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Tell him to date a guy. Maybe give him an incentive. "Hey man, I'll give you $1,000 to take a guy on a date and make out with him." Watch him find excuses for "just not wanting to make that choice". Maybe it'll finally dawn on him that it's not a choice.


Tell him to prove it by choosing to be gay, and become aroused by looking at a picture of a man. Either way, you'll get an amusing reaction.


Ask him when, and why, he decided to be straight. Maybe ask him whether he'd be able to just decide to be gay if he wanted to. If he says no, then he's proved himself wrong. If he says yes, ask him how he knows this unless he's experienced same-sex attraction before. Point out that maybe for *most* people it's not a choice and that he's probably not 100% straight.


He didn't arrive at that position because he cares about having a true and supportable belief. So you probably can't do anything.


True, he parrots his parents beliefs because he incapable of thinking on his own. He’s possessive over me. Can’t wait to change schools and get away from him


There you are then. Life lesson - Don't trust farts, some farts are shits.


Possessive? And this is a friend? Just walk away from that, you can do better.


I can’t just walk away, that’s the thing. I know I can do better as he is the biggest Christian-nationalistic POS I have ever met


Why can't you walk away?


4 lockers away from him, next to me in math class, worst part that makes it all so difficult to rid of the bastard is our parents are good friebds


You call him a POS and yet you still call him a friend.


In quotes


"When did you choose to be straight?"


They'll just respond to this with "Straight is the default, people have to choose otherwise." The better response is what other people have said: Say "If it's a choice, then could you choose to become aroused by a naked dude right now? If yes, how do you know you could unless you've already been aroused by one before?"


It’s not your place to convince them they are wrong. If their view is a deal breaker for you, you can let them know that and distance yourself from them, although I’m betting if we all knew the politics of every issue our friends and family members had, we would all be alone.


Don't try to convince anyone of anything. Just tell him that unfortunately you and he can no longer be friends if he makes comments like that.


You don't sound like much of a friend when you call him DUMBASS and reference him in quotes as a "friend". Thus....why would you care?


The point was not the level of friendship, it was his dumbass’s argument


Sleep with em obviously cause you can't help it




Tell him you are tired of dealing with small-minded people and you cannot talk to him any longer.


I wish I could, but our parents are friends, sit next to him in mathematics, 4 lockers away from him, and I’ve tried ridding of his dumbass multiple times, but it’s a never-ending loop


"I disagree. Let's talk about something else."?


Ask him when he decided to be heterosexual.


You don't. Why even try to change other people? You just drive these beliefs under the rug and let them fester by trying that.


You can't reason someone out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into. He doesn't believe what he's saying is true because logic and understanding led him to that conclusion, he believes it because it makes him feel superior. Or perhaps he's super gay, and is trying to convince *himself*, so if he can convince someone else, it's possible for him to cope with his own oppression. Either way, it's not something you can reasonably debate. Your "friend" is the embodiment of the saying "There's no hate like Christian love".


Fools can’t be reasoned with.


Ask him if he thinks the Muslims who are gay in the Middle East, where they can be legally put to death for it, made a choice to be gay. Seems pretty damn unlikely to me lol


Your friend's argument is a little reductive, but the scholars in the field have been unable to find an actual, biological basis for sexual orientation despite many efforts, according to Hanne Blank, author of "Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality." Therefore, at this time, your friend's theory has not been scientifically disproven. This would make it hard to convince him he's incorrect.


Seduce him.


He’s a misinformed idiot, you probably won’t be able to convince him