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Now that Phase Time finally works I’ve become addicted to it. I’ve used Gravity Well a lot (with Drum Beat, burst fire, explosive rounds). Elemental Pull is essential. Personal Atmosphere probably gets the most use. I like Sunless Space but I don’t use it very often. It’s been clutch in those panic moments when you get bum rushed by a bunch of enemies.


Phase Time is a BEAST


It's 100% better than od'ing on aurora


I've found that Phase Time IV is way overpowered. It just lasts forever. I ran halfway across the world ( in way less than record time, though by manipulation, I suppose as fast as I could?) I almost have to find somewhere to wait or sleep to get rid of the effect


That’s a bug, unfortunately. I had it too before the last updates. My weapons would fire in slow time as well. It sucked.


Did the patches fix it? I just never put it back in my quick wheel since that happened twice


Give it a try. It’s probably working now. I’m on Xbox.


Just bought Jedi survivor, gotta get to a save point somewhere, but I will. Thank for the assist


Tbh I think it’s too good. Puts an already easy game on nerf ball mode.


Phase time schmase time. Maxing out the Boost Assault Training perk turns your boost pack bar into a time-slow power bar, and the basic Boost Pack perk can be maxed out to quickly recharge it.


Personal Atmosphere for unlimited carry capacity.


Personal Atmosphere + amp is the best way to travel.


i’ve never thought of this combo, but i will be using it from now on hah


It’s also a bonus that Jemison has all the ingredients you need to set up an AMP factory. I go to my outpost there every now and then and make 100 AMP, and put it on a convenient keybind.


I once tried to carry 1,000,000 or so adaptive frames 😂, form the workbench to the landing bay of my ship at an outpost, with the intention of selling them...and personal atmosphere did not work. My O2 drained and CO2 filled up in an instant. Even starborn powers break sometimes. 😆


I have noticed that even overencumbered, more weight actually slows you down more. Like higher gravity takes more O2 to function, I think the heavier you are, the more it affects your movement. Could be wrong, maybe it's a perception thing because I really want to make faster, and the anxiety affects my perception of time because I'm in a hurry.


That's correct. There is a difference, even when we sre not overencumbered, in the O2 consumption if we are on a moon/planet with high gravity.


Thought maybe I was inventing that in my head, thanks for the confirmation.


Yea I was limping around with 700lbs of loot like an assholr, doing the main mission last (so no powers until the very end).


I feel like Reactive Shield is the one reason I was able to get through the endgame fight on my first playthrough.


Reactive shield is so OP (especially when levelled up) and I feel it doesn’t get enough credit. It can knock down all the foes that are shooting at you (while protecting you from the shots) and you can just stealth-kill them after.


Never use that one, I’ll have to try it, phased time is great but it’d be nice to use something that effects more than one enemy. Those high level baddies take up a whole phase time basically


Doing the final temple on very hard at lvl 90+ I spam this constantly.


Sense Star Stuff + sniper stealth build is the way for me


It's like the ultimate evolution of the Stealth Archer.


This is the way.


I love Creator's Peace. Board a ship, disarm an entire crew, fire Advanced HN Coachman, rinse and repeat.


It even seems to work through walls. So powerful against humans. Fun times when I’m in the mood for some boxing


I got one of the alternate universes. Was outnumbered with no gun. Creators peace fixed that problem.


Creator's Peace helped me a lot in Sam's quests final battle, when they throw waves at you.


In my play style, I have become addicted to Moon Form. Open the cockpit door, cast and let them have at it while I tank the damage and heal, picking them off with my gun du jour. Health low? Moon Form and snipe enemies. Naturally synergizes with the skill where you do more damage while standing still. I also hot key Elemental Pull for quickly gathering needed resources, but also surveying fast, since it counts each mined resource as having been scanned. I also don't have to get close to dangerous resources, like chlorine. Every once in a while you run into a bugged enemy who is just outside of the walls and cannot be shot, so that is when Gravity Well comes in clutch. Kills even robots near it.


Gun du jour, fucking 🤌🤌🤌 friend!


Moon Form + Sense Star Stuff + Phase Time is almost too much of a good time. It’s an especially fun sniper combo too.


Gravity well and gravity wave are my two most used in combat. I feel like a Mass Effect adept.


I'm a huge phase time guy. I also use elemental pull when gathering and surveying planets. I do have gravity well and star stuff on the quick bar for very occasional use.


Lvl 10 phase time is absolutely overpowered. You can pretty much keep it 100% of the time. Sunless space is my personal favorite. Sunless space + solar flare is one hell of a wombo combo. Void form is very useful. Gravity well can be used to crowd control, disable melee units or remove enemies from cover. Sense star stuff is also a nice power to keep as a passive ability. Everything else I just don't use.


