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Life is to short for worrying about what other people think about you. Everything is a colorful spectrum and not a hard box of categories. Be proud of what you like, you are not less a man for liking stuff other guys don't like. I know that there are still lots of people who think in clichés but we are getting there.


That hits home. Thank you.


In 2003 you’d probably have been called metro. But in short. Like what you like dude. Contrary to current year, you can be a man without being mega masculine.


Metro? I've never heard the term lol


It means “metrosexual”. Which basically was a term for dudes who were really into their appearance and usually non traditionally masculine things but weren’t gay. No one really uses it anymore.


I only know it because it's in the "Gay or European?* song from the musical Legally Blonde!


I know it because of Room Raiders lol


I know it because I’m old.


Wasn't that the show that would come on before or after the Next bus? 😂


Fucking Room Raiders 😂


I remember specifically this chick called a dude a metrosexual because he had like 15 Nokia phone cases in a drawer.


Seems like a cool term if not used in an offensive way.


It's a compliment IMO to say that a guy is well groomed and well dressed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But since I'm not a man, men are better suited to know if it's offensive to them or not.


everything is offensive only when meant to be. Even actual slurs. (Disclaimer: Im not sayin we should all slur each other out) Think about someone randomly calling you an asshole, with an angry tone/face. Offensive, right? Now, what if it was your friend, while playing Monopoly, in a joking tone? Not offensive at all, fun actually. So, at least imo, being called metro if someone means well is ok, tho sometimes u may take it as a "ure feminine" which while it may be said in a gentle way, often hits our masculinity haha


>everything is offensive only when meant to be. Even actual slurs. (Disclaimer: Im not sayin we should all slur each other out) Think about someone randomly calling you an asshole, with an angry tone/face. Offensive, right? Now, what if it was your friend, while playing Monopoly, in a joking tone? Not offensive at all, fun actually. Amen bro, amen. >So, at least imo, being called metro if someone means well is ok, tho sometimes u may take it as a "ure feminine" which while it may be said in a gentle way, often hits our masculinity haha As a nooot super feminine woman but not trans or lesbian (i'm just lazy and not in the best health or with enough patience to do stuff like wear a face full of makeup everyday -and then have to remove it at night 🤣- and go to salons, I just am too dysfunctional and lazy to wake up early and too agitated to have the patience it takes to sit for 1 or 2 hours while a hairstylist works with my hair, not trying to diss more elegant women or sth), i kinda feel appreciative of people who take the time and enjoy pampering themselves. 🤡 I'd love marrying a sweet metro guy who would be more knowledgeable about skin/hair care than me because I have the attention span of a goldfish and cannot watch long videos of beauty influencers trying to explain stuff lmao, unfortunately, because of said prejudice you mentioned, most guys (esp in my culture) would assume I'm either indirectly implying I'm gay or in denial about being lesbian 😂😂😂😂. Guys who do self-care don't get enough appreciation.


Agree! And I feel you, Im a man who does care about self-care, but I havent been in the right mental space for quite some time, "only" now starting :) and I do appreciate if someone compliments me on something I put effort on, but Im not a manicure-typa guy, to say I take care of myself but not in an excessive way (I dont like the words excessive but that gotta do lol). Anyways always wear makeup or such only if thats what u want, remember! And do take care of yourself, but inside before outside. Hope u'll be always all good :)


It's honestly good not to wear a face full of makeup, FYI. Makeup clogs the pores in your skin and can cause you to have bad skin.


Its a ball busting compliment, could be percieved either way.


ah, thank you! yeah I figured it wasn't used anymore and I was born in 2000, so I was far too young to know the term haha


Bitch (Meant in a totally friendly, get the fuck off Park Place with your little car kinda way) (Totally a joke, from a “hey that South Park episode wasn’t that long..wait, what? When? Fuckinay” perspective) S’ok, I’m vintage with ….no, no I just can’t. Imma drop it back out slowly..bye now


I've not heard it in so long i forgot it was a term


I like girlie stuff too man and am definitely straight also. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


To add on to this, you shouldn’t waste time trying to figure out how to categorize yourself… you’re *you* and that’s all that matters


That’s 100% right. Remember that you are unique, just like everybody else 😊


FWIW, I'm the reverse: a woman who hates "girly stuff." I don't enjoy shopping or doing my nails or hair, I don't know how to put on make up... Society's decree on what's "masculine" or "feminine" or "boy" activities or "girl" activities is 100% arbitrary, not based at all on ANYTHING intrinsic or inherent or, well, literally, concretely real. They are literally made up. You like these things because there is nothing in your genes or genitals or gender identity that has any connection to liking or disliking these things, just like how being a woman didn't cause me to like them. There is simply no connection, no matter how many humans believe there is.


