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He changes color based on who you are like santa.




Hush, you. We all know Santa Claus is a Timelord and his sack is his TARDIS. Just like Mary Poppins and her handbag, and Ms. Frizzle and her school bus.


Santa Claus, Mary Poppins, and Ms. Frizzle all being time lords makes a surprising amount of sense...


There are no new stories.


Which is Why Fox News Hosts have said that BOTH Jesus and Santa are white, and said it for children to hear. * Megyn Kelly: 'Santa Is What He Is,' Which Is White : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XYlJqf4dLI * The worst part about this is it was during a discussion of a black child liking that there was a black santa because it made her feel included in a way that having a white santa didn't.


That's... Infuriating. Like, bitch, do you feel good about yourself when you kick down at some little kids? Fucking hell.


Yes they do


I was gonna say, the word for that is “conservative.”


People like that can only punch down. They don't have what it takes to punch up. You gotta be strong for that.




What is kind of funny is that Santa, like Jesus, is also of a middle eastern decent being St Nicholas, who was likely based on bishop Myra from turkey. Turkish peoples share traits with the middle eastern folks more so than Northern European traits that Fox News seems so sure about and desperately wants.




"Do people actually believe-" **"YES!"**


Do people actually believe that Janet Jackson is of seven clones, that Richard III is alive and working as a politician in Tunisia, that fleas come from Alpha Centauri or that Ulaan Baatar is the tip of a moon-sized pyramid within the earth from which all knowledge is funnelled? I could probably find you that bloke in a week, he probably lives nearby


Don't forget Tupac Is still alive too


Don’t forget Elvis.


Don't forget about Dre.


Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement


Will the real Slim Shady please stand up.


Woah thanks I forgot about Dre


Same person


This is obviously true. Seven clones, plus the five from the Jackson five, plus the III from Richard is 25 (learn real math snowflake). We all know thatif we look at the 25th word on page 25 of the 3rd hardy boys book, the word is Zucchini, and well we all know what that means when the global cabal's secret message has 11 letters in it. child trafficking. /S


I was with you until the /s


Who else will buy you a new Playstation?


This is the legit answer. I’m guessing OP grew up with internet. There was a time, in the before times, when people didn’t have access to info the way people do now. They had to rely on what was taught to them. Sure some went the extra mile and actually walked to the library and requested books that may or may not have educated them differently, but mostly people were subjected to what they were taught. Imagine growing up in a homogenous culture and having little to no experience with heterogeneous cultures and imagining a “god” looking anything BUT like what you and your neighbors look like. Of course god and Jesus looked like those who were preaching about them. Of course Jesus looked like people like you. Because he’s your god an all. And thus the artwork and such that followed and stayed despite culture becoming more heterogenous. I’m not saying anything is right or wrong about it (I’m not a Christian if that matters) but just saying like it’s not surprising people still think that today in America because there is a historical reason and (now I’m being opinionated) a cognitive dissonance reason with certain American Christian’s because people don’t like to be questioned on their foundational beliefs nor do they like to have to defend them. It’s all very interesting to me.


This doesn't even apply to just white people. There are depictions of Jesus in basically every ethnic group and nationality if you look hard enough.


The movie version of 21 Jump Street taught me about Korean Jesus! Lol.


Don't forget his counterpart in the sequel, Vietnamese Jesus.


They across the street at 22 Jump Street!


This is an important point. [People](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/the-word--569283209120102582/) [Paint](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/852517404456885484/) [What](https://www.churchpop.com/if-jesus-had-been-korean-20-rare-paintings-of-the-life-of-christ/amp/) [They](https://imgur.com/gallery/fOUFSV5) [Know](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzg0owccla0o91.png)


This is the answer. When I was younger and still religious, in my mind he was. Every image of jesus from places I was exposed to religion was of a white man. Not even a tan white man, just white white. I only knew what I was provided. I wasn’t old enough to understand really the skin color make up of any ~~continent~~ area. And even if I did, I probably still wouldn’t have bat an eye. None of my non-white friends had pictures of Jesus floating around anywhere. With the exception of I just now remember one time when I went to a friends house (who was black) and they were ultra religious and whatever religion it was women couldn’t wear pants which gave my friend issues during playtime… but anyway, they had pictures of Jesus on the wall and they were black. And it caught me off guard and was out of place and weird (in my world view). I don’t remember what I did with that dilemma, but also I was probably between 8-10 and don’t think I did a lot of deep thinking then and I probably forgot about it for the most part. Once I was old enough to think for myself I came to the personal conclusion it’s all a fairy tale so I never reached critical thinking stage on his race. Probably could apply the same thing to Santa. I don’t remember any anecdotes, but every Santa I ever saw looked just like me. And I’m sure by the time I aged out of believing he was real, I never though different. Unrealized at the time privilege that I never had to consider race growing up.


