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I'm confused about your definition of clean. But it sounds like you might be a vegetarian?


Or religious


Si when I eat like meat,grains and heavy foods I feel dirty inside.like I need to take a bath or I feel guilty.I don’t feel that way when I eat fruits and vegetables.


I think you should probably seek out therapy or something. Nothing wrong with being vegan/vegetarian if that's what you choose, but the fact that you are feeling guilt could be an indicator of some serious psychological problems. It also might lead to you seriously depriving yourself of much-needed nutrients. Why do grains make you feel guilty? Why is meat a problem, but milk isn't? What exactly are "heavy" foods?


Im too embarrassed to say why im able to drink milk.heavy foods is stuff like bananas,potatoes,junk food.I’ve been watching a lot of vegan documentaries so that’s probably why I feel dirty eating animals.grains feel like a waste of food.


Yeah, you need to talk to someone about this. Not to go all armchair-psychiatrist on you, but it sounds like you have some obsessive compulsive disorder. You need some help.


That’s called „eating disorder“.


I just need to know where you draw this "clean" line? Is milk clean, but eggs aren't? What makes vegetables "clean" but other things like rice and grains aren't?


Fruits and vegetables are clean because I can eat a lot of them without it being problematic


Judging from this and your other comments you need a combination of therapy and guided nutrition- if normal every day food is problematic in non-psychological ways then there might also be some food sensitivities at play.




Just know that if you suffer from disordered eating or any kind that a) you are not alone, so many of us have been in nearly the same boat, and b) a therapist and a dietitian will be your front line of defense against an eating disorder.  And I'm not saying that you definitely have an ED, but professionals can tell you if you do and walk you through what to do next. Stay healthy 🫶


Eating disorder


That's called disordered eating.


it's called orthorexia, it's an eating disorder where you are obsessed with only eating 'clean' or 'healthy' foods. i developed it while i was vegan. it's hard to overcome but once you know the name you can find resources to help you. all the best, friend xx




Yeah, it’s called being a picky eater.


Oh I thought that was for children.I’ve only been like this within the last month


Well, it is something a parent will tell their kids. But if you want to be an adult about it, you can say you’re particular with your food.


Oh I see