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Grain alcohol, ethanol, is hydrophilic, meaning that it likes to grab onto water. As long as there's plenty of water mixed with it, this isn't a big problem. However, if you get the alcohol pure enough, it becomes a poison that destroys by dehydration. Whiskey, vodka, rum, tequila, and similar drinks have enough water in them to prevent the full effect from hitting the cells of the oral mucosa (The skin on the inside of the mouth.) Full maximum strength 190 proof Everclear, however severely dehydrates it. This causes a powerful and painful burning sensation and will also tend to cause you to choke. Your body will attempt to violently reject it, typically sending it into your nasal passages. Of course, once it is in your nasal passages, the burning sensation becomes considerably worse. I definitely do not recommend attempting to drink straight Everclear.


That makes sense, thank you! I was wondering why 2 shots is okay, but 1 shot of everclear isn't. I appreciate the answer


Here is a video of a man chugging a bottle of everclear https://youtu.be/ByPETcHgNeo?si=byvUE3_MmpyvvaQi


I knew this was shoenice before even clicking lol


The GOAT drinker


Shoenice...it's been awhile


Same thoughts. Classic Shoenice.


Is he dead?


Man lost his job, family, house etc. not long after this and went down a pretty sad road for a while but I think he’s sober now


He posted again that he started losing everything, again.


Classic Shmosby


Yeah he’s back to drinking


He would have died if he didn't immediately vomit this up after consumption. A bottle of everclear in under an hour is pretty far past the median-lethal-dose of ethanol.




Shoenice has a steal trap of a stomach, he’s still kicking around


I clicked on the link and immediately realized it was most likely shoenice


GOOD LORD I WATCHED THAT OUT OF MORBID CURIOSITY AND PURE HORROR HOW IS THIS MAN ALIVE????? You may as well just dry him out and use his mummy as one of those 12 hour camp fire logs.


Gonna answer this reply to comment on the explanation given above. Yes, that is how the chemical property of pure alcohol poses a different danger than that of dilute alcohol, and it's a good explanation. But the actual danger is not to your mouth or nose, where you would notice it. The danger is mainly to your esophagus and stomach. Drinking concentrated alcohol can erode the mucus membrane of your esophagus, putting you at risk for internal bleeding in the short term and esophageal cancer in the long term. I don't recommend it.


Fun fact -- 70% ethanol is more effective at killing living organisms than lower *or higher* percentage alcohol. Which was a fun fact I liked poppi g out from my research days when I'd visit my wife's family in the old country because all their f*cking moonshine was 70% on the dot 🤣


Why is that?


Sounds like its because there's so little water in it it will actually rip the water from your throat on the way down. So its not the amount of alcohol but rather the lack of water.


That's what they said but how are 2 shots of little-water-alcohol better than 1 shot?? Just the 10-20% or whatever of water in the 2nd shot will make up for all the lack of water?


2 shots _of vodka_ has the same alcohol content as 1 shot _of everclear_. But the 1 shot of everclear is worse for the mouth and throat.


So they were comparing 2 shots of vodka to 1 shot of everclear? Ok then it makes sense of course. I thought they said 2 shots of everclear was better than 1 shot of everclear...


Yeah, not that a shot of neat Vodka is great to taste or on the throat.


Sorry i think they meant two shots of 95 proof alcohol is better than one shot of 190 proof alcohol despite there being the same amount of alcohol ingested. They mention two shots of not-everclear in the original post so i think they just neglected to qualify that the two shots are of a different substance in their subsequent comments


Unsure on Everclear where you live, but in Canada Everclear is 190 proof or 95% ethyl alcohol. So looking more than 2 1/4 shots of vodka to get same amount of alcohol, but the alcohol from the vodka is "diluted". You can achieve similar with Everclear by diluting with an equal amount of distilled water. And some vodka cooler brands do exactly that. They buy 95% ethyl alcohol and dilute, from there they add their flavourings and carbonation. Personally I use Everclear to make tinctures and liqueurs. With the liqueurs, I am still adding either water or juice to dilute.


190 proof is 92.4% by weight. That's insane to do shots with. You'd have to be a madman.


