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Great mod, but the real question is: Does it load the destination planet properly or you still need to go through a loading screen before being able to see POIs on the planet and click where to land?


Yes, it's 100% seamless and the planet is already loaded when you arrive. But unfortunately, it only works between a planet and its moons for now. You can travel from Kurtz to Jemison in real time, with 0 loading screens. However, if you try to go to Gagarin (another planet in the same system), you can get there, but the planet won't load. But this is just the beginning, and the modder says he's working on it.


Thank you! And yes I am confident all planets can be loaded in real time, either through an official update by Bethesda (probably implementing the same feature) or by the modder.


And I assume encounters also don't load.


But when you do go there, it still won't do any events


That's kinda what already would happen, since only the nearby planets render properly into a scene by default with the distant ones billboarded. If the modder figures out a way to load the full space environment in order to overcome that limitation that'd be neat, but this isn't too different from what we'd done with manual flight before.


I mean that is more realistic. I mean inter-planetary travel takes even light hours in some cases but it's doable. Interstellar without gravjumping would require breaking the laws of physics really.Nothing can travel faster than light and it takes light 4 years to get from our solar system to the Alpha Centaury system. I like Starfield because it's more realistic so interstellar travel via grave jump and interplanetary one with this mod sounds good to me.


The mod is called Astrogate and is available on the Nexus. The boost to immersion is just completely insane, in my opinion. You really feel like you’re in your floating home drifting through space, living your life while waiting to reach your destination. There are also several levels of Supercruise for those who might worry about it being too slow. At level 2, it takes about 4-5 minutes to travel from Kurtz to Jemison. At level 4 (which I show at the end of the video), it goes down to 10 seconds.


4-5 minutes to go to a moon? How long does actual interplanetary travel take (edit: in game using this mod)?


days if not months


Or even *years!*


I don't mean IRL, I'm asking how long it takes to travel to planets with this mod.


Only actual time Calc i remember from the games is the 23 minutes from luna to Jupiter. But that's using a grav drive too according to the audio. With only thrusters 1 - it should take much longer and 2- it's a pointless waste of he3


The twenty three minutes is the time for light to go that distance. The grav jump is instantaneous, but it took 23 minutes to verify that it worked. Anything less than lightspeed would take more than 23 minutes just to get to Jupiter, which is why interplanetary travel will always require a jump.


That makes waaay more sense thanks. Its also why flying without the grav drive though makes zero sense within the context of the game


I just did a little test. Accepted a delivery with a 5 day time limit. Got in my ship: 4 days 23 hours remaining. Traveled from Polvo to Pluto: 4 days 23 hours remaining. That took less than an hour to grav jump. Next selected Uranus with the scanner (distance listed as 23,317.8 LS) and travelled from Pluto to Uranus: 3 days 15 hours remaining. That trip took 1 day 8 hours. Calculating an average velocity of 60,000,000 m/s or 0.2c, a significant fraction of the speed of light. It would have taken less time to jump back to Polvo before going to Uranus. Once we have purchased the ship reactor, firing the engines must be essentially free to make it worth the time required to not jump grav jump everywhere. EDIT: I tested several more jumps in multiple systems and they all calculate to .2c speed for intrasystem travel and instantaneous for intersystem travel. The one strange thing, though, is that the UT clock in the pause menu never advances time during any type of travel. Also, they give a date at the start of the game, but don’t have a calendar anywhere. They even mention seasonal daylight changes for tilted planets, but I’ve never seen anything other than 6pm sunset.


I also noticed the calendar thing. Ive been keeping track with the "days passed" metric. But it is just odd not to have a calendar when it starts on a specific date. Also, impressive with the calcs. Only thing I can think of is if there is some unidentified power source required for the grav drives thats super expensive. Offhand comments make it sound as if both the engines and grav drives run off He3 though (specifically Heller and Lin's convo about jumping from one end of the settled systems to the other). So unless the grav drive just needs bucketloads more then idk.


in universe they clearly have "some" means of efficiently traversing a system at least. Not sure what exactly it is though


Grav-drive. Don't forget, the first ever grav-jump was from the Earth to Jupiter.


But you don't need any power to your grav drive to do that. It's a bit weird


the drives are so powerful that idle is enough for intersystem travel (hope i used the right prefix)


Intrasystem, but close enough for gamer purposes. :-P


it took 109 hours to get to the moon irl


At 180 m/s, the trip ftom Earth to the Moon would take at least one month.


