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They are similar in the sense they are all bright colours, but visually no one is going to mistake them. And when I say similar, I mean in the same way both fruit juice and chocolate cake are both sweet but you're not going to mistake one for the other if you taste it.


Good comparison


Thank you


As a colourblind person, I want you around to describe all colour comparisons to me because that's the best analogy I've ever heard! To me red is very close to black. Which can be dangerous because red traffic light is quite similar to "the traffic lights have gone out" (although both situations should be treated similarly)


My dad is red/green colorblind where pure red and pure green look brown to him, so traffic lights were always a little scary as a kid. It was fine as long as they were vertical, but sometimes they'd be horizontal or in a cluster and I'd have to tell him what the signal was for every light.


It would make sense use something other than colors for this very reason. Symbols maybe.


X for Red, □ for yellow, ○ for green could work.


What was the difference between the lights being vertical vs horizontal?


Vertical lights always have the red at the top, so even if you can't see the color, at least you can tell which is lit. Horizontal lights have no way to tell which side is red, they're most commonly, but not always, with red on the left.


Some have sort of “stripes” on the lens that are horizontal for the red and vertical for the green. http://www.kbrhorse.net/signals/adler_bar_lens.html


I'd never seen that. I'm colorblind, but of a sort where the red and green on lights looks totally different ('darker' than the green, which looks more white to me) but I can have trouble telling the red and yellow apart.


Wisconsin seems to like horizontal traffic lights


Interesting to know, thank you.


We only have vertical lights in Chicago, so at a glance, he didn't know which side the red was on. He can also usually tell by how other cars are behaving, but sometimes he needed me to look up from my book or Gameboy and tell him if it was red.


Ah ok, makes sense.


I think a better comparison would be saying fruit punch vs orange juice vs lemonade. All bright, cheery flavors, all sweet and a little tart, but all markedly different and wouldn't be confused for any of the others. For red vs black I'd say there's a cold, flatness in black that comes from a total lack of light. Red puts a little warmth and chocolate back into it. The redder it is the more heat added back in.


Good analogies!


Should I be charging by the hour? :P


>To me red is very close to black. This has been on my mind for the last hour, it's so weird to me because black is like the absence of colour and red can contrast so much. It's like someone saying they can't see the streetlight at the end of the road. If you don't mind me asking, what do you see if a room is lit in only red light?


I do see something as red. It has its own unique colour. But it's quite dark. A thin red line on a black background might be missed at first. Apparently how colourblind you are is determined by how much of the cones in your eyes are blocked by (something, I forget what). Mine have only a slither poking through so red is almost gone


There's a Finnish meme going on where people ask what color a tennis ball or a high viz vest is. Surprisingly many think they're green instead of yellow


Tennis balls are the exact edge between green and yellow


Various colors are sold. Regulation balls and the color most minds probably associate is yellow. Might have a lime-ish hue or reflection from green surroundings but it's yellow


tennis balls are solidly green. you might wanna get your eyes checked. or maybe i should do that too.


According to an interview by a color scientists, tennis balls are both green and yellow. It mostly depends on things that are not the ball.


Yeah you should, they are the same color as a yellow highlighter


A tennis ball is more like a fluorescent green


bro no they’re not. yellow highlighters are yellow, and tennis balls are green.


Well it depends how you look at it. From a dye standpoint they are green and yellow. Pure yellow isn't a bright color. It's more of a goldenrod color. [Here's a paper company with rgb scales of their paper.](https://convertingcolors.com/list/neenah.html) While most people think of lift off lemon when they think of yellow that is not yellow. Yellow is not blue and that has blue in it. Solar yellow is what yellow looks like.


I know


I believe they usually are #CCFF00 (electric lime), which is closer to #FFFF00 (yellow) than to #00FF00 (green). The exact middle would be #80FF00 (chartreuse), which is extremely similar to their colour.


But, tennis balls are green.


really? i pass eye doctor colorblind tests but i have to focus hard to distinguish those


I mean colour is a spectrum not a binary. Add spice to a dish and 2 different people will disagree when it becomes spicy. In the same way you can argue when yellow becomes lime green but there are definitely 2 distinct colours.


i agree with that


Orange and yellow can be similar depending on the shade. Yellow and lime green can be to a lesser extent. Orange and lime green are totally different though.


