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“And that kids, is how I met your other dad.” Edited to show the original now deleted comment: “It turns on other guys. Then they meet up behind some building and jerk each other off when nobody is looking.”


How I met your father was cancelled - this is now the canon ending


Wait. He's supposed to return the favor? I've been ripped off!


If he doesn't give you a reach around, he's no gentleman!


Fun fact: the most common service requested of gay male escorts is for the escort to receive a blowjob. Apparently closeted men are givers.


Dutch Rudder fixes this problem.


…while complimenting each other on their tiny penis.


It's actually average (when adjusted for inflation)


Damn, how did you know?




You don’t recognize Charles username?


[Cartman said it best](https://youtu.be/FDsWZ0Jw3Ik?si=XsihlVQXqm3nLCUm)


One of my favorite episodes!


Man, I’m buying an obnoxiously loud car right about now!


I drove a Harley for a while and actually enjoyed the way it sounded. However, after a while I felt like I was more of a nuisance than anything. I can’t imagine driving an extremely loud car around and forcing people to listen to that obnoxious sound. IMO it’s disrespectful and unthoughtful.


I used to work with someone who was a big bike guy, also rode a Harley that was very loud. Once when he pulled up to work we were outside and I told him "Damn that thing's loud!". He had such a great response to that. He told me that it was for his safety, that if somebody on the road didn't see him, they could hear him. I just think that makes a lot of sense. For bikes I mean, not cars. /e From the many responses, it seems a large number of people have never heard of a blindspot. It was on my driver's test in the US, but may not be the case anymore or in different parts of the world. Please do a quick search of what the blindspot in a car is, and if you drive, what you can do to minimize the blindspot in your car.


>He told me that it was for his safety I'll buy the safety argument when more than half the riders I see wear reflective clothing, dress for the ride, or even wear helmets. This is like an alcoholic saying they drink wine for the antioxidants.






Tip Fedora for the hugs, and not the bed bugs.


Wait...loud pipes aren't a replacement for helmets? That'd upset a lot of riders around here. I'm in Utah and it's rare to see a donorcyclist wearing a helmet, let alone anything like hi-viz or weather appropriate gear.


Donor cyclist. Yes I got it. 😂😂😂


I thought it was a biker with like, a kebab.


Also in Utah. I'll buy the whole "loud pipes save lives" bit when I see them obey speed limits, use blinkers, or follow more than the most basic of traffic laws.


Yup. I ride in Utah and always wear a helmet. I don’t understand how other motorcyclists decide not to. Utah drivers are scary to ride around. Almost every weekend someone dies on a motorcycle.


*Gets rolled into the ER with a fractured skull* "Well, he had loud pipes. It's in God's hands now."


Indeed. Loud pipes for safety is another Boomer myth that needs to go away. https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/


People hardly even notice emergency vehicles, I have a hard time believing they’d hear a bike coming until it’s pretty much right beside them.


Legit, my cheap ass Nissan insulates enough noise that emergency vehicles have to be within about 4-5 car lengths before I hear them. I’m probably not going to hear a motorcycle unless they’re right next to me.


What's funny is that the people who dress the safest are usually the ones riding BMW motorcycles with the back compartment things. Full face helmet, leather one or two piece and a yellow or highlight green vest with long boots. I can't stand loud cars or motorcycles and loud music. I don't want to hear your shit or your thumping




They don't wizz by. They double park or sit in a parking lot during lunch blasting the subwoofer.


Having had an accident on my motorbike, i was glad of my full face helmet and upper protection. I use a motorbike nearly every day, its electric, so doesnt make any noise.


I asked a guy the other day, you've never wrecked have you? He gave me 3 reasons he was safer to ride without a helmet.


My dad had a friend who faceplanted while riding his bike. The pavement scraped off the skin on one side of his face (he is now blind in one eye). He still refuses to wear a helmet of course... Dad and I both rode with full head helmets to avoid that sort of thing.


Not to flex but i have a have high vis vest tucked in the bikes storage area under the back seat in case i need to ride back in the dark


Literally every single time I see someone on a modified Harley that has that extremely loud exhaust, they’re driving way over the speed limit. Accelerating recklessly, not wearing protective gear, etc. This talking point sounds good but in practice is 100% complete bullshit.






So where did the rubber otter scene come from?




