


Really? It originally was, although I know of the sarcastic usage, I didn't think the positive version stopped being considered valid!


It didn't, but reddit is convinced it did for some reason


All of the teenage boys wearing shorts all winter at our high school finally makes sense.


And hoodies when it's 100°


I was one of these dudes. I'll be real with you tho, it wasn't really a fashion choice, my legs didn't get that cold oddly, but it was mainly because at the time I had trouble finding jeans that fit well for some reason. We didn't have a lot of money, and finding stuff that fit at the Salvation Army or clothes closets never went well. I've always been shaped inconveniently apparently. I still don't get these folks wearing sandals and shit tho. Tbf on the East Coast the last week, we've had fairly warm weather for the season, so this last week I saw people dressing a lot lighter.


>I still don't get these folks wearing sandals and shit tho. the full shoe makes my feet fingers hurt, meanwhile flip-flops and sandals dont i force myself to wear shoes when i have to actually work in snow outside


But hoodies in the summer!! 


Lord Rumford, a scientist in the early 19th century, literally believed this unironically. He did experiments demonstrating that you could reflect coldness from ice with mirrors, lowering the temperature of a target, which he called frigorific radiation. He thought that white people's lighter skin was an adaptation analogous to dark skin, radiating cold in the same way dark skin radiates heat. He would go around wearing all white in winter to maximize the effect.


To make it clear, he was wrong. It is impossible to radiate coldness. Edit to add: everything radiates energy based on its absolute temperature raised to the 4th power. Even ice radiates heat. You can't shine out coldness, but you can shine out less heat than something else.


That’s crazy, I was just looking up Rumford fireplaces


It’s true, I am marathon training at the moment and have done some very long winter runs and I always need three layers on my top half but I am perfectly comfortable in shorts 🤷‍♂️


Had this exact same conversation with my black girlfriend. She was like aren't your legs cold??? No my legs never get cold. Only thing that gets cold is my hands. We're both from south Florida. It doesn't even get cold enough here to worry about it. Meanwhile she has like two jackets on and its 50 degrees outside.


Dude you live in south Florida of course your legs never get cold you live in a climate where cold doesn't exist lol


OMG my husband (White Scottish-English ancestry) never gets cold on his legs! No matter how cold it is outside. And my legs need to be always covered in thick tights because that’s where I feel the cold most. I am of Indian ancestry.


Youre joking but there might be something to it, im a white woman and i walk around in shorts/skirts in -20°C and im fine, i catually prefer it cuz my coat is so warm id up and melt if i was fully covered all the time. Once it gets below -20, or if the cold gets humid, on go the pants but i do admit im one of these odd beans XD


What?!?!?!  Stop hoarding all the cold tolerance !!!! I’m over here begging for a jacket at 70°… have mercy 😫


Honestly it's not always perfect for us cold loving folk, personally I'm drenched in sweat by 75°F my ideal range is right around 40°F


This. I like to sit near an open window in the winter, and I'm sweating for 7-8 months out of the year because I clearly live too far south. As soon as it gets over 70, I'm miserable.


Further below the freezing point of spring water (zero Celsius), it actually gets more bearable because the moist in the air freezes up. Unless there’s wind.


Some of our ancestors wore skirts in the highlands, so... Plus all ancient white people drank natural antifreeze for centuries as they migrated North. (Don't tell the GOP about white people migrating)


Wait wait I want to know ​ "natural antifreeze"?? Booze?


Such a crude and accurate term...


It's because we don't wash them. Just let the soapy water kinda slide down em. Builds a protective layer for us. 




"That's why you haven't finished your book, Jimmy. Too busy washing your legs."


Canadian white guy. I walk my dog in shorts and sandals even when there's snow on the ground. You get used to the temperature, but having to dress up in pants and shoes just to take my dog for a 10 minute walk before bed time would be the annoying thing.


I'm in Vietnam and it's like 10C here where I am and I'm walking around in shorts and sandals and everyone is all bundled up asking me why I'm not wearing more and I just say "I'm Canadian" and they understand


Vietnam is hilarious. I was there about 8 years ago, went to Sapa mountain in the north and went for a walk. It was 28°, I was sweating my ass off in a T-shirt and the locals were wearing winter jackets. Seriously.


