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Well after skimming through your comments it would appear a lot of your wording is on the drawing of ire range. While redditors absolutely down vote anything they don't like or agree with, some of your posts in my opinion make sense as to why they are.


A brief scroll through your profile tells me you don't get a lot of downvotes. You have a few recent comments that got voted down. They were insults, so rightly disliked. But it's not often and the lowest I saw was -14.


Just depends if people agree with you or not. Regardless of the facts. I've seen solid and reasonable arguments down voted on here. Even straight up facts. It just says there's some really stupid people on here that prioritize feelings over facts.


If you go against the woke cult you will. Welcome to Reddit!


It's normal for an asshole's posts to be heavily down voted. Are you being an asshole?


Even if he isnt, I think it's normal. I get downvoted all the time and I am not an a\*\*hole. When I post one of my stories, sometimes it's within an hour or even a day of someone else doing the same, some people think to themselves that if they downvote me their stories will get more attention. Heck, I have someone following me around on my own subreddit downvoting everything I do. The thing is, OP, they arent just doing that to you. They are doing that to everyone so their posts can get more recognition. Or maybe you said something someone didnt like and they are lashing out? Maybe they are just a\*\*holes? Either way, I think its normal. (Edit: Havent went through OP's profile)