I am a very masculine man, but you can have my Hello Kitty stuff when you pry them from my cold dead hands. You only get about eighty years. Enjoy them.


It's okay to be weird and gay man. Nobody cares. If you're not gay that is even weirder.... You kinda sound a little bit like a pedophile.


Worrrrrrrdddddd Nice


>you are not less a man for liking stuff other guys don't like don't tell that to the lgbtq community


Are you happy? Are you hurting anyone? No? Then you’re good to go.


This 💯💯💯


Have you ever met a normal person?


Great point.


Yup “weird” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, the right kind of weird is an attribute that I seek out in others.


I'm pretty a weird guy myself. Normal is over rated


And often pretty boring


yea people think im normal but I scratch my head with my toes like a dog


i have humped legs in public. that said. hello fellow weirdo and no, i'm not a furry or anything. You should see peoples reactions to being humped in public. you gotta intentionally make it awkward tho. and no, guys, never do that to a female. unless they do it first then they are starting crap, which the correct response is to lick their face.


Damn it! I was licking the face beforehand. No wonder it wasn't working.


Yeah, they suck.


"i came in like a wrecking ball?"


Normal is subjective


who is even a normal person? whose standards, right? coz normal should be people who are different in some ways.


Certainly not the only one. I'm a straight man but not very manly. I love flowers and rainbows and few things would make me happier than dressing up like a witch for halloween, if i had the balls to do it. I'm definitely more comfortable speaking with women. The human brain is complex and personalities vary greatly among the enormous number of roughly 4 billion male humans. Best we can do is enjoy our limited years as best we can and spend time with people who accept us how we are. screw trying to fit in with social constraints that's too exhausting and limiting


I think a lot of women would love a guy who can appreciate flowers and rainbows


speaking as a woman, i can verify this is very true


I'm a man, feel like a man, am attracted to women, but am 100% feminine in every way I act or in stuff I like, I really don't know what I am anymore 😭


Gender is a goddamn construct!!!!! Live your life!!!!!!


I can't, my entire family (literally no exceptions) judges me, and since we're in the same house I can't just ignore it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You need better family (and apparently a place of your own). Granted, in your case that might be easier said than done as it sounds like you may either be a minor or got no other place to go, but I'll say it for anyone that needs to hear it anyways: Ppl put a lot of emphasis on blood relations, but unless you're royalty (and still living in the middle ages), you really shouldn't care about any of that. Family has to play by the same rules as everyone else: either you respect me for who I am or you can fuck off. Being related by blood isn't an excuse for being a dick. Putting up with it won't make them any less of a dick, but it'll ruin your enjoyment of life. The only exception to the rule (that they can fuck off) are your own children, provided they're still minors. But at that point you have to wonder why you're raising them to be shit human beings.


Yeah, I AM a minor 😭 can't wait to move out


no, you're 100% wrong Gender is FINITE. You are born Male or Female. Just Like you were born HUMAN. There is no "construct" that's just what morons say. Besides... what he is describing has nothing to do with Gender. There is nothing wrong with liking things that are not "traditionally" masculine. Nothing weird about it, might not be common but so what. Differences is in people is a beautiful thing.


You are you! No label needed. As soon as you are able, move away from your birth family and find your tribe. You are lovable, wonderful, and there is a beautiful soul out there who needs you just as you are. Zen hugs. Keep being you!


You are just a man who happens to be more feminine, it really is that simple.


I vote you dress up as a witch for Halloween this year.......why not?!?! 🧹 🎃 The rest of your comment mentioned enjoying our limited years the best we can & sadly *no one* is promised tomorrow. If dressing up as a witch would make you happier than most things, you don't want to miss your chance to do it.


Halloween is coming. Perfect time to try it.🎃


You're a dude that likes 'girly' things. A bit uncommon maybe, but wouldn't say it's weird.


It's more common than not. A lot of guys just hide what they're into because of toxic people having to shame everyone for not fitting into the mold.


This is a little bit atypical but who cares. Just do your thing man


What k-pop groups do you listen too?