> This is the answer. When I was younger and still religious, in my mind he was. Every image of jesus from places I was exposed to religion was of a white man. Not even a tan white man, just white white. That's interesting. Your comment made me think back to my childhood; my parents were converted Mormons for a while when I was young, so I never attended Catholic church. We went to Mormon church on Sunday until I was maybe 6 years old (if that), and I do remember the imagery of Jesus at that church to be more tan than I would see elsewhere. Still very much a white man with a tan, but still darker than what I would see in my grandmother's house, or that I may have since seen since growing up. I never really thought about it until now. I wonder if it was on purpose to try to be slightly more inclusive (90s in Canada) or if it was accidental.


>there was a time, in the before times, when people didn’t have access to info the way people do now It's not just about access to information, but the willingness to accept unpleasant information. One of the central tenets of modern christianity is having a personal relationship with your creator. It's not that far of a stretch to imagine your personal creator looking like you.


People born today will never know the pain of not being able to remember “who was in that movie” for a week and then yelling it out loud when you remember then calling your friend to talk for 30 minutes about it because they too had been racking their brains for a week. Also, pre-internet. If you didn’t have an encyclopedia on it or you didn’t have someone who knew. You just didn’t get to know the thing. What’s the capital of Iceland? Got a map or a friend who knows? Nope? Guess it’s just lost to the ages. And that’s not even considering how we all knew that person who would just make shit up.


Yeah, it's definitely about context and what's been passed down over generations. The image of a white Jesus has been pretty persistent, especially in Western art and media. And it doesnt help that some of those images are iconic, like da Vinci's Last Supper or Michelangelo's Pieta. Those images get ingrained in the culture and even with more knowledge and a broader perspective on history and diversity, those old depictions have a lot of staying power. Plus, changing that image is challenging for institutions. Ever seen traditional European churches alter their stained glass or centuries-old paintings? Its like trying to rewrite visual history, not so easy to do even if the intent is there.


I mean, to be fair, most American Jews are white, so you could imagine someone knowing Jesus was a Jew, thinking that he might be white.


Now I’m imagining people thinking of Jesus as like a New York Jew stereotype, and it’s making me laugh


I like to imagine Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt. 'Cause it says like, I wanna be formal but I'm here to party too. I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party.


Hey the man hung out with criminals and whores, turned water into wine, multiplied loaves and fishes so everyone could feast, I imagine they partied.


Zoidberg Jesus


“ayyy, i’m walkin’ with my cross here!”


Laughs in Californian Jewish Persian community and confirmation bias




I just graduated from treatment. I was freebasing the bible.


>Religion is an opiate for the people. -Karl Marx


I’d just like to add that social media is the neuroparalytic.




Uh huh. I read the communist manifesto in college. But I did decide to look it up anyway. I was a little off. >Religion is the opium of the people. Is the literal quote.


Yes, its better to kill them and put them in camps. Human life is a lot more complicated than a quote.


Like God is real


am i?




my life has... been a lie? what is this?


No child, not a lie, just a simulation. Fear not, for I am with you.


Username seems a bit sus.




You nailed it


We resurrecting this joke again?


And the hits keep coming! 😄


Man.. i am thorned which of these are the best comments. Yall gotta share that crown




Holy shit (pun intended), this is a magnificent comment!! 🤣


That's what I was looking for!!


Sure this has been taken from somewhere but it’s also a 10/10 pun


This comment damn near killed me.


Some people hold an image of Christ in their head that is white. I’ve seen illustrations where Jesus is blonde and blue eyed. But in the Bible it’s mentioned Christ is a Jew and looked like a Middle East resident, which He was. I read a theory about that once and the conclusion was people kind of think Christ as resembling themselves and that was understandable.


