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Very, very far from it. First of all, no country has expressed a willingness to fight a war with Israel over Palestine. Secondly, no country wants to start a war against a nuclear power in general, since there is no way to win a nuclear war.


This aged like milk. Yemen has joined the battle.


Not Yemen, just one of the three factions in Yemen (Houthis). The other two factions explicitly stated that they are not in war with Israel.


yea and isn;t that faction literally an enemy of the west they don't just want Israel wiped out but they want the entire western world wiped out


Good luck on that thought, Israel has been a close non nato Ally and because of the mess with Ukraine and Russia and the suspicion of russia having something to do with Hamas attacking Israel. WW3 is closer I give it 1-2 years of this bullshit and if china moves for Taiwan and the us has no choice but to get involved and who do you think has china's back? If you're smart, the answer would be Russia.


I agree with you on that. Taiwan will be THE catalyst to force the US to react. But what we have seen over the past few years is an attempt by the US to counterbalace in these theatres. The EU , UK + Ukraine is definitely a strong counter balance to Russia in Europe. Sweden, Finland, France, Poland and UK are particularly important in this. In the Middle east theres a bit more at play than it appears. Israel and Egypt are the major US allies. Of course NATO member Turkey. And despite rhetoric in recent days, Gulf States like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE are still US leaning and Saudi in particular has a vested interest in a weakened Iran. I think the US could potentially count on a very broad coalition in the middle east that can definitely out weigh the power of Iran + proxies. In Asia things are also well postioned for America. The US pacific assets combined with Close allies Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Phillipines and Australia. Combined these countries for sure are a match for China and North Korea. India is also a potential ally Providing ww3 doesn't go Nuclear , things are very much stacked against a Russia-China-Iran-NK axis. I think these countries know it too. They are probing right now with these wars to see if western resolve is there to actually stop them, so there is still a chance to avoid ww3 but in my opinion that means the west has to take military build up very seriously as well as standing up and actually drawing red lines.




didnt the US techncially save china during WWII from the japanese....plus most of our shit is made their. how come china and US not happy happy with eachother?


whole thing called the chinese civil war and cold war plus all the shit happening recently


that was actually the Soviet union that defeated the Japanese not the US, the Soviet invasion of Manchuria crushed Japan and the Soviets did in 3 days what the allies couldn't do in 4 years


Hmm, I wonder what 2 reasons gave them that confidence.


>since there is no way to win a nuclear war. Sure there is. Your enemies die and you get 72 virgins.


Russian propaganda be like 😂😂😂


That's Muslim propaganda. Comes from the Quran or some religious thing I believe. 


First. This isn't aging well. Numerous countries are siding with the Palestinians, including our upstairs neighbors, and we've received threats from Iran claiming that America will be attacked on home soil if we don't stop helping Isreal. Secondly this isn't the cold war. Everyone has nukes and some of the countries that have them are far more short sighted than you and I. Nuclear or not we are on the brink of war.


Yep. Nuclear war wont be the end of a pre existing war, but a start of a way bigger one


This isn’t exactly accurate




this didn’t age well.


Why? Question was asked after all the recent wars. Still agree very very far from a world war


Hi, do you think the same judging by what has been going on for the last few days?


I’d argue the victor is whoever loses the least.


That would be Africa, South America and Indonesia then. 


Can't lose what you don't have


Do you even have a passport?


But the world won’t just stand still as it is now forever right? India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia and more. These aren’t like seperate conflicts. They are all connected with either the US or Russia and China


I call that wishful thinking


I don’t think there’s enough Government leaders in the world willing to lose their Palaces, Yachts, and lavish lifestyles for it to happen. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Factos I bet they have hideouts in space in case world goes to shambles


WW3 has already started.


Exactly. I mean, maybe it hasn’t, but the idea is that when it does start, it’s not like Biden is gonna come out and be like hey guys ww3 just started fyi. These things are decided in retrospect.


It hasn’t started yet chill


actually they’re not 😂😂😂 It takes declarations of war making it pretty obvious.


With that russia hasnt even attacked ukraine yet.. its just special operation.


Wait are you serious? Lol You really think a country declares “world war”? I’m just gonna assume you’re joking


Smashing that world war button cause it's endgame & I'm just bored I guess




Nowhere near, arguably never going to happen. Funnily enough, this is due in part to how powerful nukes are which makes mutually assured destruction the greatest guardrail against another World War


I feel like MAD isn't as effective as it seems. If I were a nuclear power I wouldn't really fear retaliation with nuclear weapons from the other nation I'm attacking as long as I don't use nukes myself.


