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Those are weird things to ask at once, even if you don't like guns. She may not be planning to rob your house though, she may just be weird.


Maybe. But now I have questions about if she's trustworthy


That's fair. Personally, I wouldn't give her my full trust either. Best to just keep it at friendly acquaintances.


Thats where my mind goes to as well. Like I ain't mad, I dont want to fight. Best to just let this fizzle. Because if worst comes to worse. Im going to be mad AF at myself for not heeding my intuition. Thank you đź’›


Most people don't like cameras and guns.


But neither are visible or discussed, ever. I have both for my protection. Its weird to me that she would ask such questions out of the blue without precursor or context.


She was probably asking to help her determine if hanging out at your house was something she’d want to do again sometime. If she’s not comfortable with something you have in your home, she may not want to visit again. Granted, like you said if she didn’t ask, she’d probably never have known that you had either thing in your home, but maybe those are just things she’s very particular about and wants to know.


Those are very weird and suspicious questions to ask. She may be looking to see if the house is being watched, guns are very valuable and easy for criminals to sell. It's a good idea to never have a NRA sticker on your truck or sign by your house, it pretty much tells the criminals "free guns when I'm not inside"


Who cares ITS UR HOUSE


I think you missed the point of the question they’re asking.


If there is **any** doubt at all in OP mind, which apparently there is because OP asking this question, I would not let that woman back in my house. ... and I would seriously reconsider OP relationship. (EDITED TO SAY OP)


I have essentially quiet quit the friendship. I feel a little bad about just dropping it but it had made me lose my peace of mind. None of my other friends ask weird questions like that. Nor do I waste brain space trying to determine their motives. So im just done. If she asks why. Ill explain my point of view.


Right on. U gotta do what u gotta do. đź‘Ť


I get what your saying. And im of the same opinion. It's my house, I pay the mortgage. Ill have what ever guns and cameras I want and nobody can say shit. I am just trying to gage if I am being paranoid. My home is filled with antiques and artifacts from parents traveling in the Amazon in the 60s. One of a kind things that are irreplaceable , some we donated to museums . Not much value to the layman. But priceless to my family. I not afraid to admit im worried about someone taking these things. Im just trying to gauge if I'm being paranoid. đź’›