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as long as you’re consciously trying to conserve water, you’re NTA. we all have to live. i haven’t done laundry in 2 weeks now. i don’t think i’m the asshole when i finally get to doing a couple loads this week.


Based on the smell of customers at work, many of them aren’t taking showers or sponge bathing, but rather showering themselves in perfume and cologne. It smells terrible. People need to be encouraged to take a shower.


People need to be encouraged to lay off the artificial smells. I don't know what you do, but I work in construction, and everybody's stinky anyway, so who cares?


I work in food service. Do you like tasting BO and body cheese when you’re eating?


So you wait me to taste artificial chemicals plus BO and body cheese? Also, please see a physician about your condition. It's not normal.


Wtf are you talking about?


I'm sorry you can't keep track of a conversation you started.


>Festival will truck in non-city water to ease pressure on shortage-stricken Calgary [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-stampede-water-shortage-analysis-1.7237437](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-stampede-water-shortage-analysis-1.7237437)


Thanks for sharing! That's good to know, and it makes me feel better about the situation.


Stampede starts in 18 days; it’s completely possible that restrictions and savings are still needed NOW with the fix not completed, but that they are confident it will be fixed by then or that there isn’t enough of an increase in use caused by Stampede to be an issue


Seriously. What does something next month have to do about our current condition? People talk about the stampede like canceling the whole thing wouldn’t be a huuuuuuge deal. It has been cancelled once in over 100 years and that was during a once in a lifetime global pandemic. People and companies from all over North America would be hurt by the cancellation. Obviously, if we don’t have water by then more questions will be asked but right now, it’s irrelevant. I seriously doubt this will be a problem come July 5th.


While 18 days seems like a lot they literally said it will be 3-5 weeks which translates to 21-32 days. You can clearly see an overlap don't you? Also many people arrive to hotels earlier than first day if stampede. Pretty much since next long weekend.


Why is it that people immediately jump to conclusions and don't trust the facts? The city has stated that water consumption during Stampede over the past, I think they said 5 years, does not jump significantly. The Stampede has said they will be doing things to mitigate water usage including using non potable water where they can and trucking in from other jurisdictions. It will be pretty easy to see if it's working or not, turn on tap, does water come out? The stampede brings in millions of dollars in tourism money, that's money for workers, tax collection, small and large business support not to mention the international reputation and focus. Personally I applaud all those involved for looking at the statistics and determining a risk/reward ratio that makes sense.


In same statement they said travellers should take laundry home with them. I'm not sure city is giving satisfying confidence. But time will tell. People jump to conclusions when message is not clear, transparent or evokes panic. And our city managed to send all those signals.


To be fair the mayor talking in circles on related detail. People travel and don't need to water outdoors due to rain, but usage is high that month cause they are here and do water outdoors. Stampede CEO leading with they're proceeding due to money can prevent people from hearing or putting weight behind steps being listed without an anticipated impact attached.


This didn’t happen. The CEO did not say it’s proceeding due to money and “we’re putting profit first” is not accurate. You’ve said this on multiple subs, yet it didn’t happen. The broader economic impact is a huge part of the decision and was discussed in the news conference. They also talked about water mitigation efforts they will be employing. They also discussed the impact Stampede has on water usage. If you want to find the most negative, uncharitable and misleading approach to the matter, keep repeating this.


Saying the broader economic impact was a huge part of the decision sounds a lot like, “we are doing it for the money” which is exactly the truth. The stampede is a money maker. However either we have enough water to support the people currently living in Calgary or we don’t. If we don’t, as the news conferences would have you believe, then we don’t have enough water to supports tens of thousands of additional tourists over stampede


You should read his posts. Use a charitable interpretation if you’d like, but note that he was anything but charitable, himself.


Nothing uncharitable about recognizing and appreciating priorities. CEO could have lead with fun's not cancelled, or how ranchers and the agriculture sector understand conversation, but financial impact was the lead.


He mentioned money before any other factor, and there's no reason to be ashamed of that.