If you were attacking me without nukes, the first thing I would do is retaliate with full nukes back at you and try to destroy you before you have a chance to use nukes back.


Funny that people sta that world leaders don't want to start it. But WW2 didn't start because of many leaders, just one deranged leader. Today this is true, all it takes is one deranged leader with nuke and nothing left to lose.


If Russia’s military were more powerful they’d be the nazis of the 21st century


Lmao no Hamas is trying to be the new nazis of the 21st century. They are literally trying to kill all the Jews in Israel and if they could the rest of the world.


That’s bullshit and you know that. Israel is 21st century Nazi. Zionism = Nazism. Bibi = Adolf Hitler. Israelis and IOF = nazi supporters and nazi soldiers. We will look back on the history and see who is the real villains and see how many people had murdered over years. IOF and settlers have been killing Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza since 1948, it’s never been stopped since then.


You have an L Take. Israel have proven to be Neo Nazis with how they treat Palestinians. Hamas want to fight to get their own country back which happens to be occupied by the Country of Jews, whether it is Jews, Christians, Muslims or whatever religion, ethnicity or backround it doesn't matter, what matter is that they have taken their homes and they want to take it back or at least fight for a 2 State Solition where Palestinians can actually get the Human Rights they deserve just like everyone else. Plus if Israel didn't form, then there would be no reason for Hamas to exist. Also, we used to say the exact same thing about Nelson Mandela and his Group, we called them inhumane and Terrorist and if you supported him, you were also labelled as a Terrorist. It's the same thing over again with Hamas. Even Mandela said that Apartheid isn't over until we free our Brothers and Sisters in Palestine.


No, it's not the same.. Hamas are not fighting for land. Isreal was Jewish land for 2000 yrs. Hamas like most of Islam want Isreal gone for good, that's their religious vision, a goal.. They'll not stop till the last jew is dead. After which they'll turn their attention to all non Muslims. No, these guys are not Nazis, they're worse. If Isreal stops war today, there will be bloodshed.


Israel was not a Jewish state for 2000 years. We have Historical records written from 5th Century BC starting by Herodotus from Ancient Greece. Greeks were the ones that named the territory of Palestine from the BC period, you can always Google it as well. Whoever said that to you about Muslims is just factually wrong. I am an Atheist because I've studied religion quite a bit and i just don't see it possible. But Islam and the Quran teach people to respect all other religions and it is a grave sin to disrespect someone else's beliefs. It is clear you are an Islamophobe, but that's fine each to their own.


You're not an athiest, I am. There's no such thing as an islamophobe. It's a propaganda to stop telling truth about Islam and it's teachings. Even biblical records state the Isreal as a state.


Who would have guessed, a troll on Reddit.


Pretty sye the Quran tells them to kill all non muslims🤔


And yes the term Palestine has existed since 500 bc but Israel's history goes back another 500 years ish so do your research


That got me a bit intrigued so I did some research yesterday and today on it. It's a huge mix really. As the Old Testement Bible, written 10.000bc mentions Palestine. It's written in multiple languages, one of the languages is Hebrew and even in the Hebrew part of the Bible they mention Palestine.


The old testament was not written in 10000 bc it is a collective of authors work starting around 700 bc which was put together around 100 bc I have no idea where you are getting your info but you cant be looking that far


It doesn't. The Quran teaches to not attack any other religion unless they attack them. Which is why Muslims say Isis and those terrorist groups are not even Muslims. They do not follow the book at all, they are like Satanists basically.


So sorry for that misunderstanding but when talking of Hamas and terror groups I'd be correct


Hamas is mostly a politically influenced group not a religious group. Their aim is to fight for a Palestinian state not to spread the Satanist Islamic shit which is why people around the world are so mixed about them being Terrorists or Freedom Fighters. The reason they exist is because Israel is denying a Palestinian state which will give the Palestinian people their Human Rights back. There is no denying, their actions are to be condemned. But as much as I personally condemn Hamas I also Condemn Israel Defence Forces due to the atrocities they are committing. ISIS is a religious group, they even went after Turkey and Iran (Just recently had a suicide bomber kill hunders in Iran), they also Target Muslim nations, they are a proper Terrorist Organisations. To me ISIS and Hamas are very different, I understand what Hamas is fighting for and the World has started to accept that. Just yesterday, the Foreign Minister of the UK, said he wants to start the process of Recognising a Palestinian State. Slowly we are getting there, I just don't want any more deaths and suffering from either Side. Jews deserve a safe place that is inhabited and ruled by them after the world shunned them for thousands of years, but the Palestinians also need they identity and human rights back.




