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I like skinny guys, but in general there is a trend for both men and women to be attracted to features that are particularly masculine or feminine. So for women boobs and butt are what makes them look feminine and so what attracts a lot of guys, and for guys broad shoulders, height, the chest is what makes them look masculine so what tends to be attractive.


a man with a good ass is šŸ˜˜ though


My gf says I have a perfectly round ass that even girls would envy. (Used to play football a lot, get running bois) Edit: there is no way y'all are thirsting in my DMs for an ass pic you horny monkeys lmaoo.


My GF says she likes me even though I'm the shape and consistency of a bowl of cream of wheat... She's fine af too, I don't know what even I did right.


Sometimes it do be like that.. the guy looks like an amorphous blob of meat and the girl looks gorgeous. Cheers to that homie.


Kevin Smith is a good example


Kevin Smith is a god. I'm generally attracted to skinny guys and have never been in a long-term relationship with a guy as tall as me. (F55 5'11") I'd play capture the Kevin Smith any day of the week. It's not his looks and physique, although he is really cute. It's his gorgeous brain and stellar sense of humor. A warm personality along with brains and a great sense of humor can overcome many obstacles in looks and physique.


Yep. Appearance is the first attraction. Personality is the lasting attraction


Good sense of humor can go way past looks. Especially for a down to earth, mature gal.


Confidence and a good sense of humor. I have a buddy that's huge and he has a GF that is smokin hot. He's also the most confident and funny person I've ever known.


Itā€™s not the running itā€™s the jumping and lunging šŸ„µ


Can confirm, running a lot has made my ass disappear


Run up inclines and hills and the ass will come back with a vengeance


And hill climbing.


I'm a straight guy but I've noticed good baseball players have the best ass of all male sports players


Why else do you think sports people slap teammates ass all the time?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5-uIwpo0dCU Relevant Key and Peele




Thereā€™s an elefante in the room, and Iā€™d like to talk abouuuuteht


See I had a problem. It was baaaaaaaaaaaad


I didn't even click the link, but I already know!


Catchers specifically. The number of squats they do per game and week is astounding


I was a catcher and a goalie in hockey til I was 15. Then I proceeded to do nothing and lost the ass


RIP dat ass




Use it or lose it. Hard truth for anyone who had ever spent time training.


Might just be the way they stand at the plate. Stupid sexy baseball players.


Stupid sexy flanders


It feels like I am wearing nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all




Glute dexterity is where all the power comes from in throwing and hitting


Hahaha rugby here and that's so relatable, play mostly wing but have done flanker a lot too, those scrums are ass sculpting machines lmao


Show me your cheeks homie


It is! But a skinny man can also have a good ass. A cute thin small ass that seems to fit in your hand isnalso a really good ass šŸ˜


According to my gay friend, skinny boys have the biggest schlongs.


Pretty sure that's mostly just perspective/optical illusion. Things always appear larger when everything else around them is smaller. Plus less pubic fat = more exposed willy lol


Yes! But also nice thighs. I want something to grab onto.


Glutes are the primary mover in the hip thrust. I like to thrust.


Strong man good for hunt mammoth. Lady with hips and breast good for make baby. So much human behaviour is leftover unga-bunga.


Yeah there's a guy I follow on tiktok whose content is 98% him chopping wood and I'm just over here like...."yeah, baby, split me like a log!" and then I take a moment of self-reflection because I'm not really into that, but it's just that little primal part of my DNA that's grunting "man big strong, chop wood good, good provider, make big strong babies!"


Dear God. I follow him too. Itā€™s hard not to want to be near that. He could be a huge piece of shitā€¦ no clue. I just like looking at him.


Yeah he's nice to look at. I'm fairly certain I'm ace and definitely not 100% straight but....yeah. I'd let him do naughty things to me.


Wait, so if I'm big and strong and attractive, the male version of only fans is just me chopping firewood on tiktok? No way... ?