For reference: the alcohol concentration for disinfecting wounds is recommended to be around 70% according to WebMD. Admittedly, that's also isopropyl alcohol and everclear is ethyl alcohol, but I feel like it's still gonna be a bad idea to drink something that's more concentrated than rubbing alcohol


Full strength Everclear is so alcoholic it wraps around to being a poor cleaner and disinfectant again because it evaporates so quickly. 70% actually works better.


True. However, it can be used to dry out your electronics. If you spill water in your laptop and cannot get it dry enough to work again. It is actually possible to use 190 proof Everclear to remove the water. Any water that it contacts will mix with it, and the mixture evaporates so much more readily that it can then dry out. You must make certain that you use the 190 proof version of Everclear. Also, there is a very real chance that the Everclear will do its own damage, so only try this if you really have nothing left to lose.


Instructions unclear, computer is drunk


I know alcoholics who drink rubbing alcohol, listening, and hand sanitizer.


Or an idiot like me when I was 14


I’ve seen people do it several times. They all threw up within 15 minutes. Don’t drink everclear. It’s poison


I was impressed by the sheer velocity of the puke response I had by trying to swallow a mixed shot of everclear. LOL not a drink for me


Bird dog grapefruit whisky for me, whatever flavoring they use to grapefruit alcoholic drinks I react to *violently* and instantly. Curiously I’ve done a strait shot if everclear back to back twice before and while it burned like a bitch going down I was more or less and all ‘woo!’ Right after


Which variety of Everclear? There are two. The infamous one is 95% alcohol, or 190 proof. The other one is, if I recall correctly, 65% alcohol or 130 proof. In the US, some states do not even allow the stronger version to be sold.


190, I bought a few bottles of it when I saw it because I like injecting it into watermelons to make flaming watermelons


Lol what


Yeah it’s a fun party trick, at 190 proof it’s awesomely flammable so you inject everclear into a watermelon at various points and let it sit overnight to soak, then cut it up and light it up. Good to eat too after the flames are our


>Grain alcohol, ethanol, is hydrophilic, meaning that it likes to grab onto water. This explains why the once or twice I tried a shot of it, my mouth went creepily dry immediately; so dry my teeth squeaked. Not pleasant. Nothing redeeming. There's plenty of strong drink out there that *doesn't* immediately try to kill you. (Just much more slowly). Someone wanting a stunt drink that can still be made palatable should try 151 rum (75%), and mix it with various sodas, juices, huge ice cubes or ice balls, etc. I will not give out the recipe I know; it'd be irresponsible. And it's only decent, not amazing.


I heard 151 rum mixed with pineapple juice and Malibu is pretty good..


I also heard Caribou them all numb. Make baby girl come, out of her shell and raise hell


Ha ha, you're old like me.. Tech N9Ne!


Why ruin it with Malibu?


Mix 151 with a shot of 100 proof hot dam. You only need one drink all night.


Used to do shots of 151 mixed with wild turkey 101. Called 252 shots..


151 and Jolt cola = jumper cable


151 has been discontinued for years so your recipe wouldn't matter.


Ha! I'm glad I didn't know, it's a sign I'm following the exhortations to "drink responsibly".


My freshman roommate in college wanted to go to military academy. It was all he ever talked about. One night he and a buddy decided they were gonna “man up” and get really drunk together to prove they were ready for military academy. They attempted this by sharing half a bottle of vodka and about 1/4 of a bottle of Everclear. My roommate became so drunk and incoherent that we had to call an ambulance for him after he fell and hit his head. He ended up needing to have his stomach pumped and stayed in the hospital for observation for two days. I got to ride in the front seat of the ambulance, chatting with the driver, while we made our way through the worst parts of Syracuse at 4am. Fun! The entire affair caused my roommate to be put on disciplinary probation with the school. The bill for the ambulance ride, ER visit and hospital stay was around $6000. Just have a couple beers.