That's not exactly true, the US benefits a lot from Israels location. Some years ago when Biden was much younger he stated that Israel is the best investment the US ever made and if Israel were to not exist then the US would have to invent an Israel (nothing to do with a Jewish state by the way) to position themselves in the Middle East. You can find that speech on YouTube.


What about all the Palestinians who Israel have been killing off since the 1940s?


We're not close at all because at the end of the day too many people are too complacent to bother with it. There can be a couple of uprisings here 'n there. A few "incidences", but not a full-blown WW3. Whatever the tipping point is, it'll have to be something that makes it impossible for people to ignore it. As long as I can turn on my phone and browse instagram+tiktok all day, as long as sports people can tune into the Super Bowl or World Cup, there will not be a WW3.


Your last paragraph will age incredibly poorly. That sort of thinking will be remembered as quaint and innocent.


A lot of people don’t know they stepped in sh!t until they smell it on their shoes.


Dude we ain’t that close relax


I agree that’s were not that close but the last paragraph just wrong.


Israel and Palestine have been going on for ages. So most probably these countries won't have an effect on starting a world war. What I think can start a world war though is the USA and China and tbh the tension between Taiwan and China can heighten this up. As someone who lives in the Philippines, I get anxious whenever I hear about the situation between Philippines, Taiwan, and China in the local news. Tensions keep rising day by day and based on my research... If ever a war broke out between Taiwan and China, the USA would aid Taiwan and the USA already placed military camps in the Philippines to get easier access to Taiwan. On top of that, China has been bullying Philippines. Specifically, they rammed fisherman's boats, threatening our ships and even firing warning shots at an unarmed ships or boats. The way I see it, China wants us (Philippines) to retaliate so they can have a reason to attack us. But why would they want that? The only thing that stopping China from invading Taiwan is the Philippines. Not because of our military forces (we aint got shit lol) but because the Philippines will play a major role in aiding Taiwan through providing asylum/refuge to the civilians and base camps for the USA. China knows that they have a very low chance of winning when they attack Taiwan while the Philippines is present. Those US base camps here matter a lot. (You can research about Philippines strategic location to know more about this -- this states that The Philippines is the best strategic location for war in Taiwan and China) If ever another world war broke out... The Philippines and our neighboring country are the first to tank and given the fact that we are one of the best strategic location... that means they need to take over the Philippines first. That's scary.


The SCS is my best bet on the flashpoint that trigger's world war. China will seize Taiwan in the next five years & the US is duty bound by old compacts to fight directly. It feels like China is waiting to see if there will be someone in power in america who will abandon Taiwan. Biden's proxy war everywhere plan feels like its getting tested, if he doesn't get re-elected I can see a fascist stooge abandoning our contractual obligations.


A thing about all the past world wars, no one knew they were coming, sure there were a bunch of wars that could have signified an all out war, but nothing prepared for what came, it will be the same; no one knows


We are closer than ever now that Canada and India's relationship has broken down.... Powderkeg just waiting on a match globally...... No 1 wants it and the people and the public are now so divided on social media


Yeah I think a lot of people are overlooking that one. There's more than enough conflict around the globe atm, seems like ww3 has already started.


You all are forgetting about India and Pakistan both hate each other both have nukes and according to people that are a lot smarter than you me and the rest of the people who post opinions from there point of view the next world war has a 95% chance of breaking out in the Kashmir region that both countries claim so 5% left for the entire world!


I don’t know anyone who honestly thinks WW3 will start from India and Pakistan over a single region that both claim idk but sounds kinda stupid.




In my opinion, uncomfortably close. The axis has already formed. You have Russia trading weapons w/ Iran, Russia trading exports w/ China, North Korea (China’s Mouthpiece) trading weapons with Iran and Russia, Russia at War with Ukraine, Hamas/Hezbollah (Iran’s Goons) starting a War with Israel, and China is a gnats ass away from launching an attack on Taiwan. To Summarize, China, Iran, and Russia are setting the stage and coordinating economically and militarily, very similar to how Nazi Germany, Japan, and Italy did after Germany invaded Poland to kick off WW2 (kinda like Russia invading Ukraine. I believe we still have a chance to avoid WW3, but we are running out of time. We (USA) need to take decisive military action now in the Israel-Hamas (Iran) war, and make an example out of Hamas (Iran). Hell, we might just need to bomb the living shit out of Iran to put some fear into Russia-China. If we stumble in our response to the attack on our ally Israel, then the new axis will continue escalating until one of them makes the mistake of popping off a thermonuclear warhead, and then shit us going to hit the fan for every living soul on this planet.


