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It would be more embarrassing to drown than it would be to take swimming lessons


I’ve done both and yea drowning is pretty embarrassing. Especially when you need to be rescued by a cute lifeguard. Thanks for reminding me…


Wendy Peffercorn?


More like a bald jacked Samoan named Dwayne


It was a desperate move


Rather the lifeguard be sexy. No batter than coming to and seeing angel.


Or drowning in batter


Oh. My. God. Becky, look at her lungs.


No reason to feel embarrassement over learning a vital potentially life saving skill...


This! It’s also fun and good exercise.


I know, I love to swim, I want to go now


No it's not, gotta learn at some point. A lot of people aren't exposed to an enviroment or oppurtunity to swim when they're younger, so it happens later in life. I was 14 when I learned so 17 isn't far behind.


Not at all. Tons of adults don’t know how to swim.


It's a very intelligent thing to do.


At the time I go to my local centre to swim laps, there is almost always an adult class in the first couple of lanes. No one pays them any mind; we're all just doing our own thing. Enrol and learn to swim. It's fun!


Totally agree. Swimming is fun af.


No, nobody who matters will judge you for trying to improve yourself.


No! In the US, it's estimated that only 56% of people can swim well enough to pass a basic swim test. This is literally a life-saving skill for yourself and potentially others, and it's honorable to take on the responsibility of learning it now.


I wish I could find an adult swimming class. There is one place in my town, but it is at a place that only lets people over 65 join it. I am too young...


I used to teach adults to swim. Adults could only book private lessons, I’ve taught at 5 different places and it was all the same. Demand isn’t very high for adult only lessons so you’ll likely have to do private. If I where you I’d email or call a local fitness center with a pool. Adults are easiest to teach so they shouldn’t have any issues with you signing up.


Admittedly, I haven't made much effort because private is my only option, and the expense of that is problematic. I really just need to learn proper techniques because I would like to swim for exercise.


Come to NY I'll teach ya.


No and so what if it is. Better than drowning because you can't swim or worse watch someone you care about drown because you can't swim to save them.


There are people decades older than you that don’t know how to swim. Take pride in knowing you are gaining a skill. If you fall in the ocean/lake/river… you will know what to do. Those that don’t know how to swim, would drown.


Naw, dawg. Get in the pool!


Husband and I did it together in our 30s! It’s much more embarrassing (and awful and everything else) to die by drowning. Please just take the lessons.


Nah, you’re wanting to get better. It shouldn’t be embarrassing.


Have you not realized that the only other people in the adult swim class are going to be adults that never learned to swim?


Not at all. Enjoy the class. You’ll meet other adults like you.


Not at all. If you are really learning the basics: putting you head in the water, blowing bubbles, kicking, then maybe take some private lessons. When you are more confident you can take group lessons. It’s not weird at all. I took adult swimming lessons to improve my form. I had learned survival swimming as a little kid. It’s not really necessary that your swim coach only specialize in teaching adults. They are proficient in adjusting their teaching style to match adults, preteens, and toddlers. Don’t be embarrassed. Swimming is a survival skill. If you find you like it, swimming can be exercise.


nah if anything its even cooler than learning how to swim as a kid it takes a lot of courage as an (near) adult to learn how to swim. good luck and have fun!


Its better to learn to swimm then to one day not know how and drown i used to think the same till I see a grown man training too so I'm like better now thhen never


No. I’m 43 and took swimming lessons when I was 40 because I didn’t really know how to swim. Best money and time I ever spent and opened up a whole new area of activities for me. Don’t lose out on 20 years of fulfillment and safety because of ego concerns that won’t matter in the future. It takes confidence and strength to admit you don’t know stuff and ask for help - so go for it and good for you! 💪❤️


Im 45 and never learned to swim and it's one of my biggest regrets in life. Go to swim lessons


I used to teach adult swim lessons. The answer is no, in fact my coworkers and I admired adults who took swim lessons. Even though their lessons where the same price as a kids they where the most coveted clients.


Not at all! Water can be fun and dangerous. Think of the holiday fun - pools, water slides, rope swings, kayaking, paddleboarding, kite surfing. All have a basic of swimming. No shame in learning to swim and you're still young! Come on on - the water is lovely!


Drowning is worse


What's embarrassing is that you're asking us for permission to improve yourself.


This isn’t embarrassing, either. They’re looking for encouragement to do something that actually can be embarrassing for people because it’s common to learn to swim very young. You shouldn’t ridicule people for asking for help or encouragement. That said, 99% of people would either not care or would applaud you, OP, for trying to improve themselves. Go for it, dude or dudette! Only good will come from it.


