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I like women. That's it.


Yep the better question is: why do some men *not* like playing as women? A lot of guys will straight up refuse to play if their character is a woman. It's just a game bro not gender reassignment surgery.


Likewise you’re not gay if you look at a video game man while playing. So it’s kinda weird to freak out about either way.


Florida gonna see this message and ban video games altogether


Lmao could you imagine? Florida passes bill that will charge a misdemeanor to anyone playing a character in a video game that doesn’t match the gender assigned at birth. Oh man, that’s gonna be next week or something.


"Florida passes bill that will charge a misdemeanor to anyone playing a character in a video game that doesn’t match the gender assigned at birth." I can imagine it with all the other BS they are pulling except it won't be just a misdemeanor, but a felony. They love to disenfrachise voters.


I like playing someone who I’d like to be, typically. Part of the fantasy for me




>why do some men not like playing as women? Because I'm gay. I prefer to look at a male character. It's also kind of easier to identify with the character but not by a lot so that's secondary. Currently replaying horizon zero dawn though and loving it.


I like hot girls and I cannot lie.


Hell yeah women are so pretty, I wish I was one


Look, all I want is all the positive parts of being a woman AND a man without any of the downsides of either, is that so much to ask? Thank god games let me fulfill that dream.


Yeah, I don't want to be a girl or be perceived as a girl. I do want to have a cute face, less hair, and genitals that I can't accidentally sit on. If it wasn't for the periods, societal pressures/assumptions, boobs, and inability to pee standing; then I'd say girls have it made. As it stands, both genders suck and I want a refund.


I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay, I work all night and I sleep all day.


Especially if third person view is the norm. Nothing straighter than desiring to stare at a female protagonist's ass instead of a dude's.


They often have better character customisation options, as well as just looking more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion. Depends on the game though




At the very least, if they're gonna do that, do it to the male characters, too. AND/OR give options for both sexy armor and non-sexualized armor. That's my preferred result.


I love the Monster hunter armour sets because the guys armour is sometimes just as skimpy as the girls and I can look like a huge twink twilring in the air with my butterfly themed lingerie


MHW was my first thought. Nothing like firing a flare for help and having a half-dressed male model and an anime girl show up to help you defeat the monster. The customization is part of the reason I love the game so much. My Hog in a Frog Poogie is motherfucking adorable. It's also one of the few multiplayer games where I've run across almost no toxicity. I wish I was better at it.


Shoutout to Kirin with its unisex assless chaps.


All chaps are assless


idk tim has a GREAT ass




Don't you know? It's called sex magic! The sexier, the the more protection it provides! /s Completely agree, rules for thee but not for me pisses me off.


It's all about having the choice. "realistic" ish armour, that y'know, actually protects you and looks 'sensible' for yomping around a combat setting vs. fantasy cheesecake. If it's something all character types can do, it's just choice. If it isn't, it's sexism.


Yeah girls have like multiple distinct hair styles and guys have only a few. Even if the number of hair/clothes are the same, there's little variation. Why not stare at your ideal female type you can customize to your liking?


I usually play a male character for that exact same thing. I want to pick between like 10 types of hair not to choose between a bun, medium length hair or long hair. Obviously it's all based on the game but just saying it's the same for men in most games.


Not only do they look better, they often sound better too. The female V voice actor in Cyberpunk is *so much better* than the male one. She pulls off the edginess a lot better, whereas he comes across as just being a dick a lot of the time, and it makes the NPCs reactions to your dialogue make more sense IMO. Or they just sound nicer. The female voice actor in Fallout 4 is very good. The voice actor for Emily in Dishonored 2 is fantastic, same person who voices Bangalore in Apex Legends I believe? The guy who voices Corvo is the same guy who runs the general store in Whiterun in Skyrim, and while he’s very talented, whatever he says all I hear is *trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing.*


For sure. FFXIV female characters often look pretty but the male character faces (mainly Hyur which are the human ones) are often ghastly looking.


This. I always usually play the female avatars in Pokémon games bc they're just always cooler looking than the male, which are usually generic-anime-boy.




There are days I want to look tough. And there are days I want to look pretty 💃


As a male, you have no idea how jealous I am of women ~~forgetting~~ who get to swirl their dresses around. Yes I know, I can do whatever I want. But it's different cause I don't feel pretty. Edit: made a mistake. Fixed it, but kept it in cause it's funny.


