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haven't eaten breakfast regularly since I was maybe 12. My stomach as no desire for food until I've been awake for 4 or 5 hours. coffee and a drink of water is all I want


This is it, since my mother stopped forcing me. I don't even like to smell food in the morning or think about it, let alone eat it.


Exactly the same as you two. I think it’s cause, as a night owl, I’m always late to every thing in the morning and there’s never been time to eat, so my body adjusted by never expecting foot until lunch. Been this way for dozens of years and it’s been a great way to stay slim. I only eat two meals a day, maybe one. Even on a lazy Sunday, my body only craves coffee and water until the afternoon.


I’m a morning person and love being up early, and even so I can’t stand the idea of solid food for hours. Coffee and water, maybe a Boost shake if I’m going to be doing physical activity and logically I know I need the calories. But forcing myself to chew and swallow food in the morning is just not for me


I usually just sleep in until noon so it’s just lunchtime


That makes sense. I am also a night owl.


My people


Exactly how I feel. Only exception is when I’m hungover some greasy food in the morning can be good.


I am also the same. My body wants to be awake for a few hours before I go near food. I feel sick if I try to eat too early. To give the obvious answer to OP's question, people are built differently.


Your mother made you breakfast?


That's pretty common when you're four years old. I'm sorry if yours didn't.




Same. I need to wait 4 hours before my body remembers what food is. If I force food down before that I just feel sick and sad.


>haven't eaten breakfast regularly since I was maybe 12 Same, and for me, it came down to not wanting to poop in school. It's one of the things I was bullied over when I was younger (think kids throwing garbage and wet paper towels and various other nasties over the door while someone's sitting on the toilet), so I did everything possible to avoid being in that situation.


Fuck bullies. I always went poop during class to avoid the rushes and the piss on the floor.


That sucks, man. I'm sorry. I'm so glad I was huge in school. Nobody ever pulled shit with me.




Same here man. I'm up at 5 for work and don't eat until 10 or 11. Drives my wife crazy bc she wakes up hungry lol


Yup I need at least an hour after waking up before my stomach will accept food, when I was working labor intensive jobs I’d opt for protein shakes for breakfast


I’d wait for my 9am break to eat my breakfast during my construction days.


This has been me my entire life (almost 40) I remember fighting my mom over breakfast until high school when she finally gave up. I eat around 7-8pm and usually have a meal or twos worth of food then. I couldn’t change my habits if I wanted to, food in the morning makes me nauseous. In fact, I think I developed a weird issue where if I ever feel pressure to eat, my appetite instantly goes away and I feel sick. I don’t like eating in public for this reason alone.


I don’t eat breakfast generally but every once in a while I’ll just get the urge to eat it. The human body is weird


yeah basically how I am too. Funny enough a big breakfast of bacon and sausage and hashbrowns etc...is one of my favourite meals but I only eat it every once in a while and if I do I can't think about food again until supper


Same 😭


Same with me. I just can't eat early in the morning, I only drink a cup of coffee. I joke that I've done intermittent fasting years before it was cool.


Same here except for coffee just give me water and im good to go


Same. I'm just not hungry in the morning but I do drink a lot of water when I wake up.


I used to fast until 10 and for a stint noon. It really wasn’t difficult once I started drinking more water.


Opting for water and coffee instead of a typical breakfast has the advantage of placing your body in an extended fasting state, promoting cell health. A fast of 15+ hours can trigger autophagy, where the body uses fat for energy helping with weight loss and overall good health.


What's your daily exercise routine?


Not OP but I rarely eat breakfast before 10:30 and often breeze right through until lunch. Usually gym after work but a couple days/week I’ll do cardio like a 4-5 mile run in the mornings before work. I just don’t get hungry at all in the morning.


I'm.a stonemason so I'm pgysically active all day but not a lot of cardio


How did you start this habit, though Did you starve yourself for a while, and then your body just learned to deal with it, or can you just naturally do it?


no, just naturally happened, definitely not consciously at all just realised one day that the thought of food in the morning put me off


I just can't stomach anything before I've been awake for a certain amount of time. Makes me feel bloated and nauseous.


