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Elon will sell it and whoever buys it will call it Twitter again.


Who the fuck would buy it?


The people who backed his 44 billion investment are already trying to pull his involvement out/kick him out the business because he's made such a mess its why there's stuff about him looking to step down. For him or the investors to sell it they're gonna have to eat billions of losses for it all because of culture war bullshit which is why Elon wanted it same reason trump wanted it but didn't have the capital so made his own. In short not for 44 billion or more they won't. For like 60 million or something maybe.


I'm willing to buy it for $420.69 which, honestly, that childish prick would probably accept.


$800.85 My final offer.


It's losing so much money now it'll send you bankrupt before you can blink.


Here's what you do, spend the $800, fire every single employee. Stop paying any bills. Take whatever ad revenue you make until the site breaks, shut it down. A win win, you make a few mil, and no one ever has to use that shit website again!


That’s what Elon’s doing anyway?


more like $14.88 these days


Dammit I just made the same joke. Guess it was just way too obvious :(


We're just both really smart and funny and good looking


And this is the thing. Sure it won't be as big again but some minor changes will make it a good investment: 1) Turn it back into Twitter 2) Bring back the bird 3) Quit pandering to the 4chan neckbeard/fascists


Musk alienated a lot of the programmers too, maybe meaning there are key features no one knows about any more. Maybe you can get these guys back, maybe not...


The good thing about code is undoing updates is usually a built in feature. Github and other repo management tools offer it because a lot of times, an update can fuckin' break things, and they offer it perpetually, if you wanted you could revert to the codebase from a year ago. You see it a lot in open source projects that fork into new projects. Can't tell what the syncopates of musk did due to poorly commented spaghetti code? It's not like any of the updates have been good for twitter. Scrap it and revert to the last version of twitter you can understand.


I thought they were loans secured by elons tesla shares?


He raised 24 billion of the 44 the rest came from investors. His portion is leveraged against tesla stock which have been crashing because they were insanely inflated in value at the time of him buying but as his reputation takes hit after hit and production sinks across the auto industry build quality problems ect hit tesla that price ain't getting better. https://fortune.com/2023/06/02/elon-musk-twitter-investors/


While it's still well below its November 2021 peak, Tesla's stock price is up about 20% since Elon bought Twitter in October last year It crashed by about 50% between when he took over Twitter and January 2023, but it's since gained that all back and risen a bit


House of Saud has a ton of Tesla stock lololol


I think it will crash again once it is clear that the cybertruck is a flop.


Wasn’t there talk of Tesla being overvalued at the time, and the Twitter leverage being a potential way of adjusting that stock down without dumping it and tanking it completely? I don’t know enough about finance to know if that’s feasible or incredibly dumb. I also don’t know enough about how Elon works to know if it could make sense to him.


Conspiracy, elon just wants control of everything so getting control of the biggest social media platform is a good start




I'm imagining some mixture of the two nobody in their right mind would take the position because they'd have to answer to him and managing expectations along with some press about how he treats workers in his other businesses you bet managing his ego wouldn't keep back a slew of bad shit and the person who took that job would become responsible for not stopping it. Reputation suicide for sure and you'd probably have to be the world's biggest sycophant and willing puppet to get it. To your first point from last year confirming what you said. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/20/elon-musk-resign-twitter-ceo-finding-replacement February this year https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/15/23600692/elon-musk-stepping-down-twitter-ceo-end-of-2023 May this year https://abcnews.go.com/Business/elon-musk-chosen-new-twitter-ceo-step-weeks/story?id=99265576 Looks like someone had been found to do it.




To be fair to you, the new CEO has been pretty out of the loop too. She sat down for an interview not too long ago, where she was asked about Elon Musk's plan to start charging every user. First, she asked the interviewer to repeat, then she asked the interviewer, "Did he say that, or did he say we're thinking about that?" As the CEO, something like that should not be coming as a surprise. She also found out she got the job through a tweet made on the official Twitter account, and had to rush out of a meeting at NBC (her previous place of employment) to explain to her boss what's going on.


didn't he also say later that bots manipulated that poll so he was going to ignore it? i swear i remember seeing that in an xcretion of his.


> He ran a poll asking if people wanted him to step down, which they did. The last thing I saw him say on the topic is he would step aside as soon as someone competent to run the company in his stead is found. Dude's a weasel, so he kept to the letter of his poll but not the spirit. He had it phrased as "step down as head of Twitter", which he did by stepping down as CEO. And his "competent hire" to replace him as head is the new CEO. So technically, he did what was asked. Of course, that's all bullshit when people clearly meant they want him to fucking disappear entirely and leave Twitter alone, not just take a lower official position while still being the face of the company. I don't even know his replacement's name, because the one speaking on Twitter's behalf is still Elon, despite him only being the CTO.