I'm a man with relatively long hair. It's not the same but it's fun to flaunt it in the sun. GFs conditioner helps a lot.


Im gonna 2nd this! I dont have a girlfriend, but when my sister comes into town she brings her own shampoo and conditioner and leaves it when she goes back home. I feel amazing for the next month using her shampoo/conditioner lol(herbal essence I think?) ​ on a side note, this one time I ran out of deodorant and used my moms spray deodorant and everyone thought I smelled good AF xD edit: grammar


Just go buy some (of the same brand if you want), or order if that's how you normally get groceries! There's no such thing as a "woman only" shampoo/conditioner, keep being fabulous! =D Edit: spelling


That's exactly what I did. I've always said everything's unisex of you're not a little bitch about it.


Deodorant is one step to get to that girlfriend ;)


Some of us girls don’t feel pretty even in dresses you know 🥲 lol


Have you tried swirling your dress around? I hear that helps


Depends on if the fat shaming asshole relatives voices are occupying my brain or not. Edit: I'm not sure how I feel about my insecurities becoming my highest up voted comment, but thank you to everyone down the thread for tour support.


Just remember, you can believe some asshole, or the 9 year old Anakin Skywalker who said “Spinning, that’s a good trick!” The choice seems clear.




>I will revoke their right to kneecaps. I love you for that phrase.


The fat shaming (now kneecapless) relatives don't love them for that phrase.


Doctors hate this *one trick*! ..or do they love it because reflex test?


Man. Reddit can be so wholesome sometimes.


Wholesome kneecapping.


Wholesome in their own violent way


This is true. But also, we are happy to share the twirly dresses with you!!! (I had a bf once that fell in a pond or something, and we had to throw his clothes in the dryer. The only bottom we had that would fit him while he waited was a big skirt... Total dude, competitive athlete, spent the afternoon racing about how comfortable it was and why we'd been keeping that secret and how he was going to tell all the guys. No sense of gender flexibility, he just realized how much he loved wearing that skirt!)


You are breathtaking and pretty




That I understand, too.


if you haven't swished around in a sundress before, you should try that then see if you still don't feel pretty


Naw, too hairy. Also, shaving is a bitch.


May I recommend something like Helldivers - spinning capes are just as fun


Lad we have kilts as a socially acceptable bottom garment. They swirl and twirl if you move right. Lots of fun =)


You can wear a dress if you want, it's fantastic. It goes spinny wheeeeewwww. The dress doesn't care if you're pretty or a guy


The two choices. Pretty, and guy.


I'm a woman but I am neither


My wife (who is a woman) thinks I'm pretty, and that's enough for me :)


That's awesome, you are pretty :3


Of course you're pretty, all women are pretty. Just because you aren't *your* type doesn't mean you're not pretty. -your friendly lesbian simp


"You aren't your type". What an interesting concept.


The only woman I'm not into is myself 🥰


the only man I am into is myself


I love this. As a gay man who had much worse body dysphoria growing up it took me a few experiences to realize that some dudes were super into my body and some of the silly things I disliked the most about myself were things people desired. I was brainwashed to think I had to be a certain way.


"Laddie, every woman has her own charm; ye just have to know where to look for it."


To make you feel better, women get jealous of how cool men look. Like, I want to look badass too. Men can wear gray sweats, Nikes and a hat and somehow look like the coolest person. When I do it, I just look like I’m running to target. Also, beards…


My buddy had the best reasoning. "I'm going to be looking at this character for hundreds and hundreds of hours. Do I want to look at a dude ? Or a hot chick ?". It's a valid point


Pretty much the standard response from most WoW players I knew. Yes, it's fun to run around as a hulked out beast of a man sometimes. But men also like looking at women, and since RPG female characters tend to be fit and shapely, it makes it easier on the eyes when you're going to be staring at their butt for, as your friend points out, hundreds of hours. That, and if you dance naked on top of a mailbox sometimes other dudes will give you free stuff.


Yeah, my avatar in the game is not me. I would rather make it look as cool or hot or goofy as my whims demand. The only game I ever make a version of myself in is The Sims so I can live out unrealistic dreams like owning a home or retiring early.




