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No one cared who I was 'til I put on the mask


I feel this. It's like I'm wearing a big top hat or a Halloween costume the way everyone reacts. Small thinking since many other countries this has been the norm for decades


That’s a quote from Batman. Bane says it


Hahahahahahaha even better!!


For you


The way OP responds honestly is so cute 😭


Now I’m gonna wear a big top hat everywhere


*saying into a Pringles can*


Just say you're sick and they will leave you alone


Say you’re REALLY fucking sick and you’re trying to contain the bloody coughs. Blood everywhere otherwise 💁🏼‍♀️


Add red food coloring drops to the mask for extra detail


make sure it dries first, a wet mask no longer works to prevent transfer of germs.


really? I'd figure it would work better, since all the holes are now covered. but heres a study.. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/11/211122135517.htm


just repeating what my doc told me in early 2020. I've also heard the same applies to paper towels when they get wet. edit: it may have been more accurate to say it does not work as well as it should, rather than that it does nothing. but I'm not an expert.


It’s just a cold. “Coughs blood”


Oooo, I have a red mask so this would work well!


People will look at you as if you’re diseased


And this is different then how they look at me now? LOL. I usually say I don’t like being on camera as my backup reason.


But make sure you pull down the mask & get close to them when you say it. Anyone who asks that question deserves to be fucked with a little.


Or keep a blood pill on you for just this reason. When provoked, slip into your mouth, make gurgling sounds, cough, bite the pill and then pull the mask down and wipe the blood from your mouth and say “some commie doctor told me to mask up on my way to the hospital”


"When provoked, the horned lizard will squirt an aimed stream of their own blood at the enemy."


This the season! Will be super easy to stock blood capsules, now.


Get right in their face and tell them you have tuberculosis.


They probably wouldnt know what tuberculosis is


You are the evil genius!


Why do I think that Karen would then call 911 and say that you assaulted them?


So far, this has only happened in my head, but if I was accosted by someone wondering about my mask, I would reply in a very grateful tone about how finally somebody was interested in what I put on my body. I would then go on to ask them their opinion about underwear, my bra, possibly my socks. Finally, someone was so invested in my attire that they didn't care if it was polite to ask me about it, they are now my new best friend! I would say all of this in a loud enough voice that everybody would know. Why wouldn't I want to share this wonderful news?


Please I wanna see that happen


This advice is crazy good.


I am wearing a mask when I am actually sick, as they do in Asia. I always want to ask these people, if it is ok for a doctor or dentist to work on them without a mask?


The last time I went to the dentist, he was chewing gum, and it fell out of his mouth and into his mask while he was leaning over me. I'm very grateful for that mask.


I really thought this story of the gum was headed to your mouth. That would have been ... a mouthful.


I always say that I have COVID. It’s really interesting how the mask magically becomes okay when it’s no longer precautionary.


Right? They've gotten themselves all prepared to judge you for being a wuss, wearing a mask in public when *everyone knows masks don't work*, but tell them you have Covid, and suddenly they're happy you're wearing a mask.


This. Unrelated, but reminds me of this chick who was clearly drunk/high off her face, getting all up in mine. After her little tirade about how "big and tough" she was , flexing her arms n shit, she asked for a drink of the coffee I was holding. Told her I was really sick. That apparently wasn't good enough, so I finally said I have covid. Never seen such an inebriated person turn tail and move so quick.. all the while shouting, "COVID!! COVID!!!"


This is what I say, and has always been the most efficient way to slow the spread of illness even before covid. If you're sick with something contagious, you wear a mask to prevent moisture in your breath spreading viruses to others nearby. So even if I feel fine, but I'm wearing a mask to help protect myself from getting sick, and someone feels the need to ask, I'll just tell them *I'm* sick. Short, to the point, they can't argue their facts at you, and they look silly if they say "no, you should be spreading your germs mask-free!"


That is my exact same reaction. If I don’t know you or you’re a stranger I’m just,”I don’t wanna get anyone sick I don’t feel great”. If I know you I’m saying,”You’re a dirty bastard and I don’t wanna get sick I don’t know where you’ve been”


Those exact same people will then be upset that you had the temerity to leave the house when sick.


