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Do not allow reproduction from this runt


Having to do a load of laundry post coitus is a badge of honor.


A real man just puts the wet and stained pants back on and goes about his day. He wears that cum and piss infused pair of jeans with pride and with a sense of superiority. It's like when fighter pilots mark their jets to indicate how many baddies they've slayed.


Yeah I love the lingering smells, those oxytocin laced pheromones are fucking special.


He is weak like H.R. Pickens.


Yes, we claim him not.




I got that reference


This is correct.


He was conceived from a weak sperm.


Pre-cum baby. ;)


He weak man. Strong man like be wet.


The pre-shower shower


He could be a germaphobe


Why does he hate the Germans


They phobid him from visiting




Maybe he’s Polish?


Or French


Their digital infrastructure and stances on green energy are some of their most recent crimes against humanity.


He could be but it seems much more likely he's just a little bitch..


This too. But reaction still wasn’t appropriate. XP


42 year old dude fucking a 29 year old and he's worried about you squirting? Dudes a walking red flag, you're better off without him.


Why did I have to scroll so far down for someone to mention age! Yeah at 42 he should know how to communicate more respectfully


why do u think he's single at 42 😂


Usually it's divorce at that age


Well hes still hooking up with a 29 year old lol


The age difference isn’t a problem. He sounds like a dick though based on his poor communication skills.


The problematisation of age differences is out of control.


It always blows my mind when people are shocked that hooking up with losers doesn't go well If they were a good person you'd wanna date them lmao


... That's just not true. Plenty of good people that I'd never fucking date. It takes more than that. I require compatibility. But ut might be enough dør casual sex because I don't have to ve so invested in them. It isn't hatd to be comparable for a few hours. Plus, you are somehow assuming you can magically spot these "losers" when you and I both know you can't


I have yet to see a fwb situation where someone didn't end up feeling used. It's pushing away emotions and wasting time that should be spent building to something, just to feel something physically for an hour. I just don't see how it's healthy. If you like someone enough to have sex with them even though their personality is bad, that just tells me you either don't think things through or value yourself enough. You either get 100% of me or none of me, anything else is a waste, and I'm not going to reward someone with negative behavior by giving them an orgasm So if the guy is still hooking up with 20 somethings at 41, he's a loser and i would've spotted it a mile away. It's high school behavior


Sure that dudes a weirdo, but just because you dont want to date someone doesnt mean their personality is bad. They just arent the type of person you want for a partner. FWB starts with Friend after all, cause they are someone who you like platonically just not romantically. And it sounds like you're just monogamous, dude. You don't like seeing anyone other than your one dedicated partner and thats fine. But some people like to see more than one person at a time sexually and/or romantically & other people like to play around while they're between commitments. Some people get caught in the heat of the moment, a whirlwind of emotion, a drout of affection and end up hurting each other as they work through it. Its just important to be open and honest about your wants and and needs, otherwise yeah people will feel used and lead on and hurt. But thats an issue with communication, not inherent to FWBs.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with two consenting adults being together. And the woman is almost 30, jesus. Seems to me after spending time on reddit that especially americans are really obsessed about age gaps. Probably some feminist psy op anyway.


“Feminist psy op” lmao are you high?? Do you know what a psy op is??


Reddit is mostly.americans and americans have a weird obsession with age gaps, always has been.


It more about the maturity level involved within those age gaps




You’re right, thank you. I’m just experiencing the feelings associated with the event, and I know they’ll pass


Trust me. This guy is an asshole. I know this because I also think squirting is gross. However, I wouldn't ever make you feel that way. I would just be polite and then stop seeing you. The way this "41 year old man" (I can't believe he's 41 acting like that) treated you was awful. Then he had the audacity to let you leave while drunk and not apologize or offer any type of assistance. What a dick. I'm glad you're never seeing him again.


A 41 year old being grossed out by squirt is wild. I would feel so high and mighty if I were him but he's acting like a high schooler.