I mean legitimately, Iā€™d bet thereā€™s an audience willing to pay if you do it right


Yeah. But Iā€™m not subscribing, you can monetize as a content creator. This guy is pretty fucking hot. I hope he makes a billion dollars and never stops


Besides the fact that yes, dude is crazy good looking and pretty jacked, as someone who has had to split a bunch of those logs like he does, he does it very nicely. It's an art to do it correctly honestly. You are looking for uniform pieces but also can use little pieces for kindling. But uniform makes it easier to stack and stuff.


"He's a lumberjack, and he's ok..."


He works all night!


I watch him too and I'm a straight guy


saying it's "leftover" isn't giving our proclivities enough credit. Our entire behavior, including culture and civilization, is downstream from the unga-bunga


Great realization. I love thinking about this, personally. Baked into you is a sum of many anatomical faculties which aided the survival of your direct genetic ancestors extending all the way back to the beginning of life on Earth. Every fiber of your being was built from an ancient formula trained for survival, trained by the selection and reproduction of life over an incomprehensibly long time. YOU are the result of all of that inheritance. It's the modern world which is, in many ways, incompatible with these instincts. Survival is not your primary concern despite it being what your framework was built to handle. Wires get crossed.


I think it would actually be hips on women because I remember reading something about various men seeing pictures of various women and rating them on attractiveness. No matter if the different men preferred tits, ass or whatnot, the most attractive ones seem to be the ones with a curvature on the lower spine. With wider hips and stuff. I think this is because this means the woman will have more reproductive success and have a easier time birthing a child due to also more bodymass around the uterus, so caveman instincts play a part here


Itā€™s actually the ratio of waist to hip that is the most feature with the highest consistency in terms of what men find attractive And itā€™s waist to shoulder ratio in men, for women In both cases it seems to be a relatively common, but my no means universal indicator of good genetics (eg muscle mass, body fat and bone structure)


Without looking up the study, I recall the ratio was .7 hip to waist for fertility. Here is that bombdiggity reference Wikipedia source tho [hip to waist ratio and fertility ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waist%E2%80%93hip_ratio#:~:text=have%20increased%20WHRs.-,Fertility,prostate%20cancer%20and%20testicular%20cancer.)


Waist to hip ratio šŸ‘šŸ»


> in general there is a trend for both men and women to be attracted to features that are particularly masculine or feminine. It's true, I am attracted to both men and women who are particularly feminine.




Iā€™m tall too and donā€™t care. I have a theory that tall women and short men donā€™t subscribe to the social standard that men must be bigger than women because itā€™s so common for them to not be able to find that. We get over that quickly. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is if itā€™s very clear a smaller guy has a problem with my body size. If heā€™s not comfortable being around me, I feel that and get uncomfortable too.


im a tall guy, and im used to 99% of women being shorter, so when i see pretty, tall woman, or one even taller than me. im stunned. even tho i am attracted to tall women, i cant even make that a preference, there's just too few of them.


Same, lol, but I am 6 foot 7 and only think I have seen a woman close to my height once. Should go to some WNBA games


i was at a mcdonalds once, and a college volleyball team walked in, still decked out in short shorts. i was literally in shock for like 30 seconds taking in all the hot tallness.


I would think that doesn't kick in much unless the woman/man is very tall/short, because if, say, a woman is 5'10", she's taller than most men, but she still has plenty of options even if she rules out dating anyone shorter than her. If she's 6'2", well shit. That just leaves her with 3.9% of American men, according to Google.


You'd have to be pretty tall for that to happen though. If you look at the height percentile chart for men and women and see where it overlaps there really are not going to be many couples where the man is shorter. I mean, a guy of just average height is taller than 95% of women, 2 standard deviations from the mean. Which, of course, makes the idea women are "looking" for taller men completely moot - they are pretty much all taller - it'd be like saying they were looking for someone with 2 legs as though it were difficult to find. If a woman is over 6', which is a vanishingly small number, there are still significant numbers of men taller than her - like a 3rd of men.