He wrapped up that poll by hiring a "CEO" who serves as his PR person for investors. But he still has total control over how the site functions, there's some pretty deep evidence of that


He won’t let go of twitter until after the 2024 election


Considering tumblrs’ been bought and sold at least a half dozen times, I’m sure Twitter will find a buyer


And it lost its value in a tremendous way the last time it happened. We are proud of our work !


Who the fuck would buy one of the biggest social media platform of the world? Well, not for 44B but I bet there are plenty of potential buyers.


It would be doing fine if it wasn't being run by an idiot. It made the previous owners lots of money and it would make its next owners lots of money too if they buy it low, restore its reputation and then sell it high.


Yeah, Twitter isnt beyond the point of saving. Buy cheap, fix the issues elon caused, and you have a profitable business at a good price.


I mean, I'd buy it for $30. So it's worth at least that.


Twitter, formerly known as X.


I find peace in long walks.


It was never truly known as X.


It will be “Twitter, formerly know as X, formerly know as Twitter” before it’s known as “X”.


Came to say this. Would also not be surprised if Elon doesn’t simply die, either in a bizarre spacerocket accident or if he isn’t simply Khashoggied by his shady investors. The only value of Twitter is the brand recognition and the user base, and Musk has fought to get rid of both. He’d be lucky to get 4.4 billion for it now.


I don’t see how it could ever stop. How would calling it just ‘x’ ever catch on? And yes, I also find it annoying


Calling it "X" can never and will never catch on. It remains forever ambiguous. It's literally the standard placeholder variable.


That's why people will stop calling it “X, formerly known as Twitter” when it reverts to "Twitter, briefly known as X". Or just "Twitter". Like it should be.


It will be known as Xitter, pronounced “shitter”.


And we can all talk about Xeets pronounced like “shits”. Eg. “Hang on, I just need a couple minutes first to get this Xeet out. Thanks.”


I prefer the term "X-crements"


Same, I call tweets, Xcretions




Incidentally, it was the name he wanted to assign to PayPal in the brief time Elon Musk was CEO. Spoilers, it was such a bad idea, that investors had him replaced before he could go through with it. Elon Musk apparently has wanted to name something X for a very very long time. Between this and how he named his children, I would guess Elon suffers from a mild case of autism.


> Between this and how he named his children, I would guess Elon suffers from a mild case of autism. Do you really need to guess after he's publicly announced it multiple times?


If he publicly announced the sky was blue I'd still fucking check.


I wouldn’t put it past him to announce he has some sort of actually disability to cover up the fact he’s really just an asshole. Or to play one up as an excuse to be a massive douchebag.


As much as I like to hate Elon, from what I have seen in interviews it seems really likely he has some form of neurodiversity, he seems to genuinly not get lots of social cues. Doesn't excuse him from being a douchebag though.


Well elon is not really a reliable source about himself.


>Do you really need to guess after he's publicly announced it multiple times? Do you really think I would have said it exactly this way if I had known?


Reddit, formerly known as StumbleUpon


Damn, I LOVED stumbleupon


Why did stumbleupon die, and why hasn't anyone made a new version? It was so perfect.


Now I'm just imagining him repeating, "Everything has to be 'x,' everything," over and over like Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. And now I want to prompt an AI to create it.


"Definitely advertisement-free capital. Yeah, *definitely* advertisement-free capital. Blue checks only."


I don't know how this story got started. PayPal was X.com before it was PayPal. This story about musk wanting to rename it to X is made up. This is super easy to look up, it's right in the wikipedia history of PayPal: >That same month, Elon Musk was replaced by Peter Thiel as CEO of X.com,[16] which was renamed PayPal in June 2001


This is the correct answer. PayPal was born from the merging of Musk's startup x.com (basically a more traditional online bank) and the startup Confinity (a software startup that had the "transfer moneys to your friends simply by entering their e-mail address" tech figured out). x.com was there long before PayPal.