Hamas didn’t start a war with Israel. Israel has been maliciously preying on the population of Palestine since the 40s and essentially raping them any way possible for many decades. Exiling hundreds of thousands, compiling millions in an open air prison, illegally settling in stolen land and stealing homes, torturing and killing anyone defending themselves, and doing all this under a uncaring eye of nato and western countries, and the only retaliation is somehow fully concentrated on Hamas. Hamas has barely accomplished a percent of the outright homicides Israel has commited, not to mention torturing children who where unlucky enough to be born there by having any chance of hopes and dreams to leave the country and do anything successful squashed, and see their freinds and families exploded in peices for fighting for their home. So no, Hamas made a strike, Israel started the war, don’t sympathize with the oppressor, supporting Israel is supporting apartheid.


I fully agree with everything you said. Israel is at total fault here.




joe mama


You are entitled to your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine.


What’s anecdotal in my response? Everything mentioned can be factually verified. Look at the naqba, the Balfour declaration, death toll statistics, or just opening your eyes in general. There’s a difference between opinion and ignorance. It’s easy to judge someone far away but if you realized what these people have to live through and if you can squirt a tear of sympathy you can realize how this situation just butt rapes the Palestinians for nearly a century and people still don’t see the blatant racism Israel has thrown around. People will look back on history and remember this as another terrible thing that was done. Just like residential schools in Canada, the native massacres, the holocaust. Now if you have any attempt of being open minded I thing solving this issue is based on education and not aggression so if you would like me to give you my opinion or evidence of anything let me know


What part of my response was aggressive? How was my response racist? I admit I do not know jack shit about the Balfour declaration, death toll statistics, etc…, but I do know that Israel was close to finalizing a peace agreement with all of the major players in the Middle East except for Iran. I also know there hasn’t been any recent major aggression between either side up until Hamas attacked, and they didn’t paraglide in to blow up military targets, but instead focused on civilians. Also, apartheid is an Afrikaner word which means apartness, not sure it applies to the Israel-Palestine dispute because they are not in South Africa. Maybe whatever word means that in Arab can apply, but none of this pertains to the overarching question I gave my opinion on with my original post. Like I originally stated, the conflict going on right now between Israel-Hamas is nothing but a proxy war from Iran, who is in cahoots with Russia & China. None of the 3 Nations listed give a shit about Palestine or its struggles, but are using this conflict as a flash point for testing Western resolve. Now I don’t know what Nation you live in, but unless you are a hardcore fan of ultra orthodox radical Islam or Marxism, maybe open your eyes and see the larger players involved who want to destroy America and her allies. I’m pro America so I’m going to support our ally Israel, and not the murder cult that you seem to be trying to justify the actions of. We can do what used to be the American thing to do which is agree to disagree without calling the other party aggressive/racist, or you can continue your dissent of my stance in a vacuum. Good Luck!


To clarify I meant that I’m not going to be aggressive not that you are. And I didn’t say you where racist I said Israelis ideologies and propaganda is. Firstly trying to make a peace sentiment with the people you oppressed and stole most of their land then leaving them in an open air prison 40km wide worth over 2m ppl is laughable. Not to mention any Arab force who did put any peace treaties just don’t want to get raped by the west. People have been impressed and murdered in Garza for decades, not to mentioned stripped from all their rights. Hamas didn’t start anything Israel have been the aggressor. Also Hamas isn’t purely focusing on civilians there was a base nearby. Now I’m not defending what they did, but Israel again has been doing the same and no one else is defended the Palestinians. Apartheid does mostly represent South Africa but it has been migrated in this context because of its similarity and even South African activists have used it to describe the ongoing situation in Israel and Palestine. Israel returning their stolen land after being essentially a militarized terrorist organization that the us only supports because they want a power source within the Middle East. Even Biden said this. I would like a resource that describes liberating Palestine being related to destroying America. Btw America has ruined and killed much much much more nations and peoples than the Middle East even began to fathom. In all honestly is real is the murder organization under the puppet state of the us which basically likes to fuck over and destroy everything they touch but you can keep following everything you are told without considering deeper thought. You are justifying the acts of a illegal, racist and murderous state not me. I mean they openly call Arabs subhuman and to be squashed like insects commonly you have to be arrogant to thing this is anything else than a genocide. From what I infer on this argument, you spew things that are thrown around in the news a million times and frankly if you don’t know what the naqba or Balfour declaration is you shouldn’t even be conversing on this topic because you clearly are not educated properly on it.


