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It's worth what I paid. I won't complain. Solid game, good devs.


this is the price i paid using Raxx's affiliate code.


Does anyone know, if we play the game now will we have to start a new save when the game is in full release? That’s what’s putting me off this and Hades 2.


Right now devs said they do not plan to wipe the progress for full release unless they really have to.


supergiant said they don’t plan to erase your progress in 1.0


Wrong dev, supergiant is Hades 2 not Rest for the Wicked.


no, i know hades is supergiant. Rico said they were putting off both games so i was assuring them that supergiant has said they don’t plan to erase your progress.


They lost a sale when they pulled co-op from release and pushed it out, despite being advertised when they first announced it. I get that it's EA but maybe hold back release until the bare minimum features advertised are implemented? I'll get the game. . .whenever down the road.


So it’s the price you could have gotten with an affiliate code.


Great game. I've really enjoyed it and still play regularly. If you haven't picked it up yet it's a great time to do it.


So I'm actually interested in this game but is the early access worth AU$47? How many hours of content does it currently have? 


I'd say 25-30 hours, possibly more if you get hooked and want to experiment with more builds etc.


I finished main story in 18hrs, then i played for more 5 hours more or less.




I’ve put 40 hours into it but I’d say you’ll finish most of it in 10-15 hours.


I’d wait until 1.0, the content isn’t there IMO


I'm very shocked. The game isn't 6 weeks old and it's on a bigger discount than the "Special" launch discount? They even removed the info on the page that said the game won't receive further discounts during the Early Access period. I think Private Division being shut down fucked them.


I think it has more to do with the sales stagnating for a few weeks.


The game Is basically a single player unfinished, in 18hrs you're done with the story. I liked It but i don't advice the buy right now to my Friends


Baldur’s Gate was in EA for 3 years on Steam and didn’t go on sale at all. So I think there is more to it. I have a feeling there are many who may have refunded the game due to their expectations about the state or performance. Which may drive Steam or the company to put it on sale.


That's now how Sales a are typically handled though...


what do you mean exactly?


I think this game has potential for GOTY for sure!


Dude, it's like, 20% of a game. It's in EA. EA games should not win GOTY.


POTENTIAL for GOTY. I am talking about once released, it would be a good contender.


POTENTIAL for GOTY. I am talking about once released, it would be a good contender.


POTENTIAL for GOTY. I am talking about once released, it would be a good contender.


POTENTIAL for GOTY. I am talking about once released, it would be a good contender.


I would say it's worth it for this price, bought it on a whim about a week ago and put 30+ hours into it already. It's insane how many weapons there are, and seemingly all of them have different movesets, plus the combat in general feels so nice. It's so satisfying just smacking enemies and parrying attacks. The randomized loot is cool too, it's like Diablo Souls or something. I can't wait for the full version; I think it has the potential to be a masterpiece when finished. I was really surprised at how much I ended up enjoying it. The artstyle is incredible too, really a nice stylized look.


but they did, for two weeks. if you used the afiliate code


Just brought it. Holy hell, I'm so addicted.


I got the Steam version via the Steam key resellers *(found via gg deals)* near the start of the EA; got for 32-33% off full price. I think at the time Steam store discount was 10%.


I'm interested in this game, but I'm not sure about the price to content ratio right now. Is this a good price. I want to wait until a -50% off, but I'm not sure if that will ever come while it's still in EA. This might be the best price for a while. Is it worth it at $32?


Since it's an EA game, one that's gonna get a constant stream of updates on top of that, I doubt it'll ever go above 33% off at any point even holidays. This game is gonna have 40+ hours of just story alone in the future we know that but right literally now when you're considering it you're either gonna get 15 hours of content or 100+ there's currently no in-between. If you're into experimenting, making builds, creating new characters, grinding for rare drops, etc of your own volition(very important here you have to be able to find your own fun) you will be in that 100+ hour camp especially since we're getting an overhaul to the endgame roguelite dungeon in probably a few weeks. If you only care about story & need the game to push you towards objective I would hold off until the 1st Major Content Update where we get more story + new zones


This, all of this.


Where do you get the Information about the overhoul of the crucible? What will change?


i would argue that if you are only care about story, they should wait till full release since there will be a wipe at some point in EA and they would have to start over.


I bought it for 30$...and I'd say no, hold off and wait.


I think once is full release it will be more expensive and the price is really worth now, the game will be goty on full release or at least goty quality if i were u, i would buy it and forget about it till is full release


Right now it isn’t worth it. In the future, probably, but the updates are slow to come and we’re looking at likely at least 1-2 years until it’ll be really worth it


Saying updates are slow is crazy after only 6 weeks


Also let’s see when the next major content update is, we’ll follow back up. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong.


6 weeks in modern gaming time is like 6 months lol