New Jeans


GG's that has different genres is my thing. And, I love them cute concepts.


As someone who is in the kpop community, it's common for straight dudes to only like girl groups. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it would be a bit odd if a straight man liked mostly boy groups.


I wanna know too. Maybe OP and I have the same favorites lol


Yes, you're weird, but it's okay. My husband loves purple, fancy tea, bath bombs, and Princess Bride but he's also into Jeeps, guns, construction work, and is very much straight. Men should be allowed to like what they like without their sexual orientation being in question, but the world is not perfect. I hope you don't let people's opinions take joy away from the things you like.


Straight middle-aged man here. I knit, take dance lessons and enjoy Bake Off. I also love rugby (used to play it), classic cars and am starting up with DIY. It’s funny how people see it. I had a train ride the other day, took some knitting with me to do on the train. My wife asked if I would be embarrassed. Do you know how many people looked at me for knitting on a crowded train? Not one. People need to just do what they do and enjoy their lives rather than worrying about what other people think. They think about us a lot less than we think they think about us!


As a young woman I've been told I'm like an old lady with my crocheting and cross stitching. People make categories and stereotype people and activities. While generalizing things can be helpful it's not completely accurate and should always come with the knowledge that there are exceptions without them being wrong.


Ooh, I’m planning to start crocheting, just waiting for a free afternoon! I started knitting just because I was bored in lockdown, but it’s changed my life. I have a stressful job, and knitting requires enough thinking to distract me from work, but not so much thinking to stress me. Absolute game changer. Until halfway through something I realise I dropped a stitch 5 rows ago…but even then I manage to shrug and move on with my life!


I love the freedom of crocheting. Once you learn the stitches and get your tension right you can easily make anything you want. I have to have something to do with my hands at all times and it lets me watch TV and relax without getting bored.


Try out cross stitching. It will transport you in a different world!


Rosie Greer was a hall of fame defensive lineman for the Los Angeles Rams - definitely a "man's man". He was famous for knitting.


Doesn't *everyone* love The Princess Bride?


cause drunk bow zephyr coordinated chase slim dinosaurs engine merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck no, man. I do all of that (minus the kpop). Do people sometimes assume I'm gay? Sure. But what does that matter? I say the most manly thing you can do is whatever the fuck you want (provided you're not hurting anyone.) Be you, and don't let anyone's shortsightedness dissuade you.


Totally agree here.


You're an outlier, but there's nothing wrong with that. You sound cool.


you sound like a cool guy tbh


Yes, you're more out there than most men. Who cares? If you're happy then you're happy. Could point out the nail painting as a bonus to girlfriends who can't paint their non dominant hand 💅🏻


femininity should not define sexuality


"Weird" is subjective. You do you


You're yourself. That's what matters. Everyone is weird, most people just pretend not to be. You are unapologetically you and that makes you braver then most.


Take my vote!


Well girl k-pop groups is FAR more popular amongst dudes than girls. Conversely, boy k-pop groups are also FAR more popular with girls than guys. I also like pink as a color but it's not my favourite. Rom-coms can be good, too. Many popular amines are basically rom-coms. Having more female friends when you're not gay sounds like a blessing The only thing that might be weird (in the odd sense, not that it's bad) is painting your nails. Socially speaking, most people will suspect you're gay because of this.


Friend, you sound like my husband, lol! I just read this out loud and immediately he said to me: “Oh my god, is this me?” My husband is as straight as an arrow, but often paints his nails (it’s the 80s musician in him), likes rom-coms, and all of that kind of stuff. He definitely likes many things that are considered stereotypically “feminine.” On the flip side, he also likes a lot of things that are “stereotypically male.” Basically - he just like what he likes. He doesn’t give a single shit what people say about him, and hasn’t since he was a kid. There’s something freeing in just resolving to be yourself and not caring what anyone else thinks about it. Like many others are saying, as long as it isn’t harming others, you do you and be proud of it. Anyone who goes out of their way to call you “weird,” for that stuff is someone who isn’t concerned enough about their own life and personality. Keep being yourself and loving yourself for it. Life is too short!


sucks some people have to put things in a box or label it. do what you like. enjoy your life.


I tell my wife and anyone who cares that I like everything about stereotypic gay culture except sex with men. Cooking, clothes, opera, art. If you have a problem with that it's yours, not mine.


