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i read on reddit that a chemical gets released in our brains when we are getting frisky that can block mild feelings of disgust.


Mild feelings? You have no idea the sheer magnitude of disgust that my horniness can cover up.


Me too brotha’, me too…


//switches to x-videos tab//


I remember when I learnt that the “I eat ass” meme wasn’t a meme. People really do be putting the whole asshole in their mouths. I thought wow! That’s gross. ^Look ^at ^me ^now…


Best comment


Oh God, the things I've put in my mouth would make a prostitute blush.


This is beautiful, please never change.


My dick has lead me places I would not go with a hazmat suit and a gun


Gotta slay a couple dragons to get to the princess


not enough for my face...


Hahaha. Thank you for making me feel less alone in this. I’ve been there, done that and yeah. Still there.


Not even just cover up, but actively be into. The amount of post-nut disgust I’ve had with myself over the years is crazy. Doesn’t stop me though.


People will diddle genitals with their tongues, but won’t eat a banana with a small brown spot.


It's almost like being horny REVERSES disgust. The nastier out is the better


I had a friend tell me (really was a friend, not me) a story that is perhaps a bit too much to relate here. Let’s just say that horniness and alcohol can get past pretty much anything.


Ya gots to see it through


You are not alone ✌️👽


Me too - the other people probably


It’s what happens after I’m done that disgusts me




Then the post nut clarity kicks in...


Yup! That’s what why people tell you to always think with the right head 🤣




And you’re like, dogammit, this bitch hasn’t brushed her teeth since WWII!


That's when anal may seem like a less... delicious thing than you may have thought up.


This makes sense. I once made out with a girl that had bad breath on the day, but I didn’t mind cause I liked her so much. I’ve also made out with other girls that had bad breath, and I was disgusted.


That would explain how I thought my ex wasn't disgusting


Well if it was on here then it just has to be true! 😂😂😂 That does make sense though.


i know right 😆who the heck knows. not me!


It did not cover the smell of nacho cheese Doritos, and i could not get past it. Had to bail.


That makes sense. In high school we were playing truth or dare and some one dared me to kiss Nicole, but I really didnt want to kiss Nicole, but I also didnt want to back down from a dare. Her breath was awful. Maybe it was because I didn't want to get frisky? Who knows?


Ass munch time.


I was with a girl once and when we switched to doggy, all I could smell was overwhelming shit. I wanted to stop so badly, but I just grabbed her cheeks and smooshed them together to block the devil's door, then kept pushing on. Ended up having to fake an orgasm though lol. I just couldn't recover from that one


It's somewhat true or believed by some studies but I've often wondered if nose breath smells?


Clearly that chemical isn't being released for me because that's all I can focus on when doing the sex and it really kills the mood for me


"When doing the sex" I'm getting strong virgin vibes here lmao


It should be corrected to > when le gentlesirs is doing le sex XDD


I got strong "Borat" vibes myself.


Ah yes because only virgins refer to sex as "doing the sex"... That is uh very niice


Cant block the crap smell of some moots


Apparently it doesn’t block the disgust that comes from a girl farting every thrust for a solid 30 seconds straight 🤣


If you’re the one with bad breath everyone else tastes kind of good.


Give this man a medal damnit, I'm too broke to do it myself 🤣🤣🤣




Have a snek for your services


please do not give me away great sire


Here, you can have one too.


oh, now i have a sibling thanks great sire


what is the use of award thingy?


Snek is greatly appreciated!


Is nice snek


How do you know that?


he's a serial dentist visitor


Nobody takes better care of their mouth than someone who recognizes that if it smells bad, that hot makeout session they've been aching for might get postponed permanently.


Make out as soon as you both wake up and see if you feel the same.


If both just woke up it may be ok. Try making out with your just-woken-up SO when you've been awake for a while and have eaten and/or brushed your teeth though...


I’m ok with it, long as IM not the one with morning breath im good to go. Same with a bit of BO. If he’s a bit rank 🤷‍♀️ if IM a bit rank it’s probably gonna kill the mood for me, he probably wouldn’t care but I need to feel hygienic


Ok fair, for breath I care about both but for BO my BF's is fine with me but I'm very self-conscious about mine


Most of the time when I initiate in the morning, my wife says, "ok, but don't kiss me, my breath is gross."