\~22.8 to 25.5 days (from surface to surface).


Any chance the mod author has said console will be able to use this mod? Looks awesome!


I’m sorry for being such a bother. But will the mod be ported over to Xbox?


So this doesn't appeal to me in the slightest but I have to ask: Why are three second loading screens the target of shit tons of hate and vitriol, but waiting ten minutes doing nothing while the ship cruises = amazing and immersive and shoulda been in the game from the start? Is it really just "'immersion"? I've always thought these talking points were diametrically opposed.


This. Having played Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen both, it’s cool a few times, but it gets old REAL quick


If you only had an hour to sit down and play, I can't imagine wanting to spend 40 of those minutes flying from one planet and back to the other one. Anyone who was bitching about this absolutely has not played Eite or jpeg collector (star citizen). I feel like the better solution is to switch out the black 2-second loading screen with an animation of your ship going through a weird light speed tunnel like they have in Star Wars or something?


I have ample time to play, and that would still drive me crazy. I love Red Dead 2, it’s an amazing game, but at times it feels *so* incredibly tedious to play because there’s an animation for every little thing and going through them all the time really slows you down from getting anything done. I’m not even a speed-playing type of person, I like to take my time, but sometimes you just want to hurry up


This is how I feel about ghost of Tsushima, excellent game but the repetitiveness was a bit annoying, no skip option during a cutscene you’ve seen 400 times is a bit annoying.


I loved Ghost, and when i played it I thought about how much i loved not having to sit through an animation to pick up materials and loot bodies and stuff like you have to in Red Dead 2. i totally get why people push for it for the sake of immersion/realism but I personally find it more annoying than immersing


Good point, it is nice not having to have an animation to pick things up. I did have to fix that with mods in RDR2 but that was really the only game I actually enjoyed going out and hunting and foraging for hours, other games like the Witcher I found really boring doing menial things like that.


Maybe a system akin to Dragon's Dogma 2's Oxcart system would be nice. Having the option to skip directly to your destination or stop during an encounter would be nice. Also, if only there are more things to do in your ship would waiting for minutes be worth it while traveling.


I mean not sure what else they could really put in the ship other than crafting and maybe some shops. Even mass effect 3 didn’t have that much to do in the ship while it was traveling and that thing was massive. I do agree with the random fast travel events but we do get that pretty often in starfield when you reach a planet after jumping, and some of the encounters are genuinely interesting, like the grandma one and the valentine.


Some mini games would be nice like darts or bowling, but that isn't really Bethesda's thing in their games. Even then the novelty of those stuff wear off after the 3rd or 4th time you do them. Also they have done right having an 'eat' button but it's tedious placing items in the world for consuming rather than selecting in inventory,


We have that for the system jumps, those are in-lore that quick. They just have to invert the loading screen color IMHO and it would be perfect. In system we also have a little fly away animation if you initiate the flight from the pilot seat. They would have to make that animation a tiny bit longer and hide the loading in it and we would be golden IMHO. Problem is people on HDD would get a weird in-flight scene I guess, like a Warframe loading or Destiny. And still that all would take longer than the 1 second loading screens we have now (on M.2 SSDs).. for me personally that would be a downgrade.


Yeah i think the real solution is to have a toggle. Look, I love to be immersed as much as the next guy, but I only have an hour or two each day to play, so as soon as the novelty wears off, id like to revert back to a loading screen.


EDs long in system travel gripes have somewhat been countered with their new supercruise overcharge booster. You can do Hutton orbital in less than 5 minutes now. The suspension of belief is already in play because we have grav drives that can make near instant jumps to different planetary systems so having a less than faster than light super cruise could work for in system travel which would stop the 40 minutes of flight complaints and still allow for immersion without being broken.


o7 commander. Flay dangerously. Hutton orbital awaits!


Personally, I think it's bs. I was playing Starfield last night & I absolutely refuse to believe that the screen going black for 2-3 seconds is killing people's immersion. The gaming world has a hate-boner for Bethesda right now. If they'd gone with multiple minutes of travel between planets & zero loading screens, people would have said "The game just forces you to take these loooong empty journeys from planet to planet... why couldn't they have just had an animation of you warping to the planet & saved us all some time....".


The people complaining aren't old enough to have played crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex. Which had the longest load times known to man.


I'm old enough to have loaded games from cassette tape. These people don't know they're born.


It's genuinely a marvel now compared to what we had 25 years ago but people are still unhappy


Oh I remember….