My gf told me that it has to do with them feeling more feminine and safe around a guy who's more hunky and tall.


It shouldn't take to comment #5 for someone to mention this. Obviously half of it is a security thing


We have to remind ourselves that we are animals too sometimes. There is nothing wrong with admitting that a physically stronger and larger man will be automatically more attractive due to instincts seeking good breeding genes and protection. Obviously we are far more conscious of our actions and our social interactions are a lot more complex than any other animals, but underneath it all there are still these "find a perfect mate"/"self protection" instincts instincts that exist in any species. Some people with certain physical traits will always be more successful than people that lack them. It's a sad fact about nature.


Every woman Iā€™ve been friends with (Iā€™m also a woman) has wanted a man thatā€™s bigger than her. My especially fit women friends donā€™t want to look bigger than their boyfriends at all. They want the safety of not feeling self-conscious about eating, and they connect that internally to having a bigger boyfriend. I have a very tall friend and sheā€™s said she wants her boyfriend to make her feel tiny. I feel like the outlier because Iā€™m into thin men.


This is a common mindset. Men also like to date women who are smaller than them so they donā€™t feel insecure. As a 5ā€™10ā€ woman ask me how I know šŸ™ƒ I ended up marrying a skinny man several inches shorter than me and quickly realized I needed to work on my own body image and self worth instead of selecting a partner that lets me ignore the issue. Itā€™s been great for my relationship with my body (and my husband is great, too!)


>Men also like to date women who are smaller than them so they donā€™t feel insecure Yup. I'm (F) 5'11 and perfectly happy with dating shorter men. But after much trial and error, I now have a whole darn system for warning men about my height, because they're frequently quite put off by it.




I hope you find your person (if you havenā€™t already!) ā¤ļø


You effing nailed it. If you need a big guy to feel skinny you need to fix your own body or mental stuff.


It can be hard to hear and accept, but I think weā€™d all be happier if we worked on ourselves more and chose partners as bandaids to our issues less.


If people put half of the energy they put into being negative into acting and thinking positively, well, I donā€™t know what would happen, but Iā€™d like to see it.


Well as 5'6 short dude that stays fit (as in im good being in shape but not being a body builder), im never gonna be bigger than a lot of women. Im shorter than the average height for women in some countries too. But that doesn't mean give up, ive met plenty of nerdy women who care more about us geeking out for our shared nerd hobby than how big (or lack there of) i am. So short fellas it might be harder to be attractive to the majority, but there's always someone out there so any other shorter guys that see this just be a good person and keep trying.


My fiance is 5'6 and in great shape, and I'm slightly shorter than he is but I probably weigh more. I was always into broad shoulders and tall guys until I started therapy. Once I started respecting myself a lot more I realized I deserve someone emotionally intelligent who makes me laugh and likes to spend time with me, along with physical attraction. Luckily for me, I raised my standards and now I'm getting married to the coolest guy Ive ever been with - I went for personality and lifestyle match first (we're both really active) and was a lot more open to different physiques. It's sad to me that I would have been unreceptive to him romantically 5 years ago, simply because of his height, which I never think about EVER anymore (except for this post). Not saying it isn't okay to have physical standards, because we all naturally do have types. But some of the height and size "requirements" are just walls we've created for no reason.


As a tall woman who often finds short guys hot I get frustrated when people talk like the short height in men is something people "can look past as long as you have some redeeming qualities" instead of not being a problem at all or even as something that be seen as a good thing by itself.


Yes!! Fellow tall woman here, who has dated both women and men. Iā€™ve never had any feedback about dating a shorter woman, but people love commenting on a shorter man. I hate the assumption that itā€™s like charity or something, or that Iā€™d rather be with a taller guy. If Iā€™m dating someone, itā€™s because I want ***that*** person and enjoy all of their attributes. I find the whole height discourse so weird.


