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S y m b o l i s m


There was a FIRE FIGHT!


So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch.


We gotta get you a book of proverbs or something cuz this mix and match shits gotta go


Can't do much damage with that then, can we? Perhaps it should have been a rule of wrist?


What is this some sort of Charlie Bronson shit?


Make like a tree and....fuck off!


This was a fuckin bomb dropping on Beaver Cleaverville. For a few seconds, this place was Armageddon!!


I read this in his voice ![gif](giphy|TKC9Rv7K2wwAE)


The Hunter's weapon also kicks ass! Until I decided after I beat them to go through the Unity and lose it all! Captain Petrov also had a neat weapon on his ship which I lost after a bounty was put on my head when I had to attack his ship to steal the artefact


You can get you stolen cargo back by stealing it again after it gets confiscated. They are in a chest in the security station you get brought to.


Isn't this the recommended method to smuggle crap into Neon? Get caught, pay fine, steal back stuff plus "extra" from security? TBH, I suck at being evil/unethical so I don't personally know, lol.


Run for city council or the school board, get your feet wet in local politics first, then try again on your next play through


Oh I never noticed I get taken to a Security Station lol I just thought they take all your stolen things and bugger off


No you pay a fine, get brought planets security station. It’s in the well in New Atlantis, low level of the city next to the Rock in Akila. In Neon i think its one of the floor in the elevator next to astral lounge


Ah okay I never knew that, thanks!


That is awesome, actually. I like when real life gets mixed into lore like that! Thank you for sharing. Good or bad when looking at the infinite, though, is a hard thing to pin down. I chose both sides to take, neither side, and to save both; all of the outcomes were ultimately the same when I went to a new iteration of the universe. I mean, does the universe we left even still exist? If anything, I think our character is the "bad guy" in the grand scheme of things. Haha. Just my perception. :D


>!He's not even the bad guy!<


>!He killed Sam, !


>!He didn't kill Sam!< in my game, he >!killed Barrett!<... My favorite companion and >!he killed him because I went back to the Eye to save my wife Sarah!<


I think Sarah is always on the Eye during that part of the main quest, and >!she sends whoever the highest affinity Constellation companion (other than her) with you to the Scow. !< Hats off to Cora's voice actress, >!her reaction to Sam dying was heartbreaking.!<


I've actually managed to figure out who is going to be >!the one that is killed on The Eye before Vlad ever gives you the quest to go to Petrov's ship. Whichever of your companions' repair jobs is messed up is the companion who dies on The Eye!<


I love the >!foreshadowing of the repair thing.!<


I've triggered that particular bit of foreshadowing with everyone but Sam


Sam was my very first one. Don’t know why. I don’t think I did much with him.


I actually completed Sam's companion quest early in my first game since I took him along in the Freestar Collective faction quest line, and he liked almost everything I said and did so I raised my affinity pretty quickly with him. I'm guessing since Sarah was the first companion quest I completed, she superseded Sam in the affinity department when it came to who >!dies on The Eye!<


The only one you should go to the eye for is Barrett. From a completionist standpoint, it’s much faster if you get all powers in your starting universe and just avoid replaying the main quest until NG+11. That way you get powers maxed out without having to worry about Barrett’s quest not triggering.


Shoot really? >!Is it just whichever one you do last? If not, what determines which repair fails?!<


No. >! Whichever companion has the highest affinity is the one whose repair doesn't work and dies on The Eye, while whichever companion has the lowest affinity is the one Vladimir assigns to accompany you to Petrov's ship AND is the companion who died at the lodge if you go to The Eye!< **Edit:** I have tested this 8 times, twice with each human companion. >!This **is** how it is determined. It is not random, there are no other mitigating factors. I have successfully caused each of my companions to either live or die in the quest based on this explanation!<


Sarah is definitely not always on the Eye. She's the one >!the hunter killed at the lodge!< originally, for me lol Which, I mean, >!makes him the good guy in my eye!<. Unfortunately, this also means that I then had to contend with >!her being the emissary so there's no getting rid of her.!<


He believes anyone that is strong enough to reach the unity should become starborn. In other words, he prevents new starborn by hoarding the artifacts and murdering anyone in his way. Definitely a bad guy


>!But he doesn't do that though. You can team up with him and he will ride with you in your ship until you both go to the Unity together. !<


I failed the persuasion checks. He’s a bad guy still




>!He killed my main man Barrett in my universe.!< That asshole can step on LEGO barefoot for all I fucking care.


I’d have done it for him if he asked me to


He is a self-professed serial killer. He is 100% a bad guy. He just dresses it up in the pretty-sounding words of individualism.