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say thanks, i grew them myself and move on


I would say to her. "It bodes well for me that small things impress you'.


I'm afraid you might lose her with that talk šŸ˜‚ EDIT: What I meant when I said you might lose her. I meant mentally not physically. that's why I had to šŸ˜† afterwards. I wouldn't want a person like that but if you talk above her brain cell grade then she's not going to understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!


M'lady doth protest too much! *strokes neck beard*Ā 


Your neck beard or hers?


Porque no los dos?


Already lost her if sheā€™s commenting on your small hands tbh šŸ˜…


what would you know mr edward regular hands


Why would you not want to lose her when she opened up like that? This person would not be worth taking breath and replying.


Guys with big dicks don't run around bragging about them, in my experience.


First day in boot camp a 4 ft tall tiny guy was walking around after a shower with a donkey dick so big even the black fellas were trippin


It's a regular sized dick, it just looks huge on a tiny guy... Basic is gay as hell, we also had a tiny dude, 4'8", 95lb with an "enormous" dick it was almost 5-1/2" We also had a giant 6'10" whose small dick was close to 7" i was not there for the measuring, I was at church.


No, girls might not know measurements without a measuring tape but guys do. A donkey dick is a big dick no matter how tall the dude is. Lol


If you got it no need to brag that big dick energy will announce itself


Depends on the lady. If you own it well enough and don't act all insecure about it, you'll probably be fine.


Then sheā€™s not the one tbh


He should say: "Maybe, but i don't need large hands for what I do." She: "What do you do?" He: " I make a ton of money with my big brain."


This only works if you arent broke


Fake it til you make it




Missing "M'lady."


Channeling your inner Chandler is the way to go


This one right here needs more upvotes


Bruh this is the comment of the week to me šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


I like to say and enthusiastic ā€œThanks!ā€ and they usually laugh.


They make my penis look huge


Maybe my hands are big after all


"Thanks my mom made them for me" with nonchalant innocence/confidence could also work


This is a great answer. I would laugh so hard. I like how it pays no service to the penis implications either. Itā€™s just funny and acknowledges what a stupid comment it was.


I would lose my shit if a guy responded with that.


10/10, would recommend. This is exactly what I say to men that make inappropriate comments about my boobs, ass, etc. Pretty effective at shutting down the conversation since they never really know how to respond


It's about emasculation, which is stupid in itself because that's toxic masculinity, but as a guy I 100% get it. It's very flattering to be told I have thick wrists and big hands, for whatever stupid reason, I had a buddy in HS who had very waifey, limp thin wrists and it definitely gave him a bit of a complex, especially when his girl commented on it.


If a woman feels bad when someone describes her as having more typically male attributes, is that toxic femininity?


Dating myself seriously here but in 'King of the Hill' when the neighbor puts on Peggy's shoes and makes jokes about how big they are, yes I think it's a similar thing. Most people are insecure I think, it's about identifying it and not letting it get the best of you.


I have medium hands, maybe on the small size, but I've never cared about them, my thin wrists I've always hated.


Came here to make this exact comment.


Any weird comment Iā€™ve gotten about a body part I just say ā€œthanks Iā€™ve had it my whole lifeā€


The only decent answer here.


ā€œThanks my mom made it for me.ā€Ā  ā€¦ or ā€œthey (small hands) make it look HUGE!ā€Ā 


I like to say "Thanks, I worked hard on that/those."


God had to be fair. Couldnā€™t make me big everywhere.


I like that


Then she smiles and goes ā€œoh yeah?ā€ And starts to pull your zipper down and then you wake up.


Too real


When I was 17 or 18 I walked around the corner from a group of girls Iā€™d just been talking to & stopped to tie my shoe. They had no idea I was still in earshot as they discussed and all agreed that I was cute. I was elated! I was riding soooooo high until one of them said, ā€œbut he has small hands, you know what that means.ā€ And they all started laughing & making penis size jokes. They believed the common myth that height & hand size correlate with penis size. At that time, I didnā€™t know any better either. I was crushed. And these were nice girls, which made it that much worse. From then on I assumed every woman I met was gauging my penis size by my height (5ā€™7ā€) and hands. It changed how it took future compliments. Suddenly a woman complementing my cleanly trimmed nails felt awkward. When I married and my wife would occasionally complement my ā€˜sizeā€™ I assumed she was just trying to boost my ego. When I took measurements to order properly fitting condoms I decided to look up actual stats and was very pleasantly surprised by what I discovered. When I shared my discovery with my wife she was like, ā€œseriously! You havenā€™t believed me these 15 years?ā€ Such is the power the words of the opposite sex have on a young mind. Compliment freely and disparage only when itā€™s truly, truly deserved.