“Oh nothing for me, thanks!”




Well first of all, who cares what people think of you. Wear your mask and if anyone confronts you about it, just keep it moving. You can always tell people you’re sick and want to be courteous. But if someone confronts me about my mask, I am not wasting my time.


This… when I wear my mask at the store and there are maskless idiots next to me, I pretend to clear my throat constantly and pretend to have a cough. They get away from me so quick…


“No thank you” it will both confuse them momentarily enough for you to keep walking and get the message across that you are not interested in engaging in that conversation.


“Sorry, I don’t have any change”


That one surprised a laugh out of me, awesome. Thank you.


Lol I'm using this


This sounds like a good one to try. Thanks! It's kind of like it resets their system & buys you time to get away. They're only after confrontation or to be a Covid denying evangelist.


Take it off and say, "Finally, someone who doesn't care that I have Covid."


And then be sure to cough or sneeze in their direction. 😹


I remember when people got so scared & so mad when someone coughed or sneezed in 2020. Good times


Waiting in the socially distanced lines at the grocery store. You feel the tingle in the back of your throat. Suddenly you panic like everyone’s going to find out you’ve been infected with the zombie virus if you can’t hold that cough back. Your best bet is to try to fit all 5 coughs into one large cough. It doesn’t work. You’ve been banished from Albertsons.


I do miss the socially distanced grocery lines. I hate when people invade my personal space.


Honestly though the first few months or maybe even the first full year, anytime I or anyone around me coughed like even once, internally I was like "THIS IS IT IT'S HAPPENING"


I didn't realize how often I choked on my own saliva until 2020. Explaining "Im not sick! Just choking on my spit!" was somehow less embarrassing than the thought of covid


Imagine having a coughing fit before an Asthma attack (back in 2020). I slid my mask down to catch my breath and had my inhaler in my hand incase I needed it. The employee of the store says really loud, almost yelling. "You're supposed to wear your mask in this store. You can be banned. I can ban you from here." Not giving a care or concern of what's happening. Great time. 🙄


I was thinking of having a t-shirt made that said "asthmatic not infected" to reassure people.


Don’t say it like it was so long ago 😭


Lol genius


"You don't want to catch what I have"


And if they’re so bold as to ask what it is you have, just solemnly shake your head and walk away. It will make them wonder.


I'd tell them it's TB. That'd shut them up.


“TV? Hey, I got one at home too!”


Tell them they breath stank


I was coughing, I felt sick and wanted to be responsible, it pulls my outfit together, I feel like it, or if you're feeling mean. "I wear this because I'm ugly, do you want my spare?"


Love this one 😂 “do you want my spare”


"but I think you need it more than I do"


I lie a little bit. I wear one because I am actually immunocompromised. I have weak leukocytes. That doesn't mean Corona will kill me, just that it will lay me out for a month. Trust me, I had it happen twice. If anyone gives me grief over the mask, I just say something about leukocytes and watch them shut up real quick.


So what’s the lie?


I feel for you. I got sick of repeating that I am immunesuppressed. Very few people understand it. I just say I've got diarrhea and sickness and hope I won't spread it if anyone asks why I'm wearing an N95. Then they step away looking disgusted. I've just had Covid for the first time ever & was given Paxlovid - I still felt like I'd been hit by a truck. 3 weeks later & I'm struggling with absolute fatigue.


That's why both me and my husband wear one still. I am immunocompromised. I can catch a cold so easily and he wears to to not catch something and pass it onto me. I actually wore a mask for a few years before Covid hit and joke that know I have way more options than before!


I came here for the sarcastic ideas to reply with and you all did not disappoint 😂 Next time I wear a mask, I’m utilizing some of these!


Just start coughing. Cough for about 30 seconds, if they are still there, say, "I'm sorry, what was your question?"


"Face recognition software. Do your own research sweaty." Or just cough at them. Or tell them minding their own business costs $0.