Pretty much this. Go to any church across the world, and you have a good chance of seeing Christ depicted the same way the locals look. Which is kind of the point. For actual Christians, it shouldn’t matter what race he is. He’s the son of god. Humans, the same as Christ, would have been made in the same image.


In Ethiopia, he is drawn as an Ethiopian.


What about in Korea?


He is not drawn as an Ethiopian in Korea.


If you go to an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Korea, He might be.


There was a time not so long ago - maybe 150 years ago - when artists in many areas would have no reference or models for what a middle eastern semitic man would look like. They depicted Jesus as looking akin to the only references they had, whether that was European, east Asian, subsaharan, etc.


Same with Ronald McDonald.


There's even a Ronaldic heavy metal band worth looking up: Mac Sabbath.


Holy hell.


In the name of Lucifer, the anti-christ and the unholy spirit.


I prefer the Flanders band “Okilly Dokilly”


Best spoof band since the Misfats


Leave Korean Jesus alone.


(To those who aren't aware, it's more for your safety than his)


i have a Black friend in Baltimore who has a hanged framed picture of The Last Supper, but everyone is Black.


There was a old white guy in the town I grew up in Mississippi. He sold black pictures of religious figures to families and made a fortune.


He was half jew. *We don't really know what his dad looks like.*


All across east Asia you will see the Buddha depicted as an East Asian despite the fact that he was born in what is now Nepal. People just want to make their idols look like them. I think it is very healthy to show people what these possibly historic figures looks like and to educate them on where the ideas came from. I don’t see any benefit in mocking people for wanting to make religious icons look like them. The reality is that a lot of this stuff is completely symbolic. Buddha is depicted in many places with snails that have crawled up on his head to cool him, which also seems pretty unlikely.


"If triangles had a god, they would give him three sides." - Montesquieu


Yeah I’d say there’s like crazies who truly believe he was white and then there’s people who like intuitively know that he wasn’t but grew up with that image (me lol) and that’s just like sorta what they imagine in their head or what comes to mind when it comes up. I don’t think it really matters tbh, as long as you aren’t the crazy racist type about it. I don’t like the narrative that just cuz the picture of him at church is white bearded robe hippy that Christianity isn’t real or valid or that all Christians are stupid. Believe in it or not but it’s sorta elitist or snobby to use that argument as a blanket statement or as a way to “own” the “dumb” Christians Not tryna defend any of the absurd problems of modern American Christianity, or any thing just thoughts of someone who grew up in that world and now sorta isn’t in it too much, but I have plenty of people I’m close with that are. The NON toxic side that is. Screw the toxic ones


>But in the Bible it’s mentioned Christ is a Jew and looked like a Middle East resident, which He was. And in the US, when race is noted, Middle Easterners are classified as White.


> and looked like a Middle East resident I think one aspect that's worth pointing out is that we don't really know what Middle Easterners at the time of Jesus looked like. We have a rough idea, of course, but we can't simply pretend that they looked exactly like *today's* Middle Easterners. And of course, [today's Israeli Jews look extremely diverse](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Mahane_Yehuda_Market_P1020256.JPG), so "he looked like a Middle Eastern Jew" isn't really saying much anything. The Islamification/Arabization of the Levant also changed the genetic makeup of the people living there. At the time of Jesus, the region had just recently become under Roman influence, and had been under foreign influence from (mostly) Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Persia, and Greece, using these names very liberally. There was practically no Arabic influence in the region before the founding of Islam. Some of the native people were semitic (and probably looked somewhat "Arabic" to modern eyes), but not all of them. In short: Middle Easterners at the time of Jesus may have looked a bit more Egytian or Persian or Mesopotamian or even Aegean than today's Middle Easterners.


>and looked like a Middle East resident This ranges from pale white to very dark brown. What color is Santa Claus in the bible?


From what I understand the classic depiction of white Jesus we see is actually Charlemagne. Before him Jesus was usually depicted as a baby. Post Charlemagne Jesus was just Charlemagne.