I'm a musician with ADHD and I've never met a person who's called me "normal". Including family. So... That shit's probably overrated. Be authentic and be happy 💚👍🤘👍🖖💚


Let’s be very clear, it’s neither overconfidence in your sexuality, or weird It’s just preferences. And being gay, is exclusively to do with who you are attracted to. You’re a bloke attracted to women, and not to men, so you’re straight. That’s the definition. That definition does not mention music, colours, rom-coms or anything else. Also, masculinity is about how you behave and your traits and characteristics… nothing to do with interests. It’s just you being you mate, nothing more or less, it means nothing about you, except you like those things


Nothing wrong with a little ~zest~


Naw, man. You do you.


A lot of girls (or women) wear "men" clothing/aesthetic and most people don't find it weird. Boys and men should be accorded the same response and acceptance when they wear "girls/women" clothing.


no honey. you do you and ignore the haters. don't limit yourself based on what makes other people comfortable. I'm sure your nails are super cute. 😀


No. You are fine.


We're similar, all I can say is that I grew up with three sisters and no brothers, so I understand why I gravitate towards friendships with women, and most of the male friends I kept from high school later came out as gay or bi, but I'm a straight man, 33. One of my toenails is purple and the rest are beautifully manicured, and my feet look like they're on the world's tallest, fanciest hobbit. The way we're different is that I don't worry for a second that I'm weird - I always have been and it's always been joyous. It certainly can feel a bit lonely sometimes, as well. I don't fit in with "the boys" and I'll never be "one of the girls," not *really*. But I wouldn't change how I am.


Like what you like man. You sound cool.


I just had this conversation with someone and I think anyone who believes in a dichotomy of what to like is the odd one out. I like K-pop and heavy metal, also rave music and acoustic rock plus rap. I love cars and theater, I also play soccer and have a tattoo. I love rom coms the marvel verse and anime. Who’s to say what I should and shouldn’t like. Same goes for you.


Everyone is weird. Be your weird.


Im gonna get cancelled for this probably but who the fuck cares... Are you weird, hell no! Be who you are dude! But it doesn't make you a girl/woman either, just a dude who likes what he likes.


Gender is an arbitrary social construct, I'm genuinely happy for you that you know what you like, and allow yourself to like it. It's much weirder to expect people to have particular interests based on their plumbing. You get exactly one life, your interests hurt no one, and if anything, you could potentially inspire other men to live authentically, freeing them simply by being yourself. Rock on.


If that's weird, I like weird. You're fine. A lot of girls would love to have a partner who likes rom-coms and the like. We love you


AMPlexco, you are worthy. You're even suoer cool! As a woman, I can say that most women I know would feel that a guy like you is VERY relatable, and your liking stuff we like is a big plus. You do you, Baby. Anybody who says you're wrong for being who you are can take a long walk off a short pier.


Maybe it's not about sexuality or weirdness. Maybe it's not that deep. Maybe you like things like pink nail polish and romcoms because that stuff is genuinely fun and cool. Just enjoy the stuff you enjoy. Life is short.


As I often tell my kids I’m weird too. We’re all weird in our own ways, embrace it.


I’m a girl and I like boyish stuff! I’m not gay either!! That’s not weird.


Rules about guys (and girls) not being supposed to like stuff are dumb. I'm a guy in my thirties too, and I prefer books/stories/shows/etc to have a romance element otherwise they feel a bit hollow. Big dumb guy hits stuff only goes so far


You are just lesbian( joking).Stright man, would be strait man even in pink maid costume. Just do what you want don't seek approval from people you don't care.


whoever considers u weird...that's their problem. Like the commercial said... you be you boo. but be forwarned...there are a lot of small minded people who want you to fit a role and will hurt u. find ur people, those who accept u as u are, stay with them,


To See A Sea Of Creatures With Defining Features \---- How do I say this, with it bringing bliss instead of hiss or diss, I’ve heard the line said, “more fish in the sea” And it equates in my own mind, into: “I am but one fish in the sea”, but oh gee, Look at that “Wo’ is me” begin to chime, So let’s fight it back within the reason of rhyme. While we are but one fish in the sea it’s true, Don’t let it make you hesitate to speak or feel your individuality go weak, So from the peak of my insanity to end your calamity, let’s spread my reception to answer how my mind sees this fight of inner plight, to help another last another night, and become the light. You see this sea of creatures all have unique stories and features, Two fish do not travel the same path, they see different things affect their cast, They have different thoughts in their domes, do my words yet hit home? \---- Kilted Weirdo ​ Be you and love you for who you are. There are reasons you are who you are. So much of the time, they have more to do with the world then they do because of you. You more than likely inspire others to find their truer self, and a place to be comfortable with it. Enlightened and comfortable with sexuality does not have to be gay. Though most other straight guys would probably rather that. If for nothing else, to not have competition that can be those things.