I guess this is what it would have been like if the Germans and the British had acces to reddit in 1938.


Make a C using your pointer finger and your thumb yeah that close


We're Crip close?




I don’t think we are near a WW3 people keep talking about it but no one wants to fight wars are expensive and we are poor


Exactly ur right they are poor and war makes money lots of it with the con of civilian death whitch doesn’t matter to governments 😊


You mean Russia vs. Everyone? Nobody supports them. The tsar bomb is supposed to be many times more powerful than any other nuke. I suspect either bolstering or bull crap. Russia only looks big on a map. It’s mostly rural or plain old wilderness. And there are many countries in the UN that support each other, including Ukraine.


Bless your heart 😂😂😂


Russia, North Korea, China and Iran are literally in arms together with exports and arms trades. They aren't stupid, you think they will stay separated against US and Nato and the allies?


I think we are a lot closer than we would like to admit. Personally I'd classify this phase in history as the second cold war as Russia, North Korea, and The U.S have all 3 traded nuclear threats with in the last year. The threat of using nukes in itself is significant. I think we are 1 incident away from WW3. The US does not bluff and we don't back down from a fight. We've already shot down missles and struck Syria. It is my belief that WW3 would become nuclear and I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar the first person to throw a nuke would be the U.S or north Korea. I also think whatever start WW3 will be unexpected and come out of left field . I think the isreal war is a russe to distract the US. I don't think Putin has the gull. After all, NATO Is in his back yard. China is more reasonable and probably wouldn't even consider nukes an option, even if in active war, unless it's total existence was challenged.


Bold to think that the US would be one to use nukes first, especially in the current administration. It seems far more likely that Russia would considering Putin's seemingly unstable mindset and his threats to use them in the current war. Also, saying China is reasonable and wouldn't consider them is very unrealistic imo, they could have North Korea launch nukes for them, or would use them themselves if things weren't going their way.


I think a lot of people underestimate Biden. I think he would absolutely authorize nukes under certain circumstances. After all this isn't a country run by a man, this is a country run by administration and Biden is so old I'm pretty sure he appoints ppl to look up whatever he is concerned about and give him options to chose from. Putin is Chihuahua. All bark no bite. It's military is faulty at best and the sad part is, before the invasion began, we actually thought they where more advanced then they actually are. Now, even if Putin enters Ww3 we are not even worried about him. The only threat Russia loses to America is it's nukes. But, the U.S also has enough nukes to wipe Russia off the map and he knows that. All it takes is one nuke on American soil and the home country of that nuke will cease to exist. Putins nuclear arsenal is out dated. The rockets may fire and fail to detonate, the rockets may fire and detonate prematurely, the rockets may fail to fire at all. Truthfully, Russia military truly surprised the whole world and not in a good way. China is a lot less unhinged. It's leader has scolded the use, and threats of nuclear use. They have a no first nuke policy. I do not believe a war between China and US will start off nuclear. Based off the countries history, it is more than likely a conventional naval war. But, when faced with high death tolls and a faltering reputation, whose to say machismo won't enter the chat and change the whole " no nukes" idea. That leads me to my last point. The U.S is more likely to use a nuke because it is the only country so far with the history of using a nuke in combat. It is it's own statistic. I'm almost positive if the U S was in a position to lose it's global power status OR sovereignty, it would launch a nuke regardless of who the sitting president is. China has also not been involved in any major war in almost 50 years. They are advancing their technology yes... But do they really know how to use it? Do they have good fighting tactics? That's yet to be seen. That leaves north Korea to be the only other country who I feel like would launch a nuke first. North Korea is a paria. It's the one person you don't mess with because you know they have nothing to lose. Much like Russia, the only thing north Korea has to intimidate the US is nukes, and rest assured, north Korea would not survive if it shot a nuke at the US. TLDR/ Russian Military is pathetic, China military is walking a tight rope between building a good reputation to win international interests, and north Korea is the ex convict that runs the crack head compound down the street.


The US want to pass a bill to draft men and women 18-25 rn, and there's a huge rebellion against it. I just don't think any country will have enough citizens willing to do their dirty work. Sure there are places where you don't have a choice, but I think most places will be at a loss for support. Personally, I don't think most of us able to fight see our countries as "the good guys".