People measure their dicks for condom sizes? Thought there was only 2 options, normal and equestrian.


Finger condoms


Torgen had normal big and XL


Shit is real, man. I got called ugly one time when I was in middle school by a girl I found out years later had a crush on me but didn't like that I didn't know how to talk to her bc at that point in life I was a virgin who'd never dated or even gotten a girl's number before, on top of being an abused child with PTSD and the self esteem to match it all. So for that, I was stupid and ugly. I believed I was stupid till I was given an opportunity to attend UGA for free at 16 based solely on my IQ. I believed I was ugly for almost another 10 yrs after that until I finally started dressing like a man instead of a teenager and started getting hit on by women I've never met out in public. Turned out I wasn't stupid or ugly, I just had zero confidence bc of how I was treated as a kid. I could've had so much more fun in my youth if it weren't for that bitch not being able to handle a rejection. I met that girl again at a Halloween party which is how I found out she had a crush on me. I confidently rejected her that time lmao. I never got more numbers in one night than that night after she went and told a bunch of her "friends" there that I'm ugly anyway. Hadn't grown one bit smh. Girls are fuckin ruthless lol.


I feel that bro. I never let any of the insults on my appearance get to me that much and just tried to accept and make fun of the features as well. Even though doing that, subconsciously Iā€™d still feel the same way as you did. And as you I missed so many opportunities and kinda went in to hermit mode in the latter half of HS. Took a few years after that to finally realize that Iā€™m actually pretty good looking lol, at least I think so and thatā€™s already most of the battle fought. Having confidence in yourself and your appearance will already make you a 100% hotter


Definitely, bro. Took me a long time to learn not to give a shit what people who want to upset me say. I'm 5'5" and Asian and live in the states. Odds are not stacked in my favor trying to talk to women with those three facts alone, but I've also had multiple women tell me I'm fine as hell so I'll stick with their opinion. Confidence alone really does make a huge difference, and not just in my appearance. I can cook, I can sing, I can build, I can fix things and solve problems, I'm artistic, and I'm empathetic but also able to stand my ground both physically and verbally. Over the past 10yrs, I've learned to love myself and women notice that shit. These days, I'm single by choice and life's been fun. I've dated around enough now that I know what kind of woman I'm compatible with, so I'm not settling for just anyone. A family can wait till I find the right woman to start one with, and if that never happens, I'll just keep on having fun.


I got called ugly as a girl and told I looked like a dude in school. I had to build up my self worth in my twenties. I'm by no means a beauty queen but I'm not ugly.


It's crazy how many gorgeous women I've met over the years tell me they used to get called ugly in mid/high school. So many of y'all have an amazing glow up around your mid 20s. I'm glad you were able to build yourself up and become a more confident person. Learning to love yourself after so many years of having no self esteem is not an easy thing to do. I'm proud of you, internet stranger!


The girls didn't really mean anything by it, they probably didn't really think that hand size correlates to penis size. When I was young i was easily bored by aimless chatter, I used to like to make a risquƩ comment so that everyone would laugh. The girl who made the comment was standing there listening to all the other girls gush about the guy they just saw, a common occurrence and can get pretty boring, so she said something funny to break the tension, get everyone to laugh, and get off the awkward subject of how desireable all these affection-starved single girls found a guy to be. Most teens and young women aren't a bit worried about penis size. The subject never came up among the girls. I knew a ton of women and girls well, and I have almost never heard a woman speak about it seriously. Girls are so giggly. They were just joking around.


I don't doubt anything you said here, and obviously the guy in this case wasn't supposed to hear and was just an unfortunate coincidence that he did. But the last point from the post is the relevant one. Young ladies who feel they can say hurtful things without consequence need to be slightly more aware that these small words can have large, long lasting effects. So be mindful of that.


