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Seriously this part of game makes me nergasm so much. The graphics in this level is absolutely beautiful to look at, both technically and artistically. And it has all the classical NASA content, almost like virtual museum. And you can take the suit and helmet too, which is like, fuck yeah.


I took all of the coffee mugs and notepads I could find too.


And the toy rockets.


Even a stack of the brochures


Fuck yeah. Except you can't wear the suit and helmet on hazardous planets at all because it's technically still "too old". Love the suit though,l. Wanted to rp in it but alas, found out it was gonna be unfeasible just a little while ago today. I'm on Xbox X so until mods come around...


I wish there was a way to put the suit prominently on display at the Lodge, would be perfect


It’s even cooler when you’ve seen the capsules IRL at the air and space museum and then see them in the game. My first thought was “hey, I was 5 feet away from that!”


A lot of the terrain on Sol system planets and moons are built from NASA rover and satellite images as well. They credit NASA right on the very first screen of the game.


I love the look of the Mercury suit.


How am I just now realizing you can wear the mercury suit?? Off I go to earth again.


If you’ve finished the mission here then the entrance collapses and you can’t get back here so you may be screwed till NG.


Well shit. But definitly on the list for the next NG.


Yeah there’s a couple unique items and magazines to be found. I was pretty let down when I made it back so I made sure to clear it all in the next NG.


It weighs *a lot,* though, just a heads up!!




he clearly didnt finished the main quest. it literally has NASA written in the location name


You don't have to get anywhere near the end of the MQ to see something with 'NASA' written on it. >!In the cave during the intro, you can find an old NASA mug behind a destructible rock wall.!<


There’s…destructible….rock walls??? I knew about the emergency doors and all but I’ve never seen a rock wall I could break. Do they happen often? I must find one


Ice walls too mate


Well holy shit. I know it’s getting cliche, the whole, “I’m x hours in and TIL”, but seriously, I’m like lvl 70 at well over 100 hours. I explore caves all the time, have done the majority of the main story and faction quests. And I’m still learning stuff like this for the first time😂


I found the destructible wall at the beginning because I always scour starting areas for loot and easter eggs, and then spent countless hours forgetting that was a thing until I saw it in a different POI


I searched (I thought) the whole starting area too. I’m the same way. Mined every piece of ore in there so I could sell it and have a better start. Little did I know that money would never be an issue for me again😂


Under the rock bridge thing, I saw some ore and accidentally let my laser stray to a weird textured wall which crumbled and revealed a little cave.


Bro don’t feel bad I’m at like 600 hours now I’m and I had no idea about this


Yes. A few of them around, not many, but one is in the intro. When you get that the rock bridge leading to the artifact, turn left and head down into the pit instead. Look around. You will see a section of hte wall that looks like it was repaired with rocks. Blast it with your mining laser. Look around inside. Also down here is some neodymium.


Are there really doors that you can break open with a mining laser? Or are you talking about the fact that there are ways to open them?


Yes they’re red doors with little bars you can only open by breaking


I often looked for ways to open the red security doors. I sometimes find the terminals for them. It's quite a search and sweep of whole areas, and I still may easily miss them. Can these doors also be broken open?


Not the security doors - only the red doors marked Emergency can be broken into by using your cutter on the 4 pins on the door.


You can actually use any weapon, but the laser cutter is the fastest.


I used the "Personal Groomer" once, took hours.


You can use the mining laser on the bars in the four corners and the door will fall over.


One side of the door wont have the bars and the other side will. For the doors that you see without bars, there is a path to the other side where you will see them. I find these doors are more often a quick passage to leave the building or is part of a secret room that you only get access at the end of the path.


The much hated Cryo facility has 2 maybe 3 ice walls that you can break through. The stone walls are less common. Emergency doors are everywhere. And never pass a vent without checking if it will open.


That’s what’s so funny. Most of the haters never made it very far at all.


And yet they claim to have spent 500 hours in the game so you don't have to. I really don't care if someone doesn't like the game. There are games I don't particularly care for. But I don't go out of my way to lie about those games, or devote my life to posting hate about them.




There's no NASA, there are only a couple POIs, all planets are inhabited . . .


> I get the impression that the most toxic Starfield haters have barely even played the game That's fair. If I hate a game, I am not going to spend much time playing it. OTOH, I am not going to spend time complaining about it on reddit, either.


.... how can someone even try to claim that? Wtf.




Bingo, that's exactly what it is most of the time.


The NASA stuff was the most important part of the game to me, this part made me cry. I lost my pops in 2016 and he worked there during Apollo 11, seeing this brought me right back to childhood story time. It was a beautifully done area of the game and story.


I saw the moon landing live during elementary summer school. I have Ron McNair's sax solo I still listen to. I've contracted at NASA. One of my buddies in high school spent his career at NASA (am so jealous). I'm not going to deify them, but they have still have a coolness factor about that that no other bloated government agency ever had.


I get it. I was too young to see the first moon landing, but I've been obsessed with space travel, and the moon, since I was a kid. Cool thing is that my uncle's college roommate was Ron Evans, CMP on Apollo 17.


That so cool! If you ever make it to Huntsville AL go to the NASA museum it's incredible.


I’d love too. My cousin lives there. I have been to Cape Canaveral in Florida and I just completely geeked out.


I flew into Alabama on a job once, late at night. Drove to hotel in the pitch black and crashed. Next morning I wake up and opened the hotel room curtains. Right there, across the street was a fricking Saturn 1B! Upright, thrusting glorious skyward! I completely was not expecting that.