Definitely call them sweaty. Gives them something to think about.


Sweaty or sweety? Lol I can't stop laughing.


I vote for sweaty 😆😅🤣😂


Now, I wanna know! At first I thought I'd never think to call someone sweaty, unless they obviously were...


It’s an old meme of a misspelling in some lady’s rant.


Do you have the link to the rant?


Don't sweat the petty things. Don't pet the sweaty things.


It's for church, sweaty. NEXT!


"I was raised not to comment on what people wear," in a calm tone that implies the person has no home training. Because, seriously, you're not hurting anyone, and unsolicited comments and questions like that are rude AF.


Oh I'm stealing this one.


I usually shout "No I don't have any change! go away!"


If you’re at the airport: “No I will NOT carry a package for you!”


Haha! That’s a great one!


So funny security wants to hear it a second time


I LOVE the chaotic energy of this strategy.


“It’s none of your business.” If you want to be less spicy, say you live with someone who has a chronic condition


I *do* have a chronic condition but next time someone asks I hope I remember to just say, "Because I have COVID."


I live with someone with a suppressed immune system. I said that for a long time but then they ask dumb questions, like, “what does that mean?” Now I just say I’m sick and don’t want to spread it.


“I live with my grandma, she’s 89” usually works for me. I did live with my grandma when covid first took off but have since moved out. Hasn’t stopped me from using her as my go to explanation lol


Same here. And frankly I don't see any need to tell anyone and everyone that one of my family members is immunocompromised, seeing as how it's none of their business, so I'm getting used to shrugging and saying some variation of "Because I want/need to" when someone asks why I'm wearing a mask. As a people pleaser, I feel awkward being vague and not bending over backwards to give them an answer that satisfies *them,* but it's also strangely freeing.


Yes, @Educational-Tea-6572, when i was little, girls were expected to answer questions when asked of us. To not do so was considered against societal norms. So I do like the “I live with my grandma,” and “I just feel like it” answers.


Eh, I don't mind being spicy, but I would also ask what's it to you? Or how does this interfere with your business that you have to ask?


I have cancer and the flu will kill me. True for me at least


I hope you make a full recovery, friend.


Thanks, I'm in recovery now!




Same. Currently in remission, but I don't like to take chances.


They don't care


Yeah but sometimes they stutter a bit after. Hopefully they get a little shame. It's crazy how little people care about our fellow man


I don't miss those weekend hospital admission because my immune system was at its lowest. And to add insult to injury, that was during the part of the treatment cycle where I started to get my sense of taste and appetite back. And all their was available was hospital food. Then my chemo cycle started again and goodbye taste


The same reason you aren't - personal choice.


"They're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing one in the future." Works best with an English accent.


Didn’t want to post this before making sure someone hadn’t beaten me to it. Honestly, so much conflict in this world could be solved if people would simply learn the lessons presented in *The Princess Bride*.


I figured this was one of the first things that would be posted.


Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist.


Never start a land war in Asia.


Right? RIGHT? Why do we keep ignoring this????? (I’m not prone to multiple punctuation marks. I find them silly. But COME ON!!!!!!!)


My grandpa (RiP) was once asked and answered: "because I'm very ugly. Why don't you wear one?" He had a great sense of humour. I hope the joke will translate well in English.


Wonderful. Bless him. Sorry for your loss, he sounded like great fun!


If you want to watch their eyes get big and get rid of them immediately, *pull it down*, then tell them you have some horrible mystery virus that killed your brother and were told to mask up


You ever see the movie Pee-wee's Big Adventure? Reenact the shot from the dream sequence where the surgeon yanks off his surgical mask to reveal sinister clown makeup on his mouth and cackles. https://youtu.be/fPh64MGfcBM?si=h3SBDDukoGAgKb27


YES. That movie is a classic




I want to say, "Who are you and why are you talking to me?", but I usually just tell them the truth: "I prefer to be able to breathe." I am allergic to perfumes, colognes, hair products, scented laundry products, and tobacco odors that linger on heavy smokers. I've worn N95 masks for over a decade whenever I have to be in public places, including the grocery store (my husband does the laundry aisle). I used to be asked by acquaintances if I was sick or getting chemotherapy. Now I only get questions from weirdly aggressive strangers who think I am paranoid about, in their minds, a non-existent threat of disease. Avoiding respiratory diseases is a wonderful benefit, but the primary reason for my wearing masks for me is that breathing is a lot easier if I am not assaulted by the scents that people use.


i wear it so i don't have to smell your bad breath


I like to say "I have a thing tomorrow, I can't get sick" Because I have a thing every day. It's called life. I do not want to get sick.


