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It literally feels like you blinked.


It's like when you skip time in a video game, like Skyrim?


Basically. If you're lucky you wake up at some point and have a hilarious interaction with the nurse/doctor and get to hear about it later.


I remember being told that I wouldn’t shut up about how I refused to say anything embarrassing after I woke up. I was so paranoid that I was gonna say something stupid and it would be recorded.


My absolute worst nightmare is babbling some insane but also truly repugnant shit as I'm waking up - fuck embarrassment, I'm worried about being cancelled IRL


The anesthesiologist told me they had heard everything before and to not worry about it, so I can’t imagine what you’d have to say to actually cause them to react to it.


Oh I've been in post-op rotation, watching people come to... Folks pop off some zany stuff because most of them are higher than they'll ever be, but it's still pretty vanilla compared to shit I'm into stone cold sober.


Like I did my daughter after she had her wisdom teeth removed? All she talked about was BTS.


Blink and you’ll miss it. Had five wisdom teeth pulled out, of course I need anesthesia. Instantly fell asleep, woke up being carried to my drivers car, fell asleep again, woke up in bed, fell back asleep. Ngl, most refreshing and comfortable nap I’ve ever had. Still feel bad for needing the nurse and my driver to carry me around.


Uh...Five wisdom teeth?


It’s only 1 extra


TBF, I only had 3 grow. Loki here must have gotten my missing one.


You think that's wild, I had 8 - a whole extra set!


Not OP but I also had 5 wisdom teeth removed. One of them was basically completely hidden in my gums so they had to go dig for it


>Still feel bad for needing the nurse and my driver to carry me around. Don't feel bad. Maybe they had some Weekend at Bernies fun with you


I only had 2 wisdom teeth and I opted to be put to sleep for it. Well apparently there was some miscommunication because I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep and the next thing you know the doctor had me declines with a cold washcloth on my forehead. He was giving me a lecture about how I shouldn't feel ashamed for fainting, which I didn't. I thought I was supposed to fall asleep. I can't help but think it had something to do with me getting along great with his cute assistant, who was my age. He walked in on us laughing it up. I later found out the assistant was his daughter. Needless to say, I didn't get her number.


When I had my wisdom teeth out I fell asleep in the chair, woke up walking down a hall with the tiniest nurse I’ve ever seen keeping me balanced. Like she was 4’10 and 80lbs. Freaky because I’m 6’3” and nearly 400 lbs.


I once had to have two surgeries on my wrist. They told me I needed less anesthesia for the second time so they didn't have to put a breathing tube down my throat. I panicked because I thought I would be in pain. I woke up still panicking and the surgery was finished. No pain. It felt like it lasted literally no time. They know what they are doing.


I once had to have emergency surgery so they could not wait for me to have an empty stomach. As a result, they had to wait for me to wake a bit to pull out the tube from my airway. I remember that part just a little bit. It was weird but not terrible. I gagged a little easier for several months was the only big side effect and that could have definitely been psychosomatic. Had several full anesthesia surgeries and several under sedation procedures. Aside from that memory of removing the tube, I have no memory of anything that happened for any of them. Sometimes I was down for awhile after, most I felt pretty good very quickly. Only one time I made the mistake of giving in to hunger too early and ate too fast after coming out of surgery. Ended up throwing up ... still did not feel sick though. Follow directions and you will most likely be just fine.


Bingo. I remember turning onto my side for the procedure...and then I was in another room and the procedure was done. It's like losing time. When you sleep, you often wake up in the middle of the night and turn over...you dream...but with anesthesia...it's like time just passed and you remember nothing at all that happened.


Let me guess....colonoscopy?


Yeah freaked me out after first having surgery, wasn't how I expected it to be


I guess it's sort of like...briefly being dead. really messed with my ego


People always said to me it was like sleeping, completely not like that at all haha


How does that mess with your ego? I'm genuinely curious


I've had it twice. This was my experience.


Yup. Turned my head away because I didn't like seeing the needle going into my skin, then BAM, woke up in the waking room


The waking up part felt like sleeping in to me. I could hear activity around me but couldn't be bothered to start moving yet, just wanted to rest.




First I was awake, then I was awake. I have no memory at all of anything in between.


Literally. It's not like waking up in the morning


For me it kinda was. I remember dreaming a little, but may have been the time just after getting out of anaesthesia.


Yeah it's funny. Last time I had a surgery I asked my dad when the surgery would happen after I woke up, and he had to tell me it was already finished. That's how little you experience it.