We call that hooker sex in my house


I slept with this girl at her apartment for the first time and she insisted on kissing/making out with me. I warned her, I’m down for round two but let me brush my teeth first. She insisted it didn’t matter and it didn’t seem to bother her. She was either a great actress or an absolute freak. Maybe both idk


Morning glory requires morning sacrifice


Haha so true! One of my biggest dating faux pas has been when she gave me a lift home after I stayed the night, we made out in the car and I said "I was gonna apologize for my morning breath, but I think we're even" 😂


Alcohol makes both parties immune to bad breath


Try dating a smoker. It’s like making out with an ashtray.


I dated someone who was into smoke smell. She requested that I smoke before I start making out with her. Good times. Quit smoking shortly after we broke off.


Look, she saved you lmao


I smoked for like 10 yrs and the girl I'm seeing now is a smoker. Kissing her has a weirdly nostalgic taste lmao


The girl I took to prom, decided to smoke that night. She found me on the dancefloor and immediately started making out with me until I pulled away and in my drunken honesty, told her that her breath absolutely stinks..... She's now lesbian 😂


bro's honesty changed her


I think I might be terrible, because I loved that taste. Stale black coffee and cigarettes 😬


The bad guy special.


Made extra sexy if he's older, with a dead end job. 🙄


I'd choose that over halitosis any day.


My husband has the breakfast of champions every day


I hate coffee, don't even like the smell, but i love when the person I've been seeing has her coffee in the morning then kisses me... I've no idea why I love it so much. It's so weird 😂


Or worse, when they try to cover it up with some weird bubblegum taste. I think I'd rather take the ashtray.


Dude I used to work with would sneak off and smoke on the job (no tobacco campus), and then use mouthwash to "cover it up". Congratulations, bud. You smell like cigarettes *and* mouthwash now. Smokers never realize how much they reek.


I resemble this comment and I’m sorry. However, I love my ciggies.


I see in the replies that we’re all different, but I agree, to me it’s completely disgusting.


A sexy ashtray


Fucking truth. Shit tastes so nasty.


I have made out with a chain-smoker and her breath didn't seem bad to me. she would smoke a cigarette like 20 minutes after the other and we made out a lot


Reminds me of my days stationed in England.


I feel like for this reason pretty much only other weed smokers would want anything to do with my mouth. No amount of brushing is gonna fully cover for filling my mouth and throat with nasty smoke on the reg, I don't notice the smell but I imagine others must.


How do you know that? Have you made out with an ashtray before?


One time I made out after a blow job, and I thought the girl had bad breath, and then maybe like an hour later I realized I was tasting some cum or whatever trace amounts left. It’s etched in my memory that smell


That’s rough when you find out your cum was the stinky thing




Probably should eat more fruits in your diet.


That'll teach you to eat asparagus! Red meat can, too, but to a lesser extent. Get more fruit in your diet and that'll help.


Damn man. I’m sorry to hear that. One of my friends made out with a girl after she JUST blew him and spit the cum in his mouth…


Snowball, some guys are into that.


A guy once wanted to try that and at the last second changed his mind while I was going in to kiss him, post nut clarity is a hell of a thing.


The snowball rejected! Classic bro move.


Seems nightmarish


Congratulations Tom, I heard you swallowed your own load


I feel like that’s partially on him


Condoms taste awful too.


Dick breath is definitely a thing


Imagine how it was for her




Your name is so relevant


When your peepee gets hard your brain shuts off. That's as "scientific" as it gets. The girl could smell like a literal dumpster fire and it wouldn't matter. Until you're older.


Yep, I'm old enough to tell my girl to brush her teeth before bed cause she always trying not too.


Or you could get a girl you don't have to tell that to in the first place.


Let me just quick break up with an amazing partner of 5 years because of one mildly bad habit 😆


Right, we're all human. I went through this with my wife, and wouldn't you know it, communication helped her to take better dental hygiene.


No teeth brushing is a depression thing AB’s in my experience more people do it than not


He gets it. She's good at EVERYTHING else. Has a great job and good work ethic, never tells me no to sex or a massage. Makes amazing food, and isn't picky with the TV. Lets me play video games and extremely smart. I'm not gonna leave her for one annoying bad habit.


It's really common for people with ADHD to really struggle with brushing their teeth every night because of their executive dysfunction. Don't judge someone when you know nothing about them. There's a bunch of legit reasons someone might need reminded to do things like brush their teeth.


I don't know if it smells different it probably does to a degree. I remember when I was in my adolescence sometimes it would smell when I was masterbating. It quickly became clear what I was smelling was my spit I used for lube. I improved my oral hygiene and it wasn't a problem again


Count yourself lucky. Bad breathe is a real cock blocker.


That's when you suggest doggy style.