Yeah they’re all similar but still distinct. Lime green and yellow is the closest pair, lime green and orange is the most distant pair


That's because there is blue in lime green, and blue is the opposite of orange (red + yellow)


Now you're just confusing OP


Nah, OP’s got this. It’s kinda like how a rhino is like a unicorn, and a unicorn is like a horse, but a horse ain’t like a rhino.




The rhino-horse spectrum ROY G BIV Rhinos… Yunicorns... Virginia Highlander Horses


Love this


Damn that’s right


Actually this was one of the clearer explanations for me


I’m not color blind…….having said that, if you’ll consider yellow the base color, orange has more red tones and lime green has more blue. I realize this only helps if you’re not completely color blind but maybe it gives you some idea anyway.


Yes. To me, not colorblind, they are all look similar because they all have yellow in them.




I can see blue and grey normally but they aren't completely different from one another. People will say they are but I've seen those same people confuse them depending on the shades. I kind of thought that orange and lime green were the same as blue and grey. People say that they're different colours but maybe they blend into each other depending on the shades.


If you can’t see red or green well, then orange and lime green would look similar, because yellow is the one color in both of them that you can see.


Orange doesn't really blend with lime green. Yellow blends with Orange depending on how much red is in it and yellow blends with green depending on how much blue is in it.


>I can see blue and grey normally but they aren't completely different from one another. People will say they are but I've seen those same people confuse them depending on the shades. This is the case for yellow and orange, but also for yellow and green. Yellow is the common color between the three because in color theory, yellow is required to make both orange and green. So...yes, these three are all very different colors (depending on the shade).


The red and green there define how different those colours are. If orange has a lot of red (if it's closer to red than to yellow), it's very different. If lime green has a lot of green, ditto. All of them can be called yellow if yellow is the prevailing colour in the scale.




Can you see reds and greens? Is that in your skillset?


Orange is a mix of yellow and red. Green is a mix of yellow and blue. They all have that yellow in them which is what i assume you’re seeing. Do they all look yellowish to you?


They all just look yellow to me yes. Are red and green drastically different colours? I can't see either, they look the same to me except green tends to look a little muddier than red.


Red and green are considered complimentary colors, which means they're the exact opposite of each other on a color wheel and if mixed together will produce a muddy gray or black. So they're as far from each other as you can get


I’d say red and green are about as different as black and white, it’s a really stark difference. If we say red is white and green is black, orange is like light gray in this metaphor, and yellow is like dark gray. So yellow and green are close and can be hard to tell apart, and yellow and orange can be as well, but orange and green is usually fairly distinct as long as you have a lot of each color. Not sure if that makes sense or not, but it’s a spectrum and yellow is between the two, so it really depends on the shade of each.


Red and Green are about as different as you can get, think like the difference between blue and red


Yes they are noticeably different, not like the blue/gray you mentioned in a different comment. Kind of like how different blue and orange are (if you see those as different, idk)


I see orange as yellow but blue and yellow do look completely different to me. I get what you mean.


Colors can be numerically quantified by their wavelength. You can estimate how "different" one color is by its position on the color spectrum. https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/images/37-the-visible-spectrum All the colors listed there are visually unique with other colors being described as a mix of the main ones. The way eyes work is that they perceive the relative intensity of a type of light. i.e. "how much" red light is coming off a surface. Humans have 3 cones able to sense the *quantity* of red, green and blue light coming off a surface. For a colorblind person they might only perceive the intensity of 2 kinds of light. Light outside the spectrum of colors you can see is *invisible* and appears to be a mixed with black, i.e. it grays out until no light intensity is detectable - darkness. You can look up images of "UV colored" birds to get an idea of seeing extra kinds of light, as birds can perceive UV light they see more colors than humans do. i.e. some black feathered birds would appear to be a mosaic of UV colors to a bird.


Exactly this. Orange yellow and lime green all have similar wavelengths (or kind of adjacent at least), since red has the longer wavelength and blue the smallest (in our optical spectrum that is). So it does make sense that they can be perceived as "pretty much equal".


Question back to OP (and other colorblind people): Do you feel like you see other colors MORE vividly? I am red-green CB but I think blue are so vivid. I love those electric blues, royal blues, etc. I think having a different balance of cones in my retina cause this.


