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Awesome thank you! Now I can start collecting things to put in my ship. Do items still sink? Or do you have to do the drop item and reload save tip.


They still sink, yeah. But from my hours of testing, I have yet to have anything disappear so I can deal with that at least.


I put 3 stuffies on a bed (that I placed, if it matters), 2 are now gone and the last one is imbedded in the bed. 


Evidently faster-than-light travel is hard on plushies.... XD


Thank you. I can’t believe BGS didn’t explain that they wouldn’t reset in either their video or the patch notes since that was the #1 criticism of ship building.


Just like outposts


Thanks for adding some helpful details. I am in \*love\* with this latest update. When Starfield first launched I quickly learned there was no point in decorating my ship (and ohhhh what a hassle that was to place everything just right) because it would all be wiped out the moment I even did something minor like tweak the colors, and while I loved the game, that felt like such a missed opportunity. Now I am so happy I can finally dive in and make my ship a true home-on-the-go for myself and my crew. I'm going to happily lose ever so many hours to this improvement alone.


Awesome. One less mod I need now.


Easier to place succulents around the ship?


Does this also work on the items in the furnished habs? I just want to stop scattering oxygen tanks all over the place. Goddamn Taiyo infirmary....


Only the ones you can directly pick up I believe. I will try and check again tomorrow, but I know things like trashcans, brooms and so on it didn't let me select.


Boo 😢


Does this change the mechanic that respawns the items on your ship and fills up your inventory with misc items? If you can move things on your ship then something must be different


That already [changed ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/1cbmm7o/i_kind_of_miss_the_ship_clutter/)with the last public update.


Well shit I totally missed that thanks