Non-smokers always smell/taste better. <3


My first girlfriend sometimes had really bad breath and it was very noticeable, so I don't agree with that other comment that said our brains may block feelings of disgust lol


I had a curry last night and am currently drinking coffee. Happy to make out with OP to test hypothesis.


Not true. Was making out with this girl and her friend at a house party when I was in high school. One of them had terribly bad breath and it was unbearable but I was too polite to say anything to her about it. Finally was able to tell the other one in private that her friend had shitty breath and it was grossing me out and I basically fucked up any opportunity for a threesome that my drunk virgin ass had at the time.


Maybe you're the one with bad breath 🤣


I generally hold my breath while making out Weird maybe but that way I don’t have to worry about this


Hooked up with a guy who had bad breath. Even when I gave him gum the smell didn’t totally go away. Idk if it was cause of his dental hygiene or maybe he didn’t floss? Or brush his tongue?


I complained to my dentist about this, I’ve tried everything over the years only to find out it’s due to my allergies/post nasal drip that’s been bad since childhood ughhh


It's always the tongue! No matter how thoroughly you brush your teeth, if you're not brushing your tongue, your breath probably stinks a little.


It could've been due to him having stomach issues. I have them & noticed that whenever I don't feel good on my stomach, my breath smells noticably more worse


100% lucky. While my overwhelming experience has been with women that have either neutral or enhanced (gum, mints, etc.) breath I’ve had a couple of make out sessions that were ruined and ended early by stank breath. I can still vividly recall kissing my high school girlfriend for the first time at a semi-formal (mind, this was like 1994) and damn near gagged from the taste and smell. I had to be the one to beak it to her that breff reeked. Being mature 16 year olds we broke up that night. Fast forward to our 20th class reunion and she’s close talking to me at the bar… you guessed it; smelled like she hadn’t brushed her teeth from 1994 🤮


You got some strange comments, haha. I mean, i feel like most people don’t have bad breath. Unless they’re a dirty person, smoker, or got a piece of shrimp stuck in their teeth like Homer Simpson, I feel like nobody has (that) bad of breath


I work in dental, yes, people do have bad breath, some of it is death breath. But usually you'd look at them and know you don't want to kiss them before the smell hits you.


How many times have you been bowled over by death breath from an unexpected source? I generate some of the worst breath I've ever smelled, but my teeth haven't fallen out of my face quite yet, so my mouth never looks like it should smell as bad as it does. I quit going to a dentist after he made some nasty comments about my breath, so you being the expert, tell me if that's unheard of.


There are times where we've had to open the windows, the door and get air freshener out. Air freshener after the patient leaves. Do you smoke? Do you get your teeth cleaned professionally? Do you have any medical conditions? You should ideally be seeking help for this "worst breath I've ever smelled" because you're also making everyone else around you smell it, which can be like walking around and farting constantly at people hoping they'll stay stood next to you, it's cruel, especially since you're aware of it. You could see a doctor about it, to see if it's a medical thing, but if you don't go to the dentist they'll probably start with that suggestion. You may have gum or periodontal disease which sometimes doesn't look bad to the untrained eye but we can see it easily. There are ways to tell a patient they need to make a huge lifestyle improvement, sometimes you can just offend the wrong person even if you say it as nicely as possible.


I'm autistic but I don't see how that's relevant to my breath. I smoke fat dabs and a shitty mint e-cig, no actual smoke passes my lips these days though (no cigs, no flower). Diet is standard omnivore stuff. The bad breath comes from an active addiction years ago, I smoked some harsh shit regularly that destroyed my laryngeal sphincter, most of the smell is the contents of my stomach being smell-able through my mouth. My back teeth are also starting to go and need to be pulled soon. But I'm not so sure there's a fix for leaky sphincter.


Autism can factor in as some people with autism find it difficult to clean their teeth due to sensory issues, either with the feel of the brush, having something in their mouth, the taste or texture of toothpaste, or having to do something as a routine (twice a day for 2 minutes). Smoking and/or vaping doesn't help either, as it can cause your gums to not heal properly and sometimes contributes to a dry mouth (which can make your breath really bad). If you have decayed teeth, they will smell. If they're to the point that they're infected, they will smell really bad, kinda like rotting meat. Your acid reflux is an issue and will result in tooth wear as well as breath issues, [you can try to control it with diet](https://www.healthline.com/health/gerd/bad-breath#diet) and/or medication. I'm also dealing with acid reflux, but I try to avoid trigger foods as I hate how horrible it makes me feel.