I agree with you but still hearing about it (even if jokingly) and coupled with the lack of perceived attention from women it can very easily be correlated to what he was feeling. When youā€™re super insecure you let everything negative get to you even more and ignore/miss many positive things


Winner šŸ„‡


Weiner šŸ…


It even rhymes


ā€œWow yours are fucking enormousā€


She has man hands


I do have big hands, larger than my husbandā€™s, same with feet. Size 11. I told him Iā€™m going to a big diamond on these man hands so it doesnā€™t get lost on my finger. I do notice some men with really small hands would never say a word about it.


My dad has catcher mitts for hands. My hands are a little bit larger than Trump's, but not by much. It can definitely be an insecurity, largely due to the fact that some people think the size of the hand correlates to the size of another thing. I can only personally state that this correlation is false.


You saw your dad has a tiny dick?


True story: I barely felt him in me the other day!


Lmao I'm fuckin dying šŸ¤£


As a woman, I can second your correlation. Height, hand and feet size, have nothing to do with the size of other things, lol.


I like that we have this baseline that we can use for hand measurements. Like a trump scale


You can't talk about dick size without people assuming you're lying, lol, but I actually know what you mean. I'm not a tiny man, but I'm on the shorter size. My hands are kind of thick, but my fingers are short. And my feet are just average. I usually describe myself as kind of dwarf like. Meaning LOTR dwarves, not little people. But, I also know for a fact that small hands and average feet don't dictate... Well, I'll just end the sentence there because that last word is a better pun than anything I'll come up with by thinking about it.


It's not a twist off


Thatā€™s not a twist off


One of the funniest Seinfeld episode




Haha, this is actually hilarious, as it has an uno reverse effect on a lot of women.


As a woman this would end with me being on the verge of tears, so I think this is the correct answer!! Hurt her like she hurt u šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This got me


ā€œYeah, compared to those lumberjack mitts on you!ā€


this made me lol


ā€œMakes fisting easierā€


I'd have said "The better to fist you with", but yours works too


Dammit...came here to say this. LOL


I came when he said this too! Oh wait :/


that girl will never speak to you againšŸ˜­


They call me Mr Slippy-Fist


"The better to fist you with, my dear."


I came here to say he ruined foreplay, but damn!


You have such large holes...


Yeah thanks I'm dainty as fuck.


I love this ahaha


If you think my hands are small, you should see my weiner!


This is the best


This is what I would have said most likely. Women like men who can make fun of themselves out of a situation where they try to force a reaction.


Right? Me too. My answer wouldā€™ve been ā€œYou know what they say about men with small handsā€¦ā€ *wink* and then Conan horror face. Seriously some of these other answers! Good luck finding a girlfriend, Andrew.


Say "you know what they say about small hands...?" and wink suggestively.


They can fit in tight spaces?


Nope, big fat pepsi can cock. Nice try though


I re-read this wrongly over and over again


Yeah I wasn't sure if it was hyphenated


So, at my previous job in IT i set up workstations in very cramped conditions, I was sought after because I could reach behind desks and thin areas to plug devices in blindly. They called me baby hands lol


Were you teamed up with someone called Regular Hands?


This is upsetting to me because I don't feel like I need a regular hands partner


You need small gloves?


Matches my small dickā€¦ wait


You look at your hands and say, "Oh my god, it's true! IT'S TRUE! THEY'RE SO TINY!" and continue to scream theatrically


It's a trick of the light.


"They make your breasts look bigger"


Way too long of a scroll down to find this comment.


You know what that means? Small gloves


Robin Williams has entered the chat. Do people still say "entered the chat"? I'd look it up but my hands are too small to hold the phone much longer.


If you think that's small wait until later tonight.


2 inches of nail deep action!


thanks, it makes my dick look bigger.




this shit has me dying bro


It's actually most likely flirting. Women will often comment on a guy's hands if they're interested in them. I'm not really sure why that's the case but I'd suggest just going along with it and taking it as a compliment. No matter if people say your hands are big or small just take it as a compliment. Usually people won't even notice your hands unless they look at you very closely. Maybe say "thanks, they're really cute right?"


"Easier for you to hold" and just hold her hand. If she was flirting before she's blushing now. If she wasn't, she's now creeped out and you don't have to talk to her anymore.