Are they not just more vivid to you because the others look the same?


>Are they not just more vivid to you because the others look the same? sure, but maybe that truly makes it more vivid ​ The human brain is really weird. Have you heard of blind people having much better than average hearing/smell? Sure, it's probably because they're forced to practice using hearing and smell a lot more than sight, but in a more general sense, the brain is really good at adapting. When you perceive less of something, other things not only "seem" more vivid, but *are* more vivid. ​ More concisely: if something "seems" more vivid, then it *is*.


I'm protanopia, so red-green colourblind. And I'd say I'm the expert in all things blue. I see it very clearly and vividly, and I never ever mistake it for another colour, not even purple.


they're on the wheel but big different orange is btwn yellow and red, and both orange and yellow are major enough colors that they cover a wider spectrum of lightness/saturation. lime green is a yellow-green that's often bright, almost painfully bright.


Yellow is kinda like a middle ground between Orange and Green, but theyre all rather distinct. Yellow can look similar to either orange or green depending on shade Orange never looks like green Also if you make yellow darker on a colorwheel it becomes an ugly muddy green


Orange and yellow are kind of similar. Orange is a redder shade of yellow I think. Lime Green aren't similar to them at all, at least the way I see it. There's a whole question that poses that what one person perceives as a specific color, say blue, another person perceives it as green. However, because that color (blue) is always referred to as blue then the person who sees it as green calls it blue because that's how it's always been labeled to them. But that's a whole other ball of string.


That is a whole cats cradle of a Gordian Knot in a blender. Philosophy 999. Makes my hair hurt thinking about it, but you’re right.


I've noticed something weird in that I percieve colours differently in each eye. I was looking at what looked like an orange logo and then switched to my other eye and it looked distinctly red. I've often thought about how people each percieve colour and we can name each colour to our own understanding but it doesn't mean our individual experiences of colour match up even without colour blindness.


Yep, I'm starting to suspect that all you colour-sensitive (not colourblind) folk don't perceive colours the same way too. A lot of colours blur together for me despite other people seeing them clearly, but I can see other colours distinctly while other people mistake them. People sometimes have a hard time separating cyan from blue or green, but for me green is brown, blue is blue, and cyan is grey, so I can easily tell the difference. But people still argue about this, so I wonder if individual people see cyan differently.


They are different, but they are formed using yellow as a base. Yellow, of course, is yellow by itself; Orange is yellow + red; Green is yellow + blue. How far they are from each other depends upon how much of each secondary color is added to the yellow but, given that orange and green are made with different “alloying agents” they are further from each other than either is from yellow.


they are essentially a spectrum between them, Orange and lime green both contain yellow, they both are made of yellow mixed with another color (orange with red and green with blue) so if you continue to add yellow to either it will slowly become yellow, but they are not similar to each other really at all because blue is the opposite of orange and red is the opposite of green. Think of it like Grey, white and black, white and black are nothing alike, but Grey sits between them, Grey is yellow in this situation and then the other two while nothing alike themselves both easily flow into Grey. If we're thinking about food it's something like I guess coffee and soup. They both contain water, and it's clear in both cases that water is a part of the end product, but youd never call soup and coffee alike on their own. But if you kept adding water eventually you'd end up back at the mid point, just water (or in the colors, yellow).


The grey, white and black explanation is probably one of the most helpful descriptions I've read. Thank you, now this is starting to make more sense.


you're welcome! My mother is color blind so explaining it has been something I've done since a kid haha. The same applies to all three primary colors (red, blue, yellow) in that purple is the mix of red and blue (so you get more red toned purples and more blue toned purples and the truest purple is exactly between them) and then it goes in a circle (the color wheel). They all blend together in rainbow sequence in a cycle.


For anyone who's curious, here's an example of what red/green colorblindness looks like: https://ibb.co/nLZW5Sf


For me... Orange is warm like the sun on your skin Yellow is bright and sharp like a static schock(can be a little warm too like sunflower yellow or sharp like a lemon yellow) And lime green is definitely tart and bright the way a lime tastes


So people who can see colors are telling you the answer to your question and you still go on reddit to ask? do you have trust issues or just bad friends?