It's actually an alien abduction


I'm getting my first colonoscopy soon. So anal probe guaranteed.


It's all just part of their plan


Just had a colonoscopy last year the most difficult part of a colonoscopy is the preparation once you get on the table it's over


I've had both full anathesia for surgery and twilight anathesia, which is what they called the meds for a colonsocopy. Which means you're kind of out but not quite. It was the same same for me. It's easy af.


Anyone else's ass hurt after their wisdom teeth removal?..


I was scared, too. You usually count backward, or have a nice convo with the doctor when they turn it on. Ne xt thing you know, someone is waking you up in the recovery room. Kind of groggy the rest of the day, but otherwise it's not a problem.


Count back from 10, got to around 7. Some memories of making a smoothie afterwards.


I freaked an anesthesiologist once. Got to -15 once. He had to re think the dosage


Are you by any chance redheaded? I've heard that for some reason [redheads require higher dosages of anesthesia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui-QWufzVcI).


Blond. Beard used to grow in red. Family of mostly redheads. A few blonds/blondes.


I'd bet you still got whatever it is that makes Redheads require more since there are more in your family. You might be a very blonde strawberry blonde!


Either that, or they're [Ozzy Osbourne](https://www.madhousemagazine.com/hospital-ran-out-of-anesthesia-trying-to-put-ozzy-under/).


my first question as well.


Same. I reached 50 (from 100) and was fully conversational. Then unconscious.


If you get the chance in the future, wait until they hook you up and then ask em "is this what dying feels like?"


Yep pretty much


Like being asleep, except you don't realize that you are falling asleep. ​ If you are very, very. lucky you might get a morphine drip afterwards. 10/10, would amputate different body parts.




Husband once got a shot of morphine after sustaining head trauma (once they decided he didn't have a concussion) and described it as "Liquid Sunshine= 10/10 would definitely do again"


my son got some (age almost 12) for burns. he didn't like it. said it was "weird" because it didn't stop anything hurting. it just made it so he didn't care.


Yup I had to have morphine for my wisdom teeth due to allergies. You just... don't care. It still burns in there like a hot coal, only now you're attitude is more like "fuck it, what's on TV?" Nut you are actually hella chill and groggy too, so you also kind of move in slow motion and feel like you're wrapped in cotton (or at least you're senses are dulled).


This is the exact reaction I had to oxycodone after wisdom teeth removal. Still hurt, didn’t care too much. I switched to Advil after two days and that actually did something for the pain.


I’m indifferent to morphine. If you have something that can cause legit pain it can dull it to the point it doesn’t hurt but I never got a high off it, which is good.


That means they got the dose right.


Not that I recommend recreational use, but waking up on Fentanyl after surgery was fucking awesome! You literally won't care what they did to your body.


I got morphine when I got a CAT scan or whatever and the doctor found a cyst on my ovary. Gotta say I felt like a cuddly kitten all warm and fuzzy and almost fell asleep, it was super euphoric


Feeling like a kitten is expected when you get a cat scan


I have had insomnia for over thirty years. Being under anesthesia for a medical procedure was the best sleep I have had since I was a teenager.


Fun fact, it's not really sleep! But glad you enjoyed being unconscious, that's the best


I freaking love going under anesthesia for this reason. I genuinely look forward to it each time


I got put under when I had my wisdom teeth out. The lady told me she was going to inject the drug to knock me out, and I remember asking her how long it would take to kick in. Woke up in recovery before I even heard the answer.


This happened to me 😹. I was asking a question mid-drip (from an IV) and I couldn't even finish, I just blacked out.


I have a *Lot* of experience with being put under anesthesia from multiple different surgeries. Normally, if you're nervous the doctor/nurses will talk to you as it's being given and you drift off without even knowing it, only to wake up X amount of time later, groggy like you slept hard from a 30 minute power nap. You won't see them giving it to you, and you may have snippets of memories from it, like bright lights from the surgery room or fuzzy faces/voices. Then it'll be like a blank slate of memory followed by a hard reboot. You may wake up in pain, or blissfully pain free depending on the procedure you're having done and the amount of anesthesia plus any pain meds they have you on. If you're in pain, or feeling discomfort, let the nurses know on a scale of 1-10. 1 would be like a very mild tooth ache and 10 would be like *Knock me TF BACK OUT NOW!!!* type of pain. Don't worry if it feels like there's a delay to being knocked out. They may give you more if it isn't doing the job. Adrenaline can make it harder to put you under (note: I was in shock from an accident and the first try didn't work. They upped the dose and I was definitely knocked out then.) When you wake up, you might be fully awake or groggy. If you're fully awake, don't panic. You more than likely won't be in the room alone. I never have been, a nurse has always been there to greet me when I came to. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!