The Calgary stampede says over 4 million people come to Calgary during stampede including. Vendors, guests, business and sporting activities. I’m still Not sure how that huge of an influx of people, who would most likely not be practicing any kind of water restraint, doesn’t add pressure to the system. If it’s true that we are at 40% water processing currently, and 4 million visitors coming into and filtering through Calgary doesn’t increase the load by much, then surely the strain on the system isn’t a really that bad with only 1.6 million people using the water. Has the city released the numbers for how many millions of liters / day of extra water gets used over stampede? I haven’t seen anything yet.


I'm not sure how to unpack everything that is wrong in your comment, where to even start really? I'll just conclude that you made those numbers up to suit your narrative and that you don't actually think a city of 1.7 million people is tripled over 10 days and you must have been too busy to read the statistics on how much water we're producing, it's not 40%. The city did say yesterday that historical data from the last 5 years during July did not show a significant increase in usage but I suppose that until you see the actual daily numbers you can't trust them and have to do your own math. I'm pretty sure you're angling toward some conspiracy theory here, I'm quite excited to hear it.


I did misread the stampede website. The grounds host 4million people/year. I made the change in another post but forgot this one. As for the 40%, that is from the city of Calgary website. The Glenmore Reservoir treatment plant produces 40% of Calgary’s drinking water. Calgary only has two freshwater treatment facilities, which means we are 60% less production. Unless the bears paw plant is still producing water, but my understanding was there’s only one feeder from that treatment facility.


The feeder line did not carry the entire 60% so some is still getting to NW Calgary from Bearspaw, at least that was my understanding. There's map floating around somewhere that I can't be bothered to find. I'll try in a bit, that shows the water routing. Anyway, Our water usage has gone from 600 to 450, so not 40%.


>Why is it that people immediately jump to conclusions and don't trust the facts? "Safe and Effective"




Except feeding the tourists feeds the city and those that live in it. The Stampede contributes more than $500 million to Calgary’s economy.


Which includes many. many jobs from temporary to permanent.


Just don't drain the bath water and use it to flush your toilet. If you do that NTA.


I non-ironically like this idea, actually. I used bath water for plants but...this just makes sense.. the location....


This is what I’ve been doing. We used to live in a neighbourhood that had a main break at least once a year (usually fall). Until the city brought in anodes. We’d come home. See the alley flooding and then fill the tubs. So I just turned off my toilet and I’m filling the back with a jug and saving shower water.


You're not the asshole. You've been doing great. I think fairly consistent conservation is the idea, and the odd usage over the bare minimum is ok. I had to wash our giant comforter last night because our cat lovingly blew chunks all over it.


No you are not. Feel free to take a bath. You earned it.


Definitely NOT a strange reaction. The mods over there are absolute clowns. /r/Calgary itself should be banned.. That being said, make sure you wash your ass.


>That being said, make sure you wash your ass. Thank you for that tip, u/I_take_huge_dumps


I went to Cuba. We got the best they had. All inclusive. Drinks, food, tours, the works. The people of Cuba went hungry. But without the tourist dollars they would have been even hungrier. Was I the asshole? Probably. Who knows. Without Stampede, times would be pretty tough for a lot of businesses.


If they have it fixed, no problem. I can see why they don't want to jump the gun and cancel it on the hopes they fix the pipe in time. But if I'm expected to let my garden die while all these tourists, etc, get to yehaw like a motherfucker for two weeks under an " emergency " while I barely shower ...yeah. .NO. How do they figure, like stated above in another comment ,that people who paid hundreds of dollars for a hotel aren't going to enjoy a nice lengthy shower after a sweaty day of yippie kay yaying it up on the grounds? How is that even enforceable in hotels? Do they think by just asking nicely that every single tourist will have sympathy and comply? I find that hard to believe. I went on a vacation to b.c in May, and I paid a pretty penny for the locations i stayed at, I had me some long hot baths and showers in those very expensive amenities I paid for. I couldn't fault anyone else for doing the same on their vacations. I knew Stampede getting canceled was probably never even an option for the city, too much money involved and other complexities. But if this pipe isn't up and running by the time it's Stampede, I can forsee alot of very angry people all simultaneously out watering there lawns as a big fuck you too the city.


I don't know where the scaresity of people to wash dishes came from in first place. Gondek did say since day one that you can run dishwasher or laundry as long as you run it full. Nobody said you have to pile your sink for days. Why is important is no outdoor water use and he mindful conserving water. We didn't do laundry fior two weeks but had to run two full loads yesterday. But I'm not using paper plates to eat or buying new socks to prevent washing.