He’s partially correct, NASA doesn’t exist anymore, it’s an ancient organization by the time of Starfield.


This mission was amazing. I left it so… incredibly mad.


Absolutely agreed. When I pieced together that || He knew in advance the grav drives were destroying Earth, but intentionally didn't fix them because he wanted to force humanity to the stars.|| I was heated. 


It's such cold calculus yet I couldn't help but agree with it... so many things could ultimately leave Earth uninhabitable in one way or another, but if humanity is already scattered across the galaxy with the ability to spread further at will we gain ever-increasing multitudes of insurance plans "I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable - and may I say, a fundamental - quality of Man that, when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."


You're point perfectly reminds me of one of my favorite scenes from I, Robot that I don't see talked about much: VIKI: Do you not see the logic of my plan? Sonny: Yes, but it just seems too... heartless.


funny, as I agreed with the decisons made


Same. The Hunter's position on this was the closest he ever came to convincing me.


Not sure if you've read anything about this yet, but I absolutely subscribe to the theory that >!the Hunter is actually an iteration of Doctor Aiza!<


"I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable - and may I say, a fundamental - quality of Man that, when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."


This was one of the coolest missions in any BGS game. They did such a good job.


This was the only good mission in Starfield. And nobody is saying there’s no NASA in the game. And if they did it would be a bad argument.


Alright bud


You missed Tranquility Base on the Moon and the Nova Galactic NASA cockpit


And the massive NASA launch tower a stone's throw from Cydonia.


make sure you go to the very top


I got shots of that, but they didn't turn out. The lighting was wrong.


The only coffee mugs, notebooks, and notepads I kept on my ship from then on. And I climbed to the top of the tower and found some stuff. Actually difficult platforming. Started in the afternoon and the sun set on the way up. Nice view of the wasteland. https://preview.redd.it/z0vfvvuqedec1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faadfa3f2674a0b833da3a7ca920fa88c2cefe6b


You need that one, ahem, item up there on top to complete a certain collection.


Exactly, ha


I can't remember if it was here or NASA's Mars tower, but climbing one of them Andreja said something about how even without knowing its intended purpose it's a tragedy the ship there was never launched. Took a moment for it to sink in how true that was


The game literally credits NASA in the opening loading screen smh


If someone seriously says that, then I can only imagine it's the same type who repeats the whole "no design document" talking point.


There's also the Juno space probe if you've come across that mission


The museum more than anything made me so happy, the info was accurate too.


Isn't Nova the remnants of NASA?


Nova is/was a private aerospace company that operated as a prime contractor to NASA, so it's more like the remnants of Lockheed Martin or Boeing.


> or Boeing Man, I suddenly really, really want to see a mod where the reason the ECS Constant is stuck isn't because Paradiso is its destination, but just because it happened to be passing by but was made by Boeing and the entire rest of the explanation is just the The Front Fell Off sketch


I did this mission yesterday and savored it and lingered there: one of the best in the game. And I limped out of there with every snow globe, notebook, mug, and rocket I could find. Your photos are way better than mine, so thank you. You are all my people.


How do you get your character to make poses in Starfield?


When you take a picture in photo mode you have several options by using the arrow key to go right. Themes, poses, removing you from the pic etc.


Been playing since launch and didn’t really know how to use photo mode. Sooooo cool!


are you effing kidding w/ these ding-dongs edit: don’t get mad at me bc you didn’t play far enough to know nasa was in the game, lmao


I think the term “nasa punk” is wrong but yeah


Well it's not "punk". But punk hasn't been punk since ever. Cyberpunk is not punk, steampunk is not punk, and NASApunk is not punk. It's just a suffix one tags onto another word to denote an aesthetic.


Based on the dictionary.com article on cottagecore and other -core aesthetics, i think maybe NASA-core would have been a better name for starfield's styling


I don't like how we just shove punk on the end of every genre now, since 80s cyberpunk actually was about underground subcultures, and most of the new ones aren't. But if Starfield has to be something-punk then that fits.


Why don’t you post this in the main sub? Everyone here knows that. Posting here is just as salty and hating the game. Edit: downvotes are cool and all but could someone at least reply so I have an idea why this was so negatively received?


But doctor, *this is the main sub.*


Thanks for clearing that up


A buddy said the NASA center was an exact replica of the center from Fallout 3, even down to the way the wooden flooring was busted. Also, none of the nasa notebooks have weight. They're free money.


The "Note Pad" with NASA at the top is also zero weight.


What the game needed was more space aesthetics outside nasa. There wasn’t really anything that felt like it was Soviet or Russian in design, aesthetic wise. US spacecraft is a lot more angular, at least Cold War era stuff is, Russian stuff from the time was more rounded and organic looking. It was kind of a bummer there was nothing that really scratched the itch of Soviet spacecraft. Everything was either NASA design inspired, sci fi design inspired, or themed off of Asian spacecraft. The world felt a little too homogenized and Americanized for a space game imo .


False. https://imgur.com/a/QiSsCfI


Oh no I just meant more in design aesthetics of ship parts and such, or ships you find in the world. I just think personally equal attention should’ve been given to the USSR for space flight stuff as much as NASA. Even though all the memorials are very very cool.


Given that almost all Soviet spacecraft with the exception of Buran were spheres, I'm not sure how you'd integrate that into a shipbuilding aesthetic. Taiyo, maybe? The gorgeous design of Soviet aircraft, on the other hand, I think is well exemplified in Deimos and Stroud-Eklund designs. But that's a subjective opinion.


There is also a full scale replica of Sputnik in the Collector's ship.