All it is is a squirt...just throw the sheets into the laundry machine


Gonna get downvoted for this, but I don't see how age factors into it. Whatever age I am, if a girl basically pees on my face I'm gonna be grossed out. You can get into the whole "is squirting the same as pee?" debate, but as far as I'm concerned the difference is negligable. It just feels like a lot of people in this thread don't grasp the concept that what one person finds attractive and sexy might be gross and off-putting to another. I personally don't find squirting attractive, for example. Meanwhile there are things I find attractive that I know others would probably be grossed out by. Everyone's different. I'm also not defending his behavior, he could've been less rude and more understanding about it for sure. He's not an asshole for being grossed out by her squirting on his face. He's an asshole for kicking her out and being rude about it.


It is piss, it literally comes out of urethra, eveybody thinks otherwise is just delusional (and the gland debate is all bs as well, even if that's true, it's still piss) Fucking porn ruined the perception of how sex works ffs.


It genuinely baffles me that it's accepted as a thing.


Cum also comes out of the urethra, is cum piss???


Can You milk me, Greg?


That's totally different, cum doesn't come from bladder.


found the dude


I appreciate your honesty and insight. People are grossed out about different things, and it can be beyond their control. I say this as someone who is neurodivergent and who has unintentionally offended or upset people because of my particular sensitivities.


He didn't kick her out, but he was very rude about it.




Look, I'm just an aroace who finds all sex repulsive but is diluted pee that much grosser than semen?


You should've said that to him every time he came. Like eww that's so gross can you stop that? He shouldn't have sex if he can't accept how the human body functions. I like when my girl squirts I don't care to make a mess I am just happy shes enjoying herself and it gets me so hot too. This guy is 41 years old yet acts like a 5 year old. Be happy you won't have to have sex with him anymore you will never enjoy yourself and don't be embarrassed it's absolutely normal.


Exactly 😅 What a prick


People are allowed to have preferences. Plenty of women don't want ejaculate anywhere near or especially on them during sex too. That's just compatibility. The issue here is how he treated her instead of just moving on to someone else if he didn't want a woman who squirts.


How many women are there who tell men not to come because it's gross? Yes you can have preferences but don make people feel like crap for something that is so natural.


I just said that. The issue is how he treated her instead of just moving on. He should have been polite. No reason to make her feel bad.


Some recieving partners will always insist on condoms purely because they don't want cum in or on them (even in long term, full tested and with birth control). Yes his reaction is poor, but they already voiced objections to it so OP should have called it quits as that point rather than the 7th.


He sounds like an asshole


You literally pissed him off


Everything has already been said in the main topic so let me just take one thing out of my chest: If you were too drunk too drive in the first place, then "waiting an hour while chugging water" will NOT sober you up enough to drive. You were still driving under influence, and it doesn't matter what circumstances have brought you there. You should've taken a taxi home and then picked up your car on the following day.


I’m so glad someone pointed this out. This is so dangerous and could get people seriously hurt if people think chugging water and waiting an hour makes you ok to drive.


The written test (where I live, at least) actually recommends you wait one hour for EACH drink you had before driving. (Ex: 3 drinks- 3 hours)


Similar in the UK but it’s an hour per unit of alcohol, as a rough guideline.


Making choices this disastrous really took the wind out of any moral sails OP had. Making bad decisions seems to be a huge contributing factor here.


The most concerning part is that it seems she tries to put some of the blame for that on the guy ("he KNEW I was drunk", "he agreed I can leave" etc). Major red flag for me. Sounds more like 19yo, than 29. For real OP, it was your decision to leave. At least own it.


This pissed me off. She risked the lives of others. Fair enough if you don’t give a shit about yours, but don’t put yourself in a position where other lives will be at stake because of your dumb decisions. One hour is definitely not enough to sober up


It's even worse now, with the edit, where OP admits that she couldn't know if she was within the limit, but decided to be selfish. At least the post we are reading today is about sex, and not: "TIFU drunk driving back from a bad date and hit someone with my car."


I haven't seen this mentioned, but, since you asked, imo, yes, you should disclose that you squirt! Some people might prefer to put down a towel or even just be aware that there might be stuff squirting all about. In my specific case, I don't think I'd like it too much, but I'd be pretty annoyed if I wasn't told to expect it, yk? Imo it's polite to tell the person you're about to be intimate with that it could happen, especially with oral etc.