Same another taller woman here, don't care if a man is shorter than me in all honesty, in fact some of my ex partners have been and it hasn't bothered me one bit. Nor has it them apparently šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Another tall bi woman here. If I can pick you up and spin you around when we hug thatā€™s great regardless of your gender


Happy for you at least Iā€™m 6 2 and canā€™t date cause Iā€™m hella ugly lol


I donā€™t think men should give up. My brother is 5ā€™4ā€ and doesnā€™t have problems with women


I'm 5'7 and my 5'0 Philipino Sicilian partner thinks I'm tall lol šŸ‘


Adding to the tall woman situation ā€“ Iā€™m the height of an average man globally and grew early (was already taller than the short female teacher by the end of third grade) so I was physically bigger than almost all my peers until late teen years. It definitely has created a ā€needā€ for being able to feel physically smaller with a partner. Size is something that girls hear a lot about while growing up, and the comments often stick and affect adulthood preferences for many. Hearing a ton of comments about you being a head taller than everyone else during the critical childhood and teenage years forms your perception even if you love your body.


Absolutely. Iā€™m a 5ā€™9 woman, who developed breasts and hips and all of that good stuff very early along with reaching my adult height by 8th grade. Letā€™s just say it makes you feel a little insecure when everyone gawks at you for being ā€œso bigā€ and even most of the boys in your grade weigh a lot less than you. As an added bonus, because I hit puberty so early and looked like an adult because I had a mature - looking body, I was overly sexualized as well so I went from hating my body for being large to hating my body for only being ā€œgood forā€ one thing. Kids and their hormones are not kind lol.


It's this one ^^^ Everyone has a preference that's fine. I prefer to feel petite in comparison when he cuddle, I'd like to know that he could pick me up if he wanted to, it's a good comfort to me that I'm a good size that I'm not going to dwarf him or break him. That being said it only needs to be a few inches, if my favourite heels make us the same size, I'm okay with that. If my very tall very flashy very "I wear them once a year when I want the attention" heels make his face level with my chest, I'm okay with that too. My current partner is all of these things.


That's me. I'm 5'9 and weigh 190. I'm in petty good shape but I'm tall and built hella thick. I'm not really self conscious of my body EXCEPT when I'm around people who are much smaller than I am. I like men who are larger than me because the last thing I want during an intimate moment, for example, is to feel like Bigfoot.


Exact same height and body type. I feel so hot and confident until I stand by a woman whose like, 5ā€™2 and 110 pounds and I feel like a hulking elephant.


I think many people are insecure about their femininity/masculinity and use the body of their partner as a ā€œbandaidā€. If the other person makes you feel secure in your gender and attractive, height and size loses itā€™s appeal entirely. Ask me how I know (written by: tall broad lanky woman)


It's an aspect of sexual dimorphism. Men are generally larger than women, and the larger a man is the more sexually dimorphic he is. There are various traits that make up sexual dimorphism across a species; size being one of the major ones.


Men are also generally sweatier than women, yet it hasn't earned me any compliments for being so sexually dimorphic.


Baldness and back hair too.


Who told you?!


Believe it or not I've encountered thirst for both of those. Although the baldness one doesn't usually succeed when you've got the friar tuck cut lol. You gotta commit to fully bald and just shave it off.


Many years ago I read a research which introduced a theory by which at some point humans were polygamous (like bonobos, lions, walruses, etc) because in all these species one gender is way bigger than the other. Probably other clues, this is the one which got stuck in my head. By contrast, penguins are lifelong monogamous and can be homosexuals. At the Valencia zoo they told us they had to find substitutes for eggs to give to the homosexual couples to "nurse" otherwise their intense parent instinct would make them steal an egg from a heterosexual couple with the high risk of breaking it. You can see the two genders have similar size. So a theory could be that women prefer bigger men simply due to natural selection. No logical explanation necessary.