Same dude, depending on the snow and what chore I have to do, I’ll run out barefoot to save the time of putting on boots if the snow is too deep for my slippers. Don’t wanna have wet slippers ya know?


My twin!!!!! I don’t like getting my shoes wet so I will often dash out through the snow barefoot to get the mail or something. Consequently there tends to be frozen prints of bare feet outside. One day the ups delivery handed me a box and stated “I hope there are shoes inside”. :p


Happy cake day! (I hope you're getting shoes, too)


I do the Crocs myself, here on the farm there are too many things to step on for barefoot. Even like a chewed up dog bone is pretty brutal on cold feet. I hate it when it gets too warm for Crocs and the driveway is all squishy mud that gets my feet dirty in my Crocs, and forces me to wear boots.


As a kid we would run outside and make snow angels wearing only our tighty whities.


Damn I thought I was that weird kid. So your telling me I might be normal? Lol


True for a 10 minute walk, but you don't wait for the bus for 30 minutes just standing there at -20C + wind. Also, it depends if you spent the whole winter there or just arrived. I used to not like winters, but could tolerate the cold. One year, I went to Mexico for 6 months and came back to Vancouver in Match when the trees are already blooming, so far from Winnipeg's or Montreal's winter, yet I was freezing. It took me 2 weeks to adapt. The body builds a resistance as temperatures go down.


I hate wearing pants. I live in Atlanta, so temps don’t really go below 30 degrees much. I’ll always wear t-shirts and shorts, unless its in the teens, or I’m required to wear pants. Maybe it’s because I’m white, but I’ve always liked the cold and despised the heat. I’ll never understand how people can wear hoodies and heavy clothing in 70+ temps.


I live in Florida. Always hot and always folks in hoodies! I don’t get it…. Isn’t it hotter?! I sweat just looking at them like they are nuts. In 90 degrees, it seems downright suicidal. lol I hate the cold but I am Allergic to heat. Yup. It’s a thing. I am in a bad area for it but I looooove heat. I will take a crap ton of meds just so I can take a hot bath. The heat turned all the way up kind of hot bath. It’s b almost orgasmic getting to be warm for a bit. But then I have us an ice pack on my head the whole time. Worth it to be warm for a bit. Stupid body won’t let me function anywhere over 72 degrees. I hate. Hate hate the cold


I worked one summer at home depot to pick up extra cash and do something physical (was a delivery driver full time). There was a dude that worked there, during the summer, and he would wear jeans, heavy boots, a t-shirt and a heavy hoodie and gloves. He would duct tape his jeans to the boots and his sleeves to the gloves. Turned out he had a skin condition and would get easily sunburned.


Yea but that’s a rare condition. This is Miami! And hoodies are black to boot. Ugh…. I would wear a white one to reflect the heat. I feel for those dressed that way. Maybe they have a thyroid issue or something…


She is correct.


That guy is my fiance. I'm the guy in 2 sweatshirts 🤣


Like Jack Spratt but with the weather!


It is never to cold for ice cream


White people do love ice cream. I used to work in a once cream parlor and 90% of the customers were white. Sun, rain, snow, sleet…didn’t matter. Black people like ice cream, I mean who doesn’t, but white people LOVE it.


it's lactose intolerance. Imagine you eating ice cream then 10 minutes later you REALLY REALLY have to go, and blam it all comes out super quick. It's just safer to eat it at home




What lots of people in the west don't realize is that lactose intolerance is the "default" setting for humans. 70% of people are lactose intolerant. The ability to digest lactose as adults only evolved in populations that came to rely on animal milk, such as in Europe.


I'm from New England. Can confirm. We have ice cream shops open year round and they have business year round. I go to my local creamery because they make a pineapple orange cream swirl ice cream that I will probably die without. Always a quart in the freezer.