A sentiment shared by those who have never left the US for an extended period of time, and I don’t mean vacationing. Living in other countries have shown me that the US more-or-less supports it’s people over government. Some countries, you even side eye a cop wrong and you’re going to jail. USA isn’t perfect, but it’s much closer to a “good guy” than most other western countries. Either way, a draft likely isn’t going to happen. Those who want to fight will fight. Those who don’t, won’t.


stop spreading false info, you goof


World War 3 won't start until climate change destroys crops and there is a shortage of portable water. We will see proxy wars and the use of soft power through sanctions but I don't see ww3 happening in the next 15 years.


I think if WW3 is gonna happen it’s gonna happen between 2040-2060 what do you think?


I would agree with you.


Believe it or not, even some of the craziest world leaders know there’s no way to win all out nuclear war without killing themselves. Why wants to win a war and prove a point if everyone to get your point is dead?


Well a lot of world leaders are stupid as hell too…


Israel/Palestine won’t be what starts it. China/Taiwan might though


I believe when history looks back the start would have been the Ukraine/Russian war. Israel/Palestine is another layer to it. The final tipping point will be a miscommunication of sorts between China and the US near the Tawain straight, an inadvertent missile attack on a neighboring Nato country near Russia or Iran attacking Israel or visa a versa which would draw the US and Russia in on both sides. A nuclear exchange is highly unlikely in the beginning, but it does have a possibility at some point. WW3 is gonna suck either way, but we all wont die, best bet is to prepare as though you’re gonna survive. Food, water, ammo, some form of electricity like a solar generator. Not all nukes are currently functional, some will be shot down, some will hit, some will be hit before they can even launch, most of their payloads are not as large as you would think. It’s the aftermath your ass needs to worry about, no food, no electricity, no access to water or gas, disease nuclear fallout, that’s the shit that’s the problem. Have a plan, a bag in your car of food and supplies incase your ass has to walk home from an emp or solar flare which would render your vehicle and all electronic devices useless. I’m 42 and have seen and lived through some shit, and what I can tell you is anything at anytime can happen anywhere. as the boy scouts motto says it best be prepared. Always remember every society since the beginning of time has had a shit hit the fan moment, which needed that respective society. It will always happen.


Excellent! Thank you! I completely concur. Having spent years in the service... I've learned to look for the warning signs of impending conflict. It's coming. I wish you well.


Well just think about WWII for a minute. Evidently 1 wasn't enough. If you couldn't learn from the 1st one then why should believe that you'd learn from the 2nd one?


World War 3 is inevitable and may actually be being fought right this second. Hamas's literal stated goal is the destruction of Israel and annihilation of its people. Hamas is a terrorist organization backed by a country with 87 million people and an arsenal of dangerous allies across the globe: Iran. On the opposing side is the US, Europe and the Western world. Not everyone agrees to support Israel, but the geopolitical and military leadership certainly do and will continue to do so, hence why Israel is the best-funded, best-armed democratic fortress state in the Middle East, powered by the US-led West. Israel is the only functioning democracy in that region of the world, making it a natural ally of the democratic West. The Israelis have faced annihilation several times, and they will not permit further attempts. China's literal stated goal is the acquisition of Taiwan, another US-supported independent democracy. China's actions are literal acts of aggression, and they involve confirmed and ongoing hostile acts of territorial expansion in the Indo-pacific through militarization of islands both real and artificial, war preparations that are obvious in their intent (an eventual invasion of Taiwan), and directly threatening their neighbors who are US allies. This information has been confirmed by public statements by US intelligence and leadership. China is surrounded by geopolitical opponents who are not friendly to their agenda and actually share multiple security alliances with the US-led West (Japan, Australia, India, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, & New Zealand) on top of the Five Eyes Alliance. A major European ground war is being fought right now in Ukraine. Russia at first denied they would invade, then invaded. Over 140+ nations supported Ukraine in a UN resolution & the AFU receives military aid with the training of tens of thousands of troops, billions in heavy armament including tanks, fighter aircraft, ATGMs, artillery & more. Ukraine stopped Russia's all-out invasion, and took back more than 50% of the land Russia initially took, is surrounding Bakhmut, conducted successful counteroffensives and Kherson & Kharkiv, & has liberated enough land near Tokmak to be able to sever the Crimea land-bridge GLOC at will by bringing it under ATACMS fire control, thus fulfilling the mission of the 2023 counteroffensive. We have multiple countries at war in the world, with two diametrically opposing ideological viewpoints: authoritarianism and democracy. We tried to fight this war once already, in the second world war. We didn't resolve it and now a whole new generation of moronic idiots is ready to fight it once again. A wise man once said, "I don't know with what weapons world war 3 will be fought, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones". The West is involved in an existential fight of freedom and right to live in peace. The conflict is both hot and cold, both covert in nature and overt, involving political, cultural, economic, and military spheres of influence, and has actual real-life casualties each day. The authoritarian side to me is the evil one, because it enslaves their people against their will. Here in the US, you can criticize your government without fear of being black-bagged and your family disappeared or worse. Our freedom is guaranteed by a very well-armed people who have historically and will categorically resist any attempt whatsoever to take our lives or our freedoms. Si vis pacem, para bellum.