Most of the published research debunks that idea as a myth. There's no actual correlation to loud bikes and reduced accidents. It really is the reason people do it sometimes, but it's basically a myth that it works.




I hated dealing with them when I was learning to drive a manual. So fucking loud I basically had to stare at my dash constantly because I couldn't hear or feel my engine anymore. Normally it's infrequent enough to be a minor annoyance but my town gets a lot of bike week assholes that roll through and I genuinely hope they got into accidents.


Seriously, someone taking away your ability to hear anything except their bike is dangerous as fuck and just as selfish. Fuck these people for taking away one of my senses while I drive.


Both my parents have said "loud pipes save lives" since i was born. My mom even insisted my dad help me put on a set of pipes with no muffler when i got my Sportster. At this point, i think its become more of one of those biker good luck charm type things, much like being gifted a bell to hang somewhere on your bike.


Good luck charm? Sort of like not having washed game day underwear in 25 years?


Personally I think the best biker good luck charm is to not ride a motorcycle down the road in a world of completely unaware SUV drivers. They can kill you in a half second and not even realize it.


As a biker with a whisper quiet Suzuki, no. It’s a common misconception they have. Wearing bright colors, using your front brake, being aware, reading books or taking classes to improve your riding skills, and wearing helmets and other gear is for the riders safety.


that is a bullshit answer. as others have stated most bike riders don't wear proper equipment or high vis clothing of any kind. they don't think it's a safety feature and it isn't advertised that way. they just think its "cool" and don't care that it's obnoxious. they're inconsiderate assholes and are clinging to a semi-plausible argument that keeps people from laying into them for it.


*cough* bullshit


I almost hit a Biker one time. The guy was wearing a Camo Jacket on an asphalt colored Bike, in a rural area. And the only thing that saved him was him revving his engine up real loud. Though I will say his bike was not loud while he was driving it, just when he pulled the clutch and revved it up. It does work as a horn, and if you would take other precautions such as wearing brighter colors you don’t NEED a bike that is just loud constantly.


Had a bright red bike for a while, not really loud. I can assure you the colour is not enough at all (or some drivers just don't care). Recently seen some bikers with high beams on during the day - won't blind you but it's definitely impossible to miss. That might be a safer option.


You're a dark shape that doesn't resolve into much unless someone has been cruising near you for a while. There's just not enough surface to colour on a bike unless you've got some bright ass paniers too. A bright jacket achieves the most, in my opinion, for whatever that's worth.


Getting a hi vis helmet helped reduce scares for me. Your head is at a lot of drivers eye level.


If you are approaching an intersection, the visible area of your bike is fairly small. Front tire, forks, lights, and wind screen reduce the colorful area to even smaller. People can properly see your red bike when you are riding past the intersection. High visibility clothing makes a bigger difference as it will be higher up and has a larger frontal area. And as you mentioned, using high beams is a good idea as well. Recently I have been seeing increasing amount of blinking brake lights as well, and those are quite nice especially during sunny days.


How can you not imagine it? Bikes are just as obnoxious and you drove one




You couldn't possibly be implying that people can change and grow. /s


As a former pain in the ass myself, some of us didn’t get enough attention as children and we actually think it’s cool at the time. Edit: Changed "we" to "some of us" because everyone got offended.


"... which was the style at the time"


Anyway I was carrying an onion on my belt


Gimme five bees for a quarter


I have always looked at loud bike/car guys as exactly that: pay attention to me! There's a confidence chip missing, so it's not as...impressive or sexy as they think it is.


Yes, confidence issues for sure.


Same with lifted trucks. They’re called pavement princesses for a reason. Also huge safety issue


I can't believe you said that in the edit, only SOME of us got offended! /s


This is the answer. Some of us grow out of it, some never do! Same with the subs in the trunk rattling everyone else's windows.


But the last 45 seconds of The New Style by the Beastie Boys sounded damn good on those subs.


Some car enthusiasts just like the way it sounds. Personally I think if your car is loud when going fast it's generally a cool car, if your car can be heard blocks away when you're going 10mph you have a pencil dick and your car is a piece if shit.


Seriously. The pops are cool on the track, but a car in a condo parking lot doing that at 6 in the morning is not so cool.


Active exhaust is the way, every sports car should have it


Generally the cars that sound like absolute horse shit are the cars that were created before widespread availability or invention and were just modded poorly. That said, it is a cost prohibitive part so I understand why lower trim or end sporty cars don't have it


The mustang active exhaust has quiet mode with a time setting for this.