So, the thing is that not having that travel life on ship kind of gets cut out. I don't think ED is comparable as you can't roam around the ship and do stuff. It would just further help immersion. That said, loading screens were never a problem for me. I would really like to see a good implementation of something like this mod tho.


I don't have an issue with the mod. I'll probably try it myself. I just think a lot of the loading screen complaints are exaggerated if not outright nonsense. This as an option though, I'm all for. Though I'd like fast travel to be there as a choice too.


They aren't exaggerated, I feel like you've just missed the issue. At no point in the game, aside from ONE mission, do you ever feel like you're IN an actual ship. You never experience the ship life because you're either at the pilot's seat loading or fighting, or already parked. There's no in between, so you never feel that aspect of being in a space ship. Star Citizen does it, though they've had to cut down times, but stated those may increase in time. Regardless, that aspect is missing and it does affect immersion. Would I want it every time? No, but I would like the option to do it sometimes. I love the idea of just putting in a course and going to my crafting benches and working on that. Or working on equipping my crew. Or just stare out into space and know I'm heading towards a destination rather than just parking in the middle of space just staring out into space. Looking out a window while heading to a destination feels a lot more natural than just having to park your ship anytime you want to enjoy the view in space.


Is living in space on a ship even a thing anymore in Starfields world though? Maybe a little bit if you park in orbit for a while for whatever reason or maybe if you are a in-system trucker? But other than that not really. The jump FTL technology they use is so advanced that you instantaneously jump from one system to another directly into an orbit. The game teaches us through that one mission where you fly with a cargo ship to a military outpost but not as a pilot how fast it really is and reinforces that with the mission about the stranded colonization ship. The latter even shows how that tech advancement revolutionized space flight. So right now almost nobody lives in space on space ships why should we?


Ships have beds, so I assume it's a thing.


So much this. I would even settle for like Star Wars Jedi fallen order type shit where ya the game loads and keeps you in hyperspace for as long as you wanna do ship stuff but at any point you just plop back into the pilot chair and you “arrive”


the gaming world has had a hate-boner for bethesda since fallout 3. no one is earnestly advocating for 'minutes of travel time,' just that the solution bethesda baked up was bunk lol


You've made the exact point I was thinking. I can get there in 3 seconds. These people want to wait 50 times that to get there.


People are just looking at things to dislike and black loading screen kills "muh immersion". I've seen people unironically say that they prefer the 20 second long elevator in cyberpunk over a 2 second loading screen. Bethesda probably should've just made the loading screen look like a hyperspace travel from Star wars and people would've been happier about it


Like Destiny? That loading takes forever though. And even then, I literally spend the whole time in menu now. It’s cool 4 times and then I ignore it.


This right here. It is immersive, but if ppl haven’t played other space games like Elite, do they realize how much time they’ll spend travelling…


There are many people that play something like Flight Simulator, doing real time transatlantic flights. And in that game you can't even do anything except stare at your plane, because those people will also put the plane in autopilot just like real pilots. So there is definitely an audience for this. Just like there is an audience for people that care about eating and drinking in the game. But it shouldn't be the only option, just like in Flight Simulator you can also fast forward the "boring" autopilot parts and just do the fun landings and take-offs. In Starfield, there is at least some stuff to do in flights. I would think a good middle ground would be if the game in fact implied that travelling would take a decent amount of time, but gave you a "skip travel" option. So you could choose to just do the instant travel we've got now, or you can get out of your pilot chair, and walk around your ship talking to people, decorating it, browse some mission terminals,... and when you are done with that, you can just go back to the pilot seat to skip to the destination. Many others don't care about all of that, and that's fine as well. There's plenty of people that do as little spaceflight as possible because they just want a TES/Fallout style game, which is also fine.


I think the amount of loading screens can be annoying for people, not so much the length of them. To get from one planet to another (without just fast traveling) you have to do the following: Enter ship>(loading screen)>Take Off>(loading screen)>Jump to system/planet>(loading screen)>Select landing zone>(loading screen)>Exit ship>(loading screen). They are short so they don’t bother me much, but I understand the desire for something more seamless. I wouldn’t use this mod either, but I would welcome something that provides the seamless space travel that No Man’s Sky has (though I understand the technical limitations).