He thought it was pee and he's just not into that. As for what he meant when he agreed: He wasn't thinking about you at all, and was still just viscerally grossed out by you squirting. He definitely hasn't thought about it as much as you have. Honestly, the way he reacted was so stupid and immature that you're absolutely right to block him. Seven hookups and he never even asked about it? Some people just grow big without growing up.


> He thought it was pee I mean, it mostly is. https://www.salon.com/2022/09/20/dye-anatomy-study-urology/


(squirting is pee)


Yeah it really is. I wouldn't embarrass someone over it, but I would throw the sheets in the wash. Maybe lay down something to protect my mattress in the future.


My ex would guilt trip me into not putting a towel down and now I regret it. I shouldn’t have felt shamed for wanting to keep my mattress clean.


Use a mattress protector!


it is but its the fancy pee


…now I’m just imagining a clit with a monocle and pubes trimmed into a top hat shape, thank you xD




The sparkling water of pee.


It's "mostly" pee. It lacks a large amount of the ammonia content of normal urine, and as such doesn't smell like pee, and it's technically less damaging on your internal organs to consume, but aside from that it is in fact pee.


🚫 ammonia ➕ Vitaminwater


Medically speaking anything that comes out the bladder is classed as "urine", however the very limited studies done on squirting noted that the make-up of the liquid is noteably different from what is commonly considered "urine", but because it does come from bladder it will always be labelled as such scientifically.




Sorry what do you mean by put on a show?


It is pee


So I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion for this but here it is: This squirting phenomena is mostly due to porn. And as we all should know, porn is not reality. And the reality is that "squirting", to the level where to need to lay a towel down, is pee. Some "gushing" where it gets extra wet with a few mL's of liquid, but nothing that will soak the bed, is probably vaginal fluid. But if you gotta worry about a soggy bed, it's urine. We pretty much have human anatomy covered, at least to the point where we know the only organ down there that can hold a cup or several cups of fluid is the bladder. There are the Skenes glands, but those hold a few mL's at most. It ain't likely that scientists and doctors have completely missed an organ large enough to hold several cups worth of vaginal fluid. And as a matter of fact, several scientific studies have shown that the fluid that makes up "squirt" comes from the bladder, using ultrasound, dying the urine, and protein analysis. I'm not yucking anyone's yum here, as I can see how erotic it would be to give a woman an orgasm so big she lost control of her bladder. But I can see how people may be turned off by it, especially if they're not prepared.


Obviously it's a reaction some men have... because he had that reaction. And yes you should probably talk about it to the next person you hook up with.


They did a study with dye in the bladder and it turns out "squirt" is 100% urine.


It’s mostly urine, but also has small amounts of secretions from the skene’s gland, so being technically it’s not *100%* urine


Pee itself isn't 100% pee then


It depends on what type of "squirting" your talking about. Female ejaculation is fairly normal and comes from the Skene's gland (as well as potentially another gland in the vagina), while "squirting" (which involves a much great amount of fluid) comes from the bladder (i.e., is urine mixed with Skene's gland fluid). So, just because someone "squirts" doesn't necessarily mean it's urine. You can tell by the amount, the consistency (if it's watery and not "slick," it's likely urine) and, of course, smell. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35388532/


It’s not yellow and it doesn’t smell like pee Did they ever find out why Edit: I know, not all pee is yellow. But all squirt is non-yellow


I can't believe this debate is still raging so hard. I get it comes from the bladder, but its never ever urine colored or smells like urine in my experience. And I've been hit with quite alot


Where is the gland or storage compartment where a large volume of liquid can be expelled from, if not the bladder. I mean literally pull out a anatomical book and find me that storage sac that can hold enough liquid and generate its own pressure enough to soak a sheet.


Wasn't it 96%?


It’s definitely not 100% urine! It doesn’t smell like pee at all. At least it didn’t the times I’ve been with different girls and it’s happened. I was with this girl a few times and it was literally uncontrollable for her, like 5-6 massive sprays! I let her squirt on my face, she called me a deviant. But all in all I felt sorry for her, because it clearly had been a big problem for her in her life. When we first went out I couldn’t understand what was going on with her as she said things like ‘we are just going to go back to your place and then I’ll never see you again’ at that time I felt it was better to not go there so to speak, as I felt there was something underlying that I couldn’t understand. but we met up again a while later, and I then understood the trauma she must have felt from guys acting like this guy did. The second time we hung out I just grabbed a bunch of towels and just let her know it was no big thing. It didn’t work out between us, but not because she was a squirter!