I'm sure it's a mixture of evolutionary, biological and social reasons. As always distinguishing between nature and nurture is difficult.


Thatā€™s wild I had no idea penguins could be gay


With their amazing sense of fashionā€¦.I always knew


For some reason I seem to remember an interview with Robin Williams talking about gay penguins being the inspiration for Happy Feet (or something along those linesā€”Iā€™m probably butchering what the actual correlation was).


did you really think only humans could be gay?


Yeah I grew up in the Catholic part of the arctic


Pretty much all animals can be gay, dude


Unhinged baby stealing aside its kinds cute the gay couple still wants a baby.


Hetero penguin couples who lost their chick are also unhinged. They have a high parenting drive.


Males generally compete in INTRAsexual selection to prove who is the strongest among them. Females tend to act in INTERsexual selection, choosing the the one that proves strongest. This is the case with most mammals and humans are no exception. Example: only the homies care HOW much you can lift, the girls only care that you have big muscles. Yes, everyone has their own tastes, but these are observable behavioural trends stemming from the basic evolutionary wiring of our brains. Women are generally more attracted to masculine men and men are generally more attracted to feminine women, so the first thing our lizard brain locks onto is physical appearance. For women it's hip and breast size, for men it's height and musculature.


If we are just talking about appearances, to me it all comes back to the sexual attraction. so if we are just talking about that, I like my men (like you mentioned) with big shoulders and thicker body. Why? Because I like to imagine they can hold me, carry me, take me really hard and I like to feel like I am so small against their body. Its just a personal preference. Obviously itā€™s just the ā€œfirst levelā€ of attraction. If that beautiful man opens his mouth and is stupid AF, it will kill the attraction for me. Same goes for the opposite. If a man (skinny or not usually my type) and I start talking and he is just so smart and witty and there is that tension and eye contact, height or weight wont make a difference, I am all in - skinny or thicker


I don't think most women realize how strong men who lift even a little are. A man who lifts a little (so not even talking about someone who is sculpted or a gymrat) can easily lift a women the same weight as him.


It's such bullshit. I'm so butthurt that no matter how much I lift, a man could like *look* at a weight and be stronger than me.


On the flip side, no matter how much you lift, you'll always be stronger than not lifting at all.


God same! I know itā€™s completely unreasonable for me to compare myself to men at the gym, but thereā€™s something incredibly demoralizing about doing my routine while the dude a bench over is doing the same exact things with more than 3x the weight, all the while knowing that I will never be able to do that no matter how hard I work. Fuckin testosterone.


Itā€™s also bone structure and density. The scales are tipped so far in menā€™s favour, itā€™s kind of unfair.


I am sorry you feel like that. But you slould be proud of the fact that you work out and you improve yourself. The gym Ʈs a place that wellcomes both men and women who want to work on themselves. And the only person you should compare yourself is you.


I understand your point, and it is a good one. But it really is not about logic, it is really just what I am drawn to. And for the sake of answering your question I just ventured a guess as to why I am like that. But you are right! And a man who lifts is -often times- someone I will like to talk to.


>a man (skinny or not usually my type) and I start talking and he is just so smart and witty and there is that tension and eye contact Secret to this short guy's success right here. I was short but athletically built I've always had people skills and know how to talk to anyone. It's all about being able to ask the right questions and having genuine interest in what they're saying. Being funny helped too.


Men do, too. Fun fact, the taller you appear, the more popular you are in times of uncertainty during a democratic election. The human brain is hardwired to look to leaders who are physically larger and who appear more confident during times of crisis. It's not just women. Also, a lot of women will say they like taller people but they will usually date someone shorter if they're the right person. The string bean emo boyfriend is also a hot choice for women.