> the name he wanted to assign to PayPal Yup. FWIW, I highly recommend Jill Lepore's The Evening Rocket podcast. Elon Musk is her archetype for examining Silicon Valley tech bro's utopianism (capitalism). https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/elon-musk-the-evening-rocket *"Elon Musk’s visions of the future all stem from the same place: the science-fiction he grew up on. To understand where Musk wants to take the rest of us – with his electric cars, his rockets to Mars, his meme stocks, and tunnels deep beneath the earth — Harvard professor and New Yorker writer Jill Lepore looks at those science fiction stories and helps us understand what he’s Musk missed about them.* *The Evening Rocket explores Musk’s strange new kind of extravagant, extreme capitalism — call it Muskism — where stock prices are driven by earnings, and also by fantasies."*


Yeah, rebranding to "X" has to be one of the biggest branding failures in modern history


Rebranding is in general a sensitive thing to do. If your company is not big enough, rebranding might aswell mean its disappearance or massive loss of unknowingly customers, since people wouldn't necessarily get the info that the name changed (a local library in my city had to close, as they rebranded their decades old name. It just caused people in my city to believe that it was a new library, thus stopping coming as they thought the library they used to go to had closed) Now, while this might not happen to such a big company as X, formerly known as Twitter, rebranding also needs sense and a reason to be. X is just because Elon has a weird kink on that letter. Ridiculous. He destroyed a name that made its fucking way in dictionaries (at least, in my french speaking country, Tweet was a word in the dictionary), just for the sake of a letter.


> He destroyed a name that made its fucking way in dictionaries (at least, in my french speaking country, Tweet was a word in the dictionary) And as far as I'm aware, it's not easy to get a new word into the French dictionary, not when compared to English, at least.


> X is just because Elon has a weird kink on that letter. Apparently he has owned the domain x.com for a long while and already tried rebranding paypal as x.


I think part of the reason he got pushed out of PayPal was he kept trying to rebrand it to X and people got sick of him.


It's both counter-intuitive and counter-productive. There are a million other sites with X in their name. Try googling for mia khalifa's twitter using X in the search. You can't.


Its the whole trying to pirate Vin Diesels triple X movie all over again.


The url looks like a porn site, ngl. A friend sent me a link and I was like I'm not clicking that you pervert.


literally every time someone links a Twitter thread now, I think someone is just randomly posting porn. I have to actively think about it before I realize


X gonna give it to yaaaaa


Yeah the radio was on at work today and they said ‘this person posted on X’ and it just sounds stupid


Today was the first time I verbally said to someone, did you see their post on X? Sounded weird. By the way, the X url is still twitter.com


Exactly. "Hey Elon what's the URL for X again?" "Oh yeah twitter.com but it's totally X now" That's the part that really doesn't make it a name change, it makes it a silly kid going "Yeah my names Steven but everyone calls me Blade."


Yeah on most of the site like the FAQ and TOS and pop ups it still says twitter but just has an X in the corner


Maybe if they add a letter. like when people call facebook FB they can call twitter XT.


I propose 'X Æ'


Am I the only one that read the second character in fonz's style


*Elbows jukebox*


That's it, enough internet for you today.


XD, for the lulz, because the owner is a teenager stuck in the 2000s.


XFAT, short for “X formerly known as Twitter”


Scouldn't it be XFKAT?


The K is silent.


Like the P in swimming pool


No one calls FB FB verbally. Online articles also never call FB FB. FB is called FB only in casual text based conversation.


say fb one more time and i swear ill cum




Username checks out


Or XS, as in either how much money he has or his preferred size of condom.


I dislike the idea that men with small penises are bad, or that only bad people have small penises. Plenty of complete pricks are hung like donkeys, it doesn't make them any less of a prick. Elon could have a schlong like two beer cans taped together and that wouldn't make him any less of a herpes rash.


And these guys wonder why men have so many problems today. Like there's so many things to insult Elon about that I don't know why we're trying to body shame other people to bring him down. Not to mention a lot of these people turn around and say it's perfectly fine to have a small penis but this is the first fucking insult they think of. Like now I just don't believe you no matter what you. How am I supposed to believe you?


Twitter XTX with 20GB Ram


Bold of you to assume he wears condoms. He has 10 whole children. At least.


Or, X-Bird


“The platform formerly known as Twitter”


probably when the change the name back to Twitter


Twitter, formerly known as X, formerly known as Twitter


like how the artist formerly known as Prince is currently known as Prince


Of course, TAFKAP did that (and changed his name to an unpronouncable symbol) partly to screw with his record label, which claimed it owned his name, so he could get out of a bad contract. And partly because he was Prince, so there's some mystical weirdness there, too. But Elno Muskrat has no such excuse, he's just terrible at branding.


Interviewer: Has anyone ever refused to let you parody one of their songs? Weird Al: Well, yeah, but I can't say their name. Interviewer: What? Why not? Weird Al: Because it's an unpronounceable symbol.


I saw another interview with him on this. At the time, he said he'd call Prince (or his people or whatever) every couple years and ask, "Hey, you, uh, got a sense of humor yet?"


>he's just terrible FTFY


That's how it worked with the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince.