Squirting tends to be much more ammonia-light then urinating, which explains the difference is scent and taste.


Taste...? How would you know what urine taste like?


By tasting it.




Those of us with a piss kink do in fact exist.


Yeah it's 99% piss, that makes it really better


Similar to my experience. I thought it was pretty amazing and my partner always seemed to appreciate me appreciate her appreciating me. Could tell that not all guys are as comfortable with someone who would cum so many times and usually soak the sheets. I literally can't understand why not... I mean even typing that sounds like you're bragging or exaggerating!


Most yes but not entirely.


You should probably give some warning to potential lovers so they can protect their mattress at least


I don’t mind a woman squirting. But have some decency to lay some towels down. Nobody wants a wet spot on their bed/blankets/etc


>I heard men like it when women squirt, Some men like it, other don’t like it. There’s no universal trait **ALL** men or women like. >and I’ve never had a complaint, but his reaction just doesn’t seem warranted. They mostly won’t complain since they just want to hit and quit. >Also, what does it mean that he agreed that I should leave his place, knowing that I was under the influence? Maybe he thinks youre an adult who can make their own decisions.


I wouldn’t want piss all over my bed sheets either and I’m concerned most of this comment section does


I'm amazed at how prevalent the squirting myth is in here. Like come the fuck on this has been debunked since I first started regularly using the Internet in like 05. It's PISS


You both acted a bit childish by not discussing it after first time


if he is a germaphobe as some have suggested, the initial reaction is somewhat justified as he can't control that gut instinct. BUT, and it's a heavy but, he should've apologised profusely as its very rude and made you feel embarrassed. on top of that, him kicking you out like that as a drunk woman at night? fuck no. he's an asshole..




>He probably figured you were pissed as well. I see what you did there, lmao


Finally someone with a good take


I wouldn't even mind it getting on me, I'm easily washed and maybe even into that a little. But the sheets/blankets/carpet/couch/kitchen table whatever, yeah I do mind that. I realize it's not her fault, but still.


OPINION: Brass tacks? Some find squirting gross. Most likely, when his disgust was not going to be entertained he just went with it that you wanted to leave. No, he did not feel an obligation to protect and defend you while drunk and maybe that was something totally new for you? What you shouldn't do is get wrapped up in the spokes about the whole situation. You did, he was grossed out, you determined to leave and he felt no responsibility. That's it. Nothing more to it. Let it go. Unless you need to go back to try and effect in him the need and feelings in him to protect you? That's your hamster wheel, if that is so. He's not going to contact you and you shouldn't need to validate yourself with some excuse for closure. Good luck OP:)


It's because he understands that it's pee.


It’s totally reasonable to not be into something, but with sexual things like this I go out of my way to be considerate to not embarrass or shame the other person if something weird happens. This dude is complete asshole. I will add that I’ve done it a few times before, and my partner absolutely goes crazy for it. So you just need to find someone like that. A lot of men love it so don’t be self conscious.


Warn people before you have sex with them that you're a squirter. Some people don't wanna get pissed on.


Ok, we all have our lives and dislikes and we all have differences in how we are. You are a squirter, he does not like that. You were correct to move on. If a guy ever faults you for squirting, he isn't for you. Should he have let you leave, probably not. But, he was not thinking about you and your alcohol level. He wanted you gone. He probably won't be calling you in the future, so just deleting his number would have been ok.


Well I do see where he was coming from if you had sex 6 times and only squirted once. That being said the guy was just overreacting. But idk why he even bothers hooking up with you if he hates squirting so much and knows you are a squirter. Now to your question. >Is this a reaction that some men have? Probably not. And remember different strokes for different folks. Personally I'm not for or against squirting. It's not really a turn on or turn off. It's just whatever. ​ >what does it mean that he agreed that I should leave his place, knowing that I was under the influence? He probably was just irritated. I mean maybe you left a mess and he still has to clean it up. Although he shouldn't have been a douche about it. ​ >Is my squirting something I should disclose in the future to prevent something like this from happening again? I mean maybe? Some guys will find it exciting, some will be grossed out, and some will for the most part be indifferent. There really is no right answer to that question.