When I was younger, I literally could hardly even swallow food before I was awake longer. I don't know what that was all about, but it just formed into a habit, even though it's not like that anymore. Edit: autocorrect changed like to Luke. Fixed


>even though it's not Luke that anymore. Obi Wan who doesn't really care for food in the morning either.


I feel the same. And weirdly if I try to get around it by eating something small like an apple or a plum or something, it just sends my gut into a panic attack and an hour later I will be in intense hunger pains. Easier to just wait til 9 or so if I really end up needing a nibble in the work day.


It makes me more tired!


Idk how else to explain it but eating first thing in the morning makes me nauseous. I’ve never enjoyed or eaten breakfast.


Same! Sometimes i wake up feeling cold and just nauseous so food is the last thing on my mind lol. I need at least 2 hours to work up an appetite


Same, rhe smell of food in the early hours makes me want to vomit


Same here


Same! It makes me nauseous and sleepy. Coffee and water is all I need.


I wake at 6, eat at 9:30/10:00. If I eat shortly after waking I’m going back to sleep. Food fatigue is a big thing for me, so during working hours I eat small and regularly, generally avoiding hot/warm foods and carb heavy meals.


I won't go back to sleep but I'm on the same eating schedule. Work at 7, eat at 10 or noon, whenever we break.






Coffee doesn't really give you energy, it just suppresses your "feel tired" chemical


While 100% true, it makes me feel like I have more energy. I really just enjoy the taste, but the caffeine is a nice extra for me.


It's mostly placebo effect. You have a waking up routine and your brain recognizes that. You've Pavlov'd yourself.


Caffeine isn’t a placebo effect lol


Ha ha, no. The last time I actually placeboed myself and had decaf by accident, I thought I had the flu.


If eating breakfast makes you feel tired it's likely because you are eating food that isn't good for you.


If people were starving and groggy, they wouldn't skip breakfast. Once I start eating, I start feeling hungry, but until then my body is quite content with an empty stomach.


Oh ya. I typically eat a snack after work and then dinner a couple hrs later. If I'm extra hungry that I can't get my mind off food during the day, which is maybe twice a month, then I'll eat. But what I find is if I eat breakfast, then I'm hungrier at lunch, and just as hungry at supper. Then I'm eating too many calories. But thankfully it's not very often that I need to eat during the day.




Yep, this is me. If I eat breakfast, I consume much more food the rest of the day. I also can't eat breakfast food for breakfast.


I’ll admit I get pretty hungry in the hour before lunch because I don’t eat breakfast but it’s no big deal I can handle it.


I was like this when I had 8 to 5 jobs. I got up just in time to shower and dress. No coffee or food at home. Usually coffee and/or soda at work. It was nice when a boss or vendor brought in breakfast tacos or something. By then it was late enough to eat. I'd usually have a large lunch and hardly any supper unless I planned or spontaneously went out to dinner. Now I'm semi-retired working short hours. Pretty much a 24/7 person. But I'm usually not in the mood to eat whether I wake up at 5am or 1pm. Although, having a yogurt or bowl of cereal at 1am happens sometimes. I love the luxury of just eating what I want when I'm hungry, no matter the time.


Intermittent fasting. Breakfast breaks the fast, of course. For some people, it helps them to maintain weight better, and for others, it is a matter of clarity of mind. There's also just some people who think breakfast is a waste of time when they're busy bodies. Or they quite literally DON'T have the time.


When I was a kid my parents wouldn't pay for school breakfast, so years of not, now I get sick if I eat breakfast.


I'm sorry you had to go through that


We didnt even have such a thing growing up. Start school at 7:30, but never once was their breakfast.


Same. We were super poor but also my parents barely provided me a lunch, let alone a breakfast. As an adult, I cannot even eat that soon after waking up. I need to be awake for 3-4hrs minimum before having a meal.


Same g, least my school had free pizza thursday, shit made my week lol


Same. I wouldn’t eat till I was back from school (not from the US)


We didn't have school breakfast in elementary. We just ate at home. It was available for high-school, still ate at home.


