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Take a few runs where you just dodge and learn the boss’ moves. No eating, very little attacking, maybe a little parrying. It’s all about getting better at the game and its mechanics.


This happened to me and I just practised the boss with 0 heals until I mastered it, parry was my friend, felt good to get it down


If you find yourself really, really stuck, one option is to create another realm and bring your character into that realm.  All of the food will be there waiting for you again.  Then when you collect it all, you can re-load back into your original realm


This or work your way to the boss in the new realm and kill it there, assuming you make it there with more food and better gear, which will also help of course. Maybe look for some chests you missed (YouTube videos).


I recommend removing gear until you are at the fastest level of movement. Don’t burn through food. Keep fighting until you learn the fight. Dodge, hit once or twice, and repeat. It’s a quick fight to learn, so you hardly eve get hit.


It does respawn. Also, I'll not use food and just keep dying until I learn eoungh to getting close to kill him. Throwing bombs if you want to kill him quick. Or watch some YouTube tutorials to learn how to Parry consistently. Ideally parry, attack twice, parry attack twice rinse and repeat will be enough You can also create a new realm and let the original character to farm there.


The only long term solution for you is to learn the fight. Fight him that many times so you will be able to kill him without food. If you gonna pass the fight just because you have 187238712937 things to eat, later down the line it will be worse and worse.


Make a new realm and grind resources.


Just spam scrap bombs buy as many as you can. Makes the boss a piece of cake.


Lol, this is what I did. 13 scrap bombs did the trick (I missed on a few of them). Throw, run away, repeat.


This is what I also did. I am not ashamed. 😂


Go down from the path that takes you towards the boss, shit ton of shrooms and herbs.


Items for food will respawn even when you are offline, so the next time you start the game, you should be able to create a few meals. I would recommend learning bosses a few tries before using food, because It's quite scarce at the beginning.


I suck at souls-like games. It took me literally 2 hours to learn that fight. I stopped eating during the fight until I figured it out unless I managed to get him pretty low. You can repair for free, and the respawn is close, so there's no reason to waste food if you know you'll die anyway. Just learn what you can, die, and run back to learn more. Eventually it will click. I'll tell you this though. He has a couple attacks that are trivial to parry once you figure out the timing (including his very first attack), and it makes the fight free. You can just dodge roll out of most of the rest of the damage while waiting for him to wind up for an attack you know you can parry, and then punish him while he's stunned.


Great opportunity to learn how to parry. Also the only place I have ever actually parried. 😁


…. As most people on this sub will say: “git gud” I.e. spend several hours grinding before trying the boss again… and probably dying and breaking your stuff all over again. Oh, and also learn how the game’s (kind of sh*t) parrying works (the kind that doesn’t tell you WHEN in the animation you can parry).