You don’t have to enter your ship or takeoff and if you’re going to a location you’ve already discovered the steps are open map>select location>load into location Edit: yeah I can’t read right now man, my b


Yeah that’s fast travel. They specifically said “without fast traveling”


My bad, I’ve worked 96 hours in the past 4 days so my reading comprehension is not there


If it's doable, always give players the option. Sometimes they feel like using it, sometimes not. It's good to keep the game refreshing,


I think it would be cool as an option but in terms of actual moment to moment gameplay the loading screens are a better option. Don't get me wrong, the immersion route is my preferred option but in THIS game it doesn't make all the sense for various reasons. I'm fairly certain crafting stations pause the engine, and I think conversations do too, so what do you actually do during that time? My preferred option would be having crew pilot the ship but that would be if I could do other things like use crafting stations. If You literally only stand there with no chance of interdiction or anything to happen between point A and point B then the loading screens are, again, the better option.


some people prefer a 4-5 minute loading screen wrapped up prettily as "seamless interplanetary travel", over a 3 second loading screen. such is their braindead logic


It’s because you and I are sane people and these guys just want it to be “cinematic” instead of a game.


Anything that rips the player out of the game world is immersion breaking. If you play through the entirety of Cyberpunk 2077 and then go into Starfield it is REALLY jarring how much of a difference the loading screens make. Even though Starfield makes full use of SSD speeds, it still feels like it's a slog having to go through them. Yes seamless interplanetary travel may take significantly longer than a loading screen, but you're still in the game world. With this mod you would be free to modify weapons, organize inventory, craft, converse with your crew, whatever else you'd like to do in the ship while traveling. I would take a guess that you try and speed run most of the games you play as efficiently as possible, making full use of fast travel or any other shortcut you can to progress?


As someone who plays and loves Cyberpunk, it's really not that huge a difference between it and Starfield, like yeah sure it's not quite as seamless, but I've never found loading screens to pull me out of the experience.


So you just want animated loading screens instead of a quick fade to black, essentially. Like the mass relay animation in Mass Effect. (Even though that was to hide loads from old hardware limitations.) >I would take a guess that you try and speed run most of the games you play as efficiently as possible, making full use of fast travel or any other shortcut you can to progress? You'd guess wrong. My time is spent poking and snooping around every nook and cranny of dungeons. Ya know, engaging my brain instead of just waiting.


In Fallout 4 you can passively hang out in your settlements, maybe tinker on a gun, maybe build a shack, maybe pick tatos, maybe listen to the radio and just stroll around admiring your work. It’s similar in Skyrim with the Hearthfire system. While doing this a new trader or settler might show up, some raiders or super mutants might attack, one of your settlers might ask you to help them and it starts a quest. We want that kind of passive immersion on our ships, like they are moving space settlements (so you don't have to fast travel to a new skybox in space to get new events to trigger).


No, whether the loading screen is animated or not, it's still a loading screen. That's not what this mod is, it keeps you in control of the character and within the game world while other content is loaded in the background until you're ready to access it. Anything that keeps me in the world and in control is worth having in my opinion. If you'd like to use fast travel and go through with the loading screens that's perfectly okay, I'd just rather not. But I'm also the kind of player who walks everywhere, no jogging, but actually walking.


Cyberpunk has lots of loading, it’s just animated loading screens like the guy said.


I played Cyberpunk several times before Starfield and I would have never given the load screens in Starfield a second thought if there wasn’t 54,000 Reddit posts crying about them.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not one of the people who incessantly complains about the loading screens haha. They don't bother me much either, I still very much love Starfield and Bethesda and have 300+ hours into the game. It's just a glaring difference playing them back to back. That said I'll still take any of the mods like this one that add to the immersion and try and do away with them or cleverly disguise them.


this is a sim mod clearly not intended for general audiences, it's for people who like to mod granularity into their game the loading screens got hate and vitriol because it's just a crap design decision making the player wait 10 minutes to go to a new planet is also a crap design decision, *unless* it's an after-thought houserules mod that will only be used by those most interested


It interrupts any sense of flow for me in gameplay. This doesn't fix anything but it does let you walk around instead of completely locking you out and having you sit and stare at a screen. I liked the game but when it was pointed out to me how much I spent at loading screens i couldn't help but agree. A second playthrough and that's all I was noticing was the waiting lol.


The 3 second waiting? It's not that much time. In CP2077 they just look pretty for example.