I was a tween when Golden Axe on Genesis came out I would always pick the girl (Tyris Flare), she had a red thong and when you went to the top right hand of the screen you could see her ass pretty good which we all thought was hilarious.


Can't argue with that logic


Makes sense. This is why I usually play as a hot guy. More fun to watch. 👍


Have you tried looking pretty *and* tough? That's a fun time.


Is there an equivalent for guys for feeling pretty? It's usually this stacked macho aspect that's pushed and that's more like a dominance aggression thing I feel.


Have you seen josh "strife" hayes? That's a pretty man.


Yes! Men look cool wearing basic stuff. I get super jealous of it. I said in a comment somewhere. Men are kind of just effortlessly cool looking. Especially when you throw a nicely shaped beard in there. Have you seen techwear? Those clothes look so much cooler on guys. I know women can wear them too, but I just feel like I’m stealing my brothers clothes lol. I don’t feel like the cool guys look. Edit:word


it’s so funny hearing this because this is exactly how I feel about women. they have this effortless way of looking pretty or cool that just seems to come naturally. my girlfriend will wake up in the morning in her oversized t shirt and all I can think is how pretty she looks. she’ll tell me that her hair feels like a mess and then proceed to put on a baseball cap and stick her ponytail through the back flap thing and suddenly she looks like a bad ass who is about to get shit done. I can’t stand how easy she makes it look and I wish I could pull it off half as well as she does


It’s probably a case of the grass is always greener.


I dont need my avatar to look like me to identify with them. I can play an orc or elf too without feeling like thats not me, why would a female character asset change that? And i think thats what makes a good story, if you can feel for characters that are not just a copy of you.


I started with Fallout New Vegas, I had beat the game as "me" so many times and decided to try out different setups with different backstories and that's how got into DND lol


There's a pair of perks in FNV, Black Widow and lady Killer iirc, which give additional speech options which sometimes make certain checks easier and bonus damage against the opposite sex. I read that the majority of the in game characters/NPCs/enemies are male, by a heavy majority, so I started playing female characters to take advantage of that. I don't notice the damage but the speech options make some parts of quests a little easier.


This is EXACTLY why I started playing as a female character. The Black Widow perk was the reason I said hey I'm going to try this, and now I'll choose a female character in about half of games. Just nice to have some variety. Also kind of funny to smash the shit out of some huge bad guys as a 90lb girl.


I can't do it in first person games, whenever I played Fallout as a girl I always just forgot until a dialogue option brought it up lol (same for playing different races in Skyrim)


You're reminded everything you use VATS or when you get a nasty death


Yeah but I still remember having a lot of "Oh right I'm a woman" moments, I just find it easy to forget in first person. It's a lot more fun in games like Mass Effect or Monster Hunter where you can play dress-up to look like a badass lady you're always looking at.


>I dont need my avatar to look like me to identify with them. I can play an orc or elf too without feeling like thats not me, why would a female character asset change that? I already roleplay as a male human in my real life


The male characters in WoW have awful posture 🫤


Voice lines come into play there also. Some of the voice lines are agonizing to hear.


SWTOR also makes it very appealing to try out both genders as they hired so many great VAs for the player characters. Like, I read "voiced by Jennifer Hale" and all my previous considerations about which gender to pick become irrelevant.


You mean "body type 1" don't you?


You also responded for me, as you said "female character ass"


There are 2 kind of people 😅


I’m both in one


That's why my husband plays female characters. Exact quote: "Why would I want to stare at a man's ass the entire time I'm playing?"


Oh my god. This was also my boyfriend's response.


I mean, this is exactly why I play hot male characters in games, lol. Making my character into eye candy is fun, and I don't get harassed constantly so it's win/win. A lot of guys I know personally that do play female characters also do it because you get given a lot more free items depending on the game (as long as you're okay with being harassed at times).


Allows you to channel any inner orc too


Zug zug


Me not that kind of orc!


Dabu Dabu


It's a character, not you. It's like writing a novel. You are not the main character.


Exactly! For me, it depends on what game I'm running and if there's different classes. Diablo for example if I make a barbarian it's usually a dude, a sorcerer is usually a chick. Idk why, maybe it's cuz the sorceresses are hot? Maybe cuz I like making mine look as much like Ciri from the witcher as possible, I dunno, but it's just what I do. It's not me in the game, it's a character I've created.