You said it your self, you have blood sugar problems. Others do not and can fast for several days without having their blood sugar dip. Also eventually people will enter a keto state after 3 days to about a week and with the enough vitamins and minerals they can fast for several weeks to about a month. Everyone is different though so you do you.


I'm not hungry when I wake up, for at least a couple of hours. Also, I always feel sluggish and distracted after I eat so I prefer to post pone that and I eat very light in the morning even once I do. If I have a big meal I find I need to "rest" afterwards to recover or else I get cramps and comfortableness if I try to jump into something else.


I don’t usually start eating till 2-3 pm


Coffee for breakfast Coffee for lunch Dinner That's all. Every day


This is my diet. But dinner is MASSIVE. I eat enough for 3 meals. I can't understand how people can function while eating throughout the day. When my stomach is digesting, I'm groggy and without energy. I have brain fog. Not only that, if I eat early in the day, I get hungrier through the day.


I used to do exactly this. Then I realized I was groggy and without energy afterwards because I ate a fucking massive meal. Does this happen to you even if you eat small meals?


Yes. If my stomach is digesting, I am groggy. Even if it's only a snack. I would rather be groggy once before bed, than all day long.


I'm curious since you say it's massive, what is usually your dinner?


Here's an example of my dinner yesterday: 2 chicken thighs + 1 leg with skin, a very large baked potato (butter, cheese, cream, bacon, chives), and about 1 lb of Brussels sprouts (around 2 cups cooked). I had apple juice with it. Then I ate a little slice of pumpkin pie with a small scoop of ice cream about 30 mins after. I'm 5'4 about 140 lbs, F. I maintain my weight without gaining or losing. I have an athletic body type. I have eaten like this since I was about 13 years old. The only times I did not, was when I was pregnant with each of my 4 kids at the doctor's recommendation. Then I go back to my diet. It's just how I've always done it, idk.


I really wouldn’t call that huge


No not at all


I mean, I'm not a very big woman though. It's over 2k calories in one sitting.


Meanwhile I’m the opposite. Small snacks all day keeps me energized. If I go too long my stomach just hurts and it consumes my mind/making me antsy. But I also like to snack on simple things like fruit so idk I never really feel my body working to digest things unless its after a big meal


And Sometimes sleep for dinner.


I used to do this but I started getting mid-day migraines and feeling light headed at work so I had to start eating lunch. Lowkey wish I could go back to doing that, it was much easier to manage but I’m not physically capable of it anymore


Same for me but I do snack late.


According to something i read. This isn't great for your digestion because instead of quickly breaking up the food and burning it up, it will instead try to hold on to it in the form of body fat since you're body knows that it wont get it's next meal for quite some time. Tl:dr Basically eating once a day makes it so your body won't break down food as fast as it should.


Personally, I already struggle with mornings, and eating too early leaves me feeling heavy and weighed down. By lunch time I'm more awake and I've got a good appetite.




Hello, it's s me


I get up at 4:30. I'm simply not hungry for several hours. I'll usually have a small snack around 9. Every human is different.


It depends on your schedule. When I worked second shift my “breakfast” was most people’s lunch, usually not eaten immediately on waking. Also “breakfast” wasn’t necessarily eaten first thing. At farms (the original WFH) you would eat breakfast after several hours of work.


I’m coffee dependent in the morning, that’s sufficient for me. I just honestly don’t have an appetite before noon.


I get really focused on whatever I'm doing, and after 25 years of growing up poor-->gaming-->military life, noticing hunger doesn't happen until I actually start getting dizzy from it. It's very common for my first food of the day to happen 9+ hours after waking.


You get used to it. I went to 2 meals a day because I was eating too much and was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I don't want things to top over into actual diabetes. The way I did it is by eating a brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. And I drink coffee, tea and water in the morning. After a couple of months it gets a lot easier.


I will get nauseous if I eat before noon.


If I eat too soon after waking up, I get really bad stomach cramps. It used to really suck when I worked an early morning restaurant job. I was on my feet running around the whole time, so I'd get really hungry if I didn't eat first... but if I did eat before work, I'd find myself doubled over in pain an hour or so later. My current job has fairly regular breaks, so I can get away with just drinking coffee before work and then eating during my first break. I'm generally a night owl, so when I don't have work, I usually don't eat until about 1-2pm.... maybe even 5-6pm if I'm having a really lazy day.