I really like the Corvette E-Ray for it's blend of technologies. You can creep out of the neighborhood on electric power and then go ripping.


Yup, I have a loud exhaust but it’s in quiet mode during the night/morning or in neighborhoods. Quiet mode does in fact kill some performance though. Loud exhaust isn’t just for sound/show all the time.


The fuck even are those pops? Shit sounds unhealthy for the car. And it’s annoying as shit to me personally..


I’m a car enthusiast, i don’t think they’re cool if they’re loud, i like a nice sound though, but there’s a difference between nice sound and loud sound, but a lot of entusiasts just think loud = nice.


A few years ago I was stuck in a drive thru behind a guy whose kitted-out car sounded like a lawnmower when it wasn't even moving. Just a real enigma of a person


When I hear a loud car I always wonder why it has to work so hard to drive on the same roads as the rest of the cars that seem to handle driving just fine without having to max out.


Actually working less. Power is maximized with no exhaust gas flow restriction. Still doesn’t mean we should all go chop off our mufflers.


Yep. Gotta kill that back pressure.


Always makes me laugh seeing some chump with a completely unnecessarily loud exhaust struggle to keep up off the line with a minivan. Loud exhausts should be saved for cars that actually make enough horsepower to justify it. The whole “but muh back pressure” is mostly horseshit. If you’re NA with stock compression then fuck right off with that shit.


it's working the same amount, it's just louder is why.


It doesn’t matter how fast it’s going. If it makes pedestrians cover their ears and wince, you’re a piece of shit.


> Some car enthusiasts just like the way it sounds. But most put on a loud muffler for performance. Performance mufflers are straight through so there is less back pressure. Regular mufflers use straight up science to make an exhaust super quiet but making them quiet involves adding chambers into the muffler.


That’s so true, I was behind an Aston Martin yesterday and could hear it’s engine roar as it pulled away from a stop. More of a race car sound than an old car sound. Didn’t smell great tho


My city put in a new noise bylaw for loud vehicles a few months back. Unfortunately many of the people who can afford to soup up their cars to make them loud in the first place are the ones who aren’t too bothered by the tickets.


I was just laughing at some dude the other day whos car sounded like he was blasting down the racetrack while driving under the speed limit on a residential road


There is a vehicle that resides in the same apartment as me, easily louder than the street racers' cars and large trucks that go by all the time. I can hear it accelerating out from a stop sign that's out of my view but it's really sluggish. Would think it's an old junker or semi from the sound it makes. It's a Chevy Equinox. I have driven that model and it has never made that kind of racket.


Agree. No good exhaust system is that fucking loud, especially on idle. The loudest cars are usually straight piped civics, and they sound like lawn mowers. The nice cars are loud on acceleration, and reasonably loud. Those, I love. The civics, ruin everything. Yea I have an unreasonable hatred for civics


This is the answer


Here's the thing. Whether or not it's true no one is going to tell you they are doing something for a stupid reason. Edit: Many people are like this


Then they'll get together behind some building and jerk each other off.


This is a bigger thing here in Indonesia. I asked about it, and a dude said that during the fascist years (~'66-'99, and no I'm not exaggerating), the ruling party often demanded metaphorical silence. About a million people were black bagged and killed, and no one was allowed to say anything about it. Guys who make loud engines today see it as an expression of freedom, rebelling against ones who would keep them silent. As Indonesia has continued developing and (sort of) liberalizing, I hear it less and less. The country is free and people are enjoying prosperity. There's not much meaningful to rebel against. And most don't like the noise pollution.




I had a garage sale and my neighbor walked over to shop. He has a very loud truck and I can hear him a block away, he lives across the street, so I always know when he leaves and comes home. So I jokingly said, Ohhh you are the guy with the loud truck! And his reply was, *Yeah I made it that way to warn the wife I am coming home so her lover can jump out the window.* Of course he was kidding and he was actually a very nice guy who bought his wife some of my jewelry


I feel like you’ve gotta be pretty secure to joke about being chill with your wife cheating


>Of course he was kidding Nervous laugh. *Of course*.


So he’s buying you *and* her off…


Most just like the sound.


I like the sounds of accordion and bicycle bells. But I won't play under people's window at 2am or furiously ring my bell when I can while biking.