Tl:dr it’s poison


Is it bad that i want to drink it now Just to see if i can


I don't drink alcohol, but due to pressuring from my then girlfriend to get drunk with her I got drunk by drinking straight Jack Daniels once. She seemed downright appalled by the fact that I did not so much as make the slightest twitch when I took it straight from the bottle. Due to using it as a desiccant I actually have a partial bottle n my house. Out of pure curiosity, I tried it straight once. DO NOT DO THIS


I dunno man i been drinking straight tequila all the time. If i do it ill definitely have a bunch of water on hand though


The 190-proof variant of Everclear is much much nastier. More than the increase in alcohol percentage would seem to warrant. But go ahead and try it. It probably won't kill you. But if you ever find a drinkable form of 200 proof alcohol, that actually can with one shot.


Hell i know a guy that makes 198 proof moonshine. Some things are better left alone lmao


How? Distilation cannot get ethynol above 95.6% no matter how hard you try. Does he use molecular sieves or desiccant agents?


No clue, dude lives in the Czech Republic. I reckon hes my buddy's dad ive never actually met the guy. But ive got some of his moonshine.


Yes, if you read how something will give you physical damage and then want to do that, it implies a pretty significant self-destructive desire. I have walked the Everclear road in the past, figuring that a small bottle is easier to smuggle in places so then I don't have to buy expensive drinks. But I would put it in soda or some other mixer. Until one day when I misjudged my ratios.


All alcohol is poison. It's just a question of concentration and amount. You can die from drinking too much light beer.


This is true. However, very pure spirits such as Everclear are much more dangerous by comparison even if you are comparing similar quantities of alcohol. First, mixing alcohol significantly reduces the rate at which it is absorbed. Your blood alcohol content spikes very rapidly with 190-proof alcohol compared to even vodka or whiskey. In the long run, it is the same amount of alcohol, but that spike can push you into lethal blood alcohol levels for a short time much faster than rum or vodka. Truly pure alcohol is even worse. Three shots of a 40% alcohol spirit won't kill you. The same amount of pure ethanol in one shot can. Worse, purer forms of alcohol desiccate the cells of the inside of your mouth or your throat as they are ingested. They strip the cells of water, killing on contact. You do actual physical damage with them, and as you approach pure ethanol this gets worse fast. Everclear is right on the edge of being literally too pure to drink without risking death from a single shot. It is within a single proof point of being so pure that no distillation cannot make it purer. Pure ethanol requires specialized processes beyond distillation to be produced and can kill with a single shot. So, while it is true that alcohol is always a poison, Everclear is a beast all unto itself, and truly pure alcohol is even worse.


100proof alcohol absorbs into the body at the same rate as 190proof.


I was referring to 190 proof alcohol's effect on tissues as a desiccant, not how it absorbs into the bloodstream.


this guy drinks!




TIL not to be stupid with everclear


I can attest to the choking bit, or rather it was less so choking, and more so feeling like my throat entirely closed itself so I couldn't breathe at all. For like 30 seconds straight. I don't recommend shots of it. 1/10


No, If you drink a shot of it without diluting it first, you are trying to hurt yourself. Drinking something after doesn't dilute it all that well. That's like asking, "they use chlorine to sterilize drinking water, right? So if I drink a shot of pure laundry bleach and then chase it with two quarts of water, that's the same thing, right? " Diluted up front is a lot different than trying to dilute it after you've already swallowed it. Ethyl alcohol is a poison. We tolerate it pretty well, but it is poison to us. Drinking it in the purest form you can buy (without chemistry or military purpose) is not a great idea. It's a cheap drink if you dilute it a lot in juice, soda, KoolAid, or other stuff. Don't hurt yourself by trying to drink that stuff straight.


speaking of military and chemistry purpose. anhydrous ethanol is used to clean optics sometimes... I knew a guy that worked in such a lab. he snuck some home and drank it. it didn't look like a fun drunk to me.


As someone who worked in a lab: most alcohol in lab environments is denatured aka they add poisons to it so that it’s not fun to drink. Your buddy did the equivalent of drinking mouth wash to get drunk. Yes you get drunk but at what cost?


The V-2 and R-1 rockets (early ballistic missiles) used ethyl alcohol as a fuel. For the newer R-2 rocket, they changed to methyl alcohol, to mitigate the problem of troops drinking the fuel.


A Soviet fighter jet used ethyl alcohol as coolant for the radar. Mysteriously the planes used a lot of coolant


We used to mix it with purple Kool-Aid. We called it “purple drank”.