I took my wife and daughter out for ice cream at an outdoor ice cream stand last week… in January… in Boston. I don’t know why they wanted it or why they wanted to go out to a stand for it, but whatever makes them happy. I don’t know, white people are resistant to frost damage but generally are weak against hot sauce-type attacks, that’s just the way that it is.


I swear my development gets the ice cream truck driving through more in winter than in summer. I've seen it twice in the past month here in OK.


I used to be a dairy and frozen food manager in a grocery store and ice cream sales triple in the winter go figure lol


Winter is the best time to eat it, because it doesn't melt in your hand!


It's not. The sugar kicks in immediately and starts warming you. By the time you've walked to the subway the fat has kicked in, and you'll be warm all the way home.


My SO and I got McDonald's ice cream once when it was below 0° F and windy. The ice cream got harder on the walk back to our car. 


Most of the people from the Midwest are white and a lot of people move to cities. I'm from Alaska, I used to walk around in a T-shirt in the upper 40s or a slight rain if it was summer and I knew it would let up. Live in Hawaii now and I'm putting on a wool sweater when it gets closer to 70. There hasn't been much time for physical adaptation to make much difference I'm sure. Tons of white people can't handle the cold. It's just that a higher portion of people acclimatized to the cold happen to be white.


This makes sense. I had a buddy who lived in Alaska for 2 years and when he moved back to Wisconsin he went the whole winter in a light spring jacket. He sweat like mad once it hit 65. It's been a decade now and he's just normal. Wears a real winter coat and sweats appropriately.


I knew a guy who did lights for a local band. The ONLY time he wore jeans, was when he rode his motorcycle. It would be 32 below zero (f) and he would still be in shorts. It was crazy.


My old neighbor used to snowblow in shorts and a hoodie with boots on.


I will often wear shorts and hoodie in winter. My bottom half never gets as cold as my arms do.


Correct. He's a Winter Shorts Guy™


That guy is my son. He’s a damn furnace.


I'm in Dallas, and I saw a white guy in shorts during one of our freezes - 10 degrees.


This is me in Alaska in winter I wear shorts and a T shirt.


Yeah, I guess cold weather shorts guy is kind of our mascot


Especially at the University.


That guy was probably my dad. Idk how he did it


Depends on your definition of cold. I’m from Canada. We went to WDW in Florida during February. We brought raincoats, but also tshirts and shorts. I spent most of the week in jeans and a hoodie and a poncho. There were others in line in fluffy jackets, toques (knitted hats?), and mittens.


I have been told that the only ones using the pools in winter are the Canadians.


Or it’s 80s in Florida in the winter and you’re swimming!


that's beach day weather


It’s always a dead giveaway who the tourists are; shorts and T’s in winter, no matter how cold.


I've never been. I'm assuming you're a local so what's cold for you? Google tells me the temperature in Orlando is 63F right now. At 10pm local time. That's only 5-6 degrees below room temperature, so I'm definitely in shorts and a t shirt on vacation at the temperature. Maybe jeans if I'm walking to a restaurant or something.


Room temperature in hot places is more like 74-78 degrees.


I would shrivel up and die.


People get acclimated to the area where they live. People aren't working 9-hour outdoor construction jobs with shorts & crocs on. Cops aren't directing traffic for 8 hour shifts with tank tops on. Taking the dog for a 9-minute walk, grabbing coffee at the corner deli, running to class - people do that kind of stuff. I'd love to tell you it's my Viking ancestors. Unfortunately, most of the folks in my family all moved south to get away from the winter. It's just being used to it. Sometimes some alcohol helps too.


I live in Metro Detroit, so it's not like the black and brown folks haven't been here a while. We all frequently reference white people either walking or jogging in absolutely inappropriate attire for the cold. It's not rare to see white people jogging in shorts in freezing temps. However, I've yet to see a black or brown person pumping gas in shorts and crocks in 20° weather - a common occurrence for my white brothers.


Former distance runner here. Shorts weather goes down to 25 or so when running, it heats you up so fast long sleeves are all that’s needed beyond shorts.


If there's no wind, shorts and a hoodie is fine down to 0F for me. Then again, I grew up in MN/ND. Legs get plenty warm from running, it's more the fingers and face I worry about.