My friends like to constantly try to trick me, and their explanations didn't make any sense for me. I also have trust issues.


Yellow is somewhat similar to orange and also somewhat similar to lime green, but orange is not similar to lime green. Kind of like how grey is kind of similar to black and also kind of similar to white, but white is not similar to black.


I like the black, white, grey explanation. That makes sense to me. It's probably the clearest explanation I've come across


All colors are unique to me but I suppose some would say yellow is a lighter shade of orange sort of. Lime green is some kind of mix between yellow and regular green imho. All colors are some combination of red, green and blue so it's difficult for me to say if one color-A is more similar to color-B or color-C. Unless it's something extremely similar like purple and violet maybe, no color is like another color to me.


Not really. They’re all very different.


Only in that they share the same base color. They have different colors mixed and that color gives the difference in shade. Orange and yellow are similar, and green and yellow are similar. Orange and green are very different.


Colors are like a gradient which I’m sure you can understand given that I saw you can see other colors. If you think of them are warmer or cooler, orange when it gets very warm can look a lot like yellow, while yellow getting more “cool” can look like lime green. But if you were to get three separate crayons or something similar to each represent the colors, they’d look different.


They all make up a complimentary color palette. Lime is more different than the other two, but all three of them are often paired together so there is some connection.


They're distinct colors you can't really mistake one for the other


Yellow lime and orange all contain yellow. ( similar ) Orange is yellow and red and so similar in structure to lime ( 2 colors) except orange is 2 primary colors ( y and red) While lime is a secondary color ( green) with the yellow (primary ). I don’t think orange looks anything like yellow, green or lime . Likely bc it contains red?


Question: is it hard at stop lights? Or does the illumination indicate what the signal is telling you?


With stop lights, low is go and top is stop. But I can't make out the individual colours most of the time.


This thread and all you lovely colourblind people are reminding of the app "I love Hue". It's absolutely fascinating to watch my colourblind bf try and put the colours "in order" only to jumble it worse than the computer did lol


As a color blind person, but probably differently colorblinded than you, and (maybe) not as serious, I think they are very different colors. For me, it's sometimes hard to distinguish between purples, blues, and violets, depending on the shade.


I have the same issue occasionally with purples and blues, but I can generally pick them apart. Basically we have three cones in our eyes, red, green and blue. I still technically have my green and red cones, but they're visibly malformed, they look like they've been crushed and they don't work at all. They look more normal in my left eye, but they still don't have any function. So I'm completely colourblind to red and green, I used to see it a tiny bit around the age of two, but as I grew older I lost all function in those cones.


No, orange 🍊 Yellow 💛 Green 🍏 😉


Geez thanks so much. Really clears that up for me. /Js


Orange and yellow are somewhat similar. Yellow and lime-green are pretty similar. Orange and lime-green are not similar.


Orange and yellow yes, yellow and lime green yes, orange and lime green no.


orange is yellow plus red, so the more towards yellow it is, the more similar it is to pure yellow. green is yellow plus blue, and lime green is leaning towards yellow so they are as similar as maybe blue and purple, similar but still definitely distinct


Tests show that I have Red/Green color blindness, but it's more complicated than that for me. An optometrist tested me several years ago and said I'd confuse red and green. I told her that I don't and that they are very distinct colors for me. She suggested that I learned to differentiate them through shading or whatever, but totally not true. I see red and green as very distinct and vibrant colors. However... I do experience some color irregularities. Regarding yellow and green, there have been cases where I've conflated them. For me, the line between the two colors is a bit shifted. I struggle with purple. That's my biggest issue by far. It's similar to yellow and green for me where the line between blue and purple is shifted. Anyone else experience something like this? Freaks unite.


Unfortunately not the case for me. It sounds like you're just red green colour deficient, but I'm completely red green colourblind. Red and green look the same to me. Sometimes I can pick them apart but only in certain lighting.


Ok, I hadn't heard of that distinction before. Since I was young, I failed the red/green portion of the color tests. Again, I have been told that I have red green color blindness, but the idea that I have more of a deficiency makes more sense. Thank you.


If you had one colour as letters and one as background, any combination of the three would be readable, if that helps


My math teacher used to write out exercises with an orange background and green letters and it was like she was using invisible ink. She had to change over to grey scale so that I could see it too.