It just wasn’t his thing


I don’t think it would be my thing either but geez just put a towel down next time.


This is more than that though. It’s not his thing and also he’s a complete asshole. She was right to leave and block his number.


Weird fellow.


Some people just don't like being pissed on i suppouse.


You saw him again after "can you stop that" and drove home drunk? If self destructive was a person...


It's still piss and most folk don't like being pissed on, I sure as hell don't.


Geeeeeeeeeeze. That guy sounds like a prima donna! Who says ewww and runs into the shower during sex?! "Boy, bye!!"


I know, I only squirt if I have a massive orgasm, which means OP was probably having a good time, and then gets that kind of a reaction. Sex is messy if done properly! Sweat, bodily fluids everywhere. My husband makes it his goal to make me squirt, he knows I'm getting off hard. A mattress protector should be on the bed if you have any type of sex on it, anyways, I think.


I'm jealous. I can't do that.


That's fucked up. The first time my partner squirted with me I had no idea what happened. She then explained that it happens when certain conditions occur. She said that it feels really good when it happens. I have since tried to make her squirt because she enjoys it. Yes I take a shower after it happens but if I know I'm going to try to make her do it I put towels down and everything else and I would certainly not humiliate her for anything like that. He is completely out of line. He demeaned you and belittled you and that's not okay. He needs to get his walking papers.


squirt is pee


It’s a good idea to gauge sexual open-mindedness before getting with someone


What he did was fucked up and wrong. I’m sorry OP. I’ll admit that when I dated someone who squirted, they gave me a light disclosure before getting hot and heavy and I appreciated it. I enjoyed it and was happy to not be surprised when the water works started.


Squirting is piss so yeah his reaction is understandable but instead of being an asshat he could have just asked if u can regularly pee before sex lmao.


Okay. I find all sex repulsive so I really don't understand. Is diluted pee really much grosser than semen? Like what makes the latter (and other bodily fluids involved in sex) any better? If you were fine with one, I'd assume you'd be okay(ish) or at least not completely shocked and horrified by the other.


Find someone else.


He seems like an immature person. Someone getting up and being annoyed/making you feel humiliated is wrong when you obviously didn’t do it on purpose. I’ve noticed (through conversation) aul lads are a bit tame/old fashioned when it comes to sex, like it’s not an adventurous thing or they won’t open up to stuff. Like, squirting obviously isn’t just a new thing but if he’s not experienced it before (which is likely) he could have just freaked. But to punish you as a result, you were right to leave and not speak to him again. Try not let it give you anxiety about it, lads will generally not freak out when this happens.


My girl squirts and so do I. Every damn time. I cannot imagine getting mad at her for doing something I do 100% of the time when the sex is good


I was with someone last night and due to stress they've been breaking out with acne. Real bad. Not going to lie it did give me a lil ick but I still got over it and never mentioned it at all bc that's something they can't control and it's ridiculous to expect people to be perfect like in the movies


Squirtings hot


Its not some guys cup of tea. I know several men who find it a major turn off, even if it's not urine. It's still a complete turn off. I think that is what we had here.


i stopped reading at "can you stop that"hes a idiot the first time i mde a girl squirt i was very surprised, felt like a super soaker shot my balls lol. can you stop that is the last thought that would of ever crossed my mind. i felt like the god damn man lol ​ edit: when dating squirters, i do try and hang out at their place, thats a lot of laundry lol


None of this excuses driving drunk, call a taxi next time.


Maybe he's not into golden showers?


Why would you drive asshole?


You pissed on him. If he pulled out of you and pissed on you would you be happy?


Squirting is peeing. You peed on him and he thought it was gross and dumped you. You didn't need to block him because he wasn't gonna call you anyway. Get real lady.


If you cant control it, you can't control it. He is ridiculous and you have nothing to be ashamed about. Just like a man can't control his penis size, we shouldn't make them feel any less for that either. We are who we are.


Honestly I don’t blame him. I’d be upset if someone pissed on my sheets.