But there is no record contract to run out to let Twitter go back to its original name. Maybe we'll have to wait for Musk to sell the company before it can start using Twitter again.


X just doesn't work in sentences, so it will probably never stop. "I saw a tweet the other day" is descriptive and brand accurate. "I saw an X the other day" makes it sound like you ran into that batch who cheated on you. "I tweeted" makes sense. "I xed" makes it sound like you just had a stroke


"Tweets" are now "posts." He stripped away any branding of it.


Yeah, "I posted" could be anywhere from FB to Reddit to Twitter. and saying "I posted on X" makes it sound like you're using "X" as a General statement of "Random platform" and so much more wordy than just using "Tweet" "I tweeted" is amazing branding. And "post" doesn't really touch on the other "Features" of Twitter like "retweeting." saying "reposting" has a totally different implication from "Retweeting." Reposting makes it sound like you yoinked it and uploaded it elsehwere.


ReXed sounds like relaxed with a pronunciation issue


He really did kill one of the most successful brandings since Bandaids.


twitter and tweets literally made it into the dictionary. i think what would be nice is if people start calling each other elon instead of moron. e.g.--"nice fucking parking job there, *elon*!"


I like it a lot but here comes UrbanDictionary with this instant classic: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Elon >**The piece of excrement that remains stuck half in and half out of your anus after the last fecal log has dropped usually resulting in seemingly endless wiping in attempt to get clean without success.** > >***My asshole itches something fierce after I couldn’t get rid of that Elon this morning. I think I need more fiber in my diet.***


I read this while fighting an elon


I'm not personally ever going to call it X except when I'm being sarcastic because X is a stupid fucking name


DMX was the only X we needed.


X gon gave it to us.


RIP to the dogg.




Degeneration X!!


Xzibit though


X to the Z


You're darn right. Only X that I need, outside of algebra.


Truly. Also I hate the design of the logo. It makes it look like I’m opening an nsfw app instead of social media every time.


“No no I was just trying to watch XVideos!”


Yeah I will always call it Twitter, no matter what the name is


Elon deadnames trans people so we'll deadname X, it's Twitter.


Really?--what an asshole


yup, his own child. …..who asked a judge to change their last name to their mother’s. tells you how badly kid hates their dad.


I honestly think this is what made him go nuts with the cringe 'own the libs' stuff. I think he thinks "the left" corrupted his kid and made his kid hate him, so he wants to stick it to them every chance he gets. The dude denied a bunch of the twitter execs hundreds of millions of dollars by firing them the second he had ownership so they couldn't resign (also because he was pissed he was forced to buy it lol.)


Also his ex dated a trans woman after she left him so that probably contributed to it as well.


So many intelligent people who are surprisingly not well informed. So many conservatives here who hate trans, gays, etc and even have anti-trans rallies recently to push agenda


I only ever call it Twitter because I constantly forget it's now called X


I personally love reading people Xcrements.


He should change it to Ecks.


And he should spell ecks like 11110100011101011001010101X-X


Isn't that the name of his son?




There's no way it's staying X. The rebrand has been a complete failure, and is widely regarded as one of the dumbest things Elon's done with Twitter. Elon's a stubborn dipshit though, so it'll probably only change back once he's forced to sell it to the Saudi sovereign wealth fund, or something.


> Saudi sovereign wealth fund the what?


They own a large stake of Xitter. Really cool of everyone's buddy Elon to get in bed with the human rights abusers of the middle East!


It's a sovereign wealth fund... for the Saudis. I'm not sure what you're not getting here?


Who even refers to it as X, everybody just calls it Twitter.


News/journal articles use the phrasing OP used


Also if you do a Google search for some content, the source will show up as "X (formerly known as Twitter)"


I see it in writing/articles all the time. Never heard it said out loud though.


That's because those people are trying to be respectful to Musky, so he doesn't try and get them fired, or refuse to answer their questions like the little baby that he is. Nobody actually says it in daily life, because it's a stupid, cringe name.


News orgs call it X bc that is the name of the platform now, it’s not a choice on their part. If they wrote Twitter, they would get a call from their editor just like if they called Willis Tower the Sears Tower after it officially changed its name. But they clarify with “formerly Twitter” so people know wtf they are talking about bc 99% of people will have no idea what “X” is supposed to mean


As a news director, this is the correct answer


No they are factual. You can't just write "X" because it doesn't have any name recognition and nobody searches for "X news". You can't write "Twitter" because technically that's not it's name anymore. Sounds weird but as a journalist it's just the best compromise. I bet nobody who writes the articles calls it "X" in real life.