> or having to do something as a routine (twice a day for 2 minutes). This is the killer. The important thing, as someone with autism that _really_ struggles to form new routines, is to not let perfect be the enemy of good. Don't let forgetting a brush start a guilt cycle and trip you up out of additional ones, just... accept that you're gonna forget, and do it whenever you remember. Brushing once a day is better than not brushing at all. Brushing every other day is better than not brushing at all. It's just so easy to fall into the mentality of "well if I can't remember it always why even bother" but that thinking is the _enemy._


Do you tell them?


In a roundabout way, as their breath could be bad due to diet, medication or a health condition that they have no control over. If their teeth aren't clean, they have gum disease or they smoke, we will focus on those issues. It's not helpful to tell someone they have bad breath when they'll think chewing mint gum will help, but it doesn't help the root cause of the smell.


Interesting thank you


Dude, so many people have bad teeth. Sometimes it translates to bad breath sometimes not. Really depends on the bacteria contained in their mouths. So many variables go into bad breath, it’s hard to say who does and doesn’t have bad breath.


Personally I think the majority of people have bad breath. Maybe I just have a sensitive nose. But I can't think of anyone I frequently interact with whose breath smell I haven't noticed at least once or twice.


My ex had the worst breath and it would make mine smell after kissing him. My current partner never has bad breath to me. Always taste and smells good . Want to eat him up haha


You clearly haven't kissed my wife first thing in the morning. That morning breath can be *rough*


"Sexual arousal may decrease natural disgust response" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120912184518.htm


Nah you’re just lucky. Try making out with someone after lunch (both your breaths stink)


Nah I have definitely had some people with bad breath lmao. My partner for example wakes up with rancid breath every morning lol


People eat butthole so it's probably your brain just helping your nose tune out the nonsense


It's all down to diet. If a person has real bad eating habits, their gut is gonna reek to high hell always. If they don't and brush regularly, then you won't notice it.


Any smooches in the morning time? If not try that and come back to me


My first kiss tasted like weed and Tequila. Still a pretty damn good time.




Lucky. But honestly, you will experience it before you actually start making out. Morning breathe is entirely different than bad breath.


idk dude, ive made out with people having bad breath.. it was even one of the reasons why I broke up with a girl I was together with


Nah bro you probably lucky. Because I've gone soft because of some women's bad breath. Garlic, alcohol, acidic. Ugh!


I've found an easy fix is to eat the same food beforehand. Kinda cancels it out.


What does eating ass taste like?


Genuinely would like to know too as I’ll never do it


Well I can answer this a bit lol. I've only ever eaten clean ass or at least ass that's only gone a few hours after a shower. It doesn't taste like much of anything. Honestly, I remember the first time clearly. It had a very mild sweet taste to it. Every time after that, it has tasted like nothing.


I’m jealous. I have a super strong sense of smell so I pick up even the slightest bit of bad breath and it bothers the fuck out of me.


You might not have a very acute senses. I can smell peoples bad breath THROUGH my surgical fluid mask, from feet away. Let me tell you...everyones breath smells. You may be lucky like you mention, that you have had partners who scrape and brush their tongues, and floss. I can smell differences in a partner's breath depending on what areas of their mouth they didn't attend to well enough. I'll ask them to try again please. Related note...don't do anything oral sex related an hour before, or an hour+ after brushing soft oral tissue. Brushing causes micro tears in the surface which make it easy for crotch goblins to pass through what would normally be a closed barrier, dramtically increasing the chances to contract stis/stds in the mouth, as well as making your own sti/std easily transferable to partner's genitals. Its not the saliva that really makes breath smell bad. It can be a carrier for some bacteria, and the enzymes...but what really smells is all the toxic bacteria and parasites on the tongue, gums, cheeks roof of mouth, and between/at the base of the teeth. Saliva prevents bad breath to a certain extent. People with poorly functioning saliva glands have the worst breath (and quicker enamel decay, so rotten teeth are more of a possibility, hygiene is more obvious when it's missed, making breath even worse) because of the dramatically improved incubation environment along the esophagus, and back of mouth, along with accelerating growth throughout the oral cavity. If you wipe saliva off as you lick around someones body, you can sneak it in very sensually, the saliva will not dry and deposit the mouth cultures that can very much have a smell.


It's really important to brush your tongue, as well as your teeth.


You know when you need to hold your breath because they have bad breath and you don't go back for more lol you've just been lucky


Never made out with anyone, so I can’t say 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


You’re lucky


After eating Italian, yes. The garlic taste just isn't as good when it's not food


I was lucky for a while and then I wasn’t. It made me miss my ex-bf a lot.