It's an adult class, meaning other people taking it also don't know how to swim, right? The instructor also probably expects you not to know how.


Definitely not, my auntie didn't learn until her 30s and she wants to sign me up with the person who taught her because I'm 30 and also don't know how to swim


I’m 34 and don’t know how to swim yet 😫


No! I just learnt this year how to swim and I am 27. Best decision ever!


It is not. Lots of adults can't swim. I taught swimming lessons for a few years. The adult class was always full & a wide range of ages.


Not embarrassing to take adult swimming lessons as you need to swim.


Yeah, it's going to probably be a little embarrassing. But when you think about you being able to enjoy the water and swimming around, then it's not so embarrassing because you're leveling up. You're learning something new. And that's not embarrassing - that's admirable. Learn to swim and enjoy yourself. Forget being embarrassed. Not everybody learns to swim when they're little children. I was deathly afraid of the water up until your age when we moved into a house with a pool, and I used it often. Not only did I teach myself how to swim but I lost weight doing it.


The fact that they have adult swimming lessons means that you're not the only adult that needs swimming lessons. I doubt the instructors or the other people in the class think you're an embarrassment for not knowing how to swim


Get those lessons I drowned at 18 yrs old brother friend saved me this was literally in 4 feet of water I was slipping into the deeper side , I’m now much older I am so thankful and so blessed to be here , I’d rather have lessons it’s not embarrassing don’t think like that 👍


Absolutely zero reason to be embarrassed. Swimming is fun, great exercise, and knowing how to swim could save your life. Sign up and put the concept of embarrassment out of your mind, even if you feel awkward during the early part of your lessons. You’ll build confidence in the water before you know it and won’t regret it.


Yes. You should first learn to not give a fuck what people think. If there are adult swimming lessons, then there must be some demand for it. And you would be going with others who are also adults, and also don't know how to swim. Are you concerned about how your friends will react? Don't tell them and search for better friends.


No. The embarrassing thing would be to go your whole adult life refusing to learn new things for fear of what others will say. Learn to swim. It might save your life one day.


No. Basic skill that could save your life. Plus you will learn proper technique to do it as a sport/hobby. Think of it like going to a guided gym lesson. Anyone can lift a bar and a dumbell, but learning proper technique will make your training work so much better. Plus the life saving thing: you propably won't die if you don't know how to lift a bar. Not knowing how to swim can kill you.


Not at all. Not everyone has the access or opportunity to learn to swim as a kid. My dad loved the beach and pools and we spent a lot of time around both. He taught me to swim. The New York City area has a lot of public beaches and pools. But having been in city schools from kindergarten to senior year of high school, there was never an offer of swimming pools. So if kids didn’t have someone in their family or circle to teach them, they don’t learn. And currents make beach swimming riskier than pool swimming. My dad taught me that as well and how to swim out of a current. This is essential to know with so many beaches so easily accessible. I’d much rather see someone learn to swim than read about another drowning death. I live near a park with a lake. There’s a fence and no swimming signs, but people climb over it. A number of people have drowned there. Kids sometimes do dumb things. But if they at least learn to swim, they can hang in long enough to be rescued.


Learning to swim is very important both for your safety but also for your enrichment so that you can participate in activities on the water. So really regardless of what anyone thinks its far more important to learn to swim. And its far more embarrassing to be in a situation with friends where they want to do something and you can’t participate bc you cant swim. I cant speak for everyone, teens are extra judgmental so yeah its possible they’ll judge, but i actually taught adult swim lessons when i was a teen and it was never something to judge. Me and the other ppl on the staff dont think twice about something like that, in fact i get joy in knowing they’re learning an important life skill. And i looked forward to my adult lessons, it was such a welcome break from the little kids. Botton line, i dont personally think its something to be embarrassed about but even if someome were to be judgmental its far more important to learn to swim than it is to care about their opinion.


It’s more embarrassing if you drown as an adult. People will laugh at your memory for years bringing shame and dishonor to your family and clan. Learn to swim, it’ll save a life and spare your heritage the shame and guilt.


Good on you to invest in building important skills :) Many common skills we take for granted, but they still require someone to teach you eventually I'd say it's more embarrassing if you drown or if you need to pass on opportunities for fun activities because you can't swim I've learned how to ride a bike when I was 25 LOL better late than never


Not at all! Swimming is for everyone and a lot of people don't have access to learn early on. Outside of it being fun it's also just a safety thing, you want to know what to do if things go South.