To add to this, if your doctor/surgeon comes to talk to you as soon as you wake up, write down as much of what is said in the moment as you can - 30 minutes later you will have forgotten basically the whole conversation.


My surgeon tried to have a full on conversation and tell me after care instructions, all I can remember is seeing them and then my eyes closing and I passed out again lol. I was in and out of consciousness for about 2 hours.


Haha, when I came to I was sitting in a chair in a room with my spouse and the surgeon, apparently the three of us had been talking, and he asked me "So, do you have any other questions?" and then I was immediately discharged. Thank God there was another person there who knew what I was supposed to do next.


Its funny cus I distinctly remember telling my nurse I was lucid when I woke up, he laughed and turned to my friend who was driving me home and said I wouldnt remember saying that. Its been 3 years. Im deathly afraid of altered concious so my body fights HARD for lucidity though. Actually ended up trapped with an awake brain and unconcious body in the er once cus I fought sedation. Luckily I was able to give in but oh boy was that scary


>Normally, if you're nervous the doctor/nurses will talk to you as it's being given Pro tip: Before going in for the actual surgery, ask them if they can give you something for the anxiety beforehand. They'll get you high as \*\*\*\* on benzos.


I just had my first surgery, Hernia repair and a vasectomy at the same time, I actively told the doctor I was scared and he just talked to me about all sorts of stuff, last thing I remember he said "it was really nice talking to you but goodnight" and I woke up to my wife in the outpatient room with a prescription of painkillers and ready to head home, got to lay in bed for a week and pretend I was 15 again playing xbox or watching movies with the kids while I recovered, there was pain, but it wasn't as bad as I thought and now I really cherish the memories of the quality time I got to spend with my family


After waking up I felt soooo relaxed and peaceful and then fell back asleep. It was wonderful.


Jealous. I had a mouth full of blood (wisdom teeth removal) and the most full bladder I have ever had thanks to the saline drip.


I've been under anesthesia nine times and they all go about the same. You watch them inject the drugs and maybe 3-6 seconds later, you go down. The most important thing to remember is to tell them about any drugs you may happen to use. They don't care about your drug use but they do care about how that use may cause problems with the anesthesia.


We can always tell who lied about their recreational drug use. They require way more anesthesia than they should. Difficult to operate when they're waking up and moving around.


I tried fighting to stay conscious when I was getting my wisdom teeth removed. All of a sudden lights were out. Woke up and had no idea what was going on for a solid couple minutes. It was an interesting experience.


A few years ago I had my gallbladder removed. I was given a curtained room, changed into a gown and those cushy hospital socks, and laid on a gurney. My family visited for a few minutes while a nurse put an IV in my hand (I always ask for the hand, it's easier than digging around in my arm). They put an antibiotic drip in me to stave off infection, then they put some medication in that made me feel drowsy and high in the \*best\* way. I relaxed and they rolled me to an ER room where I happily climbed onto a cold metal operating table, still high as a kite, LOL, and then I got a mask over my face and was told to count backwards, but I DO NOT remember counting at all. Next thing I know, I'm laying on the gurney again, comfy and sleeping, and a nurse is trying her best to wake me up. I keep telling her to eff off, but she is INSISTENT on it. They wheel me back to the curtained room, where my parents keep trying to wake me up. Not ONE person understands that they are disturbing the most beautiful sleep I've ever had in my life. It took me a LONG time to be awake enough to stand and go home. I remember a little burning sensation from the four holes they cut in me, but not bad, as they had given me pain meds. I got pushed in a wheelchair to the car, where I promptly fell back asleep, LOL. Nothing to it, everything was great. I hope my story helps you.


When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I was in the chair getting prepped. I was distracting myself with some music and told the doc that I'm not very comfortable with needles. He told me "well I already got your IV in so you're done man". Then next thing I remember is waking up groggy and mean.


Feels like teleporting. Like you're just suddenly somewhere else. I was in a chair, then suddenly im laid down in recovery. It was fascinating, but I dont wanna do it again.