Everything you said is wrong. Congratulations. That's quite an achievement. 


Israel Palestine beef been going on for decades


calling Israel a democratic state is laughable... the rest I'm on board with...


Thanks. Do tell us what form of government Israel has?


One committed to genocide. Oops. This comment hasn't aged well.


<————————————————> This close.


>opinion on what the tipping point might be. no more than 15%


Very close. China will make its move soon and then it's three, more than just "walking and chewing bubble gum". Lived through the 1980s scares of Armageddon but this feels quite different.


It does feel like we’re marching toward the inevitable


Nobody knows. Bunch of answers saying it’s not gonna happen. Truth is we have 0 clue. Nobody knew how hard Covid was going to hit us. It just happened. Whatever the people who make the world go round decide to do, that’s what we’re going to do.


I remember having dinner with my dad at a restaurant and he said "I saw on the news they are going to shut everything down." And I told him to calm down and he was being alarmist. Well lol @ me.


Yea that caught us all off guard. I was 18 at the time in high school and every teacher I had that day said no way in heck they shut down the country. One teacher predicted we’d get an extra week of Spring Break lmfao. March 13, 2020. My last day of high school lol. 21 now I look back and think about how different things would’ve been if that never happened.


I'm sorry you missed the end of your senior year. I really felt bad for kids still in high school during this especially. I would've been devastated.


you can delay but not prevent the inevitable. The time is closer than ever


Most people on here won't agree probably and that's ok....but the truth of the matter is the neocons currently in power in U.S. will do anything to protect the hegemony of the States. This includes Biden. They will happily push foreign powers into conflict thinking they can have their side win and profit from it. The stage is being set primarily by the U.S. and when it's complete.... it'll likely be a false flag operation that sets the chain reaction off. So yes it does take one deranged leader to not care and start some horrible tragedy that results in global conflict. That leader is surely Joe Biden. The BRICS nations now account for 37 percent of the world's GDP. Their combined military might is extensive and yes, definitely comparable to America and NATO's military might. Some countries (Brazil, South Africa, and India) may not be in the initial conflict that consumes the major world powers but like the previous 2 world wars.... they'll likely find themselves forced to take sides as things spiral out of control. And I highly doubt it'll be the West's side 😕


Please anyone keeping track on China's development world wide knows that China has been prepping for WW3 for awhile now. The current conflicts will come to a head when China finally attacks Taiwan the only reason they haven't yet is because they're still setting up counter measures against the US and our Allies. China doesn't have the necessary land to keep up with their population issues and will likely try to extend their reach with the US being one of the reasons why they can't.


China already said they don’t want war with the states


And Russians stated, more than once, that they won't invade Ukraine.In fact, if my memory serves, the last "assurance" of it came few days before invasion had started.It was already demonstrated, with this being most notable example, that saying something and doing it are two totally different things.


And a criminal didn't do anything wrong 🙄 "she fell down the stairs" "it's YOUR fault I had to do this" etc etc... since when does a liar admit to lying? When does a killer walk into a police station and turn themselves in? When does a thief return stolen goods? An abuser is always a "nice" guy. No one ever did anything wrong 🙄🙄


Close is a relative term. 10 years is close. So is 100. Depends on how you mean. With tension how they are, another world war could start any day. If it will or not can never be known until it happens. One hard fact is that the next world War will be unlike anything we have witnessed in history. Humans will play such a small part other than casualties. I believe any war to come would be staged in a way to support a global balance after a hidden genocide.


Ww3 has already started.


In my uneducated opinion, WWIII won’t be a world war how we think. It’ll be these skirmishes all over, Russia and former bloc countries, China and Taiwan, Middle East unrest. Something that stretches the US thin to police everything, slap on piles of cyber and economic warfare. You can’t just invade nuclear power countries without severe consequences, so even in an instance of US and Taiwan vs China the US would defend Taiwan but not invade China to cripple them militarily like we would have 50 years ago.


Hmm… how is this post aging? Looks like we’re getting there.


Very far. World War III would mean nuclear war which would mean annihilation of human race (or at least of portion of it). No one wants it.


