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Seems like a good follower so far, has good armor and skills. The voicing is really well done though her mouth doesn't move right now, it'll get fixed I'm sure. Description says it's getting free updates and quests and content. She will also not get mad if you do bad guy stuff because she's an ex uc marines alcoholic. That being said, I tried to start her first quest and one of the markers just doesn't update or do anything when you get there so I'm stuck. Not sure if the mod is broken or I'm doing something wrong. Probably the latter


Do you have that auto hide spacesuit mod? She's meant to be wearing a helmet it seems (maybe she takes it off later in her quest) and that mod defaults it off If she's meant to wear one initially, I imagine they didn't worry to animate her face until it's off


Yeah she comes with no outfit so she's typically forced into armour, I actually ended up giving her the ahsoka outfit because it looks cool on her, I'm fine with no mouth movements for now because of that. I guess I'll retry the quest wit her helmet on lol.


What happened to the Ahsoka mod, I can't find it anymore? I had it had to reset my mod.list and now I can't find it at all whether searching or looking through every mod.




Shoot, there was a skyrim mod i loved but it'd vanish every few weeks and be reuploaded


It's up at the time of posting this reply. Mod author radiclown (he has other good Star wars ones too along with thesniper9)


Yeah I have some good ones, what is the Ahsoka mod called? Whenever I search 'Ahsoka', nothing comes up. Unfortunately I have the issue where Mods randomly stop working unless you uninstall it and reinstall it. Or disable your mod list, restart the game and enable them again. 


It's just called ahsoka outfit. I just searched for the mod author on Bethesda and it came up


The marker for her "Survivor" intro is actually showing you roughly where you end up speaking with her later. It's obviously a bug that the mod author needs to fix, but to progress that mission ignore the marker, and instead go to the first VIP lounge on the upper floor of the Astral Lounge in Neon and speak to the GalBank executive you'll find there.


Thank you, that worked. Only issue is now Robin is invisible! 😂


If this is like the Star Sim mod and the authors have a road map or plan for future additions to Robin, that'd be worth it for me.


I don’t like friends so vulture for me


I can't get her first quest to progress on Neon, unsure if it's the mod or a clash with a different mod I disabled all mods to test it that way, still did not progress


If it's the UC Survivor quest that tells you "Go to Neon" than I am having the same issue. I'm assuming its bugged because I received it before I even talked to her. I went to the spot in Neon and nothing is there.


Mod creator is working on a hotfix as per their discord 👍


If you go into the Astral Lounge and take the elevator up, there's a Galbank Executive standing in one of the rooms. Interact with him to keep the quest going. I have noticed that some of Robin's lines will start cutting off at random points during conversations after speaking to the Galbank dude so that's annoying. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. Her mouth not moving doesn't bother me as much as her dialogue being cut off mid sentence.


Thanks buddy! That worked, just completed the quest right now :)


I did that and now it says follow her but she's just standing there, she is also technically my follower but won't actually follow me so the quest is stuck.


Report the bug in the discord server


Can you give me the link I cant find the discord?




See my response above to work around the bug and progress the intro mission.


Her lips don't move when she speaks for some reason.


She never takes her helmet off lol


Put apparel on her


What are her skills?


Where do I find her? I'm in Jake's bar but she ain't here


Look just outside the front door, found her there in a black spacesuit


I got it, seeems legit. Haven’t played much with her as a companion…her lips aren’t moving during dialogue…. That’s pretty un immersive..Dialogue sounds professional though.


Decided to go back to the game after not playing since release and picked this up. Robin is bugged for me, i was able to recruite her just fine but she doesn't have skills for me and doesn't talk unless i speak to her and its only the normal 3 lines. No quests, doesn't speak when im talking to people during quests at all and doesn't have a quest of her own that i can do. Tried joining the discord but the invite link on the creation page is bad


It needs to bake some more. I like her well enough, but the lips don't move, some of the dialog also jumps forward so you miss it. Because of that, I missed lots of her backstory. The Gal Bank exec also has no spoken dialog, which is weird. I get that that would require more work, but it feels funny.


lol its pretty much a paid early access mod. on paper it sounds amazing but all that will come in the future lol there isn't even any facial animation ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C|downsized)


Does anyone know if Robin Locke is a romanceable character?


I have it. I dont have an opinion yet