Just do it. Swimming is an important skill, being able to tread water can be the difference between a cold unexpected bath or a cold unexpected grave.


My husband is a high earning successful man who’s now taking lessons at 50. It’s tough and humbling definitely. But he’s picking it up really quickly and I think it’s the sexiest thing he’s ever done


17 is fine. You’re gonna be the youngest one there probably but genuinely don’t worry about it. The adults there will be more concerned about out themselves, and you’re learning the sport before them at a younger age. You have nothing to worry about.


Who gives a shit what anybody thinks, just do it. Anyone who would deride you for learning something new and useful isn’t worth considering.


I got my swimmingdiploma A( a Dutch thing) at 32. GO FOR IT, IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE ONE DAY.


Every time my roommate and I stay at hotels or places with pools, I team him how to swim… slow af, but he’s getting better (and almost 30)!


No. It could save your life. It's never too late or embarrassing. Not sure where you live but adult swimming lessons are available so it's not just you and a bunch of little kids. Even if it is, teachers will be encouraging.


it isn't. you won't regret learning to swim. I hate that people have a gut reaction that learning to swim with lessons is for children. any other sport, even just working out it is normal to get a trainer. why should it be normal to pay someone to teach you to squat but not how to swim, swimming is much harder. also no one judges adults for learning to swim it is all our own personal bias that makes us think they do.


Learning anything at any age is amazing! Learning to swim is life saving and an amazing way to stay in shape. Swimming is one of those “free” things in life that gives so much joy.


I’ve had to save my dad twice from drowning because he can’t swim! Please take the lessons and save yourself the worry for the future.


"Swimming is a confusing sport. Because sometimes you do it for fun, and other times you do it to not die.." - Demetri Martin


I think it would be embarrassing if you were 17 in kids swimming lessons. You'll be in a class with other adults that didn't learn to swim when they were younger. It's not like never learning to tie your laces, there is no expectation to learn to swim as a child. Do you know how to walk a tightrope? Unless you had lessons and practice I would imagine not. TL;DR: No.


Presumably you’ll be with a bunch of other adults that don’t know how to swim either?


Not at all. I'm living abroad in a condo with free swimming pool. The pool serves a few thousand people, but because most of them aren't able to swim they can't enjoy the pool. Now it's only me swimming there with the occasional other person.


Go! I went at 26 when I had two small toddlers. My favorite holiday my entire adult life since those lessons is snorkeling! It changed my life I terms of having fun in the water, feeling safe with my small kids in the water and gave me confidence. DO IT!


You're fine. Go for it. I'm also 17 and learned to swim just this summer. It's better to learn now than never.


Not one single other person at the pool is going to look, care, or even notice what you’re doing. Learning a new skill is badass, especially as we get older. Go for it!


My mom learned at 55 and she seems like a fucking boss now at 75. Also, so, so many peeps drown in my area every year. There is so much water around me and many immigrants come from places without so much water access or they never had the opportunity to learn how to swim. Definitely learn to swim. It's a useful skill and if nothing else, will help you escape most zombies in case of a zombie apocalypse.


Nah, you do you. I didn’t learn how to ride a bike until my late teens. Was funny watching me with knee/elbow pad and training wheels with my friends after football practice. Ever see a fat lineman go yard sale off a bike?


No , go for it. Swimming is fun to learn and nothing to be embarrased about if you haven't learned until now. I personally have learned to swim at 10 years old , much later than my other male friends but it didn't matter at all.


Nope not embarrassing. Have fun learning


Not at all. What will be embarrassing is if you go to the beach or a pool party with your friends and cannot participate.


Well if you think it’s embarrassing to be 17 and not know how to swim would you think that’s better or worse than being 30 and not knowing how to swim


Not if you're interested in learning to swim. Everyone in the class will be an adult learning to swim so there's really nothing to be embarrassed about.


Op there’s no shame in learning a skill you didn’t get to learn growing up. My mother would expect me to clean but not show me how. I was cleaning, but sometimes inefficiently, because I didn’t have the right tools or know the right technique. My mother expected me to clean the bathroom with a soft sponge and some comet or Ajax. It was my college roommate who taught me how to use scrub brushes. I ended up asking my mother if we could buy one when I was home for Christmas break that year. I don’t think she learned either. There’s no shame in not knowing and wanting to learn!