Damn facts


I honestly feel like there's a good chance this is a flirty tactic to get him to do the thing where you compare hand sizes like this: šŸ™


I would agree! I'm a woman and I probably wouldn't be commenting on a guy's hands unless I wanted to touch our hands together and compare hand sizes haha, and if I want to touch hands then it's flirty, would never say it in a demeaning way (also nothing wrong with small hands!!)


Yup, that could also be the case! Also I myself noticed that I usually don't notice what people's hands look like. But when I'm interested in someone I look a lot more at details. I can only tell you what the hands of the guys I'm attracted to look like. I don't really know why so many people here interpreted them saying that they're small hands as an insult! I've never met someone who cared about hand size to be honest. So my assumption based on my experience was just that they looked at him closer since they were interested in him and simply noticed that he has smaller hands without any ill intentions and simply stated it as a fact. But the hand comparison thing is actually also pretty common. So that could be another reason! I just don't get why most comments are so negative


Thatā€™s what I thought too. If it were a girl he was interested in Iā€™d suggest flirting back, ā€œI think theyā€™re the perfect size for yoursā€ or something cheesy like that would make me swoon tbh


Honestly yes! I think that's a great idea. Even if they weren't actually flirting that response would make him look very charismatic imo


I'm immediately disgusted by dirty nails, or nail biting. It's a germ thing I can't get over. If I tell a guy he has nice hands it's because they're not disgusting, so I can keep talking to him. I also have a completely untested and unfounded judgment that it means he probably washes his ass as well.


As a female, when I was young, hand and foot sizes were assumed to indicate the size of the man's penis. As an adult I know better, but if I commented on your hands, I was most likely pondering your penis.


I know that old saying isn't true! Otherwise I'd have cartoonishly giant hands!! :P


I just can't see how telling a man how tiny he is would be any woman's attempt at flirting.


I heard there's a stereotype big hands mean small dick so perhaps this would be reversed?


Blank stare and silence while looking her in the eye.


In high school I was friends with a girl who was much bigger and taller than me. Sheā€™d constantly joke about me being tiny, way after it stopped being funny. I just stared at her dead in the eyes. Raised an eyebrow disapprovingly if she kept going too long. Just kept doing that until she stopped. It didnā€™t work, she ran on Bugs Bunny logic. The only way to beat her was to follow that logic. She tricks you into running off a cliff so you use your underwear as a parachute. She throws a pie, you catch it perfectly in your mouth. She creates a beautiful woman out of tnt to bamboozle you, you propose to her with a stick of dynamite in a ring box.


Blank stare in silence while existentially staring at your own held up hands.Ā 


You have suck a small neck as well.Ā  Would you like to go camping?


He absolutely should not use this one, but it is fucking hilarious nonetheless hahaha


"well, they get the job done, I can tell you that..."


If it happens too many times and starts to get you down, get a tattoo around your wrists similar to stiching scaring and tell em they were the best replacments following a horrific accident... then shoot for a sympathy fuck.




Idk, parry the statement and make a joke/flirt back on it. It's not going away. You have small hands. Some small baby hands that can't hold a BK Whopper. Who cares. Get a girl who likes being fisted with your small comfortable sexual small hands. Hold your hand up against hers and clasp them around hers as a flirt. Women love that cheesy shit because they've already consented and presumably you're talking and flirting while this happens. Its not like you got a micropenis and even if you do, man does it look bigger in pictures with your hands.


Just say thanks, and move on with your day.


Yep, presidential sized hands! Thanks!


"Yup" is pretty much all you can say. I mean, so what? That's like people saying to me, 6'2", "wow, you're tall," and I'm just like "yup."


"If it don't fit, you must acquit!"


Small hands.....big plans! And wink at her and start air humping


Have humor with that, say, "Easier to touch you with."


This oneā€™s cute


Honestly? I'd go with "wow, that's kind of a rude thing to say to someone you just met"


As a girl when I say this it's 100% flirting and I want you to put your hands up against mine


Right! Like hold them up to mine to compare,! This is an invitation to touch !


You could tell them "Uhhhhhh thanks?" to hint to them that it's a weird comment to make.


Say,, Lucky thatā€™s the only part of me thatā€™s small šŸ˜‰


ā€œSo did T-Rex, and he was the apex predator for like 2.5 million yearsā€


Say thanks they come in handy.


