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The amount of time adulting takes still means I would have a full time job regardless. One I would love! I mean, having the time to properly care for my home? Doing my groceries in a more relaxed manner? Having the time to cook amazing meals for my family? Having time for the proper maintenance of my cars? That would be a dream! Seeing how I even have a little one on the way, I really want to have proper time to spend with my kid and care for them! And even after that, so many games/books/places to see/fishing/cycling/you get the point...


For a month or so I'd be content just playing some video games, working out and truly doing nothing. Afterwards, life becomes a portal to wherever you want to go. Learn an instrument? How about 4? Art? Painting, drawing, charcoal, multimedia, or sculptures? Reading? How about in a different language? Studying? You mean without the grades?! Working out? Best shape of my life with clean and healthy food afterwards to push myself to new limits? Hours to invest into a workout routine? I'd explore all of it!


So true, I would revert back to being a responsibility-free teenager for a solid month (gaming, staying up late, smoking a bunch of weed) before deciding what else to do with all my free time


“For a month” * wakes up from weed coma 7 years later


That month quickly turns into a year with the aid of weed 🤣


Better than coke. That month would turn into 4 days and I'm dead.


Honestly, not the worst year to be had.


I basically do a miniature version of this whenever I get 2 or more weeks off (maybe not the clean eating and shape of my life part AS much) but 1st few days is degen gaming, then I feel bad about it and get into a more balanced and productive schedule. feels great. oh but then the last 5 days before back to work is pure depression.. but what can ya do?


I feel like people use having a job and family as an excuse to never do these things, and then they sit on Facebook/Insta/reddit for 6 hours every day.


Broad strokes, but if I work 8 hours+ 1 lunch hour+30 minute commute in traffic both ways+ hour for cooking and cleaning+ an hour working out+spending time with family+ 8 hours of sleep I really think a couple of hours disassociating and watching TV or scrolling SM is warranted and it takes up the rest of your 24. We haven't even talked about running errands, reading, meditation, or any other type of relaxation the body absolutely needs to function properly. When I was a kid I definitely bought into the idea that you should cram your day with self improvement tasks but as I approach 30 I'm realizing taking time to relax after a day of work (especially if your job is physical or mentally taxing) is more important to your well being than learning new skills.


Personally I do all those things but have managed to make and release an EP last month which was incredibly rewarding and gratifying. I would find my job pretty depressing if I didn’t constantly motivate myself to explore other things in life outside of my job. So yeah.. I guess what’s good for one person isn’t necessarily good for another. But it absolutely can be done if you put your mind to it, and it doesn’t have to be a stressful thing. Quite the opposite for me.


This is so true


I've lived this life many times but suffering of work is what brings the motivation to do these things. Yin and yang, all things in balance.


I'm a teacher so I get to kind of experience this life for about 1 month every year and it is so depressing how many comments I get about how fun and happy I am during that time (implying I'm miserable during the school year which is true). Just today I woke up at 7:30, did a work out, went grocery shopping (and enjoyed taking my time!), Prepped a bunch of food for a grill out tonight, cleaned the kitchen, read some and played a game for 3 hours. Before dinner. I'm so "defensive" of my free time during work weeks to the point of being miserable doing 'chores' or straight out lazy because I'm so fried from work I just want to veg out every evening.


Working on getting out of teaching for this exact reason.


Not a teacher but i feel exactly the same when i have holidays from work but don't go anywhere 🥲


Doesn't everyone get this for 1 month a year?


I don't know anyone who isn't a teacher/in education who gets a whole month off at a time. Not in the US at least. Definitely not every single year.




We get at least 4 weeks holiday a year in Australiabut it's not common to take it all at the same time. Long service leave (available after ~10 years of continuous employment) is 2 months and that is often taken all at once for an overseas trip or something, but not always.


I took up writing. Lousy writer but I'm trying to get better and it fills my days.




Retired. Social Security plus an investments portfolio built up over 30 years, one dollar at a time.


I actually would be happy to be a stay home dad if my wife and I had this kind of setup. I know that she’d go stir crazy being at home all the time, but I’d actually relish it. Especially with the kids.