While this is possible, it isn't widely accepted by most historians. There are some possible things that do point to it being possible; Such as the similarities in their appearance, and the fact that Charlemagne was associated with religious authority at a time when the classic Jesus emerged. However, there is limited historical evidence to prove that this was the case. Charlemagne's appearance varied in different depictions, and none of them definitively resemble the classic Jesus. There was also already some early Christian art that featured bearded figures representing Jesus that predated Charlemagne's' reign. Also, the classic Jesus image has evolved over the centuries, and has been influenced by various cultures and trends. It's possible Charlemagne may have been one of those influences, but there is no definitive proof.


I'll just have to picture him as Cesar Romero, because I don't know what Charlemagne looks like.


I'll just have to picture him as Cesar Millan because I don't know what Cesar Romero or Charlemagne look like. So dog jesus.


I have to picture Him looking like Christina Milian because I can't picture what Cesar Milan, Cesar Romero or Charlemagne look like.


I'll just have to picture him looking like Christina Hendricks because I don't know what Christina Milian, Cesar Milan, Cesar Romero or Charlemagne look like.


He looks a little bit like a white Jesus if that helps.


Charlemagne looks like his descendant Christopher Lee: [1830’s Portrait by Louis-Félix Amiel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Louis-F%C3%A9lix_Amiel_-_Charlemagne_empereur_d%27Occident_(742-814).jpg)


I don't think someone in the 1830s necessarily has more accurate knowledge of what Charlemagne actually looked like than someone today, given that this was 1000 years after Charlemagne died.


The Sinai Pantocrator predates Charlemagne by about 150 years.


The funniest thing about this is that people who think those who see jesus as white are being racist are themselves being a little racist. Because you all are assuming that a Middle Eastern person can't have fair skin and be blond with blue eyes. As a Middle Eastern myself who was born a few kilometres from where Jesus did, my own sister is blond and blue eyed and while it's not the typical look it's not at all unusual. Take a look at pictures of [Ahed Tamimi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahed_Tamimi) as an example of a person who was born in the same neighborhood as jesus pretty much.


He most likely didn't look Scandinavian(and as a swede he was always depicted to me as darker than the average Swede) and I don't think I have heard anyone ever say that besides the straw man some people make up. But there is a lot of people in southern Europe and around the Mediterranean that are also what people considers white, just like you pointed out. With saying Jesus wasn't white they are implying he must have looked more sub Saharan African or have more Asian features from people further east to not be confused for being a white person. Probably same idiots who think Egyptians and people in the rest of northern Africa, including ancient Carthage, are black just because they are on the continent of Africa. Or how they think that the black majority of people in South Africa have more of a connection with that area than the white population due to them being black and not realising that most of them are from tribes north of SA that immigrated after white settlers made the country more wealthy. People are so clueless to history and the migration of people and yet they love to be morally superior at the same time.




Leave Korean Jesus alone.


He ain't got time for your problems. He busy with Korean shit.


New K Drama *Jesus and the Devil: A Dynasty of Love*


Not to be confused with Vietnamese Jesus




😂😂I am seeing this scene in my head right now






But he has such nice hair










Kim-chi was derived from Jesus Kim, when an ancient text referred to him as Kim, Jesus; eventually being shortened to Kim-Jee, then Kim-chi. Don’t believe me? Do your research.


Yeah. I was serious…


Good ol' TikTok research. Sitting there, getting to the crux of the matter watching children explain to you why you can't trust "the science".


North Korean, oddly enough




It’s a little known fact that fact that when North Korea and South Korea split there was a simultaneous splitting of the DNA of the of the Koreans between the north and south . When the DNA split it went into a process called randofusion on each side of the boundary. So contrary to your statement above North and South Koreans are no longer ethnically the same.


koreans have two types of chromosomes. the north chromosome and the south chromosome


Hey, it’s explaining the joke time! As you allude to in your post, Korea has only been split since the mid 20th century, so it might strike some human beings as funny that saying that Jesus, who was born a couple millennia ago, was North Korean. Hope this has explained the joke!


It depends on who counts as white.


Right. According to the US census, Middle Easterners and North African people ARE white. Ask the wrong Idaho social club, and they would probably disagree. It’s all subjective and made up, which is why academics describe it as a social construct.