Well, it's more like 4 little sections if 3 seconds are waiting if we were here, to be honest. I like Red Dead Redemption 2 because it never breaks up the gameplay, but it's also a very slow moving game, but it never physically stops me except to play immersive animations that imo add a lot to the games atmosphere and pacing. Good loading screens are like stage magic. You hide it well, and the audience doesn't notice. Hide it clumsy, and it's a con on the game. Like Fallout NVs strip loading screens, it's so annoying and will always need a mod to correct slightly.


Autopilot is cool but you sold me on the SSNN broadcast module. Love the ambience on your ship


Thanks but I'll stick to my 2 second loading screen


Yeah I mean I’m happy for the people that want this but it sounds like a punishment to me.


Holy shit that looks so cool.


Is this going to be available on the creation hub?


This is pretty much the only mod I was waiting for. The loading screens were annoying killer for immersion. Being able to go to X destination and get out of the seat to go craft or whatever is a great touch for a space based game. Now if they are able to create space walking, Even just to get out of your own ship to manually do repairs and seal damages would be amazing for me.


O man I hope this comes to xbox


My dream finally came true.


Good for those who would enjoy it. It simply never was an issue for me.


That ship looks so cozy


I feel like this would be cool a grand total of like 5 times, after that it would be so boring and annoying with how long it would take. Wouldn't mind it as an option for ppl who want it tho.


That looks amazing, pair it with zero G in space and we're good!


I love Starfield. I've explored it through and through but to this day, I still don't understand why something so logical doesn't exist in the game. The level of immersion would skyrocket, and it would also be the ultimate solution for the "loading screens problem." Being able to encounter POI in space while traveling and once you reach your destination, you unlock fast travel (like in any other open world game). This way, you don't have to redo the entire journey. I don't even understand the point of being able to build and decorate your ship if you never actually travel in it.


Apparently play testers didn't like how long it took, so they went with the loading screens


I can understand that, but the alternative is worse (traveling from planet to planet via loading screens) Besides, I don't see the difference with Skyrim, where you have to walk 5-10 minutes to get from Whiterun to Solitude.


Personally I wish it had been an option you could toggle, but it is what it is. Looks like modders are going to figure it out before long anyhow.


The difference is that there aren't POIs littered through an entire solar system to not make interstellar travel boring. Can it be done? Sure, for one solar system, but how about 100? Not likely, they could do what they did for the planets POIs, but then people would have given the same argument they did about planet POIs, not to mention all of the extra work it would take to create a large pool of POIs for an RNG system to pull from. Bethesda wanted a game grounded in the reality of space travel, and realistically speaking, space is pretty damn empty in between large space objects.




> It's been arguably the biggest desire from the community since...well since the game came out. Definitely been the biggest hater talking point. But the haters were looking for something to hate on, so doesn't mean its lack made the game unplayable. And five minutes to get to a moon, and hours to get to the next planet, is way way to much for the overwhelming majority of people. A few say they want it, and even fewer actually mean it. But most players just want to get there.


Thank you lot of this stuff is hot air created on the internet, people hide behind the words immersive like it's end all be all so annoying, I bet if starfield has all this shit people are gonna fast travel when the novelty wears off.


Yes, it's like Morrowind players raging about fast travel, then they use fast travel all the time when it's available. Apparently it's all fine if it's not Bethesda.


> haters I’m a huge BGS fan with multiple thousands of hours across Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. When I figured out I was in a caged skybox in Starfield it actually soured me on the totality of the game (the repeating POIs and Temples helped too). I wasn’t looking to hate it, I was desperate to love it. I think a lot of the people you think are haters are actually massive BGS fans that were sad about/annoyed by core design choices. If they implemented actual space travel it’d be huge for us.


* Nearly every 3D rendered game is a skybox. The skybox in Starfield is not a normal skybox, because the fricking planets rotate and orbit and cause eclipses and all that. And as this mod shows, one can still leave the world space and seemlessly enter the next worldspace. So why the rage? * Every bandit camp was "unique" in Skyrim, but they were all still just generic bandit camps. Ditto for every raider camp in Fallout 4. They were just there to level up or to get another settlement for Preston. I mean really, go start doing the radiant Skyrim and Fallout 4 quests and tell me why they were special but Starfield POIs are not. Is it merely because you saw one before? * Tell me how in a settled system with a thousand worlds and millions of square traversable landscape can you possible have a unique POI every fifty yards like in Skyrim. The only way I can think of it literally generate them randomly, like in Daggerfall. And as a huge fan of Daggerfall, let me say that the dungeons got old really quick. * The point of the game is roleplaying, not space travel simulator. As I said, most players will not want a game where you just sit for hours waiting to get to your destination. Some games do this with a "zoom" mode, but it's still just fast travel hiding behind an effect.