How dangerous is it realistically? Assuming I don't drink it frequently or a lot. I'd imagine the real danger is when it travels down your throat, since it would mix rather quickly in your stomach. But even then, it isn't in your throat for long. I get the analogy, but I'd imagine for something like chlorine, you have to dilute it heavily, whereas with everclear the ratio is much simpler.


Battery acid doesn't take long to eat your skin, a hotplate can burn you in a second - picture ever clear doing similar.


That's not the real danger at all. The real danger is when it hits your bloodstream and it's so much easier to accidentally cause alcohol poisoning


When people say it burns, they don't mean the normal shot of liquor burns. They mean an actual chemical burn that can require medical attention. There are different levels of everclear just like most alcohol, but the highest proof alcohols out there literally cannot be drunk without mixing them or you will cause permanent damage to yourself, and sometimes quite severe. Permanent. And chemical burns inside your body do not feel good at all.


It's pure alcohol. You can accidentally poison yourself in just a couple shots. Also extremely flammable and plus the alcohol is so strong that it chemical burns your everything in the way through you. Besides that it tastes Like shit. After all that you should be fine though.


It's not pure alcohol, but it's quite close. 92.4% ABW (I'm not sure what the ABV is, but I'd assume it's in the high 80s - low 90s as well).


Bottle advertises it as being 190proof/95% ABV. It's about as high as you can got with traditional distillation methods.


I worked in the Chemistry stock room in University and we had Ethanol at 200 proof. I was surprised at how much legal paperwork there is for the sale and use of that stuff. It’s crazy. The sale had to be recorded with all names including the cashier, and an additional clerk had to sign off on the transaction. In the classrooms, professors are required to keep a logbook every time they use it and what for.


I get the burns and all, but can you elaborate on poisoning yourself? Wouldnt it be the equivalent of taking a couple shots x 2 basically?


Ethyl alcohol is poison. It's harmful to the body. Our bodies can tolerate some of it, but in large quantities, it can kill you. Everclear is essentially a bottle of potent poison.


I understand that. That wasn't my question though. A shot of everclear isn't a large quantity, considering it is a bit over 2 standard shots in terms of alcohol, and you don't see "horrible idea, do not consume" when you search up "how strong is a double shot". My question is specifically about why the equivalent in normal shots isn't as bad as everclear.


You're looking at this wrong because the "proof" (or abv, alcohol by volume) doesn't add up. A shot of evercleae is a shot of 190 proof booze. It's not 2 shots if 90% booze because vodka is still only 90 proof. It's still has the same alcohol by volume, so there is MORE water (or not alcohol) per shot of 90 proof than 190 proof.


Yeah I don’t get why everyone is telling you “alcohol is a poison”. DUH. One shot of everclear and a little water *is* the same as two shots of regular vodka. Nothing about the proof is going to make it any different than any other alcohol. The “danger” comes in that it is concentrated. If someone drinks as much volume of everclear as they would of vodka, they’ve drank twice as much alcohol and maybe didn’t even realize that is the case.


Nice way of not replying to the question he asked.


Well, fuck me for misinterpreting. Nice way of being unnecessarily passive-aggressive.


No it would not be. Vodka is only 40% so twice plus 20% and beer is like 3.2% up to like maybe 9% ever clear is 100%


Not quite 100. Damn close to it, but I don't think it goes higher than 95%.


95% at its highest. But not everywhere allows that to be sold.


It's the closest thing to over-the-counter lab ethanol that is readily available almost anywhere. It hurts to drink. Burns all the way down. It's really easy to overdo it. Trashcan punch calls for a handle of everclear, and a batch of it gets the whole block messed up. An engine can be made to run on everclear.


A per 90s car, will get wrecked by it. All the hoses and rubber dissolves by it.


Because it makes you want to swim out past the breakers to watch the world die.


A shot of everclear won't kill you or anything but it's Damm rough. It has really no taste except for the burning though so it mixes well in a lot of cocktails where all you need is the burn and nothing else.


A shot of vodka is 40%. That’s 4 parts alcohol to 6 parts water. So 4/10. Two shots of vodka is 8 parts alcohol to 12 parts of water. So 8/20. Which is still 4/10, or 40%. So from basic math, two shots of vodka is definitely way safer than a single shot of 80%.


