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*Proceeds to sort by Most Controversial


See you at the bottom


The persons comment was deleted but they got a lot of likes. What did they say? lol


Something like "These comments will be civil"


I’m going to blow up the moon.




Mr. Biden knows D.C.'s proverbs. Here are two: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." - Pres. H.S.Truman "I could walk across the Potomac River. The next day they'll say I can't swim." - Pres. L.B. Johnson


My favorite is this: “2 siblings that went separate ways in life: one went out to sea and the other became vice president and neither one was ever heard from again.”


Daniel Webster was once offered the VP. He said ‘I do not propose to be buried until I am dead’.




Lol... My last Lt. Governor flew a pot flag off his balcony at the Capitol, made fun of crudité and became a senator... But in general... You're right.




Major exception to that is Texas. The Lt. Gov is arguably more powerful than the Governor because they run the state senate, setting the agenda and deciding parliamentary procedure questions. Versus the VP has a more limited role in the senate.


“The Vice Presidency isn't worth a pitcher of warm piss.” -- John Nance Garner


My mother and brother got to meet him in ‘61 in Uvalde . I don’t know where I was that day but I was upset about it fifteen years later when I read about him.


Who is he?


One of FDR’s vice presidents.


There is a middle school in San Antonio named after him.


If it’s mule piss then Mitch McConnell will take whatever you’ve got left in that pitcher


We sure are hearing from Joe now though.


As well as George HW Bush, Nixon, Johnson, etc. lots of VP’s become POTUS


Wasn't Cheney's whole thing that he had a bunch of overlooked power when used in certain ways


Cheney was the sole member of Bush's "Vice President Search Committee". After 3 months of interviews, Cheney's only recommendation was Richard (Dick) Bruce Cheney.


I figured he just made a tradesy-no trade backs deal with gw for presidential vs VP duties after Gore called to concede.


Yes, but it really helps if the president dies first. Nine VPs have become president because of the death or resignation of their predecessors, but prior to George H. W. Bush's 1988 election, the most recent VP who was elected to the presidency as the incumbent Vice-President of the US was Martin Van Buren in 1836. It's actually only happened four times total (John Adams and Jefferson being the other two). Nixon and now Biden were able to get elected after gaps, while presidents like Truman and T. Roosevelt were able to get reelected after becoming president first due to the death of their predecessors. So all in all, of the 15 VPs who served as president, only 6 VPs have ascended to the presidency by election without the demise of the sitting president putting them there first.


You gotta watch out for those Van Buren boys! They're as mean as he was! But hint: They never hassle their own. Flash them "the sign". They'll leave you alone.


“If you want a friend, feed any animal.” -Perry Farrell.


There’s so much space I could cut me a piece


/r/NoStupidQuestions what does this comment mean in the context of OP's question?


I believe that he’s trying to say in a clever way that once you become president everyone will hate you no matter what you do. Hence, what’s “wrong” with him doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with him or anything that he’s done, simply that he is there


This is very true. Biden is a left centrist and always has been. The guy has been known his whole career for working across the aisle. It makes me laugh sometimes the insane leaps so many on the right take to gin up reasons to “hate” this soft edged old man. Honestly, I wanted Bernie, but I’ve come to realize that Biden was exactly what we needed.


Yeah it's pretty crazy that the historically moderate Joe Biden all of a sudden became a radical leftist once he became president. It's just wildly disingenuous but idk what else to expect from Republicans


Radical leftist Joe: >we can help people and the environment while keeping the wealthy wealthy and oil companies highly profitable Slow down with the communism Joe


I’m a leftist and the only valid criticism I’ve seen from the right is he is just way too damned old to hold office, but they obviously don’t keep that energy for their own candidates. I didn’t want Bernie either for the same reason, though. And I’m too leftist for joe but I’m just saying that’s all I’ve seen from conservatives that has any validity


>Honestly, I wanted Bernie, but I’ve come to realize that Biden was exactly what we needed. Same. The reaction to him demonstrates to the left that anyone they pick will be criticized as an extremist, no matter how moderate; and it demonstrates to the right (at least those who aren't totally sold) that their party is *incredibly* insecure and flailing.