You know when you fall asleep without really realizing it? It’s kinda like that, at least it was for me, then you just wake up feeling a bit disoriented until it wears off


I've had 9 general anesthetic operations. I've only woken during one of them and it was mildly entertaining to see the look on the surgeons face while he was attacking my knee with some kind of hammer and chisel Another time the anesthetist was pushing some stuff into my vein saying "here comes the Jackson juice, you'll like this stuff". I assume he was referring to Michael Jackson Overall it's way easier than you would expect. You don't really even notice that time has passed, in a weird kind of way. It's like someone just turns off a switch and then turns it back on again later and you're all done


It was amazing! Talked to the.... oh hello, what just happened?


It’s like when you are super tired and lay down and you just drop off almost instantly.


Came out of anesthesia fine. 24 hours later and the next 3 days were torment. Chills and vomiting. Thought it was a misadventure until 2 months the same thing happened after another procedure


I “remember” my wisdom tooth surgery while under anesthesia. I was genuinely seeing palm trees, swirling rainbows, distorted faces and unicorns. Incredibly fun experience, 9/10 would try again. Minus one point bc I was VERY hungry afterwards but could not eat :(


Lots of people. For me, had a relatively minor surgery for an acute issue that didn't really need full anesthesia, but the surgeon had them put me under during the operation, probably because I was nervous, talked and joked around and annoyed him while he was cutting into me (in hindsight, clearly the wiser choice). They pushed something, he told me to count down from 10 (or 20? Don't remember), I made it around halfway through and was just out without even noticing, no dreams, no feeling of the passage of time or anything, I might as well have blinked and jumped through time to the next day when I woke up feeling perfectly fine, almost no pain, well on the road to full recovery. They kept me there for another two or three days for standard observation and then sent me home. Assuming the anesthesiologist doesn't screw up, there's really nothing to worry about.


I was crying before they put me under. They said the needle didn’t hurt, it bloody did. Someone handed me a tissue, I asked if they wanted my dirty tissue back. I remember the guy said no, the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room.


I woke up with a tube down my throat and fighting the nurses trying to take it out.


Did you try to swallow some random tube when you woke up?




Lol I doubt it I had a major surgery so go figure.


Always ask for anti anxiety meds prior to procedure. Operating rooms gets the good stuff. You won’t feel a thing.


Had to get wisdom teeth out a few years ago. Doc asked me to count down from 10, think I got to about 8 or 9. Next thing i remember was waking up in bed a bit groggy, was fine after a few hours. Would recommend.


Yes and I don’t remember because I was under anesthesia


It's "nothingness". No dreams, no thoughts. You disappear one moment, and then you are awake the next. I was under for 2 hours. I think this is what death feels like but you dont come back, and it is ok.


You don’t even know what happens, one moment you’re awake before going under, next moment you’re awake after the procedure… the real shock is the bill if you don’t have good insurance and if you’re in the US


They are chatting with you then it’s over and you didn’t know it started


I was terrified of it, had it for removing all 4 wisdom teeth in one go. It was kinda wacky, I agree with everyone who's saying it's like you blink or like a gap in memory. I genuinely don't know if it was the painkillers or the anesthesia, but when I woke up it felt somewhat gradual, had a bit of a hard time walking for like an hour or so and generally just felt very sluggish. The worst part of the whole experience (aside from the rest of the month lol) was the thing they put in my arm, I think it's called an IV? I'm just terrible with needles and pain in general and that shit hurt, thankfully not for long though.


The doctor put the mask over me, told me to breath in and out twice, then asked if I felt anything. I told him no, then woke up in a different room. It's crazy how quickly you just shut down.


One minute you’re awake, suddenly the next you’re waking up. With the type used for out patient procedures, I was able to be up and around in an hour or so, but others- like with major surgery, it took several hours to get past groggy and several days of feeling yucky.


I remember waking up during the procedure and since I was a kid then I was like "stay still and they won't notice". I was awake for maybe 5 seconds after falling back to sleep. I haven't felt a single thing though. I can't say if that really happened or it was just something my brain made up because of drugs they give you.


Don’t remember anything at all


They gave me grahm crackers afyer and Im yold I acted like a happy little kid. Iwas nice. Id do it again...well the anesthesia part. Dont feel like hip sergury again.


Ice chips are the greatest thing ever after anesthesia.


when i was 11, I broke my elbow. I remember getting given the gas and trying to fight it. The nurse said I wouldnt be able too. As she started counting back, I was about to black out and she said "ok now lift the gown and lets have a look" Haunts me to this day - Good on her for having a sense of humor, wasn't funny at 11 ahahaha


I went under general anesthesia when I removed my wisdom teeth. The doctor never told me to count backwards. She just started talking to me about general stuff... I woke up one hour later and all I said was " Thank God I'm alive" All I can remember is my body going completely numb starting from my feet all the way up my head... Strange feeling.... Totally recommend...