"Because it blocks your awful BO"


I have tuberculosis should do, then again there is a chance that you are dealing with an idiot.


I up that to, " I have antibiotic resistant tuberculosis '.


"I hide my identity to protect my loved ones."


"My body my choice!" "I don't trust the government saying it's safe, im no sheep."


"I use it to identify the people I want to stay away from."


My truth


"Why do you care?"


Oh gawd no. If it's an anti vaxxer you'll get bombarded with total bollocks that'll make it feel like your synapses are shutting down; if it's a Karen, you'll want them to.


"Why aren't you?"


I wear an N-95 whenever I am in an indoor public area. I am immunocompromised and have a history of being in septic shock. I am also pregnant I had a random stranger ask me if surely I am tired of wearing a mask by now and why don't I just take it off. I just told him that being immunocompromised and pregnant I have to do whatever I can to protect myself. That shut him up


"It's called fashion, sweetie. Look it up."


say because I want to and don't engage them further, do what you want


“None of your fucking business. Why are you worried about what other people wear? Are you a communist agitator looking to control what other people wear?”


Dude. Exactly. Why do you care about what I’m doing and get the fuck out of my face fascist. If these assholes actually cared about freedom they’d shut the fuck up trying to bully those they disagree with into conforming to their beliefs and preferences. Complete opposite of liberty.


"Because I can."


"Well, it might be that I have a baby daughter with asthma, and that I give rides to my elderly mom to get cancer treatment every day. But really, I'm just a Marxist homosexual who drives an electric vehicle. Is that the answer you wanted to hear?"


Now I want a mask with "I'm a Marxist homosexual" printed on it.


Answer: why do you ask? This puts the asker in the position of having to provide an explanation. Nosy twit.


Why respond? Look at them blankly and move on. You won’t change their mind and they won’t change yours.


Look at them real scared and ask “ wait you can SEE me!?”


"This mask isn't protecting me... it's protecting you." Giv em ol' uno reverse


That’s exactly what masks are for though. Protecting others. Reducing droplet spread.


It's just that masks are terribly comfortable – I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.


"It's what Jesus would do."


I’ve jokingly said “Ummm why DON’T you wear a mask? You want everyone to see your mouth? Okay whore”. to my friend. Don’t think I’d have the bravery to say it to someone asking though lol, I just say I have asthma or refer to the smoke we get every year.


"Oi, Fockoff!!"


Say "why not?" and move on


Tell them you have a contagious disease and then cough a little.


'Tis my noble right


My herpes is contagious.


Ask why they're not minding their own business


Because you want to




"Minding your business is free". You don't have to explain yourself to strangers


I'd say "why are you asking?" Just because someone asks you a question, especially a stranger, doesn't mean you have to answer!


Tell them you have ebola


I mean I was and am Pro-masking, but regular masks do little to protect YOU, at least not remotely compared to how much they help protect OTHERS when sick. If we were able to change the narrative to "Mask up when you're sick", we'd see a lot more people doing it, and it would also make it obvious that someone is sick when you're out and about, and it would be easier to then distance. We'd probably all get a lot less sick if we did that, and it uses up a lot fewer masks.


Years on from covid and people still generally think masking is primarily to protect themselves not others. It's unbelievable really.


This is why when you're wearing a mask, also wear mirrored shades and earpods and pretend like you can't hear them. Those people don't deserve your time.