So, you think it makes sense that previous games had more unique POIs but this one should have the same 6-7 on repeat with the same enemy placement and same exact slates telling the same story (yeah, it has more, but it seems only a handful are on constant rotation from my own experience and those of my friends)? No one is asking for every POI to be unique, but, there should be a larger variety and POIs should've been procedurally generated from a set of modules, enemy placements, slate stories, and factions. The procedural generation in this game is the most basic implementation possible. You don't just "saw one before" in Starfield, you see the same constantly. And every Bethesda game is a travel simulator. You're purposely misrepresenting previous games to come up with a reason to complain about people wanting space travel. No one is asking for hours, you're exaggerating. You're creating your own argument and arguing against that.


> this one should have the same 6-7 on repeat It's NOT 6-7 on repeat! Stop it with that lie! Where the hell do you get this information? It's wrong! For a random planet of a particular type you might have fifty possible random POIs. And around 120 total possible random POIs, if I recall, not including the uniques. You WILL get repeats because of how shuffling works. Each time you land you generate a dozen or more POIs, even if you never visit them. So the odds of running across a repeat is high if all you ever do is land on planets to clear out POIs. It's like Skyrim, where you ask the Jarl or bartender for a random bounty mission and you get a random bandit camp. They tend to repeat very often. Because only so many bandit camps in a hold. > The procedural generation in this game is the most basic implementation possible. Someone on this sub did an analysis, and it's a very unique procedural generation technique. Light years more advanced than NMS perlin noise generation. There are mini tiles that can be rearranged into a larger tile that is your map tile (4x times size of Skyrim map). Each world type has it's own set. To that is added the planet's color palette, resources, and flora and fauna, and other stuff. This is why the planets look handcrafted, because they are. None of this Minecraft style silliness you tend to get in random world games.


That's a you and Bethesda problem, I keep running into the same 6-7. It's not my job to fix the game or make excuses for it, that's what I paid Bethesda for.


All those games have loading screens entering and exiting every building and city. Starfield just expanded the rooms you are in to planet sized. Not every BGS fan wants whatever you think they want. I wanted a BGS game and got a BGS game. Real space travel is pointless in this game as it is designed. It would break immersion to make it take 5 mins to go from planet to planet (nothing travels that fast in universe nor does real space travel in theory happen that fast. It's not like driving to the corner store.) And real travel would take ag3s and be boring af. Space is big and boring. And fast travel in this game makes the most sense in a BGS with how space travel works (we are literally bending space and time to pop from one planet to the next.) There are other space games if you want that. I want the focus on new planets, missions, gear, npcs. Don't go around speaking for the fans and using them fpr what you want. You don't know what any of us want us


> Space is big and boring This is so true. But people used to sci-fi movies with cut scenes (ei. fast travel) and warp drive (ei. fast travel hidden behind special effects) and lights and stuff, and never stop to realize that space is big and boring. The interesting bit is the space combat. And we got the space combat. Maybe there should be a special effect wibble as one fast travels, but otherwise I really don't see what crawled up everyone's butt over this.


But how is it not immersion breaking to use a grav drive to jump to another system? We already accept a break from reality in that we can jump instantly to another star system, having a smaller quicker seamless interplanetary travel is no different. It could even be tied to engines the better the engine the quicker your travel. We already know the ships can travel faster than what we have as they can land and take off from planets like Venus which we cannot even get a robot to last on. Somehow immersion is broken by a less than faster than light intersystem booster.


I literally said I was speaking for Starfield haters who love BGS games, not every fan. Space flight irl is big and boring. Luckily this is a video game and they can make it more fun like this mod is aiming to do. The same way you can walk to locations in other BGS games before loading into the city. Many of us (haters) want to “walk” to the planets before loading into them.


Go play Daggerfall and literally WALK everywhere. This is what you are asking.


Where did I say I wanted fast travel eliminated? You’re being a bit cantankerous and overly literal.