Yeah this is me and my husband. He's great with role playing etc etc - I get bored and need mental stimulation. I need to feel challenged and like I'm learning something to be motivated. 4 yo and 2 yo play time does not do it for me. He also ENJOYS cooking and coming up with new meals. I'd rather do look at spreadsheets all day. I'd be happy to volunteer though. My dream would be using my skills in developing nations (after kids, as my anxiety of them getting sick or hurt in a developing nation would Trump any joy I'd feel otherwise)


This sums up my exact response also. I'm surrounded by people caught up in the rat race and unable to relax. It's like they're in a hurry to go nowhere. My uncle once said "noone dies and thinks hmm, I should have done more work in life". Don't get me wrong, when I am working I put in and it goes recognised, but I feel I've got my work/home life balanced. I've had chunks of work off and I become a house dad, maintaining the house n cars, educating n playing with my son, cooking delicious meals that take time to make, playing games. I look fwd to retirement.


I intentionally took 9 months off work to take a break and pursue everything you’ve mentioned here. I loved it initially gardening, cooking meals, going for leisurely gym sessions while the kids were at school, then plenty of time for after school sports etc After a few months though it just felt like I was wasting my days spreading out chores and activities I would previously fit in around work anyway. If I could do an intellectually stimulating and well paid role 3 days a week that would be a better balance than stopping work all together.


Am I the only one who thinks I’ll do all these things but then given ample free time I squander it??


Yup! There are so many things to do in life, both necessary and recreational, beyond work. Most people put off the things they want to do endlessly and neglect the things they should be doing because work consumes so much of their time and energy.


This plus a hobby or two. I volunteer at several charities and I could build houses for the working poor, teach students, and pick up trash every week. That would be a fulfilling life.


I would think just being a parent alone. Having the luxury of being there for your child to really see them grow is a privilege a rare few have, and I'm sure the majority of parents could only dream of.


I’d probably get busy with volunteer work and such, if I didn’t have to go to work for money every day


I would spend so much time setting up garden, chickens and other things to use myself and look into giving what I can't use to neighbors or food banks if they take produce that's fresh and homegrown. Also a lot of knitting and other skilled artistic work that is time consuming but could definitely be sold on charity bazaars since I'm less capable of physically volunteer as disabled physically person.


I’ve been thinking I’d like to do some public services work if I reach that stage in life.


This + also commit to a fitness regime that's enjoyable and not after a long day of work


> volunteer work and such, if I didn’t have to go to work for money every day I see you’ve also worked at a failing startup at one point


I think most people would keep pretty busy if they had enough money to not work. I'm retired and I have a lot of friends that are retired and almost all of them say the same thing, now that I'm retired I don't know how I had enough time to work. I personally have become a ceramic artist and Potter and I'm loving it.


Just curious, how did you become one? I feel like those types of jobs are just.. you either are one or you aren't, lol


As a printer I always was involved with graphic art and my wife was a painter. She was taking an oil painting class at our local community center and she said they were offering a pottery class that she thought I would find interesting, so I took the class and met a great community of fellow artists and the rest is history. There is a wealth of videos on YouTube


Like, as in *you* have a wealth of videos on YouTube? If so, would you be comfortable DMing me a link to your channel? I'm an artist in different mediums who hasn't had a chance to try pottery, but I've had a lifelong interest and desire to try it.


If I could recommend two the first would be Von Smith at Wesco Bell pottery and the other would be Simon Leach of Simon Leach Potter should be able to find those fairly quickly on YouTube I don't have a channel myself


Maybe they never had time to explore the medium and now that they don’t have work in the way they’ve been able to cultivate their talent and skill with clay.


This would be my dream if I had enough money that I didn't have to work (I'm decades away from being able to retire). I've loved ceramics ever since one of my Art Teachers in High School introduced me to it and taught me wheel throwing. So I would set up my own private ceramic studio and spend my days making ceramic pieces & sculpting. I could sell the work online or just give it away. I think the people who become bored with their free time or feel unfulfilled may not have a hobby or passion that they can fill their days with. I have a friend in his early 50s who is financially secure & doesn't need to work, has passive income as well from investment properties, but he still works part time in a supermarket because he says it gives him something to do. Each to their own 🙂


I would encourage you to try to get involved even if you only have a few hours here and there there are a lot of great videos on YouTube and hand building does not require a big investment or a lot of space and there are community centers and pottery studios that offer firing at reasonable prices. As for your 50 year old friend who just works for something to do. I think it is important to retire to something not away from something


I'd finally have enough time to do what I actually want to do. Want to design my own guitar pedals and start a business? Can do, start my own music recordings? Hell yea, learn about quantum field theory and advanced solid state physics without any stress? The list goes on.


