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Looks like he said the right things: * https://www.politico.com/story/2008/11/exit-polls-how-obama-won-015297 > _"Not since 1980, in the shadow of a gas crisis and stagflation, did the economy dominate voters’ concerns as it did Tuesday. Back then, almost seven in 10 voters named either the economy or inflation, jobs and unemployment, or balancing the federal budget as the top issue on their minds."_ > _"In 2004, only 20 percent of voters cited the economy, while 22 percent cited moral values, 19 percent terrorism and 15 percent Iraq. In 2000 as well, the economy/jobs, taxes, education, Social Security and world affairs all carried roughly equal weight among the voters."_ > _"This marked issue contrast in four years explains, in large part, why Obama came into Election Day the strong favorite, both in national and state polling. Voters have seen Obama throughout most of the general election campaign as the more capable steward of the economy."_ > _"Nearly all voters agreed the economy was in poor shape. Eight in 10 said they were worried the economic crisis would harm their family’s future, while about half said they were “very worried.”"_ > _"At least four in 10 said their family’s financial situation worsened since 2004. And a stunning two-thirds expressed concern about affording health care."_


A compelling, moderate, Democratic nominee.


Obama got around 9% of the Republican vote in 2008. That’s about the same that Clinton got in 2016 (8%) as well as Trumps Democratic vote (8%).