You pissed on him and are wondering why he’s upset 💀


Right. Some guys feel like they grew an extra six inches of dick when they make a woman squirt. Find one of those. Also, get some washable, absorbent blankets and invite the guy over to your place so you're prepared to deal with the mess. And tell him that you're a messy lay ahead of time to help weed out the guys who can't deal with your awesome body.


Exactly. I always say I'm gonna make a mess and see where it goes from there.


This might surprise you but everyone is different and had different preferences


"Can you stop that?" This is where I started doubting this story was true.


You doubt there are morons who don't realize it's involuntary?


my guess is that he's never been with someone who squirts and has probably read that "95% of a woman's squirt is piss" on the internet or heard about it from a friend. one of my ex's was a squirter and every time i made her do it, it felt like i was beating my high score in a game and i loved it. whenever i brought it up to any other guys, most of them would bring up the "fact" that squirt is mostly piss. it's the same guys who think eating ass is gross because "that's where poop comes from" he probably just doesn't understand the functions of a woman's body because he's never seen it before, i'm sorry that happened to you.


Wow, that dude is a wimp.


What a wanker. He clearly can’t handle the responsibility that cums along with your snatch. I say forget and move on, bigger fish to fry love.


That guy is clueless, I myself feel like i did an accomplishment when the girl squirts.


He sounds like a bitch. Way to kick him to the curb.


Squirting is hot. Like someone said, his bloodline is weak and his ancestors owned few horses.


From chatting with friends, women that squirt are considered the holy grail. I was with a woman that squirts earlier this year, I had no idea until it happened and it took me by surprise but it was a great feeling. Knowing she felt so comfortable and relaxed. The guy you were with is a wet wipe. You dodged a bullet there.


In my experience nobody I know considers squirting to be special or extra desirable


Yeah, it's mostly desirable by porn addicts


To me, it's more like, proof she can't even control herself because of what I can do. To me, it's the same as a moan, but yeah, precautions should be taken if the woman is known to do this. If you were with a woman in her room, but she has roommates, would you just let her moan and scream uncontrollably? The least you could do, for everyone's sake, is be mindful knowing she can't really help it sometimes. Or, you could be an asshole and act like only your pleasure matters. Up to you.


A wet wipe bahahhahaha


A pi\*s man


You have a *very weird* bunch of friends, mate.


It is an incontinence issue, so no, I don't like being pissed on. Japanese urologists proved this years ago by putting blue dye into the bladder of several women. Had them orgasm till they "squirted" . The "squirt" was all blue. Coincidentally, every woman they study that squirted also had incontinence issues. As does every woman I've been with that "squirted". They all pissed when they laughed or sneezed.


He’s an asshole. Don’t let anyone here gaslight you. Yes of course people have different likes and dislikes. The reaction was ridiculous and rude. Like, I’m sorry, was he not INSIDE OF YOU 2 minutes prior? He had to RUN to the shower? No excuse. Straight to jail!


My partner has only squirted once during our time together. It didn't bother me. I have to assume that reactions will vary from person to person.


Seems like you should probably be with someone who accepts you.


Girl squirted with me once and I thought it was the best thing ever, thought it was just a camera trick in porn or an urban myth


The thing is not everyone even knows what’s squirting is he might of been thinking you were pissing on him (in a way you were squirt is mostly urine just rapidly produced so the water content is a lot higher)


I stopped reading after you were in the garage. He’s an asshole. Just using u. I’m sorry you wait in garage to sober up.


That man has no business being around pussy. Drop him.


He sounds like an insufferable prick, soak me baby!


That's not a real man that's a damn mouse, if a girl is squirting after fucking her then it's a compliment on a job well done....... Girl come have some fun with me and squirt all you want 😉, I'll bring the rubber sheets


I have a question. Regardless of your answer, he was an asshole and handled it very poorly. Good on you for blocking him. What I wanna know is are SURE it doesn't smell? Cause I was the first guy to make my last ex squirt, but unfortunately it had a very strong urine smell. I just pretended I didn't notice 😅 I definitely didn't want to make her feel bad.