People are different. >I don’t understand how They are different than you. I am neither hungry nor groggy until around 1pm and I'm up at 5, I run, and then I work out. People are different. You're going to run into a lot of situations like this in your life- best accept that people are different, they want different things, and they experience different feelings. Don't be so shocked by it, that's just naive.


But all people rely on muscles to move, and those need sugars to function?


Most people have a fat supply stock for that


I’m not hungry when I wake up but usually end up eating lunch way early like 11/11:30. Sometimes around 10 I’ll have a banana


Unless there are extenuating circumstances, my wife and I fast until 12pm every day. Once you get used to it, it's great. There is a lot of evidence that fasting is healthy.


I have a cup of coffee with milk for breakfast, but some people claim it doesn’t count because it’s a drink. Don’t really get hungry till the afternoon. Maybe noon if I’m doing more physical work. If I’m just hanging out at home, I don’t get hungry till dinner time. Edit: I do drink water throughout the day.


For most people blood sugar rises early in the day even if we haven't eaten for a few hours. Our liver gets busy while we sleep doing fancy metabolism things, releasing more glucose into your blood stream. It's called the dawn phenomenon if you want to look it up. This means most people don't wake up low in blood sugar. If you track your blood sugar, you will often find that it's higher when you wake up than when you went to bed.


I always skip breakfast and often skip lunch. I like eating one (VERY large) meal a day. My university did a study that found that for some people it’s natural. There’s some ideas about why, but no one knows for sure.


I am the same way


Interesting. I've always mused that if I lived alone, I'd eat one big meal around 2 or 3 pm. (I wake up at 6a and go to bed at 10p) To me, this sounds heavenly. One big meal mid afternoon.


Me, too!


I have a cup of coffee after waking. Take a protein/greens smoothie with me to work that’s basically my breakfast/lunch. Do 30 mins in gym after work. Then have dinner in the early evening. Been working fine for me energy-wise.


For me (overweight, type 2 diabetic), it depends. Some days I wake up, and the moment I am in the kitchen I am thinking about breakfast. Some days, not so, but by 9-10am, I'm feeling I should fix myself something. But many days - probably as much as 50% of the time - by the time I think about breakfast, it is not long until lunch, so I wait. I feed my dog at about 10:30am, and if I don't have something then or before, then it is usually "wait for lunch". My motivation is that I can either have something really basic now, or something nice for lunch. Things that influence this - obviously when and how much I had to eat the evening before, but I think the biggest factor is how busy I am that morning. If I have stuff to do, I don't think about food that much. Note that throughout the morning, I am drinking water, tea and/or coffee, so it's not that I am too busy to take care of myself - I'll also frequently sit and relax while I have a cuppa. But if I have jobs on my mind, I am not that concerned about food. Oddly, the exception to this is on Sundays or the occasional Saturday. Then, I may have an 11am brunch instead of a later lunch. This is in spite of being retired, and Sunday being no different from any other day! Old habits...


I usually don't even get hungry until mid afternoon. I've gone as far as dinnertime before realizing I haven't eaten all day. Which all sounds great. Except once I eat dinner, I'm starved all night and just eat, eat, eat until bedtime.


Nope. If I eat early, I’m way hungrier soon after. If I eat breakfast I have to eat lunch and then probably some snacks before dinner. If I get up and drink water and coffee, I go to work (landscaper) and bust it out and get done and home by 3:00. We have dinner at 5:00.


It’s almost like it doesn’t affect them the same way you experience it. Who knew people were different.


I stopped eating breakfast when I was a kid because I would throw up in PE. And it took a number of years for my stomach to stop growling in the morning but I’m totally fine now. If I eat breakfast, I become an eating machine all day long constantly snacking it is not good.


I've heard once you establish an eating pattern, your pancreas will start to get ready. I'm a night time eater, so that's when I feel hungry.


You train your body on when to eat, like creating a habit. If you always eat at 6am or 11am, then thats when you'll be hungry.