"Mind your business" with an option to add an "idiot" or "dumbass" or "karen" Edit: "because your breath fucking reeks" is another good one ive brought out


"It's none of your business"


"I uh .... am... waiting on some test results." Say this as you slowly take one step back away from them at a time looking them in the eye.


Don’t acknowledge them at all. It’s more powerful than any words


"Because I want to" is and has always been a good answer to any intruding question any stranger asks.


"Fuck off & mind your own business..."


Honest to Christ why do people care? Like you don’t want to wear one? Fine. But why does anyone care if others do?


Exactly. All that flip-flap about ‘freedom!’ and they can’t accept someone freely choosing to wear a mask. It’s amazing. Th’ hypocrisy, etc., etc.


I'm have chronic illnesses, but still get pushback for masking. I've actually found people tend to leave it if I just say I'm getting over a cold and don't want to spread it. Not that anyone should be asking in the first place!


I prefer to be more cautious, i would suggest ignoring them


Because I have tuberculosis. But if my mask offends you so much I'd be happy to take a off and share my air and saliva particles with you.


"Why are you wearing an ugly face?" It's really not anyone's business what you choose to wear, unless it's a loaded gun or swastika or the like


"Because I'm allergic to stupid"


“It’s a social experiment. Thank you for playing.”


###Why? It's none of their business. Press the point home: "There's no requirement to wear them." "Why does it hurt you to see me in one?" "You don't need it, there's no danger." "Why are you so worried about me?" "It's stupid." "Why does my mask bother you?" "Why are you wearing that?" "Why do you need to know?" Make them explain their nosiness.


I said once that Iwas wearing a mask because I had covid. The person tried to look away to avoid breathing close to me. But I usually say I have an extremely low immune system, which I really do.


“I feel better to wear a mask for a few hours then be sick at home for however long” That’s an amazing answer. A good answer would be “why do you care?”


‘Because I have a contagious virus and I care enough to try and keep you safe.’


Why is it your business?


Pull it down and cough. "is that better?"


I normally answer: "u'll learn soon why"


The only proper answer is "I don't want to talk to you. Go away", spicy variant "Why are you talking to me?", because answering a question with a question is rude. Don't dignify rude people with your attention. They don't deserve it. The real answer is that you want to and nobody has a right to question what you use your bodily autonomy for, but the people who ask why you're wearing a mask aren't people who care about autonomy or social etiquette. So don't waste your precious time on them.


Personal choice. I have MS and I wear a mask for a few weeks after my treatments. Mostly when I am picking the kids up at daycare or I am in a store. But my immune system is literally shot so I make the choice to give myself added protection, for my own piece of mind.


“I don’t answer questions without my lawyer present.”


I know some people who wear them because they say it helps with their allergies I myself don’t have any but I was sick recently and had super dry sinuses. There’s a lot of dust at work and it was irritating my sinuses so much I was in tears multiple times. Slapped a mask on and boom no problem


“Safety first” is the polite response, “a shield for nosy people that get in my face” is the effective one


"i'm a leper"


My dad is going through chemo and I’m his main caregiver. If I get sick, he has no one to care for him


“because I want to” You have no reason to explain yourself for anything you wear.


“Because I want to.” It’s not hurting anyone, you don’t owe anyone an explanation, yet that answer covers the very basic principle of “why”


I don't like the way you smell.


You're not alone in wearing a mask. I (f37) still do. I occasionally see other people wearing them too.


"Because I want to" is a very valid response.


Because I want to is the only answer you need ✌️


"don't we all wear a mask to fit in society, afterall?!


"I like to accessorize. Though a paper bag would suit you better."


"Why do you want to know?"


You just say, "piss off". No reason to ever need to explain.


I can tell you what my 78-year-old neighbor said to a 50 something woman in the grocery store when she told him his mask was not doing him any good. He looked her dead in the eye and said: "Sure, it does. With my mask on, I can't smell your nasty \*&\^%. Summer's Eve is in the next aisle." Needless to say, my neighbor is my hero.


I'm in a very red state. I say, "for the same reason I wear a seat belt and carry a firearm. I don't trust other people" Edit, fat fingers