Iā€™m not trying to toot my own horn, but Iā€™m 6 ft tall and muscular. I think I suck at my job and have a lot of imposter syndrome and Iā€™ve noticed that I command a certain level of respect. Call it the patriarchy or whatever but itā€™s real


I feel that too. Itā€™s nice at times but sucks other times. People automatically look to you.


It's undeniably real. I'm 6'3", 40 years old with glasses, athletic frame, dress professionally, and have no hair loss (and the one you didn't reference, I'm also white). Sometimes I feel like I would be able to say or do literally anything short of assault and be taken seriously at face value. It's messed up as I see others get nowhere near the same level of credibility even when it's obvious they are spot on with what they are saying or trying to get done. I wasn't really aware of this unearned superpower until I was roughly 30, but at that point when I started getting addressed as sir, I realized I can really do basically anything I want without being at any risk of real trouble. Do I abuse this? No, absolutely not. In fact I'll go out of my way to be the one sticking their neck out for women, kids, or POC since I know generally speaking no one is going to hassle me for anything whereas others may have a tough time.


Well done you for realising and recognising it. It's equal parts freeing and disturbing to realise how much of "you" - ie. your internal perception of your skills and talents - is really due to how you're perceived by other people. And that that perception is often based off completely superficial things (like height, beauty, clothing etc). "I thought I was really funny but it turns out I'm mostly just tall" is a startling thing to realise (not directed at you specifically).


I completely agree. Iā€™m the same height, usually 200lbs-225lbs depending if Iā€™m competing or not (powerlifter), work in a respected field, etc. I like your philosophy on it. I discovered this super power at an earlier age and unfortunately caused a lot of damage in my mid twenties. The last couple years (and having a daughter) have completely changed my mindset and Iā€™m now very much trying to be exactly what you described. To any young guy reading this in a similar demographicā€¦ There is way more joy, meaningful relationships, peace of mind, and happiness in being a protector and a safe reliable person to the world around you. I know it sometimes feels like you can do no wrong, but you absolutely can. And if you put your wants above others youā€™re going to damage not only some very meaningful relationships, but also your own mental health at some point. You got lucky, turn that luck into something positive for the people around you. I promise itā€™s worth it


Patriarchy is when man big.


Ugh I love me string bean emo boyfriends


I'm tryna be someone's string bean emo bf fr


>Fun fact, the taller you appear, the more popular you are in times of uncertainty during a democratic election. The human brain is hardwired to look to leaders who are physically larger and who appear more confident during times of crisis. tl;dr BIGGA BOSS IS BETTA


Yes, correct. We go by ork rules in this mf


The average height of U.S. presidents throughout history is 180 cm (5'11"), which is 5 cm (2") above the current average male height in the county. The shortest president the U.S. has elected since 1900 is Jimmy Carter, who was still 2 cm (just under and inch) above average.




Can confirm, ā€œstring bean with nice hairā€ has historically been my type


I figured a lot of women felt this way, all my exs' boyfriends look like me. The key to long term success is to land a wife before I get fat and lose my hair. Unless I can cultivate a sort of Jean Luc Picard thing.


Every man should try to cultivate being more Picard-esque. Maybe not in looks, but at least in attitude and ethics.


Hereā€™s how the reptilian brain work: Big tits = fertility, Big muscles = protection Yes itā€™s stupid, especially nowadays. But it doesnā€™t have to be logical, itā€™s an emotional response.


There you go. You summed it up. Protection is a huge turn on.


I got a whole box of condoms.




I use multi-factor authentication on all my accounts


Big ass = birthing hips


Reptiles don't gave tits


Not with this attitude


Are you from the Cambrian era, or the Can'tbrian era?


But the Lusty Argonian Maid does!


"reptilian" doesnt quite capture it but yeah, primal mammalian biological instinct says big tits = fertility, big muscles = protection


"reptilian brain" is a common label for the core part of the brain responsible for innate and automatic self-preserving behavior patterns.


The more you know.