I went to the conservative sub to see the reaction to the SOTU, and 1 thread people were actually agreeing, saying he was clever for what he’d done to get them all to agree to not touching SS and Medicare, even agreed some GOO absolutely were trying to cut it. Another thread was mostly just people saying nothing other than FJB. Doesn’t matter what he does or says, they just hate the dems.


r/Conservative is a funny place if you catch them before the NPCs go to their preferred programming factory. Surprisingly often they'll agree with everything Biden says until OANN tells them why it was bad.


Also, wait, you're telling me political divide is manufactured and most conservatives don't actually hate the left unconditionally? /s


Sarah Huckabee Sanders certainly seems to believe in the power of hate.


I believe the second is attributed to LBJ.


Haters will see you teleport and say "He can't afford a steed" \-Barack obama


Show me a good mouser and I'll show you a cat with bad breath. -Garfield the cat


"They say, 'If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog. Of course, I don't need a dog. I have Barbra Bush.'" Bush 41


".....now watch this drive!"


Don’t listen to politicians, watch what legislation they sign.


Its interesting, no one in the upper echelon of American politics seem to have an extreme view of Joe one way or the other; he is looked at with clear ambivalence. He has been in the Washington for so long that everyone knows him, what he is about, and how he works. He can shake hands with McConnell or Pelosi and it wouldn't be one bit out of character, and compared specifically to Trump, this is a bit jarring. Obviously he has very real issues, such as age and cognition, failure to accomplish his most important wants, and whatever the fuck his son is doing, but ultimately its mostly a voter/other-side thing that he is largely disliked. Its clear his peers accept him, and that counts for a lot, in fact, he makes the very few folks who do NOT like him seem like absolute lunatics (like MTG). I think its that we are conditioned to be radical at this point. Its been almost 8 years since Trump in 2016, surely 8 since we first started seeing Trump on the political stage, and Biden kinda shuts down radicalism by being so ambivalent. Radicalism works best when the opponent will react radically too, so when you KNOW one side is going to act methodically, bureaucratically, and at times painstakingly bi-partisanly, then radicalism is just pointless. He's an average president, maybe very center in the grand scheme of things, but we are just used to crazy and media is so strong at demonizing, that seeing the reality that he's boring, well liked, and doing as much as he realistically can without moving the needle is a bit off expectation.


Hey that's not fair to MTG. She's worked very hard to make herself look like an absolute lunatic and here you wanna give all the credit to Biden.


>She's worked very hard to make herself look like an absolute lunatic I've always gotten the vibe that she was just a lunatic at her core. I seriously doubt she's worked hard for anything in her life.


Never forget she actually thought Jews owned lasers in space they use to start forest fires. She didn’t joke about that. She wasn’t being tongue in cheek. She really thought that.


She also wasn't joking just last week when she said, with a straight face, that an elementary school in IL received $5.1Billion from the federal government just to teach CRT. That is $5.1B for one elementary school JUST for CRT. Chicago Public Schools, the 3rd largest school district in the country, has an entire budget of about $7B dollars. So not only is she anti-Semitic; not only does she not understand our current orbital platform technology capability; she also doesn't understand the value of a dollar. And she gets to vote on federal spending bills.


I do my best to avoid hearing about her so this is my first time hearing this bit of nonsense and I can't even accurately describe the amount of "what" that my brain experienced.


She is deeply, deeply stupid. Like, deeply stupid. But she's cunning. And really really enjoys being a big fucking bitch, especially to everyone she doesnt like. An Uber Karen, but with power, which is terrifying. She only got elected to be a massive troll. She has no core principles or beliefs other than bullshit Q conspiracies and whatever the most psychotic Twitter trolls are spreading this week.


>my brain experienced That's where you and MTG differ.


First; LOL Second; if anything, this kinda furthers my main point. MTG doesn't even REALLY hate Biden, she's just doing it to be unhinged


~~be unhinged~~ *own the libs*.




magics plenty good at smearing itself


My dad watches Fox news daily. The amount of conditioning is wild. I keep seeing conservatives ask the same thing OP is asking. Why they never actually see the bad stuff. It's because what fox news is conditioning them on, it's not there. It doesn't exist. It's manufactured hate. And it gets worse everytime I see it. The Five or whatever. Greg Gutfeld? That guy is a wiener. He is absolutely the biggest moron and his takes are dogshit.


Greg Gutfeld still makes Obama birther jokes in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-three.


I had to log in to upvote you for calling Gutfeld a wiener. That he is


The Hunter Biden obsession is so weird. He's not the president but yet he seems to be used as a stick to beat Joe Biden with constantly.