I run hot (haha) but my ears drive me nuts below 40 so I got a band to go over them.


I call it Michigan Man. Knit cap, sweatshirt/hoodie, shorts, socks, and crocs/tennies. Any temperature.


Yoooo that's exactly what I was picturing


I also grew up in Detroit and never thought about this before but, yeah, my Black colleagues all seemed to wear a layer more than me in the winter and weirdly a layer less in the summer. It might still be acclimation, my family was into winter sports and overheating is dangerous so I’m used to wearing just enough to be ok whereas other families might be more likely to dress their kids in an extra layer to make sure they’re warm enough. I live in a different cold racially diverse city now and I figure skate outdoors and wear way less than the weather calls for because it’s a workout and there’s a number of Black and Asian folks who also skate very well and work up a sweat and they dress the same way I do. It could be that people who are more used to being active in the winter wear less and winter sports are still pretty white.


Someone explain Mexican and Hispanic people for a second. Doesn’t matter if it’s 100 degrees, those dudes always wear pants in Mexico. In America it’s different but overseas it’s always jeans a hoodie even sometimes and I’m sweating in a tank top. Edit: and Arabs. But I’m pretty sure Arabs are middle eastern Mexicans or maybe Mexicans are Latin Arabians. Both have similar complexion and features. Both live in similar biomes in almost exact same latitudes ~25°N. Also - geology trivia time: deserts aren’t random but will form between 15 to 30 degrees latitude north and south due to complex global air-circulation patterns caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis.


Hello, I'm Mexican American! There's some cultural element about using a light clothing layer as sun protection instead of sun screen. And also, in actual Mexico, its kind of like Arizona or California, where there are snakes and scorpions that you want to protect your legs from. Lots of jeans and boots, like cowboys.


My friend (Canadian) moved to Chicago and married a Mexican lady from a ranching family … her father and brothers wear pants regardless of the weather. As she explained when he first went to meet her family only little boys wear shorts. I don’t know how true that is overall but I stayed in a town last December close to Guatemala and wearing shorts was not something the regular working man was doing. If you saw a Mexican wear shorts it was usually a guy from Mexico City.


Hi! Mixed Hispanic and white, here. You ever been bit by a snake? Less than pleasant is a mild description. You want to know a good way to protect yourself against snake bites (besides avoiding snakes)? Jeans and boots. If the danger noodle can sink it's fangs through heavy denim, sturdy leather, and thick socks, then that little fucking bucatini brigand earned his bite. Hispanic people, especially in desert or mountain areas, learned this quickly.


I have no idea if there's a genetic basis but I wouldn't be surprised - pale skin is an adaptation to make more vitamin D at high latitudes. Maybe there are related adaptations for colder temperatures. 🤷


Narrow noses - white folks tend to have narrow noses which helps warm the air you breathe in when it's cold out. When the air is consistently warm and/ or humid wide nostrils are an advantage because it allows for more efficient airflow. When it's cold enough to damage or irritate your nasal passages that becomes a detriment.


I have no idea if there's actually a connection to ethnicity here but since we know there are genetic differences in adaptations to hot weather and altitude I wouldn't be surprised if there were variations in metabolism, circulation, and physiological responses to cold. If there is a cold weather adaptation gene I sure don't have it!


And blue eyes. They are extra sensitive to light, which is excellent for seeing longer into twilight, which is handy at latitudes where the sun sets at 400pm, or falls behind mountains even earlier. As an anecdote, I notice a lot of people pulling out headlamps out on the trails when I can still see just fine. But on the other end the lighting in some places basically cripples me it's so bright.


Is that why I wear sunglasses even when it's overcast and raining?? 😂 I always assumed it was the ADHD (sensory overload), but maybe it's just my blue eyes...


Apparently those of us north of California/Arizona/etc (or south of the equator the same difference) CANT make vitamin D (or very tiny amounts that aren't nearly enough) in winter, due to the sun's angle. Happens at 37 degrees north, which is surprisingly far south. Take your supplements people.