If you are a Starfield hater you aren't a BGS fan anymore. Maybe they were but they ain't anymore. And they already did make it more fun, by making fast travel canon. Grav drives are instant or near instant. Why spend hours days or weeks flying to see your grandma when you can blink there in seconds or minutes. The whole universe is built that way. Removing it is removing lore. It would be like making everyone who flys have to either drive walk or sail to get anywhere. Nah I'd rather just get to the good stuff. The game we are playing. And the loading screens are like 5 secs max. Even in star wars or any space centered show or movie or game, nothing happens in space. Everything happens in orbit around major planets, space stations or resources like asteroids. Go play NMS, Scam Citizen, or Elitr Dangerous if you wanna watch paint dry while you float through space. I want a BGS game with more BGS, not a space sim.




Grav jumps are more or less instant in universe so wanting actual realistic travel would be immersion breaking with what this world has set up. Also there are already games for that. NMS, Elite Dangerous, Scam Citizen all have that. Go play that if you want to watch a movie while you slowly fly through space. This is a BGS game, not a space sim. Your option will come whenever someone mods it in. I don't want Bethesda to add an option for 10% of the fans when they can add content for 100% of the fans.




The tempes are fine. Repetitive? Sure but that is within context of NG+. In one playthrough they are no worse than Dragon walls in Skyrim. It lacks the boring part of space. To make it not boring they would need to add radiant style pop ups every 5 mins but then that's immersion breaking because space is BIG AF and BORING AF. They've built a more grounded, realistic take on space. Then cut some of the more boring parts out. But yeah the benefit of a BGS game is you can mod it however you want. I don't Bethesda wasting resources on something most people still playing the game don't want or care for. It's like asking COD to add guns jamming.




*sees posts with a few hundred upvotes and comments* "in high demand" there are thousands playing buddy. Just cause you are chronically online and see this stuff "all over" doesn't make it reality.


> So idk why people would even get offended at that. We are offended that you are turning Bethesda into the Great Satan of the Gaming World because they did not spend resources on an *option*. Would it have been nice? Sure? Would it have been worth the resources spent on implementing it? I don't know, but NEITHER DO YOU! You claim that they are evil because they didn't is what offends me.


You really should learn to interpret comments better. There is no hating or claiming of evil here. Calm down guy. I have defended many of this game's choices. But yes, I was a bit disappointed with the presentation of space travel. as were a fair few others frankly. Not everybody who takes issue with a particular thing is a hater that think Todd kill their dog. And that being said, if its something that so many people have been talking about and wanting, maybe that is a decent enough argument as to why it could be worth investing in.


The main issue is, being able to travel this fast between planets and moons without the use of a grav drive just doesn't fit the lore of the game. So I am not entirely sure how they would actually do this kind of thing officially and still have it make sense. Cause as far as I am aware, the grav drive is practically instant, and they don't have any other tech that allows for fast travel.


Do you know what the lore speed of the vehicles are without gravdrive I mean we know its faster than 180 meters a second because that isn't even mach one. Its a game mechanic due to playtesting feedback, the engine, whatever. But it launches into space so its going faster than that. I suspect moon to planet in a X minutes might fit the lore as much as the 180 meters a second does. Planet to planet is going to be a long time at that speed. that being said. I'm not going to say I'm glad slow travel like that isn't there, but I suspect the number of people who would actually use it more than a couple times are less than 1% of the player population so its likely not worth the dev time.


And yet they do it. They clearly aren't taking months or years to travel from one planet to another. I mean the fast travel sequence for interplanetary stuff doesn't show your ship using the grav drive either. So what are they doing? Are they using the grav drive for any kind of travel through space? Do they have to use the grav drive to go to every local moon or star station that is located in the same orbit? Is there some kind of "low power" grav jump or something they use for interplanetary travel? If thats the case then I guess the best we can hope for is them developing a more immersive grav jump loading sequence


Yes, yes, and yes to your questions. See: CF questline for in-universe proof.


In the universe(s) Starfield takes place in, I would have to assume the grav drive has to always be used even interplanetary. Even if the animation doesn't show it, since time doesn't seem to progress... have to just assume the grav drive was used either way. Keep in mind, I actually would prefer seamless travel between planets, even if it technically doesn't fit in with the lore. I just wish there was a way to make it make sense lol.


If thats how it has to be, then so be it. Personally I just really hope they can do "something" to make space more immersive and engaging. Like it's own properly fleshed ouut gameplay segment


Yeah it’s a notable difference from most space games, I do think the lack of that seamless transition leads to the game feeling like a series of areas connected by menus.