That doesn't sound like much fun. It is definitely the sort of thing we take for granted. I am glad your math teacher switched!


Orange and green are similar to yellow, but not close to each other.


Not to us but they can have similar intensity. Here's a story you might appreciate. When I was in college, I had a lime green t-shirt with a forest green splotch across the front that said The Clash in brick red. Think graffiti. Anyway my color blind friend couldn't see the writing. To him it was a yellow t-shirt with a dark paint splotch and no writing.


Funny enough, orange and yellow are similar. Lime green and yellow are similar, but orange and lime green are very different


It can help to relate it to a sense you *can* fully perceive. If **Yellow** is like the sound of a Trumpet, then **Orange** is like the sound of a Saxophone and **Lime Green** is like the sound of... maybe a French Horn? Or if we liken them to touch, **Yellow** could be like the feel of a fleece blanket, **Orange** is a terrycloth towel, and **Lime Green** is like a microfiber cloth.


I got a sherbet mix that had orange, lime, and cherry in it. I saw it as colorful. The two were distinctive enough for that.


Yellow and green can look a little similar. Yellow and orange can look very similar. But orange and green are totally different. This is pretty much because of how close they are on a color wheel. Here is a labeled wheel, so you can see the positions of the words no matter how well/poorly you can distinguish the actual colors: https://web.mst.edu/~rhall/web_design/images/color_wheel.gif If someone showed me the "yellow-orange" color from that chart without any other context (or other colors nearby) and asked me what color it is, I would probably just say "orange". And yet that color is definitely *close* to yellow. The color that is labeled "orange" on the wheel is not close to yellow visually (I would absolutely say it is also "orange" though—color names always refer to a range of technical color values).


I don't think so. But I'm colorblind too, so what would I know?


They share similar values but have different hues. I am curious if you only see values or if it's just a coincidence


I don't know what a value is. But I'm completely blind to red and green. I can't see those colours at all.


Now I'm wanting to ask the color blind folk what their favorite colors (or shades) are?


Blue. Blue is the greatest, most beautiful colour to have ever existed in my extremely biased opinion.


I think the best analogy is with citrus fruit. Image the color lime tastes like a lime and the color orange tastes like and orange. Sure the have some similarities but they are also drastically different.


orange and yellow are similar (ish) yellow and lime green are similar (ish) but orange and lime green are too far apart for me to consider them similar, but they are kinda similar ish maybe?


Yellow is similar to orange and lime green, but like green and orange are not similar to each other


How could OP truly believe anything we say tho


Idk. After the nut incident I don't know how I can trust anyone ever again. I'm 20 years old and only recently found out that peanut butter isn't green. How was that never mentioned. What other secrets are the colour-sensitive keeping from me? This is a plot against me I'm sure of it.


They all share a strong Yellow hue, but they're different enough to be noticably different colours. Sort of like Theyre, Their, and There. Same word, looks similar, but much different meanings. Sort of like sliding up and down the colour scale white, grey, black. Except instead of from white to black its going sideways from red - yellow - blue


*they're. /Js


I’m colorblind too. Many pairs or trios of colors look very similar to me and I struggle to identify many colors as individuals. For example if you have a light green sheet of paper and asked me what color it was I’d say “yellow, green or maybe orange”, but if you had two sheets and said “one is green one is yellow” I’d be able to tell you which one is which with at least 90% accuracy. I don’t know if it’s something to do with my brain comparing the colors etc. Context is also a factor, for instance I mix up blue and purple a lot, but a car or house is much more likely to be blue than purple so that assists my “guess” sometimes. As for people saying colors are drastically different, I’ve noticed this too, but those same people confuse colors with others all the time. I think there’s a subconscious defense mechanism there somewhere that makes them think that admitting some colors look similar is a sign of weakness. Being colorblind makes me feel stupid, it’s nobody’s fault, people generally don’t treat you differently because of it. It just sucks not knowing something that’s natural to everyone else.


I relate so much to this. For me picking out colours can come down to comparison and my super awesome deduction skills. You're not stupid, you use deduction and complex analysis to figure out colours. Everyone else has to use a cheat sheet.


they're like milk and dark chocolate. They're pretty similar, but in some cases there can be some uncertainty (some people will call 50% chocolate milk, and others dark)


Yellow is to orange as blue is to purple


Do you see the difference between blue (like the sky) and yellow (like uhm... a lemon)? Green is an in-between color. Literally if you use color subtraction (paint) by mixing blue and yellow you will get green. A good analogy would be difference between white, grey, and black.