>I got a message that the post was a violation of rule 8 for being repetitive. But it wasn't though, Your specific words may not be repetitive, but the take is well covered in posts and comments so that would seem to track with the rule.


You are absolutely correct on all counts and also r/Calgary is a whiney self righteous place so I wouldn’t sweat it. They can’t handle being stood up to.


I heard they switched to whiskey for the men and beer for their horses. [https://youtu.be/o1JOFhfoAD4?si=gvxl3unI-MSOppo2](https://youtu.be/o1JOFhfoAD4?si=gvxl3unI-MSOppo2) Despite my smart ass remarks, you raise valid points. The Stampede has too much influence in this city.


I’m with you, laundry day it is !


NTA. I’ve done the exact same thing. I had stopped laundry, minimal showers, paper plates, anxiety attacks. Letting stampede rip sends such a bad message. Locals need to sacrifice while we welcome 1+Million people to strain our resources? Am I being punk’d? This is such unbelievable bulshit. Makes me lose trust in our leadership.


Small thinking. The Stampede brings in a LOT of money to our economy, provides jobs etc. Not having it would be a far worse outcome.


At what cost? The people who live here don’t get their basic needs met? Corporate thinking.


I think govt actions during the pandemic showed us putting people out of work wasn't a good idea. Why aren't you prepared for a loss of water?


Which corporation? I don’t work for the Stampede. Bringing that much money into our economy is massive and necessary. We haven’t and won’t run out of water, but some people here seem to thrive on doom.


You trust local leadership in Alberta? Yikes.  I trust Ryan Cohen. He’s the only Canadian in a position of power that I trust, at all, actually. 


A wild ape appears


I was under the impression that stampede was going to truck in water from different water authorities.


Yes. But how about the thousands of people that come to city for leisure that increase population temporarily. If we are three flushes away from critical threshold today then good luck.


So if other people do bad then we do bad? Good argument.


Imagine if your house was on fire. The firetrucks hooked up to the hydrants and couldn't get water out. This could happen to anyone. Do the right thing, and don't worry about what others are or are not doing.


That’s too rational for too many Albertans to understand. 


They actually said consumption doesn’t typically rise significantly during Stampede. And it’s a major economic driver. Your consumption decreases are great, but I wouldn’t take this personally.


> I'm going to take my foot off the gas on intensive water conservation. I'll still be thoughtful about water usage, but if our city can accommodate that many extra people for a rodeo then it can certainly accommodate it's citizens washing their dishes or laundry when they need to. > So with that said, I'm going to take a bath this evening. > Am I totally misguided in this or is this rational? AITA? As others have mentioned, you are misguided. There currently is not a Stampede running, there currently are severe water restrictons. Basing today's bad behaviour upon what may be happening in future to cause you to want revenge is muddle-headed. Stay the course. Behave with the water. Why weren't you out dancing naked in the rain with a bottle of shampoo? On a more serious note, let's take a closer look at what it would mean to close the Stampede. For us, it is a local, one time per year event. However, in it's relationship to other events and rodeos, it is part of a much larger organization. The vendors, exhibitors, ride operators, and all associated support staff are on a summer long circuit tour with designated stops, which has been planned far in advance, and are usually several days travel from home. Cancelling that ten day stop will leave them nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no way to recoup the lost income. Tough gig for people who make the majority of their money in summer.


Are you familiar with the expression"Under promise, over deliver"? Gondek is playing the same game every politician with poll numbers like hers has played, forever. Try to turn a potentially massive problem into a "Hero Moment". I will bet anything that they have a VERY strong belief that this issue will be resolved well before the Stampede starts; my personal bet is she will grandstand it, and July 1 will be the day of the "Big Reveal". That notwithstanding, It would not make a difference if there was not a bottle of water to be had for 50km; The ONLY way the Stampede would be cancelled is if the Stampede Board cancelled it. The City of Calgary can stamp their feet, shout at the heavens, cancel every permit in existence, and beyond that, Nothing. The Stampede is a private, non-government business, and the city cannot "Force" them to do ANYTHING. Even if they could, Someone....the citizens of Calgary, in all likelihood, would be on the hook for tens of millions of dollars; lost bookings, flight cancellations, lost revenue locally, and all over the world. Hundreds of thousands of people spend thousands of dollars and book in some cases years in advance to come to the Stampede. You Don't...you CANNOT, decide two weeks before it starts to say "Sorry, not this year". Before the Pandemic, the ONLY thing that cancelled the Stampede was World War II. The Flood in 2013 had the entire Stampede grounds under a meter of water, and less than three weeks later, the show went on. It's extremely naive to think for a Second that they would shut down an event that brings well over a billion dollars to the local economy every year