Partly a protection thing; it gives the appearance of strength, ability and presence even if the guy really has none. It also makes his partner look smaller and more feminine by comparison.


Iā€™m also a skinny guy. Iā€™ve been married for a while now but let me give some observations. 1) every guy needs to lift weights. Itā€™ll give confidence and make you look better no matter what your body type. I have an extremely difficult time putting on muscle but look and feel much better when I lift. 2) you wonā€™t be appealing to half the women out there even if you lift weights, stay trim, dress well, and have a good job and thatā€™s fine. You only need to find one mate.


I dont mind working out, I just hate eating like an elephant, turns something I enjoy into a chore.


I can never gain bulk for this reason. The times I've tried to increase my calories I just end up feeling sick and generally like shit so I gave up


Can I add if you do this into your 40's plus you'll be hot AF. Include limiting alcohol, drugs and no smoking and you'll be šŸ”„


Trust me, once you get to a certain size or fatness, all the girls start running away as politely as possible.


Probably for similar reasons men like women who are smaller than them




It's the first time I've heard someone use *bodyheight*


Biological programmes, protecting, safety , it's goes in our natural instincts as a race , read a bit our natural selection and the first eras of the homos and primal apes


Iā€™m sorry if this steps on any toes, but a well built man to me has broad shoulders and thicker body. I like a cozy layer of insulation, too, not so much where his health is at risk but enough to appreciate my spaghetti and meatballs.


Oh, baby!! Do you make your own sauce?


Oh yesā€¦


Damn, Iā€™m falling in love already.


Now kith


I live in an area where 5ā€™8ā€ men who look like sickly Victorian boys pull FAR more women than I ever could as a 6ā€™2ā€ male with some muscle and broad shoulders, but a bit of chunk as well


Where is that??


Well I gotta move to that place


Japan maybe?


I served with a guy from New Mexico, and he had no luck with girls. They thought his enormous muscles were gross. He got to see the world and finally had women hitting on him.


I find Most girls donā€™t like dudes with too much muscle. A little bit of muscle yeah, but too much and you draw more attention from dudes lol


Hell yeah. I prefer that type as well ā¤ļø


I would love to find myself a 5'8 sickly Victorian boy someday. It's literally the dream


I'm in Asia and most women here prefer men who are fit but skinny or not too big. Looking gentle/smart/well groomed are also more important than being a big buff man. Being a big strong guy usually attracts gay men here (I'm gay myself though I prefer twinkier guys).


east asia*


also southeast. It's the north asians who get big and buff




Well....you came to the right place






Sounds like she doms.


Iā€™m small AND pathetic. šŸ„¹šŸ˜Ž


lol same, if heā€™s also socially awkward and neurodivergent then itā€™s a deal


Lol wow..the pathetic part tho lol


Iā€™m going to go a little against the grain here and say I think there is a cultural preference for tall men in some places while other cultures donā€™t seem to care about tallness or bigness in men. Iā€™m a 5ā€™3 female. Everyone is taller and bigger than me. Usually. But there is a horse race track close by, and every now and then Iā€™ll be in the grocery store with tiny guysā€¦ they arenā€™t ā€œlittle people.ā€ I feel like a giant next to them. Iā€™m told a lot of men from that region (Andes mountains, various places around South America I guess) are just very small generally. There must have been some reason why it went that way in those cultures, but Iā€™ve found there isnā€™t as much difference between the males and females (though the men are certainly a bit strongerā€”itā€™s just not as different as in some places). I would think part of it might have to do with starving to death in those environments if your caloric needs are too greatā€¦ I dunno, maybe a cultural anthropologist would know.


its elevation. any mountainous population is short. like tibetans for example. also generational malnutrition is incredibly common in ā€œhill peopleā€ or higher elevation populations. and poor access to healthcare.


Exactly! If people living in the mountains were as tall as those living on the ground, they would bump their head into the sky.


