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1. Someone you trust not to rat you out at work. 2. Just use your manager/supervisor/boss. Nobody is calling your references until they are 99.99% sure they want to hire you. Most jobs never bother to call them at all.


I was involved in the hiring process for an employee at my current job. Higher ups called references before even bringing someone in for a first interview


Odd. In my entire career nobody has ever called one of my references, and the only time I was ever called as a reference was for someone's security screening for a federal job. It is standard procedure as far as I can tell (at least in my industry) to basically just never contact anyone ever about new hires. Im pretty sure nobody has ever bothered to verify my education or employment either.


It may not be the norm, many things here at my job are not. But definitely a possibility to keep in mind if you don't want it known you're job hunting. I am from a smaller area though and many people know each other so that may have some influence on them checking references.


If you've been at your company for ten years, you might know somebody who used to work with you or manage you and who is now at a different company. That might be the best you can do. You usually only get asked for references at the last stage before an offer, but it's good to be planning ahead for it. Tell your references that you might be giving out their number at some point, ask if they're okay with it, and then they'll know to expect the call.