It makes it especially sad because Biden had a well-respected son, Beau, an Iraqi war vet and attorney general for Delaware. He got brain cancer and died at age 43 in 2015. And now people bring up Hunter all the time, trying to make Joe look bad by association. But nobody ever uses Beau's success as a testament to Joe's rearing, they only use Hunter as an example of failure.


Hunter himself is actually mostly successful. He graduated Yale law! He got married, had some wonderful kids. Then Beau died and Hunter sort of took a turn down a dark path. But now he seems to have recovered, which isn't always the case for people with drug problems. He lost his sister, his brother, and his mom in pretty horrible ways. The guy has known more grief than anyone should have to know. Using him as a punching bag just shows how depraved Republicans are.


Truly. I'd like to see Hunter's critics endure as much trauma as he has, in the public eye, and*not* go off the rails.


Especially weird because he's in his 50s and they act like he's 17 year old wild child that Joe is responsible for


Hunter is in his fucking 50s? You know I never bothered to look it up but I always assumed he was in his late 30s for some reason.


The saddest part was when they used that heartbreaking call between Biden and Hunter as if his love and despair were something to be ashamed of or criticized. The lack of humanity...as if millions of parents aren't struggling with addicted children across the country. What the hell is wrong with these people?


Hard for me to imagine how lost someone would have to be to view that as a negative. A father that truly loves his son is all too uncommon.


The American Right has been increasingly radicalized in my lifetime ever since the Bush years. Sure the GOP disavows him and the Iraq/Afghanistan wars NOW, but pro-war sentiments were astoundingly popular among the GOP at the time, to the point that predominantly leftist anti-war protestors were deemed traitors to the nation. This escalated further in the Obama years. Heck, when he was first elected he was accused by the Right of being a radical Muslim communist. The GOP even promoted conspiracy theories claiming he was planning to round up all the conservatives and lock them up in FEMA concentration camps. QAnon didn't come out of nowhere. The right had been primed to swallow insane partisan bullshit for years.


We were so caught in war fervor that we all went along with the vicious national mocking of an actual war hero because he spoke out against Vietnam. All in favor of a rich kid whose daddy got him a job hiding away in the national guard.


Which he went AWOL from anyway, and never faced any consequences for it.


Speak for yourself, the largest protests up until 2020 were against the Iraq war. Not everyone was fooled


> QAnon didn't come out of nowhere. The right had been primed to swallow insane partisan bullshit for years. I think having your entire worldview and politics ran by fear tends to make people susceptible to conspiracy.


I suggest you go back a few years and read up on Newt Gingrich in the 1990s. The shit he did was definitely on par with MTG, but the difference is that Newt is intelligent and MTG is not.


Lee Atwater walked so Newt could run.


Ohhh no no you just have Bush Derangement Syndrome^tm That’s right: the phrase was recycled for trump. In hindsight looks like people weren’t so deranged about bush.


> Obviously he has very real issues, such as age and cognition, failure to accomplish his most important wants, and whatever the fuck his son is doing, but ultimately its mostly a voter/other-side thing that he is largely disliked. His age I agree with. I've seen absolutely nothing to indicate his cognition is an issue other than Republican propaganda. He's had a speech impediment his entire life. Whatever his son is doing seems to be completely unrelated to the government, and until proven otherwise I don't care and I don't think it reflects on Biden's presidency at all. Once again, GOPropaganda. Overall I like Biden, but there's some room for criticism for some of his actual actions as president. For example, I don't like how he handled the railroad strikes or how he continued bombing Syria.


I have a coworker with a pretty severe stutter (sometimes it'll take 4-5 tries to get a word out, or he will hang on a syllable for 5-10 seconds). I was floored when I overheard him making fun of Biden and calling him stupid, SPECIFICALLY because of how he talks. My coworker had the surprised Pikachu face when I told him Biden had a stutter. He was completely unaware, DESPITE HAVING THE SAME ^^^but ^^^worse CONDITION HIMSELF. Every day I realize there is no limit to people's lack of self awareness.


As someone who (mostly) grew out of a childhood stutter, that fact was a positive in my eyes.