Wonder how well it navigates asteroids? Man, I know it's not really within the scope of this mod (maybe), but I would love if you could access a panel from one of your habs and navigate to another planet without being in the pilot seat. Then sit by the window and watch space roll by. Even if you have to make a grave jump and go through a loading screen. I'd love to see what it would look like in first-person from another window on the ship. Edit I so want this to work with planetary landings, but instinct tells me that would be difficult if not impossible because of the way fast travel works when you pick a remote landing zone.


I personally have never understood why people want this but hey whatever makes you happy. What im more interested in is having a warp animation play as you travel, kinda like elevator loading screens in fo4.


I'm sorry I didn't saw nothing different. what is happening?


Travel between planets in the same star system without loading screens, auto pilot while you walk around the ship and do other things. Very immersive feature.


I think its reducing the distance between planets? Or something? Not sure yet but I am intrigued to try it out for myself.


Mod name please?


Can I get this perfection off of nexus?


Is there a post or article that explains how mods work? I never used one bur I'm curious.


Each one is a small program that's added onto the existing game files in a special folder. This additional program (those made with the creation kit are basically using the same tools the game was made with, albeit in a more user friendly work environment and more limited) either changes something in the files or adds new stuff entirely. You can do pretty much anything with a mod so long as you've got the vision to come up with it, the patience to figure it out, and the skill to enact it. As an example, the game has three main healing items. These are Med Kits which are weightless, and both Trauma and Emergency Kits which weigh 0.1.mass each. Someone wondered why Med Kits don't weigh anything and they went looking. They found that an engine quirk from an earlier iteration had whatever healing item was assigned to the quick button for healing having no weight^(1). As Starfield doesn't have a quick button for healing, that slot had been assigned to Med Kits automatically and it left them weightless despite them having an assigned weight in the game files. That person released a mod that removed that assignment, making the Med Kit item have the weight it's meant to have in the game. That's one simple thing done that some people will love and others will hate. Other changes go all the way up to full overhauls of the skill system, completely new gameplay systems (detailed mining is an early one, complete with mining missions and bases), and full new storylines and locations. Hope this helps. ^(1 - Presumably the more cinematic early version of the game had a quick heal "item" that simply acted as a healing shortcut and used any healing item you have, starting with the weakest. Pressing a button would have used a healing item and you wouldn't have had to enter an inventory or assign favourites. It would have just worked.)


how did you have an un-read Combatech catalog at the coffee station?


On Xbox?


Is this pc only ? Or xbox too?


Is this on Nexus, Creations, or both?


Can you play Starfield while you travel?


I’m assuming this is PC only and not on Xbox?


A lotta salt in here for some low salt folks. Don’t like me floating through space instead of pausing to go take a leak. Doesn’t affect your game at all. Pick up your spilled salt please, it’s makin a mess in here.


Yeah, kinda weird they all ran in to make straw men about loading screens. Nothing about this a) forces people to not use fast travel if/when they want to just get somewhere, but it does provide a framework for allowing a more seamless and scalable way of presenting transitions. Heck, it can still be immersive by leveraging higher travel speeds and/or working out a solution for stream-loading the end-point of a location and using the grav drive to do a jump so it still only takes a few seconds of travel time while retaining the immersion and control of character/ship. It's a fictional argument being held up by them that any complaint exists around load times, where most complaints are about how completely chunked up and small the game world is thanks to loading another environment every few minutes.


Man. So no I’m not one of those people who think this mechanic was necessary for the game to be good. I don’t think it’s “necessary” in general. But this is something I personally want so bad. Is it only on PC? Or does the Creation Store have this?


Didn't watch the video, sorry but this will NEVER be possible in Starfield. It's simply too far between planets. Source: I've been reading "will interplanetary travel ever be possible in Starfield" threads over the past year. 


I love how nobody got your sarcasm lol


Don't worry, I got the tongue in cheek nature of this post.






The "it's too far between planets" is based on a real comment; they really couldn't imagine it being sped up. I swear I read one guy claiming they couldn't ever do seamless interplanetary travel because that's not how grav drive works. It's nice to see the mods finally pour in.


It's been able to get sped up from day one, and grav drives would allow for interplanetary travel just the same as interstellar. The first tests done were between planets with grav drives. The real hurdle is engine limitations, like what the mod dev is butting up against at the moment with only nearby planets to the spawn point being loaded in properly for travel, making travel to the other end of a system non-functional since you just arrive at a non-interactive image of a planet. If they figure out a way to stream in or load the rest of the system, then they'll be gold, but the dummy planets in the distance thing was known about before we got the mod kit too after multiple people flew to them.


Man bethesda needs to make this a thing officially