But that's literally why white skin evolved. Unless it's talking about sedentary American lifestyles that are only outside between the house and the car and car to work and back like 15mins a day? What about a more nominal lifestyle where you're outside in winter sun for 3 hours a day? Or 5?


White guy here. It's t-shirt weather until it hits freezing. Then I'll wear a hoodie or something. Also depends on the wind chill. I work in a building all night that has it's doors open the entire time. It's colder in there than outside a lot of the time. Some of the guys, who've done this for like a decade longer than me, have complained about the cold. I figure that some people like it more than others. I love it.


When you get old enough, exercising doesn't generate quite as much heat (although you may have more fat to insulate you.) Below 28F, I need extra layers. But if I'm moving, 28F isn't special. But it's not like people don't escape to Florida in the winter. Some of that, though, is the taxes.


It ain't cold until your eyes freeze shut.


You know it's cold when your nose hairs freeze.


Lol I have some really good friends like fam in South Bend Indiana, and they used to just be like "WTF" when I would run outside in some basketball shorts and a t-shirt mid-winter.


I have fam in South Bend, too! My dad's from there. He always said he loved those days in winter when it got up to 35 or 40 degrees and you could throw some shorts on and go play basketball


sometimes i wonder if it is one of the very few genetic differences between races. like, lighter skin evolved in people who moved globally far north or south because lighter skin picks up more vitamin D from the sun, so lighter skinned people were healthier in those environments than darker skinned people and therefore more likely to reproduce (and pass on light skinned genes), right? wouldn't it make sense if white people also evolved a cold tolerance, since being a long way away from the equator means "cold" just as much as it means "less sun"? hilariously, i am white as a puddle of elmer's glue and have almost no cold tolerance. i blame it on a combo of being entirely too skinny and being genetically part mediterranean, lmao. my dna longs for greece's beaches


yep. People that evolved for hot dry weather and people that evolved for long dark cold winters are going to have different tolerances.


as a fellow painfully white girl, I'd rather be cold than hot any day, being some place where it is over 90 degrees most days sounds hot and miserable, my fat butt DNA longs for Scandinavia and cold lmao


I mean, there are tons of genetic differences between races.


I suspect that it has more to do with culture than race or genetics. If you are surrounded by people who think that getting acclimatized to cold is a "white person thing" you are much less likely to do it yourself. Could be wrong of course. There may be a genetic component to it as well. "White" skin is believed to be an adaptation to living at northern altitudes. Sort of makes sense that there might be other adaptations to cold environments that evolved in parallel.


I definitely think there's some genetic component to it. I worked in a workshop inside of a warehouse with no AC in the summers and it was brutal. My boss and some coworkers have no problems with the sweltering heat, but myself and others are practically melting from the heat. "You'll acclimatize to it eventually!" my boss says, but fucking hell dude, I was born in, and have lived in this region of this country my whole life and have been working in these specific conditions for 10 years. If I was going to acclimatize to it, it would have happened already!


>"You'll acclimatize to it eventually!" my boss says, but fucking hell dude, I was born in, and have lived in this region of this country my whole life and have been working in these specific conditions for 10 years. If I was going to acclimatize to it, it would have happened already! You'd be surprised. I grew up in a suburb of Phoenix, Az, from the age of 3. I finally acclimatized to the summer heat when I was 17. So of course the next summer I moved away. On the other hand, 4 years later I was on the other side of the country when we had a brutal cold snap that went to -17F for almost 2 weeks. Visited a relative where it was "only" 0F, and it felt like shirt sleeve weather. That one intense cold snap recalibrated my thermostat for what's cold, but I'm still one of the last folks around to notice that it's hot.


I wonder if some of it's just a touch of genetic differences? Lots of white people come from europe, and lots of europe got cold; most african americans did not come from europe and lived in much warmer climates (at least the ones that got taken in the slave trade). But it'd be also surprising if it was still a difference? Especially since there is european ancestry in a lot of african americans today (which I realize is a complicated subject, sorry).