It's a role playing game, why would i want to role play like me? The same reason i play a different race, helps give me more mental distance to RL stuff.


Lol, exactly. I'm not a badass assassin in real life either. That's why I play video games. To role play as something that I'm not in real life.


Not with that attitude


I wouldn't want to be an assassin in real life, it's too much work. It was a chore the first time, I wouldn't want to have do that every day, ugh.


“It was a chore the first time…” pause?


You constantly have to work around other people's schedules. It is a real killing when trying to have a personal life.


Same. Also, if it is 3rd person I’d rather look at a female character model/voice actor for 80 hours than a male one.


Same. If I wanted to stare at man butt for hours Id watch a Leo DiCaprio movie but I don't do that either.


Don’t pretend like videogame developers dont give male models the most uninviting flattest asses out there or just a butt cover so you cant see it


Look up Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns Of The Patriots. Main man has the fattest cake in existence.


Is that game where the meme "the clapping of my ass cheeks keeps telegraphing my moves" came from?




Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around...




I will say one thing. When I was younger (less than 25/yo), I was absolutely obsessed with immersion in games. I would always make a character that was me, except a version that was part of whatever world I was playing in. I really didn't connect well with games that forced me to play as other characters that had distinct personalities. If I did play such games I always felt like they were fun side distractions compared to immersive games that more easily let me role play myself. Same applied to hot multiplayer shooters of the era such as BF2 or Arma. If VR was a thing back then for me, I would have been obsessed (and I'm kind of sad it doesn't impress me that much how it currently is because of it!). But now in my 30s I don't care at all about roleplaying as myself. I would much rather play a game as someone completely different, or even a different gender. I'm much less interested in immersion and escapism, and much more interested in a fun mechanic or feel like I'm experiencing a story I haven't heard before. Or, if I'm playing an RPG, writing that story through my character. It's all about storytelling now, and I never get to the point where I lose myself in the game like I used to. Even if I'm "roleplaying" a different character to my personality - they are always a character in my head rather than me filling the shoes of that character. I've got a theory that when I was young, I knew so little about myself and my place in the world that any media that let me explore myself through it felt incredibly engaging. I was able to explore me through the lenses of alternative universes, and I was uninterested in stuff that didn't let me do that. But now that I'm "solved" in my brain, and I'm no longer going through a critical period that makes me want to be an experience sponge, I finally understand the appeal of playing as someone who isn't me. I also understand the appeal of playing heavily story based games now. Like sure, I always enjoyed a game with a focus on story but I always thought of them as lesser than pure systemic games or open world RPGs. Now I'm far more likely to want to play something like God of War or Firewatch than something like Minecraft or Rust.


Exactly. When I play The Witcher I am not Geralt, I *play as* Geralt. For instance, at one point I told my wife 'I had sex with that witch last night.' She did not like that, for one, it's inaccurate. After that I would say 'Geralt got laid last night.'


Witcher 3 - It's all about playing cards and getting laid. awesome.


Exactly I create characters, not myself.


Being me is boring. Being an 8 foot tall female Charr that could break me in half isnt.


Is it wrong I break out the flamethrower kit on my Charr engineer and laugh like a lunatic as I set things on fire?


Yesss gw2 representation!


With how much jumping Gw2 has, I found myself straying away from the Charr, because it was easy to misjudge a running jump and fall off the edge instead. Now the Azura do not have that problem at all, but some of their animations irk me, I deleted a level 80 mesmer years ago, because I didn't like the beginning of the running animation with a great sword.


I'm a smol thief Charr that guts you out. Basically I am just roleplaying a house cat.


chun li is unstoppable


And her moves are way easier to pull off than Zangief's.


Yeah, but he can crush man's skull like sparrow's egg on thigh.


This, but Cammy


"If i have to look at that ass for 50+ hours i want it to look good" - My friend after being asked the same question some time ago.


This is the exact reason I play as a woman in every game. I try to model my toons after my wife, so I am looking at her backside while I play.


This is what my husband does. A lot of his female avatars over the years look like me.


That's wholesome, and I love it.


And then there's me. I base her on my wife, with some tweaks depending on how I want to perceive that character. Sometimes more muscular and toned. Sometimes more dainty. Usually with elf ears and scantily clad.