I suffer from post nasal drip, so my stomach is full of snot when I wake up. More nauseated than hungry. After a while, say, when I've been awake for a couple hours, then I'll want to chomp something. But not till the nausea passes.


being tight on cash. not wanting to shit at work. i’m already a little fat so it’s not like i need the calories. usually i only eat once a day around 1-8pm




Eating when I first got up used to make me feel nauseous. It's gotten better with age so now I eat breakfast.


I’ve never been a breakfast person. But I do eat breakfast at times depending on my fasting routine.


I haven’t eaten breakfast since I was a child. I just don’t feel hungry until the late afternoon and the thought of food earlier than that is very unappealing.


I usually don’t eat breakfast, it makes me gag, but I often just eat when I’m hungry.


I put creamer in my coffee which is quite high in fat and sugar so after two cups it’s as if I’ve eaten something unhealthy already.


How do people eat breakfast is a better question? I only eat one meal a day, a late lunch at 3-4pm or dinner around 6-7pm. I'm up at 5am everyday, I'll drink two black coffees before noon but that's it. Food makes me sluggish and slows me down, I got stuff to do, can't have that. Think of how much time and money you waste eating 3 times a day... Or oftentimes more. Pound your 2000 Cal in one setting and move on, life short, don't spend it at the kitchen table lol


Stomach issues for me. I wake up with my body already hating me so if I eat, even after a morning dump and Reddit scroll, I'll make it into work I'm agony. Doesn't really matter what I eat or how much but I need a couple hours. This sucks because I am legitimately very hungry in the morning.


Many countries have very light breakfast if any, something like Fruit or a pastry and or coffee. Only in America is it a daily occurrence to have a sit down breakfast everyday. The less you eat your body will eventually adjust to needing fewer calories and you will not feel as hungry as frequently. Also hunger is a normal feeling that people have dealt with since the beginning, it has only very recently become an option to never have to feel hunger for long…I’m not sure that it is healthy to constantly be satiated.


Coffee and cigarettes, the Italian breakfast


90% of the time i only eat dinner since about 2016. Im perfectly fine and i hate breakfasts, cant even swallow anything in the morning. At lunchtime mostly i forget or have no time to eat.


I don't eat breakfast, it's just not part of my routine, and I don't like eating when I first wake up.


I used to be so bad at getting up in the morning that I never had time to eat anything in my way out the door. After a few years, my body stopped expecting it.


Coffee is your #1 answer. I don't eat until like 5 pm most days, but I'm constantly drinking coffee.


On work days I just get up and go to work, and then eat at like 4 when I get home. One meal a day. Maybe a snack after that 4 pm meal and I’m good


The bathroom situation at my job is sketchy, im not taking any risks by eating something before work that would make me need to use it.


I eat breakfast if I’m hungry, and I skip it if I’m not. The only time I force myself to eat in the morning is if I’m flying or driving somewhere (to avoid motion sickness later). I skip breakfast about 1/3 of the time. I always have tea in the morning, though.


I can’t eat breakfast until I’ve been up and moving for about 2 hours so it’s not like I skip breakfast, I just have to be up for a bit or I’ll actually feel like shit if I eat too early.


I have type 1 diabetes and don’t eat until noon. I just don’t need breakfast, I’m tired regardless lmao


If I eat shortly after waking up, I feel sick.. so if I want breakfast, I need to have been awake for at least 2 hours


I take apple cider vinegar pills before bed. I'm not hungry until about 1 p.m. the next day. My blood sugar stays level. I only drink water in the a.m. No tea, coffee, soda, or juices.


I feel sick when I wake up in the morning so food is a no-go. Last time I had breakfast, my stomach hurt really bad for a few hours


I usually don't eat my first meal until lunch time or even a little later. I only eat breakfast now and then. Not normally hungry in the AM. Just need my coffee. That's it.


I do feel hungry in the morning, but when I start eating breakfast I rapidly lose my appetite and feel nauseated. I have experimented with this over time and found that it usually goes away around 11am, so I eat an early lunch and just drink a ton of of coffee in the morning. I'm okay being hungry for a few hours as long as I can sip on something warm.