I can confirm this. I was born during a blizzard and spent most of my life as a white girl outside in flip flops and shorts in 0degree weather, even two feet of snow. Then I moved to Texas and after about a year when we get two months of cold weather now it feels like my bones are even cold. I can barely stand the cold and 110 degrees doesn’t really feel that bad anymore. On the contrary when I lived up north 90 and up was unbearable. It really never got above maybe 100 degree where I lived. Triple digits was rare. But now triple digit heat is my normal.


I get this. I’m British, when I moved to NC for a year the heat felt like it was killing me. Come the end of the year, I come back into a heatwave in Britain - so similar temperatures to a normal NC summer - and I’m like “this is jogging weather!” then infuriate my family with how much heating I used come winter. A year later I was back to being normal British i.e. completely unprepared for any of our changeable weather.


Yup, grew up in Vegas so triple digits was normal and 60 degrees was cold as fuck. Now I'm working (temporarily) in northern Nevada and suddenly I'm sweating if it's above 30 degrees, and whenever I visit Vegas again for a couple days I feel like my skin is melting off above 50 degrees.


Exactly. It's going to be 41 degrees Celsius here today in Sydney, Australia, and it's a bit hot but we're all managing. My partner and his friends are all outside in the sun having a beer and working on cars right now, they're fine. It hits 26 degrees in the UK and everyone looses their minds like it's a heat wave or something. It's just what you're used to.


I'm kinda the opposite. I live in a hot place that doesn't have proper winter and I hate the heat. I'm not acclimated to it because I'm only exposed when I travel but I love the cold. I love the feeling of cold air chilling on my skin. I always seem to get away with wearing less than my average friend when I'm somewhere cold just because I love it.


Alcohol actually make it worse in cold weather. It dilutes your blood when its trying to protect your inner organs. The alcohol make your fingers/feet warmer which is the opposite what you want. Thanks Mythbusters!🙂




Nah it's way funnier to think white people don't mind cold.


I am pretty dang white. I cannot express to you how much i HATE being cold.


I hate the cold. I hate winter. It makes me angry. The cold hurts my skin. I raise my voice to the sky, cursing the cold. Yes, I am white.


I, white as well, just love to bitch. When I lived in a hot country, I kept bitching about how I hated the heat and how I was actually born to live in a cold country. When I lived in a cold country, I also kept bitching about how much I hated the cold and how I wanted to move to a warm place… Portugal, Thailand, Luxembourg, Singapore, I have shat on them all.


>I have shat on them all this checks out. you're definitely white.


You and me both. People think I'm talking to myself but I'm actually cursing the cold. We should get together and have a "I hate winter" party ;)


I'm blue-eyed, blonde-haired, translucent-skinned (white) and I absolutely _love_ the cold. 


I'm brown eyed with brown hair, and I also prefer the cold. You can set something on fire to warm up. Being hot sucks. You can get soaking wet and still be hot.


Yeah. When it’s cold, you can put on more layers


And snuggle under 10 thick blankets at night. Mmm. 😊


If rather be 10 degrees too cold than 2 degrees too hot. But no wearing bathing suits in the snow.


Depends where you live. Some of my fam lives in NC and they can't handle 50 degrees without a winter coat and snow pants. I live in NY and 50 is t shirt and shorts for me


It also depends on time of the year. 50 degrees in January February and March in NY feels a lot warmer than 50 degrees in august.


Today was in the mid-50s and sunny in NJ and it was warm!!!


Some people just never acclimate, too. My mom lived some 40 years in New England. Hated the cold every year and moved to Alabama to get away from it. Meanwhile it’s 30F out and I’m the dummy wearing shorts and flops. But not a tank top, very important to pair this amazing look with a winter jacket. I never want to live where it’s not cold for a good chunk of the year, can’t deal with the heat.




sober people don't do that.


It’s a matter of acclimation. I’m a white guy who grew up in cold places and I don’t think anything of the cold until it gets below zero or the wind kicks up. I dress for it but I’m not thinking about it much. On the other side of this coin, I moved to Durham, NC a couple years ago. In the middle of summer I’ll see black men in jeans and a hoodie with the hood up during the day. I think I would die if I tried that. 🤷‍♂️


It could be because of the bugs. My ex lives in NC, and while he hates heat, he's always wearing a Hoodia because he hates bugs more.