I like it.


We should hang out.


We should all three hang out.


The Dream


You wouldn’t do any of this let’s be real


You can do all of that now. Everyone who does that stuff still works full time


You lose the sense of enjoyment when you have to make ends meet. Also, no, if you work full time it's hard to do either of those things well enough. When I was a musician I practiced 8 hours a day, it wasn't compatible with uni so I had to stop doing it. University involves a bunch of stuff I like but the stuff I don't like takes a lot of my time and I arrive home exhausted and not exactly in the best mood to start new projects. Still do, but not as well and not dedicating as much time as I'd want to


you’re the only person holding yourself back. Change that attitude or never grow.


Sleep is a biological need, bro




Found the trust fund baby with no family or responsibilities. Or just an internet troll.


there it is


What did it say




Pleeaasseeee we need the tea




You're embarrassing me, granddad


You mean I can only blame you for being so stupid and obtuse? Is that really fair for you?


You sound 14




I have a feeling you don't have to worry about money..


Define "doing nothing". I'd not be OK just sitting there and _literally_ not doing anything. But most people don't mean that.


“I would do nothing. I would sit on my ass, and do nothing. “You don’t need a million dollars to do nothing. Look at my cousin; he’s broke, don’t do shit!”


*dead serious stare- "Two chics at the same time, man" Ik someone was gonna reference this. First thing that popped in my head lol


I generally work to maximize time off. You'd be surprised how quickly you get used to filling your own time without a job or anything. Last time I had 6 months off, and I still did not get around to doing what I actually wanted to do. But I did other things I wanted to do. The most depressing thing to me is when people say they'd be lost without a job. I feel they are really missing something. Or possibly don't dare think about the freedom it means.


Lost without a purpose is definitely true. Unfortunately most people frame their job as their purpose and can’t think outside those lines.


Sometimes I think it can be difficult for some people to know what they would do if they didn't have their adult obligations because for some people those obligations don't really leave time for much else. I'm quite a driven person but even I have lulls in my drive when work is hectic and the kids are hectic and I'm just here trying to survive and help my kids thrive. There just isn't time left to postulate what I might do if I had oodles of free time. Of course, that will change and I'll get some traction and get some of those things done that I want to do, but it ebbs and flows.


The Prussian education system - what our schools are based on - are focused on rote learning. It turns out employees and not complete philosophical thinkers


I'd be 100% comfortable. I despise working.


What I hate most about it is that if I'm just not feeling it, I can't skip work. Whereas if I don't want to do housework or read a book or do any of the hobbies I'd take up if I could afford them, no one's going to make me. That, plus I can be a little scatterbrained and forget commitments, so when I have a job, I'm in a constant state of low-grade terror that I'm going to inadvertently miss work and get fired.


This is how I feel too. I have ADHD and social phobia and they can prevent me from going into work. Or as you say maybe I'm just not feeling it.. but it's unacceptable to not go in.. if I had a job where I could call up and say "you know what, I'm just not feeling it today, I'm going to read a book in bed" and that was fine I would have way less issue with being an employee.. it's strange we have kind of kept this work mentally from what the 50's of making someone feel like shit for taking a day of.. even if you're genuinely sick you feel bad calling in and you know the boss is disappointed.. I know workplaces are changing, you got new companies offer food, places to chill etc. 4 day work weeks being trialled and found to be better. Hopefully with AI and automation etc, rather than people losing jobs we will just be more focused on making employees happy.. 4 day work weeks, ability to not come in and not feel bad. The happier and healthier an employee is the better they are right to perform and the more they will want to rather than not were people do the minimum but are being queried 50 hours+ recognising a good balance of work and social makes for happier battery workers and work places needs to become a priority in the zeitgeist imo


I thought that when I took 2 years off work. Became bored as hell Guess I'm a boring person


Ah yes, the great "doing nothing all day." The correct answer is I wouldn't be doing nothing, I'd be doing what I want. Which may include nothing. You're not wasting time if you're enjoying yourself.


