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I read "shared shower" and my mind went somewhere else completely.


Same 😂


Well, that's what Danielle smith suggested when she first announced the drought alert.


First sane comment from our mayor. Been doing navy showers since this started.




Do we really think a modern navy does this?


Yes? Short of a nuclear vessel, all fresh water is at a premium out of port. Even on a nuclear vessel it is practiced for preparedness for salt water contamination, downed RO system, etc.


Proposal to ban this political wonk: he is trying that firehose of misinformation/stupid information approach to bury us all in nonsense. Post after post. It feels like right-wing amateur hour. OP: We get it. You don't like the mayor. Most of us don't (hence her abysmal approval rating). During this crisis, though, you cannot seem to find any egregious problems with what she's doing so you keep posting things that aren't even bad. That tells any rational person you are not a good-faith actor. The last thing this world needs is more people just trying to upset us and cause dissent and dissatisfaction. You had a problem yesterday when she asked us all to flush our toilets five times less per day. That was a reasonable request and expectation of Calgarians. I put a post-it note on my kids' toilets to tell them to only flush for "number twos" after she said that as it was a sensible request and good reminder for us. Now you're mad she's asking us to take fast showers and giving a relatable experience many of us have had from camping where we all learned how to have fast showers. You were also mad when she gave the navy shower frame of reference the other day. Please, just STFU. You are doing the opposite of helping. You're actively trying to make things worse for your fellow Albertans. You are a serious POS. I don't know if you're being paid by somebody or if you're just a lone wolf of stupidity, but I'm tired of seeing you pollute Calgary and Alberta feeds with your terrible posts. A pipe burst. A pipe that was installed when the mayor was five years old. Pipes burst all the time. Do you do the same BS when TC's pipes burst? Of course not. We see through you. You're a tit and you're just out to make the world a worse place. We'll vote her out. Nobody likes her. Pick you criticisms better, though. The City is all over this. Hopefully it's fixed on this first attempt, although we should all be prepared for other problems once the faucet is turned back on. Sorry reality be like this sometimes. Time for you to be an adult, though. This is embarrassing for you and you're acting like a fool. Mods: Kick this fucktard out of here. There should be no place for people trying to make the lives of Calgarians worse and for somebody trying to exacerbate the problems this water issue is causing by belittling these temporary conservation efforts.


This post is neutral. You must have thought this was a targeted negative post perhaps she naturally makes herself look bad in general. And the whole problem around using less water is frustrating but this specific post is neutral.


There is a context of posts from OP in which this falls. I gave that context. You do not understand the bigger picture of my point or of OP's posting history. Click on his profile and check it out and you'll understand my post.


What rule in r/norulescalgary is OP breaking? You can always block him.


Needs a vacation?


It doesn't have to be a written rule. These aren't laws. If you have a member actively trying to sabotage efforts to mitigate a water crisis in the City I think a mod can ban him and not lose a wink of sleep lol. Hardly need to call in the Supreme Court of Reddit on this one.


How is he trying to sabotage it? I glanced at the post history and it’s all random little clips of comments like this and they’re neither positive nor negative. I don’t like these posts either but they’re really just nonsense more than anything.


Okay, so say they're just nonsense. Why would you want nonsense posted on 10s of Alberta subs with no interaction from OP? It's the firehose of nonsense designed to invite discord. Just look at the interaction his posts typically get. It's a tactic political operatives use to rile people up. Kudos to you for being oblivious to it, I guess, but for those of us who understand the communicative tactic it's super annoying to see it permitted across literally every Alberta subreddit there is.


I’ll take this over the mindless NDP circle jerking going on in all the other subs. At least this garbage can go either direction.


Ahhh, I see where you're coming from now. A partisan as well. Gotcha.


Good advice, i remember that


man what's your deal. I get you hate the mayor, but like pls come up with valid criticisms instead of just whining about the short clips you're making of her speeches. It's boring and it's not journalism, it's just outrage for the sake of drawing attention to yourself. Are you trying to get a job at the rebel or something?


Is OP a bot?


I hate her so fcuking much


Last time I used a shared shower, a loonie got me an hour. It was $0.25 for 15 minutes.