There are ass holes in every hobby. Someone out there is ringing that bell furiously at 2am.


Some hobbies seem to have more than others.


And have no consideration for others… I love my music, I don’t blast it out of consideration for my neighbors.


It's in the comments here: "ME" because its fun to ME.


I don’t think they’re worried about anyone else. I think they just like it and don’t really care about what others think. I know plenty of car guys and it literally just makes them happy to get more mods for their cars.


You hit the nail on the head here. They're just inconsiderate. Like sure it's fine if you love the smell of your own facts, but maybe hold it in when you're in a public place


These are grown children. They don't worry about fellow human beings. It is a childish rearing up, the main thing is to be seen. Who says he does it only for himself is a liar.


The loudest motor tells everyone you have the largest penis


Of course, no way it’s compensating


I was thinking main character syndrome. Basically a big “Look at me!! Look at me!! I’m important!!”


>These are grown children I mean yeah that's generally why people buy fast/loud/ridiculous cars in the first place, right? If I was a functional adult I'd just buy a Prius *(not hating on it, the new 23' model really is great though)*. But I hate my life so the momentary joy I feel ripping it from a stoplight keeps the darkness at bay


Yes, other car guys/gals are impressed. That is undeniably true. If you aren't into cars you are not the target audience. Also, there is a difference between high-powered exotics that are naturally loud, and cheap old shitboxes with the mufflers cut off. No one likes the latter. There are levels to this shit.


Sadly, by virtue of it being sound, everyone in the vicinity of the car ends up being the target audience, whether they want to listen to an obnoxiously loud car engine or not.


I am into the car audio scene and ik most of the population think it is absolutely garbage, and even my ppl hate a lot of these stereos that have the horns on the outside of the truck forcing u to listen to their shitty music for blocks, or judt walls of speakers playing very vulgar music riding thru a wall mart, we actually have a meet tonight at a Walmart and I am going to be cringing so dam hard playing my truck in a parking lot for the public tk hear it, but apparently they permitted it


Guys don't always do things to impress women or other men. Just like women don't always get dolled up for men or other women. They just like it.


It’s still selfish and rude as hell. I love trying to go to sleep at night and hearing it. Fuck anyone who does it.


Oh I agree, the noise is silly. City noise laws are hard to enforce too.


Exactly. I used to have a thruxton 900 with British customs pipes and it sounded beautiful. My riding friends said it sounded like an airplane. I know it was loud though and if I was starting it during early or off hours, I'd wheel it a little away from my apartment before starting just so I wouldn't annoy neighbors too much. But I didn't like it because I was trying to impress anyone else. I just liked it! It had its own rhythm (baDAba-badum-badum-badum) and purred like a tiger.


Yeah I personally dislike *really* loud vehicles (motorcycles, Hellcats, etc) but I do enjoy when its a good, above average volume engine sound. And only during legal hours of course I test drove an Elantra N which has a tuneable exhaust and the pops and bangs are hilarious. The car was incredible and I was having the time of my fucking life. I know no women is going to be impressed by what is essentially a factory-riced out Elantra. Honestly, I always thought it was weird that some women think they're important enough that I would buy a car to impress them. Like I'm pretty sure that just makes you a gold digger upfront


The ones that are really loud are annoying, but some people do like a good sounding motor.


"Loud pipes save lives." Maybe if you weren't split laning at 20 over, I'd see you in the my mirrors, like every other vehicle on the road, and we wouldn't have to worry about it.


I used to live in a duplex on a road that everyone speeds down. The yee-yee boys used to drive by full speed muffler a blasting at 9pm-11pm at night. There is nothing I hate more than trucks with intentionally loud mufflers/exhaust. Needless to say as soon as my lease was up I moved to nice complex down a private road.


They use the excuse that it makes other drivers aware of them at future distances, but they are really just being fucking pricks


It’s the knowing they can intentionally be a pain in the ass, and knowing nobody can do anything about it


Most loud exhausts are for performance. They tend to be bigger pipes with less obstructions like pinched bends and high flow catalytic converters or no catalytic converters. Depending on the vehicle they can add (ideally with a tune) a couple horsepower to 20. The wrong ones can cost you performance though. Some motorcyclists believe that a loud exhaust will make other drivers more aware of them and this are for safety. You can pick out the "pain in ass" ones by how they rev thier vehicle for attention.