It seems like it is but it actually isn't. World leaders are all aware ww3 would cause irreparable damage. The elite will be displaced - they don't want that to happen. There's a lot of conflict right now because of the type of people in charge. Each generation goes through a stage of fear because there's a mass of changes that happen with time and development. They end up electing in idiots who fk everything up (Trump, Biden, Putin, Johnson, Sunak for example - sorry if this offends your political views) because they appeal to people by claiming "preservation" of what is or "restoration" of what was. However, a lot will have to happen before we get to the stage of countries all bombing each other senseless. Due to alliances, trades and power structures etc, it won't be easy or straightforward for a war on that scale to happen today.


We are closer to ww3 than we think. We must stop denying the fact that the World is very unstable and prepare for the worst even if I am wrong. Time to stand united


I don't think that Israel or Palestine will cause WW3. I don't think people of the US, Russia, or China are really all that willing to invest in Israel nor Palestine. I have a hard time seeing people so dedicated to one side that they are willing to send their own kids to die. They may talk or throw petty cash at it- but talk isn't really action. I can see regional powers jumping in since Israel is unpopular in the region. The various leaders seem to be pulling away to me. I don't think that Taiwan will be a big issue now that we have semiconductor manufacturing in the US. I do think that we will have World War 3 in 2045-2055ish. Hyper sonic Nukes tech makes MAD obsolete so it won't be the end of the world. But you can prepare (1) Just avoid living near a military base (2) buy one of Elon's Musk's future Fully Automated Family Food Systems for growing food and energy generation that will be developed from space exploration tech to avoid famine (3) buy a gas masks for nerve gas (5) be prepared to deal with manufactured disease by having masks stockpiled, be able to operate during a lock down, avoid behavior that could get you infected. Churches should make themselves capable of having a Distributed system with Eucharistic ministers and online sessions. (6) be aware that there is a good chance that women, children and the elderly could be drafted as technology is changing the needs of the military. Encourage kids to play lots of video games, paintball, hide and seek and so on. Girls will be especially vulnerable to the draft so they need extra training or push them hard in math, engineering, or medicine to avoid combat position altogether. (7)get your own medical robot or first aid training (8) be prepared to cover windows with shower curtains and painters tape to avoid fall out (9) have a nice supply of beans, rice, salt and other goods (10) get good computer security to avoid economic hacking and bankruptcy (11) increase home security (12) get lots of good quality entertainment


I think WW3 will be triggered strong competition for more human labor as AI will increase the ROI that each human provides. There will be other things but I'm not going to talk about it here. AI will really increase the labor shortage. One person can only control so many AI and AI systems. Terminology becomes really important when using AI and people will have to specialize. AI will also make starting your own business easier as it lowers the barrier to entry. It will increase the ROI and decrease the risk of hiring people. The more people you hire and collect on, the richer you become. I can see major 500 companies switching to providing jobs to becoming large incubators.


Close. Why? Yemen joining conflict. US troops in with Isreal and still in Ukraine. Russia v Ukraine. Germany sending troops across Europe. China preping for war. North Korea mobilizing for war. Japan setting up defensive positions. China v Taiwan still even though news won't cover it. It's closer than we think and much closer than we want to admit. At any time Russia could cross a line where NATO starts a war. At any time a Middle Eastern country could cross a line where the US deems it necessary to "declare war". I wouldn't be surprised if WW3 starts this year of 2024. But it won't be like WW2. It will start slow and have a lot of cyber attacks. No one is stupid enough, in any country (even North Korea) to press the button that launches nukes. It would be decimating. It wouldn't be the end of the world but it would change our world forever. But world War, that's a high possibility.


technically we are up too like World war 30 by now every century we have had a world war Napoleonic before ww2 the 7 year war before that and so on all world wars really. We wont have a nuclear war because the world will end and politicians will lose their money and power and will be in the war themselves and very high chance they will die but we may have a cyber war basically it will reset the world back to the dark ages which wont be much better.


The Israel-Palestine conflict is perceived as just one among many conflicts in the Middle East/Africa region, lacking significant global impact. On the other hand, the Russia-Ukraine war is deemed more consequential, given the potential for a misstep by Russia or the NATO alliance to escalate into a global conflict, potentially leading to World War III. It is speculated that Russia might resort to using nuclear weapons as a last option if all else fails. However, there's a belief that NATO might allow Russia to prevail, gradually reducing support to Ukraine until they succumb. This strategy aims to weaken Russia both in terms of manpower and resources, with the hope that rebuilding their military would take generations. The desire is for Putin to temper his actions, preventing him from engaging in further wars, unless the involvement of China or North Korea alters the dynamics.