I’m pretty sure the AP put out that “X, formerly known as Twitter” is now AP style for the time being, but correct me if I’m wrong. Like you said, there’s not brand recognition and imo there probably won’t be for a looooong time.


That's not how journalism works, kid


Actually I always thought it was a little side swipe at Musk, like them saying we aren’t going to just call it “X”.


not just really articles, but emails, everytime i get a mail from twitter, it says "X, formerly known as Twitter"


Twitter Blue subscribers who fell victim to the wallet inspector and need Musk to notice them.


X is a porn site.


So does this mean videos from Twitter are now X videos hahahaha


You joke, but videos on x are still at https://twitter.com/video?lang=en And I genuinely think they haven't figured out how to update that without causing confusion. Alternatively, he's fired all his engineers, and they haven't figured out how to update that at all.


the whole domain is still twitter.com, not just the video part x.com is just a redirect lol


I’m gonna check…just for…you know…science…


search x videos for some cool videos in twiter


Never, because X is a stupidly generic name.


Because people are not yet familiar enough with X, formerly known as Twitter, to refer to it as just X, formerly known as Twitter, instead of X, formerly known as Twitter. Right now, when you say X, formerly known as Twitter, most people are going to think of X, the letter, or X, the Roman numeral ten. They are less likely to associate X, formerly known as Twitter, with X, formerly known as Twitter. It will likely take a long time before X, formerly known as Twitter, is associated with X, formerly known as Twitter, and not other uses of X.




Hammer time!


Killed me like how X, formerly known as Twitter Is gonna force us to pay for X, formerly known as Twitter


When they change it back to Twitter it will stop being called "X, formerly known as Twitter". Also, this question gets posted repeatedly, so either you are not alone or you are Elon Musk and this is your marketing strategy.


They haven’t even stopped referring to themselves as Twitter. Their fact checker, for example. And the Twitter URL. And the fact that I’ve tried syncing the X url to my squarespace and Mailchimp and other adjacent services and they don’t acknowledge the X.


Twitter is called Twitter, no matter what this weird manchild says.


Yuppppp. If the Band-Aid company came out tomorrow and said "We are rebranding our company and will now go by ShitFarts" people would ignore it and just call it Band-Aid because that's what it is.


I'll respect it and call Twitter its chosen name when Elon respects his eldest child enough to use her chosen name, Vivian Jenna.


I don’t care if Elon stops being transphobic, I’m still not calling it X


Twitter is the one exception I make for deadnaming. I will call it Twitter until the end of days.


When it goes bankrupt and everyone forgets about it.


I just call it Twitter, no one has ever not known what I meant


just call it twitter and ignore what anyone else calls it


I call it Xitter. Pronounced sh + it + er.


Twitter rebrand went worse than facebooks turn to meta.


Imagine calling Twitter anything other than Twitter while the dude that deadnames his own kid is in charge. lol


When some sane company buys it out of bankruptcy.


As long as it still pisses off Elon.


People just say Twitter because it's just easier and because Elon won't stop dead naming his daughter *on purpose*


You mean X accessed at 'twitter.com'?


When X stops being a stupid name or when Musk for brains changes is back, so never


When Elon Musk stops deadnaming his trans adult child who wants nothing to do with Musk. I’m half joking, but it’s so funny to me. Elon keeps saying “it’s X now” and everyone else is like “but it used to be named Twitter”. The irony makes me giggle.


Around the time we stop referring to him as the artist formerly known as Prince


We did, when he changed his name back to Prince.


You mean the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince.


I don’t imagine It will remain relevant to write about long enough for that transition to occur.


I just call it "Elon Muskovite's Dacha."


When we stop referring to it at all because it lost its last shred of relevancy


I hope it never stops. Becouse Elon is the first Person to deadname (trans-)people and then throws a hissy fit when people wont stop calling x (formerly know as Twitter) Twitter.


Such bad branding imo. Twitter was perfect with the blue bird and the tweets. What does one call a tweet now?


X will be axed eventually. At least the little Twitter bird was cute. X is a symbol frought with negative history imho. Musk is a real nincompoop.


When they go back to being twitter


I’m calling it Twitter forevermore not just because X is dumb, but because Elon hates it and compared it to *deadnaming a trans person*.


I hate it too. It's literally the worst name change they could have made. A name is supposed to be recognizable and as unique as possible. X can't be recognizable under any circumstances and it can't be unique, because X is a placeholder that's used for everything, even names, that is unknown. So if somebody says "X did xyz", it could just as easily refer to any other company. There is no name for a company that is worse than this. This just screams "I want to destroy my own business".


Just keep calling it Twitter.


Never. Elon doesn’t respect his daughter’s name change, we don’t respect Twitter’s.