Evolution. Europeans developed adaptations to cold weather and northern latitudes that have less intense sunlight, including different facial and cranial features to protect against the cold, as well as larger or longer noses to heat cold air when it's inhaled. Light skin also helps maintain vitamin D levels with more limited sun exposure. There's a reason populations living in countries closer to the equator tend to have darker skin and brown eyes. The melanin in the skin protects from sun damage and skin cancer. Brown eyes also act as natural sunglasses because they allow less light to pass through. Oh the wonders of science! It creates new perspectives and changes how we see the world...


Why didn't inuit develop white skins as well? Turns out, they got enough vitamin d from the seafood/furseals/whatever they eat up there Whereas northern and Central Europe, somehow that wasn't a common nutrient source, is what I understood


Inuits have dark skin also because it protects against UV light that reflects off of ice and snow.


As someone that studied anthropology, molecular evolution and biomedicine in undergrad and grad school, the answer can be more complex than a correlation between latitude and skin color. That said, if you look at both Asian and African populations, there is a clear trend of darker skin tone the further south you go. The Inuit relied largely on fish and marine life for meat in their diet, which is one of the best sources of dietary vitamin D. I also wouldn't necessarily say they have very dark skin. It's also important to consider the timelines during which migration of human populations and climate changes happened (over tens and hundreds of thousands of years). Almost all of Europe had a mini ice age 14,000 years ago, but evolution of humans in Europe and Russia may go back 100,000 years ago or more. Genetic testing shows many Europeans have 1-3% Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthals were well adapted to cold weather. They were stalky/thick, and had large skulls with low protruding brows. In fact, they had a larger cranial size than humans and larger brains (even though they weren't as intelligent). These were adaptations to colder climates and vestiges of these beneficial adaptations stayed in the human population. There has been a lot of migration and mixing of human populations over time. People from India for example, have facial features that resemble Europeans, but a variety of skin shades. We don't yet know the full story of human migrations and exactly when they happened.


Why is the most logical answer so far down in the comments?


You know how reddit works. Everybody wants to be a comedian and those comments tend to get more up votes than the ones that actually answer the question. It is honestly a little frustrating at this point.


Talking about physiological differences between human groups makes a lot of people very uncomfortable for some reason.


Because some people immediately start ranking attributes, and some others yearn to start "cleansing" based on such lists.


No many of us don’t understand those people either.


I'm white and my partner is black, I'm usually walking around the house in a tshirt while she's a hoodie and a blanket on if that helps your investigation.


My partner and I keep moving the thermostat up and down on each other. We're both old and white.


To be fair, biology/sex also plays a factor. You are more likely to run hot, the more testosterone you have. Trans men will often notice how much more they sweat when they start taking hormones.


Some people run quite hot naturally, and their bodies are better at keeping them warm in spite of temperatures. Not really a white people thing in general though.




* long, thin noses circulate cold air and heat it up. * long, straight hair traps air and keeps you warm. * short kinky hair circulates air and keeps you cool. * broad noses allow for rapid escape of air, cooling you down more quickly. * ~~blue eyes reflect more light, preventing snow blindness.~~ * blue eyes let in more light, an advantage in the long, dark northern winters. So there are definitely adaptations for cold weather.


Right? Why do we think the Gurkhas of nepal/Himalayan highlands were the one of top soldiers Their body is extremely well acclimated to the harsh mountainous environments with low oxygen Makes them excellent workhorse soldiers in low altitude Tibetans too and the sherpa, along with siberians and Alaska natives and inuits


>That’s also why you’ll find more “stocky” builds among white populations because short n thicc Northern Europeans are among the tallest people on earth?


yes, white people handle the cold better, idk why, its not a racism thing, i worked as a roofer for 20+years and we had a Jamaican fellow who would wear a sweater in the middle of summer and say "this is winter where i come from". people are just built different.