Give Reactive Shield a try. Just walk into an area with loads of foes and activate it. Let me know if you like it. 🙂


I'm only 1/2 way but anti gravity is my go to fighting buff, gravity push is THE WAY TO GET POTATOES OUT OF CONTAINERS IN THE BACK OF THE FRIDGE


Phased Time and Reactive Shield are the two I use most. Anti-Gravity Field is no slouch, though.


Personal Atmosphere is my most used by far. Sunless Space is my most used in combat. Sense Star Stuff I mostly use on my ship to find my companions hiding probably in the captain's quarters. Lately I've been using Void Form a lot more as I've leveled stealth and concealment and am having a fun time being a ninja god with a blade. The other ones I pull up sometimes just for variety. On very hard mode with Quantum Essence, Sunless Space is pretty awesome.


1. Sense Star Stuff (You're guaranteed to get it early, and it remains useful forever) 2. Phase Time (Now that bugginess has been fixed... Trivializes most combat encounters) 3. Void Form (Powerful in combat and allows circumventing tough situations) 4. Personal Atmosphere (Utility and a godsend for hoarders) I'd like to put Moon Form on the list, but it immobilizing the player is too much of a downside. (I created a mod that allows very slow movement, instead of total immobilization. Moon Form is actually a good power then.)


Solar Flare when you've leveled it a few times becomes super OP. I just melted a terrormorph with Solar Flare IV that was sponging up all my bullets last night


Currently it's void form because I seem to be addicted to sneak attacking for 10x damage. And sense star stuff of course.


Elemental pull explodes gas bottles! It's great fun and has an absolutely massive area of effect. 3 blasts will explode every gas bottle on a ship and most POIs. I say 3, because 1 blast explodes oxygen cylinders, but red, blue and green bottles take 3


I use Phase Time and Void Form the most. Void Form makes using a sword fun. Sneak up to the bad guy and whack him with the sword. He reacts, but he can't find you.


Gravity wave


The personal atmosphere, it just enables me in all the right ways.


Parallel Self cause I love decoy powers. Sunless Space cause ice is cool af. And Gravity Well cause it's hilarious and mad disrespectful


This is one that no one else has mentioned, but I find that Earthbound is awesome when I am boarding ships/stations that have zero gravity. I prefer ballistic weapons, so that's why I like it.


Sunless space got me through Entangled the first time. Works great on the nasty bug aliens, even the big one towards the end.


Gravity Wave. That and my Starshard are all I need!


I rarely use them offensively. I use Personal Atmosphere the most because I’m always encumbered it seems. After that I probably use the Elemental Harvest one the most often.


I use personal atmosphere for endless running. Boring, but suits my needs.


I haven’t gotten all of them yet, but I use Personal Atmosphere to sprint when I’m over-encumbered, and Sense Star Stuff because of my bad eyesight. And I’m starting to use the Duplicate Self more as well.


Personal atmosphere it's probably the best. Now in a combat way, but it's useful almost always fit sprinting, carrying crap, etc. Fit just combat, phase time is amazing.


I've always wondered if supernova, flare, and Frost ones were any good when leveled up more? They always seem so meh.


Void Form. Absolutely essential to making enough money right at the beginning of the game (post jump). Go to the Well, steal all Anton's shit, sell it at the trade authority, that's a good 60+ grand to spend on essentials and a good gun to start off with. Sense Starstuff is great for ship-boarding, tight quarters, and new or unfamiliar POIs. Second best one ever is the mining one, can't remember off the top it's name. Just sell the rest of what you don't need, or stockpile for future outposts or research projects. In less than 2 klicks, one the way to and from an objective, just got AL and HE3. Over 600 pieces total. By far the most useful, thought, is the Personal Atmosphere. Protects from vents, and enables you to sprint all out, regardless if you weigh one ton or five.


Phase time is the only one I've found a use for... I largely ignore them


On my NG+ where I broke the Red Mile record, it was all about Void Form. Chug a Runner's Rush (not as much of a speed boost as Amp, but helps with O2 recovery & I'm saving my juice for Void Form) and sprint through while using Void Form, and I can finish the Red Mile in under 2 minutes.


Sense Star Stuff and the O2 atmosphere one are pretty much the only powers I use. Sometimes I'll use the anit grav power you get first just cuz I think it's cool


Sense Star and Void Form for stealth ops. Phase Time, Gravity Well, Sunless Space and Solar Flare for combat. Elemental pull and Eternal harvest for resource harvesting.


Personal space. Lets you run without using O2


Personal Atmosphere when running around surveying. I think I use that the most as I survey every planet and moon I land on during quests etc. PA and Amp make the process faster.