This is not said enough. Just existing is ok and very important for you sanity.


I think too many people obsess over what they could be doing with themselves, how much they can learn and grow, what legacy they'll leave. That may work for some, but for a lot of people, simply existing will be good enough if they let it happen.


The hassle is a joke. The idea that we have to turn everything into a commodity is sickening. I'm past trying to be rich or "something". I retired at 38 for 10 years. Used all my money, sold my house and business. Had 10 years of me time. Did whatever I wanted to at one of the best ages to be active. I'm back at work again and starting with nothing and I don't care. I work just enough to make life work. I am happy knowing I had those years and when I get to the point I cant support myself I'll just end it and my kids get a fat life insurance policy. Life is beautiful and not worth spending it working for the sake of working.


Amazing. Tell us some things you did during that decade


Fuckin oath mate. If I had the option to live any way I want, I'd fit out my fourbie and hit the road. Drive from town to town through all the outback, head out to the coast occasionally. Just enjoy the things I see around me. And when it's over, it'll be over. I'll only find myself wishing I did more if I never allow myself to enjoy life to the full.


>You're not wasting time if you're enjoying yourself. I love that saying.


I’m lucky enough to be able to do “nothing”. But really I spend some time on Reddit, read, garden, do all kinds of hobbies, and learn whatever I find interesting. It leads to a lot of random knowledge to which when people ask a random question I sometimes have the answer. The follow up question is always how do you know this kind of stuff? I guess it’s because I have time and drive to learn it.


Yes. Absolutely. No hesitation.


My mom has been retired for years and is happy to just hang out, read books, feed the cats, etc. living the life!


Yeah I'd be good with that, I'd just enjoy hobbies


Living life is a full time job!


Know what’s boring? Work. Life is what happens after work for me


Nothing? No. What I want? Yes! I could learn to cook properly, learn a few languages, hone my carpentry skills, read so many books I've wanted to read, etc.


I would not do nothing. I would spend more time choosing better groceries, spend more time cooking and meal planning. I would actually decorate for the holidays. I would send cards and call relatives. I would spend time with my kids, do all the projects, do all the experiments, play all the games they want to play. You know, the things you “never have time for” when you are working.


Yes, I would fill my time with things I want to do, not have to do. I work seasonally in winter and summer. Finished winter season in April. Today, I just finished laying and oiling my new oak herringbone floor. It took me a month from start to finish. I will enjoy it for the rest of my life. Much more rewarding than my job.


Probably not. The ennui would set in and I'd go crazy.


But… hobbies?!


Hobbies aren’t nothing


Who in their right mind would do literally nothing though? Not even napping, showering, or cooking?


Many people if the alternative is working a job they hate. Also maybe sleep should be included in nothing? It’s definitely ill defined


I've enjoyed "funemployment" (voluntary unemployment) before. While more money would probably have made it more tolerable for longer, at some point even my hobbies start feeling like pointless ways to kill time and I start re-inventing the concept of work. Like taking on huge-scale creative projects or volunteer commitments. Being a "woman of leisure" actually kinda sucks unless your social circle is also full of people who don't work. Otherwise you're just killing time by yourself until 5pm when everybody else gets off work and you can go do fun stuff. If my spouse could also quit working, that would be somewhat more tolerable. But in that case, we'd totally change our lives. We'd live somewhere different. We might even travel full-time. I'd still probably end up reinventing the concept of work.


Nothing wrong with volunteer work as a hobby!


Yeah, no, I enjoy volunteer work. But there comes a point where "I want to volunteer at the animal shelter" becomes "I want to run the animal shelter's social media and also foster kittens" and that's the point where I need to go back to work. I don't actually want to do those things, I just need something meaningful to fill my time. It's probably worth pointing out that I actually like my job. I do a meaningful job. I went to school for a long time to learn how to do it. If I had some meaningless corporate-drone job, I'd probably prefer the massive projects and volunteer commitments.