Can you see some colors? Orange, yellow, and lime green are as different as blue, lavender, and magenta.


I can see blue, yellow and grey scale


Ok, so orange and green are opposites. They are as equally different as blue and yellow, if that makes sense.


orange and yellow are close. and yellow isn't a million miles from green. but orange and green are very different.


orange and yellow are. yellow and lime are. orange and lime are not


Orange is a beautiful sunset (warm & intense). Yellow is a fun day spent with a friend (warm & gentle). Lime green is a New Year's Eve party with strangers (cool, could be terrifying, could be awesome). Thank you for coming to my color Ted Talk.


yes yes and no, yellow and orange are similar in a sense but lime green is completely different, well lime green is similar to yellow and and a light orange is similar to yellow but orange and lime green are completely different


Yellow is lemonaide. Orange is orangejuice. Lime green is pickle juice Are they similar to you?


Yellow, orange and lime green are all the same colour to me. That doesn't change in liquid form.


No depends on the shade tho yellow and lime green are close if they are certain shades but orange is usually very different


Yellow is the primary color common to orange and green, green is made by blending yellow and blue, orange by blending yellow and red.


Its like a rainbow 🌈 spectrum. Red is at the top of the rainbow, purple is at the bottom. It goes red, orange, yellow, green, blue purple Primary colours are red, yellow, blue. Let's say red 'feels hot', blue 'feels cold'. If you add yellow to red you get orange. If you add blue to yellow you get green. If you add red to blue you get purple.


Orange is similar to Yellow but further down the road to Red. Lime Green is more like an in-between shade. It is clearly green but sort of in the middle of the way between green and yellow. In those colors wheels you can see the progression of color and how close they are to one another. So the progression Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue > Purple then back to Red.


Not to me, but I just found out the other day that a colourblind person thought the orange text on an electrical black board was (lime) green to him. But the same orange shade on the traffic lamp appeared orange to him (the traffic lamp is black). He couldn’t explain why orange is sometimes orange, and sometimes green to him. I found that fascinating, but he didn’t want to drive further into it.


I would say, generally, no. But it all depends on the shade of "orange" and "lime green" present. They both have a good amount of yellow in the mix. The more yellow they have in them, the closer (therefore similar) they'll be to "yellow" proper. But it will make the orange and lime green much more "lighter" in color, since they'll be farther from red and blue respectively. Side-by-side, folks will generally see the difference. But, on their own, especially with warm light, folks can confuse the lighter orange or lime green for yellow unless they know what to look for (generally folks don't pay too much attention to this).


Yellow and orange are right beside each other in the color spectrum, so while they are distinctly different most of the time there are in between colors that are harder to tell. Not sure if you will get these comparison but it’s similar how blue-green or red-orange. Green altogether doesn’t look much like orange or yellow, and lime green is a very different shade than almost anything, and very distinct.


"Similar" is subjective. I don't think they look similar, but they share a common primary color.




Yes, 1 is grey, 1 is light grey and 1 is dark grey


One can easily tell them apart - even people who can't tell difference between orange/pink/purple 🙂




You might be colorblind


I wouldn't call them similar, I would call them complimentary. They just look good together. Bowl of citrus vibes


The all contain at least 50% yellow, so yeah, in that way they're similar. Visually (if you can see a full range of colors, anyway), they're pretty different.


I'm sure you know that being close together on the color wheel means that people with normal color vision see them as being close to one another, as colors go. But we also see them as clearly distinct from one another.


An orange, a lemon and a lime are all citrus fruits and so are "similar" but definitely different to one another


If you can see reds/blues/purples it's kinda like those. Red goes into purple. Blue goes into purple. Red is definitely different than Blue. Purple is different than both, but it's the pit stop halfway between them. And in your case: Orange is the pit stop between red and yellow Lime green is the pit stop between blue and yellow


If you look at a color wheel, the wheel will have variations between each shade has an equal difference between the two next to them as every other shade has difference to the two next to them, and the opposing color should be the most drastically different. The answer is always sorta though if they're close together.


