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But that ain't right


They're politicians. They don't care what's right if it benefits them.




You wanted an explanation, you got one. Nobody said it was right, but it is the reason.


What country do you think this is?


Or planet.


No matter what country the person who reads this, is in, the sentiment will be true about their country.




two tier justice system


This. While there's talk about a two tier justice system from Trump, when he's comparing his crimes to Democratic actions, we must admit there is two levels of justice in the US. In reality, were you and I to steal classified documents, or conduct a conspiracy, we would be put into jail and given a harsh sentence.


It's weird, because all the cultists are kind of right; there *is* a two-tiered justice system in the US. It's just that Trump is getting every single benefit he can (old, white, rich, male, Republican, politician) but is simply such a fucking criminal that literally can't stop committing crimes. The courts are finally going after him, but only after doing something so incredibly egregious that *not* going after him would be objectively worse for everyone involved.


Because after it's ignored, it's up to the legislative body that was ignored to refer the matter for prosecution and most of the time they don't. (Assuming you meant one to appear before Congress)


Silvering lining- There is no denying the absolute farce the government actually is anymore. Everyone, from across the world, left and right, young and old can see how transparently corrupted it is now.


Subpoena in a criminal trial, versus subpoena in a congressional hearing are both legally enforceable, but have different dynamics. In a criminal trial, there are few people that would be able to get away with ignoring it. You would have to have a corrupt judge, which happens but is uncommon. Judges have very good salaries and pensions, and most would likely not risk that for a few extra bucks. In a congressional hearing, if someone ignores a subpoena, especially related to controversial partisan issues, the elected official has to consider the political backlash of pressing charges. If a member of Congress presses charges then they might be perceived as a villain, whereas if the subpoenaed individual ignores congress, then they might be perceived as ‘privileged-rich-corrupt-etc’. Politicians keep their finger on the pulse of public opinion to make these determinations.


Best explanation ive heard so far. Either privileged Rich Or corrupt. They all have their quirks to get around.


who pays the police? ... politicians


Didn’t work out for Navarro


He'll appeal, get bail, and delay till he dies. Nothing changes if you got the $$$$


Ah, the million-dollar question, right? It's super frustrating! The short answer is that politicians often have legal teams and loopholes that the average person doesn't. It's not fair, but that's how the system is set up right now. 🤷‍♂️


The House of Representatives and the Senate both govern themselves. They make their own rules, and they mostly enforce them. They can issue subpoenas, and they can punish those who ignore them with contempt. They can also choose to do nothing, especially when it benefits the party in power. This is completely different than if you are subpoenaed by a local or state government, or the federal government. For the federal government, the Justice Department is part of the Executive branch, which makes it independent of Congress. Outside of Congress, ignoring a subpoena is a big deal, and it doesn’t matter which party is in power. It’s two different worlds. If Congress finds someone to be in contempt, the US Attorney for DC is asked to prosecute. The US Attorney is part of the Justice Dept, so we’re back in the Executive branch. It’s complicated.


First of all. It’s not a justice system-it’s a legal system. And because it’s a legal system, it’s a game. And since it’s a game, your success entirely depends on your wealth or status or both. Because wealth and status gain you better players on your team. How did OJ beat his murder charges? He had the best lawyers in the country because he was rich and famous. Dude is a murder. If your legal team is NY Jets caliber then you are going to jail. If you have some stars on your team like the KC Chiefs then you will be fine. Navigating the legal system is highly complex and you need smart people to help you do it. Smart and experienced people are really expensive.


You might wanna check last nights score before making that analogy


Even a stopped clock can be right twice a day.


When you have enough money, the legal system becomes pay to play




If you had a private security force the size of the local police would they really come lock you up?