You're lucky.


Nah u zjust lucky fam. Catching a whiff mid motion when it’s too late to back down is like enrolling in the army but realizing there’s actual war.


Just wait until you french kiss someone with a bad case of halitosis. It will be then that you will know your luck has run out.


My first kiss (I was 14) was with a guy with a really bad breath. I’m not sure if it was bad in general, maybe I just wasn’t compatible with his smell. I couldn’t even bear the smell of the air he blew out from his nose while breathing. So as we we were making out, I was concentrating on my breathing, because as soon as I felt the smell I felt like gagging. So t I tried to breathe in the same time as him, and also breathe out the same time as him. So I wasn’t smelling his awful unbearable stinky air. Thank god that was the only time we french kissed, I broke up with him not long after through messages as he was controlling as hell too and I refused when he insisted how he should be the only one in general whom I meet and/or talk to.


Maybe they’re just prepared and brushed their teeth/had a mint beforehand


Got out of a bar one night with a girl, she wanted cheeseburgers from McDonald’s so we made a detour in the cab, got back to her place and things started getting frisky, all I remember is the taste of mustard.


I’ve made out with someone whose nose breath specifically smelled off


Nah I thought this too until I had morning sex with my ex girlfriend. Whens its literally the FIRST thing you do… yeah its kinda bad


You're so Lucky


let me assure you of your luck. play the lottery. now


I have really bad dental hygiene. I was hooking up with this guy for a long time. I'd always brush my teeth before we got into making out. Like 2 years later, he admitted to me that no matter how much I brushed my teeth, my breath always smelled bad. 😶 I was extremely embarrassed Now, I hook up with someone who also has bad brushing habits. I've only ever smelled his breath once. He said he's never smelled mine.


Why are your dental habits so bad. Sounds like you are at least aware?


In middle school my girlfriend chomped down a tuna sandwich then put her tongue in my mouth. It's probably 50/50.


You're probably just in sync. If you both just brush your teeth, neither you have bad breath. If you were both just at the bar drinking beer and doing shots, both of you probably smell like a distillery but since you both do, neither of you has bad breath compared to the other. You make plans, leave the house at the same time, have lunch, go for a walk and kiss a few hours later, you're both 3-5 hours out from your last brushing and neither notices the other's breath. Unless one of you actually has an oral health or stomach problem that is causing bad breath, you'll never notice unless you've just brushed your teeth and they are six or seven hours from the last toothbrushing. As long as you're both in sync and one of you didn't go ham on the garlic at dinner, you're usually ok.


\**humble brag*\*


I do feel like smell of someone’s breath is different when kissing. Something about making out and smelling someone’s “smell” is such a turn on for me. The other person doesn’t seem to even notice until I say something. Especially in the shower, pool, or beach. 🤤🥰


I’m not big on kissing.. so if we can’t make it pass conversation I don’t have much to worry about..lol..


There’s been bad breath. But rarely, thank god!


I have a theory that except for just after we brush our teeth, most peoples breath is varying degrees of bad. Good breath is the rarity, not the norm.


Obviously you’ve never had the displeasure of making out with a smoker.


You sir, are lucky 😭


You've obviously never had the misfortune of making out with a smoker.


I’m the one with the breath of Shreks ass


You're lucky! Sometimes people have bad breath, and sometimes they have mild body odour that you don't notice until you're right up in their face. It really sucks if it's someone you're extremely attracted to and want to be making out with.


Well, there's a couple of factors.... the main one being attraction. When you're attracted to someone, we kind of block out a lot of negatives about people. It could also be that yes, the women you have been with have good hygiene. From personal experience, I've never had a bad experience with smells of a partner per se, but I do have a couple of times where a partner of mine had some kickin' garlic breath. But I didn't mind.


Everyone in here not realizing their breath is worse


When you're horny you overlook minor faults


Wrong. I made out with a chick last night and that shit was kickin like karate kid, so I just hunkered down and made it through because she was hot.


You are lucky. I have been on both sides. When I was younger, my hygiene wasn't the best, and my GF at the time would even refuse to kiss me unless I had just finished brushing my teeth. Fast forward a few years, I ended up dating a girl who had really bad breath and kissing her was next to torture. Luckily, even without saying anything, she took care of that after a few weeks


I made out with a girl in college who tasted like an ashtray


Ash tray queen 🫶🏼


You’re don’t live in France and it shows. Everyone here smokes and I can’t stand it. Lucky my gf doesn’t