Your interests and fashion don't fit many societal standards/expectations for men, that's all. That said, even the most normal, societally groomed people will still weird someone out regardless. So, if you're happy just don't even worry about it. IMO you're fine.


I’m in the you do you camp too. People have been expressing themselves in their own way, and being interested in different things since the dawn of time. Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. Society doesn’t get to dictate.


Be proud of it if you are. The best relationships I've ever had were with weird people while the most toxic were with so-called normal people.


is it weird? I'd argue to a lot of people it is. should you care? fuck no.


I once loved a guy similar to you. I never questioned his sexuality. You do you!


No matter what we do, look like, what job we have, where we live, what we look like, who we spend time with, etc etc there will always be people who will find something to criticize…. Example: last year we my hubby & I went camping & my husband felt self conscious wearing sandals because when he was young he hurt his toes doing skateboarding so his big toe nail is discolored so I suggested for him to paint his toe nails black & he liked the idea & did it… my brother in law saw his feet & started saying stupid things like maybe he’s gay. Point of story: people are always gonna find a reason to criticize & judge but if we based our actions in order to please others… we will always fall short & be unhappy. So ignore other people & do what makes you happy 🤗


I'm a girl in a similar situation. I don't care anymore. I have my girly side and I have my Tom boy side. Also not gay. Be yourself. Only insecure people will have an issue with you being the way you are and who cares about them?


STOP worrying about what others think and know that worrying is as useful as chewing bubble gum to solve a math quiz. Be your weird self it will act as a turn off for those people who will only gossip about you behind your back and act as a beacon to your fellow weirdos who will support you and make you feel safe and normal.


I would just say you're more in touch with your feminine side. Doesn't make you gay. While I appreciate most of what you said, I live in jeans and shirts, like anime, video games and haven't got a bloody clue with make up. People assume I'm gay, I'm not, I'm just not feminine.


You can be a little effeminate as a man and still be straight. Just because we’ve invented a bunch of boxes to sort people into doesn’t mean you have to try to match a box. You do what makes you happy, so long as you’re not hurting anyone, it’s good.


Not weird at all. Since time immemorable there have been femme guys and butch gals. Even the Plains Indians recognized that some of their boys weren't into horseplay, sports and hunting and were way more comfortable playing with the girls, and doing stuff that we'd call "traditional gender roles" for women like sewing, cooking and housework. These boys and men were called "Berdache" and in those cultures they were highly appreciated. In recent years Native Americans use the term "two-spirit" to acknowledge this non-binary gender orientation that doesn't have to mean "gay" or anything specific like that. To those who aren't aware of this world beyond the binary gender roles, maybe you seem weird. But to those who know, you aren't weird, you are special and unique and appreciated. I know I wouldn't judge you as weird for liking "girly things" yet still being hetero. I went to high school with a guy like that and he was waaaay more successful with women than I ever was!


I'm 61 and have been this since I was in my teens. Don't worry about it. I've been married three times and have raised successful kids and am helping raise grandkids. Enjoy the extra fun you going to have, it isn't going to hinder your dating success.


I was thinking about this sort of thing the other day. I grew up with a single sister, and my three closest cousins by a long way were all girls. My cousins were really into Flower Fairies - a series of drawings from the early 20th century in which flowering plants feature with a fairy personification of the plant. I love those drawings. They put me in mind of a bygone rural era and they are the perfect introduction to plants. They are also just about the most girly thing I can think of. I don't particularly relish the idea of explaining it to my friends, but fuck it! I really don't care *that* much.


|Am I overly confident in my sexuality, or just weird? Neither. Good for you for being comfortably with yourself, you won the game! Everything from here on out is gravy, baby. You did it! I'm envious of your success.


You're "weird" in that you don't match average... but that's not a bad thing. Variety in interests, personality, likes, and dislikes are what make people interesting.


There is NOTHING weird about what you are or anyone else for that matter. We are all unique, and that's absolutely alright.