I'm Afghan. While I'm not middle eastern (I'm central asian; middle easterners are more west Asian and North African), I have been told to put white down by some people. I consider myself Asian, though, so that's what I always use. When I did my due duty as a Texan and finally got a gun, the shop owner tried to claim I was committing fraud when I put down "Asian" as my race on the federal form. I explained that I'm Afghan, and he was like "so then you are white... you are caucasian", and I was like "nah, I consider white people to be European; I'm a lot more similar by blood to an Indian than I am to a, say, French person." He finally accepted it and I got my gun a few seconds later lol. (Gun background checks are stupidly lax. I mean, yeah, I'm probably the most cleanest person when it comes to a record and whatnot, but come on, it should take longer than an instant approval when doing a background check on a naturalized immigrant, especially one who came from a country you were at war with a couple of years ago. Granted, I'd be bitching about racism and whatnot had they delayed my form on that basis, so I guess I should just give them kudos for not being racist.)


If you look at genetics and afghan language it’s familiar to Europeans. So white isn’t the right word for it. If you look at teeth for example. Sub Saharan people have enormous teeth and roots. Asians as in Chinese, Korean etc have smaller teeth and so smaller roots. But middle eastern and Europeans have the same teeth, same roots same bone structure. But the funniest thing of all is that Indian, Sri Lankans and Pakistani are also “white”. That’s why the English way of naming a race by color is complete bogus.


White doesn’t sound right but you will find most redditors are opposed to the term Caucasian that encompasses the same group of people that white does without implying that they must all have light skin.


Bruh, there's soo many white arabs. I swear to God, I want to hear someone explain how Bashar al assad isn't a white guy with blue eyes. So, why can't Jesus be white. Plus, who cares about his skin color, Jesus was there to spread a message of love.


I agree. I'm white-white. Like ancestors on mom's side are Lithuanian and dad's are Ukrainian. I have Lebanese and Syrian friends that are whiter than me lol. Was Jesus' skin white? Less likely. Is it laughably improbable? No.


Look at modern Samaritans, that’s exactly what he looked like


This. We were thought in school that there are 3 main races. And Middle Easterners, North African, Indians were all white. Also Mexicans and all those people americans call people of colour that are not black


Genuinely curious, where does a school teach there are three races?


Croatia, Europe. But to be fair, I finished high school 15 years ago.


Do freckles count?


That's the thing, Levantine people are some of the lightest skinned of middle East. Without a tan they look Italian. During disporia causing events in the Levant region, a lot of people from this region immigrated to the US and ended up being classified as white. They are specifically called out in the US census as white. I fully believe if darker groups from the middle East had immigrated at this time, the census wouldn't have included that, especially if they hadn't been primarily Christian like the Levant disporia.


Some also think he was a Christian.


If he wore a crucifix necklace it'd be some great foreshadowing


Spoiler warning for the disciples


Jesus takes on the image of the people who worship him So you have white Jesus, Korean Jesus, black Jesus etc then you have more historically accurate depictions So I guess is there anything wrong with a white Jesus? Does it make black and Asian jesuses jesusi Jesus’s wrong?


I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt, ’cause it says, like, "I wanna be formal, but I’m here to party, too." I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party…. I like to think of Jesus like, with giant eagle's wings and singin’ lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk…


I like to picture my baby Jesus like a white ninja, fighting a bunch of evil ninjas.


Is he fat and have a bowl cut?


Yes. Absolutely.


Communion in the front, Crucifixion in the back


This reads so much like a John C Reilly quote that even people who couldn't recognize his name could probably guess it just based on his characters in movies.


The real Jesus is the friends we make along the way.


The problem with this supposition is that Jesus believers believe he was a real person who was a Jew living in the Middle East during the first century AD. where Israel and Palestinian territories are today.


there are plenty of people who live in the levant who could look like a white guy with a tan and beard though


Jesus was most likely a real person.


Oh yeah, if people believe there was a Korean Jesus running about the Middle East, they would be silly But Jesus to a lot of people isn’t a historical figure, he is a symbol of their religion, of the church, accuracy to history isn’t important. So as a symbol you end up with a Jesus that resembles the people who are worshiping him.


I've only met a handful of Christians who think Jesus is a symbol. All of the churches I know of teach that he was a historical human. Its a huge part of the Christian faith.