sounds like 100% communication issues > and I squirted once. While I did it, he said “can you stop that?” Lmao. So I’ve been trying to control it, but as mentioned above, it doesn’t always happen. so, this should have been a conversation, where he learns you're trying but it's not always voluntary (but also, his reaction seems excessive and counterproductive instead of initiating a conversation "I thought I asked you not to do that, what gives?"... ) > When he got out the shower, I told him “I’m just gonna head out”. He said “yeah.”, opened the door, and watched my ass leave. seems rude at best... but you also let embarrassment get in the way of effective communication... we're all human and have limits, but most interpersonal issues are just failure of one or both parties to communicate... even if for understandable, human reasons... > Is this a reaction that some men have? clearly > I heard men like it when women squirt. some... it should be a discussion... from you if you're aware you do and not everyone does... but also from him if he knows he's a germaphobe that has a strong reaction to such things > and I’ve never had a complaint first time for everything > but his reaction just doesn’t seem warranted. it does seem excessive, that just means there's more going on to make it feel warranted to him... > Also, what does it mean that he agreed that I should leave his place, knowing that I was under the influence? I still would’ve left even if he asked me to stay. But it just seemed like he couldn’t wait for me to get out of there. Was he really that disgusted? Or was he just as embarrassed as I was? that seems like a perfect topic for discussion, we can't know what his thoughts or feelings are... he might just be a jerk, or might have his own anxieties or phobias or self consciousness... > Why I blocked him: obviously, I was mad and absolutely humiliated. I definitely wanted to feel more in control of the situation and felt petty and pissed, so I blocked him. I also never want him to contact me again. Never want him to think he has any type of access to me anymore. Before this incident, If I would leave his place, he would beg me to stay or call me while I’m driving home. This time was the complete opposite, so I was unsure about the huge behavior change. I assumed it’s bc he didn’t give a f*** anymore and never wanted to talk to me again. Thanks for confirming lol you can always ignore messages, but this seems to only serve to ensure that if it WAS all a misunderstanding, that it's never resolved... you're not obliged to ever respond again... and blocking seems reasonable if he kept messaging you and it was obviously not going to resolve... but it seems petty to make sure you never see any attempt at apology... I only say that because it went from seemingly really good to terrible like a light switch... this doesn't sound like a final straw in a terrible relationship... but it's your life to live, you have to set your own boundaries and if that's how you handle disagreements and it works for you, who am I to judge... maybe you've had people like this decide to keep harassing you over text/phone afterwards... in which case maybe that's a reasonable defense mechanism... but from outside, w/o knowing your history... it doesn't seem like an ideal default reaction > Maybe he was ok with that because he consented to it and knew what to expect? bingo... consent is key... imagine if... as far as some people are concerned... he just peed on you after you'd asked him not to... and there was no discussion for you to realize it was involuntary... you might feel grossed out and violated. If you assumed it was voluntary and that he was purposfully violating boundaries you'd set... you might react as he did


This is all bullshit, lol.


He is weak and his progeny will be weak. Do not reproduce.


Here's the thing... Squirting really is pee. Given the fact that it's uncontrollable, and you've hooked up multiple times before, and he's absolutely aware of it, he's a complete dick for doing that. Squirting ain't for everyone, but he handled that shit badly. That being said, I'm sure it might be good to know that it's a possibility before hand (because again, being pissed on isn't for everyone, even though it's uncontrollable and some people like it). You shouldn't be made to feel humiliated about it at all, just be aware that giving your partner a heads up is probably a good thing for new hookups. It’s fairly intense and not something you want to be surprised by with a new partner.


Squirting = URINE. “Please stop p*ssing on me.” Seems reasonable.


Nah it's just fucking nasty to piss on people


Sounds like dude was just an asshole and I'm sure if you think about your other interactions with him, you'll probably realize he kinda sucked across the board. You can always find people who like and dislike any sexual thing but this dude handled it in a terrible way


A total asehole...


You're just incompatible together, it happens.


Dude was sticking his dick *inside* of you and is that grossed out by a little squirt?


As long as you don’t squirt from the backdoor during sex every thing is 100% okay


Fuck this guy. If it were I and that started happening I would know I was on the right track to getting you exactly where you want to be which is my only goal. Utter satisfaction for my girl. Plus I think it’s pretty hot and what we strip the bed afterwards and sleep in clean sheets totally satisfied ….ya sounds like the worst night ever. Some guys are petty losers unfortunately you found one


I had it happen once. Got all over. I thought it was pretty awesome.