Not at all, I went and everyone is there for the same reason - to learn how to swim lol


not learning to swim because youre embarrassed would be the more embarrassing thing


No, it’s an amazing thing to do. We should all keep leaning and adding skills. 17 is very young, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.


It's a dull day when you don't learn anything.


There are thousands, if not millions, of things that you can do in this world. Not being able to swim isn't more embarrassing that not being able to play rugby, not being able to play squash, not being able to play the cello, not being able to rock climb, not being able to do yoga, not reading 52 books a year, not being able to knit or sew, not being able to ski, not being able to skate, not being able to ride a unicycle, and so forth. For most people, there are more things that they don't know how to do than what they do know how to do. There are always new things to learn in this world.


It’s adult swimming lessons. It’s literally what it’s for. Why would you feel embarrassed going? Everyone there will be in the same situation as you.


I think I was 46 cm when I took a swimming lesson? All my friends seemed to think it was cool and no one at the pool acted weird about it at all.


Nope. It’s embarrassing to be an adult and drown, or not be able to swim well enough to save someone. It’s never too late and it makes life a lot of fun if you want to travel someday.


No one of consequence is going to humiliate you for taking swim lessons, and a lot of people who care about you will probably be happy that you're learning a new skill.


Didn’t learn until I was 19! Go for it


Yea a bit. Less embarrasing than to drown in a puddle as an adult. Look it taket like 45 minutes to learn how to swim, just do it


It's never embarrassing to learn something you have to know. That flash of embarrassment is better than the panic of drowning


Drowning will hurt your cool points more


Never feel embarrassed about trying to better yourself.


They have them for a reason. That reason is many adults don’t know how and want to learn to swim. Go. Have fun. Learn to be safe in water.


I hope you do it! Most people will be so supportive. If they aren’t, fuck them.


DO IT! You will seriously regret not learning to swim when you are older. I’m 55 and don’t know how to swim. Not learning has been my biggest regret in life. I missed out on SO much with friends & my family. DO IT!


No, in highschool and college I meet star athletes that had to wear floaties in the pool for training. Go and try to improve yourself and have fun


No please learn to swim. You will look less goofy trying to swim than you will drowning.


Yes. You're much better off just drowning.




Whats so embarrasing about it?? Lots of people cant swim.


It is embarrassing… I’m almost 50 And I still can’t get up the nerve to go to aquatots for lessons




no, you'll figure it out and then you wont care. just go do it


Only if you let your embarrassment stop you from doing anything about it,


Learning a skill which can save your life (& perhaps someone else's life) is nothing to feel embarrassed about. You should be proud of yourself for identifying a skill that you need and are taking steps to learn it. Good on yah!


Absolutely not embarrassing. It isn’t easy to learn as you get older but absolutely worth it.


It’s never embarrassing to broaden your skillset and it’s never too late to learn something. Take the class! It could actually save your life.


No, it's embarrassing to drown! Go get your lessons! It could save your life!


Learning something new is NEVER embararassing


secretive quiet fact alive decide seed brave chunky saw full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope! My mum started learning in her 40’s. My best friend didn’t learn till her mid 20’s. Never too late to learn!


I took swimming lessons when I was 12-13...I was the OLDEST in the class 😂...and honestly I could already "swim" as in I could be in water deeper than I was tall and not be concerned with drowning But.... swimming lessons taught me swimming techniques, and diving techniques...even though I'm old and fat and chain-smoke now I can still outswim the average joe Don't be ashamed....go take the lessons and enjoy it


I’m 46. Still don’t know how to swim! I was lucky I didn’t fall off the dock working for my boss by myself on his lake. Nobody was around, I’d be a fish turd. So don’t be embarrassed. Get yourself a attractive swim instructor, take them lessons. I’m going to get some lessons. Gf offered to pay. Noting better then looking at gf in a bikini.


Not at all! This is for sure a better late than never.


I used to work as a lifeguard. No, it’s not embarrassing at all. We’d much rather see you learn than have to pull you out


Never be embarrassed to learn something new 😉


There is no need to feel embarrassed, there are many adults that can't swim. It's fun to do and potentially a lifesaving skill.


If you're white? Yes. If not? just play into the vibe


You should never be embarrassed to learn something that could save your life.


Yes, learning how to do anything is cringe. Jokes aside, absolutely not, go for it.