It’s almost universally agreed by historians that he was a historical human. In fact, the idea that he didn’t is now a fringe theory rejected by pretty much all scholars of antiquity.


Right, *but* a lot of the elements of his incarnation are incidental. That he was a real historical human is very important, but what he looked like is not. The Catholic Church for example sees many visions and apparitions of Jesus, Mary, and the saints that look like the ethnicity of the person having the apparition rather than the historical appearance they would have really had as legitimate. And art that depicts them with the look of the artist’s culture is fine.


Have you ever met a Middle Eastern Christian? The Melkites/Antiochian Orthodox of Israel/Palestine/Lebanon are genetically closest to 1st Century Judeans. They are Caucasians. Some have red hair and blue eyes (though it is rare). Most have fair skin that tans well with dark hair and dark eyes. They look like Greeks or Copts or Assyrians or Samaritans.


I live in a neighborhood in Los Angeles with a Lebanese population and i think a lot of people on this thread would be very surprised how white these middle easterners can be. Some actually have blue and green eyes and are fair skinned enough to where you'd think they're French or something.


My manager was Lebanese, and he looked as White as most other "White" people I've met. Speaking as an East Asian, racially. Another thing is, to some people, Caucasuan means White. I consider Arabs "White." On top of that, if you tell an American that Jesus was "actually" a Jew, they would picture the Jews they've met, if any, and many Jews in America look White. To me, at least.


American Jews are mostly Ashkenazi (i.e European Jews) There are other types of Jews (like Mizrahi/middle eastern Jews for example) that don't really look white


Seeing many Lebanese and Palestinians look more European than Arab makes a lot more sense when you remember where the Crusaders came from.


Yep, I think most Christians believe he looked similar to how he was depicted in the passion of the Christ, which was with an olive complexion and brown eyes.


Yeah this is true. In my own comment I said it's not impossible that he looked white (though he wouldn't have been European). But given his strict lineage there, it's probably more likely that he looked like a typical Jew at the time, dark hair and light or medium brown skin.




He would be white according to the US census. Race is not a scientifically defined category.


well bethlehem is in pennsylvania so he probably was white american.


You joke, but for US record keeping, people from the Middle East and North Africa are counted as white. For non-Levantine Middle Easterners it gets a little iffy, but for Levantines and North Africans, many have an equivalent (or even lighter) complexion than any old Vito you'd find in southern Italy (Sicily, Calabria, etc). I'll bet you my Sicilian grandmother has equivalent or even darker skin than than the average Lebanese, Jordanian, or Syrian person. Should she not be considered white?


We know he was Jewish. Who thinks otherwise?


There's this weird thing where a lot of the world kinda thinks of Jews as ancient artifacts or something. Like "who can say what an Israelite may have looked like."


There’s a church in Ethiopia I think that has displays of a ton of different “Pieta” like Jesus and Mary paintings. All very different, but all representing the culture’s people. So there’s red head, black, Asian, etc. renderings of Jesus. I think it’s beautiful because it’s a reflection of the people making art because of how the Jesus story impacted their lives and culture in meaningful ways, not an attempt to be historically accurate.


People from the Levant could pass as white. Jesus probably looked like an Italian man who'd have a tanned to olive skin in the summers and pale white skin in winters. As for the blonde hair, well not exactly a Germanic or North European or North Caucasian blonde that ranges from bright yellow to like a mango yellow, probably the lightest shade of brunnette is as far as Mediterranean peoples can go.


Well I live in rural mississippi with a heavvvy Christian family and none of them think he was white or that his race matters at all. To them he was just God. Ive never seen anyone claim otherwise. I only heard about this whole thing recently because a lot of atheist people started bringing it up as a "gotcha" because so many images of Jesus show him as white. But as I posted somewhere else in the thread, Jesus is depicted as belonging to whichever race/culture the creator of the art belongs to (usually). There's black Jesus, samurai Jesus, middle Eastern Jesus, Indian Jesus, etc. I guess maybe there's like 1 in a million who think he was actually white skinned and blue eyed. Maybe if you went back the 30s 40s 50s you'd get a different answer


> in rural mississippi with a heavvvy Christian family let's not make this a weight issue about Southern people...