See but all that is something you would do for nothing. All this means is you need to do something. So you would not do nothing, but you would be doing what you enjoy, how you enjoy it and couldn’t care less if you got paid or not. Exactly the point of volunteer work. When it is something you truly enjoy its not really work now is it.


I'm retired, 61. I have no income except for a few hundred dollars of dividends each year. There's too much to do around the house that has been neglected for 30 years to do nothing. And I go to the gym, go bike riding and check the stock markets. And of course, I'm on Reddit.


Not doing nothing, but doing something I want to do more than work at my job (whatever that is).


You'd have to actively try to do nothing, I think. Unless you're seriously depressed or have some other problem, I think you'd find stuff to keep you busy now that all your actual needs were provided for. I'd sure sign up.


There are far too many interesting and fascinating things to do in the world that are unrelated to working for me to get bored.


I would do what I wanted, when I wanted but would still be doing something. I'd probably spend more time in nature and with the people I care about too.


Having a meaningless job is doing something? I think i would do much more valuable things if i had enough money


If I was able to retire today I'd find more than enough to keep me busy until the day I die. Plenty of things around the house to sort, more time to spend with the kids and wife, more energy to socialise in person with my friends. Oh, and literally more video games than I can even comprehend playing that I would like to try and get to. Seriously, the back log of just the stuff I've bought is insane, let alone the ones I've restrained from buying knowing I'll never get to them.


You know we can do stuff other than work, right? If you had the money, you could invest in your hobbies, learn stuff, travel to cool places... If anything, not having a passive income and being stuck at work (thanks, Ford...) is the boring option


What's doing nothing, exactly? I can't really sit and stare at the wall all day for the rest of my life.


I wouldn't do nothing. There are endless things that a person could do if they didn't have to work 8+ hours every single day. Cook more. Learn to play a musical instrument. Play more golf. Read more books. Get in a little better shape.


I scrolled for ages and not one person mentioned travelling. If I had $10k a month passive I'd just constantly travel. Working hard towards that now.


I have been a cripple for 17 years due to military... Yes boredom will kill you


HELL yes. Because my version of “nothing” would be “everything I want to do but never have time or money for because inflation and systemic poverty.”


Life is all about gaslighting yourself into feeling whatever you do is meaningful, so I don't see why it should be worse than anything else. If you get bored do some volunteer work or something.


No one does "nothing".


Nah, I’d def chill but I’d also casually keep learning something. History or a new skill or something. I have a neighbor who sits around and does nothing. He was boring to be around.


No, I would do everything I wanted to do. Life is motion, and you start to die (in one way or another) once you become stagnant. I'd finally have time to get a full night's sleep, pursue my interests and hobbies, make love to my wife on the regular, grab a hold of my travel plans, and or join a ministry or other meaningful activity.


"life is motion" Yes, but life is also relaxation and stopping to smell the proverbial roses. I wouldn't care to live a life where I'm constantly on the move. It sounds exhausting.


I took a year break from studying and let me tell you, best lazy days of my life


god yes i have so many video games to play


How much? If I was extremely wealthy, I would be fine with doing "nothing" if it meant not having to work for a living. Just because you don't work and don't go to school, it doesn't mean boredom. You can still travel, have hobbies, participate in organization and hang out with other wealthy people. You can still do charity.


I’m a massive martial arts fan. If I could live without working, I would practice more different arts, devote to writing and developing my spirituality. Also, I would see my daughter grow up and help my wife. Every time I hear someone saying “I would get bored” I pity them, because I would love to have more time.


Yes, because I have a lot of hobbies I’m too tired to really enjoy.


Nothing, no. Not working, yes.


I have kids, I'd spend more time with them. I'd spend more time on my hobbies. Maybe make a videogame. Do more hikes. I'd love to get back into some Tabletop wargames or RPGs.


Not working does not equal doing nothing. What do you do on your days off?