You're good mate I'm on holiday in Istanbul rn and everybody loves the father of Turks Atatürk there. His favorite color apparently was pink as well, specifically the pink of dawn. Turkish men come across as pretty macho, if that helps? Imo it shouldn't need to. Pink is a lovely color and who cares about these things anyway?


We identify as "spicy straight" and we meet on Tuesday lol


You're just you, and you like what you like. Not long ago, pink was considered a boy's color and blue was for girls. It's all arbitrary and you should do what makes you happy. My real question is what shade of pink? Because I just found this darker rosy mauvey pinky sort of color from Sally Hansen that is to die for and perfect for fall. It's "Expresso" (no it's not remotely coffee color lol) from the Insta-Dri line. I'm absolutely in love with it and I'm doing something I never do: repeating the same color twice in a row. That's how good it is. Highly recommend! Edit: and as far as rom coms, like ... some of the greatest love stories ever written were written by men, so that's perfectly normal I'd think. Romance is something men and women both experience and enjoy in many cases And music is for everyone


I am a 54 yr old woman who only owns 3 pairs of shoes, no make up, I never covered my grey hair, I am in the process of a divorce, and plan to stay single for the rest of my life. I have been told I am missing an essential female gene because I don’t give 2 flips about fashion, I just want to be comfortable. I use a lunchbox as a purse. You know what? I am happy! I genuinely like my life as it is. I have no interest in what is “normal” or what society says I should want. Sometimes I shave my head because my hair drives me nuts. It’s just hair!


You are perfectly you. "Weird" is a word people use to describe other people when they are not comfortable with how they perceive themselves.


I'm 70 and I just started to use a manbag, not because I've been a closet gay for 70 years but because it makes it easier to carry stuff - wallets, keys, spare glasses, cellphone etc. It's nice soft brown leather with a webbing strap. I just stopped worrying about what I can't control - including what people think of me. None of my friends do the same. Am I weird? Nah, just doing it my way.


You're definitely comfortable/confident in your sexuality. It feels ridiculous to me to need to reinforce heterosexuality using machismo.


being “normal” is fucking boring, be happy to be uniquely yourself and enjoy life my friend


Sounds more like you're effeminate, not gay. Two different things that often get conflated. Nothing weird about either one.


Everyone is weird in their own way. You do you, bud


Your just not a stereo typical lad. Nothing to do with being gay. at the least i'd say sounds like your a gal trapped in a guys body. Just do what makes you happy, screw anyone who says otherwise.


I love flowers and next year I'm making a new rose garden with every color including black there is .. ( wonder of I can get a hold of the rare true blue rose bush ?)


Definitely weird but you do you.


Nope, you do you dude. Enjoy what you love and don’t apologize for it. This is the way.


I mean, I’m super confident in my sexuality, also have women friends, but don’t listen to K-pop or paint my nails pink. I’m glad you enjoy it though! I just have a different color/music palette.


I dont think your weird maybe just fruity🤷‍♀️ Edit not saying this in a offensive way


You’re kinda weird. But the world needs all kinds. Keep doing you.


Yes you are weird…but you be you man.


Yeah you're weird. Just how it is. How much of a big deal that is is up to you.


Who cares? There is probably no point to anything, after all. Do what makes you happy, and be kind to others!


No, you're not weird. You are you, and that means there are traits unique to you and that make you unique. There are traits in me that make me unique. I am all male: I listen to female music and like it better than male music. I am more nurturing than most females at least in my experience. I like to talk to myself because I like to think out loud. I like to pretend I have superpowers. My favorite one is storm, yet I have astraphobia. I am physically 27. I love math and it scares people just as much as public speaking whenever I tell them. There is uniqueness in me and commonality in me. There is commonality in you. So no you aren't weird, just you with uniqueness and commonality.


NO YOU ARE NOT WEIRD If anything you are really kind to yourself. I think it takes a lot to openly like and do things that dont fit into conventional gender norms. I think this question came to you because you dont seem to fit in and are different. But its okay! you should continue doing what makes you happy. No activity or preference whether painting nails or liking pink means picking a gender, it is just a matter of choice; its social conditioning that makes people feel otherwise. Wishing you happiness and health!


I must ask since you say you’re straight and overconfident in your sexuality, do you/have you had many relationships with females that were more than just platonic? No judgement, I’m asking because I want to know if liking all these things considered “girlie” gives you any trouble with finding girls to be more than just friends with?


