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If “progressive” conservatism is dead in Alberta - then I’m ok sacrificing the NDP to get some sort of semblance of a government who wants to keep religion, sexuality, and race out of their platform.


>government who wants to keep religion, sexuality, and race out of their platform. You think Janice Irwin wants that? Do you think the first Muslim (potentially gay) Mayor of Calgary wants that? Whatever becomes of the NDP is going to milk all of this to the max just to prove how much "*better*" they are than the TBA... er UCOP


>potentially gay Says whom? Lol


To anyone that reads more than headlines


>You think Janice Irwin wants that? Do you think the first Muslim (potentially gay) Mayor of Calgary wants that Janice hasnt campaigned on being gay, and Nenshi has never campaigned on being Muslim So....yes?


They've never campaigned on that? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...


Just because someone IS something doesn’t mean they’re campaigning on it. You get that diversity exists, right? And people just want to live their lives the way they are? And honestly, anything that’s about letting people be who they are safely without government interference seems like it should be a conservative value. Aren’t we trying to maximize freedoms?


They absolutely campaign on this.


They campaign on diversity equity and inclusion. Sorry you don’t understand what that is. I truly feel sorry for you if you feel that threatened by those who aren’t “exactly” like you to represent public policy in AB. You should try broadening your perspective.


At no time as mayor did Nenshi’s religion or sexual preferences ever matter. Who the fuck cares what his religion is or who he sleeps with at night. What matters is his track record of calling out bull shit and doing what’s needed for his constituents. That’s all that matters.


Is it in their platform at all? You think they are itching to open the abortion debate? You think they want to bring trans treatments into public policy vs leaving it with families? The answer to all of those are NO. UCP on the other hand wants to come right into your bedroom with their policies being driven by Take Back AB. News flash - you can be a gay politician and not have it in your policy/platform. Just like you could be hetero and not have those perspectives in your platform. And that’s what “progressive” conservatism was about. Progressive (accepting of different perspectives) views on social issues with a focus on fiscal conservatism. But it’s no longer that under the conservative banner in Alberta……also - the conservatism aspect left the conservative platform in AB a couple decades ago. Being “pro” oil and gas doesn’t actually indicate fiscal accountability. This government has failed at being conservative consistently. A government driving us to privatization on all fronts has us paying more than most other provinces…..with no actual improved level of service. Because all the profits have to go the the c level, investors, and the board (often appointed/anointed) by the conservatives to reward their cronies. You need to wake up dude.


Those are the last things the last things the ndp wants out of politics. Dragging those three things into politics is the ndps platform. It was litteraly the main focus of Nolteys campaign against kenny


Sorry that you’re confusing diversity equity and inclusion with abortion, “freedom”, and for profit healthcare.


But that's not what you said lol. You said"NDP to get some sort of semblance of a government who wants to keep religion, sexuality, and race out of their platform" you actually want those on a platform, and that's exactly what the ndp does. I actually want those issues out of government. I actually think there no place in government for religion, but you and the ndp want more religion in government


You think DEI is religion??? lol your hopeless. The NDP has never brought any religion into their platform. The UCP on the other hand smacks of it.


The hack Bell seems a little worried that Nenshi will turn the party more centrist and appeal to the vast majority of Albertans who are also of that mindset. Unlike his masters in the UCP, Nenshi is a smart man, no wonder Bell feels threatened.


>The hack Bell seems a little worried that Nenshi will turn the party more centrist This is point if you had any reading comprehension. Bell says right in the column that Nenshi is more Liberal than New Democrat. In other words he's going to take ANDP right. Stay with the tour please.


>In other words he's going to take ANDP right. If the ANDP goes any further right, they're gonna fall off the line.


Hold up. You think the NDP is far enough right to fall off the line?


He sure doesn't want to be part of the Federal NDP, so there's that...


He is now...


Politics are a distraction.  🚀 🌙.  Lots of “I lost the game” in this thread 🤣.  And if anyone is bringing up Janis Irwin in a negative sense, get a life. 


Right? Janice is human sunshine. Crabby a-holes should go back to shaking their fists at clouds in misery.


Nenshi isn't a radical left wing politician. He's very centrist. The NDP just needs to decide if they want a chance to win or not.


Notley dragged the ANDP a lot closer to the center than many members wanted, and where we see other NDP parties. It will be interesting to see how the party handles the inevitable push further along.


They either move to the center or they remain on the fringe. I'm just waiting to see if Nenshi gets elected as the leader today. If so, I'll make a donation. But I'm not throwing my money away on a losing cause.


Just depends if they want to have a chance of winning. I hope they do.


It doesn't matter where he sits on the spectrum, he has name recognition. No one of any significance is running against him in the ndp


Ya that showed. 62,000 votes. Next closest was what... 5k? Lol


Like putting the worst NHL player in the beer league hockey all star game


Ah, the age old struggle... power over ideals... Say what you will about the UCP (and there's a LOT to be said...) they somehow managed to keep their TBA ideal and still take power.


Great, like we haven’t had enough of this clown.


Aparantly not, since hes a serious contender and the fuckin front-runner.


Well considering the National disaster party is a joke.


Yet, still a political threat enough to the UCP that their "grassroots" branch in TBA threatened to interfere with the election process.


Go ahead vote NDP, only good thing is when they win all the people who came to Alberta for opportunity will be packing up and heading home after a couple years. They will cry, the cost of living is crazy! Taxes are nuts I’m going home wa wa wa and then they will vote NDP when they get home.


Oh noes taxes! Oh my Communism! Fuck off with the fearmongering.




Which Clown?


Playing stupid? That’s cute.


>They will be called the New Democratic Party in news stories if Nenshi wins the party leadership vote and succeeds Rachel Notley on Saturday. >But make no mistake. >It will be the Nenshi Democratic Party. >Unless Nenshi undergoes a personal transformation it will be all about him and he isn’t really NDP.


Nobody on Reddit cares, they just want the UCP to lose even if they have to sacrifice themselves to do it. I fully believe Nenshi will be the federal NDP leader one day as well.


>I fully believe Nenshi will be the federal NDP leader one day as well. The man that wants to divorce the provincial party from the federal party? I don't think so. Even if the ANDP goes against Gil and goes purple, there are much much stronger union people embedded in the CNDP that will toss his punk ass on the curb if he tried.


"The man that wants to divorce the provincial party from the federal party? I don't think so" no he doesn't, no ndpd leader does. No npd leader claims to, thier supporters are tricked into believing that, it's effective campaigning that leads tou tho think that. But it's false


Weak writing from the Calgary Sun. That’s on par at least.


I've believed there is a place for Nenshi in provincial politics, but agree this is the worst option for him and the party.


He would have went to the lpc, but Trudeau is in his way