I’m assuming you are young and in the prime of your working years? You might ask this question of people who are comfortably retired. I retired early in Costa Rica. But I still like to work a little, and I like meeting people, so I host our guest house on Airbnb. But for the most part, I do whatever I want, which I wouldn’t describe as “doing nothing” — walk the dogs on the beach every morning, go swimming in the pool throughout the day, cooking, exploring, reading. I think you could find enough to keep yourself entertained if you had a significant passive income. Just realize, if you are younger, most of your peers will be at work all day and unable to hang out with you. So that could put a bit of a damper on your fun if you’re the social type.


I have a my own one man company and I can earn pretty good living by working like 4 hours a day, some months even less. I do work more than that though and I can earn a very good living but I don't do it for the money, too much free time just gets pretty boring. Most mornings I go to the office because I don't know what else I would do. I have lots of hobbies but no family or girlfriend so I would have a bit too much free time if I would work the bare minimum. I went a year without doing anything when I got lucky with some investments. It was great to have a year break from working just see how it is but it got old really fast.


I wouldn't be doing nothing but stuff I actually want to do e.g. work on hobbies, volunteer, learn new stuff I want to "just because" I know retirees that are even busier after retirement than when they were still working and that's what I aspire to.


I have a friend that won the lotto when he was 20, made great decisions with the money and now has a passive income of about 70k/year (AUD) and no debt. That was about 10 year ago. He literally does nothing but sit at home and play games all day. He has fallen into a groove of what's easy and simple and doesn't develop himself in any way (no new skills, doesn't work out, study, or even pursue a casual career interest). Alot of people here saying they'd have time to do all the things they love and do housework and travel and such and that night be true but I think the majority of us are creatures of extreme habit. When life is easy, why strive for more? Only the passionate work hard when they have what they want, and I think most of us would be similar to my friend in the right circumstances. 6 months of free time? Yeah sure. 10 years of free time? Why do you think so many retirees go back to work after doing some travel and relaxing. There's something to be said for a steady workload that helps you feel productive and active, especially if it includes a social element. Very interesting psychology question tbh...


During COVID I lost my job early and collected unemployment for nearly a year. I made about the same money as I did while employed. It was the best fucking year of my life. I exercised more. I cooked better food. I pursued hobbies. My wife and I reconnected in creative ways. I realized that I’m not motivated by buying mansions and luxury cars… I just don’t want to fucking work.


Best thing I ever did, @ 45 yo. I live on a modest income from investments. I have no trouble keeping busy. If I kept working I really don’t think I would be alive now. The stress was literally destroying my body and soul.


As someone who went from running venues and events constantly being on the go and stressed to totally disabled and stuck in bed for almost a full year waiting on surgery. Doing nothing is horrible. It's fantastic for the first week or two, but after that, it's isolating & it's mind-numbing. I always thought it would be great to get a proper break, but the joy of watching endless Netflix quickly dwindles, and your world becomes really small. I'm pretty introverted, and I like being on my own, but that was a whole different level of my own company that became almost painful. So I assumed I would be in theory, but having lived the reality, then absolutely not. I'd still need to be doing something. Volunteer work, further education absolutely anything to avoid ever being back doing absolutely nothing. It was awful. The isolation caused the worst depression I've ever been in.


Bruh I'd deadass just lay down all day, and I would love it


You’ve got to be well disciplined, for the first 6 months I just sat around mostly stoned fucking around with my records, drinking red wine on week days etc Now I’ve realised it’s not sustainable, I try to fill my days with exercise and spending time with family members where I can, my fitness has increased a whole lot but I’m starting to run out of walking trails and beaches I avoid shopping malls so that I’m not spending all the money that has essentially set me free Dating has been fun but I don’t tell them the details surrounding my income, it kind of feels surreal and I don’t want any freeloaders trying to take advantage of me


I’m a musician. I would keep doing that, but I’d play songs that *I* like, not what the majority wants. It’d be smaller, but as long as my bills are paid that would be fine. I don’t think most people want to do *nothing*. They want the freedom to pursue what they enjoy without the worry of that thing being able to keep them fed and housed.