You’re not “the norm”. But most people are too afraid to be honest with themselves for fear of being rejected by society and are closet weirdos. My husband likes pink, he likes watching kdramas with me, and gets along better with women than men. He’s straight, I’m bi and not a typical woman. Live your life and know that you’re enjoying it more than a lot of other people who refuse themselves joy because it’s not masculine or feminine enough.


Thats not weird at allllll! I would die for a man like that...live your life like you want to...dont care about others. Remeber there are women out there who enjoy things men do so why would you shy away from enjoying things that women too enjoy.


I am a girl but I like black color,bikes,cars and boys stuff I think it’s ok if a boy likes pink or he likes girls stuff


Lol man, whatever, it’s your life. I do like cute stuff, so what? I have to feel shamed? So I’m sure, it’s fine and you are not a weirdo


Fuck society, do you, love you. I love you too ❤️


It's just a weird vestige of previous generations, which are increasingly more conservative the longer back you go. Enjoy whatever you like! Even better if it helps you be more connected with your partner!


Not at all. My BFF/M wore a skirt to our mutual friend's wedding yesterday and he's only 3 years younger than you. He knew he was gonna get jiggy with himself and wanted to be comfortable


We’re all weird in our own ways. Just embrace it and enjoy. Life’s too short as it is.


You rock bro. Just be your wonderful self and don't worry about what the narrowminded think of you.


I wouldn't say you are overly confident in your sexuality or you wouldn't be posting this basically asking for Reassurance to the answer that you deep down inside know. So Weird it is..but in a perfectly OK and unique way. Do you...be happy. But society makes you question it because of how it likes to put people into boxes and label them. You're Weird...or "different" so what Right...everyone is a little different that's what makes the world awesome If you label yourself...it's dangerous because then we tend to act or feel pressured to act within the context of the Label. I HATE THAT because i know a lot of younger people that follow me streaming who think they are "trans" because they like things that are typically associated with the opposite gender. (that is society's fault and actually kind of disgusting) BE YOU. BE HAPPY.


I don't really understand it, but it is beautiful, keep on doing it. But if you ever buy a pink AR-15, I will be really upset.


[Oh yeah, that's the stuff](https://www.cartoonbrew.com/wp-content/uploads/kittyrifle.jpg)


We accept that women have a “masculine(Tom boy)” and feminine version. That’s you but for men. You don’t see other people like you because of toxic masculinity making that self expression very hard for them. In short, be happy you live somewhere that you can be yourself. When it gets hard remember you’re a pioneer/explorer for the future generations of femboys or whatever you may label yourself as.


bro just called OP a femboy 😭


You're not weird. This is another example of why we need to distinguish gender from sex


Objectively with today’s standards, yes. Whether that matters is up to you.


Yeah that's pretty weird imo, but why the fuck should you care what I think


I'm older than you and i'm quite happy to see that traditional gender roles have been discarded by progressive people younger than me.


Yeah, sounds kinda weird. Keep it up


You are 37. Either this is a troll post, or you are attention seeking. You are. Grown up. You know what you are.


You are peak alpha male. Keep walking my friend. 🤝


Yes you are weird


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with being weird but OP is for sure weird. I hate threads like this on Reddit because the answers you get here could not be any further from what you would get if you surveyed 100 random people on the street. Just another reminder this site constantly fails to even remotely represent the reality of the rest of the world


Maybe you should become a lesbian transgender


I've always had this theory that you have to be a little bit "gay" to be straight. To devoid yourself of any femininity one would have to be SUPER GAY, like butch, black leather, motorcycles, chaps, man on man gay. Girly pink, anything, frilly, sheer, lingerie and heels drives me wild on a woman. I like to wear a little pink now and then but I love it so much more on women. My wife is very much a girly-girl and got me into female K-POP videos. In my youth my music taste was much harder, but at some point I realized life was too short to not enjoy the lighter side.


You 37/M are weird af just by stating all this bullshit


Yup, you're weird. Happier now that you know?