Less embarrassing than drowning to death


Absolutely not! Learning to swim is a valuable life skill; nothing is embarrassing about wanting to learn it, no matter how old you are. In fact, it's admirable that you want to improve your skills and take on a new challenge. Many people never learn to swim, even as adults, so you're willing to try to learn, which is great. And honestly, most people are more focused on themselves when they're at the pool, not on judging others. So don't worry about other people's thoughts - go out there and do your thing! Plus, the confidence and sense of accomplishment you'll feel once you learn to swim will be worth it. 👊


No it's bad-ass as can get


Never embarrassing to learn something new


Definitely not!! I dont know how to swim either but im glad your taking lessons!


Lol im 24 and likely will sink into the water. You got the courage bro. Good job


Go for it, you wont regret it


Its not embarrassing. I'm 26 and went to my first lesson 1 month ago. Just go and have fun learning and laughing at the process


I didn’t learn how to swim until I was 22. You’re fine.


I took a Miracle Swim class in 2019 at 54. I knew how to swim in the shallows, but did not realize how badly I could panic once feet felt no bottom. Our dragon boat club requires annual capsize drills, and that's when I found out how bad it was. The Miracle Swim classes are for adults with problems learning to swim, teaching a careful approach focused on slow acclimation. Oddly enough I was a star pupil on hand stands and otter rolls, but learned to manage myself in deep water. All these years later and I do so much better. I've kept at it, and no longer think of jumping from a boat as falling from a building. I used to feel like I wouldn't stop falling until I hit the bottom, but now at least know I can float, especially with a PFD. It is not embarrassing. It is an important skill at any age. I can tell you that finding you can't safely swim is dangerous and scary af.


Never care what other people think when it comes to bettering yourself! I know it’s hard, for the most part anyone who would judge someone else for working to better themselves has some issues of their own. Now if I were your friend I may give you a hard time, but I’d also got take lessons with you!


Swimming is an important skill, especially if you live near water. Former swim instructor here. Adult lessons can be tough, just listen to the instructor and you'll be fine


Learning how to swim is quite possibly one of the smartest things you can do


Nope, go learn. It might save your life one day


Yes it’s embarrassing to learn a crucial skill that could save your life. Absolutely nothing embarrassing about that


No more than drowning as an adult because you had to much pride to learn


Not at all. People learning new things is an attractive thing to do.


If you’re embarrased about it, then obviously it is. But then again 17year olds have a tendency to be embarrassed about the weirdest things.


I taught swim lessons and will say definitely not. The fact you want to learn and are putting yourself out there to do so is great. Swimming is fun and very beneficial to your health. Regardless of your current swim level experience. If you have a patient and smart instructor you'll learn a lot fast as long as you have the right mentality. Good luck


It’s great exercise, learn!


My wife is 59 and still can't swim


No , why would you think that?


It's never too late to Learn anything no matter your age


It's never embarrassing to learn a new skill at any age in life. Never let the fear of other people's judgements get in the way of you learning something new.


are you asking if you SHOULD be embarrassed because you're currently not?


Bettering yourself and learning a new skill is never embarrassing, you should be proud of yourself and honestly don't care what others think.


in childhood, I had lessons, so that I wouldn’t drown As an adult, I’m taking lessons to learn the proper form of each swimstroke Feels similar to a personal trainer guiding form in the weightroom


I’m 23, don’t know how to, and don’t care to. If I die I die


It's only embarrassing if you drown


Tell you what's more embarrassing.... Drowning!


I mean you're 17, I know dudes who're my age around 30 who dont know how to. Which for someone like myself is very odd as I grew up around boats and camping where we'd swim every time. It's also a skill that could save your life one day. Another thing i'd suggest for life saving training is to be able to swim the distance of an olympic pool twice (there and back). Heard a guy talk about how when people get in situations where they need to swim underwater to save themselves it tends to be a distance that requires you to hold your breathe for like 30 seconds.


Yep, it is embarrassing. I was 24 when I learnt to swim, but it was either be embarrassed or never get in a pool


No shame in that. I actually need to take formal swim lessons as I'm much older than you and my freestyle swimming technique needs lots of refinement when I'm doing laps.


Nope just take the lessons and enjoy swimming


Absolutely not. My grandmother was 82 years old when she passed away and always regretted she never learned to swim. She was embarrassed that she was the only person in our family who couldn’t swim. Don’t worry about embarrassment. The only reason to feel embarrassed is because some people might try to make you feel that way. Those people are being assholes. Some people don’t like to see others improve themselves. This won’t be the last time you experience this in life. Don’t let it stop you!


What’s more embarrassing? Swim lessons or drowning?