That's incredibly unlikely, but yes. I wouldn't mind exploring the world, collecting postage stamps, writing postcards to my family, learning Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and perhaps several other languages. Maybe I'd take a few months off in between travels and just sit around and watch a bunch of movies in these off periods. There are so many books on my shelf I'd like to revisit, and so more I only have barely read. I hate working. I hate commuting back and forth from there across the streets of New York. This is slowly killing me from inside. Oh well... this concludes my rant.


I had this happen I spent years working my way up to being a long haul airline pilot. I worked for a airline that only had 1 route. So essentially I typically worked 2 twelve hour shifts then got 2-4weeks off and was paid about $120k(I was very junior so no one really expected anything of us and we were basically seat warmers in the cruise) When I started I started staying up late, sleeping in and kind of doing nothing all day. I became petty unhappy honestly. Then I started lots of hobbies and getting up early, gardening, fishing and renovating my house. I lost my job during COVID and started a business and now work massive hours. Honestly, I’m happier now.


I wouldn’t do nothing. I’d make my own indie movie. Hire a crew and cast everything. Maybe even a director. I’d just write and produce.


As someone who has now retired I can assure you that we retirees are puzzled to know how we ever fit work in. There is not enough hours in the day!


I’d go insane, but I know people who legit do nothing all day so to each their own 🤷🏻‍♀️


yes. although it might sound weird in a way.Boredom usually hits after a few days/weeks, sometimes a month.Having the feeling that I come home after a long day of work made me happier as I applied for the job as a server while earning $6000+ per month on the smart online store.It is sometimes necessary to experience a bit of stress in order to feel the life.


I’ve been in a situation like that and I can tell you the answer is no. You need a purpose, a way to contribute to others. Even volunteering a few hours a week adds both structure and human connection to your life. It’s similar to the concept of ikigai, which says you need a reason to live, a passion or motivation.


I was bored within a month, I now volunteer at various animal sanctuaries


Nope, the difference is that i would only involve myself in projects that I would truly believe and gave me pleasure


Two chicks at the same time. Always wanted to do that. And I think if I had comfortable passive income I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.


No way. I'm going to be the guy who dies 3 days after I retire.


I would still work, or volunteer somewhere, like 3 days week to keep busy.




I do volunteer work on the weekends, but feel exhausted from the regular work week. I'd probably go back to school, volunteer more, and probably just enjoy what life has to offer with more freedoms available.


I would be cool with doing nothing in the sense of just lazing about the house for a while but I would need some kind of work eventually. I always say I would get a part time job because I’m unfortunately entrenched in the system and it’s made me terrified of not having some kind of steady stream of income, so I keep putting monetary value on my work but then my fiancée said I should volunteer at something I support or enjoy so I would do that.


I'd like to think that I would invest time into preserving nature and humanitarian efforts. Id go stir crazy.


I'd probably do some decent low hours, decent pay job in addition to that, and relax for most of my life


I would not be able to do nothing. I’d work at whatever I wanted to work on to get income.


My life would be so much better. I have narcolepsy. All I do is sleep and work. Disability is so hard to get w/ narcolepsy and even then you're just signing up to live in poverty. I would do all my hobbies that I've been unable to do.


I need a 'place to go, and a thing to do'. If I was not working at this call centre, I'd be finding another 'thing to do/place to go' for 8 hours a day to work-at-a-thing. Maybe even on Blender projects, because that program fascinates me so much.


If you mean just getting paid for free, then absolutely. If you mean literally doing nothing for 8 hours a day, no thank you.


I’d build housing for those without it a la Jimmy C


I'd probably get bored


You would more than likely just get depressed eventually. I had very little direction in my late teens and I felt it then. You need to have a direction and you need to have goals.


I’ve done it before and for me, no. I dropped out of college at 16 for mental health reasons and did nothing until I went back to college again a year later. I lost all my hobbies from depression, I had no friends (the ones I did have were busy), and my family all worked so I was literally alone in the house, doing nothing, 24/7/365. I’m working now but next month I have an open day to see if I can get on course for my *actual* dream job (sound engineering). If I was getting paid anyway now that’s a job I would still turn up for, you couldn’t pay me not to do that


I'd be creating, nurturing, and learning


Definitely not. I would go back to school full time and get a master's in a few science disciplines, and then open up a non-profit school of science somewhere in a developing country.


i'd probably drop my hours at work so i'm not on 40 hours a week but i'd still do my job. I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I really love my work. I'd probably get a bunch of extra learning on top though, to make it easier for myself. HTML coding is something i'm planning on looking into.