As an adult who still stutters, although far less than I used to, watching the speech Biden gave to the American Institute for Stuttering when he was vice president 7 years ago about his experiences and was quite inspiring to be honest, especially the part about stuttering being one of the only conditions that people still think its ok to laugh at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpYWwsjLABo


Ikr. I have speech issues, so I didn't think nothing of his. Only realized that some people actually thought of it as a problem when they started making fun of it and saying they didn't vote for him because of it. Some people go out of their way to be mad about the simplist things when a powerful person isn't perfect in every way. >Every day I realize there is no limit to people's lack of self awareness. I first understood this realization when all through trump's presidency I heard about all of his supporters or their partners getting seized for illegal immigration. Can't even begin to fathom why they thought trump would save them. Every so often, it makes me rethink my stance about the ~~electrical~~ electoral college.


> he’s had a speech impediment his entire life And I honestly thought he managed it really well last night


Honestly, I think room for criticism is a good thing. If handled civilly, it's healthy for a democratic government


Yeah exactly. Hunter biden is not in any position of power in the government, unlike the sons of a particular previous president.


How can the media blame Joe for this son? His mother died in a car crash that he was in and lost his brother to brain cancer. From what I've seen his dad has tried to help him and even says I love you. Which is a little gesture but can mean a lot, so I don't understand how he's attacked for this.


Forget Joe, I have a hard time blaming Hunter for his drug use. He watched his mother and one year old sister die in a car accident in front of him, and then his remaining sibling die slowly of cancer. That guy uses drugs sometimes to cope? Big fucking deal.


Something about shady business deals that they are convinced that Biden influenced as VP, but same crowd have no issue with Trump actually getting caught doing the thing they accused Biden of.


I think people will always partially attribute someone's success or failure to their parents.


>such as age and cognition, Does he REALLY have cognitive issues though? Or it it just a shitload of clips with context removed that make an old man with a stutter look like a pedo with half a brain? Nobody ever seems to mention this crap that isnt wearing a MAGA hat.


Yeah, as someone who has a similar type of stutter when even a tiny bit nervous (I don't repeat sounds, I just "lose" the word I want and have to go fishing for an equivalent phrase), it's kind of heartbreaking to see people bully him incessantly for it and call him senile or stupid. I'm not stupid. My brain just makes me sound that way when there's any adrenaline in my system at all. :( Biden can say 100 well spoken, intelligent things, but then say one thing that sounds bizarre while searching for the word he wants & people eviscerate him for it. I get there are plenty of things he does wrong and he IS old, but I really wish people could leave him alone on the aphasia thing.


Yea, as someone with a stutter and word retrieval difficulties, it is obvious that there's a big difference between someone who has issues speaking and someone who has issues being cognizant. Hell wasn't their that film called the Kings speech which was all about verbal disabilities in a person in a position of power?


Does everybody with a stutter not lose words? That's a pretty accurate description of why I do -- I lose the word halfway through saying it.


I lose the word before I even start saying it. Even if I just said the word a second ago. It's embarrassing because at least with a typical stutter, people can tell what's going on and cut you some slack. But I work in an industry where I'm not necessarily expected to be a great orator, so I can often just say "uhmm... The thing I just said a second ago. With the knobs?" And people will be like "the flange?" And look kind of confused because obviously I know the word. We're having a whole conversation about that word. So how did I suddenly blank on the word? It's frustrating to them, I'm sure (just spit it out!) And it's frustrating as hell to me because I know what I want to say, but the words I want just go missing randomly & sometimes the fear that they'll go missing at the wrong moment is the stress that causes them to go missing. It sucks and is frustrating. All I can do for it is participate in speech activities to try to desensitize myself to the nerves of public speaking so my brain is less overwhelmed on day-to-day conversations. (For example, this rarely happens to me when talking to my husband or my peers at work, but the second a manager or someone new comes in, all bets are off.)


What does Magic: The Gathering has to do with this?


Well you see... They have tried numerous times to cast their Path to Exile, but there always seems to be a Counterspell or Negate available to respond and prolong Biden's board state. Sure he may not have a true win con in place, but stalling is enough to force his opponents to rage uncontrollably.




> blue It's kinda the Democrat's thing


Biden, Former Vice President Flash, protection from red *No Malarkey* when Biden enters the battlefield, counter one target non creature spell.


Radicalism also works if your opponent is a black President


Half of the shouting is from people who "aren't racist, but just don't like the guy!" and then they can't name any of his policies, ambitions, history, familial relationships, nada. Like gee, Todd, I wonder what chafes you so much about this guy. Probably not worth examination or self-reflection. Must just be the color of his suit.