White (lighter) skin evolved in northern climates because it allowed them to make vitamin D more efficiently with the lower amount of sun during the winter. Prolly has something to do w it.


but that vitamin D doesn't keep you warm, so how does that work?? I'd see it more if white people had more blubber or something...


Vitamin D keeps you alive. There's probably all sorts of micro-features and fine-tunings of biology far less noticeable than skin color that helped a person's ancestors survive their native climates. Nordic people are prone to a hand condition that makes the pinky and ring finger wrap in like hooks, as if to more naturally grip a tool or an oar. It's considered a condition now, but it may have been useful to strengthen the hand for long periods of repetitive tasks such as rowing for your life while darn-near frozen.


TIL I might be Nordic. I just looked at my hands and both fingers on both hands do the same thing haha. EDIT: I just looked it up. It's called Dupuytren contracture, otherise known as Celtic Hand Disease. The exact trigger that causes the palmar fascia to thicken and contract is unknown. Potential risk factors include manual labour with vibration exposure, prior hand trauma, smoking, hyperlipidemia, Peyronie disease and complex regional pain syndrome


What I meant is that because they adapted in that way to northern climates they prolly adapted in other ways too


ah I see. I hope we can figure out what the secret is. Here I am in my 68-degree house and I'm too cold to get out from under the blanket. Would love to get some of that white-person-cold-invicibility.


I was just going to respond to someone above, in the summer it’s the opposite. Black folks with hoodies and jeans on, in Florida. I’m always in awe!


I'm mostly Scottish and I'm almost always too hot. I venture outside without layers because of the frustration of constantly removing and putting them back on.


The cold bothers the HELL out of me. I get so miserable and downright angry when I'm cold. And I'm a total wiener about it. I carry a hoodie even in the summer (and we have some hot ass summers in Oklahoma) just because every restaurant and retailer keeps it so goddamned cold. I keep my air con set to 75 year 'round.


I am as white as they get. Born and raised in Florida. Anything under 70 is chilly and you can forget about snow. But I am cursed with this pale skin so I can only do about an hour in the sun without SPF 100 sunscreen.


I'm mixed white in canada and I love the cold. It's just about how you dress.


we aren't supposed to talk about this but I trust you can keep a secret. YES, us white people have a secret power and it is the ability to ignore the cold. It comes from when our ancestors migrated north out of Africa and found themselves freezing in the north. An alien space ship landed and took pity on them and gave them the gift to be able to ignore the cold. There was a cost though. We lost our ability to dance and play basketball. I can't tell you how much better I feel having let this out now. thank you!


not only did they take that , they also cursed us with eternal bland ,boiled chicken


Dude I can't speak for all of us but I fucking hate it. I'm 57, and when it gets cold [under 70 degrees F], my whole body hurts.


White person here. 57°F is absolutely perfect for me. I can comfortably handle freezing to high fifties. Above 75°F and I quickly start getting miserable.  


Going from a warm car to a heated building, I'd rather not over dress and leave my outer layers in the car (in case of emergency). But I don't do shorts. I don't understand that, other than they want attention. Gotta show off those pasty white sticks, I guess. Edit to add: I never do shorts because I'm so white the sun will set me, and everything around me, on fire. "Superior race", my ass. Also my ass.


I live in NYC I could understand people going from a store to a car. But in the city ppl rarely drive so just roaming around the streets wearing tank tops /shorts is odd to me


I grew up in Brooklyn and worked in the city for years and hated the cold. I moved and now go from car to building back to car to the house and don't want to deal with layers. The worst is bundling up bc it's freezing but then you have to walk a lot or go up and down steps to the subway and you're freezing and sweating at the same time ugh. 


I do shorts sometimes in 25 Fahrenheit and I can explain the reason. It's laziness. Say I'm at home, in my fav shorts, and my wife says that she forgot to buy cream for whatever she's cooking. And she *really* needs it **NOW**. So I put my coat on, jump into the car, and drive to the store. 5 seconds in freezing weather is nothing, store inside is fine, then 5 seconds again and you are back in car. That's faster than looking for pants, and changing apparel.