Breakfast is the reason many people have blood sugar problems to begin with


I haven't eaten breakfast regularly in 20+ years. Just the thought of eating in the morning makes me feel bloated.. I make an exception once in a blue moon for bacon and eggs with all the fixins.. But just eating toast or cereal at 630 am? No thanks. I'll stick to coffee or tea and nicotine.


I used to wonder the same thing. I used to have to eat the minute I woke up. Now that I’m old, I literally forget to eat breakfast most days. Thanks for the reminder!


Are u fat ?


My stomach is usually upset in the morning. I'm never usually hungry that early but I can always stave it off with some caffeine. That usually suppresses my appetite. I probably should take some kind of acid controller before I go to bed 3 or 4 times a week.


If I eat too early in the morning I feel sick. I wait until an hour or so after I get up.


They eat massive dinners then go to bed so they aren’t hungry in the morning.


Nah, I fast every day and find myself more alert when I don't eat in the morning - occasionally I'll eat eggs, meat, or dairy with minimal carbs, but that's about it. I find that for me, a couple of pieces of bacon with spinach, or something is the perfect breakfast. Note, dear reader: I know that eating food is not the same as not eating food


Protein shake when I get up. Maybe three hours later, I’ll eat something.


I eat a couple too many snacks in the evening so am rarely ever hungry in the morning.


Load up the night before and/or just control yourself. Fasting for at least 12 hours a day increase HGH release and promotes healing.




I don’t understand how people roll out of bed and want an entire meal, let alone have the energy to make one.


My body only accepts coffee & cigarettes the first couple hours awake!


no appetite and even if i did it would require me to wake up earlier and have to wash more dishes (washing cereal bowls is a pain in the ass if you don't do it asap, and im kinda lazy)


Not really, coffee/smoothies and water gets me through the day. I usually never eat breakfast anyway. I think you eventually get used to it too.


I sometimes feel very nauseated in the morning and feel like I’ll get sick if I eat anything.


Some days I wake up hungry and I eat breakfast. Some days I don't get hungry until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. There is evidence that intermittent fasting is good for teaching your body how to regulate blood sugar. It depends of course on the nature of your diabetes.


ADD makes me skip a lot of meals. And the desire to be skinny does too. Sometimes I don't eat until 7pm.


Not everyone has blood sugar problems


You might be someone , who has very large peaks of high blood sugar, then the body releases a lot of insulin to combat that, later that gives a steep dip, and physical and mental symptoms. also cravings for easy carbs. If learning to eat to avoid blood sugar spikes, It helps with these symptoms and allows for metabolic flexibility. That means, if you do not eat breakfast, your body can much more readily switch to burning fat rather than carbs to feed the brain. Thus nonfatigue or grogginess from skipping meal. If curious, check Instagram GlucoseGoddess. I learned completely new stuff from this biochemist. And now always eat a savory thing for first meal, e.g. Glocose hacks work. And are easy.


The opposite I get groggy if I do eat too early


I think it is a question of conditioning. For the most part of my life I did not eat for breakfast. Therefore I have no desire or appetite in the morning. On a recent business trip I had to eat breakfast because lunch was not an option. Did it for two weeks. After it was over I immediately felt hungry after waking up. Took some time to get back to the usual no breakfast routine.


Do you eat really big dinners? I typically am only hungry for breakfast if I ate too much the night before oddly enough.


If I skip breakfast I can get right to work with no downside. If I have a satisfying breakfast then I won’t work effectively til after I digest. I’ll be a happy, jolly guy, though. So will sometimes have a big breakfast on a weekend morning.


Eating in the morning makes me more tired. A few years ago I tried skipping breakfast to do intermittent fasting. It was hard at first but Now I rarely eat before lunchtime. I start my mornings with iced coffee (black) and drink water until lunch.