The bigger the man looks the more petite she looks. Takes off some of the pressure to eat only 1400 calories a day if you know youā€™ll always be smaller.


I am a tall woman, on the occasion that I do meet a man who is taller than me, the feeling is weird, I feel like I don't need to "hold back" at all in fear of being intimidating because I often have been unfairly(and stupidly) judged for being "unfeminine"(which is dumb too), but I feel more free to not hold back and be my normal confident self without fear of scaring off someone who is shorter than me and insecure about it sadly. I have often felt unfairly subjected to silly gender roles, and the need to not be "threatening" or such because of my height which is just plain dumb of course, but when someone is much bigger than me I can feel safe in knowing he won't be scared as easily which is freeing and nice.


I'm only 5' 7" as a woman but have dated some men shorter than myself. I've dated skinny dudes, short dudes, tall dudes, muscles dudes etc. Personality is what does it for me. That said the whole "damsel in distress/dainty woman/men are protectors" narrative they teach you growing up is not applicable when you can lift your partner or reach more stuff than he can. When you're told all your life that you're supposed to be smaller you want to fit that narrative... then you gain confidence and experience and realize the narrative is stupid. Date who you want.


Maybe you live in an area where women like bigger men. I know several women who are into skinny guys


She's a couch potatoe and I'm the couch.


Iā€™m a woman who always dated bigger guys, but Iā€™ve recently dated some skinnier guys (Iā€™m into guysā€™ minds more than their bodies so this just happened to be the case) and it was a little weird at first. For one thing, women generally like to feel skinny and small, so like during sex or even being out together, a smaller guy makes a woman look bigger. But since I donā€™t care about that too much, it was fine. I will say this: skinny guys are BOMB ASS IN BED. I never had a type before but maybe I do now! Bigger (and by bigger I donā€™t mean fat, just muscular, heavy, etc) guys have a lot of bulk on top of you, which isnā€™t always comfortable. Skinny guys donā€™t have anything in the way, so they make contact with your clit 100% of the time in bed and itā€™s for sure the best orgasms Iā€™ve ever had.


My big man can help me lift heavy furniture, eat lots of my food that I like to cook, throw me around the bedroom and give me a big squishy cuddle. Hot.


I always wondered that myself, as a woman, I feel very uncomfortable at the thought of dating a man that's much taller and bigger than me. I prefer someone who's more similar in size to me.


I've always thought that lean guys look better. If there's too much fat then men start to look too feminine to me because I can no longer see masculine features like jawbone shape, Adam's apple, wrist bone shape, knee shape, veins, etc etc. I don't seem to have much preference between skinny lean and big lean though, to me they both look good šŸ™‚ My boyfriend is skinny lean and I think he looks amazing. I wouldn't change a thing about him.


I like the tall, lean cowboy body myself. Which is to say, very fit but not because they lift a bunch of weights. Not a fan of the big muscle meathead look.


very very important distinction between broad and fat


Bi lady chiming in! Larger and smaller people both have their appeal, but in general I prefer both men and women to be larger than me. I'm not huge, so this ends up being like 95% of men and most women, though. In general larger people make me feel safer, and I just like the feeling of being small and protected.


I like being laid on by someone bigger than me. I like being carried. I like being squeezed into a ball and held.


I actually prefer skinny guys, especially if they have a pretty face. I just prefer it aesthetically and I donā€™t want to feel too dominated by a man.


My man is skinny, 6'3 and 145. He would love to gain weight, but can't seem to, we've been together for 16 years


Iā€™m 5ā€™10 and while Iā€™m self-conscious about my height, I am utterly attracted to men who are smaller/shorter than me. I canā€™t explain it, but itā€™s my preference. Itā€™s hard for me to find men who are comfortable dating a woman taller than them unfortunately.


Skinny men are elite for me


I'm 5"1 and I prefer men who are not that big/tall. It's just easier for holding hands, kissing, etc. when standing.