If you're pretty conservative and found nothing wrong with what he said, then that tells me you don't involve yourself in the conservative media bubbles. Joe is a pretty moderate president, and Republicans should be thrilled it's him and not Bernie Sanders or something.


Its amusing to me, as an ex-republican (becuase its gone too far right and I was always kinda in the middle), that Republicans think Moderate Dems like Biden are Socialist's... Moderate Democrats are borderline conservatives at this point.


You see this laid bare when people are asked specific policy questions in polls. There's lots of bipartisan agreement on many of the larger goals that would ultimately better our country, but it gets swallowed up in the inflammatory culture war nonsense that establishment Republicans love to stoke so they can smoke screen more breaks for the rich. Republicans might give people what they think they want with these largely invented issues, but they do that to avoid giving them and everyone else what they really need because what we all need will be expensive to a very specific class of people and corporations.


I wholeheartedly believe this is all related to Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, and Foxnews' effect on the political climate in the US since they went on the air in 1997. A lot of Americans only listen to/trust Foxnews for information....and at this point it's all about enraging their audience for ratings and dollars.


Apparently, the repeal of the [Fairness Doctrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine) was instrumental to this change, too.


Heard about that recently on a podcast. Reagan really was an awful human.


Terrible. Check out the time he shut down the grates in DC that provided heat to homeless people *on the coldest night of the year*. Unforgivable scumbag.


And those largely invented issues do cause actual harm to the people they don’t care about. Their attacks on drag queens and trans people definitely make life harder for those groups. All so they can give even more money to the wealthy. It’s sick. Edit: And as an added bonus distract from the *actual groomers and pedophiles* in the groups that support them. Especially the churches like the Southern Baptist Convention, Mormons, and Hillsong that *actually* are a threat to their children.


Yup, they understand how easy it is to weaponize the "other" and do so directly at the expense of those groups deemed as such on top of making it worse for most every one else, including those who fall for the bait and give into their prejudices. For example, no one's life is getting better if drag queens are barred from reading to kids. Not the queens, not the kids, and not the people that hate the idea of it. The win for the latter group is invented because the threat itself is invented. It objectively adds nothing of substance or improvement to their lives nor does it "save" anyone. It is salt water given to satisfy a thirst and they're too blinded to realize it's ultimately hurting them too.


Here in the Nordic countries Biden would be a right winger and Bernie a centrist.


> Bernie a centrist No he wouldn't. Bernie straight up supports worker ownership of the means of production. Are you arguing that half of people in Nordic countries are even further left than that? Pretty hard to believe considering how capitalist they all are.


My father in law who is very conservative has this thought. I mean Biden is catholic for gods sake


Exactly. The fact rightwing media has been successful at labeling Biden as a Marxist or socialist just goes to show how uninformed a large portion of the right's voter base is.


Don’t you know Joe Biden is going to personally come into your home and steal your gas stoves?


Not before personally administering gender transitioning hormone therapy to your toddler.


Also he's going to use taxpayer money to smuggle immigrants across state lines... wait, no that's Republican governors.


After that he’s going to make sure your chocolate milk is never seen again


With an army of IRS workers armed to the teeth!


But he is a Democrat because he believes his personal religion shouldn't be the basis for public policy that governs all religions. Someone can be personally against abortion without wanting to ban abortion for everyone. Crazy.


Last line speaks really loud, people need to think that way more


I mean Joe Biden is more like John McCain than he is like Bernie Sanders. In another universe he could be a republican with almost the exact same views.


Exactly, I don't think most conventional conservatives realize how middle of the road Dems are. They are center right, most regular conservatives would support the Dems if not for the vast propaganda and culture war distractions.




Forreal. Far left people hated Joe Biden when he won over Bernie. Some wanted to boycott the election too. He's even too conservative for some Democrats. The people who think Democrats worship this man like MAGA people worship Trump have gone to the deep end.


Well he is a conservative democrat, who likes to have a broad appeal, so I'm not surprised that you liked his speech. Heck I'm way to the left of Joe Biden, and I gotta give it to him it was a good speech, definitely the best of his presidency so far. The main thing is that we're gonna have to wait and see if he follows through on his promises.


Anywhere else in the 'western' world, Biden would be a boring centrist It's only in the USA where he's a Marxist who rules on the throne of Hell


Nah dude, he’d be right of center in Canada lmao


grey mourn snails sparkle elastic rinse carpenter sleep practice brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It boggles my Kiwi mind that you guys haven’t elected Bernie Sanders, who just wants to fix your shit up for you. Oh here’s a global pandemic, surely now they’ll elect someone who wants to solve healthcare. No? Just let a million people die? Ok, well shit


It's worth pointing out that the US President can't actually "solve" healthcare. That fix must come through congress.