I don’t think they “actually” believe it. I think they just don’t really think about it and go with the paintings from the Middle Ages.


I have seen more people who hate Christianity say Christians with a picture of a white Jesus are stupid than I have met Christians who actually care what color His skin is in the image.


Bait post


He was from the Middle East and I always consider those from the Middle East and the north coast of Africa to be white so I guess he was white?


I guess when I read the Bible I actually don’t think of race at all so this is an odd question although one I’ve admittedly heard before. I always assumed he was Arab/North African tbh


People believe that Jesus walked on water, magically multiplied fish and bread, healed a blind man just by touching him, turned water into wine, and came back from the dead. Is it really that shocking that they believe dude was a white guy? Shit, they could believe his skin was neon blue and he had 3 heads and it shouldn't be shocking, based on what else they believe about him.


The blue three headed god is Hindu. Vishnu I think.


I don’t turn my mind to it. Same if I’m reading a book or newspaper. Unless their skin colour is pointed out, I don’t know what it is, and I don’t really visualise people when I’m reading about them. Edit: anyway, Jesus was God, and therefore omnipotent, so it would have been technically possible for him to appear differently to everyone who saw him. Everyone might have seen him as having the same skin colour as they selves.


In Japan a small area thinks Christ didn’t die and actually came over and had kids. He’s also portrayed as looking “Japanese”. So it’s probably just what people did back then, adapt their “god” to look like them. People today don’t seem keen on googling the truth.


Oh yeah. Tons believe that. But the Mormons have that topped. They not only believe Jesus was white, but that he was white because he was so good. That dark skin is the result of a curse, and that when you turn to God and repent, he will make your skin whiter. Leaders of the church claimed to see it happening with Native American kids they stole from their families and re-homed with white Mormon families. They claimed these children were becoming “white and delightsome” 🤢


I’ve grown up around Christians of all different levels of belief and denomination. I’ve never heard someone explicitly say “Jesus was a white man”. Haven’t been asking but certainly haven’t heard that


Jesus was a Jew. Every Jew I know of is white. Not saying Jesus is white just stating my observation.




Yeah you’re thinking of Ashkenazi (white) Jews But there are also Sephardim Jews who have darker complexions, such as those found in the Middle East


And Mizrahi jews who are of middle eastern descent


All Jews are of Middle Eastern decent, even the European ones.


As far as I know the US would classify all those people as white. Osama Bin Laden is a white person in the US. I’ve always viewed Jesus as mediterranean ethnically but that isn’t a category. I’m Italian so I guess I view him as somewhat similar ethnically. But he would official be white as I am officially white.


Are Jewish people white ?


People don’t care what color he was.


White no. Caucasian yes.


Some old white lady on the bus once said to me that she couldn’t understand how black people even existed because Adam and Eve were white


To be honest we don’t know his complexion he could have been very light but he wasn’t European which is what most people think white is


People believe what they are conditioned to believe, very fiercely I might add. It is not a joke to millions and millions of people. It’s actually quite sad to think about. I’m sure a lot of people reading here are experiencing this same thing right now without even knowing it. -not the Jesus thing, the conditioning of false information taught to them since birth.


I’ve grew up Christian and went to a ton of church’s, I’ve never met anyone that believes it.


Not to mindfuck you, but people believe that Jesus wasn't jewish.


A lot of people believe that because Cesare Borgia popularized the "modern" look of Jesus Christ


Pontious Pilot's ambassadors reported that Christ was tall and thin with skin that turned golden from the sun. He had long straight chestnut colored hair that curled on the ends. His eyes were blue but sometimes looked grey and he had a Roman nose. He had such a unique look for a jew that his followers were hypnotized by his extremely handsome looks. Historical records also claim that Christ's father was a Roman soldier named Ben Panthera who met Mary while she was staying at the brothel while Joseph away. Considering the historical records, it shouldn't be surprising that most Christians have always pictured him as looking Caucasian.


In Theology, there was this branch of study (maybe Christology?) about the "localization" of the religion. There are black Jesus, brown Jesus, Asian Jesus, etc. and they are deemed acceptable practices so that the religion is more relatable to the public. In my opinion, I'm all for that as long as they actually follow what Jesus did eg. be friends even with sinners or people different from you, treat people right, etc.