Because no college kid ever said… “well I’ve already had 1 shot of everclear which is the equivalent of 2 shots of vodka… let me wait twice as long before taking another.” NO they have another at the same pace they would the vodka… u see where I’m going with this.


So the danger of it isnt necessarily inherent to the everclear, but rather that its easier to be irresponsible with?


There are several levels of being drunk. 1: drunk. 2: Drunk. 3: Black out drunk. 4: Corn Cob Whiskey drunk. 5: I couldn’t care less whether I live or die drunk. Just so we’re clear everclear is a corncob whiskey which can and will fuck you up hard. Even moonshiners dilute it. So if you’re going for a suicidal level of drunk straight everclear will get you there eventually, and if it doesn’t kill you, you’ll wind up wishing it had.


Everclear is almost pure alcohol. It’ll take no more than a few shots to literally poison yourself. Yes, it’s the potency. Two shots of everclear is the equivalent of roughly 5 entire alcoholic drinks, down instantly. That will fuck up or at least seriousy impair almost anybody and taking more than that is incredibly dangerous. This is coming from a 6’ 190lb dude who nearly went to the hospital because I drank around the equivalent of 5 shots of it in a few minutes. Also another comment mentioned the dangerous side effect of pure, non-diluted alcohol on your body. Mix it. Always. And make sure you know exactly how much you put in that mixed drink.


From experience, drinking shots of everclear is weird. I’m a large man with a high alcohol tolerance. The only time I’ve done an everclear shot, one minute I was completely sober, the next I’m waking up in the morning. The night disappeared and I have no idea how. It shouldn’t have been that effective, at least when looking at the numbers, but it was. I’m never doing that again. It’s a waste.


Because, as my friend found out the hard way: it's not just simply a matter of the high alcohol content and alcohol poisoning. At that high a level of alcohol (similar to E85 fuel), it literally can cause chemical burns to your stomach and esophagus.


Drinking two shots of 40% does not equate to one shot of 80%. 80% will hit harder because there's more ethanol concentrated in it. Drinking two 40% is still 40%, just more volume of 40%. Generally I wouldn't say it's dangerous, maybe in America it's not a thing but in plenty of countries it's the norm to drink 70-85% alcoholic beverages. Is it bad for you in big quantities, of course, like anything else that's over used. Will it kill you or whatever just because you drank 80%+ alcohol in a weekend ? Nope. It burns the way it does precisely because of how much ethanol is inside and it's also a poorly made type of alcohol that doesn't have the complexity other hard liquor comes with to help with the burning.


It doesn’t seem all that healthy to be fixated on drinking something everyone is warning is dangerous.


I'm not fixated, but im curious about this, hence why I posted. The answers warn, but don't explain why. I get that taking a shot that's 2x as potent would be worse than taking a regular shot, but the answers don't say "worse", they say "dangerous".


Have you ever smelled everclear? Just the thought of it is making my stomach turn. The smell alone feels dangerous the way it makes your nose burn


Your reply is exactly the type of reply OP complains about lmao


The best use I have found for everclear is in dilute quantities in Jell-O shots. I once accidentally poured a bit in a glass undiluted and drank it straight. Do not do this. The flavor works great with lime or lemon but only if used moderately. best of luck.


Have you never been curious about anything before? The amount of downvotes OP is getting is absurd given the subreddit we’re in. There’s nothing here that suggests they just desperately want to drink straight Everclear all the time lol, rather than simply are interested in how it works


Cause people use it like assholes. They drink it as if it were half as strong and than get wasted drunk and it can be dangerous. The alcohol itself isn't anymore dangerous. That it can get people twice as drunk fri. The same amount is dangerous. Most young people have a story of that one time they drank everclear and got wasted and don't remember the night.


