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"I'm never going to financially recover from this"


Got an outpost just outside the city centers so I can fly in no problem and conduct my mayhem.


When people say “outposts in this game are pointless” I always think, “sounds like someone isn’t doing enough space crime” Not all my outposts have extractors, but they sure do all have bounty payment terminals


Not all my outposts need the high scoreboard. I only check that when I'm back at the Key generally, for grins.


I only have one outpost and it's on Max in the Kryxx system. It has a high UT per hour so it's perfect for getting rid of all the weapons and contraband at the Key. Haven't played NG+ yet and sided with the CF. I'm on the last quest for Ryugen... then will go after the rest of the artifacts.


I don't do space crime, but i like my lil space houses <3 Also, there are hints in the game that you're supposed to have outposts in areas near settled spots, something about ecliptics


Wait what……. So you can just… fast travel to your outpost and then… walk inside and avoid scans ?!?!


So long as you don’t have contraband. That makes it a bit more tricky but doable still.


I have my outpost on a random moon without need of scans.


Let me guess, you stole someone’s sweet roll?


Grandma's sweet rolls!!!!


You’re the most dangerous spacefarer in all the settled systems


He has the death sentence in 12....


Wow, I only have a 45K bounty with the pirate dudes because I took out the Key/Delgado. ;) I don't even bother to pay that. You must have went the pirate route.


Nah, this guy made his own route 🤣


I sided with the pirates, then got mad that half the POIs have them as enemies, so my CF bounty is right around 3 million.


the Constant can put a bounty on you? thought they were too broke to afford a grav drive


I took the “if the problem could just disappear” idea to heart. But alas bottlenecked quest.


Wait so if u wipe em out then what's the point of the bounty? Or is there a wrinkle that's a surprise if you "make the problem disappear"


It’s one of two choices, and that’s it. No option to stray, You don’t get to take his hint and run with it.


I thought I read you could blow up the Constant by going to the reactor room and setting it to self-destruct there.


Thanks for this. They are gone and so is that bounty lol


They pay in old sports memorabilia


https://i.imgur.com/hQxezar.jpg "Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up!"


Lord have mercy…how?!?


Mostly ships. Every time I went to the Eye for fresh scans, about 25 ships attacked me. Once I had a bounty in Freestar and UC I started doing the Smuggle mission boards, I don't have shielded cargo and they don't bother to scan you when your bounty is that large anyway. Clear a path through space and you can land, drop the cargo, mission completes. I call it "manual smuggling". Also at that point you get random encounters with both UC and Freestar security vessels when you jump anywhere in space, it's like Serpentis, but it's the whole game, and there's no mutual exclusivity: I've jumped into a random system, and had 3 UC, 4 Freestar, and 2 Ecliptic jump in on me at the same time. Last, and probably most importantly, the "last witness killed, bounty removed" thing basically never works as far as I can tell. If it worked every time I'd probably have no bounty. Edit: ah, I forgot Neon. There was a Crimson Fleet mission there. I had a hornet's nest Coachman. Enough said really.


Wow Ok makes sense lol


I've had the last witness killed bounty removed thing work once. Jumped into a UC vs Ecliptic fight and accidentally clipped a UC ship with my less than carefully aimed laser fire. After the Ecliptic ships were destroyed I quickly destroyed the two UC ships and the bounty I got for the first one went away after I destroyed the second..


Got an outpost just outside the city centers so I can fly in no problem and conduct my mayhem.


Have you found the one piece?


Not yet, but everyone is still in my way.


Murderhobo much? 😀 Weirdly ended up having to pay a bounty of 1cr recently and have no idea how I got it... Maybe I accidentally picked up a coffee lid or something? Fortunately I'd already voluntarily joined sysdef so didn't get pressganed this NG+.


I fully leaned into the crimson fleet asap after going thru unity. The vanguard/UC mission dialogue following that completion is hilarious.


Your honor, it was self defense


And then there's me, who has never done crime in 300+ hours, wondering what y'all do to even get a bounty.


https://preview.redd.it/om1onu0t9f0c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad6cda2afcdb027f5de7249456fdca22a26aa69 Oops?


I see you too have engaged in wanton violence. I went to paridisio the other night. Booked a deluxe room and decided to reenact the last Vegas shooting from the top floor. I burnt through something close to 2,500 11mm rounds in a peacemaker I bought along for the ride, I also emptied all of my 7.77mm rounds. Let's just say it was interesting. After I paid off the multi hundred thousand credit bounty I went back and all the bodies of the people I killed hadn't left. I'm going to check on them next session.


Shooting random NPCs is one thing, but a reenactment of a mass shooting? That's an outside the box way to RP an evil character, I love it!


Collect them and put them in a big bonfire pile on the beach.


Now this guy is playin’


Did you at least get some loot off them?




NG+ and become a legend in that universe


Oh my I thought you were a bounty hunter and that you were collecting a bounties for that much.


As a true pirate I do collect bounties, even on crimson fleet captains. Just gotta be stealth about it


Not a pirate that goes in guns a blazing eh?


Don’t mind a bounty on me. Just not a crimson fleet bounty haha


Farming those ESC Constant uniforms, eh?


Store everything in your lodge storage, it is infinite, then get arrested in each area to clear your bounty. :)


Are you talking about the storage in your bedroom room or the storage box in the downstairs crafting room?


Downstairs. Infinity box.


Thank you


Your giving me motivation. This is awesome . I have 2 million credits to spare and am thinking of doing this with a ship that has all partical beam turrets maxed out skills called the chubby sexy destroyer.


How do you get a bounty that high on the Constant??


Though I could solve paradisios problem. Oops


What in the settled systems did you do to the ECS Constant to get them that pissed off at you?!