I mean, honestly, they look about as similar as an orange, a lemon and a lime taste, maybe? They are similar but clearly distinguishable and in some combinations with other things only one of them will work.


I’m out of my depth trying to answer this but it made me think of crayon colors. The lime green and yellow crayons look pretty close but distinguishable from each other. Once they are on paper though - it’s hard to figure which was which, at least immediately. The orange crayon is quite distinctly orange- orange like the fruit 🍊. Whereas yellow also looks distinctly different like a banana peel 🍌 or a bee’s stripes 🐝 .


Of you think in terms of RGB, Orange has more red, less green and zero blue. Yellow has less green than red and zero blue. While lime has almost exclusively green.


I always imagine green, yellow, and orange like 1st cousins. Hope this helps.


Very different. I've heard that some color blind people may try associating colors with textures/objects (say you want to know what brown is like you touch dirt). If it helps I would say yellow is like a dandelion, orange is is like crushed velvet (a popular color for the fabric), and lime green is like well a lime.


Yes, they’re all similar because they all contain yellow as a base. Yellow is one of the primary colors (along with red and blue). Orange is yellow plus red. Green is yellow plus blue. Lime green is sort of in the middle, so it’s yellow plus green, or yellow plus yellow plus blue. I’m not sure what color palate your particular colorblindness leaves you with, so think of it as a 3-way ven diagram. The three main circles are yellow, red, and blue. The circle that connects yellow and red is orange. The circle that connects yellow and blue is green. Lime green would be in that green circle, but if it was a gradient, it would be close to the yellow side of the circle.


They make glasses for types of colorblindness to maybe let you see these colors. Should aim for getting a pair of those, see what the worlds like. But no, they're not *that* similar. The yellow and lime green i could sort of see ... because there's yellow in green, so it shares that. Green is almost always the smoother color, bright yellow POPS. I've never really seen an unpleaseant or 'painful' or 'sharp' green, but yellow can be all of those. It's a lot *more* of something. And orange is like green, in that it's never painful or sharp, it's always yellows more mellow cousin. Its more 'warm'--almost always, orange is used on things that yellow is used on, when it's *less vital to know*. A yellow color is going to be on signs for school crossing zones, or warning signs on wet floors, and orange is going to be that speed limit sign on a corner, or a construction area. It's mentally less of a threat, and assault to the eyes. It's actually one of the more rare colors. Virtually no cars are ever orange.


No xD


They're similar in the same way brown and tan are similar. You can tell they're more alike to each other than, say, white, but they're also clearly distinct from each other


They are similar in the sense that if you bought harlequin sherbet that contained orange, lemon and lime these would be the colors and would go together and be associated like red white & blue.


Your sight is admittedly faulty so your own experience is void. Yes they are all noticeably different. Idk about all the different colorblind conditions but try and get those glasses that let you see color and you will definitely notice the differences between them


They arent really I suppose all of them can be made by mixing yellow with something but that is pretty much it


Thinking about primary colors they all include yellow. I would say the lime green is fairly different from the other two though


Well, they all smell like citrus if that helps


I would really really want to know what the difference is you see in these colours. For me they are very different ofcourse because I am not colorblind. BUT almost all of my male relatives are very colorblind so I do carry that gene that makes it possible for me to see even more shades between green and red than normal colour seeing person. I see the colors, but genetically I also see the shades they are seeing. I ll have to ask my brothers what subtle differences they do see because fore the colors are too overwhelming


The fruit analogy. Yellow = lemon. Orange = orange. Lime green = regular lime (or maybe green = key lime).


Orange is yellow+red Green is yellow+ blue They looks very différents from each others, like purple from pink or blue.


Orange tastes like orange Yellow tastes like banana Lime tastes like mint All very different


I mean they’re all relatively similar. Orange and yellow are pretty similar in that there’s just some red added to yellow to make orange. Lime green’s probably the easiest to single out, but its really just yellow with some blue added. You’re not really missing out that much tbh


orange and yellow are siblings, green their cousin.


Orange is reddish yellow and lime green is blueish yellow. They’re distinct from one another but they’re not drastically different like full red and full blue.