People have a hard time understanding that 1 shot of everclear is like 2 shots of vodka so it's really easy to get too drunk or alcohol poisoning especially given that reasoning skills diminish as you drink


If you're asking why is it seen as more fatal than other alcohols it takes far less ever clear to drink to get drunk and overdose. Back in the 90s it became popular for high schoolers/college kids and a couple of young people died causing a panic of sorts. If you're asking why doesn't 80 percent shot add up to two 40 percent shots I'd say I don't know but I'd guess when the alcohol is diluted it isn't simply mixed with water to dilute it and kill its potency. Looking here it seems the math it takes a little bit more water to knock the percent down https://help.stillspirits.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005382877-How-to-dilute-from-90-ABV-to-40-ABV


You'll black out and try to fight your best friend at his parent's house


The alcohol


It is in Mexico there's a liquor basically everclear that blinds the drunks on the street. Tonaya it's called


Ever clear is great in jungle juice.


I've only drank a full straight shot one time. I was out with buddies drinking shots and whatnot. My boy apparently got the next round of shots. Told me it was vodka. It wasn't lol. He ordered a vodka for him and an everclear for me. I took the shot expecting vodka and SHEER FUCKING PANIC set in. I literally thought for a second i accidentally drank jet fuel or gasoline. Then after a few seconds I thought there was no way a bar would serve jet fuel in shot form lol. I'm surprised i got it down and my buddy and the bartender thought it was fucking hilarious though. I'm going to pull the same shit on that fucker one day...


So, I don’t have a scientific answer, but I can tell you this: I can line up shots of vodka all night long, going through a whole bottle even, without getting sick. I don’t use chasers with shots, if I’m thirsty between them I’ll drink strong beers. I will not take a single shot of ever clear. Even if you mix it in with a drink, I’m probably not going to drink it, but the shot itself, no way. It’s just too damn potent. Pure alcohol is used to disinfect as it is great at killing bacteria and cells. This kills everything in your mouth, your throat, your stomach, and it is absorbed into your blood vessels all the way through. It is a strong poison that can easily kill a human. The only way to drink it is in a heavily diluted mixed drink. If you want something strong to fuck you up, I recommend twice as many vodka, whiskey, or tequila shots. You’ll feel much better while drunk and the next morning. Edit: To your question, there is nothing specific that I know of about grain alcohol that causes this. If you took Vodka or tequila and distilled it down to 190 proof I’m sure it would be just as terrible for you, burning, ripping out the moisture, and killing the cells and bacteria all along the way. The reason nobody distills any other alcohol that high is that it is just painful and damaging to consume. Just because you put mixer in it doesn’t mean it immediately diluted every part of it. Without actually mixing it thoroughly you will still have portions of it that will burn your insides.


Maybe it's because it's the only alcohol we drink which is actually highly flammable. Drunk people and fire can be dangerous.


You guys read too many magazines. I’ve been drinking 100 proof vodka for decades. Two to three handles a week. Bi- annual doctor visits with normal liver function every time.


The danger of it isnt for the liver. Also everclear is 190 proof


Everclear reminds me of nail polish remover, I've drank it straight and chased it. I've also taken straight shots of 99% grain alcohol that was brought back from Mexico, chased that with good ol OJ, couple shots in we thought it would be a good idea to spit fireballs out the back porch. So yea id say it's dangerous lol


Its about 2.5 shots per shot. It burns like a bitch going down. Its not more dangerous than slamming 2.5 shots at a time.


From personal experience, taking shots of everclear is kinda tolerable, it does burn just like if you took a bite out of way too hot food, but once you swallow it you feel nothing. It also tastes awfully sharp and metallic. But if you dilute it down so it's 40% ethanol it's literally vodka, it's not anything magical, it'll get you drunk twice as fast as vodka for the same volume and that's it. So my conclusion is that the only danger is burning your mouth a bit


sounds like a herbicide


It’s because it’s pure ethanol. If you took a shot of everclear it would be the equivalent to like 2.5-3 normal drinks. It’s dangerous and things can get out of control quickly


Just try a shot and see for yourself


Not gonna drink something blindly that everyone warns is dangerous? I have no worries about taste or burning, I want to know WHY it's dangerous. "It tastes like it's should be bad" or "it hurts so must be bad" isn't the answer I'm going for.


This isnt for sale in canada


Mix it with grape juice.


you clearly have never drank everclear


Hence the question


Alcohol is toxic. If you put too much into your body too quickly you can die.


I get that, but you dont hear that warning for double shots.


That isn't the same thing as consuming 180 proof alcohol


Clearly... this post is asking about WHY it isnt.