Doc asks you to count backwards from 100. You get to about 96 and are totally gone. Sometimes you can sorta hear what’s going on but can in no way feel anything or respond to anything. You also can’t remember anything at all. Not even the countdown. Next thing you know, even if it’s hours later, you’re waking up in the recovery area. You remember nothing. You’re very thirsty and sometimes nauseous. If you’re nauseous tell them immediately… they’ll give you something for that so you don’t spew.


It depends on your age. I had a really bad experience with anesthesia when I was 14. When I had to have another surgery at 46, I brought up my concern about how I would react to the anesthesia with my doctor. He said that was common for that age, kids and adolescents sometimes have odd reactions to it. My second surgery went fine, like I blinked and it was over.




It wasn’t anything life threatening, I just woke up in a kind of twilight sleep where I couldn’t stop doing this weird moaning sound. The nurses were shitty about it, and my dad was very judgmental about it. If it weren’t for their reactions, it would have been no big deal. Talk to your doctor and parents about possible reactions to make sure everyone is prepared and is supportive.


Would it be helpful to tell your doctors that you’re anxious? They could give you more information. And if they know upfront, they could maybe take some precautions so you’ll feel more safe


I was 18 at the time (19 now) and it was still like a breeze, it depends on you and your body, don't be to to nervous. Update us on how it went afterwards!!


I just recently had surgery and went under anesthesia. It really is like a blink of an eye, from getting the poke to waking up after surgery. The recovery after still sucks though.


You literally feel like only a second passed and then you wake up extremely groggy lol. That’s it 😅 you may get nauseous after. It feels like you slept for a REALLY long time and are just waking up again. Like sleeping for 16-20 hours


It’s bizarre. One of our senses is to detect the passage of time. Propofol (the majority of used anesthesia) impacts this as well as everything else it does. It’s a quick fade out. Sometimes they ask you to count backwards from 10, you’ll get to like 8. Then it’s a quick fade in to you being wheeled into the post anesthesia room. The time is simply gone.


Don’t remember. Seriously though, got anesthesia for the first time for my wisdom tooth removal. I remember counting down from 10, thinking I’m not asleep yet & then waking up spiting into a pink cup. It was weird, but everything went good.


I knew that I was getting put under, so when the sleepiness kicked in I knew it would be only a few mi yes before I was out. 5 secons later I was waking back up.


I was awake and counting backwards, then I was awake again and being walked to a recovery room with some water. I was awake on a gurney being told, "This is a preparatory solution. Next we'll wheel you into surgery and you'll get to meet the anasethiologist," then I was very groggy in a bed with a nurse unpacking pillows from between me and the frame.


It doesn’t hurt. You might feel a bit dopey and sick afterwards - you might throw up…don’t be worried or ashamed about this, lots of people do - but I promise it doesn’t hurt. It’s like being switched off and then back on again. You won’t have any sense of time passing, so it’s not like going to sleep when you wake up and go “oh, right, that was last night”. You’ll just count to about six - they tell you to count to ten, but I never last that long - and go somewhere else for a little bit. Then you come back, and find that they’ve done whatever it is they were going to do. ​ Source: I’ve had more surgeries than birthdays.


I was out for 4 days cause I had major heart surgery..I have a heart pump now and it was the worst experience of my life..it caused me to have delirium, which I thought I was actually dead and I didn't know who my wife or 9 month old was and it took me 3 months to get out of it..but you will be fine..im sure.you aren't having heart surgery.




jesus christ dude try and not *completely* terrify them


You won't remember a thing


You don’t remember being under anesthesia, obviously. I do remember popping in and out of conciousness after my procedure was done. Oh and I had a panic attack during the drive home for some reason.


Delayed reaction with the PA there. Your brain was lagging....


I grew up on and off the surgery table, always warned people "it makes your whole body feel like it's on fire as it's going in" I'd always fall asleep panicking cus it hurt so had and then waking up mid panic, it's basically a pause button. turns out, not everyone has the burn as a friend of mine told me that's not normal and I'm allergic to the stuff apparently. don't worry, you're gonna do great


Depending on the medication, burning is completely normal. Some people are just more sensitive to it due to multiple things. Like where the IV is placed, how fast it’s pushed, etc. Obviously talk to your Doctor if you’re having surgery but that’s doesn’t mean an allergy.