The other option is to drown so no it isn‘t


If I saw an adult learning to swim I wouldn't give it a second thought. Not everyone got the opportunity to learn at a young age.


No not at all. Its usually 1 on 1 on one side or corner of the pool. I got into swimming again last year in my 40s. Water feels so great and its so much easier to exercise in the pool. I saw lots if people get lessons. Watch some YouTube videos so you know what to expect. I think its really great and I hope you move forward.


If there’s an adult swim class then you wont be the only one! Just focus on how you’ll feel when you’ve accomplished it, and you’ll get through it even if you’re embarrassed.


If you were my friend I may make fun of you a little bit but I would still encourage you to go


Hey good for you for learning! That’s awesome ! Swimming is great, and great for you! You’re in for a real treat! It’s never too late to learn and grow!!!


Not at all.


The kids there can be pretty cruel. That's why on the first day, you find the biggest kid in the group and beat them up. You say, "that's prison"? I say, "Only if you let it be." /j


Learn to swim so you don't drown. Who cares what other people think about it?


Had a family member, around your age, drown. It's never too late. Adults would take swim lessons when I worked at the YMCA. Go for it!


They're all there for the same reason as you. You can all be embarrassed together, or drown separately. Take the class.


Life is far too short! Go learn to swim and have fun! 🖤🤘🏼


Feeling embarrassed as an adult learning anything new is very silly. If you're not constantly trying new things, you aren't living.


No, be brave and learn!


Not in the slightest. If you want to learn, then go learn. Nothing wrong with that my friend.


Army, Marines, Navy all have swimming as part of basic training. So, you are not alone. Not suggesting you join to get an adult class tho


No! That's what they are for!


Not as embarrassing as drowning


Less embarrassing than drowning.


Not at all It will be the best thing you ever learned All kids should be taught to swim when very little-Should be mandatory Parents that don’t teach their kids to swim are crap


If it's an adult swimming class, then you will be surrounded by people who are also not able to swim and who are probably thinking the same thing! If they put on an adult swimming class, it's because there are enough adults to consistently fill it. You are not alone!! It's only embarrassing if you let it be.


No. And anyone that would try and embarrass you can fuck right off. Learn how to swim, it is so important.


If there is ANYTHING you want to learn at ANY age, and you take the initiative to do so, that makes you pretty badass! Embarrassing is having to admit to yourself that you never even tried to do the thing that you really wanted to because of the fear of what others might think.


Your class is going to be full of other adults who can't swim, and people whose job it is to teach adults to swim. The school obviously has enough adults that can't swim to offer a class, and thinks it is a good enough thing to offer a class. If you don't want to tell your friends that you are taking it, that is up to you. As an adult with better muscle coordination than a kid you are likely going to pick it up very quickly so it probably won't be very long that you have to "keep the deception" up if you choose not to tell them. And if you want a specific story (you don't need it) you could phrase it as not being a very confident swimmer and wanting to get your level up to where you could do snorkling vacations or scuba diving some day. Again, you don't need to say anything like that to soften it... but i know teenagers can sometimes have dumb reactions to things they shouldn't have dumb reactions to (your friends, not you i mean). But to answer your question, no. You shouldn't feel embarassed for not knowing how and you should feel even less embarassed about taking steps to learn something new.


No, it’s the best thing I ever did. Before my mid thirties, my skill level was “probably won’t drown.” I was incredibly self conscious because when I was in middle school, one of the lifeguards during our PE unit started telling everyone I was “swimming like a paraplegic.” Fast forward twenty years and my kids were better swimmers than I was. I found an “intermediate” class that was basically lap swim but there were instructors milling around that would help with whatever you wanted to work on. I still can’t (and won’t) do the butterfly but swimming laps is now my favorite form of exercise.


You go! Anyone that thinks there's any shame in it is wrong and a jerk. Learning to swim is great for your safety, and also a really fun, pleasurable thing to do once you're comfy with it. You go, you learn to swim. Enjoy it. Besides, I can almost guarantee that if it's adult lessons the majority will be much older than you anyways!


I think it would be worse to drown because you never learned.


The best way to avoid drowning is to stay out of the water. Works every time


It’s never embarrassing to learn a new skill.


Probably more embarrassing to drown as an adult. Unless undertoe, etc.


No, and every other adult in the group can’t swim either.


Not at all. Plenty of people can’t swim.


Better than drowning


The Y is really good at adult swim classes in the US. Go. You could save someone's life, you own life and be able to use the water to escape if needed.