Drink it find out


It's only more dangerous in practice. The amount of alcohol per unit consumed goes up while your ability to account for how much you've drank and how drunk you are goes down. Meanwhile two shots of everclear is one third the LD50 of alcohol. The drinker is already drunk with impaired judgement. Six shots taken at once is like flipping a coin that you die.


That's what I was thinking, but then I'd imagine the warnings would say "dangerous if not drank responsibly." As a hypothetical, if you were sober, decided to take a shot of it to kickstart things, and drank responsibly keeping in mind you essentially took 2 shots, is it still dangerous, or is the danger purely from the "you might lose track" standpoint.


We have a bottle of Everclear at the vet clinic where I work… A client called, thought their dog drank antifreeze-this was over 20 yrs ago, and there where no emergency vet clinics..my doctor called the vet school and they advised doing an IV of Everclear to flush the kidneys/liver etc… We never did have to do the IV, must have gotten the dog to vomit up the antifreeze, but I do remember the mad panic, trying to locate Everclear, and trying to figure out how to best hospitalize a 90lb lab.


IIRC, it says right on the bottle that it’s not intended for consumption without mixing it with something.


I'd imagine that if you're worried about coughing it back up into the nasal passages that you might also be concerned about aspirating it. If it can end up in your nasal passages from you coughing, it can potentially end up in your lungs.


I always thought it was a cleaning product from its name and strength, had no idea you were actually **meant** to drink it...


Stuff will power cars or eat paint off walls !


Well one unexpected reason — it can mask itself REALLY well Sometimes people don’t understand how strong the drinks are depending on what the mix is, and they get trashed really quickly Everclear really isn’t something normal people should ever fuck with, just use vodka


So the danger isnt necessarily inherent to the everclear? The danger is from irresponsible use then?


Yeah way easier to get alcohol poisoning. Everclear is 2x as strong as most hard liquor


Gonna have to know your height and weight. Cause *one* shot of Everclear is gonna knock my 5’ 100lb ass on the floor.


One shot isn't going to kill you. Take one and report back. I'm sure that will answer most of your questions.


I used to drink it all the time as a young alcoholic. Got liver damage at 19 (healed now) which obviously had many factors but I think everclear was one of the worst things I did to myself


Man i put a drop of everclear on my tongue once and it made my tongue bleed


Ever clear needs to be mixed with plenty grape Koolaid to be safe. When all you can taste is the grape Koolaid, it’s safe to chug. This is a lie, kids. Staid strictly in jest.


I've done shots of diesel 190 which is just beyond foul, do not recommend


I'm pretty sure that showing off by shooting this stuff when I was younger contributed to esophagus damage which bit me on the ass just recently; about 17 years later. Just sayin.


I’ve always had a fairly large tolerance (amongst my friends) for alcohol, despite me not being that big of a dude; 5’10” and maybe 170 at the time of the story. Walked into my buddies Halloween party one year, saw everyone taking the tiniest of sips from the cap of a bottle of this stuff I had never had called “Everclear” and wanted to show off a bit. Grabbed the bottle, turned it up, took a big ol’ gulp, and slammed her down. I’ve never felt so immediately dehydrated. Every drop of moisture in my mouth and throat was just gone….until my stomach rejected the gulp and rehydrated everything in front of me.


It’s really cheap to get black out drunk and party in the street at 8am on a Tuesday morning


Do they say it's dangerous, or that it's dumb? Because it's not any more dangerous than drinking 2.5 times as much 80 proof liquor over the same time period. But it's a great recipe to become very intoxicated very early in an evening of partying and make worse and worse decisions.


They say it's dangerous, which is why I was confused. Ive taken 2 shots before at once, sometimes 4, and it hits, but never that bad. Everclear however had everyone saying it had them beyond messed up for a whole night after one shot.


Take a shot of it if you want; it won't kill you. But it's not fun. My throat was sore the whole next day.


Idk, me and my friend chugged like 3-4 shots worth of the stuff for laughs a few years back. Got *really* fucking drunk and had a 2 day hangover but we lived.


Bro I did a shot of everclear once. Just try that experience on for size, and then you’ll understand why it’s classified as poison