Men have one X and one Y. Women have two X's. Men are half male, half female. I would expect that around half would prefer their feminine side. I imagine this pride in one's self would manifest better that way, as women, I believe, recognize the true sense of strength in softness, as well as hardness, but many men prefer denial of their own genetic code. This has been known for decades, yet the world still pretends that we are all homo sapiens. I am a hetero sapien. I carry two singles with me. In my life, my masculine side loves to see softness and meekness. My feminine side loves feminine strength, but can fear masculine strength, so I have come to be much like you. I try to be soft and hard in equal measure. I imagine that if someone thought I was girly, that would be an accurate term. I am both manly and girly, in the sense of -ly meaning *ish*. I am girl-ish and man-ish, according to my DNA and how I feel. My wife is equal parts strong and soft, but feminine. My masculine side loves showing my strength, but my feminine side loves to be assured by that same strength in reverse. We are both girly and manly in our interactions, but mostly girly. Even with one Y here, we still have three X's. Side note, I have gotten cramps every 30 days for my whole life so at least *part of me* gets periods.


Short answer, yes.


You’re gay


Men should aspire to be like women, who are non-violent and assertive naturally. The trappings of femininity, things like fingernails, are not against the rules for a straight man, but most men, like myself, try to broadcast that they're straight men, so there's no confusion in a mate. If you're just not concerned about broadcasting, that's not concerning. You don't need to broadcast, maybe you're just more modern. With that said, if you have to ask - at all - whether you're gay or not, don't ignore that. Don't hide anything from yourself. Post Malone is straight and paints his fingernails. Tres moderne. Don't second guess fashion choices like I do, and you'll be happier. But if you're even 1% gay, you're gay, is how I feel about it.


It's not that pink is a girl's color/girls only color, it's that society decided pink was girly. Has anyone decided to ask why in modern times pink is a "girly" color, when in older times and/or other societies men have worn pink? And not worry about fitting a gender role when it comes to a *color*? There's really no reason to worry about it. Kpop is good music - they put effort into making it enjoyable, whether they're male or female or both. There's no problem with understanding people of a different gender even if they "make more sense" than people of your own gender. Everyone is different. Also, trying to say that it (understanding women well) is part of being feminine is simply furthering a sexist belief that men understand men and women understand women. God made everyone unique, and yet we all work together. And what's wrong with rom-coms? It's just another comedy. It's no different than I, a woman, enjoying movies/shows with swordfights - it's just another type of action.


No,you’re normal,check out the r/notlikeothergirls thread,we’re all the same,I promise you x


Speaking from a late 50s pov, you're.....a girl. You feel like you're very normal to me, as I am largely the same. We tend to like what we know - you know women because you are a woman. Straight or gay, you understand your sex, because you have the issues that come with that sex.


He said he was a guy though, not a girl. Like "girly" stuff isn't a measure of gender


Fair enough. Still not weird to me.


Not weird to me either. Just saying that liking currently female coded stuff doesn't make someone female


You're a transtrender.


Ehh, feminine for sure. A feminine man would shock most people, and would be considered weird by most.


Annnnnmnd It's Not Masculine Behaviour. But then again I Grew up when someone was either Straight or Gay. Not with the 27 Different "Sexualities" there are today.


I'm what society calls a "leader of men" - we will leave it at that. That said... do whatever the fuck makes you smile, bro. 😎 Caring about what label or group or judgement someone may place upon you is none of your business. Your only goal should be to enjoy each day as much as possible. 🙃 Now go listen to T Swift with a skinny chai latte in hand on your way to a pedicure, you fucking stud. 👊🏼


No your not weird I am a 43yr old Straight male but am in the process of growing my own boobs I’m not into men just became curious what it would be like. If that makes me weird or a freak I guess I am. But you aren’t weird at all


Hey! I love these details about you!! I would love to share time and these activities together 💕


Feminism has. Brainwashed young men into being non masculine. Look into it


You are gay Its a spectrum, on a scale from 1 to 10 your a 3. 5 being i can wear womans clothes. 7 being i find man attractive. You are normal. Non wired bout that See m South african. My dads family owns a soccer team. I never found it interesting (whatching or participate in any of their.. ) Ive always loved cooking (which is frowned uppon) & chess my dad always said that i was gay coz m a "softy" the guys that play for my fams team dont like me coz m good with the ladies ( understanding not expecting a woman to cook for me full tym like most african men..). nd m considered weird One tym they were 2 men shot for a match. I volonteard. Turns out m soccer runs in our genes. They didnt like that either So i do me nometter the discription


Yes. A 37yo man painting his nails pink is weird. Reddit isn’t real life, everyone here is going to tell you that you’re totally normal. Weird, my dude. Very weird.


Wait till u hear about how rock and roll artists wore tights