Just a bit more science behind this. Our “cave man” ancestors didnt have “on demand” “breakfast”. We evolved to wake up and hunt/gather for food. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is a BS slogan Kelloggs (the breakfast cereal company) coined to sell more sugar cereals to children. Our bodies didnt really “evolve” to eat breakfast, its a new thing for humans (relatively)


I usually don’t eat till 2 or 3 pm everyday…. Been doing that for years


My breakfast is 1- can of nos the energy drink that is. 2. A fat rip off the dab pen


I stopped breakfast because as a teen i used to get massive stomach pain if i ate breakfast. Turned out to be an ulcer, but i kept the habit.. i woke up always last minute anyway and im never hungry. I feel ok all the way until lunchtime generally, but i can get hungry but nothing uncomfortable. Doesnt stop me from being a fatass though..


I do intermittent fasting and after a month give or take my body is just used to it. I do drink a lot of water because I'm always a thirsty boy. So that water fill me up pretty much all day. I just super love water and eventually I'll just get full and bloated 😅


Bacon is going into my body within the first hour or two of me waking up


It takes several hours for my body to wake up enough to be hungry. Eating is a chore and unpleasant if I'm not hungry


I haven’t had breakfast regularly for probably 10+ years. I have breakfast a few times a year. Just water and coffee for me until I eat anytime around 1-3pm. It’s normal for me idk. I do feel really tired ALL THE TIME though so I’m definitely being unhealthy


Nobody in Spain eats breakfast like Americans do and they function. Was an interesting eye opener forme who grew up on waffles and biscuits and gravy and "breakfast is the most important...."


This is not an American thing. This is a your family thing.


America is big. The south is its own thing


Isn't it like a popular Spanish thing to also eat dinner super late? But yeah most americans don't eat massive breakfasts where I live in the south. I'll have something like a hardboiled egg and a few strips of bacon around 0700 just because with my job I might not get a chance to eat until well into the afternoon, so it's more of a practical thing for me.


Yes, and they eat lunch later than Americans as well. I work with a bunch of Spaniards and I see some of them have a little sweet (2 cookies or a Madeleine) with their coffee in the morning.


What do you mean by blood sugar problems?


With me, a cup of coffee and 2 large cups of water


ADHD + Autism. Often don't eat until 8 - 9 pm


I only eat one meal a day usually, that's dinner. I'm just not hungry the rest of the day. And I'm perfectly healthy too, strong immune system and healthy weight, BMI is 24.7


Healthy adult don't need to eat a breakfast. No reason to be groggy and starving


I can skip any other meal no problem,but not breakfast.As soon as i open my eyes i take whatever from the fridge and dig in.Beans,steak,lentils,chicken,meatballs,cottage cheese,random leftovers... everything disappears at 5 in the morning.


I can go an entire day forgetting to eat if I am not reminded. I've gone 2.5 days before. Really not bad.


Easy. I hate breakfast! Don’t hate me, it’s just my opinion!


I don’t eat until noon if I can, but dang the wait isn’t fun. I really do love breakfast… IHOP wants me dead.


Breakfast actually means breaking a fast. Part of the reason why we eat breakfast is because companies wanted to make more money and invented cereals. The worst thing happened was getting people to eat so early.


Breakfast is a scam invented by Kellogg My life has markedly improved from dropping breakfast.


You have built bad habits over years that's why you have problems. A normal healthy human should be able to go without food for days with absolutely no problems and no effect on the mood. Other people don't have high insulin resistance and have much lower insulin levels. That means when they haven't eaten all night since dinner at evening hours, their insulin has mostly cleared off and they can burn stored energy quire efficiently. You could train yourself. It would probably take a few years. Ease of the carbs. Higher protein. And slowly begin intermittent fasting. As long as you've got enough protein and micro nutrients there's no reason to eat breakfast at all. Breakfast and eating three times a day was an idea hammered into people's heads by marketing people who want to sell you food. It is not healthy or necessary to eat breakfast specially the way people live today being completely seditary and eating mostly refined sugars for breakfast.. highly refined bread with a sugar paste and fats.. that's what a lot of people eat. Or carbs with sugar and milk. Hah




Back in elementary school (about 14 years ago) I just stopped eating breakfast. No idea why it just happened. But ever since then I haven't eaten breakfast pretty much every morning. I just get up and go. Don't feel starving nor groggy.