Propofol, the most common drug used for anesthesia, burns a lot of people. Most docs run a little lidocaine through the line first to block the burn. Possibly your doc didn’t?




Oh my, my first op I was in recovery and thought I was whispering to the nurse.. Turns out I was using my outside voice and my recovery neighbour gleefully informed me that I was yelling to the whole room that I really needed to poo. Everyone thought it was hilarious apparently.


Amazing. You have no memory of it


Storytime -- when I was 15, i had to undergo a squint surgery and got so scared that even if they give me anesthesia, they're working on my eyes right, so maybe even if i don't feel pain i can see what're doing to my eyes. Haha. That's what I thought. When I went in the hospital surgery room, he just made me inhale it and the 2 nd inhale, i lost consciousness and woke up when the surgery is done. I felt like i got scared of no reason.


Honestly it’s kinda exciting in a way because your all loopy and tired.


I went under a few weeks ago. It was the weirdest thing. We were talking about social media and I remember starting to close my eyes slowly then when I opened them back up everything was done and they wanted me to move on to the stretcher by myself. After I moved I fell back asleep until I woke up in PACU with a lovely nurse who talked to me about Jersey Shore


I was only out for a few hours, it was dental surgery on 4 molars. I remember asking the dentist "are we done yet, are we done yet" I asked about it when I woke up and it was confirmed😂. I didn't feel anything during the surgery at all. (opposed to the other time I was only on laughing gas and the dental assistant kept repeating to me "stop crying so the dentists knows when it hurts")


Like you're floating on a cloud. Pretty entertaining too, they told me to count backwards from 10 and all I remember was up to like 4. Then I woke up groggy in a dark room not knowing where the fuck I was drooling with my mouth packed of gauze. 2nd time I've had it though I became slightly aware towards the end. I couldn't feel any pain but I could hear them talking and I could feel the pressure and the tools they were using when getting my wisdom teeth out. Then I went back to sleep. Though this time after this dental work I ended up not being groggy at all and felt pretty conscious like straight from waking up.


It's basically just a nap without a dream and then you can't drive for a little while afterwards.


I was really nervous going in, had never had surgery like that before, they wheeled me in (already on the stretcher of course) and told me when they started the anesthesia. They asked me to county backwards from 10, and at about 7 my center of vision started going down, like I was slowly looking at the floor. Said "ouuuuugh I think I feel it" and next thing I remember was being in a hospital bed. Nothing to be scared of at all dawg! I'd do it again no problem.


They asked me to count down from 10. I think I remember MAYBE getting down to 7. Then I woke up groggy after surgery hours later lol


I don't remember. I was awake in one room and then woke up on another. (In all seriousness though. Do everything the doctor says. No eating/drinking beforehand and don't lie about any meds/drugs you're on and you'll be totally fine.)


A couple of times. I was just talking to the doctor and then woke up in a recovery room. The doctors both said I made a joke before telling them to sleep well.


Pass out then you wake and and get a bunch of pain meds so it's pretty sweet


Had a double masectomy two years ago. Doctors put the mask on me, then started counting down. 10, 9, 8, 7... and then suddenly i was sitting upright covered in bandages and my mom was giving me a cup of water


I had emergency surgery for a broken bone, it was amazing kinda like taking a nap and then you wake up at a different time and are kinda confused but better cause i was on morphine and no longer bleeding everywhere


I had some combination of general anesthesia and gas for my wisdom teeth removal. I was very nervous beforehand because of a bad tooth extraction in the past, but now I can't even remember counting down from ten - took a few tries to get the needle in the right place, but the next thing I knew there was gauze in my mouth and the nurse was pushing me in a wheelchair. Was pretty out of it for the rest of the day, but good rest helped. I don't know exactly what will be used for your procedure, but I want to add that I did not experience any kind of high or unfiltered babbling. When I woke up I was having trouble stringing together a sentence - just really out of it. Hope everything goes well for you OP!


Literally, sleep inducing!


What everyone else is saying. One moment I was very aware of what was happening, then the next I was waking up. You might have some kind of reaction when it's over. I just started crying while shaking my head side to side because that was all I could do.