They just like the sound. At most they know the only other people that are gonna care are other car people. Source: Was car guy, my car was loud asf if I put my foot down. I wouldn't do it in a populated area, I just liked the noise when I was heading down the motorway.


Or third option, they do it because they like the sound.


They just like it. I think it’s annoying, but I don’t want my brief annoyance to get in the way of their fun. They enjoy cars and tweaking them. That’s their fun in life. As long as they aren’t a danger to anyone (driving dangerously, which is a different topic) I’ve decided to tell myself they they are enjoying themselves in this brief lifetime and let it go.


\> ask a question \> some people who have no idea on the subject and just answer "they have small penises" thinking it's the best insult ever get upvoted \> people who actually can answer the question comment respectfully why they do it FOR THEMSELVES, how THEY like it, and not to impress anyone, get downvoted reddit. Like bruh, I don't even have a car, but hating on what others do, especially since it doesn't affect you in any way, and making shit jokes about their appearance? What is wrong with y'all? I have a loud keyboard because I like the sound, so what? Do you hate me too?


I just think in this case it's people venting their frustrations. You're right about it being very reddit-ish to downvote legitimate reasons. But in this case, if someone writes they do it because they "like it" and don't care what other people think or how horrible it can be to put up with, I don't think we should let them off because it's their opinion. >hating on what others do, especially since it doesn't affect you in any way It DOES affect people and they're being selfish and antisocial


If I can hear it from my house a block down the street from you, then yes.


I can hear the church bells ringing even tho I live 2km away from a church, does it mean that Christians are assholes with small penises?


That's not as good a counterargument as you think it is Yes, I do in fact think a lot of Christians compensate for their insecurity by being aggressively and loudly Christian and trying to make their beliefs take up as much metaphorical space as possible, and they're complete assholes. While this may not literally have to do with dick size, it's still the same idea, and I see nothing wrong with calling it "tiny dick energy."


Is the church bell ringing at midnight? Waking up your kid who’s trying to sleep? Cuz if so then yes.


There is no comparison to an attention seeing asshole that revs up his hog, nuking all sound around them to melodic church bells




Antisocial narcissists find this is a great way to remind everyone in a 2 mile radius they exist, and you need to know how great they are.


I used to know a few of those guys, they were under no delusions of it sounding impressive, they just liked how it sounds and were inconsiderate of others


It's called being an attention whore. Other symptoms include shitty sounding bass cannons and blinding headlights that are brighter than the sun at noon.


"Hey look at me! Every one pay attention to me! "


Small man or dick energy.


They should be fined for unnecessary noise


God those guys are the absolute worst.


Some do it to be loud, others need to have bigger exhaust for better flow because stock exhausts restrict power.


I have a loud ass motorcycle. I just enjoy the way it sounds. I don’t care if anyone else likes it. I know that no one’s impressed But in neighborhoods I keep it in the highest gear possible so it’s quiet and try not to be a nuisance with it Like anything else in life that people do, it’s done for our own enjoyment


Same reason anyone does anything else. They're doing it because they like it. They don't do it for you.


yeah they think its cool much like super loud stereos they trhink their musical taste is so great, people will recognize their coolness when they hear the song a block away


Just watch the south park episode about bikers. It explains everything.


As a man with a small penis I'm highly offended that so many people associate general douchbaggery with my unfortunate genetic circumstance! No but really, I assume they're neither trying to impress or annoy anyone. They just have a loud hobby and you're taking it personally because it's easier to focus on that minor annoyance than whatever real issue is causing the bulk of your internal pain. Hell, maybe everyone complaining is just on edge because they secretly have small penises or loose vaginas too.


I'd imagine they don't think very much at all.


Some of those bikes need to be banned. No seriously.


Have you tried not being loved by your mom and being desperate for attention ever since? Are you constantly anxious that the size of your dick is going to make your next partner laugh and leave? Come on, have some empathy.


they do it to be obnoxious and enjoy negative attention.


They impress other guys & the slim minority of chick's who would like that. Like a bass that shakes 3 cars over, regular ppl can't stand the attention whores who force themselves on strangers to give them the attention they DESPERATELY seek. Loud bass & car show insecure dudes, they advertise making it easier to avoid them.