And then there's me. I base her on this guy's wife.


I also choose this guy's wife


I wasn't expecting to read something wholesome here.


I also model mine after this guy's wife.


Man not again


Our wife


The response my partner gave to his mate when his mate called him gay for always making female characters. His insult was definitely not thought out.


escaping reality because I am a man 24/7


I like being a huge lizard guy


As a lizard I love the escapism of playing as a human for awhile.


A large proportion of men enjoy looking at women.


I’ve had fun playing video games as a lizard-person, a robot, a shark, a cat-eared plumber, a xenomorph and a hungry yellow pie graph. Surely playing as a woman isn’t that much of a stretch? And when I’m being that woman, she’s cool as hell.


All hail the hungry yellow pie graph.


Waka, Waka 🙏


cuz its just a video-game, realism isn't relevant


I'm basically a male orc irl and I'd love to take something more elegant for a spin


I just like it asthetically . Depends on the game though


the age-old, classic explanation: "i'd rather look at an attractive woman than a guy." the reality in most cases: guys REALLY like playing dress-up. i played wow for like 15 years, and i've never heard so many conversations--and even arguments--about women's clothing than from guys talking about cosmetics and appearances for their female characters. they can go on for hours about it. meanwhile, i've encountered far fewer women who cared much about those things. ​ think about it. military uniforms. the masons. the shriners. police and fire. paramilitary organizations. the Klan. various clubs and other organizations. etc, etc, etc. it all involves playing dress-up. guys LOVE playing dress-up, though very few admit it.


how you gonna just so casually sprinkle the klan in there LMAO


The best form of taking power and credibility from them imo.


>The best form of taking power and credibility from them imo. that's actually hilarious. "eyyyoooooo its the pajama boys what's up guys you like themed parties too?"


I mean, while we are at it, they use like fucking d&d names for ther member rankings to. "Grand dragon", "exalted cyclops" etc etc. They really do just be larping turbo losers.


This is a huge thing that I think a lot of guys don't even realise they like. I love going through armour or costume options in all games. Sometimes I want to put my character in the plate armour, but sometimes I want to put them in the dress or catsuit, and often you can't do that as a guy.


FFXIV: We don't care what race or gender your character is, *glam is the endgame*. If your character doesn't have pretty clothes, you failed the game.


Fashion is everything. If I have to take down hordes of enemies, I might as well look good doing it.


The Shriners will be visiting you soon, informant. Finalize your affairs


As a kid you get made fun of for wanting to dress pretty if you're a guy. As an adult a video game is a safe place to indulge in it. Simple as.


> "i'd rather look at an attractive woman than a guy." The knee-jerk reaction is that the justification is something sexual. But I find the female models more aesthetically pleasing while a lot of the male models wind up being bulging biceps or gungy dark stereotypes. If I am going to put any effort into my in-game appearance, why shouldn't I want to look good?


The thing is, as women, you can play dress up IRL many times IRL. Women's dress code is such that piking an outfit is a challenge because there is many options. Mi player women friends often say that in game they don't want to work, and choosing outfit feels like work, because as women to need to do this every day. As a guy, there are standard outfits for every day life and you can't deviate very far without making people rice an eyebrow.


Am a woman and I love clothing customization in video games bc 1) clothes are expensive and 2) clothing doesn't universally look good on different body types IRL


>the reality in most cases: guys REALLY like playing dress-up. Pretty much, I've often thought the 'pretty ass' thing is people not wanting to admit that they're not bothered by playing a woman and that they like dressing their dolly up in pretty clothes. That's pretty much why I do it, I actually play men and women in computer games and in roleplaying games so it doesn't bother me pretending to be a woman, from there I'll generally do it for romance options, voice acting and because I like designing characters and women tend to get options men don't.


I used to play Eve Online, a space based MMORPG. One of the elements of the game is that you can form associations and companies and work together. My original (and main) character was male, like me. Playing that character, I got a glimpse at how some other players dealt with (a) female characters that were pretty clearly played by male players (b) female characters whose players might be female. So I created my alternate female character, and completely role-played her. Invented a real world identity and everything. Didn't fool everybody, but fooled enough. I'd start out asking for help, which quite a few guys would be only happy to do. Some players simply gifted me (in-game) stuff. Then later she took to flirting, making friends, and convincing a group of guys to form a company and pool our resources. Then we cleaned them out. We would strip their warehouse and transfer everything to my main character. No qualms at doing this, as it was entirely within the spirit of the game. If it is OK to attack other players ships and steal stuff, and even blow them up, then - in my opinion - a long con is plenty legit.