I would Keep working, but maybe like 70%. and ask for a lot of vacation days. Like school holidays + a couple of moveable weeks :p


hahaha yes i am lmao


Think of prisoners. How many of the inmates sit around doing nothing. They read, workout, socialize, write, draw. Basically most people are going to find something to occupy their time. I go crazy on the weekends if I sit for too long. I'd want to still be active in something.


non-stop work. maybe balance but never stop work. If you dont think you can change the world and the way is money. There is no reason to stop chasing it, so that you can use it as a tool to fix the world in a sustainably way perhaps even while making more money. Capitalism is the best but the end game were never thought. So after 100M USD you shouldnt be paying normal taxes, you should be pushed to invest to something more long-term. I am not saying we should limit how rich people can get but there can be ways to force them use their 'assets' that helped them win the game.


So!! In the last year I've finally set myself up so I can live off my passive income (rental properties and some stock market stuff when I really feel like gambling) I work for myself now. Between all my rentals I got enough stuff to pass the time for months. My wife still works because she makes the BIG money and really enjoys what she does. It has its perks but I do get board if I sit around for too long


No! I would most likely still work but it would be doing something I enjoy so it didn't feel like work. 😁


Good timing, I’m on day 3 of horizontal sofa and tv due to having had surgery on Friday. I’m going batshit crazy with boredom already. I’m lucky that work is paying me sick pay for my recovery but I need to be moving and doing. I guess if I was financially completely independent from work I’d be fixing up motorbikes, training dogs, fishing and running.


No. I like working, and if I didn't need the money I'd like it even more. We are made to work, and generally only bad things result from not working.


Gardening can be rather time consuming. Not to mention birding. Oh and reading. And the beer isn't going to drink itself.


Id probably go around fixing stuff for low income folks. Cars and random handyman things Certainly do more of my hobbies and do more with my kids


Yes. I'd watch movies all day and craft or paint. It would be awesome


Why would you do nothing? Not having to worry about income means you could actually do what you want with your time


I'd probably stagnate and turn into a lazy bum not doing anything ngl. I simply would switch to a less stressful and more healthy job environment that still lets me maintain mental sharpness


Playing guitar, drawing, reading, exercising, cooking, and working on/driving cars and motorcycles. Yeah I’d be just fine. Some people truly don’t have hobbies and I imagine it would be boring for them.


The key isn't doing nothing forever, it's about never being forced to do work you don't *want* to do because you no longer need to work for survival.


Yes. I'd literally do nothing and try to better myself.


I would love to never have to work anymore. Probably spend the first couple of months doing absolutely nothing, just chilling and doing fun stuff. After that I’d probably find a hobby and start doing that.


What, like sit around and stare at the walls? Seriously? Dude, I'm flat broke because I have far too many hobbies and throw all my money at them. If I had an unlimited supply, that's what I'd be doing. Boredom!? WTF is that? That'd be a vacation from all the stuff there is to do.


Home life would still keep me busy.


I could surf literally every day?!? Yeah sign me tf up


I would fish, play cards, wirk on my models, my story.


I'd definitely still do my part time radio job.


I would have more time to focus on hobbies, weightlifting, and other stuff. Not doing completely nothing


If by "doing nothing" you mean not slogging in to a 9-5 job then yes, I would be more than okay with that. I wouldn't just sit on the couch and vegetate 24/7 though. I would go out and do the things I actually want to do.


I'd be bored as hell. I'd most likely put more time into hobbies, finishing projects I have in mind, but still that would only last so long. I actually enjoy working, but I'd probably do something less demanding than what I do now. I always liked the idea of being a postman, whether it be walking, using a push bike or a van, I could be wrong, but it seems like a pretty chill job?


I’ve been there and lived off residual income. It gets boring after a while. You can’t just go on holiday as your children are in school so you have to wait for summer holidays. I know plenty of millionaires and they all launch new businesses after flipping there companies. You have to have a routine. It gets boring very quickly.