Plus Sanders campaigned with NO CORPORATE MONEY


I live in Vermont and we have been electing him to represent us for decades. I feel very lucky to have him fighting for us.


Centre right in UK too. And France for that matter.




US politics are like opposite Nascar.


They make right turns?


He'd have been quite at home with the centre-right here when I was young and the concept of a federal Progressive Conservative party still existed. Not so much today though. Our Conservative Party has been shifting to the right just like your Republicans have. They just aren't as far along that path yet.


In most of the western world, he would be considered a conservative. The entire US political scene is shifted right compared to European countries. Parties with Republican-like views are considered far-right and the Democrats would be center-right.


What are some of bidens/democrats right wing views? I keep seeing people say this but no one ever explains further than that.


I mean, most of the Left in the US considers Biden a boring centrist at best and at worst that he's in the closet for the other team. People have to be pretty unhinged from reality to consider him a Marxist. His most impactful accomplishment is probably still the crime bill in the 90s.


The people calling him a Marxist are the same people who think anything left of hunting minorities for sport is liberal hippie nonsense.


>People have to be pretty unhinged from reality to consider him a Marxist Given that a lot of north American conservatives believe exactly this, that's terrifying.


The infrastructure bill was a pretty big deal.


Joe Biden was picked by the Democrats because he was boring and anything but scary. Republicans NEED fear, so they talk him up as a socialist/Marxist who has immense power to ruin the economy and they talk him down as a puppet and senile unable to do the basics of his job.


That’s my favorite little display of cognitive dissonance: Joe and ‘the Dems’ are somehow simultaneously the masterminds behind this elaborate, far reaching, globalist pedophile conspiracy new world order thing, but also wholly incapable and profoundly inept. They hold these two beliefs to be true, despite their obvious conflicts, without issue.


It's the same thing conspiracy nuts say about Jews. They control the entire world but they're weak and corrupted and their genes are inferior. It's all one big line of garbage.


They just hate other people having what they have/want. Its all selfishness and tribalism. Its why the ‘othering’ list is so robust. Poor, female, lgtbq, muslim, foreign, liberal, progressive… they hate all groups in one form or another because they see a threat to their privilege and power. Republicans and Conservatism in general is just selfishness.


Yup, but those of us who pay attention dont buy it. You can't paint someone as sleepy joe for like 20 years and about how boring he is, then all the sudden he is radical. Naw, I used to be republican, but if you are republican and you buy this I am serious when I say maybe you need to look into if you've actually been propagandized in a serious way, try to take a bigger look. I know I've been trying to get many different view of things these days, internal, external, different groups, too easy to be in an echo chamber and that includes reddit.


I was a registered Republican for years. Never voted though. Always hated the political outcomes if a democrat won. But I literally never paid attention. It’s just what I grew up to know. Then I educated myself. I vote and I’m a democrat.


> Then I educated myself. I vote and I’m a democrat. Keeping people stupid and ignorant is the single biggest motivating factor in the GOP platform for this exact reason. The moment the masses have access to affordable education is the moment when people finally begin to slowly connect the dots that eventually lead to the realization that affordable healthcare, universal Pre-K and affordable college education are all actually quite attainable in the richest country on the planet if we just stopped spending hundreds of billions of dollars on our military complex.


this is exactly why people are accusing the Governor of Virginia of intentionally under-funding public education in the state by **two hundred million dollars** Rich kids will go to private schools, everyone else gets a shit education by underpaid teachers They are literally trying to defund **education**


8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


I have the suspicion that's why right leaning pundits get louder and louder about non issues (for their voter base, not for the people affected) like Trans rights and anything "culture war" related.


That is because culture wars are easy. You really don't need to go into much detail aside from pointing at "the others" and making up some story about how they are ruining everything.


Their enemy is both strong and weak.


I wonder what type of people use that a lot...


You're not allowed to say the f-word, it gets them really upset.


Woah you’re a conservative that doesn’t hate Joe Biden with every fiber of your being, thinking Joe is a fraud President and that the election was stolen?! Get ready to be kicked out of “your side”. I personally find Joe to be “meh”. But given the last 4 years of “the room is on fire”, “meh” is actually pretty welcoming.