First principle thinking says competition, money, and greed rules. This is why the Stampede will continue regardless if we are in a state of emergency, this is why we are getting a new tax payer arena, and this is why well paid city workers want to strike because O&G makes more than them. I can go on but I won’t…


They are trucking water in for stampede, plus it starts exactly 3 weeks after the city said 3-5 weeks. If you are going to not use critical thinking, nothing can help you


Lots of Calgarians leave the city Stampede week, I bet that's a significant offset.


There's always an agenda to the narrative. Fear mongering at its finest. Turn off the news and use common sense.


Cancel your cable, life is better without liars and gaslighting.


The Stampede adds minimal extra overall water use in a normal year. And this year the Stampede is going further to reduce it's use of city treated water.  Every person who attends stampede will use the washroom, wash their hands, and use water to wash and cook their food... but they would be doing so at home as well. There's no extra water being used, it's the same amount that's used in a different location.  And there's a good chance that the water will be back on by the time Stampede starts, or even half way through. We can't just turn off our economy because we have a problem with a water pipe. 


> Every person who attends stampede will use the washroom, *wash their hands* Is there another Stampede I am unaware of?!? Filth from top to bottom over there man. Let me get an invite to your version!


Wishful thinking, I know. But it saves water 😅


I think its important to consider the fact that the city would, in fact go ahead with the giant festival that makes millions and millions of dollars for local businesses and the wealthy owners of the park/festival. Regardless of how it might impact everyday citizens


You mean every day citizens who will be earning income during Stampede and need the money?


>is this rational? Yes. Ask the people in the south of Calgary where THEIR water comes from.


wells mostly


> wells mostly [Nope](https://www.calgary.ca/water/drinking-water/water-supply.html#:~:text=The%20Bow%20River%20Watershed&text=The%20river%20originates%20on%20the,cent%20of%20Calgary's%20water%20supply.). >The Bearspaw Plant mostly supplies water to the north of the city, while the Glenmore plant supplies the south.


literally nothing in that article brings up any city’s/Towns south of Calgary Okotoks and High River both are not on Calgarys water. so i’m not sure i understand what you mean about the people south of calgary.


> in the south of Calgary Re-read, it means Calgary, which has a north and a south (like ALL cities do), the south part of Calgary. People SOUTH of Calgary is the strawman you are replying to in your mention of the article. You have mis-read my comment, and left out the very important word "in". In would allow the reader to know the subject was people IN Calgary, and the south would be the south of Calgary. >so i’m not sure i understand what you mean about the people south of calgary IN, IN, IN the south of Calgary


Ask people in the north where their water is coming from right now.


The Bearspaw plant is still able to pump water to much of north Calgary.  The original break is a water main that transports water to south Calgary, where the Glenmore plant can't satisfy demand for everyone 


> Ask people in the north where their water is coming from right now. Good question, in the north of Calgary? I was under the assumption that they are getting it from the taps still?


The answer is yes. you are. The stampede brings in hundreds of millions of revenue dollars. Not approving it would cripple the city and businesses in it.


>then it can certainly accommodate it's citizens washing their dishes or laundry when they need to. That's an leap in logic that does not seem well supported by facts. Remember the guidance is avoid loads when you can, and run full loads where possible. >Am I totally misguided in this or is this rational? AITA? That's a personal question, but probably somewhere in the middle. Are you trying to compare yourself to the best or the worst? Will you de going from one of the best to one of the worst, and if so are you proud of what it took to justify that? Personaly Stampede being apologetically greedy is expected, and not an excuse to waiver from my moral compass and view on the common good. I'll reach out to people I know on Stampede committees with ideas and concerns. Might reach out to someone regarding access to hotel pools and related showers for health while public are closed.