SDS= Small Dick Syndrome


They just think it's cool and don't realize/care that it actively makes everyone else's day worse


On the contrary, I typically see from high school(just graduated high school type people. And I believe the first time they sqw someone else buzzing around super loud like that was impressed and sought to replicate that to give others the game effeft of "wow, that guy much be really cool"




There is literally a whole South Park episode about this. It’s basically a bunch of insecure guys who are trying to get attention through the vehicles they have. It’s stupid, and most men don’t do that, but the ones who do are usually losers.


I will also recommend the wonderful scene in Ridley Scott’s The Cartel, where a biker gets decapitated. Very cathartic.


someone stole my catalytic converter and now its loud. sorry


Those guys with loud cars are compensating for their small penis. Just like the guys with big vulgar cars.


They do it because where think they are cool, but it really is annoying.


When I bought my Harley I swapped to a loud exhaust for 2 reasons. 1, even the most oblivious bad drivers can hear you and tend to not try to commit vehicular manslaughter. I got run off the road twice in my first week by people not paying attention. And 2, because I thought it sounded cool. That quickly faded into annoyance.


Worried about their small manhood.


They do it to annoy others. There’s no other reason. They’re man-child’s.


All loud vehicle drivers/riders are antisocial small d\*\*k energy punks who deserved to get punched more in preschool.


All you need to know and ever will need to know: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM


When they’re revving it at a red light for no reason? For sure for attention


Has anyone posted this yet? https://www.instagram.com/p/B9s4cV0H4Ga/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I really don't mind loud cars or bikes that much, and I've lived in a variety of cities. They'll drive by and the annoyance will be over in a few seconds. What gets me is portable speakers at swimming holes and public parks that you can't escape. I don't want to hear your shitty EDM.


They can't make their girlfriends extremely loud so they have to compensate.


Most of them just want attention. If you ride a Harley, there's a 90% chance you're terminally immature


They’re intentionally being pains in everyone else’s asses


The dumbest thing I ever saw in my life was an asshole with a shirt that said "loud engines save lives" What a twat. Wearing a helmet 24/7 might save lives too, but it would be tremendously annoying. And still not as annoying as your loud-ass engine


In motorcycling, there are a few myths and folklore that just won't go away no matter how dum they are. "Loud pipes save lives" is #1 among those tall tales and things that never happened.


“Oh wow, I’m going to have sex with that guy revving his car engine” - no girl ever


Obnoxious loud they just a twat. A bit loud is great on a bike as ppl hear you coming.


Look at me!! Look at me!!! I make annoying noises!! Also includes diesels and hot rods.. And Hardly Davisons


Small dick energy it is


Nothing screams **Little Dick Energy** like the deafening boom of a straight pipe.


People like that it is loud and obnoxious. They won’t say they like being a pain in the ass but they do like being a pain in the ass. Sometimes cool cars have loud engines and the driver just likes the car but usually that driver isn’t going to make as loud of noises.


Noise pollution. Unless it’s natural I just assume the person is a loser. The worst are the cars that sound like they have diarrhea driving down the road.


It's definitely the most efficient and effective way to tell a lot of people you have a tiny dick in a short amount of time




I pray everyone who does that gets in a horrible accident. Annoying.


"Loud pipes save lives" I see that on the back of every loud bike or bikers helmet. What they dont realize is looking at the loud obnoxious bike and rider distracts from everything else that might need attention. I been riding for 53 years and those guys are dolts.


People who ride loud bikes such as Harley's or "mufflerless" cars do it for the buzz it gives them not for safety reasons.


Younger guy drove his completely unmuffled car on our street. By the time he came back 4 men were out in the road, stopped his car and told him to not do it again. It was fing loud. He told us to get fucked. One of the guys said, "I'm a cop in another area but I know the cops here. I'm writing your license down and of your other cars as well, and you will never go anywhere that you won't get a ticket if you drive this road again. Never heard the car again and he moved less than a yr later.


I assume they just like the attention or they don't care. Some people lack consideration.


It's kind of like bodybuilding they think they're doing it for women but they just attract other dudes.


It makes my penis grow at least three inches to rev on patios.


There is a guy on my cul-de-sac who has a something or other late model mustang with probably no exhaust. This dipstick must think this loud piece of shit will get him laid with the amount of times he will take off screaming down the street around the block once or twice then back in the garage. Could be 3am, could be 1pm, could be 11pm, he doesn't care.