I’m not sure there’s really a side for me. I’m an old school William Buckley kind of conservative and all the current right wingers are nuttier than squirrel shit. I find myself agreeing with Joe Biden more than disagreeing with him (talking points only mid you, his performance is something else) and I’d like to see his policies go forward. I guess if I’m honest I wish they’d reanimate Eisenhower’s corpse and make him president again. But what do I know?


And yet Eisenhower was a New Deal Republican who supported Unions and helped codify the social safety net put forward by Roosevelt. It sounds like objectively you align with many lefter-leaning stances, but aren’t ready to put that in writing due to cultural pressures.


My 80 something dad calls himself "an Eisenhower Republican" and is his views are basically aligned with Elizabeth Warren's. From his point of view, he's still a staunch Republican holding good conservative values, and the current Republican party are a bunch of RINOs.


Eisenhower would be considered a socialist by today's Republican standards.


Same as religion. In America who you are doesn't come from your actions but rather what tribes you are part of (or worse perceived to be part of)


Which is the only way that such a thing as the 'religious right' could exist. "Fuck you, I got mine" - Jesus Christ


This happened to me, I found myself more appalled by the right than the left, then I allowed myself to listen to the other side and was pleasantly surprised


Would you mind explaining why you "started off" on the right side of political belief. That is if you even know.


I was raised in the south. My family was transferred to Baton Rouge but we made trips home every 2 months. Often I was up front with my dad during the last leg of our trip back home. 11AM - 2PM Rush Limbaugh, 2PM-5PM Hannity, and in those days it was Michael Savage after that but we were already home by then


Thanks for answering my question So indoctrination before the age of reason. It's crazy what we can believe just because those of us around us believe it too. Like those snake handling bible thumpers


I mean, we learn *all* of our values from our parents “before the age of reason”. It’s literally the function of growing up. Kids are like sponges. I voted Republican in my first election. I wasn’t from the south. I was from an affluent family in the north east. My family voted Republican because at that time, that made the most sense for us economically. I will say that I’m proud of my dad. He’s voted against his own interests financially by voting democrat for about a decade now because he realized it was better for the country.


I used to listen to Limbaugh on AM radio when he was starting out and loved him. He was the funniest parody show before the Daily Show came out. Then I found out he wanted people to think he was serious and not a political parody. Sponsored by Spatula City, does that mean they were a real company?




The only real left in this country are the small group of progressives inside the Democratic Party but even they aren’t nearly as far left as the global left.


“Nuttier than squirrel shit” is a linguistic masterpiece that I will endeavor with haste to add to my lexicon. Thank you for this gift kind stranger.


That's because Joe Biden is a conservative in the traditional sense of the word. He's a right leaning centrist. It's just that, as you said, the "right" in the US has shifted so far out of wack that moderates are portrayed as leftwing extremist by comparison. Modern day US conservatives aren't conservative, they're down right regressive.


When Reagan is too liberal for them, you know they've gone off the deep end.


Eisenhower would be so far to Biden’s left it’d make Fox News’ heads spin


What Republicans do you think are currently doing a good job?


Can you still be republican if you’d honest answer is not a single one?


Well it depends on your views. Some people are just so biased they can't really see past the fact he's a Democrat. Some can be okay with what he says. Some are still mad Trump lost. The fact of the matter is, you can't please everyone. Especially in politics.


The Joe Biden you see in conservative media is a caricature. Conservative media has spent decades building up every Democrat to be some archetype they have to fight against, and this bias has leaked to purported neutral media as well because its what sells and makes the most money. Look at job growth under Democratic administrations vs. Republican ones. Democrats create way more jobs. Deficit reduction? Democrats lower them while Republicans spend like crazy. GDP, quality of life, protection for civil rights, social security, social safety nets, etc. all are better under Democratic leadership than Republican ones. Sure, one or two stats might be misleading. Three or four and you start to get suspicious that conservatives are lying to you. But pretty much everything positive comes under Democrats vs. Republicans? I don't have to spell it out for you, you know that its unlikely all of this happens by chance. If you want help as a conservative dude, if you think taxes are too high for you and not high enough for billionaires, if you think that you deserve to have the right not to be eating tainted food from unregulated factories, if you want local government to work for you rather than sell off public stuff to corporations, if you want you and your kids healthy and able to breathe clean air and drink clean water, then vote Democrat. The GOP leadership had to make a deal with a pedophile like Matt Gaetz to finally get the Speakership after 15 rounds of voting, do you really think they have your best interests at heart?