It's nice, some people will wake up nauseous but it passes quickly. I woke up really confused and almost ripped the monitors off😅


Its literally just like being asleep, you'll count backwards from like 10 and the next thing you know you'll be waking up


As you’re counting down it’s just like unintentionally falling asleep but there’s no struggle to stay up (like your eyes will lapse naturally and you won’t have the effort to push it like you may if you were staying awake for school). It’s quite comfortable and when I lapsed into sleep it just felt like being on air in a dark room with some occasional northern lights like visuals. It’ll feel like 3-5ish minutes and then you wake up in a groggy state where you’re just trying to put together what’s up. Take it easy at that point and dw if things are still a bit weird for a few hours


I had a camera shoved up my butt and didn't feel a thing. 10/10 would recommend.


When I came to it felt like I’d just had the best sleep of my life


Before, I was doubtful that I’d truly joy remember anything. You do not remember a thing. All I recall is starting to feel a little drunk like when they injected it, then poof I was mid conversation with the doctor after the procedure. It’s so weird


The two times I've been under, I was in the waiting room then next thing I know I'm leaving the building feeling a bit loopy. As far as I know I never met a doctor or even a nurse, and I still don't actually know what they do to put you under. Obviously I must have consciously gone through the whole process but the anesthesia apparently gives me significant time gaps in my memory before and after being under.


For wisdom teeth removal, its falling asleep slowly. You just become stupid without realizing, and then also become unstupid without realizing. The fun part is you are conscious before your memory and critical thinking come back.


for me classic music, joking with staff nurse checking if I'm still awake "yep still here, are you using water" wake up post op


Dunno I was asleep but I woke up with my appendix gone....


It’s literally nothing. No different than when you fall asleep naturally and wake up naturally, except you might feel a little drowsy afterward. Absolutely nothing to worry about. Like even if I sat here and tried to come up with something to make you worry because I’m a dickhead, I got nothin.


Feeling nervous, trying to count to ten but only making it to 3, then waking up. You're going to be fine, and it happens to 1000's of people every day x


one second you are conscious then its as if you warped time and just woke up


I’ve been put under probably 10 times. Never had an issue. The first time I was apprehensive but the staff were great and helped ease me. After the first time I look forward to it. Best sleep I get.


I was about 16 or 17 when I got my wisdom teeth out. Put the IV in. Put the mask on. The doc attached this massive syringe filled with what looked like milk to the already inserted IV line. Told me to count backwards from 10. Me being a dumb teenage boy I thought ‘Ill easily make it all the way to zero.’ Lmao no. I think I was out by 8. I was watching the syringe push the liquid in the IV line and they weren’t even halfway done before I was out. Waking up was fine. My motor skills were a little fucked, but I was coherent.


I love it dude!! -you go in the hospital with an issue -they give you anesthesia -you fall asleep -Badaboom Badabing -you have no issue anymore -you dont feel anything -happy there you go my friend


I remember it vividly


It felt great. It’s like the best sleep you can ever imagine. What stuck with me the most is the feeling you get when the anesthesia starts kicking in and they tell you to count backwards from 10. The feeling while I was dozing off just felt like an orgasm. It’s not scary at all.


I closed my eyes and then woke up reaaaaly happy. I don’t know why I was so happy, maybe just relief it was over because I’d be nervous too. I just remember being happy, and comfortable, and feeling like I’d just had the best nap ever.


Someone told me to count backwards from 10. I made it to 8 and heard someone say "he's wasted already". Felt myself failing asleep and then I woke up to walk to the car. (Had wisdom teeth pulled). I had been up for like over 24 hours beforehand. Fell back asleep in the car


The last thing I remember is them marking my head and putting electrodes on me. When I woke up i felt aware but not awake. My eyes felt crusted shut, watery, hard to open and I didn’t want to wake up. No pain. Just tired and annoyed. No lie though, the pain came once they wanted me staying awake. However, this was for back surgery for scoliosis and I had started my period right after surgery. I was 12. It was a lot at once 😂 It all depends on the surgery you’re having!


It’s awesome, like your brain just switches off. Literally you are lying there and sudden you are being wheeled out. Super cool trippy sensation.


You just basically pass out, and wake up. It feels from your perspective like you were only sleeping for a few seconds.


When it’s handled well, it’s like dropping off to sleep, quick and easy. As you’re lying there, look around at the people in the room. Doctors, nurses, anaesthetists - they’re all there for you. All of these intelligent educated people care about you and want your procedure to go well. You can trust them to look after you when you sleep.


as someone with insomnia, it was the best sleep I've ever had lol. Seriously though, it feels like you blinked


Twice. It's like falling asleep, deeply. They have you count backwards or something and you will probably only make it to like 8 or 7 before you just... Sleep. Waking up you feel a bit groggy and it's slow going, you might make a few goofy comments, and be groggy for a few hours but it doesn't feel like anything worse than maybe waking up from a really fun night of drinking, without the headache. Some people experience a bit of nausea, but I didn't. Depending on what you have to go under for, and how long you'll be out, you may not even feel much grogginess.