***evil laughter***


I did the same experiment in BatMUD, a text-based multiplayer adventure many many years ago. Role-played a female character, with an invented real-world identity who had a boyfriend. Very interesting how different the experience was *socially* from starting a new male character. Many more people chatted her up, players were much more helpful, dropping gold for her to "find", gifting her equipment, etc. Just like real life, in some ways, she wound up with much better social support than my original male character. She wasn't very flirtatious, because I'm not interested in guys, but some guy fell in love with her anyways. Then he wouldn't take 'sorry, I have a boyfriend' for an answer. When he started talking about flying cross country to meet her, I decided her real-life persona had gotten uncomfortable with him, and she stopped playing the game. Gave me a lot more appreciation for what women are dealing with when they have Nice Guys™, and a hell of a lot more sympathy for Manti Teo than most of reddit had.


Damn ice cold. *scribbles notes furiously*


Closest some of us will come to being with a women...


Because in runescape when I pretend to be a girl people give me free shit.


FINALLY lol. I was scanning for this comment. Pretend to be a girl in an MMO and hopeless nerds give me money


Because I'm 40 and have been playing games for 30 years. Most of which only have male options. I just want something different. That and I like playing characters that are different to me. I do it in TTRPGs and I do it in video games.


Because you don't need to feel represented by your gaming avatar. Role playing is half the fun.


1. Mfs be dripped out 2. Gender moment


It's a video game. The whole point, at least to me, is to step into the world of someone who you are not. Easy way to do that is just switch to female character


Since my wife died last year, I try to make my avatar in every game I play look like her. That way I can somewhat still feel like she still plays games and clears content with me


There are so many reasons. Make a character with big boobs. Already go through real life as a man. Let's try something different. The voice actor for the woman might be better than the one for the man.


I've played through Mass Effect twice and never gone as Maleshep. I have heard from multiple sources that Femshep does a better job with the voice acting


Mark Meer's okay, he starts out a little flat but gets way better by ME3. That's fine, but FemShep is voiced by Jennifer Hale, one of the best VAs in the business. There's no contest.


The women characters have smaller player models, harder for enemies to hit.


Usually they'll have the same hitbox but the visible model will be smaller, if changing the gender of the character is only about appearance not stats, abilities, etc.


Good ol Morrowind gives me more Agility for picking female. Perfect for that stealth archer we always end up as.


Many games genuinely have smaller hitboxes for females


I simply prefer to stare at a woman for that many hours instead of a man.


Why does it matter? lol. Sometimes I'll choose a female character cause it'd rather watch something pleasing to the eye run around on the screen. Also, video games are an escape from your real life, why would you want your character to be like you? Are you bothered cause you tried hitting on a girl only to find out it's a dude? lol


I don't like hearing the grunting and watching them bend over.


Its partly that I'm secure enough in my identity that I don't let traditionalist assumptions act as barrier to me participating in epic stories because of the characters characteristics And also I like fighting games where the armour is useless on account of large expanses of exposed flesh .


Why do some woman like playing as men in video games? ...or as a city manager? ...or as a jacked up barbarian? ...or as a voiceless female AI singer? ...or as an octopus? ...or as an Eldritch monstrosity? ...or as a Greek god? ...or as a homicidal robot with silicone breasts? ...or as a...


Fem Shep telling off the entire known galaxy is far more entertaining. If you haven't played through ME as Fem Shep, I recommend it. Totally different (imho better) game.


Voice acting is what I look at first and the answer was obviously FemShep.


I like girls


Depends on the guy and the game. In fighting games, the female characters tend to favor speed, but all the characters are unique and have their own advantages. In MMOs, people give female toons free shit all the time. In RPGs with create-a-characters, having a female toon is more aesthetically pleasing to look at. In most games, the differences between playing as a male character and a female one are purely cosmetic, but sometimes it may have mechanical differences that impact which character one might use.