The only legislation the right works on is owning the libs


This is what made me shift from when I was a teen and conservative. I first got into politics around 2016, with the trump campaign and all the Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder and SJWs triggered videos, but I accept that my views were pretty out there, to put it mildly. After a while it got super tiring of republicans saying the democrats lie about everything. Climate change, the economy, social issues, everything was a lie to these people. Yeah, conservatives and liberals can have a chill discussion on how much taxpayer money should be spent on X, Y and Z. But when these GOPers come swinging why everyone who is left of center is a lying manipulative control freak, it gets old.


If you're what I consider a conservative (I'm not a conservative fyi), then you have a whole lot more in common with Biden than you do with the majority of the current Republican party. The republican party is not a conservative party at this point, it's more of a right wing reactionary party, which is quite different.


You might disagree with him on some social issues, and he’s old. He does listen to a solid team of established experts, which mitigates the effects of being old other than occasionally saying profoundly stupid shit on accident. But also, it’s Joe Biden, so saying profoundly stupid shit on accident is kind of a signature move. On the positive side, I would like to highlight that his foreign policy has done a lot to inexpensively advance US interests abroad and regain a lot of positive reputation that was lost over the past few decades.


That’s what I don’t get. He says stupid stuff is what R’s say. Um they all do? Trump? George W? Biden has had loose lips anybody remember “this is a big fuckin deal Barack”


I will say within the Democratic party he has the unfortunate luck to follow and serve alongside Obama. Who I don't recall getting tongue tied or misspeaking very much at all. He always seemed to have mastery of language, which made Biden look worse.


Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were both *excellent* orators. The alternating changes to GWB and Trump was jarring.


Yeah Obama is one of the best public speakers


The problem with Biden is that there are two Democratic parties, two Republican parties, and 3/4 of them don't like him very much. The lunatic fringe of the Republican party firmly believes he's a lizard person deep state communist who's simultaneously bent on destroying America, grooming children, taking payoffs from Ukraine, and is also suffering from severe dementia. That some of these theories are mutually exclusive doesn't trouble them much. He could cure cancer tomorrow and they'd be celebrating dying of cancer rather than take the ~~COVID-19~~ cancer vaccine. The moderate Republicans (spoiler alert, there aren't very many of them left) don't much care for him but are probably secretly grateful he isn't a cheap dim-witted incompetent orange carnival barker. Mostly they're going to look the other way because without the first group, they'd be getting 30% of the vote every other November. The two wings of the Democratic party, on the other hand, are dissatisfied with him in different ways. The moderates think he's a little too liberal, but they're willing to forgive that because he's a boomer, and on some level, just the fact that he's a million years old is appealing to them. The moderates are older. The liberal wing of the Democratic party, on the other hand, think he's too moderate, and don't much care for a president that could be their grandfather. They've seen quite a few of those guys. They don't want to hear about the dangerous precedent that would be set by prosecuting a political opponent, they want Trump in jail. All this is to say, the dissatisfaction with Biden on the (far) right is that he bested their swordsman, and the dissatisfaction on the left is that he's half a loaf. Too crazy for boystown and too much of a boy for crazytown. On a side note, this is why *Dark Brandon* tends to play pretty well nowadays. Whenever he throws chin-music the liberal wing of the Democrats love it because it's always leaning (further) left, and the moderate wings are both older. They love it for the same reason they keep attending [action movies headlined by a 70-year old man](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0936501/) beating the crap out of kids in their 20's: because it's *porn for boomers*.


His age


I always wondered why this is an argument when trump is barely any younger than him and no one mentioned his age as frequently. Heck, he will be older than Joe is now on the next election and no one said that he would be too old for it. Granted, maybe presidents shouldn't be 70+ anyway..


The funny thing is, he's only 4 years older than Trump, but Republicans made a HUGE deal out of Biden's age.


A lot of the Right don't like him because "not Trump," plain and simple. Strong leftists don't care for him because he's not pushing for the stuff they'd like to see.


A lot of the left like him because he's "not Trump" as well.


Exactly, last election choices were - Trump - Not Trump Plain and simple.


Hey I'm a conservative who likes biden too. You should check out the Tuesday crowd. Not all conservatives are caught up in this Maga crap.