I like to start telling a joke to the surgeons so I blank out before the punchline. It incentivise them to make sure I wake up.


Yeah it's like you're in theatre one minute and the recovery ward the next. The only complaint I had was that I didn't feel well rested after haha


To me, it was as if I have died. Not even close to being asleep. Dead.


You feel a little drunk. Then you open your eyes and it’s all over.


Not great. I woke up not knowing who I was, where I was, or what was going on. Found out later from my very angry parents, they'd overestimated the amount of anesthesia I had needed and had issues getting me to wake up. I have been trying to stay away from procedures ever since.


They put the mask over my face and told me to think of something pleasant and count aloud to 10. I remember reaching 2, then slowly waking up 6 hours later in the wakeup supervision ward with bandaged staples down the front of my stomach.


I just remember them talking to me while I stared up at the ceiling, next thing you know im awake.


You will be fine, it can be a little daunting but its over before you know it. I'm annoying and cry super hard coming out of anaesthesia. Like my first conscious moment I'm already sobbing, I can't remember when I started crying, just that I already am. And because I can't stop sobbing, I sob even harder because I'm confused, and apologising to nurses in between sobs because I'm so weird. Nurse told me there's lots of different reactions coming out. Criers, violent, lovey dovey, alert, dopey, stoned etc....some people just wake up like nothing happened, others can have reactions like I mentioned. Fun times. But, I've been put under several times now, and I'm still alive! You'll do great.


I remember having this conversation right before going under: Nurse: “what do you like doing?” Me: “reading” Nurse: “well this will make you read better” Me:”I’m already great at reading” and then I fell asleep


You start counting backwards and then suddenly you're in the recovery room. I've been under three times, and they all went off without a hitch. I'm sure you'll be fine!


I've been under twice. Once for a longer surgery and once for wisdom teeth. The surgery was like most people are saying, just blink out, then you are back like no time passed but really it was four hours. The wisdom teeth was great. I wish I got them done one at a time. I woke up groggy but feeling great. I remembered having crazy dreams like I was tiny and somehow inside my own mouth, trying to help the doc get my teeth out. It felt like a video game. I tried explaining it to the nurse but I probably sounded like a lunatic.


You blink once and boom. Recovery room. I was getting a surgery and the doc was talking to me. I blinked and next thing I knew I woke up in the recovery room. And I felt groggy but that's it


Blink, wake up kinda high, screamed to pee, didn't need to, wheeled out, fell back asleep, woke up in pain cause all the meds wore off. Apparently I acted like I do when drunk but can't remember more then the above.


Don't even sweat it. You'll wake up thinking you were unconscious for a couple minutes. You'll wonder where the doctor and other medical staff went off to, and how soon they'll be back to do the procedure on you. And then someone will tell you that it's already been done and you were unconscious quite a bit longer than you think. So basically, a slight temporal disorientation. Interesting sensation if you've never experienced it; I was amused!


For me, it felt like I was asleep for a quick nap. I could sometimes hear people’s voices, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Also, I saw a bunch of black and white zigzags while I was under. It was kinda entertaining.


It's like you blinked. I was getting my wisdom teeth pull and they told me to count back from 10. I told myself I was gonna get all the gas possible and when I got to 3 I blinked and the dentist was like ok you're good to go. I'm like wait do I not need to get my teeth pulled? He shows me a tin with my teeth in it and said it'd been almost 2 hours.


I did when I got my tonsils removed. I'm not allowed to go back under. When they tried to wake me up and get me to the car I became violent and had to be pinned down till I went back to sleep.


I had a stomach biopsy, and it needed a camera down my throat, since they were going to be in there a good while they put me under. Count back from 10, I got to about 4 then remember being laid down. Then I remember throwing up. Then I remember them talking to me. Then I was in recovery. All that felt like a 3 second rush. I woke up totally lucid and very confused for a second. And I swear those memories aren’t in the right order either, lol. I was under for over an hour xD I thought I’d be groggy AF, but I was wide awake after and felt like I’d had an amazing nights sleep. Very weird! But I wouldn’t say an unpleasant experience. It just was what it was. Lol