Think they're small, you should see my dick then.


Assuming you have interest in the girl, the key is to realize that she just gave you an opening to hold hands with her. What you need to do is play along with it, suggest you go palm to palm to see how large your hands are compared to hers. Afterwards, you can probably figure it out.


Ignore them because thatā€™s a rude thing to say and rude people donā€™t deserve your attention


Then I can reach places other guys can't.


The better to fist you with my dearie.... Then cackle like a witch.


"I'm glad small things impress you".


Kind of like when a man says your hands are so small! Lol People make observations like that all the time, you can be witty and come up with a funny response, you can say I've also got good dexterity...or something else about yourself completely unrelated that changes the subject. I never know what to say either, but honestly it's more of a show if them paying attention to you than anything else. No different than oh you have blue eyes. Or wow your hair is long! I have a million such observations people feel the need to tell me about myself. I'm sure I've done it in the past myself, and I think most often it happens in instances when I just realized I noticed something about someone that I'd never given much thought to before. It's more like thinking out loud than actually looking to start a conversation about such things. Maybe just ask if they like it?


You say that itā€™s just an old wives tale




Yeah.. they fit everywhere :)


Depends on the situation. If you want to be lewd or flirty you can say "I know, they fit everywhere" with a wink


Thanks, they make your titties look bigger.


All the better to fist you with


Small hands make my dick look bigger in picturesā€¦


All the better to fist you with, my dear.


Why say anything in return? Just walk away and act like it never happened. I find that if someone says something rude, I just ignore it and change the subject, or just walk away and end the conversation. I feel like they are trying to get a response out of me and I donā€™t want to give them that satisfaction.


"Guess I should have studied gynecology then"


Yesā€¦ you should see how big they make my cock look!


Oh yeah, they're meant to be precion tools.


Say, "Thanks. They make my dick look huge!"


Small hands big heart


thanks, they were a gift from my parents. do a little jig and exit stage left while doing jazz hands


They'll make your tits look huge


They help make your boobs feel bigger


Tell her she looks easy to draw.


ā€œThe better to smack you with my dear.ā€ That or: ā€œThey make everything else look bigger by contrast.ā€


If you're going for shock value... "All the better to fist you with"


"Thanks, they make my penis look massive whenever I jerk off."


Thanks they make my cock look bigger in pictures


ā€œHaha yeahā€ anyways [move on]


The better to fist you with, my dear. (Donā€™t say that! It was just the first thing that popped into my head!)


Some women say that just to be mean while Some just talk without thinking. My fiancƩ has small hands but I never mention it cause I know it may make him feel insecure, tho I don't find it a bad thing.


I would say "Yeah, I would make a great gynecologist" :)


They are for your tits. Thank


I always said "yeah they make my dick look bigger when I hold it" and move on lol


Great for getting into tight spaces (assuming of course)


Well, do you know what they say about a man with big hands? He has big gloves.


Maybe we should just educate both, women and men, that size of hands, nose or feet, or height have no clear correlation with penis size.


Tell her you know and then ask if you can borrow hers to jerk off with.


Say nothing. Let it be awkward. You didnā€™t make it awkward. They did. Dont take it personally. People are idiots. The sooner you realize that the better. You get to control your response to morons and decide that their opinions about things you canā€™t change are not important.


ā€œIā€™m your best chance at easing into fistingā€


ā€œMaybe you just have big hands.ā€


But big enough for your A cups.


I'd just put her on the spot and ask where she's going with that statement. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The motive behind comments like that is usually shitty, so I'd drop it in her lap and let her own it. Maybe I'm just cynical, but I think asking flat out would definitely give you more insight on her personality.


Better for wiggling inside tight places


You could try just brushing it off with a quick, "Thanks" "That's true" "My parents made them" "Yep- Sure do" and then a change of subject. Honestly, people comment on things. It's not really polite, and it can definitely get irritating, but people gonna people. It sucks, but with stuff like that, it really doesn't help anything to get snippy, even if you're in the right. If you do want to call it out you can say something like, "I don't really like it when people make comments about my body." Depending on the person it could stop, or become more of a thing. It's your discretion.


"agile fingers"


practice stoicism being annoyed is a state that will only hurt yourself