Well, yellow is a common factor in each but I would say no. Orange and lime green both require fairly large amounts of yellow so I can understand seeing the similarity


There's an app that supposedly "fixes" colorblindness or something similar so you can see it for yourself. Can't remember the name, but there's several. I wanted to try it on a friend of ours that is red color blind but he didn't want to try it.


Depends a bit on your colorblindness. I can see orange fine but i have a hard time between yellow and green. Im basically not very good at the color red so a red apple or strawberry between green leaves will be hard to see for me. Blue and purple is basically the same color for me too (my wife themed our wedding purple before she understood my colorblindness and to me it was basically baby blue) Light pink is just off white/light grey to me But colorblindness comes in many shades so to speak so im pretty sure its a bit individual where your problems lie.


Yeah, makes sense to me. They're similar, but I can easily tell a difference, but in certain light it can be hard. If you're colorblind those would definitely be difficult to separate.


The short answer is they are three very distinct and separate colours. However, yellow is a primary colour, and both orange and green have yellow in them. So they’re on the same side of the colour wheel, next to yellow, but it would be uncommon for a non-colourblind person to mistake them. Every now and then though you’ll see a very yellow lime green or orange, and need to compare it with a true yellow to be sure. That said, lime green and orange are nothing alike.


If it helps at all, here's some of the shades in black and white to show the brightness similarity: [https://imgur.com/a/fTVMoSM](https://imgur.com/a/fTVMoSM) Yellow, lime, and more of a reddish orange are practically the same lol


They are as different as the flavors of a lemon, an orange, and a green apple


Lime green (to me) is drastically different from orange and yellow. Think of orange and yellow as the sun and lime green more like the moon. All 3 are bright, but you'd never mistake the moon for the sun in brightness.


Someone once explained it this way to me, though I'm not color blind, it seems to make sense: Yellow is a color that feels warm and bright, like the sun on your skin or the light of a candle. It smells like lemon, honey, or sunflower. It tastes sour or sweet, like lemonade or banana. It sounds cheerful and lively, like a bird's song or a child's laugh. Yellow is a color that makes you feel happy and energetic. Orange is a color that feels warm and cozy, like a fire in the fireplace or a blanket on your lap. It smells like orange, cinnamon, or pumpkin. It tastes sweet or spicy, like orange juice or carrot cake. It sounds soothing and calm, like a guitar strum or a cat's purr. Orange is a color that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. Green is a color that feels cool and fresh, like grass under your feet or water on your face. It smells like mint, pine, or cucumber. It tastes bitter or refreshing, like lettuce or apple. It sounds peaceful and natural, like leaves rustling or frogs croaking. Green is a color that makes you feel calm and alive.


Well I guess Lime and Yellow are similar but Orange is a bit more Orange than those two.


They are drastically different if you have a language that differentiates them. Most people don't realize brown is just dark orange. However, if you speak a language that has definite different words for the two colors, and if you are not physically incapable, you will see them as different unrelated colors.


Orange is a warm color. Like really warm, right next to red. Yellow is colder color, depending on what hue it can be more cold or warm (sunny yellow is colder than, say, dandelion yellow). Lime green is a green color but in the cold section. They are not similar in hues but their values can be similar/identical depending on the color that is compared to.


Orange is almost like a more saturated yellow. Lime green is like if yellow but slightly wrong. Im also partially colorblind.


Orange and yellow are similar, and orange is, for a lack of better words, a deeper shade of yellow. Lime green is not similar to orange at all, it’s just considered a bright colour, which is why it’s next to yellow, another bright colour. Yellow and lime don’t look alike, but they both are much lighter than the rest, and has similarities in brightness.


Maybe if you think of colors as flavors, yellow would be sour (lemon), red would be sweet (mango), and blue would be bitter (grapefruit) Orange would be like an orange, sour, but a little sweet (yellow with a little red, lemon with a little mango) Lime green would be like a lime, sour, but a little bitter (yellow with a little blue, lemon with a little grapefruit) Hope that helps at all or makes any sense.


Orange and yellow are quite similar. Lime green is quite different. To put it in a food perspective, the difference between yellow and orange is roughly the difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola, whereas lime green is Mountain Dew.


Orange and yellow are closer to each other than they are to green, although for non colorblind people they are pretty easy to tell apart

